To get an appointment you can contact me via email: stefania.salvadoti AT
Stefania Salvadori è Professore Associato al Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia dell’Università di Firenze dove è tornata nel 2017 grazie al programma Rita Levi Montalcini per il rientro dei cervelli. Nel 2009 ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca presso la Scuola Internazionale di Studi Superiori Avanzati (SISSA) di Trieste con una Tesi sull’Archeologia Stellare con la quale si è aggiudicata la X Edizione del Premio Gratton. Tra il 2009 ed il 2017 ha vinto borse di studio Europee, tra cui una Marie-Curie Fellowship, che le hanno permesso di svolgere le sue ricerche in Olanda, al Kapteyn Institute di Groningen, ed in Francia, a l’Observatoire de Paris. Nel 2018 ha vinto lo Starting Grant dell’European Research Council (circa 1.2 milioni di euro) con il suo progetto NEFERTITI, grazie al quale sta formando il suo gruppo di ricerca per studiare le prime stelle. Nel 2019 ha ricevuto il Fiorino d’Oro dalla città di Firenze.
Stefania Salvadori
Professore Associato
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Via Enrico Fermi 1, 50125 Firenze, Italia
10/2009 Dottorato in Astrofisica, Scuola Internazionale degli Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italia.
Titolo della Tesi: Stellar Archaeology: from first stars to dwarf galaxies.
09/2005 Master in Fisica, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italia.
Titolo della Tesi: The merger history and stellar fossils of the Milky Way
3-7/2003 Progetto Erasmus, Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica, Universidad Autonoma and
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spagna
05/2019— Professore Associato, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università degli
Studi di Firenze
05/2017–05/2019 Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di Tipo B, Dipartimento di Fisica e
Astronomia, Università degli Studi di Firenze
09/2016–05/2017 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, Dipartimento GEPI, Observatoire de Paris,
11/2015–09/2016 Observatoire de Paris Fellow, GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, Francia.
11/2012–11/2015 VENI Fellow, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, Olanda.
11/2009–11/2012 NOVA Fellow, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, Olanda.
11/2005–10/2009 PhD student, SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italia.
01/2017–05/2017 Congedo di Maternità
10/2023 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale da Professore Ordinario
06/2019 Fiorino d’oro 2019: maggiore riconoscimento della città di Firenze per i risultati ottenuti
con la ricerca
04/2019 Coordinatrice Locale del progetto PRIN “The Quest for the First Stars” finanziato per
3 anni dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) per un totale di ~180.000 €.
07/2018 ERC starting grant per il Progetto NEFERTITI: grant di 1.2 Milioni di euro finanziato
dalla Comunità Europea
03/2018 Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale da Professore Associato
07/2016 Premio Rita Levi Montalcini: assignato dal MIUR per riportare in Italia, con una
posizione di Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di Tipo B, giovani ricercatori emergenti
05/2014 Premio Lucia Padrielli (ex-aequo): assegnato da INAF e salla Società Astrofisica Italiana
a giovani ricercatrici donne (3.000 €)
05/2012 Relatore selezionato dal Premio Nobel Prof. Smoot’s per parlare nalla Master Class
03/2012 Selezoinata dalla “Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science” e dal comitato
scientifico di Lindau per partecipare al 62mo meeting di premi Nobel dedicato alla Fisica
09/2011 Premio Gratton: preemio assegnato da una giuria internazionale per la miglior Tesi di
Dottorato in Astrofisca svolta in Italia negli anni 2009/10 (7.500 €).
Associate Professor
Florence University – Physics Department
Via Sansone 1, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
10/2009 PhD in Astrophysics, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy
Thesis: Stellar Archaeology: from first stars to dwarf galaxies.
10/2005 Admitted to the PhD course of SISSA/ISAS with written and oral examination.
09/2005 Master Degree in Physics, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Thesis: The merger history and stellar fossils of the Milky Way
3-7/2003 European Erasmus Grant Program, Theoretical Physics department,
Universidad Autonoma and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
05/2019— Associate Professor, Physics & Astronomy Department, Florence University
05/2017–05/2019 Assistant Professor & Montalcini Fellow, Physics & Astronomy Department,
Florence University, Italy.
09/2016–05/2017 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, France.
11/2015–09/2016 Observatoire de Paris Fellow, GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, France.
11/2012–11/2015 VENI Fellow, Kapteyn Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands.
11/2009–11/2012 NOVA Fellow, Kapteyn Institute, Groningen, The Netherlands.
11/2005–10/2009 PhD student, SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italy.
01/2017–05/2017 Maternity Leave
10/2023 Awarded the Italian National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor
09/2023 Invited to the interview of the ERC consolidating grant for the project DIAMOND
06/2019 Fiorino d’oro 2019: major recognition by the City of Florence awarded for her
achievements in research
04/2019 PRIN grant - Local Coordinator: 3-years grant of ~180.000 euro awarded by the
Italian MIUR for the project “The Quest for the First Stars”.
07/2018 ERC starting: 5-years grant of 1.2 Million euro awarded by the European Research
Council for the project NEFERTITI: Near-FiEld cosmology Re-Tracing Invisible TImes
03/2018 Awarded the Italian National Scientific Qualification for Associate Professor
07/2016 Rita Levi Montalcini Prize: 3-years Tenure Track Professorship granted by the Italian
Ministry for Research and Education to bring back to Italy young promising researchers
05/2014 Padrielli Prize 2014 (ex-aequo): Italian (INAF/SAIt) honour for young Italian
woman in Astronomy (3.000 €)
05/2012 Speaker in Prof. Smoot’s Master Class during the 62nd Nobel Laureate Meeting
03/2012 Selected by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science and the Scientific
Lindau Council to attend the 62nd Nobel Laureate Meeting dedicated to Physics
09/2011 Gratton Prize 2011: best Italian PhD Thesis in Astrophysics during 2009/10
evaluated by an international committee (7.500 €).
11/2016 AstroFit 2016: 3-years independent Fellowship granted by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
COFUND action and the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) – declined -
01/2016 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship 2016: 2-years personal grant funded by the
European Commission to work at the Paris Observatory (173.000 €)
01/2015 Observatoire de Paris Fellowship 2015, Paris, France: 2-years independent Fellow
07/2012 VENI grant 2012: 3-years independent grant founded by the Netherlands Organization
for scientific Research to work at the Kapteyn Institute of Groningen, NL (250.000 €)
07/2012 AstroFit 2012: 2-years independent grant co-founded by the Marie Curie Actions and
the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) – declined -
02/2009 NOVA postdoctoral Fellowship 2009: 3-years independent grant (≈ 235.000 €)
02/2009 Sophie and Tycho Brahe Fellowship 2009: 3-years independent fellow co-founded by
the DARK Centre of Copenhagen and the University of Berkley – declined -
02/2009 Max Planck Fellowship 2009, Garching: 3-years independent fellow – declined –
07/2016 ANR: 4-years grant funded by the French National Agency of Research (PI: S. Vergani)
01/2015 KNAW and NOVA grants for conference organization (6.000 € and 5.500 € as PI)
01/2023 Co-proposer with Dr. D’Odorico, Molaro, Cescutti, of the IFPU Focus week:
“Enigmatic first stars and where to find them”, May 2023, Trieste, Italy
12/2022 Invited SOC member for the ESO workshop: Metal Production and Distribution in a
Hierarchical Universe – II", Santiago, Chile, Nov 27 - Dec 1 2023
09/2019 Invited SOC member, CEMP Stars as Probes of First-Star Nucleosynthesis,
the IMF, and Galactic Assembly
9-13 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland
07/2018 Invited SOC member, The Metal-poor Galaxy
3-7 July 2018, Ringberg, Germany (55 participants by invitation only)
11/2017 Invited SOC member, Titans of the Early Universe
20-24 November 2017, Monash University Prato Centre, Italy (55 participants)
06/2015 CHAIR of the SOC and the LOC, First stars, galaxies, and black holes: now and then
15-19 June 2015, Groningen University, Netherlands (115 participants)
07/2013 CO-CHAIR of the SOC with Dr. M. Monelli, Local Group, Local Cosmology
Symposium V of the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science 2013,
3-5 July 2013, Turku, Finland (40 participants)
79 publications in total among which:
63 refereed papers in peer review journals, 5 submitted papers and 1 edited volume.
Refereed publications include:
12 first author’s papers,
17 second/third author’s papers with advised PhD/Master or post-docs
30 papers with < 5 authors.
Citations > 3470
H-index: 33
03/2024 Cosmic Threads: Interlinking the Stellar Initial Mass Function from Star-birth to
Galaxies Sexten Center for Astrophysics, Sesto, Italy. Invited talk: The stellar initial
mass function of the first stars
01/2024 Formation, Evolution and Signatures of Supermassive Stars Versoix, Switzerland.
Invited talk: First stars and their impact on the evolution of the Universe
06/2023 Phases of Galactic evolution as traced by stellar populations & star clusters
Sexten Center for Astrophysics, Sesto, Italy. Invited Talk: The earliest times of the Local Group formation
07/2021 The mass of the first stars: Big vs Small? Higgs Forum Centre, Edinburgh, UK – remote
due to Covid-19. Introductory talk and chair of the discussion
03/2020 FIRST STARS VI, Conception, Chile. Highlight talk: Dwarf galaxies as a potential
probe of the early Universe
09/2019 CEMP Stars as Probes of First-Star Nucleosynthesis, the IMF, and Galactic
Assembly Geneva, Switzerland. Invited talk: Empirical probe of the first star IMF
05/2019 LXIII Conference of the Italian Astronomical Society, Rome, Italy. Review:
Stellar Archaeology at the service of Cosmology
03/2019 MOSAIC 2019: Science and Surveys with the ELT Multi-Object Spectrograph,
Heidelberg, Germany. Invited talk: First stars and first galaxies
03/2019 15th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics, Salzburg, Austria. Invited Lecturer.
Talk: Signatures of PopIII stars: from chemical abundances to gravitational waves
12/2018 Stellar Archaeology as a Time Machine to the First Stars, Tokyo, Japan. Invited
Focus talk: Dwarf galaxies
07/2018 The Metal-poor Galaxy, Ringberg, Germany.
Talk: Identifying the descendants of (very) massive first stars
11/2017 Titans of the Early Universe, Prato, Italy.
Review: Local constraints on the high-z Universe
09/2017 Italian conference of the astronomical Society, Padova, Italy.
Talk: Stellar Archaeology in and around the Milky Way
08/2016 First Stars V, Heidelberg, Germany.
Review: The Local Fossils of the First Stars and Galaxies.
06/2016 The Cold Universe, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) workshop,
S. Barbara, US. Talk: Hints on early cosmic star-formation from Galactic archaeology
04/2016 Cosmic Reionization, workshop at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle
Physics, Garching, DE. Talk: Dwarf galaxies: now and during reionization.
07/2015 The metal enrichment of diffuse gas in the Universe, Sexten, Italy.
Talk: Metal enrichment in the Local Group.
04/2015 The life and death of satellite galaxies, Lorentz Centrum, Netherlands.
Talk: Dwarf galaxies: metal polluters and reionization sources.
10/2013 Star-formation (laws) in galaxies, Blaauw Symposium 2013, Groningen, NL.
Talk: Metal-poor dwarf galaxies and DLAs: probing early cosmic star-formation.
07/2013 From Dwarfs to Giants: Mike Irwin’s travels in the Local Group and beyond,
Sexten, Italy. Talk: Dwarf galaxies: now and then
05/2012 First Stars IV conference, Kyoto, Japan.
Talk: Ultra-faint dwarfs: fossil relics of the first galaxies
12/2011 Joint Theoretical Physics meeting, University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Talk: First stars signatures in the Milky Way
09/2010 JENAM 2010 Lisbon, Portugal Stellar archaeology: a cosmological view of dwarfs
10/2022 Bologna University and Observatory, Bologna, Italy.
Talk: Near-Field Cosmology and the first stars
10/2021 Trieste Observatory, Trieste, Italy.
01/2020 Paris Observatory, Meudon, France.
Talk: Near-Field Cosmology and the mass distribution of the first stars
05/2016 Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Talk: Early galaxy formation processes: clues from Near-Field Cosmology
02/2016 Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
Talk: First stars and galaxies: clues from Near-Field Cosmology
02/2016 Trieste Observatory, Trieste, Italy.
Talk: Early cosmic star-formation and metal enrichment
04/2015 Arcetri Observatory, Florence, Italy.
Talk: Looking for the chemical signatures of the first stars
04/2012 ASTRON/JIVE, Dwingeloo, Netherlands
Talk: The Milky Way laboratory: from Near- to Far-field Cosmology
04/2012 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen, Netherlands
Talk: Near-field Cosmology and the infant Milky Way
09/2011 Rome Observatory, Rome, Italy
Talk: Stellar Archaeology in the Milky Way system
10/2010 Astronomical Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands
Talk: Feedback imprints in the Milky Way system
11/2009 Arcetri Observatory, Florence, Italy.
Talk: Stellar Archaeology: from first stars to dwarf galaxies
2020- Master course for students in Physics and Astrophysics: Cosmology I
Physics Department, Florence University, Florence, Italy (48 hours)
Profs: Marconi [The Cosmological Model], Salvadori [Structure Formation]
2018- Bachelor course for students in Pharmacy: Physics,
Pharmacy Department, Florence University, Florence, Italy (48 hours)
Profs: Verdini [Mechanics, Fluids], Salvadori [Thermodynamic, Electro Magnetism]
2017- Master course for students in Physics and Astrophysics:
Cosmology II: from recombination to the present days,
2016/20 Invited lectures for PhD students: Stellar Archaeology,
during the course “New Frontiers in Cosmology” by Prof. Andrei Mesinger
and Prof. Andrea Ferrara, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (4 hours)
04/2015 PhD course (for both PhD students in Astronomy and Physics):
Near-field cosmology: first stars and dark matter, Florence University,
Italy. Teachers: E. Corbelli [dark matter] and S. Salvadori [first stars] (12 hours)
2013/11 Lectures for Master and PhD students: First galaxies and feedback processes, during
the “Galaxy formation & evolution” by Prof. Tolstoy, Kapteyn Institute, NL (6 hours)
11/2023 Supervision of a PhD student, Elka Rusta, University of Florence, Italy.
Role: project creator and co-supervisor with Dr. Viola Gelli (Dawn, Copenhagen).
11/2023 Supervision of a PhD student, Lapo Querci, University of Florence, Italy.
Role: project creator and co-supervisor with Dr. Andrea Pallottini (SNS, Pisa)
11/2023 Supervision of a PhD student, Stefano Ciabattini, University of Florence, Italy.
Role: project creator and supervisor. Status: 1 paper to be submitted.
11/2022 Supervision of a PhD student, Alice Mori, University of Florence, Italy.
Role: project creator and co-supervisor – with Dr. Di Matteo (Paris Observatory)
Status: 1 paper to be submitted.
11/2021- Co-supervision (with Dr. Asa Skuladottir) of the PhD student Irene Vanni,
Florence University, Italy. Status: 1 paper published as first author, 1 to be submitted.
1 paper published as 2nd author. PhD Title: Unveiling the first stars’ chemical signature
2019-23 Co-supervision of the PhD student Martina Rossi, Florence University, Italy.
Role: project creator and supervisor – in collaboration with Dr. Asa Skuladottir
Status: 2 papers published as first author, 1 submitted, 3 papers as 3rd or 4th author.
PhD Title: First stars and dwarf galaxies
PhD Thesis to be defended on October 2023. Evaluation:
2019-23 Supervision of the PhD student Viola Gelli, Florence University, Italy.
Role: project creator and supervisor – in collaboration with Dr. Pallottini (SNS)
Status: 5 published papers (3 as first author + 1 submitted). PhD Title:
Dwarf satellite galaxies at high-z: physical understanding and JWST predictions
PhD Thesis defended on May 2023. Evaluation: excellent
2013-16 Co-supervision (with Dr. Schneider) of a PhD student, Matteo de Bennassuti,
Rome Observatory and Sapienza University, Italy. 4 paper published.
Role: co-project creator and external supervisor. (3 months visit in Groningen).
PhD Thesis: Early cosmic star-formation in the Milky Way environment
2023 Supervision of the Master student Elka Rusta, Florence University, Italy.
Master Thesis: Interpreting the JWST’s observations of the early Universe
Co-supervisor: Dr. Viola Gelli (UNIFI & Dawn Center of Copenhagen)
To be defended in October 2023:
2023 Supervision of the Master student Lapo Querci, Florence University, Italy.
Co-supervisor: Dr. Andrea Pallottini (SNS, Pisa)
Master Thesis: The stellar halo of present-day dwarf galaxies
2022 Supervision of the Master student Stefano Ciabattini, Florence University, Italy.
Master Thesis: The first habitable galaxies.
Defended on April 2023: 110/110 cum Laude
2021 Supervision of the Master student Irene Vanni, Florence University, Italy.
Master Thesis: The origin of extremely metal-poor stars.
Defended on July 2021: 110/110 Cum Laude. Now PhD student @ UNIFI
2021 Supervision of the Master student Andrea Saccardi, Florence University, Italy.
Co-supervisor: Dr. Valentina d’Odorico (INAF/Trieste Observatory)
Master Thesis: Chasing the signature of the first stars in high-z Lyman Limit systems.
Defended on July 2021: 110/110 Cum Laude. Now PhD student @ Paris Observatory
Honourable Mention for the Geppina Coppola Prize 2022
2021 Supervision of the Master student Giulia Pagnini, Florence University, Italy.
Master Thesis: The dearth of C-Enhanced metal-poor stars in the Galactic Bulge.
Defended on April 2021: 110/110. Now PhD student @ Paris Observatory
2019 Supervision of the Master student Martina Rossi, Florence University, Italy.
Co-supervisor: Dr. Asa Skuladottir (UNIFI)
Master Thesis: Constraining the IMF of the first stars.
Defended on October 2019: 110/110 Cum Laude – Now PhD student @ UNIFI
2019 Supervision of the Master student Viola Gelli, University of Florence, Italy.
Master Thesis: The stellar populations of high-z dwarf galaxies.
Defended on September 2019: 110/110 Cum Laude – Now PhD student @ UNIFI
Awarded the first Geppina Coppola Prize 2021 for the best Italian Master Thesis in
Astrophysics (out of 50 participants)
2023- Member of the PhD School, Florence University, Physics Department, Italy
2022- Internal member of the PhD Committee 2022, Florence University, Physics and
Astronomy Department, Italy
2019- PhD student advisor (4 in total), Florence University, Physics and Astronomy
Department, Italy
2019- Graduate student advisor (8 in total), Florence University, Physics and Astronomy
2019 Magini’s Prize committee member to evaluate for the best Master Thesis
in Astrophysics awarded in an Italian University
2016 PhD Thesis committee, Chemical evolution of galaxies: from the Local Group
to the Local Universe, Candidate: F. Vincenzo, Advisor: Prof. F. Matteucci,
Trieste University, Italy. Referees: Dr. M. Marconi and Dr. S. Salvadori
2013 Master Thesis committee, Origin of Super-massive Black Holes,
Candidate: C. Van Borm, Advisor: Prof. Dr. M. Spaans, Kapteyn Institute, Netherlands.
2012 Bachelor Thesis committee, Primordial Disk Evolution, a timescale analysis,
Candidate: E. Schallig, Advisor: Prof. Dr. M. Spaans, Kapteyn Institutes, Netherlands.
2010-12 Co-organizer (with Prof. Spaans, Dr. Cazaux, Dr. Podio) of the Monday Lunch Talk
at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of Groningen, The Netherlands
2022 – Member of the international ANDES team for ELT – WG2: Stars and Stellar populations
and WG3: Galaxy formation and evolution and the intergalactic medium
2022 – Member and co-proposer of the international 4DWARFS survey
2016 – Member of the Galactic Archaeology Survey Team for WEAVE spectrograph
2015 – Associated Member, INAF/Arcetri Observatory, Italy
2011 – Associated researcher at the Cosmology Group, Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Italy
05-15 Member of the Dark Ages VIrtual Department (DAVID)
2023 Reviewer for faculty promotion, Stockholm University, Physics Department, SE
2022 Reviewer for faculty promotion, United Arab Emirates University, Physics Department UAE
2021 Reviewer for the French National Agency of Research (ANR), FR
2021 – Editorial Board, Science Assistant Editor, Memorie della Società Astronomical Italiana, IT
2009 – Peer reviewer for: MNRAS, A&A, ApJ, PASJ.
2023 Aguado (PI), Skuladottir, Salvadori et al. UVES/VLT (10 hours): Unveiling the Chemical
Imprint of Pair-Instability Supernova
2023 Jacobsson (PI), Aguado, Skuladottir, Salvadori et al. FIES/NOT (2 nights): PISN-explorer
hunting the descendants of massive first stars.
2022 Skuladottir (PI), Salvadori et al. VLT/UVES (7.0 hours): C-enhanced metal-poor star in the
Sculptor dSph galaxy
2021 Carniani (PI) et al. including Salvadori, JWST Cycle 1 (21.3 Primary Spacecraft hours):
Galaxy assembly at z > 6: unraveling the origin of the spatial offset between the UV and FIR
2020 Skuladottir (PI), Amarsi, and Salvadori VLT/UVES (6 nights):
Are CEMP stars carbon-enhanced? First stars revisited in light of 3D non-LTE
2018 Tolstoy (PI) et al., (including Salvadori) VLT/FLAMES-XShooter (12 nights): VLT
follow-up of individual RGB stars with Gaia DR2 proper motion in 4 nearby dwarfs
2017 Monelli M. (PI) et al. including Salvadori, HST Cycle 25 General Observer time: Challenge
to dSph formation models: are the most isolated Local Group dSph galaxies truly old?
2016 Skuladottir (PI), Tolstoy, Salvadori, Hill, ESO FLAMES (28 h): The unexplored halo of
the Sculptor dwarf Spheroidal galaxy
2016 François (PI) et al. ESO UVES: First Stars and their chemical fingerprint
2016 Spite (PI), Caffau, Spite, Salvadori, Françoise, ESO X-Shooter 12h: A CEMP star in the
Pisces II dwarf galaxy: pristine CEMP-no or result of an AGB evolution ?
2015 Gallart (PI) et al. Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 23 General Observer time: The lowest
mass galaxies with extended star formation history: a new cosmological challenge
2014 Karman (PI), Diaz, Ryan-Weber, Caputi, Crighton, Salvadori, Ouchi, MUSE, The
origin of intergalactic metal absorption at 4.7<z< 6 with MUSE: 11 systems in one shot
2014 Skùladottìr (PI), Tolstoy, Shetrone, Starkenburg, Salvadori, Hill, Jablonka, VLT/X-
Shooter, A census of C-enhanced metal-poor stars in the Sculptor dSph galaxy
2013 Tolstoy (PI), Hill, Skùladottìr, Starkenburg, Pettini, Salvadori,VLT/UVES 3h, The first
carbon-rich metal-poor star in the Sculptor dSph?
2013 Tolstoy (PI), Hill, Pettini, Salvadori, Skùladottìr, ESO VLT/FLAMES 20h, Connecting
present-day dwarf galaxies and high-redshift DLAs
2012 Salvadori (PI), Tolstoy, Ferrara, VLT/UVES, Missing baryons:searching for hidden gas
in the faintest dwarf galaxy
2011 Tolstoy (PI), Hill, Pettini, Salvadori, Skùladottìr, Lemasle, VLT/FLAMES, Dwarf
Galaxies: Making the Connection to DLAs.
04/2018 Munich Institute for Astro Particles Physics (MIAPP): The Interstellar Medium of high-z
galaxies, Garching, Germany (2 weeks) - declined due to overlapping teaching activity
06/2016 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics: The Cold Universe, S. Barbara, US (4 weeks)
04/2016 MIAPP: Cosmic Reionization, Garching, Germany (2 weeks)
2013-15 Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy (regular visitor, 1 week every 2/3 months)
03/2012 KITP, program: First Galaxies and faint dwarfs , S. Barbara, US (4 weeks)
2011- Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy (associate researcher: regular visitor)
11/2008 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, NL (4 weeks)
07/2006 Institute of Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, Seattle, US (2 weeks)
11/2023 Invited speaker for the “dialogues of Machiavellerie Festival” (Dialoghi del Festival
Machiavellerie). Dialogue: “Le stelle e la solitudine dell’uomo” (The stars and the human
loneliness), Cantina Antinori nel Chianti Classico, San Casciano Val di Pesa.
06/2023 Invited talk for Le Notti d’Estate at the Arcetri Observatory. Topic of the talk given as a
dialogue with Dr. Elena Pancino: “Stellar archaeology: looking for our origins”.
03/2023 Invited seminar for the Italian Astronomical Society of Tuscany. Topic of the talk:
“Stellar archaeology: a journey 13 billion years long”
01/203 Interview for the national tv during the “Tg Leonardo”. Talking about the star SMSS1605-
1443, a truly second-generation object dwelling in a binary system.
10/2022 Invited seminar at the Chianti observatory (online public event).
Topic of the talk: “Cosmic fossils”
09/2022 Invited speaker for the public outreach event BRIGHT “sfide della ricerca”
09/2021 Invited seminar for the public outreach organization “AstronomiAmo”. Topic of the talk
(only in italian) “A caccia di fossili stellari (Hunting the first star fossils)
08/2021 Invited interview on the topic “Le prime stelle” on the public outreach podcast Co.Scienze
05/2021 Co-author of the paper A caccia di galassie nane all’alba dell’Universo for the outreach
book “Il colle di galileo”. Authors: Viola Gelli & Stefania Salvadori
09/2020 Speaker during the summer outreach event “Le notti d’estate (summer nights)” at the
Arcetri Observatory. Topic of the event: The first stars – postponed due to Covid-19
08/2020 Invited lecturer for the “Summer School Heraeus 2020” aimed for high-school students
Topic of the lecture: The formation of the first galaxies
09/2019 Speaker during the public outreach event “Bright - the night of researchers in Tuscany”:
Stellar Archaeology and the formation of the first stars
09/2019 Radio interview (in Italian) at Controradio to talk about Stellar Archaeology and promote
Bright - the night of researchers in Tuscany
06/2018 Invited author of the book, Prime Stelle, for the series Viaggio nell’Universo published
in 2019 by the Italian newspaper, Il corriere della sera
03/2014 Testimonial of the campaign, Leader per la pelle, an Italian initiative to promote
woman leadership (
10/2013 Grants Week Groningen, University of Groningen, Netherlands, How to successfully
apply for a VENI grant ? (invited speaker)
09/2011 Ceremony of the Gratton Prize Award, Frascati, Rome, Italy – Archeologia stellare:
dalle prime stelle alle galassie nane
Italian (native),
English (fluent),
Spanish (very good),
French (good).
First Stars, Galaxy Formation, Cosmology, Metal Enrichment, Reionization, Origin of Chemical Elements.