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Claudia Bello is professor of bioorganic chemistry and member of the Interdepartmental Research Unit of Peptide and Protein Chemistry and Biology (Peptlab). She joined for the first time the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence in 2017 as Assistant Professor - Montalcini Program for young researchers- moving back to Italy after a long period abroad.
After graduating with honours at the University of Basilicata (2003) and obtaining a "Master di II livello" in Design and Development of Drugs at the University of Pavia (one year specialization course including an internship at CarboGen AG, a pharmaceutical company in Aarau, Switzerland), she performed a PhD in chemistry and chemical engineering (2005-2009) under the supervision of Prof P. Vogel at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, title of the thesis “Search for new anti-cancer heterocyclic compounds”. In 2009 she received an Innogrant from the Vice-Precidency for Innovation of the EPFL, which supports innovative projects with startup potential. During this year she continued her research at EPFL and obtained expert training in entrepreneurship and technology transfer.
In 2010 she was awarded an A. von Humboldt foundation fellowship for postdoctoral researchers and joined the group of Prof C. F. W. Becker at TUM, Munich, Germany (her second host was Dr A.-C. Gavin at the EMBL-Heidelberg). Subsequently, she obtained a six years position as Senior Researcher at the University of Vienna (Austria). During these years she developed strong expertise in chemical and semisynthesis strategies for the preparation, purification and characterization of peptides and proteins specifically modified with sugars.
Date and Place of birth : 10.05.1979 Bern (CH)
Nationality : Italian
Actual position : Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Florence (IT)
Research area : Organic Chemistry/Chemical Biology/Peptide synthesis and modification
2009 PhD Institut de Sciences et Ingénierie Chimique (ISIC),Laboratoire de Glycochimie et Synthèse Asymétrique (LGSA), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Supervisor : Prof Pierre Vogel. Evaluation: excellent (from the official report of the PhD exam) This work has been awarded with a grant (Innogrant, 100,000 CHF) for its innovative potential. My results have been used as preliminary data in the application for the project PANACREAS FP7-2007-2013, n° HEALTH-F2-2011-256986 , funded with 2,965,207 €.
2006 DEA (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) multinational de chimie moléculaire,Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France. Evaluation : 14/17
2005 Master Universitario di II livello in « Progettazione e Sviluppo dei Farmaci », Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco, University of Pavia, Italy.
2003 Laurea (degree after 5 years studies)in Chemistry, 110/110 e lode (with honour), Department of Science, University of Basilicata, Italy.
03.2017- Assistant Professor tenure track (RTD-b), Rita Levi Montalcini Program for young researchers, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Peptide and Protein Chemistry and Biolology-PeptLab, University of Florence, Italy.
03-2017- Guest scientist at the Institute of Biological Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria.
12.2012- 02.2017 Senior Researcher, Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Biological Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria.
12.2012-12.2016 Visitor scientist at the Structural and Computational Biology Unit, Biomolecular Networks group (Dr A.-C. Gavin), EMBL-Heidelberg, Germany
12.2010-11.2012 Postodoc (A. von Humboldt research fellowship) Department of Chemistry, Protein Chemistry group, Technische Universität München, Germany and structural and Computational Biology Unit, (Gavin group), EMBL-Heidelberg, Germany.
08.2009-07.2010 Postdoc EPFL Innogrant of VPIV /EPFL (with the aim to further develop my projet and founding a start-up). Institut de Sciences et Ingénierie Chimique (ISIC), Laboratoire de Glycochimie et Synthèse Asymétrique (LGSA), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
10.2004 -12.2004: Internship at CarboGen AG (Aarau, CH), supervisors: Dr Markus Juza e Prof Ornella Azzolina. “Systematic Development of an Enantioselective HPLC Separation of Intermediates Based on Phenyl butyric acid and a Method for their Synthesis”
2016-2020 « Qualification aux fonctions de Maitres de Conférence des Universités Françaises » from the french CNU (Conseil National des Universités).
2018-2024 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni di professore universitario di seconda fascia, settore concorsuale 03/C1, settore scientifico disciplinare CHIM06-chimica organica.
2017 Rita Levi Montalcini Program for Young Researchers (Call 2014) recipient
2013 Two prizes “Best poster presentation”: «5th Chemical Protein Synthesis Meeting », Vienna and « 3rd Austrian Peptide Symposium », Graz
2012 Travel grant from the Societá Chimica Italiana to partecipate to the « 21st national meeting on medicinal chemistry » in Palermo, Italy.
2012 Travel grant to partecipate to the « 32nd European Peptide Symposium », Athens, Greece.
2011 The results of my PhD have been used as preliminary results for the project PANACREAS, FP7-2007-2013, grant agreement n° HEALTH-F2-2011-256986 ( funded with 2,965,207.00 €.
12.2010 –11.2012A. von Humboldt research fellowship for postdoctoral researchers.
2009 EPFL Innogrant from VPIV EPFL, shortlisted for the “Venture leaders 2010” prize.
2004 Fellowship from the EU-Regional Operational Program to partecipate to the Master di II livello at the University of Pavia
1998-2003 five times awarded of a scholarship ARDSU (Agenzia Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitarion) for beeing among the 50 best students from the region.
-Title: Deciphering O- and N-Glycosylation by Generating Access to Complex Homogeneously Glycosylated Peptides and Proteins. Rita Levi Montalcini Program for young researchers (call 2014, started on Feb 2017), Italian Ministry of Education. PI: Claudia Bello.
-Title: Synthesis and application of homogeneous proteins with multiple posttranslational modifications. (2010) Funded by A. von Humboldt foundation (DE). PI: Claudia Bello
-Title: Anti-cancer agents.(2009) Funded by VPIV EPFL (CH). PI: Claudia Bello
-Title: Panacreas FP7 2007-2013. Funded by the European Commission. PI: Pierre Vogel
-Title: TrioH FP6-LIFESCIHEALTH. Funded by the European Commission. PI: Pierre Vogel
-SNSF grant 20020-116212. Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. PI: Pierre Vogel
2018- Co-lecturer of the course “NMR Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry” of the Master program in Chemistry and responsible lecturer of the course “Bioorganic Chemistry” of the Bachelor program in Biotechnology of the University of Florence.
2017 Responsible lecturer of the course “Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry” of the Master program in Chemistry of the University of Florence.
2013- Responsible lecturer of the course “Chemical Biology” of the Master program in Chemistry and co-organizer of the practical courses “Biological Chemistry” and “Peptide and Protein Chemistry” of the University of Vienna.
2005-2007 Theoretical and practical teaching assistant (chemistry) for first and second year chemistry, biology and medicine students. ISIC-EPFL
Cosupervisor of 7 Master students during their Master theses (EPFL, University of Vienna and University of Florence)
Cosupervisor of Mr Maximilian Schrems and Mrs Alanca Schmid, PhD students in the group of Biological Chemistry (head: prof Christian F. W. Becker) at the University of Vienna
2014-2015 Cosupervisor of Mrs I. Saccone (PhD student at the University of Naples) during her six months stay at the University of Vienna (Progetto STAR 2013-14, Programma per la mobilitá dei giovani ricercatori). University of Vienna, in collaboration with Universitá di Napoli Federico II.
Supervisor of more than 15 students individual internship in the laboratory ( 3-8 weeks) and supervisor of bachelor thesis of 4 students (J. Massin, P. Desogère, J.Schörghuber, F. Kikul). EPFL, TUM and University of Vienna.
SCI “Italian Chemical Society”, ItPS “Italian Peptide Society”, GDCh “German Chemical Cociety”, APS “American Peptide Society", EPS “European Peptide Society” and ATPS “Austrian Peptide Society”.
2005-2010: Member of SCS “Swiss chemical Society”
- Prof Kelly Moremen, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, The University of Georgia, USA
- Dr Anne-Claude Gavin, Structural and Computational Biology Unit, EMBL-Heidelberg, Germany
- Prof Faustino Mollinedo,Laboratory of Cell Death and Cancer Therapy, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain.
- Prof Inmaculada Robina, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Sevilla, Spain.
Italian (Mother tongue), English, French, German
-co-organization of “muv-science at its best”, final event of the mentoring program for women in science muv7 of the University of Vienna.
- Mentoring program for women in science, cycle muv7 (March 2015 - June 2016), of the University of Vienna. Mentor: Prof Renée Schroeder, Max-Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna. It included network events and coaching seminars.
-“8th Swiss Course on Medicinal Chemistry”, 12-17 Oct 2008, Leysin, Switzerland.
-CUSO Summer School “Target Synthesis: Challenges, Strategies and Methods”, 2-6 Sept 2007, Villars, Switzerland.
-Training course Waters RP-HPLC system, development of methods for the analytical and preparative separation of compounds. Dec 2006 EPFL.