Il ricevimento si svolge su appuntamento.
Per concordare un appuntamento scrivere a:
per chi ha un debito da 6 CFU: studiare A.Cassese, Diritto internazionale (a cura di M Frulli), edizione 2021
per chi ha un debito da 9 CFU: studiare A.Cassese, Diritto internazionale (a cura di M Frulli), edizione 2021 e P. Pustorino, Lezioni di tutela internazionale dei diritti umani, Bari Cacucci, ultima edizione, SOLO pp.1-86
Micaela Frulli – Nota biografica
Micaela Frulli è professoressa ordinaria di diritto internazionale all’Università degli studi di Firenze.
È membro del Comitato Direttivo della Antonio Cassese Initiative for Justice, Peace and Humanity, membro del Comitato di direzione della Italian Branch dell'International Law Association, membro della Società italiana di diritto internazionale e della European Society of International Law. E' Condirettrice della rivista Questions of International Law e membro del comitato di direzione di The International Spectator
Nel 2010 è stata vincitrice della Borsa di Ricerca Europea Marie Curie ed è stata Fellow presso il Dipartimento di diritto dell’Istituto Universitario Europeo con un progetto di ricerca sulla criminalizzazione degli attacchi contro il patrimonio culturale.
È autrice di numerose pubblicazioni in italiano e in inglese nel campo del diritto internazionale pubblico, dei diritti dell’uomo e del diritto internazionale penale, tra i quali una monografia sul tema Immunità e crimini internazionali e una monografia sul tema Operazioni di mantenimento della pace: continuità di un modello normativo. Tra le pubblicazioni appena uscite: Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention (con Sara de Vido): Info qui
Ha svolto incarichi come esperta per organizzazioni internazionali e organizzazioni non governative e ricoperto gli incarichi di Consulente giuridico per i governi di Senegal e Sierra Leone presso la International Criminal Court Preparatory Commission e per il Governo di Gibuti nella causa contro la Francia presso la Corte internazionale di giustizia dell’Aja. È attualmente membro della commissione nominata dal Ministero della difesa nel 2023 per la stesura di un nuovo manuale di diritto internazionale umanitario per le forze armate italiane.
Ha lavorato in qualità di Esperto (pro bono) per la Procura di Milano in relazione al caso Abu Omar e per i Relatori Speciali dell’ONU contro la tortura e la detenzione arbitraria.
Micaela Frulli
Curriculum Vitae Updated: 20 January 2023
Academic Experience and Fellowships
Present Position: Full Professor of International Law, University of Florence
December 2011 – February 2020: Associate Professor of International Law, University of Florence
1 January-31 December 2010: Marie Curie Fellow, Law Department, European University Institute, Research project: “International criminal law as a catalyst for the protection of religious and cultural rights”
October 2009 – June 2015 Adjunct Professor of International Organizations and Human Rights Law, Istituto Superiore di Scienze Militari Aeronautiche (ISMA), Italian Ministry of Defence, Air Force (Master’s Degree in Strategic Leadership)
November 2002-December 2011 Assistant Professor and Lecturer of International Law, University of Florence
Between 2003 and 2005: Part-Time Research Assistant,Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI, Project: “European Training in Higher International Criminal Sciences” (ETHICS), directed by Prof. Antonio Cassese (Research and High-Profile Training Programme).
September 2001-August 2002 Jean Monnet Fellow, Law Department,European University Institute, Research Project: “The Immunity of State Officials suspected of international crimes”.
September 2000-August 2001 Post-doctoral Researcher in International Law, Faculty of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence. Research Project: “Assessing the relative gravity of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity”.
2000-present as Associate, Assistant or Adjunct Professor: Teaching courses in Italian and in English at BA, MA and PhD Level in Public International Law (basic and advanced course); Law of International Organizations; International Human Rights Law; International Criminal Law; International Economic Law
Supervision of BA, MA and Ph.D. thesis (including Doctor Europaeus degrees)
Since 2015 Hosting and tutoring EUI PhD Researchers and Fellows as guest Lecturers in Courses and Seminars in English
Administration and Management
Since 2021: Member and Vice-President of the University of Florence Code of Ethics Commission
2016-2021: Vice-Dean of the Undergraduate Degree of Studies in Political Sciences (University of Florence)
Since 2016, Member of the Executive Board of the Undergraduate Degree of Studies in Political Sciences and of the Working group for the reform of the Degree of Studies
Since 2013, Member of the International Relations Committee of the Law Department, University of Florence (organizing visiting fellowships, international conferences, students/professors exchanges with foreign universities)
Since 2012, Member of the Board of Professors of the Postgraduate Courseon Parliamentary studies(organizing and being part of the selection committee, teaching, supervising research papers)
Since 2011, Member of the Board of Professors of the PhD programme in Law of the University of Florence and since 2015 Coordinator of the International and European Law Section
Education and Training
1996: Diploma del Seminario Studi e Ricerche parlamentari “Silvano Tosi”, Post-graduate Course on Public Law (including International and European Law) funded by the Italian Parliament(6-months scholarship, only 25 selected applicants through a national competition)
September 2000, Training Course for Human Rights Field Officers, University of Essex, Colchester, Essex, UK (with scholarship)
July 1998, Training Course for the Civilian Personnel of Humanitarian/Peace-keeping Operations and Electoral Monitoring Missions, International Training Program for Conflict Management, Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
February-March 1998, Arusha School on International Criminal Law, Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, held at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Arusha, Tanzania (with scholarship)
September 1997, Scuola Napoletana dei diritti dei popoli (School on the rights of peoples), Lelio BassoInternational Foundation (with scholarship)
June-July 1996, Academy of European Law (VIII Session), European University Institute
Research Grants and Additional Academic/Research Experience
May 2022, grant from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze for the organization of the
XXVI Annual Conference of the Italian Society of International Law devoted to protection of the
interests of future generations in International Law
Since 2021, Member of the Réseau Etude des Mouvements des Ordres Juridiques International
et Européen (EMOJIE): 22 European and Canadian Universities
March 2019, PRIN 2017, grant from the Italian research Ministry on ‘International legal obligations
related to Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery from CBRN events and status of their implementation in Italy’, scientific coordinator of the University of Florence Research Unit
December 2017,awarded an individual research grant, (FAARB program/Finanziamento attività di ricerca di base, Italian Ministry of University, only 25% of applicants were awarded a Research grant)
Since April 2017, member of a study unit on the legal challenges posed by armed drones (European Center for Constitutional Rights, Berlin, Prof. Chantal Meloni)
Since 2017, Coordinator and member of the Interest Group “Cinema e diritto internazionale” and Member of the Interest Groups: 1) Rapporti tra diritto internazionale e diritto interno and 2) Diritto del contenzioso internazionale and 3) Diritto dei confliti armati e diritto internazionale, Italian Society of International Law
Since 2016, Director of University of Florence Research Unit, ‘The Duty of care of International Organizations towards their Civilian Personnel’, Joint Research Project Università di Firenze, Università di Torino, Scuola Superiore di Studi Sant’Anna
Since 2016, Member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Gender issues and the Elimination of Violence against Women, University of Florence
2014-2019, Member of the International Law Association Study group “The Role of the Individual in International Law”, International Law Association Study group (Chairs Chimène Keitner, Lorna McGregor)
2011-2014, Member of the Research Project “Language as a key element for social and political integration”. PRIN - Progetti di ricerca di interesse nazionale (Grant by the Italian Ministry of University)
Since 2011: Scientific Coordinator of the Antonio Cassese Annual Seminar held at the University of Florence (Jointly organized, in 2016, with the EUI, Prof. Nehal Bhuta and the AEL)
2009-2011: Scientific coordinator and Member of the research unit of the University of Florence, Research Project: “War crimes and the conduct of hostilities”. PRIN - Progetti di ricerca di interesse nazionale. (Grant by the Italian Ministry of University and by Fondazione Cariplo)
2009-2011: Member of the Priv-War, Regulating Privatisation of war, Research project (EU Funded-Project, Working in the EUI research Unit under the direction of Prof. Francesco Francioni)
2004-2007 Member of the Research Project “Immunity and international crimes” (Scientific coordinator: Prof. Antonio Cassese) PRIN - Progetti di ricerca di interesse nazionale (Grant by the Italian Ministry of University)
2002-2004, “La giurisprudenza italiana in materia di crimini di guerra” (Italian Case-law on War Crimes), Grant by the Fondazione Marchi (Scientific coordinator: Prof. Antonio Cassese)
International Law Association (Member and member of the Board of the Italian branch)
Italian Society of International law (Vice-President of the Society for the year 2021-22)
European Society of International law
Antonio Cassese Initiative for Justice, Peace and Humanity (Member of the Steering Committee)
EUI Alumni Association
“Cesare Alfieri” Alumni Association
“Silvano Tosi” Alumni Association
Since 2022: Member of the Scientific Board of the Series “Diritto internazionale e dell'Unione europea”, Wolters Kluwer
Since 2015: Selected as Evaluator for EU projects and inserted in the Roster of Experts
Since 2014: Reviewer for Italian Ministry of University and Education, Inserted in the Roster of Experts for VQR (Valutazione qualità ricerca scientifica)
Since 2013: Member of the Scientific Board and since 2019 Co-managing Director of Questions of International Law open access here
Since 2012: Member of the Scientific Board of the Series “La ricerca del diritto nella comunità internazionale” (Monograph Series), Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, here
Since 2010: Reviewer for international law journals and Publishers
2003-2008: Member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of International Criminal Justice (OxfordUniversityPress)
Further Professional Experience and Public Engagement
Ø Consultancy and Advisory Activities 2021 Consultant for the Roadmap on strengthening cooperation efforts in international criminal justice (The International Nuremberg Principles Academy) 2017-18 Pro Bono Consultant for the Rome Military Court of Appeals, General Prosecutor Marco De Paolis (Enrica Lexie case) 2014. Pro Bono Consultant for the UN Special Representative on Torture, Juan Mendez and the Un Special Representative Arbitrary Detention, Mads Andenaes (Belhadj v. UK Claim HQ12X02603 before the High Court of Justice, UK)
1999-2000: Legal Advisor for the Government of Sierra Leone (No Peace Without Justice Judicial Assistance Program) for the negotiations of the Elements of Crimes and on the Rules of Procedure and Evidence to be appended to the ICC Statute (International Criminal Court Preparatory Commission), UN headquarters, New York
Project Designer and Manager of the Educational Project ‘Evoluzioni razziali’ aimed at contrasting racism and xenophobia (connected to the theatre play by Stefano Massini), Fondazione Toscana Teatro
Educational Activities for Secondary Schools (Contact person of the University of Florence for the project sponsored by the Regional Government of Tuscany project: A Scuola con la Costituzione)
Human rights education activities and public events for the Robert Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights (Human rights courses for School teachers (Train the trainers); Human Rights course for selected group of university students; and public conferences on human rights)
Human rights education activities in cooperation with Amnesty-International Italia and Oxfam Italia (in University Courses and Schools)
Human rights and international law education activities and public events for the Forum on the Problems of Peace and war (Human rights courses for School teachers, including a Summer School on Holocaust studies; International law and Human Rights courses for selected groups of university students; public conferences on international law issues)
Project Designer and Manager for the Educational Project ‘Non c’è futuro senza memoria’ aimed at contrasting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in Secondary Schools (connected to the theatre play “BENT” by Martin Sherman), requested by Secondary Schools all over the Italian territory
Acting as Judge in the National Rounds of Jessup International Moot Court competition
ITALIAN: Native speaker ENGLISH: Fluent (C2)
FRENCH: Good (B2) SPANISH: Working knowledge (A2)
Selected Publications
Authored Books
Le operazioni di peacekeeping dell’ONU: continuità di un modello normativo, Editoriale scientifica, 2012
Immunità e crimini internazionali. L’esercizio della giurisdizione civile e penale nei confronti degli organi statali sospettati di crimini internazionali, Giappichelli, 2007
Edited and (Co-)Edited Books
The Istanbul Convention on Violence against Women. A Commentary (Editor with Sara De Vido), Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming in 2023
L’interesse delle future generazioni nel diritto internazionale e dell’Unione europea (editor), Editoriale scientifica, Napoli, 2023
International Law and Chemical, Biological, Radio-Nuclear (CBRN) Events.Towards an All-Hazards Approach(Editor with Andrea de Guttry, Federico Casolari and Ludovica Poli), BRILL 2022, open access here
Il diritto internazionale in Italia (by Antonio Cassese), Il Mulino, 2022 (unpublished manuscript found in EU Historical archives, Curator and Editor)
Diritto internazionale (by Antonio Cassese), Fourth Revised Edition, Il Mulino, 2021 (Curator and Editor)
The duty of care of International Organizations towards their Civilian Personnel, (Editor with Andrea de Guttry e Edoardo Greppi), T.M.C Asser Press, 2018
Diritto internazionale (by Antonio Cassese), Third Revised Edition, Il Mulino, 2017 (Curator and Editor)
War Crimes and the Conduct of Hostilities. Challenges to Definition, Investigation and Adjudication, (Editor with Fausto Pocar and Marco Pedrazzi), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013
Immunità costituzionali e crimini internazionali, (Editor with Prof. Aldo Bardusco, Judge Marta Cartabia and Prof. Giulio Vigevani), Giuffré, 2008
Essays and Articles in Journals and Book Chapters
“The Challenge of Outlining CBRN Definitional Framework”, in InternationalLaw and Chemical, Biological, Radio-Nuclear (CBRN) Events. Towards an All-Hazards Approach (edited with Andrea de Guttry, Federico Casolari and Ludovica Poli), BRILL 2022, 3-14
“Il ruolo del Consiglio di sicurezza: un bilancio tra aspettative e realtà”, in Comunità internazionale, Quaderno 22, 2021, 43-56
“The Promise of International Criminal Justice: Achievements and Failures in Protecting Human Dignity” in: Andrea Gattini, Rosana Garciandia, Philippa Webb(eds.), Human Dignity and International Law, BRILL, 2020, 52-70
“International Criminal Law and the Protection of Cultural Heritage”, in Francesco Francioni, Ana F Vrdoljiak (eds), The Oxford Handbook of International Cultural Heritage Law, OUP, 2020, 100-120
“Le Nazioni Unite e la codificazione del diritto internazionale penale”, in Salerno, Forlati, Annoni (eds), La codificazione nell’ordinamento internazionale e dell’Unione Europea, Editoriale scientifica, 2019, 111-141
“Diritto internazionale penale”, in Diritto on-line, Enciclopedia Giuridica Treccani, 2019, open access here
“The Draft Articles on Crimes against humanity and Immunities of State officials”, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2018, 775-793
“On the existence of a customary rule Granting Functional Immunity to State Officials and Its Exceptions: Back to Square One”, in Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, 2016, 587-594, open access here
“Time Will Tell Who Just Fell and Who’s Been Left Behind’: On the Clash between the International Court of Justice and the Italian Constitutional Court” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2016, 587-594
“Antonio Cassese and Srebrenica” (withLuisaVierucci) in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2016, 906-913
“The Contribution of International Criminal Tribunals to the Development of International Law: The Prominence of opinio juris and the Moralization of Customary Law” in The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2015, 80-93
“Piercing the Veil of Head-of-State Immunity: The Taylor Trial and Beyond”, in Charles C. Jalloh (ed.) The Special Court for
Sierra Leone and its Legacy, CUP, 2014, 325-339
“Nino Cassese and the Early Stages in the Fight against Enforced Disappearances” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2014, 805-808
“Fact-Finding or Paving the Road to Criminal Justice?Some Reflections on United Nations Commissions of Inquiry” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2012, 1323-1338
“Immunity versus Accountability for Private Military and Security Companies and their Employees: Legal Hurdles or Political Snags?” in Francesco Francioni, Natalino Ronzitti (eds.), War by Contract. Human Rights, Humanitarian law and Private Contractors, OUP, 2011, 448-469
“The Times they are A-Changing’ - the Italian Court of Cassation Denies Germany Immunity from Execution to Allow Compensation to War Crimes’ Victims” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2011, 1129-1142
“The Criminalization of Offences against Cultural heritage: The Quest for Consistency” in European Journal of International Law, 2011, 203-217
“Exploring the Applicability of Command Responsibility to Private Military Contractors” in Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 2010, 435-466
Finding a Proper Role for the Civilian Use Model”, Responding to Lea Brilmayer & Geoffrey Chepiga, “Ownership or Use? Civilian Property Interests in International Humanitarian Law”, in Harvard International Law Journal Online, vol. 46, 30 April 2009, open access here
“Advancing International Criminal Law: The Special Court for Sierra Leone Recognizes Forced Marriage as a ‘new’ crime against humanity” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2008, 1033-1042
“Un passo avanti e due indietro: responsabilità individuale e responsabilità statale nella sentenza della Corte internazionale di giustizia nel caso Bosnia-Erzegovina c. Serbia”, in Diritto internazionale e diritti umani, 2007, 579-593
“A Turning Point in International Efforts to Apprehend War Criminals: The UN Mandates Taylor`s Arrest in Liberia” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2006, 351-361
“Advancing the protection of cultural property through the implementation of individual criminal responsibility: The case-law of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia”, in Italian Yearbook of International Law, 2005, 195-216
“The Question of Charles Taylor’s Immunity: Still in Search of a Balanced Application of Personal Immunities?” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2004, 1118-1129
“Il ruolo (cessato) dell’Unione dell'Europa Occidentale alla luce della Carta delle Nazioni Unite” in Flavia Lattanzi, Marina Spinedi (eds.), Le Organizzazioniregionali e il mantenimento della pace nella prassi di fine XX secolo, Editoriale Scientifica, 2004, 343-376
“When are States Liable towards Individuals for Serious Violations of Humanitarian Law? The Marković Case” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2003, 406-427
“Jurisdiction ratione personae”, in Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta, John Jones (eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. A Commentary, OUP, vol. I, 2002, 527-541
“Le droit international et les obstacles à la mise en oeuvre de la responsabilité pénale pour crimes internationaux”, in Antonio Cassese, Mireille Delmas-Marty (eds.), Crimes internationaux et juridictions internationales, PUF, 2002, 215-253
“The ICJ Judgement on the Belgium v. Congo Case (14 February 2002): a Cautious Stand on Immunity from Prosecution for International Crimes” in German Law Journal, 2002, open access here
“Are Crimes against Humanity More Serious than War Crimes?” in European Journal of International Law, 2001, 329-350
“Is there Still a Chance of Revitalizing the UN Security Council?” in German Law Journal, vol. 2, 2001, open access here
“The Special Court for Sierra Leone: Some Preliminary Comments” in European Journal of International Law, 2000, 857-869
“Le Nazioni Unite e le attività di assistenza elettorale” in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2000, 582-593
"La risoluzione 1101 del Consiglio di sicurezza relativa alla situazione albanese: ancora un’evoluzione nella prassi del Consiglio?” in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 1997, 786-791
Editorship/Curatorship and Introduction of Symposia and Book reviews
Symposium on “The Tyranny of Living in the Public Eye: How do Courts Portray Themselves and Behave in the Digital Arena?”, Editorship and introduction, Questions of International law, 2022, open access here
Symposium on “The Shadow Pandemic: Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 on Women’s rights”, Editorship and introduction, Questions of International law, 2021, open access here
Symposium on “The Women Peace and Security agenda of the UN Security Council turns twenty: A tale of changing fortunes”, Editorship and introduction, Questions of International law, 2020, open access here
Symposium on “Testing the Legitimacy, Consistency and Credibility of the international Criminal Court”, Editorship and introduction with B.Bonafé, Questions of International law, 2020, open access here
Symposium on “The Multi-faceted character of the Political Question Doctrine in Recent Practice: A One-Size-fits-all tool?”, Editorship and introduction, Questions of International law, 2020, open access here
Symposium on “May Third States Directly/or Indirectly Intervene in the Syrian Armed Conflict?, Editorship and introduction with M. Roscini and C.Vitucci, Questions of International law, 2018, open access here
Symposium on “The advent of the Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals and the future of (ad hoc) international criminal justice: Questions of legality, efficiency, and fairness”, Editorship and introduction with M.Arcari, in Questions of International Law, 2017, open access here
Symposium on “What is the legal relationship between the International Criminal Court and non-state entities? Beyond the case of Palestine”, Editorship and introduction with E.Cimiotta, in Questions of International Law, 2015, open access here
Symposium on “For all or for some? Functional immunity of State officials be-fore the International Law Commission”, Editorship and introduction with B.Bonafé and P.Palchetti, in Questions of International Law, 2015, open access here
Symposium on “Is the concept of aiding and abetting international crimes leading to the ‘fragmentation’ of International Criminal Law?” Editorship and introduction with E.Cimiotta, in Questions of International Law, 2014, open access here
Symposium on “Unilateral withdrawal from treaties with the intent to avoid supervisory mechanisms: is it in keeping with the principle of good faith?” Editorship and introduction with B.Bonafé, in Questions of International Law, 2014, open access here
“Symposiumon the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Judgment in the Germany v. Italy case on the jurisdictional immunities of the state” (Editor) and “Foreword to the Symposium” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2013, 121-124
Book Review: “Francesca Capone, Reparations for Child Victims of Armed Conflict, State of the Field and Current Challenges”, in International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Published online: 23 November 2017
Book Review: “O. Engdahl, Protection of Personnel in Peace Operations: The Role of the Safety Convention against the Background of General International Law” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2007, 1031-1035
diritti umani
diritto internazionale penale
protezione del patrimonio culturale
Violenza di genere
Diritto del cambiamento climatico
Micaela Frulli - Biographical note
Micaela Frulli is Professor of International Law at the University of Florence.
She is a member of the Steering Committee of the Antonio Cassese Initiative for Justice, Peace and Humanity, a member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Branch of the International Law Association, and a member of the Italian Society of International Law and the European Society of International Law. She is co-editor of the journal Questions of International Law and member of the editorial board of The International Spectator.
In 2010 she was awarded a Marie Curie European Research Fellowship and was a Fellow at the Department of Law of the European University Institute with a research project on the criminalisation of attacks against cultural heritage.
She is the author of numerous publications in Italian and English in the fields of public international law, human rights and international criminal law, including a monograph on Immunity and International Crimes and a monograph on Peacekeeping Operations: Continuity of a Normative Model. Recent publications include: Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. A Commentary on the Istanbul Convention (with Sara de Vido).
She has held positions as an expert for international organisations and non-governmental organisations and served as Legal Advisor for the Governments of Senegal and Sierra Leone at the International Criminal Court Preparatory Commission and for the Government of Djibouti in its case against France at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. He is currently a member of the commission appointed by the Ministry of Defence in 2023 to draft a new manual of international humanitarian law for the Italian armed forces.
She worked as an Expert (pro bono) for the Milan Prosecutor's Office in relation to the Abu Omar case and for the UN Special Rapporteurs against Torture and Arbitrary Detention.
Micaela Frulli - Curriculum Vitae
Updated: 30 June 2018
December 2011 – present: Tenured Associate Professor of International Law, School of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri”/Law Department, University of Florence (Habilitation as Full Professor obtained in 2014, first round of Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, unanimous vote and excellent reports by the Commission)
October 2009 – June 2015 Contract Professor of International Organizations and Human Rights Law, Istituto Superiore di Scienze Militari Aeronautiche (ISMA), Italian Ministry of Defence (Master’s Degree in Strategic Leadership in cooperation with the University of Florence)
November 2002-December 2011 Tenured Assistant Professor and Lecturer of International Law, Faculty of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence
Between 2003 and 2005: Part-Time Research Assistant,Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Project: “European Training in Higher International Criminal Sciences” (ETHICS), directed by Prof. Antonio Cassese (Research and High Profile Training Programme).
November 2001-October 2002 Jean Monnet Fellow, Law Department,European University Institute, Research Project: “The Immunity of State Officials suspected of international crimes”.
November 2000-October 2001 Contract-Researcher in International Law, Faculty of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence. Research Project: “Assessing the relative gravity of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity”.
2000-present as Associate, Assistant or Contract Professor
Teaching courses in Italian and in English at BA, MA and PhD Level:
Public International Law (basic and advanced course); Law of International Organizations; International Human Rights Law; Advanced International Law; International Economic Law
Since 2015Hosting and tutoring EUI PhD Researchers and Fellows as guest Lecturers in the course of Current Challenges to International law
Administrative tasks
Since 2016: Vice-Dean of the Undergraduate Degree of Studies in Political Sciences (University of Florence)
(Organizing tutorship, welcome and guidance activities for students, drafting proposals for the reform of the study programme, drafting reports on the evaluation of quality)
Since 2013, Coordinator of the Scientific area of Public international Law (SSD IUS/13), University of Florence (deciding on the assignment of teaching activities, coordinating the work of international law colleagues belonging to different departments)
Since 2012, Member of the Board of Professors of the Postgraduate Course on Parliamentary studies(organizing and being part of the selection committee, teaching, supervising research papers)
Since 2011, Member of the Board of Professors of the PhD programme in Law of the University of Florence, since 2015 Coordinator of the International and European Law Section (being part and organizing selection committees and juries, teaching and organizing teaching and scientific activities including an annual interdisciplinary workshop, coordinating events and publications)
2000, PhD in INtwernational Law , University Federico II of Naples. PhD Thesis on: “The Evolution of the Legal Framework of United Nations’ Peacekeeping Operations” (3-years scholarship)
1995 Degree in Political Sciences (MA Equivalent), Faculty of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence. Thesis in International Law on: “The United Nations Security Council and the Use of Force” (Grade: 110/110 cum laude) and compliments of the Jury.
Additional Academic and Research Experience
December 2017, awarded an individual research grant, (FAARB program/Finanziamento attività di ricerca di base, Italian Ministry of University, only 25% of applicants were awarded a Research grant)
Since 2017, Member of the Interest Groups: 1) Rapporti tra diritto internazionale e diritto interno and 2) Diritto del contenzioso internazionale, Italian Society of International Law
Since 2016, Direction of the Strategic Project – Università degli studi di Firenze, “Riconoscere e promuovere l’impresa sociale come volano dell’occupazione e dell’inclusione sociale.” (Corporate social responsibility and Human Rights), Heading a Research team including a Post-doctoral Fellow and 2 Researchers (Grant from the University of Florence)
Since 2016, Direction of University of Florence Research Unit, “The Duty of care of International Organizations towards their Civilian Personnel”, Joint Research Project Università di Firenze, Università di Torino, Scuola Superiore di Studi Sant’Anna
Since 2014, Member of the International Law Association Study group “Individual Responsibility in International Law”, International Law Association Study group (Chairs Chimène Keitner, Lorna McGregor)
2009-2011: Member Scientific coordinator of the research unit of the University of Florence, Research Project: “War crimes and the conduct of hostilities”. PRIN - Progetti di ricerca di interesse nazionale. (Grant by the Italian Ministry of University and by Fondazione Cariplo)
2015: Selected as Evaluator for EU projects and inserted in the Roster of Experts
2014: Reviewer for Italian Ministry of University and Education, Inserted in the Roster of Experts for VQR (Valutazione qualità ricerca scientifica)
Since 2013: Member of the Scientific Board of Questions of International Law
Available at
Since 2012: Member of the Scientific Board of the Series “La ricerca del diritto nella comunità internazionale” (Monograph Series), Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli,
Since 2010: Reviewer for international law journals and reviews
International Law Association
Italian Society of International law
Antonio Cassese Initiative for Justice, Peace and Humanity
Presentations at National and International Conferences (Selection)
Consultancy and Advisory Activities 2014. Pro Bono Consultant for the UN Special Representative on Torture, Juan Mendez and the UN Special Representative Arbitrary Detention, Mads Andenaes (Belhadj v. UK Claim HQ12X02603 before the High Court of Justice, UK)
Consultant for the Milano Tribunal Head Prosecutor Armando Spataro (Abu Omar case on extraordinary renditions, human rights violations, immunity of foreign officials)
Consultant for the Government of Djibouti in the case Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djbouti v. France)before the International Court of Justice
OSCE Electoral Supervisor, Bosnia-Erzegovina e Albania
Human rights education activities in cooperation with Amnesty-International Italia (in University Courses and Schools)
Human rights and International law education activities and public events for the Forum on the Problems of Peace and war (Human rights courses for School teachers, including a Summer School on Holocaust studies; International law and Human Rights courses for selected groups of university students; public conferences on international law issues)
Project Creator and Responsible for the Educational Proposal “Non c’è futuro senza memoria” aimed at contrasting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in Secondary Schools (connected to the theatre play “BENT” by Martin Sherman), requested by Secondary Schools all over the Italian territory
ITALIAN: Native speaker ENGLISH: Fluent
FRENCH: Good SPANISH: Working knowledge
Le operazioni di peacekeeping dell’ONU: continuità di un modello normativo, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2012
Immunità e crimini internazionali. L’esercizio della giurisdizione civile e penale nei confronti degli organi statali sospettati di crimini internazionali, Torino, Giappichelli, 2007
(Book reviews on the European Journal of International Law and on the Journal of International Criminal Justice)
The duty of care of International Organizations towards their Civilian Personnel, (editor with Andrea de Guttry and Edoardo Greppi), T,M,C Asser Press, 2018
Third Revised Edition, Diritto internazionale (by Antonio Cassese), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017 (editor)
War Crimes and the Conduct of Hostilities. Challenges to Definition, Investigation and Adjudication, (editor with Judge Fausto Pocar and Prof. Marco Pedrazzi), Cheltenam, Elgar Publishers, 2013
Immunità costituzionali e crimini internazionali, (editor with Prof. Aldo Bardusco, Judge Marta Cartabia and Prof. Giulio Vigevani), Milano, Giuffré, 2008
“International Criminal law and the Protection of Cultural Heritage: A Multifaceted Challenge”, in F.Francioni, A.Vrdoljak (eds.), Oxford Handbook on Cultural heritage, OUP; forthcoming 2018
“The Draft Articles on Crimes against Humanity and Immunities of State Officials: Unfinished Business?” forthcoming 2018, on a Special Issue of the Journal of International Criminal Justice edited by C.Kress and S.Garibian
“Diritto internazionale penale”, in Diritto on-line, Enciclopedia Giuridica Treccani, forthcoming 2018
“On the existence of a customary rule Granting Functional Immunity to State Officials and Its Exceptions: Back to Square One”, in Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law, 2016, pp.587-594
Available at
“Time Will Tell Who Just Fell and Who’s Been Left Behind’: On the Clash between the International Court of Justice and the Italian Constitutional Court” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2016, pp. 587-594
“The Contribution of International Criminal Tribunals to the Development of International Law: The Prominence of opinio juris and the Moralization of Customary Law” in The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2015, pp.80-93
“Piercing the Veil of Head-of-State Immunity: The Taylor Trial and Beyond” in C. Jalloh (ed.) The Special Court for Sierra Leone and its legacy, Cambridge, CUP, 2014, pp. 325-339 “Jones V. UK: On Analogies and Inconsistencies in the Application of Immunity Rules”, EJILTalk!, Blog of the European Journal of International Law, 1 January 2014Availableat
“UN Fact-finding Commissions and the Prosecution of War Crimes: An Evolution towards Justice-Oriented Missions?” in Pocar, Pedrazzi, Frulli (eds.), War Crimes and the Conduct of Hostilities. Challenges to Definition, Investigation and Adjudication, Cheltenam, Elgar Publishers, 2013, pp. 331-348
“Immunità (” in Diritto on-line, Enciclopedia Giuridica Treccani, 2013. Available at
“Fact-Finding or Paving the Road to Criminal Justice?Some Reflections on United Nations Commissions of Inquiry” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2012, pp. 1323-1338
“Immunity versus Accountability for Private Military and Security Companies and their Employees: Legal Hurdles or Political Snags?” in F.Francioni, N.Ronzitti (eds.), War by Contract. Human Rights, Humanitarian law and Private Contractors, Oxford, OUP, 2011, pp.448-469
“The Times they are A-Changing’ - the Italian Court of Cassation Denies Germany Immunity from Execution to Allow Compensation to War Crimes’ Victims” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2011, pp. 1129-1142
“The Criminalization of Offences against Cultural heritage: The Quest for Consistency” in European Journal of International Law, 2011, pp. 203-217
“Exploring the Applicability of Command Responsibility to Private Military Contractors” in Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 2010, pp. 435-466
“La Spagna modifica le norme relative alla giurisdizione universale: le ragioni di una riforma annunciata” in Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2010, pp.120-128
“Some Reflections on the Functional Immunity of State Officials” in Italian Yearbook of International Law, 2009, pp. 91-100
“Immunity versus Accountability for Private Military and Security Companies and their Employees: Legal Hurdles or Political Snags?”, Academy of European Law Working Paper, Priv-War Project, AEL/2009/24
Available at
“Finding a Proper Role for the Civilian Use Model”, Responding to Lea Brilmayer & Geoffrey Chepiga, “Ownership or Use? Civilian Property Interests in International Humanitarian Law”, in Harvard International Law Journal Online, vol. 46, 30 April 2009
“Cooperation of States” in A. Klip, G. Sluiter (eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Antwerp/Oxford, Intersentia, vol. XXIV, 2009, pp. 319-325
“Amnesty”; “Fidel Castro Trial (Spain)”; “Immunities of Persons from Jurisdiction”; and “Privileges and Immunities of International Personnel”, entries for A. Cassese et al. (eds.), Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press, 2009
“La ‘derogabilità’ della norma sull’immunità degli Stati dalla giurisdizione in caso di crimini internazionali: la decisione della Corte di cassazione sulla strage di Civitella della Chiana”, in Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, vol. 3, n. 2, 2009, pp. 442-448
“Provisional Release” in A. Klip, G. Sluiter (eds.), Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Antwerp/Oxford, Intersentia, XIX, vol., 2008
“Sull’immunità dalla giurisdizione straniera degli organi statali sospettati di crimini internazionali”, in Bardusco, Cartabia, Frulli, Vigevani (eds.), Immunità costituzionali e crimini internazionali, Milano, Giuffré, 2008, pp.3-60
“Advancing International Criminal Law: The Special Court for Sierra Leone Recognizes Forced Marriage as a ‘new’ crime against humanity” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2008, pp. 1033-1042
“Distruzione dei beni culturali e crimine di genocidio: l’evoluzione della giurisprudenza del Tribunale penale internazionale per la ex-Jugoslavia”, in P. Benvenuti, R. Sapienza, La tutela internazionale dei beni culturali nei conflitti armati, Milano 2007, pp. 253-274
“Un passo avanti e due indietro: responsabilità individuale e responsabilità statale nella sentenza della Corte internazionale di giustizia nel caso Bosnia-Erzegovina c. Serbia”, in Diritto internazionale e diritti umani, vol. 1, n. 3, 2007, pp. 579-593
“A Turning Point in International Efforts to Apprehend War Criminals: The UN Mandates Taylor`s Arrest in Liberia” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2006, pp. 351-361
“Advancing the protection of cultural property through the implementation of individual criminal responsibility: The case-law of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia”, in Italian Yearbook of International Law, 2005, pp. 195-216
“The Question of Charles Taylor’s Immunity: Still in Search of a Balanced Application of Personal Immunities?” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2004, pp. 1118-1129
“Il ruolo (cessato) dell’Unione dell'Europa Occidentale alla luce della Carta delle Nazioni Unite” in F. Lattanzi, M. Spinedi (eds.), Le Organizzazioni regionali e il mantenimento della pace nella prassi di fine XX secolo, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2004, pp.343-376
“Il rigetto delle credenziali di governi non democratici da parte dell’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite: uno strumento di tutela della democrazia” in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2004 (special issue)
“Le organizzazioni internazionali e la soluzione dei conflitti nell’area mediterranea” in R. Ragionieri e O. Schmidt di Friedberg (eds.), Culture e Conflitti nel Mediterraneo, Trieste, Asterios, 2003
“When are States Liable towards Individuals for Serious Violations of Humanitarian Law? The Marković Case” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2003, pp. 406-427
“Jurisdictionratione personae”, in A. Cassese, P. Gaeta, J. Jones (eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. A Commentary, Oxford University Press, vol. I, 2002, pp. 527-541
“Le droit international et les obstacles à la mise en oeuvre de la responsabilité pénale pour crimes internationaux”, in A. Cassese, M. Delmas-Marty (eds.), Crimes internationaux et juridictions internationales, PUF, 2002, pp. 215-253
“The ICJ Judgement on the Belgium v. Congo Case (14 February 2002): a Cautious Stand on Immunity from Prosecution for International Crimes” in German Law Journal, vol. 3, n. 3, 2002 (online)
“Le attività di assistenza e monitoraggio elettorale dell’Unione europea” in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, n. 4, 2001, pp. 1841-1851
“Are Crimes against Humanity More Serious than War Crimes?” in European Journal of International Law, n. 2, 2001, pp. 329-350
“Is there Still a Chance of Revitalizing the UN Security Council?” in German Law Journal, vol. 2, n. 16, 2001 (online)
“Le operazioni di peacekeeping delle Nazioni Unite e l’uso della forza” in Rivista di diritto internazionale, n. 2, 2001, pp. 347-392
“The Special Court for Sierra Leone: Some Preliminary Comments” in European Journal of International Law, n. 4, 2000, pp. 857-869
“Le Nazioni Unite e le attività di assistenza elettorale” in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, n. II, 2000, pp. 582-593
“La risoluzione 1101 del Consiglio di sicurezza relativa alla situazione albanese: ancora un’evoluzione nella prassi del Consiglio?” in Rivista di diritto internazionale, n. 3, 1997, pp. 786-791
Editorship/Introduction of Symposia and Book reviews
Symposium on “The advent of the Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals and the future of (ad hoc) international criminal justice: Questions of legality, efficiency, and fairness”, Co-editorship and introduction with M.Arcari, in Questions of International Law, June 2017
Available at:
Symposium on “What is the legal relationship between the International Criminal Court and non-state entities? Beyond the case of Palestine” Co-editorship and introduction with E.Cimiotta, in Questions of International Law, September 2015
Available at
Symposium on “For all or for some? Functional immunity of State officials be-fore the International Law Commission”, Co-editorship and introduction with B.Bonafé and P. Palchetti, in Questions of International Law, May 2015
Available at
Symposium on “Is the concept of aiding and abetting international crimes leading to the ‘fragmentation’ of International Criminal Law?” Co-editorship and introduction with E.Cimiotta, in Questions of International Law, June 2014
Available at
Symposium on “Unilateral withdrawal from treaties with the intent to avoid supervisory mechanisms: is it in keeping with the principle of good faith?” Co-editorship and introduction with B.Bonafé, in Questions of International Law, May 2014
Available at
“Symposiumon the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Judgment in the Germany v. Italy case on the jurisdictional immunities of the state” (editor) and “Foreword to the Symposium” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2013, pp. 121-124
Book Review: “O. Engdahl, Protection of Personnel in Peace Operations: The Role of the Safety Convention against the Background of General International Law” in Journal of International Criminal Justice, n. 5, 2007, pp. 1031-1035
human rights law
international criminal law
protection of cultural heritage