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Prof. Filippo Cavallo (male) is Associate Professor in Biomedical Robotics at the University of Florence,Department of Industrial Engineering, Florence, Italy. He received the Master Degree in ElectronicsEngineering, Curriculum Bioengineering, from the University of Pisa, Italy, and the Ph.D. degree inBioengineering at the BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy. From 2007 to 2013,he was post doc researcher and, from 2013 to 2019, he was assistant professor and head and scientificresponsible of the Assistive Robotics Lab at the BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, leadinga group of 16 people, among which Ph.D. students, Post doctorate and assistant researchers. Since 2020, heis associate professor with the University of Florence in Biomedical Robotics and Bio-Mechatronics andaffiliate professor at the BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. He was also visiting researcherat the the EndoCAS Center of Excellence, Pisa, Italy working in Computer Assisted Surgery (2005-2007); atthe Takanishi Lab, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan working on wireless sensor network (2007); atTecnalia Recerch Center, Basque Country, Spain working on wearable sensor system for AAL (2012). Theobjectives of his research activities are to promote and evaluate novel service robotics for active and healthyageing, to identify and validate disruptive healthcare paradigms for neurodegenerative and chronic diseases,focusing on prevention and support for physical and cognitive declines, to optimize the management ofworking life for improving efficiency, security and QoL of workers in industrial settings. The main scientificand technological challenges concern social robotics, human robot interaction, wearable sensors, Internet ofThings and artificial intelligence for robot companion and healthcare applications.From 2008 to 2014, he leaded the development of Ambient Assisted Living roadmap and strategic researchagenda within the AALIANCE coordination action and in 2018 he was expert member at the EuropeanEconomic Social Committee for the INT/852 communication on Digital transformation in health and care.He participated in various National and European projects, and he is currently principal investigator of theOlimpia Project about Parkinson disease, Pharaon project on pilots for active and healthy ageing, andscientific responsible of ACCRA, Capsula, Corsa, CloudIA, Si-Robotics, Intride and Metrics projects. He isEditorial Board member of different international journals, member of the scientific committees of severalconferences and author of more than 130 papers on conferences and ISI journals.
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