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Ricercatore-RTD A, SECS-S/03
Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni 'Giuseppe Parenti'
Viale Morgagni, 59 - 50134 Firenze
Titoli di studio
CV di Nedka D. Nikiforova
Interessi di ricerca:
Researcher (Ricercatore-RTD A), SECS-S/03
Department of Statistics Computer Science Applications “G. Parenti”, University of Florence
Viale Morgagni, 59 - 50134 Florence
2019-2022:Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship entitled “Studies and Innovative Developments for the Design of Experiments in the Fields of Technology and Quantitative Marketing, and Data Science Studies”, DepartmentofStatisticsComputerScienceApplications“G. Parenti”, UniversityofFlorence, Italy. Supervisor: Professor Rossella Berni.
2015-2018: PhD in Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, curriculum: Statistics, DepartmentofStatisticsComputerScienceApplications“G. Parenti”, UniversityofFlorence, Italy. PhD Thesis title: “Three Projects for the Design of Experiments: Choice Experiments, Kriging and Split-Plot Designs”. Supervisor: Professor Rossella Berni.
2012-2015:Master’s degree in Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Science; curriculum in Statistics. University of Florence, Italy. Master’s degree thesis entitled: “Statistical quality control and marketing: 1) packaging and supply chain analysis; 2) non-conventional log-linear models for the analysis of brand associations”. Supervisor: Professor Rossella Berni.
CV of Nedka D. Nikiforova
Research Interests: