Si ricorda che l'appello di esame di Aprile 2025 è straordinario. Per verifare la possibilità di prendervi parte:
Il ricevimento si svolge il lunedì alle ore 12.00, a distanza su prenotazione cliccando qui.
Nella prenotazione, si prega di indicare sempre la motivazione della propria richiesta di ricevimento (es. tesi, esame)
Per la supervisione alla tesi di laurea o per richiesta di ricevimento in presenza, si invitano studenti e studentesse a contattare la docente prima via e-mail.
Grazie per la collaborazione!
Ricercatrice (Legge 240/10 RTD-b) in Didattica e Pedagogia Speciale (M-PED/03) presso il Dipartimento di Formazione, Lingue, Intercultura, Letterature e Psicologia dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze (1 dicembre 2018 - 30 novembre 2021)
Abilitazione Nazionale per Professore di II Fascia, Settore Concorsuale 11/D2, conseguita in data 10 luglio 2017
Assegnista di Ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata dell’Università degli Studi di Padova (2012-2018)
Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Pedagogiche, dell'Istruzione e della Formazione conseguito presso l'Università degli Studi di Padova (2012)
Laurea specialistica in Scienze della Formazione Continua conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova 110/110 e Lode (2006)
Laurea in Scienze dell’Educazione V.O. conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova 110/110 e Lode (2002)
Daniela Frison, Ph.D. in Scienze Pedagogiche, dell’Educazione e della Formazione, è attualmente Professoressa Associata di Pedagogia Sperimentale (M-PED/04) presso il Dipartimento di Formazione, Lingue, Intercultura, Letterature e Psicologia dell'Università di Firenze.
E' Delegata all'Orientamento per l'Area della Formazione della Scuola di Studi Umanistici e della Formazione e Delegata all'Orientamento in Ingresso, in Itinere e al Job Placement del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze dell'Educazione degli Adulti, della Formazione Continua e Scienze Pedagogiche (LM 57&85).
Dal 2024, è Coordinatrice del Percorso Abilitante 30-60 CFU per la CdC A-18 Filosofia e Scienze Umane.
Attività di ricerca a livello internazionale
Attività di ricerca a livello nazionale
Dal 2019 è docente presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze (sezione "insegnamenti").
Nel 2019 è stata International Expert Visiting presso Xi'an International Studies University, P.R. China.
Dal 2015 al 2018 è stata docente presso l'Università degli Studi di Padova di Metodologia della Formazione e Didattiche e metodi di intervento nelle organizzazioni.
Ha inoltre insegnato Teaching and Learning Methods in Adult Education nel 2018 e Work-Related Teaching and Learning Methods in Adult and Higher Education nel 2017 presso l'Università di Wurzburg (Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching).
2012 Ph.D., Educational and Instructional Sciences, University of Padova
2006 M.D., Lifelong Learning Sciences, University of Padova
2002 B.D., Educational Sciences, University of Padova
Associate Professor, University of Florence (Italy) Experimental Pedagogy
Assistant Professor, University of Florence (Italy) Didactics and Special Pedagogy (Dec 2018- Nov 2021)
2014-17 Post-Doc, University of Padova (Italy). Research Project: Employability and Competences: Learner-Centred and Work-Related Teaching and Learning Methods in Higher Education
2012-14 Post-Doc, University of Padova (Italy) Research Project: University and Business: encouraging learning innovation in organizations
Since 2018 M.D. University of Florence (Italy): Educational Methods & Technology for Teacher Training and Ludic & Animation Methodologies & Techniques
2019 XISU – Xi’an International Studies University (P. R. China) International Expert, Facilitating Learning: Teaching & Learning Methods in Adult Education and Organizational Settings
2018 M.D. University of Padova (Italy) Adjunct Professor, Methods and strategies for employability
Ms Frison’s research focuses on 1) initial education and professional development of secondary school teachers and education and training professionals (she is a member of the Teacher Education Arena within the European Alliance European University for Wellbeing – EuniWell and member of the Secondary School - Cultural and scientific collaboration agreement between University of Florence, University of Pisa, University of Siena and Ministry of Education - Regional School Office for Tuscany on the definition of observation and assessment tools based on professional standards for new secondary school teachers), 2) design of guidance, tutoring and professional development interventions addressed to future and in-service secondary school teachers and education and training professionals (she is P.I. of the international project SecWell - Second Career Teachers Well-being: toward non-traditional professional development strategies, Department Delegate for Guidance and Job Placement and School Delegate for Job Placement), 3) from a methodological point of view, her research is primarily conducted through mixed methods with the adoption of qualitative strategies and tools (collaborative research, observation, case studies, participant interviews, focus groups) and quantitative ones (self-completed questionnaires).
Academic Position
Dec 2021 - present
Associate Professor of Experimental Pedagogy, Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology, University of Florence (Italy)
Dec 2018 – Nov 2021
Assistant Professor of Didactic and Special Pedagogy, Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures and Psychology, University of Florence (Italy)
May 2017 – April 2018
Post-Doc of Didactic and Special Pedagogy, University of Padova (Italy). Research Project: Effective Education for Improving Cybersecurity Awareness (1 years)
May 2014 – April 2017
Post-Doc of Didactic and Special Pedagogy, University of Padova (Italy). Research Project: Employability and Competences: Learner-Centered and Work-Related Teaching and Learning Methods in Higher Education (3 years)
May 2012 – April 2014
Post-Doc of Experimental Pedagogy, University of Padova (Italy). Research Project: University and Business: encouraging learning innovation in organizations (2 years)
Teaching experience
2021 - present
University of Florence
Educational Methods & Technology for Teacher Training, M.D. on Adult Education, Lifelong Learning and Pedagogical Sciences
Ludic & Animation Methodologies & Techniques, M.D. on Primary Education Sciences
Experimental Pedagogy Lab, B.D. on Education and Training Sciences
2018 – 2021
XISU – Xi’an International Studies University (P. R. China)
International Expert, Facilitating Learning: Teaching & Learning Methods in Adult Education and Organizational Settings
April 2018
University of Wuerzburg (Germany)
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching, Teaching and Learning Methods in Adult Education (9 hours)
2014 - 2018
Adjunt professor, University of Padova (Italy)
Teaching and intervention methods in organizations, M.D. on Management of Education Services and Continuing Education
Sep 2017
Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching, Work-Related Teaching and Learning Methods in Adult and Higher Education (25 hours)
Adjunct Professor, University of Padova (Italy)
Methodology of Training, B.D. on Education and Training Sciences