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Ho conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Filosofia teoretica nel 2013 presso l'Università Sapienza di Roma con una tesi sul problema del pre-categoriale nel primo Husserl (Logica delle forme sensibili. Sul precategoriale nel primo Husserl, Roma 2014) e ho poi svolto attività di ricerca post-doc presso diverse istituzioni italiane (IISF di Napoli, 2012-2013; IISF di Napoli, 2017) e straniere. In particolare, dal 2014 al 2021 ho lavorato in Germania dapprima presso la Freie Universität di Berlino sotto la supervisione della Prof. Dr. Sybille Krämer e del Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, con un progetto di ricerca sulla questione della comunicazione nella fenomenologia di Husserl; in seguito, presso la Technische Universität Dresden, dove ho collaborato con la cattedra di 'Technikphilsophie' (Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernhard Irrgang) su temi di filosofia del digitale; infine, sono stata post-doc fellow presso l'Institute for Cultural Inquiry Berlin con un progetto a cavallo tra fenomenologia e teoria critica del digitale (applicata alla musica). Nel 2017 ho conseguito l'abilitazione scientifica nazionale alle funzioni di docente di seconda fascia in Filosofia teoretica e, nel 2024, ho conseguito l'abiltazione alle funzioni di docente di prima fascia nel medesimo settore.
Personal Details
First Name Federica
Surname Buongiorno
Place of Birth Agnone (Italy)
Date of Birth 07.11.1985
Nationality Italian
Current Position / Qualification
September 1, 2021 – today
Senior Researcher (Ricercatore a tempo determinato)
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, University of Florence (Italy)
Field of Research/Teaching: Theoretical Philosophy, Phenomenology of Technology
Visiting Fellow
Institute for Cultural Inquiry Berlin (Germany)
Research Title: From Linearity to Modularity: A Phenomenological Study on Analog Patterns Within Contemporary Electronic Music Production and Fruition
November 27, 2017 – today
National Scientific Habilitation received as “Professore di II Fascia” (Associate Professor) in Italy - (SSD: M/FIL-01, Filosofia Teoretica – Theoretical Philosophy)
Fields of Research
Phenomenology, Philosophy of Technology, Theory of Knowledge, Feminist Theory
Previous Positions
September 14, 2020 – August 31, 2021
Post-doc Fellow
Fields of Research: Phenomenology, Philosophy of Technology, Music Theory
July 1, 2017 – August 31, 2020
Post-doc Senior Researcher
Institut für Philosophie, Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
Research Title: The Digital Self. An Inquiry into Digital Processes of Subjectivation
Fields of Research: Philosophy of Technology / Phenomenology / Applied Ethics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernhard Irrgang
January 1, 2017 – June 30, 2017
Post-doc Research Fellow
Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples (Italy)
Field of Research: Phenomenology
Research Title: Fenomenologia della comunicazione. A partire da Edmund Husserl
November 30, 2015 – December 31, 2017
Post-doc Visiting Research Fellow
Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
Field of Research: Theoretical Philosophy
Supervisors: Prof. Sybille Krämer, Prof. Christoph Wulf
Research Title: Phänomenologie der Mitteilung. Anthropologie und Kommunikation bei Edmund Husserl
December 1, 2014 – November 30, 2015
Post-doc Research Fellow “Perfezionamento all’estero” Fellowship
nstitut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
August 15, 2014 – December 14, 2014
DAAD Post-doc Research Fellow
Research Title: Phänomenologie der Mitteilung. Wharnehmungsprozesse und Entäuschungsphänomene in Mediensystemen
November 1, 2013 – July 31, 2014
Teaching Assistant (“Cultore della materia”)
Department of Philosophy, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
Field of Research: Phenomenology, Theoretical Philosophy
November 1, 2012 – October 30, 2013
Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici di Napoli (Italy)
Research Title: La ricezione della fenomenologia in Italia dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi
PhD / Education
2009 – 2013
PhD Candidate in Philosophy
Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
PhD in Philosophy earned on June 11, 2013
Dissertation Title: Il precategoriale nel primo Husserl: fonti e problemi
Supervisors: Prof. Francesco S. Trincia, Prof. Mirella Capozzi
2007 – 2009
MA student in Philosophy
MA Degree earned on July 13, 2009
Final grade: 110/110 with honours
Dissertation Title: Intuizione e riflessione nella fenomenologia di Edmund Husserl
Advisors: Prof. Francesco S. Trincia, Prof. Stefania Pietroforte
2004 – 2007
BA student in Philosophy
BA degree earned on July 10, 2007
Dissertation Title: Alcune osservazioni sul rapporto percezione-memoria in Bergson e Husserl
Supervisors: Prof. Francesco S. Trincia, Prof. Stefania Pietroforte
1999 – 2004
High School: Liceo Classico Eugenio Montale, Rome (Italy)
Final grade: 100/100
Awarded Post-doc Fellowships and Scholarships
September 14, 2020 – today
Post-doc Research Fellowship from the Institute for Cultural Inquiry Berlin (Germany)
Funding Body: ICI Berlin
October 01-31, 2017
“ACRI” Post-doc Scholarship – Young Investigator Training Program
Funding Body: “ACRI” Program
Host Institution: Department of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Florence, Italy
July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2020
Post-doc Research Fellowship from the Graduiertenakademie of TU Dresden
Funding Body: Graduiertenakademie of TU Dresden
Post-doc Research Fellowship of Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples (Italy)
Funding Body: IISF (Italy)
Post-doc Fellowship “Perfezionamento all'estero” from Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
Funding Body: Sapienza Università di Roma
Host Institution: Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
Post-doc DAAD Short Term Fellowship
Funding Body: DAAD, Germany
Post-doc Fellowship from “Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici di Napoli”, Naples (Italy)
Funding Body: IISS Napoli (Italy)
Grants and Awards
Conference Award from “PROSCOPE structurant” scientific program
Funding body: French Embassy in Berlin in collaboration with the French Embassy in The Hague
Funding received for the organization of the international conference “Digital Imaginaries of the Self” (TU Dresden, July 8-9, 2019)
Conference Award – Promotion of Self-Organized Conferences
Funding body: Graduiertenakademie – TU Dresden
Funding received for the organization of the international conference “Subjectivity and Digital Culture” (TU Dresden, September 5-7, 2018)
Grant from SdAFF - Scuola di Alta Formazione Filosofica to attend the SdAFF VIII Lecture Series
Istituto Antonio Banfi, Turin (Italy)
Lecturer: Prof. Bernhard Waldenfels
“Viaggio in Sicilia” Award: Special Mention received from “Collegio Siciliano di Filosofia” for the MA Dissertation
Editorial and Scientific Activities
2022 - today
Editorial board member of the journal of philosophy "Philosophy Kitchen" (
2021 – today
Member of the scientific advisory board of the book series “Filosofia contemporanea” (Carabba editore, Lanciano – Italy)
2020 – today
Member of the scientific advisory board of the book series “Comunicazione e culture filosofiche. Ricerche e strumenti” (Florence University Press, Florence – Italy)
2017 - today
Member of the scientific advisory board of the book series “Virtual Light” (Gechi Edizioni, Italy)
2017 – today
Member of the reviewers committee “Philosophy Study” / David Publishing, New York (USA)
2015 – today
Co-founder and Co-ditor in Chief of the philosophical book series “Umweg” / InSchibboleth, Rome (Italy)
Co-Editors in Chief: Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, Prof. Roberto Esposito, Dr. Libera Pisano
Editor of the section “Kulturen” of the Italian Cultural and Philosophical Website “doppiozero”
2013 – today
Co-founder and Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Philosophy “Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age” / Inschibboleth, Rome (Italy)
2011 – today
Editorial board member of the Philosophical Journal „Lo Sguardo“ / Ischibboleth, Rome (Italy)
2005 – 2019
Editorial Board Member of the Philosophical Journal „Filosofia Italiana“ / Aracne editrice, Rome (Italy)
2021 - today
Member of the "Gesellschaft für historische Anthropologie" (FU Berlin, Germany)
2019 – today
Member of SPoT – Society Philosophy of Time
Member of “LaRiFe” (Laboratorio di Ricerche Fenomenologiche)
Università della Calabaria, Italy
Member of the Society for Philosophy and Technology (SPT)
2016 - today
Member of the Research Group “Biopolitics, Ontology and Aesthetics of Media” of the Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf (Germany), affiliated to to the International Research Network “Italian Thought Network” (
2015 - today
Member of the “Società Internazionale di Fenomenologia della Religione”, Rome (Italy)
Member of the “Centro Italiano di Ricerche Fenomenologiche”, Rome (Italy)
Conferences / Workshops (selection):
Seminar Series: “(Dis)embodiment in Religion and Ethics”
Invited Talk: Embodiment e sé digitale
Istituto Bruno Kessler, Trento (Italy)
International Conference: “Intercorporeality in Artifactual Milieux”
Keynote speaker: Inter- or Transcorporeality? The Case of Computer Music
Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
Seminar series: “Keywords. Le parole nuove del diritto”
Invited talk: Digital Self. Corpo e mente nel tempo dell’ubiquitous computing
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)
Seminar of Phenomenology (University of Turin)
Invited Talk: Inconscio e istituzione
Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
National Conference: “Istituire. Politica, filosofia, diritto”
Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)
Talk: Inconscio, istituzione e tecnica tra C.G. Jung e M. Merleau-Ponty
International Conference: “Rethinking Truth. New Frontiers of Hermeneutics”
Discussant of Prof. Dr. Sybille Krämer’s talk Truth, Testimony, and Trust under Digital Conditions
International Conference "Time and Consciousness”
Imperia (Italy)
Invited Talk: The Phenomenology of Time Consciousness in the Age of E-memory
Summer School: “The Phenomenology of Time”
Invited Talk: Time of Consciousness and Consciousness of Time: Bergsonian Aspects in Husserl’s Phenomenology of Time Consciousness
Sympostium on Artistic Research: "Articulations"
Malmö University + Swedish Research Council
Key-note talk: Embodying Codes. Articulating Musical Patterns from Reduced Data
Workshop: "The Case for Reduction"
ICI Berlin (Germany)
Presented Paper: Reduction in Computer Music: Bodies, Temporalities, and Generative Computation
Festival di Filosofia Mimesis
Udine (Italy)
Invited talk (with Roberta Lanfredini): Emergenza e filosofia
Inaugural Lecture: Fenomenologia e tecnologia: quale rapporto?
National Conference: "Secondo Convegno Nazionale SIFIT: Natura e Tecnica"
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Presented Paper: Come siamo diventati postumani? Natura organica e tecnica digitale in una propsettiva fenomenologica
International Conference: "Phenomenology and Digital Knowledge"
Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy)
Presented Papers: Can Algorithms be Embodied? A Phenomenological Perspective on the Relationship between Algorithmic Thinking and the Life-world
Seminar Series: “L’intuizione. Questioni aperte”
Department of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)
Presented Paper: La questione dell’intuizione tra fenomenologia ed esternalismo
Seminar Series: “I metodi della filosofia”
Scuola di Dottorato in Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy)
Presented Paper: Il metodo fenomenologico
Seminar Series: “Rappresentazione, realtà, esperienza”.
Scuola di Dottorato in Filosofia, Università di Roma Tre + Università di Roma Tor Vergata (Italy)
Presented Paper: Pulsione e oggetto: sull’intenzionalità del desiderio in Edmund Husserl
Summer School “Meristema” – Scuola di Filosofia della Natura e della Tecnica
Ischia, Naples (Italy)
Invited Talk: Cyberspazio e ambienti digitali. Localizzare il soggetto negli spazi tecnologico-mediali
International Conference: “Digital Imaginaries of the Self”
Department of Philosophy, TU Dresden (Germany)
Presented Paper: Embodiment, Disembodiment and Re-embodiment in the Construction of the Digital Self
Invited Talk: Husserl: l’invenzione della fenomenologia
Università degli Studi di Salerno, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Filosofiche e della Formazione (Italy)
International Conference: “Subjectivity and Digital Culture”
Department of Philosphy, TU Dresden (Germany)
Presented Paper: Knowledge Through Numbers? Lifelogging as a Digital Technology of the Self
Invited Talk: Il problema della fondazione in Husserl: riflessioni sul rapporto tra fenomenologia, logica e teoria della conoscenza
LARIFE (Laboratorio di Ricerche Fenomenologiche)
Università delle Calabria, Cosenza (Italy)
International Conference: “From the Aesthetic Mind to the Symbolic Mind. Perceptual Dynamics, Mimetic Practices, Human Theatricality”
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence (Italy)
Presented Paper: The Extended Mind as Symbolic Mind: a Phenomenological Critique
International Conference: “Phenomenology as Performative Excercise”
Presented Paper: Extended Selves. Phenomenological Remarks on Digital Processes of Subjectification
Society for Philosophy of Technology (SPT) 20th Biennal Meeting: “The Grammar of Things”
TU Darmstadt (Germany)
Presented Paper: Lifelogging and the Technologies of the Self: Some Phenomenological Remarks on Digital Processes of Subjectification
International Conference: “Lost in Translation? People, Technologies, Practices and Concepts Accross Boundaries”
Instituto de Ciẽncias Sociais de Universidade de Lisboa – Lisbon (Portugal)
Presented Paper: How to Do Things with Reality? Augmented Reality and the Digital Forms of Subjectifications
International Conference: “Phanomenology And Virtuality”
Husserl-Archive Leuven (Belgium)
Presented Paper:A Phenomenological Understanding of Digital Processes of Subjectification: the Example of Lifelogging
10th Annual International Conference on “Global Studies: Business, Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Aspects”
ATINER – Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens (Greece)
Presented Paper: The Digital Self. The Construction of Self and Social Recognition in the Global Digital Sociey
National Conference: “La crisi tra fenomenologia, etica e politica”
Presented Paper: Crisi e nuovo umanesimo per l’Europa. A partire da Thomas Mann e Edmund Husserl
National Conference: “Convegno Nazionale dei Dottorati di Ricerca in Filosofia”
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Presented Paper: Il precategoriale nel primo Husserl: fonti e problemi
Invited Talk: La disputa tra Bergson e Einstein sulla natura del tempo. Una lettura fenomenologica
Conference Series 2011-2012: “La natura del tempo”
Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere “La Colombaria” Florence (Italy)
International Conference: “Etica e vita umana / Ethics and Human Life”
Presented Paper: Il problema della razionalità pratica nella riflessione etica di Edmund Husserl
Organised Conferences / Workshops
(together with Alberica Bazzoni)
International Conference: Performing Embodiment: Practices of Reduction
(together with Alberto Romele and Nicola Liberati)
International Conference: Digital Imaginaries of the Self
TU Dresden, Germany
International Conference: Subjectivity and Digital Culture
(in collaboration with the Editorial Board of the journal “Filosofia Italiana”)
National Conference:La filosofia italiana in questione
Further Work Experiences
Translator from German into Italian („nottetempo edizioni“, „Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura“, “Morcelliana editrice” et al.)
May 2011 – July 2011
3 months stage at „nottetempo” publishing house, Rome (Italy)
Foreign Rights Office
Language Skills / Other Skills
Europa-Zertifikat C1-Level (received in January, 2015)
Grade: 91,5/100
EU C1-Level (certified by Berlin School of English in May, 2016)
FCE (First Certificate English) received in June, 2011 from British Council Rome)
Basic Knowledge (written and oral)
Mother Tongue
Computer Skills:
Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point) – excellent knowledge
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign – very good knowledge
Driving Licence: B (Italy)
Fenomenologia husserliana e post-husserliana; filosofia e fenomenologia della temporalità; filosofia della tecnologia (teoria del digitale, Intelligenza artificiale e algoritmica); teoria della mente e della conoscenza contemporanea (esternalismo, teoria della cognizione estesa, enattivismo ed embodiment); femminismo contemporaneo (teoria cyborg, post-umanesimo, ecofemminismo).
I received my PhD in Theoretical Philosophy in 2013 from Sapienza University of Rome with a dissertation on the pre-categorial thinking in Husserl's early philosophy (Logica delle forme sensibili. Sul precategoriale nel primo Husserl, Roma 2014). I have been a post-doc researcher in Italy at the IISS of Naples (2012-2013) and the IISF of Naples (2017). From 2014 until 2021 I have been active as a post-doc researcher in Germany: I worked at the Freie Universität Berlin under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sybille Krämer and Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, developing a project focused on the problem of communication in Husserl's phenomenology. Afterwards, I was a post-doc fellow at the Technische Universität Dresden, where I collaborated with the Chair of Philosophy of Technology (Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernhard Irrgang) on topics related to the philosophy of the digital; finally, I have been a post-doc fellow at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry Berlin, where I developed a project at the crossoroads between phenomenology and the critical theory of the digital (applied to contemporary electronic music). In 2017 I received the national scientific habilitation as an associate professor in Theoretical Philosophy and in 2024 I received the habilation as a full professor in Theoretical Philosophy.
Husserlian and post-Husserlian phenomenology; Philosophy and phenomenology of time; Philosophy of technology (Theory of the digital, AI, algorithms); Contemporary philosophy of mind and of knowledge (externalism, theory of the extended cognition, enactivism and embodiment); Contemporary Feminism (cyber-feminims, post-human feminism, ecofeminism).