Formato europeo per il curriculum vitae
Informazioni personali
Federico Lavorini
via del Rossellino 32 50135 Firenze
+393486648189; +39055697052
Data di nascita
Esperienza lavorativa
Date (da – a)
Dall’Agosto 2000 al 31/10/2018 ad oggi Dirigente Medico con qualifica di alta specializzazione (E1) presso Struttura Organizzativa Dipartimentale (SOD) di Pneumologia e Fisiopatologia Toraco-Polmonare, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria (AOU) Careggi
Dal 01/11/2018 Professore Ordinario di Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio.
Direttore della SOD di Pneumologia e Fisiopatologia Toraco-PolmonareAOUC, Firenze
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Piazza San Marco, 4 - 50121 Firenze
Tipo di azienda o settore
Ente Statale
Tipo di impiego
Principali mansioni e responsabilità
Tempo pieno
Professore Ordinario disciplina Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio (MED10)
Direttore SOD Pneumologia e Fisiopatologia Toracopolmonare AOU Careggi. Responsabile Area Dipartimentale Organizzativa Toracica AOU Careggi.
Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio, Università degli Studi di Firenze e Coordinatore delle sedi aggregate Università di Pisa ed Università di Siena.
Istruzione e formazione
Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione e formazione
Principali materie/abilità professionali oggetto dello studio
Università degli Studi di Firenze
1979-84 Diploma di Liceo Classico"N. Forteguerri", Pistoia
1991 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Firenze; tesi sperimentale in Fisiopatologia Respiratoria successivamente pubblicata su rivista internazionale del settore (titolo della pubblicazione: ”Prostaglandin synthesis blockade by ketoprofen attenuates the respiratory and cardiovascular responses to static handgrip”). Votazione 110/110 e lode
1996 Diploma di Specializzazione in Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio, Università degli Studi di Firenze; tesi sperimentale in Fisiopatologia Respiratoria successivamente pubblicata su rivista internazionale del settore (titolo della pubblicazione:“Large and small airway response following bronchodilator administration through different inhalation devices”) Votazione 70/ 70 e lode
2000 Diploma di Dottore di Ricerca in Fisiopatologia Applicata, Università degli Studi di Firenze; la tesi di Dottorato è stata successivamente pubblicata su una riviste internazione del settore (titolo della pubblicazione: “Changes in the pattern of breathing during bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients”.)
Capacità e competenze personali
Altre lingua
Capacità di lettura
Eccellente (Cambridge English Scale C2 proficiency)
Capacità di scrittura
Capacità di espressione orale
Capacità e competenze relazionali
Partecipazione come relatore a convegni di carattere scientifico in Italia o all'estero
Attività didattica
Capacità e competenze organizzative
Partecipazione a comitati editoriali di riviste
Partecipazione alle attività di un gruppo di ricerca caratterizzato da collaborazioni a livello nazionale o internazionale
Partecipazione a studi e ricerche scientifiche affidati da istituzioni pubbliche o private
Capacità e competenze tecniche
Capacità e competenze cliniche nell’ambito della disciplina Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio con particolare riferimento alla diagnosi e trattamento dell’asma bronchiale, della BPCO, dell’insufficienza respiratoria, della tosse cronica. Particolare esperienza presso il laboratorio di Fisiopatologia Respiratoria Valutazioni della funzione respiratoria in pazienti esterni, ricoverati, e degenti in attesa di intervento chirurgico
Capacità e competenze didattiche e di ricerca nell’ambito della disciplina Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio Settori di ricerca:
Controllo della ventilazione in condizioni normali e patologiche con particolare riferimento ai meccanismi implicati nella genesi di riflessi di difesa (broncocostrizione) e di protezione (tosse) dell’apparato respiratorio.
Dispositivi per la somministrazione di farmaci inalatori in pazienti affetti da asma e BPCO.
Capacità e competenze artistiche
Altre capacità e competenze
Patente o patenti
Patente tipo B, Iscritto all’Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi Pistoia (n.1941).
Ulteriori informazioni
Pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste internazionali peer-reviewed (fonte PubMed)
Fontana GA, Lavorini F, Pantaleo T, Pistolesi M. “La tosse: fisiopatologia e clinica”. Ed. Primula Multimedia, Pisa, 2001. (170 pagine).
Capitoli di libri in lingua inglese o italiana (dotati di codici ISBN, International Standard Book Number)
Principali indicatori bibliometrici
H index (1 settembre 2023)
Google Scholar: 47
Scopus: 37
Citazioni (1 settembre 2023)
Google Scholar: 7167
Scopus: 4773
Impact factor medio
Web of Science: 5.88
Il sottoscritto autorizza al trattamento di dati personali presenti nel CV ai sensi del D. Lgs 2018/101 e del GDPR (Regolamento UE 2018/679)
Federico Lavorini Firenze 17/11/2023
Date of birth: June 16, 1965
Place of birth: Pistoia, Italy
Home address: Via del Rossellino 32, 50135 Florence (Italy)
mobile: ++393486648189
Present appointment: Professor and Chair of Respiratory Medicine,
University of Florence, Italy.
Head of the Respiratory and Critical Care Unit
Careggi University Hospital,
Florence, Italy
Working Address: Respiratory and Critical Care Unit
Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy
Largo Brambilla, 3
50134 Firenze (Italy)
Phone: ++39 055 7945203
fax: ++39 055 4223202
1979-84 Classic High School "N. Forteguerri", Pistoia.
1984-91 School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence, Florence.
Student internships: Lung Function Unit (1989-91)
M.D. graduated with honours.
Graduation thesis: Prostaglandin synthesis blockade by ketoprofen attenuates the respiratory and cardiovascular responses to static handgrip.
1992-96 Postgraduated School of Pulmonary Disease, University of Florence.
Board certified in Pulmonary Disease (1996).
Postgraduation thesis: Large and small airway response following bronchodilator administration through different inhalation devices.
1996-2000 Ph-D. course, Applied Pathophysiology, University of Florence.
Ph-D. board certified, Applied Pathophysiology, University of Florence
Ph-D thesis: Changes in the pattern of breathing during bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients.
2000- Consultantin Respiratory Medicine,
Respiratory Unit, Careggi University Hospital,
Florence .
2018…… Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Head Respiratory and Critical Care Unit, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy
1989-99 Internship in the wards and Lung Function Unit, University of Florence.
1992-96 Interniship in the wards of the Internal Medicine Unit, University of Florence.
2000- Consultantin Respiratory Medicine,Respiratory Unit
Careggi University Hospital, Florence
2010-18 Assignmentofhighly specialized role (E1 letter) in pulmonarymedicine.
2018- Head of Respiratory Unit, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy
2001- Course of Respiratory Medicine, School of Medicine, and Postgraduate Schools of Respiratory Diseases, Thoracic Surgery, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Haemathology, University of Florence.
2002- Course of Sport Science, University of Florence.
2018- Ph. D. Course in Clinical Science, University of Florence.
2019- Director of the postgraduated School in Respiratory Medicine, University of Florence, Italy
5.1. Reasearch fields
(i) Diagnostics and therapeutics of inhaled drugs
Evaluation of novel methods to deliver drugs to the lungs in the management of asthma and COPD.. Evaluation of the bioequivalence of inhaled products by using pharmacodynamic endpoints.
(ii) Cough
Diagnosis and treatment of intractable cough. Evaluation of cough motor componenents and sensitivy in patients with respiratory and non-respiratory diseases.
(iii) Asthma
Control of breathing ad lung function assessment in asthma patients; methods to help patients in the correct use of inhalers
2006- Member of the Aerosol Drug Management Improvement Team (ADMIT), an European consortium of respiratory physician with special interests in aerosol medicine.
2007- Member of the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM).
2009-2012 Member of the editorial board of the Current Clinical Pharmacology.
2013- Member of the editorial board of Biomed Reasearch international, Pulmonology Section.
2013-2014 National coordinator of the the international Helping Asthma in Real Patients (iHARP) initiative.
2014- member of the Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG). The REG is a not-for-profit initiative established by international experts in real-life and comparative effectiveness research in respiratory
2014- Member of the European Respiratory Society.
2015- Member of the editorial board of Canadian Respiratory Journal.
2016- Member of the editorial board of Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery.
2018 Co-Chair of the European Respiratory Society/International Society in Aerosol Medicine Guidelines on inhation devices for asthma and COPD treatment
Federico Lavorini has presented lectures at national (Società Italiana di Medicina Respiratoria 2008, 2010, 2012 meetings) and international meetings (European Respiratory Society 2009-2019 meetings, American Thoracic Society 2010 meeting, International Society of Aerosol Medicine 2007, 2013, 2015, 2018; International cough conference London 2008, 2010, 2012; King’s College London, Invited Lecture 2015; RDD 2015, DDL 2018).
Federico Lavorini acts as a referee for the following journals: Chest, Thorax, JAMA, Primary Care Respiratory Journal, Current Respiratory Review, The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Current Clinical Pharmacology, European Respiratory Jornal, Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Biomed Reasearch international, Pulmonology Section, Cough.
Federico Lavorini has conducted several pharmacological studies (Phase 2-4) and received training in the Good Clinical Practice rules (May 2018 and November 2023).
1) Fontana GA, Pantaleo T, Bongianni F, Cresci F, Lavorini F, Tosti Guerra C, Panuccio P. Prostaglandin synthesis blockade by ketoprofen attenuates the respiratory and cardiovascular responses to static handgrip. J Appl Physiol 1995;78(2):449-457.
2) Fontana GA, Lavorini F, Boddi V, Camiciottoli G, Panuccio P.Comparison of dose-response slopes obtained by simultaneous assessment of changes in FEV1 and transcutaneous oxygen partial pressure during methacholine challenges in asthmatic patients. J Asthma1995;32(4):301-307.
3) Fontana GA, Pantaleo T, Lavorini F, Boddi V, Panuccio P A noninvasive electromyographic study on threshold and intensity of cough in humans. Eur Respir J 1997;10(5):983-989.
4) Fontana GA, Pantaleo T, Lavorini F, Benvenuti F, Gangemi S. Defective motor control of coughing in Parkinson’s disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;158(2):458-464.
5) Fontana GA,Lavorini F, Chiostri M, Castellani W, Boddi V, Pistolesi M. Large and small airway responses to procaterol hydrochloride administered through different extension devices in asthmatic patients. J Aerosol Med 1999;12(3): 177-185.
6) Fontana GA, Pantaleo T, Lavorini F, Maluccio NM., Mutolo D, Pistolesi M. Repeatability of cough-related variables during fog challenges at threshold and suprathreshold stimulus intensity in humans. Eur Respir J 1999 ;13(6):1447-1450.
7) Fontana GA, Pantaleo T, Lavorini F, Polli G, Pistolesi M. Coughing in laryngectomized patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999;160(5):1578-1584.
8) Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Pantaleo T, Camiciottoli G, Castellani W, Maluccio NM, Pistolesi M. Fog-induced respiratory reflex responses are attenuated by nedocromil sodium in humans. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001;163(5):1117-1120.
9) Fontana GA, Lavorini F, Pistolesi M. Water aerosols and cough. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2002;15: 205-11. : 2.94
10) Fontana GA, Pantaleo T, Lavorini F, Bongianni F, Mannalli M, Bridge PD, Pistolesi M. Handgrip-induced airway dilation in asthmatic patients with bronchoconstriction induced by MCh inhalation. J Appl Physiol 2002;93(5):1723-1730.
11) Fontana GA, Lavorini F, Pistolesi M. Water aerosols and cough. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2002;15(3): 205-211.
12) Fontana GA, Lavorini F, Pantaleo P. Breathing pattern durino fog challenger in humans. Eur Respir Rev 2002; 85: 254-8.
13) Lavorini F, Geri P, Luperini M, Maluccio NM, Mariani L, Marmai C, Pistolesi M, FontanaGA. Clinical and functional responses to salbutamol inhaled via different devices in asthmatic patients with induced bronchoconstriction. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2004;58(5):512-20.
14) M. Pistolesi, F. Lavorini, G. Allescia, M. Miniati.Diagnostic strategies for suspected pulmonary embolism. Eur Respir Mon 2004; 30: 89-105.
15) Fontana GA, Lavorini F, Geri P, Zanasi A, Piumelli R. Cough in children with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2004;17(6):425-429.
16) F. Lavorini. Quantifying bronchodilator responses in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease trials. Brit J Clin Pharmacol 2005; 59(4):385-3866
17) F. Lavorini, P.Geri, L. Mariani, C. Marmai, N.M Maluccio, M. Pistolesi, and GA. Fontana. Speed of Onset of Bronchodilator response to Salbutamol Inhaled via Different Devices in Asthmatics. A Bioassay based on Functional Antagonism. Brit J Clin Pharmacol 2006 2006; 62: 403-11.
18) Fontana GA, Lavorini F. Cough motor mechanisms. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2006;152(3):266-281.
19) Lavorini F, Pantaleo T, Geri P, Mutolo D, Pistolesi M, Fontana GA. Cough and ventilatory adjustments evoked by aerosolised capsaicin and distilled water (fog) in man. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2007;156(3): 331-339
20) Giuntini C, Camiciottoli G, Maluccio NM, Mariani L, Lavorini F, Pistolesi M. Chronic effort dyspnea explained by lung function tests and by HRCT and CRX radiographic patterns in COPD: a post-hoc analysis in 51 patients. Journal of COPD 2007; 4: 169-76
21) Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Pantaleo T, Geri P, Piumelli R, Pistolesi M, Widdicombe J. Fog-induced cough with impaired respiratory sensation in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007;176(8): 825-832. :
22) Pistolesi M, Camiciottoli G, Paoletti M, Marmai C, Lavorini F, Meoni E, Marchesi C, Giuntini C.Identification of a predominant COPD phenotype in clinical practice. Respir Med 2008;102(3):367-376.
23) Lavorini F, Geri P, Camiciottoli G, Pistolesi M, Fontana GA. Agreement between two methods for assessing bioequivalence of inhaled salbutamol. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2008;21(2):380-384. :
24) Lavorini F, Magnan A, Dubus JC, Voshaar T, Corbetta L, Broeders M, Dekhuijzen R, Sanchis J, Viejo JL, Barnes P, Corrigan C, Levy M, Crompton GK. Effect of incorrect use of dry powder inhalers on management of patients with asthma and COPD. Respir Med 2008102(4):593-604. : 3.08
25) Lavorini F, Corbetta L on behalf of the ADMIT Group. Achieving asthma control: the key role of inhalers. Breathe 2008; 5(2): 121-131.
26) Lavorini F, Fontana GA. Targeting drugs to the airways: The role of spacer devices.Expert Opin Drug Deliv 2009 Jan;6(1):91-102.
27) Lavorini F, Fontana GA. Drug delivery dsevices. European Respiratory Society Buyers’ guide 2010 to Respiratory Care Product, 128-140.
28) Lavorini F, LevyML, DekuijzenPRN and CromptonGK,on behalf of the ADMIT Working Group. Inhaler choice and inhalation technique: key s for asthma control. Prim Care Respir J 2009; 18: 241-2.
29) Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Chellini E, Magni C, Duranti R, Widdicombe JG. Desensitization of the Cough Reflex by Exercise and Voluntary Isocapnic Hyperpnoea.J Appl Physiol 2010 May;108(5):1061-8
30) Lavorini F, Levy ML, Corrigan C, Crompton G, on behalf of the ADMIT Working Group. Training tools for inhalation devices. Prim Care Respir J 2010;19:335-41
31) Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Chellini E, Magni C, Pistolesi M, Widdicombe JG Respiratory Expulsive Efforts Evoked by Maximal Lung Emptying. Chest 2010 140:690-6.
32) Widdicombe J, Tatar M, Fontana G, Hanacek J, Davenport P, Lavorini F, Bolser D; Other participants. Workshop: tuning the 'cough center'. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2011;24:344-52.
33) Magni C, Chellini E, Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Widdicombe J. Voluntary and reflex cough: similarities and differences. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2011;24:308-11.
34) Chellini E, Magni C, Lavorini F, Rucci L, Fontana GA. Motor features of voluntary cough following partial laryngectomy for glottal carcinoma. Bratisl Lek Listy. 2011;112:115-9.
35) Lavorini F, Corrigan CJ, Barnes PJ, Dekhuijzen PR, Levy ML, Pedersen S, Roche N, Vincken W, Crompton GK; Aerosol Drug Management Improvement Team. Retail sales of inhalation devices in European countries: so much for a global policy. Respir Med. 2011;105:1099-103.
36) Lavorini F, Fontana G, Chellini E, Magni C, Pistolesi M, Widdicombe J. The Fontana paradoxical reflex? Chest. 2011;140:586-8.
37) Camiciottoli G, Bigazzi F, Paoletti M, Cestelli L, Lavorini F, Pistolesi M. Pulmonary function and sputum characteristics predict CT phenotype and severity of COPD.Eur Respir J 2012 ; Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print]. :
38) Lavorini F. The challenge of delivering therapeutic aerososl to asthma patients. ISRN Allergy ISRN Allergy. 2013 Aug 5;2013:102418. doi: 10.1155/2013/102418.
39) Lavorini F, Magni C, Chellini E, Camiciottoli G, Pistolesi M, Fontana GA. Different respiratory behaviors disclosed by induced bronchoconstruction in mild asthma patients. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2013; 189: 521-529. :
40) Dekhuijzen PNR, Vincken W, Virchow JC, Roche N, Agusti A, Lavorini F, van Aalderen WM, Price D. Prescription of inhalers in asthma and COPD: Towards a rational, rapid and effective approach.Respir Med. 2013; 107: 1817-1821
41) Lavorini F, Haughney J, Ninanne V, Bjermer L, Molmard M, Dekhuijzen PNR,Switching from branded to generic inhaled medications: potential on asthma and COPD. Exp Opin Drug Delivery 2013; 10: 1597-1602
42) Price D, Small I, Haughney J, Ryan D, Kevin Gruffydd-Jones K, Lavorini F, Tim Harris T, Burden A, Jeremy Brockman J, Christine King C, and PapiA. Clinical and cost effectiveness of switching asthma patients from fluticasone-salmeterol to extra-fine particle beclometasone-formoterol: a matched observational study of real-world patients aged 18–80 years. Prim Care Respir J. 2013; 22: 439-448 :
43) Lavorini F, Usmani OS. Correct inhalation technique is critical to achieve good asthma control Prim Care Respir J. 2013; 22: 385-386.
44) Lavorini F, Di Bello V, De Rimini ML, Lucignani G, Marconi L, Palareti G, Pesavento R, Prisco D, Santini M, Sverzellati N, Palla A, Pistolesi M. Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism: a multidisciplinary approach. Multidiscip Respir Med. 2013;8:75.
45) Lapi S, Lavorini F, Borgioli G, Calzolai M, Masotti L, Pistolesi M and Fontana GA. Respiratory rate assessments using a dual-accelerometer device. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2014; 191: 60-66.
46) Zavorsky GS, Milne ENC, Lavorini F, Rienzi JP, Lavin KM, Straub AM, Pistolesi M. Interstitial lung edema triggered by marathon running.Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2014; 190: 137-141.
47) Lavorini F, Fontana GA. Inhaler technique and patient’s preferences for dry powder inhaler devices. Exp Opin Drug Delivery 2014; 11: 1-3
48) Gonfiotti A, Jaus MO, Barale D, Baiguera S, Jungebluth P, Comin C, Lavorini F, Fontana G, Sibila O, Giovanni Rombolà G, Macchiarini. P. 5-year follow-up of the first tissue engineered airway transplantation. Lancet 2014; 383: 238-24.4
49) Lavorini F. Inhaled Drug Delivery in the Hands of the Patient. J Aerosol Med Pulm Drug Del 2014 2014; 27: 414-18.
50) Dekhuijzen PNR, Vincken W, Virchow JC, Roche N, Agusti A, Lavorini F, van Aalderen WM, Price D. Prescription of inhalers in asthma and COPD: Towards a rational, rapid and effective approach. Respir Med. 2014; 108: 694-700.
51) Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Usmani OS. New inhaler devices - the good, the bad and the ugly. Respiration. 2014; 88: 3-15.
52) Battaglia S, Cardillo I, Lavorini F, Spatafora M, Scichilone N. Safety Considerations of Inhaled Corticosteroids in the Elderly. Drugs & Aging. 2014; 31: 787-96
53) Lavorini F, Chellini E, Innocenti M, Campi G, Egan CG, Mogavero S and Fontana GA. A corssover randomized comparative study of zofenorpil and ramipril on cough reflex and airway inflammation in healthy volonteers. Cough 2014; 107
54) Chellini E, Lavorini F, Campi G, Mannini C, Fontana GA. Effect of an anti-reflux medical device in the control of deflation cough: A placebo-controlled comparative study with an antacid drug in chronic coughers. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2015;33:11-4
55) Lavorini F, Braido F, Baiardini I, Blasi F, Canonica GW; SIAAC-SIMER.Asthma and COPD: Interchangeable use of inhalers. A document of Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immmunology (SIAAIC) & Italian Society of Respiratory Medicine (SIMeR).Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2015 Jul 22. pii: S1094-5539(15)00078-4.
56) Braido F, Lavorini F, Blasi F, Baiardini I, Canonica GW. Switching treatments in COPD: implications for cost and treatment adherence. International Journal of COPD 2015
57) Westerik Janine AM, Carter V, Chrystyn H, Burden A, Thompson SL, Ryan D, Gruffydd-Jones K, Haughney J, Roche N, Lavorini F, Papi A Infantino A, Román-Rodríguez M, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Lisspers K, Ställberg B, Henrichsen SH, van der Molen T, Hutton C and Price DB. Characteristics of patients making serious inhaler errors with a dry powder inhaler and association with asthma-related events in a primary care setting. J Asthma 2015 DOI: 10.3109/02770903.2015.1099160
58) Chrystin H, Price DB, Molimard M, Haughney J, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Lavorini F, Efthimiou J, Shan D, Sims E, Burden A, Hutton C and Roche N. Comparison of serious inhaler technique errors made by device-naive patients using three different dry powder inhalers: a randomised, crossover, open-label study. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2016
59) Lavorini F, Pedersen S, Usmani OS; Aerosol Drug Management Improvement Team. Dilemmas, confusion, and misconceptions related to small airways directed therapy.Chest. 2016 Aug 11. pii: S0012-3692(16)53753-2. doi: 10.1016/j.
60) Lavorini F, Chellini E, Bigazzi F, Surrenti E, Fontana GA. The Clinical Value of Deflation Cough in Chronic Coughers With Reflux Symptoms. Chest. 2016 Jun;149(6):1467-72. doi: 10.1016/j.
61) Levy ML, Dekhuijzen PN, Barnes PJ, Broeders M, Corrigan CJ, Chawes BL, Corbetta L, Dubus JC, Hausen T, Lavorini F, Roche N, Sanchis J, Usmani OS, Viejo J, Vincken W, Voshaar T, Crompton GK, Pedersen S. Inhaler technique: facts and fantasies. A view from the Aerosol Drug Management Improvement Team (ADMIT). NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2016 Apr 21;26:16017. doi: 10.1038/npjpcrm.2016.17.
62) Lavorini F, Mannini C, Chellini E, Fontana GA. Optimising Inhaled Pharmacotherapy for Elderly Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The Importance of Delivery Devices. Drugs Aging. 2016 Jul;33(7):461-73. doi: 10.1007/s40266-016-0377 :
63) Dekhuijzen PN, Lavorini F, Usmani OS. Patients' perspectives and preferences in the choice of inhalers: the case for Respimat® or HandiHaler®. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2016 Aug 18;10:1561-72. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S82857. :
64) Lavorini F, Spina D, Walker MJ, Franciosi L, Page CP, Fontana GA. Antitussive effect of carcainium chloride in patients with chronic cough and idiopathic interstitial pneumonias: A pilot study. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Aug 15. pii: S1094-5539(16)30075-X. doi: 10.1016/j. .
65) Braido F, Scichilone N, Lavorini F, Usmani OS, Dubuske L, Boulet LP, Mosges R, Nunes C, Sanchez-Borges M, Ansotegui IJ, Ebisawa M, Levi-Schaffer F, Rosenwasser LJ, Bousquet J, Zuberbier T, Canonica GW, Cruz A, Yanez A, Yorgancioglu A, Deleanu D, Rodrigo G, Berstein J, Ohta K, Vichyanond P, Pawankar R, Gonzalez-Diaz SN, Nakajima S, Slavyanskaya T, Fink-Wagner A, Loyola CB, Ryan D, Passalacqua G, Celedon J, Ivancevich JC, Dobashi K, Zernotti M, Akdis M, Benjaponpitak S, Bonini S, Burks W, Caraballo L, El-Sayed ZA, Fineman S, Greenberger P, Hossny E, Ortega-Martell JA, Saito H, Tang M, Zhang L; for Interasma Executive Board.; ARIA.; GA2LEN. Manifesto on small airway involvement and management in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an Interasma (Global Asthma Association - GAA) and World Allergy Organization (WAO) document endorsed by Allergic Rhinitis and its on Asthma (ARIA) and Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN).World Allergy Organ J. 2016 Oct 28;9(1):37.
66) Bosnic-Anticevich S, Chrystyn H, Costello RW, Dolovich MB, Fletcher MJ, Lavorini F, Rodríguez-Roisin R, Ryan D, Wan Yau Ming S, Price DB. The use of multiple respiratory inhalers requiring different inhalation techniques has an adverse effect on COPD outcomes.Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2016; 21;12:59-71
67) van Boven JFM, Lavorini F, Dekhuijzen PNR, Blasi F, Price DB, Viegi G. Urging Europe to put non-adherence to inhaled respiratory medication higher on the policy agenda: a report from the 1st European Congress on Adherence to Therapy. Eur Respir J 2017 May 19;49(5). pii: 1700076. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00076-2017).
68) Lavorini F, Pistolesi M, Usmani OS. Recent advances in capsule-based dry powder inhaler technology. Multidiscip Respir Med. 2017 May 22;12:11. doi: 10.1186/s40248-017-0092-5
69) Lavorini F, Fontana GA. A 57-year-old chronic cougher with somatically evoked cough. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2017 May 28. pii: S1094-5539(17)30088-3.
70) Bargagli E, Lavorini F, Pistolesi M, Rosi E, Prasse A, Rota E, Voltolini L. Trace metals in fluids lining the respiratory system of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and diffuse lung diseases. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2017 Jul;42:39-44. Doi
71) Bargagli E, Rosi E, Pistolesi M,Lavorini F, Voltolini L, Rottoli P. Increased Risk of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Sarcoidosis. Pathobiology. 2017;84(5):258-263
72) Torricelli E, Occhipinti M, Lavorini F, Cresci C, Arcangeli C, Cavigli E, Bigazzi F, Pistolesi M. Pulmonary hypertension nosography: are all patients classifiable? Intern Emerg Med. 2017 Jun 30. doi: 10.1007/s11739-017-1700.
73) Bargagli E, Piccioli C, Cavigli E, Scola M, Rosi E,Lavorini F, Novelli L, Ugolini D, Notaristefano T, Filippo P, Miele V, Comin CE, Pistolesi M, Voltolini L. Gorham-Stout Disease Management during Pregnancy.AJP Rep. 2017 Oct;7(4):e226-e229.
74) Dekhuijzen R, Lavorini F, Usmani OS, van Boven JFM. Addressing the and Unmet Needs of Nonadherence in Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Where Do We Go From Here? J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018 May - Jun;6(3):785-793
75) Usmani OS, Lavorini F, Marshall J, Dunlop WCN, Heron L, Farrington E, Dekhuijzen R Critical inhaler errors in asthma and COPD: a systematic review of on health outcomes. Respir Res. 2018 Jan 16;19(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s12931-017-0710-y
76) Donner CF, Amaducci S, Bacci E, Baldacci S, Bartoli ML, Beghi GM, Benfante A, Brighindi S, Casali L, Castiglia D, Cazzola M, Celi A, Cianchetti S, Colombo G, Crimi C, Dente FL, Di Maria G, Di Maria A, Latorre M, Lavorini F, Maio S, Mannini C, Messina R, Paggiaro PL, Pignatti P, Price D, Scichilone N, Simoni M, Spanevello A, Stagno d'Alcontres M, Tan S, Torchio R, Viegi G, Visca D, Wouters EFM, Yu Hui Xin S. Inhalation therapy in the next decade: Determinants of adherence to treatment in asthma and COPD. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis. 2018 Feb 2;88(1):886. doi: 10.4081/monaldi.2018.886
77) Price DB, Thomas V, Richard Dekhuijzen PN, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Roche N, Lavorini F, Raju P, Freeman D, Nicholls C, Small IR, Sims E, Safioti G, Canvin J, Chrystyn H. Evaluation of inhaler technique and achievement and maintenance of mastery of budesonide/formoterol Spiromax® compared with budesonide/formoterol Turbuhaler® in adult patients with asthma: the Easy Low Instruction Over Time (ELIOT) study. BMC Pulm Med. 2018 Jun 28;18(1):107. doi: 10.1186/s12890-018-0665-x
78) Bargagli E, Di Masi M, Perruzza M, Vietri L, Bergantini L, Torricelli E, Biadene G, Fontana G, Lavorini F.The pathogenetic mechanisms of cough in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Intern Emerg Med. 2018 Sep 29. doi: 10.1007/s11739-018-1960-5
79) Mariaelena Occhipinti M Paoletti M; Bartholmai BJ, Rajagopalan S, Karwoski RA; Nardi C, Inchingolo R, Larici AR, Camiciottoli G, Lavorini F, Colagrande S, Brusasco V, Pistolesi M. Spirometric assessment of emphysema presence and severity as measured by quantitative CT and CT-based radiomics in COPD. Respiratory Research 2019 20(1):101. doi: 10.1186/s12931-019-1049-3.
80) Lavorini F. Easyhaler®: an overview of an inhaler device for day-to-day use in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Drugs Context. 2019 5;8:212596. doi: 10.7573/dic.21259
81) Levy ML, Carroll W, Izquierdo Alonso JL, Keller C, Lavorini F, Lehtimäki L Understanding Dry Powder Inhalers: Key Technical and Patient Preference Attributes. Adv Ther. 2019 Oct;36(10):2547-2557
82) Lavorini F, Matucci A, Rossi O, Pistolesi M; SKY study investigators.Concomitant Bilastine and Montelukast as Additive Therapy for Seasonal Allergic Rhinoconjunctivits and Mild-to-Moderate Asthma. The SKY Study. Allergy. 2019 Aug 2. doi: 10.1111/all.14007.
83) Fabbrizzi A, Amedei A, Lavorini F, Renda T, Fontana G. The lung microbiome: clinical and therapeutic implications. Intern Emerg Med. 2019 Nov;14(8):1241-1250.
84) Lavorini F, Buttini F, Usmani OS. 100 Years of Drug Delivery to the Lungs.Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2019;260:143-159
85) Kritikos V, Price D, Papi A, Infantino A, Ställberg B, Ryan D, Lavorini F, Chrystyn H, Haughney J, Lisspers K, Gruffydd-Jones K, Román Rodríguez M, Høegh Henrichsen S, van der Molen T, Carter V, Bosnic-Anticevich S. A multinational observational study identifying primary care patients at risk of overestimation of asthma control.NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2019 Dec 5;29(1):43. doi: 10.1038/s41533-019-0156-4.
86) Lavorini F, Janson C, Braido F, Stratelis G, Løkke A. What to consider before prescribing inhaled medications: a pragmatic approach for evaluating the current inhaler landscape. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2019 Jan-Dec;13:1753466619884532. doi: 10.1177/1753466619884532
87) Lavorini F, Barreto C, van Boven JFM, Carroll W, Conway J, Costello R, Dahl BH, Dekhuijzen RPN, Holmes S, Levy M, Molimard M, Roche N, Román-Rodriguez M, Scichilone N, Scullion J, Usmani OS. Spacers and Valved Holding Chambers - the risk of switching to different chambers.J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Jan 9. pii: S2213-2198(20)30033-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.12.035.
88) Campi G, Noale M, Fabbrizzi A, Lavorini F, Maggi S, Fontana G. The demographic and clinical characteristics of an Italian population of adult outpatients with chronic cough. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2020 Jan 16. doi: 10.1007/s40520-019-01464-4
89) Chrystyn H, Lavorini F. The dry powder inhaler features of the Easyhaler that benefit the management of patients.Expert Rev Respir Med. 2020 Apr;14(4):345-351.
90) Lavorini F, Bianco A, Blasi F, Braido F, Corsico AG, Di Marco F, Gentile A, Paggiaro PL, Pegoraro V, Pelaia G, Rogliani P, Santus P, Scichilone N, Soldi A, Canonica GW. What drives inhaler prescription for asthma patients? Results from a real-life retrospective analysis.Respir Med. 2020 May;166:105937
91) Occhipinti M, Paoletti M, Crapo JD, Make BJ, Lynch DA, Brusasco V, Lavorini F, Silverman EK, Regan EA, Pistolesi M. Validation of a method to assess emphysema severity by spirometry in the COPDGenestudyRespir Res. 2020 May 1;21(1):103
92) Occhipinti M, Bruni C, Camiciottoli G, Bartolucci M, Bellando-Randone S, Bassetto A, Cuomo G, Giuggioli D, Ciardi G, Fabbrizzi A, Tomassetti S, Lavorini F, Pistolesi M, Colagrande S, Matucci-Cerinic M. Quantitative analysis of pulmonary vasculature in systemic sclerosis at spirometry-gated chest CT Ann Rheum Dis. 2020 Sep;79(9):1210-1217
93) Tomassetti S, Ravaglia C, Wells AU, Cavazza A, Colby TV, Rossi G, Ley B, Ryu JH, Puglisi S, Arcadu A, Marchi M, Sultani F, Martinello S, Donati L, Gurioli C, Gurioli C, Tantalocco P, Hetzel J, Dubini A, Piciucchi S, Klersy C, Lavorini F, Poletti V. Prognostic value of transbronchial lung cryobiopsy for the multidisciplinary diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a retrospective validation study.Lancet Respir Med. 2020 Aug;8(8):786-794
94) Mazzoni A, Salvati L, Maggi L, Capone M, Vanni A, Spinicci M, Mencarini J, Caporale R, Peruzzi B, Antonelli A, Trotta M, Zammarchi L, Ciani L, Gori L, Lazzeri C, Matucci A, Vultaggio A, Rossi O, Almerigogna F, Parronchi P, Fontanari P, Lavorini F, Peris A, Rossolini GM, Bartoloni A, Romagnani S, Liotta F, Annunziato F, Cosmi L Impaired immune cell cytotoxicity in severe COVID-19 is IL-6 dependent.. J Clin Invest. 2020 Sep 1;130(9):4694-4703.
95) Gonfiotti A, Gatteschi L, Salvicchi A, Bongiolatti S, Lavorini F, Voltolini L. Clinical courses and outcomes of five patients with primary lung cancer surgically treated while affected by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2020 Sep 1;58(3):598-604
96) Fumagalli C, Rozzini R, Vannini M, Coccia F, Cesaroni G, Mazzeo F, Cola M, Bartoloni A, Fontanari P, Lavorini F, Marcucci R, Morettini A, Nozzoli C, Peris A, Pieralli F, Pini R, Poggesi L, Ungar A, Fumagalli S, Marchionni N. Clinical risk score to predict in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients: a retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open. 2020 Sep 25;10(9):e040729
97) Kritikos V, Price D, Papi A, Infantino A, Ställberg B, Ryan D, Lavorini F, Chrystyn H, Haughney J, Lisspers K, Gruffydd-Jones K, Román Rodríguez M, Høegh Henrichsen S, van der Molen T, Carter V, Bosnic-Anticevich S. The Burden of Self-Reported Rhinitis and Associated Risk for Exacerbations with Moderate-Severe Asthma in Primary Care Patients.J Asthma Allergy. 2020 Oct 6;13:415-428
98) Salvati L, Occhipinti M, Gori L, Ciani L, Mazzoni A, Maggi L, Capone M, Parronchi P, Liotta F, Miele V, Annunziato F, Lavorini F, Cosmi L. Pulmonary vascular improvement in severe COVID-19 patients treated with tocilizumab.Immunol Lett. 2020 Dec;228:122-128
99) Meoni G, Ghini V, Maggi L, Vignoli A, Mazzoni A, Salvati L, Capone M, Vanni A, Tenori L, Fontanari P, Lavorini F, Peris A, Bartoloni A, Liotta F, Cosmi L, Luchinat C, Annunziato F, Turano P. Metabolomic/lipidomic profiling of COVID-19 and individual response to tocilizumab.PLoS Pathog. 2021 Feb 1;17(2):e1009243.
100) Ming SWY, Haughney J, Ryan D, Small I, Lavorini F, Papi A, Singh D, Halpin DMG, Hurst JR, Patel S, Ochel M, Kocks J, Carter V, Hardjojo A, Price DB A Comparison of the Real-Life Clinical Effectiveness of the Leading Licensed ICS/LABA Combination Inhalers in the Treatment for COPD. .Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2020 Nov 26;15:3093-3103 d'Alessandro M, Bergantini L, Torricelli E, Cameli P, Lavorini F, Pieroni M, Refini RM, Sestini P, Bargagli E. Systematic Review and Metanalysis of Oncomarkers in IPF Patients and Serial Changes of Oncomarkers in a Prospective Italian Real-Life Case Series. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jan 31;13(3):539. 10.3390/cancers13030539.
101) Berni A, Malandrino D, Corona G, Maggi M, Parenti G, Fibbi B, Poggesi L, Bartoloni A, Lavorini F, Fanelli A, Scocchera G, Nozzoli C, Peris A, Pieralli F, Pini R, Ungar A, Peri A. Serum sodium alterations in SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection: on patient outcome. Eur J Endocrinol. 2021 May 28;185(1):137-144. doi: 10.1530/EJE-20-1447.
102) Spinicci M, Vellere I, Graziani L, Tilli M, Borchi B, Mencarini J, Campolmi I, Gori L, Rasero L, Fattirolli F, Olivotto I, Lavorini F, Marchionni N, Zammarchi L, Bartoloni A; Careggi Post-acute COVID-19 Study Group.Clinical and Laboratory Follow-up After Hospitalization for COVID-19 at an Italian Tertiary Care Center. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Feb 4;8(3):ofab049. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofab049.
103) Usmani OS, Dhand R, Lavorini F, Price D. Why We Should Target Small Airways Disease in Our Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Jun 25:S0025-6196(21)00240-8. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.03.016.
104) Orlandi M, Landini N, Sambataro G, Nardi C, Tofani L, Bruni C, Bellando-Randone S, Blagojevic J, Melchiorre D, Hughes M, Denton CP, Luppi F, Ruaro B, Della Casa F, Rossi FW, De Luca G, Campochiaro C, Spinicci M, Zammarchi L, Tomassetti S, Caminati A, Cavigli E, Albanesi M, Melchiorre F, Palmucci S, Vegni V, Guiducci S, Moggi-Pignone A, Allanore Y, Bartoloni A, Confalonieri M, Dagna L, De Cobelli F, De Paulis A, Harari S, Khanna D, Kuwana M, Taliani G, Lavorini F, Miele V, Morana G, Pesci A, Vancheri C, Colagrande S, Matucci-Cerinic M. The role of chest ct in deciphering interstitial lung involvement: systemic sclerosis versus covid-19. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2021 Jul 28:keab615. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keab615.
105) Lavorini F, Usmani OS, Dhand R Aerosol delivery systems for treating obstructive airway diseases during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. R.Intern Emerg Med. 2021 Jul 30:1-5. doi: 10.1007/s11739-021-0281
106) Fumagalli C, Ungar A, Rozzini R, Vannini M, Coccia F, Cesaroni G, Mazzeo F, D'Ettore N, Zocchi C, Tassetti L, Bartoloni A, Lavorini F, Marcucci R, Olivotto I, Rasero L, Fattirolli F, Fumagalli S, Marchionni N. Predicting Mortality Risk in Older Hospitalized Persons With COVID-19: A Comparison of the COVID-19 Mortality Risk Score with Frailty and Disability. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2021;22(8):1588-1592.
107) Braido F, Blasi F, Canonica GW, Paggiaro P, Beghè B, Bonini M, Carpagnano GE, Del Giacco S, Lavorini F, Milanese M, Patella V, Santus P, Contoli M; MANI Network Mild/Moderate Asthma Network in Italy (MANI): a long-term observational study..J Asthma. 2021 Sep 1:1-6. doi: 10.1080/02770903.2021.1968895
108) Lavorini F, Chudek J, Gálffy G, Pallarés-Sanmartin A, Pelkonen AS, Rytilä P, Syk J, Szilasi M, Tamási L, Xanthopoulos A, Haahtela T. Switching to the Dry-Powder Inhaler Easyhaler®: A Narrative Review of the Evidence. Pulm Ther. 2021 Sep 27:1-19. doi: 10.1007/s41030-021-00174-5. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34581994
109) Leving M, Wouters H, de la Hoz A, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Dekhuijzen R, Gardev A, Lavorini F, Meijer J, Price D, Rodríguez MR, Tsiligianni I, Usmani O, Wijnsma B, Kocks J. of PIF, Inhalation Technique and Medication Adherence on Health Status and Exacerbations in COPD: Protocol of a Real-World Observational Study (PIFotal COPD Study). Pulm Ther. 2021 Sep 17:1-16. doi: 10.1007/s41030-021-00172-7
110) Buttini F, Quarta E, Allegrini C, Lavorini F. Understanding the Importance of Capsules in Dry Powder Inhalers. Pharmaceutics. 2021 Nov 16;13(11):1936.
111) Fabbrizzi A, Nannini G, Lavorini F, Tomassetti S, Amedei A. Microbiota and IPF: hidden and detected relationships. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis. 2021;38(3):e2021028
112) Fiorindi C, Campani F, Rasero L, Campani C, Livi L, Giovannoni L, Amato C, Giudici F, Bartoloni A, Fattirolli F, Lavorini F, Olivotto I, Nannoni A. Prevalence of nutritional risk and malnutrition during and after hospitalization for COVID-19 infection: Preliminary results of a single-centre experience. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2021 Oct;45:351-355
113) Dekhuijzen PNR, Levy ML, Corrigan CJ, Hadfield RM, Roche N, Usmani OS, Barnes PJ, Scullion JE, Lavorini F, Corbetta L, Kocks JWH, Cosio BG, Buhl R, Pedersen SE; ADMIT Working Group. Is Inhaler Technique Adequately Assessed and Reported in Clinical Trials of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Therapy? A Systematic Review and Suggested Best Practice Checklist J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 Mar 29:S2213-2198(22)00291-4.
114) Vivarelli E, Matucci A, Lucenteforte E, Bormioli S, Virgili G, Trotta M, Spinicci M, Bartoloni A, Zammarchi L, Peris A, Pieralli F, Lavorini F, Fontanari P, Morettini A, Nozzoli C, Poggesi L, Rossi O, Annunziato F, Almerigogna F, Vultaggio A. Effectiveness of Tocilizumab in hospitalized moderate-to-severe COVID-19 patients: a real life study.Panminerva Med. 2022 Mar 11. doi: 10.23736/S0031-0808.21.04523-7.
115) Fumagalli C, Zocchi C, Tassetti L, Silverii MV, Amato C, Livi L, Giovannoni L, Verrillo F, Bartoloni A, Marcucci R, Lavorini F, Fumagalli S, Ungar A, Olivotto I, Rasero L, Fattirolli F, Marchionni N; AOU Careggi COVID-19 Follow-up study Group. s associated with persistence of symptoms 1 year after COVID-19: A longitudinal, prospective phone-based interview follow-up cohort study. Eur J Intern Med. 2022 Mar;97:36-41.
116) Tomassetti S, Ravaglia C, Puglisi S, Ryu JH, Colby TV, Cavazza A, Wells AU, Pavone M, Vancheri C, Lavorini F, Matucci-Cerinic M, Rosi E, Luzzi V, Gori L, Rossi G, Donati L, Dubini A, Piciucchi S, Poletti V. of Lung Biopsy Information on Treatment Strategy of Patients with Interstitial Lung Diseases. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2022 May;19(5):737-745
117) W H Kocks J, Wouters H, Bosnic-Anticevich S, van Cooten J, Correia de Sousa J, Cvetkovski B, Dekhuijzen R, Dijk L, Dvortsin E, Garcia Pardo M, Gardev A, Gawlik R, van Geer-Postmus I, van der Ham I, Harbers M, de la Hoz A, Janse Y, Kerkhof M, Lavorini F, Maricoto T, Meijer J, Metz B, Price D, Roman-Rodriguez M, Schuttel K, Stoker N, Tsiligianni I, Usmani O, Leving MT. s associated with health status and exacerbations in COPD maintenance therapy with dry powder inhalers. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2022 May 26;32(1):18. doi: 10.1038/s41533-022-00282-
118) Bruni C, Occhipinti M, Pienn M, Camiciottoli G, Bartolucci M, Bosello SL, Payer C, Bálint Z, Larici AR, Tottoli A, Tofani L, De Lorenzis E, Lepri G, Bellando-Randone S, Spinella A, Giuggioli D, Masini F, Cuomo G, Lavorini F, Colagrande S, Olschewski H, Matucci-Cerinic M. Lung vascular changes as biomarkers of severity in systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2023 Feb 1;62(2):696-706. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keac311.
119) Usmani OS, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Dekhuijzen R, Lavorini F, Bell J, Stjepanovic N, Swift SL, Roche N. Real-World of Nonclinical Inhaler Regimen Switches on Asthma or COPD: A Systematic Review. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2022 Oct;10(10):2624-2637. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2022.05.039. Epub 2022 Jun 22.
120) Hughes R, Rapsomaniki E, Janson C, Keen C, Make BJ, Burgel PR, Tomaszewski EL, Müllerová H, Reddel HK; NOVELTY study investigators. Frequent productive cough: Symptom burden and future exacerbation risk among patients with asthma and/or COPD in the NOVELTY study. Respir Med. 2022 Aug-Sep;200:106921. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2022.106921. Epub 2022 Jun 20.
121) Golam SM, Janson C, Beasley R, FitzGerald JM, Harrison T, Chipps B, Hughes R, Müllerová H, Olaguibel JM, Rapsomaniki E, Reddel HK, Sadatsafavi M; NOVELTY study investigators. The burden of mild asthma: Clinical burden and healthcare resource utilisation in the NOVELTY study. Respir Med. 2022 Aug-Sep;200:106863. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2022.106863. Epub 2022 May 9.
122) Innocenti F, Lazzari C, Paolucci E, De Paris A, Lagomarsini A, Guerra F, Alleonato P, Casalini L, Buggea M, Caldi F, Zanobetti M, Pieralli F, Guazzini G, Lastraioli L, Luise F, Milia A, Sammicheli L, Maddaluni L, Lavorini F, Pini R. Role of prognostic scores in predicting in-hospital mortality and failure of non-invasive ventilation in adults with COVID-19. Intern Emerg Med. 2022 Nov;17(8):2367-2377. doi: 10.1007/s11739-022-03058-x. Epub 2022 Aug 2.
123) Agustí A, Rapsomaniki E, Beasley R, Hughes R, Müllerová H, Papi A, Pavord ID, van den Berge M, Faner R; NOVELTY Study Investigators. Treatable traits in the NOVELTY study.Respirology. 2022 Nov;27(11):929-940. doi: 10.1111/resp.14325. Epub 2022 Jul 21.
124) Mannini C, Bernacchi G, Bonti V, Cinelli E, Mutolo D, Fontana GA, Lavorini F. Somatic points for cough and urge to cough in chronic coughers Respir Med. 2022 Aug-Sep;200:106929. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2022.106929. Epub 2022 Jul 14
125) Leving MT, van Boven JFM, Bosnic-Anticevich SZ, van Cooten J, Correia de Sousa J, Cvetkovski B, Dekhuijzen R, Dijk L, García Pardo M, Gardev A, Gawlik R, van der Ham I, Hartgers-Gubbels ES, Janse Y, Lavorini F, Maricoto T, Meijer J, Metz B, Price DB, Roman-Rodríguez M, Schuttel K, Stoker N, Tsiligianni I, Usmani OS, Kocks JH. Suboptimal Peak Inspiratory Flow and Critical Inhalation Errors are Associated with Higher COPD-Related Healthcare Costs. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2022 Sep 25;17:2401-2415. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S380736. eCollection 2022.
126) Leving MT, Bosnic-Anticevich S, van Cooten J, de Sousa JC, Cvetkovski B, Dekhuijzen R, Dijk L, Pardo MG, Gardev A, Gawlik R, van der Ham I, Janse Y, Lavorini F, Maricoto T, Meijer J, Metz B, Price D, Roman-Rodriguez M, Schuttel K, Stoker N, Tsiligianni I, Usmani O, Emerson-Stadler R, Kocks JWH. Clinical recommendations for dry powder inhaler use in the management of COPD in primary care.NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2022 Dec 27;32(1):59. doi: 10.1038/s41533-022-00318-3.
127) Spinicci M, Graziani L, Tilli M, Nkurunziza J, Vellere I, Borchi B, Mencarini J, Campolmi I, Gori L, Giovannoni L, Amato C, Livi L, Rasero L, Fattirolli F, Marcucci R, Giusti B, Olivotto I, Tomassetti S, Lavorini F, Maggi L, Annunziato F, Marchionni N, Zammarchi L, Bartoloni A. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 Variants Is Associated with Different Long COVID Phenotypes.Viruses. 2022 Oct 27;14(11):2367. doi: 10.3390/v14112367.
128) Malandrino D, Berni A, Fibbi B, Borellini B, Cozzi D, Norello D, Fattirolli F, Lavorini F, Olivotto I, Fumagalli C, Zocchi C, Tassetti L, Gozzi L, Marchionni N, Maggi M, Peri A; AOU Careggi COVID-19 Follow-up Study Group. Relationship between hyponatremia at hospital admission and cardiopulmonary profile at follow-up in patients with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection. J Endocrinol Invest. 2023 Mar;46(3):577-586. doi: 10.1007/s40618-022-01938-9. Epub 2022 Oct 25.
129) Lavorini F, Bernacchi G, Fumagalli C, Noale M, Maggi S, Mutolo D, Cinelli E, Fontana GA.Somatically evoked cough responses help to identify patients with difficult-to-treat chronic cough: a six-month observational cohort study. EClinicalMedicine. 2023 Feb 20;57:101869. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.101869. eCollection 2023 Mar.
130) Tomassetti S, Ravaglia C, Puglisi S, Wells AU, Ryu JH, Bosi M, Dubini A, Piciucchi S, Girelli F, Parronchi P, Lavorini F, Rosi E, Luzzi V, Cerinic MM, Poletti V. Clinical implications of interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features diagnostic criteria in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A case control study. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Feb 16;10:1087485. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1087485. eCollection 2023.
131) Bongiolatti S, Salvicchi A, Mugnaini G, Vokrri E, Viggiano D, Gonfiotti A, Lavorini F, Voltolini L. Does thoracoscopic basal pyramid segmentectomy really offer functional advantages in comparison with thoracoscopic lower lobectomy? Interdiscip Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2023 Feb 6;36(2):ivad018. doi: 10.1093/icvts/ivad018.
132) Vartiainen VA, Lavorini F, Murphy AC, Rabe KF. High inhaler resistance does not limit successful inspiratory maneuver among patients with asthma or COPD. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2023 Mar;20(3):385-393. doi: 10.1080/17425247.2023.2179984. Epub 2023 Feb 26.
133) Kocks J, Bosnic-Anticevich S, van Cooten J, Correia de Sousa J, Cvetkovski B, Dekhuijzen R, Dijk L, Garcia Pardo M, Gardev A, Gawlik R, van der Ham I, Janse Y, Lavorini F, Maricoto T, Meijer J, Metz B, Price D, Roman Rodriguez M, Schuttel K, Stoker N, Tsiligianni I, Usmani O, Voorham J, Leving MT Identifying critical inhalation technique errors in Dry Powder Inhaler use in patients with COPD based on the association with health status and exacerbations: findings from the multi-country cross-sectional observational PIFotal study. BMC Pulm Med. 2023 Aug 17;23(1):302. doi: 10.1186/s12890-023-02566-6.
134) Tomassetti S, Ravaglia C, Piciucchi S, Ryu J, Wells A, Donati L, Dubini A, Klersy C, Luzzi V, Gori L, Rosi E, Lavorini F, Poletti V. Historical eye on IPF: a cohort study redefining the mortality scenario. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Jun 2;10:1151922. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1151922.
135) Cinelli E, Iovino L, Bongianni F, Pantaleo T, Lavorini F, Mannini C, Mutolo D. M4 muscarinic receptors mediate acetylcholine-induced suppressant effects on the cough reflex in the caudal nucleus tractus solitarii of the rabbit. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2023 May 1;324(5):L712-L721.
136) Lavorini, F, Usmani OS, Salvi S, Gaur V, Gogtay J. A narrative review on the Synchrobreathe™: A novel breath-actuated pressurised metered-dose inhaler for the treatment of obstructive airway diseases Respiratory Medicine, 2023, 219, 107435
1) Fontana GA, Lavorini F, Pantaleo T, Pistolesi M. “La tosse: fisiopatologia e clinica”. Ed. Primula Multimedia, Pisa, 2001. (170 pages).
Chapters: 1) Considerazioni generali - 2) Fisiologia della tosse. - 3) Acustica della tosse. - 4) Metodi clinici per lo studio della tosse. - 5) Tosse acuta e cronica. - 6) Tosse cornica in corso di rinorrea posteriore. - 7) Tosse croica in corso di asma bronchiale. - 8) Tosse cronica da reflusso gastro-esofageo. - 9) La tosse in età pediatrica. – 10) Approccio diagnostico nel paziente adulto con tosse cronica. – 11) terapia sintomatica della tosse.
C) Book Chapters in English
1) Pistolesi M, Lavorini F, Mascalchi M, Milne ENC. Pulmonary Edema. In:Radiologic Diagnosis of Chest Disease (2nd Edition), Sperber M, ed., London, UK, Springer Verlag Publisher London, 2000 (chapter 25, pp. 347-367).
2) Fontana GA, Bongianni F, Lavorini F, Pantaleo T. Neurobiology and mechanics of cough. In: Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology of Gastroesophageal reflux-induced Asthma (R. Dal Negro, P. Geppetti, AH. Morice eds), Pacini editore, 2002, pp 34-46.
3) Fontana GA, Lavorini F, Pistolesi M. Water aerosol and cough. In: Acute and chronic cough. (A Redington, AH Morice eds.), Lung Biology in Health and Disease, Taylor and Francis Group, 2005, pp. 195-214.
4) Federico Lavorini, Guja Bernacchi, Alessio Fabbrizzi Clinical Methods for the Study of Cough. In Cough: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment Alessandro Zanasi Giovanni A. Fontana Donatella Mutolo (Eds) Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 Pages 127-136
5) Federico Lavorini, Guja Bernacchi, Alessio Fabbrizzi.Emerging Drugs for Chronic Cough In Cough: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment Alessandro Zanasi Giovanni A. Fontana Donatella Mutolo (Eds) Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 Pages 127-136
1) Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Cecchini P, Maluccio NM, Prediletto R, Pistolesi M. La sindrome epatopolmonare. In: Atti della 20° settimana Nazionale di Epatologia, Firenze, 8-11 marzo 1999, pp 269-282.
2) Lavorini F, Fontana GA, Maluccio NM, Prediletto R, Catapano G, Pistolesi M. La sindrome Epatopolmonare. Medicina Toracica; 22: 43-52, 2000.
3) Pistolesi M., Lavorini F., Fontana GA, Camiciottoli G. Edema Polmonare. In: Manuale di Pneumologia, Casali L, ed., Masson, Milano, 2001, pp 371-380.
4) Fontana GA, Lavorini F. Principi di fisiologia e fisiopatologia dell’apparato respiratorio. In: Medicina Interna. Bartoli E, Gensini GF, Laffi G, Lucifero G, Trimarco B eds. pp. 752-778, Idelson Gnocchi, 2003
5) Pistolesi M, Lavorini F. Anamnesi ed esame obiettivo dell’apparato respiratorio In: Medicina Interna (Bartoli E, Gensini GF, Laffi G, Lucifero G, Trimarco B eds), pp. 779-787, Idelson Gnocchi, 2004.
6) Pistolesi M, Lavorini F. Embolia polmonare. Piccin Editore 2005.
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