I prossimi ricevimenti si terranno online e in presenza (studio 211, II piano, via San Gallo, 10): 14/01, ore 14 22/01, ore 14 29/01, ore 14 05/02, ore 12. Si invitano gli interessati a prenotarsi al seguente indirizzo: valeria.galimi@unifi.it
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Valeria Galimi è Professoressa Associata di Storia contemporanea presso il Dipartimento Sagas dell’Università di Firenze.
Dottore di ricerca (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa), è stata post-doc presso l’Institut d’histoire du temps présent e successivamente assegnista di ricerca all’Università di Modena e Siena e all’Università della Tuscia. E’ stata ricercatrice TDA all’Università di Milano e ricercatrice TDB a Firenze.
Ha svolto attività di insegnamento e di ricerca a Sciences Po Paris (2009-2010), l’International Institute for Holocaust Research di Gerusalemme (2010-2011); il Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, Gerusalemme (2013) e l’European University Institute (2014); il Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Washington (2016); il laboratorio SIRICE, Cnrs-Université Sorbonne Paris I-IV) (2017). È stata Visiting Professor presso il Dipartimento di Storia dell’Ecole Normale Supérieure a Parigi (2015); il Dipartimento di Storia dell’Université Paris VIII (2018), l’Université Hauts-de France (2024). Nel 2021 è stata chercheure associée all’Ecole Normale Supérieure di Lione e nel 2022 Directrice d’études associée all’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales di Parigi.
Ha lavorato su molti temi della storia contemporanea europea, in particolare la storia politica e culturale della Francia nel XX secolo, l’antisemitismo e i fascismi in Europa, la storia degli intellettuali durante il periodo fra le due guerre, la seconda guerra mondiale e la Shoah. Sta attualmente lavorando a un volume sulla violenza politica e l’“antisemitismo di strada” nello spazio urbano francese negli anni Trenta.
Al Dipartimento Sagas è Delegata Erasmus per il cds Storia e critica dello spettacolo; fa parte della commissione paritetica docente-studente e del comitato didattico per il cds di Storia e del gruppo di riesame per il cds di Scienze storiche. È membro dell’unità di ricerca MTS (Modern Transcultural Studies); Sempre presso l’Università di Firenze fa parte del comitato scientifico del corso di perfezionamento “Didattica della Shoah”(promosso dal Dipartimento Forlipsi).
È inoltre referente per il Dipartimento per il programma Euniwell (alleanza fondata dalla Commissione europea nell'ambito dei programmi Erasmus+ e Horizon 2020). Partecipa al gruppo di lavoro dell’Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree History in the Public Sphere (Sagas Unifi, Central European University, Budapest-Vienna, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies).
È membro del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato in Studi storici dell’Università di Firenze e Università di Siena.
Per il periodo 2023-2026 fa parte del Direttivo della Sissco (Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea) e dal 2024 è Vicepresidente dell’Istituto storico toscano per la storia della Resistenza e dell’età contemporanea.
È stata redattice delle riviste “Histoire&Société” e “Mestiere di storico”; attualmente fa parte della Direzione della rivista “Società e Storia” e di “Passato e presente”, per la quale è membro del comitato di coordinamento della Comitato editoriale.
Per la lista completa delle sue pubblicazioni: https://www.academia.edu/40755211/2024_Publications_List
Associate Professor of Contemporary History, Sagas Department
2018-2021 Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Contemporary History, Sagas Department
2016-2018 Assistant Professor in Contemporary History, University of Milan
2011-2014 Collaborator at the Instituto storico della Resistenza in Toscana, Florence
2013-2014 Research Fellow, Department of Literary, Historical, Philosophical and Juridical
studies, (Distu). University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy.
2009-2010 Chargée de cours, Sciences Po, Paris
2006-2009 Research Fellow and Lecturer, Department of Social, Political and Cognitive
Sciences (Dispoc). University of Siena, Italy.
2005 Research Fellow and Lecturer, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
2003-2005 Post-doc, Institut d’histoire du temps présent (CNR)
PhD in Modern and Contemporary History
(with honors, 100/100 cum laude)
EQF (or other) level if relevant
Scuola Superiore di Studi universitari e di perfezionamento Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
Doctorante associée all’Institut d’histoire du temps présent, unité Cnrs, Paris
2022 Program Directeurs d’études associés (DEA), Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Ecole des Hautes études en Sciences sociales, Centre de recherches historiques
2021 Chercheure associé, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2018 Visiting Professor, Département d’Histoire, Université de Paris VIII
2017 Research Fellow, Sirice, Identités, relations internationales et civilisations de
l'Europe, Université de Paris Sorbonne-Cnrs
2016 Grant for the research projet Microcosms of the Holocaust, Mandel Center for Advanced Studies on Holocaust, Washington D.C.
2015 Visiting Professor, Département d’Histoire, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
2014 Research Fellow, Department of History and Civilization European University
2013 Fellowship Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of the Antisemitism
Hebrew University, Jerusalem
2011 Fellowship, Fondation pour la mémoire de la Shoah, Paris
2010-2011Fellowship International Institute for Holocaust Research-Yad Vashem, Jerusalem
2009-2010 Fellowship, Ville de Paris “Antisémitisme et xénophobie”, Paris
2008 Fellowship Università della Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy)
1996-1997 Fellowship Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Turin, Italy
2020-2022 Coordinator for the project on the internment camps and detention spaces in Tuscany during WWII funded by the PorFSE 2014-2020 program
2020-2022 Member of team for the project(admitted to University funding on the basis of a competitive call) In your face. A Research Collaboratory and a Pedagogical Handbook Mapping Racial and Sexist Visual Stereotypes.
2014-2015 Curator of the exhibition “Florence at War 1940-1944”, Istituto storico della
Resistenza in Toscana, Florence
Since 2016 Co-Coordinator of the Microcosms of the Holocaust Research Group
Since 2016 Member of Editorial Board, Passato e presente
Since 2016 Member of Editorial Board, Società e storia
2002-2009 Member of Editorial Board, Histoire&Société
2002-2004 Curator of the exhibition “Seven year of Italian history. The Jews in Italy 1938-1945”, Cdec, Vittoriano, Rome.
Temi di ricerca (anche per tesi di laurea)
- storia politica e culturale della Francia nel XX secolo;
- storia dell'antisemitismo in Europa;
- Fascismi europei e circolazioni extraeuropee;
- storia degli intellettuali durante il periodo fra le due guerre;
- storia sociale e culturale della seconda guerra mondiale;
- la Shoah;
- la memoria della Shoah e della guerra;
- Public History: teorie e pratiche.
Valeria Galimi is an Associate Professor in Contemporary History at Sagas Department, University of Florence.
She earned her PhD in History at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa (doctorante associée at the Institut d’histoire du temps present (IHTP)). After a stint as a post-doctoral researcher at the IHTP, she was Assegnista di ricerca (Research Fellow) at the University of Modena and Siena and at the University of Tuscia (Viterbo).
In 2016-2018 she was Research Lecturer (ricercatrice TDA) at the History Department, University of Milan and later accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor at the Sagas Department in Florence.
She has carried out teaching and research activities at Sciences Po Paris (2009-2010), the International Institute for Holocaust Research in Jerusalem (2010-2011), the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, Jerusalem (2013), the European University Institute (2014), the Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Washington (2016), and the SIRICE laboratory, Cnrs-Université Sorbonne Paris I-IV (2017). She was Visiting Professor at the History Department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris (2015), the Department of History of the Université Paris VIII (2018) and the Université Hauts-de France (2024). In 2021 she was Chercheure associée at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon and in 2022, Directrice d'études associée at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales in Paris.
Galimi has research experience in several areas of contemporary history, in particular, the political and cultural history of Contemporary France, the history of antisemitism and fascism in Europe, the history of intellectuals in the interwar period, the Second World War, and the Holocaust. Galimi is currently writing a volume (under contract with Routledge) on political violence and “street antisemitism” in France in the 1930s focused on four cities: Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon and Oran.
At the Sagas Department, she holds positions for teaching organization and student service. She is a member of the Modern Transcultural Studies (MTS)research unit at Sagas. Also, at the University of Florence, she is a member of the scientific committee for the specialization course “Teaching the Holocaust”. She is also the department spokespersonfor the Euniwell program (an alliance founded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programs). Galimi is actively involved in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree “History in the Public Sphere” (Sagas Unifi, Central European University, Budapest-Vienna, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies). Additionally, Galimi is a member of the teaching board of the PhD Program in History of the University of Florence and the University of Siena.
During the period spanning from 2023-2026, she is a member of the Board of Directors of Sissco (Italian Society for the Study of Contemporary History). Additionally, since 2024, she has been Vice President of the Istituto storico per la storia della Resistenza e per l’età contemporanea (Tuscan Historical Institute for the History of the Resistance and the Contemporary Age).
Galimi has served as editor for “Histoire&Société” and “Mestiere di storico”. She is a member of the editorial board for the scientific journal “Società&Storia” and also for “Passato e presente”, where she is co-coordinator of editorial board.
For a complete publications list see https://www.academia.edu/40755211/2024_Publications_List
Research topics
- political and cultural history of Contemporary France;
- the history of antisemitism in Europe;
- Fascisms in Europe and its circulations;
- the history of intellectuals in interwar period;
- the social and cultural history the Second World War;
- Holocaust studies;
- The Memory of Holocaust and WWII;
- Public History: theories and practices.