Current position: Assistant Professor at Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences, Viale Morgagni 50, 50134, Florence (Italy).
2021-2022: Pezcoller Foundation-SIC Postdoctoral fellowship
2020: Annual research grant at Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences, University of Florence.
2016-2019: FIRC-AIRC postdoctoral fellowship at Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences, University of Florence.
2013-2016: PhD student at University of Sassari.
June 2017: PhD in Life Science and Biotechnology at University of Sassari
February 2013: Master degree course in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, at University of Florence. Final Mark: 110/110 cum laude.
April 2010: First level degree in Biotechnologies, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, at University of Florence.
Member of the following Scientific Societies:
SIC (Italian cancer Society)
EACR (European Association Cancer Research)
SIB (Italian Biochemistry Society)
Meetings and conference:
2015: EACR-AACR-SIC Special conference: Anticancer Drug Action and Drug Resistance: from Cancer Biology to the Clinic. Florence, Poster presentation.
2016: EACR24 Congress in Manchester, 9-12 July 2016. Poster presentation
2016: 58th Annual meeting of Italian Cancer Society (SIC), September 5-8, Verona, Poster presentation.
2017: EACR-AACR-SIC 2017 special conference: The Challenges of Optimizing Immuno- and Targeted Therapies: From Cancer Biology to the Clinic. June 24-27, Florence. Poster presentation.
2018: FEBS 2018 Advanced Course: Emerging issue of breast cancer research. April 4-6, Budapest. Poster presentation.
2018: 60th annual meeting of Italian Cancer Society (SIC), Milan, Italy, September 19-22. Poster presentation.
2019: 2DNT SIB (Italian Biochemistry Society) workshop, Florence, Italy. Oral presentation.
2022: 1st Workshop of Tumour Biochemistry group (SIB), Milan, Italy. Poster presentation and Chair.
2022: 2nd Workshop of Tumour Biochemistry group (SIB), Napoli, Italy. Oral presentation.
2022: 62nd annual meeting of Italian Cancer Society (SIC), Venice, November 16-18. Oral presentation.
2023: EACR-AACR-SIC special conference: Immune Responses & DNA Repair - Cancer Fields Converging. March 15-17, Florence. Poster presentation.
2023: 62ndSIB(Italian Biochemistry Society) congress. September 7-9, Florence. Oral presentation.
EACR24: Meeting Bursary for the attendance at the EACR Congress 2016
FEBS2018: Meeting Bursary for the attendance at FEBS2018 advanced course in Budapest.
SIC2018: Meeting Bursary for the attendance at 60th annual meeting of Italian Cancer Society
SIC 2018: “Piero Trivella” Prize to the best poster presentation.