The thesis is on the analysis of questionnaires and infield data of fog water harvesting in Namibe (Angola). For information: contact:
Ruoli attualmente ricoperti:
Ruoli precedentemente ricoperti (principali):
Titoli di studio:
Sono interessato a temi di ricerca interdisciplinari connessi a:
- Implementazione di pratiche sostenibili di gestion dell'acqua e del suolo in agricoltura su larga scala
- Pastoralismo transumante, agro-pastoralismo e gestione sostenibile delle risorse idriche.
- Socio-idrologia (Socio-hydrology) e paradossi legati al sistema uomo-acqua.
- Impatti del cambiamento climatico sull'uso idrico in agricoltura.
- Pratiche bottom-up di adattamento alla siccità.
- Uso dell'acuqa in agricoltura naturale, agricoltura "elementare", permacultura, agroecologia e altre pratiche agricole "alternative".
Luigi is an interdisciplinary researcher with a PhD in sustainability science and resilience thinking. Luigi's expertise span from quantitative spatial analysis and modelling (GIS) and qualitative and participatory methods applied to the fields of sustainable agriculture and natural disasters with a special focus on Africa. Luigi develops methodological approaches to estimate the large-scale potential of scaling sustainable land and water management practices and assess the potential of sustainable farming from the country (e.g. Uganda) to the global scale. Luigi has field experience in Uganda, Angola and Italy, and represented the UN agency UNOSAT at the International conference on Climate Change Adaptation in Tanzania.
Current positions:
Past positions:
I'm interested in interdisciplinary research on the following topics:
- Scaling up sustainable land and water management solutions in agriculture.
- Mobile pastoralism, agropastoralism and sustainable water resources management.
- Socio-hydrology and paradoxes in coupled human-water systems.
- The impact of climate change on agriculture and water use.
- Bottom-up drought mitigation and adaptation strategies.
- Natural agriculture, permaculture, organic mulching-based agriculture, agroecology and other "alternative" agricultural systems.
Thesis available on:
- Data analysis of a large database on sustainable water infrastructures (e.g. sand dams).
- Application of time lapse cameras to detect the effects of drought on small headwater catchments in Tuscany