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List of publications
[1] A. Farina, A. Fasano, and F. ROSSO. “A Continuum Mechanics Modelfor the Fåhræus- Lindqvist effect”. In: Journal of Biological Physics(2021). (submitted).[2] A. Farina, A. Fasano, and F. ROSSO. “Mathematica models for someaspects of microcirculation”. In: Simmetry (special issue) (2021). (inpreparation).[3] A. Farina, L. Fusi, F. ROSSO, and G. Saccomandi. “Creep, recoveryand vibration of an incompressible viscoelastic material of the ratetype: simple tension”. In: Int. Journal of Solids and Structures (2021).(submitted).[4] A. Giovinetto, A. Farina, L. Fusi, F. ROSSO, and G. Montegrossi.“Airy function approach to modelling a plane rock fracture 2 problemunder two different stress conditions”. In: (2021). (in preparation).[5] A. Farina, B Calusi, and F. ROSSO. “A Simplified Mechanical Modelfor Explaining Fast-Rising Jökulhlaups”. In: Applications in Engineer-ing Science 3.100013 (2020).[6] A. Farina, A. Fasano, M. Primicerio, and F. ROSSO. “Modeling of aGeothermal System with Fluid Extraction and Re-injection”. In: Ap-plied Science 10 (7561 2020).[7] A. Farina, J. Matrone, C. P. Montagna, and F. ROSSO. “Modeling ofa Gas Slug Rising in a Cylindrical Duct and Possible Applications toVolcanic Scenarios”. In: Rendiconti Lincei Mat. Appl. 31 (2020).[8] L. Fusi, A. Farina, F. ROSSO, and K. Rajagopal. “Thin-Film Flow ofan Inhomogeneous Fluid with Density-Dependent Viscosity”. In: Fluids4.30 (Mar. 2019).[9] A. Farina, A. Mikelic, and F. ROSSO, editors. Non-Newtonian FluidMechanics and Complex Flows. Volume 2212. CIME Courses LectureNotes. Levico Terme, IT: Springer, 2018.[10] L Fusi and F. ROSSO. “Creeping flow of a Herschel-Bulkley fluid withpressure-dependent material moduli”. In: European J. Of Applied Math-ematics 2 (2018), pages 352–368.
[11] A. Ceretani, J. Bollati, L. Fusi, and F. ROSSO. “Mathematical modelfor acid water neutralization with anomalous and fast diffusion”. In:Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 41 (2017), pages 509–528.[12] A. Farina, L. Fusi, A. Fasano, A. Ceretani, and F. ROSSO. “Modelingperistaltic flow in vessels equipped with valves: implications for vaso-motion in bat wing venules”. In: International Journal Of EngineeringScience 107 (2016), pages 1–12.[13] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “Squeeze flow of a Bingham-typefluid with elastic core”. In: International Journal Of Non-Linear Me-chanics 78 (2016), pages 59–65.[14] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “Ill Posedness of Bingham-typeModels for the Downhill Flow of a Thin Film on an Inclined Plane”.In: Quarterly Of Applied Mathematics 73 (2015), pages 615–627.[15] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “Mathematical Models for Fluidswith Pressure-Dependent Viscosity Flowing in Porous Media”. In: In-ternational Journal Of Engineering Science 87 (2015), pages 110–118.[16] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “On the no-slip boundary conditionsfor squeeze flow of viscous fluids”. In: Mechanics Research Communi-cations 70 (2015), pages 1–3.[17] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “Planar Squeeze Flow of a BinghamFluid”. In: Journal Of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 255 (2015),pages 1–9.[18] L. Fusi, A. Farina, F. ROSSO, and S. Roscani. “Pressure Driven Lubri-cation Flow of a Bingham Fluid in a Channel: A Novel Approach”. In:Journal Of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 221 (2015), pages 66–75.[19] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “Bingham Flows with Pressure-Dependent Rheological Parameters”. In: International Journal Of Non-Linear Mechanics 64 (2014), pages 33–38.[20] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “On the Mathematical Paradoxesfor the Flow of a Viscoplastic Film down an Inclined Surface”. In: In-ternational Journal Of Non-Linear Mechanics 58 (2014), pages 139–150.[21] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “Retrieving the Bingham modelfrom a bi-viscous model: some explanatory remarks”. In: Applied Math-ematics Letters 27 (2014), pages 11–14.
[22] ROSSO F. and Fusi L.. Matematica per le lauree triennali.Padova: CEDAM/Wolters Kluwer Italia, 2013, pages 1–446.[23] L. Fusi and F. ROSSO. Esercizi di matematica per le lauree triennali.Padova: CEDAM/Wolters Kluwer Italia, 2013, pages 1–316.[24] L. Fusi, F. ROSSO, M. Ceseri, I. Borsi, and A. Speranza. “Weak for-mulation for a two-phase nonlinear flow in an undeformable porousmedium”. In: Meccanica 48 (2013), pages 57–70.[25] F. ROSSO and R. Gianni. “Modelling degradating dispersions in athree dimensional finite container under general boundary conditions”.In: Siam Journal On Mathematical Analysis 45 (2013), pages 2332–2353.[26] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “Flow of a Bingham-like Fluid in aFinite Channel of Varying Width: a Two-Scale Approach”. In: JournalOf Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 177-178 (2012), pages 76–88.[27] L. Fusi, A. Farina, and F. ROSSO. “Isothermal two-phase flow ofa multi-component fluid through a porous medium with capillarity”.In: Advances In Mathematical Sciences And Applications 22 (2012),pages 149–167.[28] I. Borsi, L. Fusi, F. ROSSO, and A. Speranza. “A well deliverabilitymodel for non-Darcian flow in geothermal reservoirs”. In: Computers &Geosciences 37 (2011), pages 1555–1561.[29] I. Borsi, L. Fusi, F. ROSSO, and A. Speranza. “Isothermal two-phaseflow of a vapor–liquid system with non-negligible inertial effects”. In:International Journal Of Engineering Science 49 (2011), pages 915–933.[30] L. Meacci, A. Farina, F. ROSSO, I. Borsi, M. Ceseri, and A. Sper-anza. “A Simplified Model for the Evolution of a Geothermal Field”.In: Comsol Conference 2009. COMSOL, 2009, pages 1–4.[31] F. ROSSO and A. Fasano. “Modelling break-up process of a liquiddrop in shear flow”. In: Applied Mathematical Modelling 33 (2009),pages 315–328.[32] S. Correra, A. Fasano, L. Fusi, M. Primicerio, and F. ROSSO. “Waxdiffusivity under given thermal gradient: a mathematical model”. In:Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik 87 (2007), pages 24–36.
[33] A. Fasano and F. ROSSO. “Erratum: Dynamics of droplets in an agi-tated dispersion with multiple breakage (Part I and II) (Math. Meth.Appl. Sci. 2005;28)”. In: Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sciences29 (2006), pages 497–497.[34] F. ROSSO, A. Fasano, and A. Mancini. “Implementation of fragmentation-coagulation-scattering model for the dynamics of stirred liquid-liquiddispersions”. In: Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena 222 (2006), pages 141–158.[35] A. Fasano and F. ROSSO. “Dynamics of droplets in an agitated dis-persion with multiple breakage. Part I: formulation of the model andphysical consistency”. In: Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sci-ences 28 (2005), pages 631–659.[36] A. Fasano and F. ROSSO. “Dynamics of droplets in an agitated dis-persion with multiple breakage. Part II: uniqueness and global exis-tence”. In: Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sciences 28 (2005),pages 1061–1088.[37] F. ROSSO, A. Fasano, and A. Mancini. “A close–up view of break-age and scattering kernels of the integral–differential equation for thedynamics of liquid dispersions: theory and numerical simulations”. In:Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences - Vol. 69, AP-PLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS IN ITALY Proceedingsof the 7th Conference. London: World Scientific, 2005, pages 324–335.[38] F. ROSSO and A. Fasano. “Multiple fragmentation of liquid dropletsin agitated dispersions”. In: Far East Journal Of Applied Mathematics15 (2004), pages 333–352.[39] A. Buccianti, F. ROSSO, and F. Vlacci. Metodi matematici e statisticiper le Scienze della Terra. Volume III: Tecniche statistiche. NAPOLI:Liguori Editore, 2003, pages 1–538.[40] A. Fasano and F. ROSSO. “Recent results on the dynamics of liquiddispersions”. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000. A.Marcello Anile, Vincenzo Capasso, Antonio Greco, 2002, pages 80–84.[41] F. ROSSO and A. Fasano. “Breakage, coalescence and volume scatter-ing in dispersed phase systems”. In: XXI Southeastern conference ontheoretical and applied mechanics. Rivercross Publishing Inc., 2002, pages 207-216.[42] F. ROSSO and A. MANCINI. “A new model for the dynamics of disper-sions in a batch reactor: numerical approach”. In: Meccanica 37 (2002),pages 221–237.[43] A. Buccianti, F. ROSSO, and F. Vlacci. Metodi matematici e statisticiper le Scienze della Terra. Volume II: Sviluppi e Applicazioni. NAPOLI:Liguori Editore, 2001, pages 1–571.[44] F. ROSSO and A. Fasano. “Dynamics of Dyspersions with multiplebreakage and volume scattering”. In: Computational Methods in Multi-phase Flow. Volume International series on Advances in Fluid Mechan-ics vol.29. WIT Press, 2001, pages 207–216.[45] F. ROSSO, A. Fasano, and A. Mancini. “Modeling the dynamics ofliquid-liquid dispersions: recent developments”. In: Fourth Italian–LatinAmerican Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Inst. Cy-bern. Math. Phys., 2001, pages 135–148.[46] F. ROSSO and G. Sona. “Gravity driven separation of oil–water dis-persions”. In: Advances In Mathematical Sciences And Applications 11(2001), pages 127–151.[47] A. Buccianti, F. ROSSO, and F. Vlacci. Metodi matematici e statisticiper le Scienze della Terra. Volume I: Argomenti istituzionali. NAPOLI:Liguori Editore, 2000, pages 1–610.[48] A. Fasano and F. ROSSO. “A new model for the dynamics of disper-sions in a batch reactor”. In: Lectures on Applied Mathematics. Berlin:Springer-Verlag, 2000, pages 123–142.[49] A. Fasano and F. ROSSO. “Recent new models for multiphase flows:coal-water suspensions and oil-water dispersions”. In: 7TH CONF. MUL-TIPHASE FLOWS IN INDUSTRIAL PLANTS. ANIMP servizi, 2000,pages 34–43.[50] F. ROSSO. “Sedimentation in Coal Water Slurry pipelining.” In: Com-plex Flows in Industrial Processes. Boston: Birkhäuser Boston, 2000,pages 1–338.
[51] F. ROSSO and A. Fasano. “A new model for the dynamics of dis-persions in a batch reactor”. In: Proceedings of the Symposium Or-ganized by the Sonderforschungsbereich 438 on the Occasion of Karl-Heinz Hoffman’s 60th Birthday. Volume Lectures on Applied Mathe-matics. Springer Verlag, 2000, pages 123–141.[52] A. Buccianti and F. ROSSO. “A new approach to the statistical analysisof compositional (closed) data with observations below the "detectionlimit"”. In: Geoinformatica III (1999), pages 17–23.[53] A. Fasano and F. ROSSO. “Analysis of the dynamics of liquid-liquiddispersions”. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics (ECMI 98, Gothen-burg). Leipzig: Teubner, 1999, pages 214–221.[54] F. ROSSO and A. Fasano. “Dispersion Dynamics in a Batch Reac-tor”. In: ECMInewsletter. Volume 26. Lappeenranta University, 1999,pages 21–24.[55] F. ROSSO and F. Vlacci. Istituzioni di Matematica: problemi risolti,esercizi proposti e test. BOLOGNA: PITAGORA, 1999, pages 1–224.[56] F. ROSSO and A. Fasano. “Analysis of the dynamics of liquid–liquiddispersions”. In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI ‘98. Teub-ner, 1998, pages 214–219.[57] F. ROSSO, G. P. Bernardini, D. Borrini, G. T. Guarini, C. Danti, G.Mazzetti, and F. Corsini. “Estimation of the rate coefficients from theoverall amount of material reacted at various scan rates”. In: Ther-mochimica Acta 287 (1996), pages 327–342.[58] F. ROSSO, G. P. Bernardini, D. Borrini, G. T. Guarini, C. Danti, G.Mazzetti, and F. Corsini. “Thermal behaviour and kinetics of forma-tion reaction of the synthetic analogue of paakkonenite”. In: EuropeanJournal Of Mineralogy 8 (1996), pages 639–648.[59] F. ROSSO, E. De Angelis, A. Fasano, and A. Mancini. “Recent ad-vances in modelling the dynamics of sediments in a pipe”. In: Mul-tiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, Atti V Convegno ANIMP-AIDIC.ANIMP, 1996, pages 76–87.[60] F. ROSSO and M. Angelillo. “On Statically Admissible Stress Fields fora plane masonrylike structure”. In: Quarterly Of Applied Mathematics8 (1995), pages 731–751.
[61] F. ROSSO, R. Gianni, and L. Pezza. “The constant Flow Rate Problemfor Fluids with Increasing Yield Stress in a Pipe”. In: Theoretical AndComputational Fluid Dynamics 6 (1995), pages 477–493.[62] R. Gianni and F. ROSSO. “Controlling the flow rate of a Bingham fluidundergoing stress-induced degradation in a pipe.” In: Proceedings of theSeventh E.C.M.I. 93. Volume 9. Stuttgard: B.G. Teubner Stuttgart1994., 1994, pages 217–224.[63] F. ROSSO. “Matematica Industrial: experiencias, directiones y destinofuturo”. In: Cet. Revista De Ciencias Exactas E Ingeniería 5 (1994),pages 25–31.[64] F. ROSSO, E. De Angelis, A. Fasano, and M. Primicerio. “Sedimentat-ing bed dynamics for fluids with yield stress in a pipe”. In: IV ConvegnoANIMP-AIDIC Fluidodinamica Multifase nell’Impiantistica Industri-ale. ANIMP, 1994, pages 85–92.[65] E. De Angelis, A. Fasano, M. Primicerio, F. ROSSO, E. Carniani, andD. Ercolani. “Modeling sedimentation in CWS”. In: Slurry handling andPipeline Transport. London: Meth. Eng. Publications, 1993, pages 399–414.[66] F. ROSSO. “On two inverse problems in hydrodynamics of non-Newtonianfluids”. In: Recent Advances in Mechanics of Structured Continua. Vol-ume 160. ASME Technical Publ. Dept., 1993, pages 95–103.[67] F. ROSSO and E. De Angelis. “A functional approach to the problem ofevaluating the velocity of a population of particles settling in a liquid”.In: Proceedings of ECMI. Teubner, 1993, pages 191–198.[68] F. ROSSO, E. De Angelis, A. Fasano, and M. Primicerio. “ModellingSedimentation in CWS”. In: 12th International Conference on SlurryHandling and Pipeline Transport. MEP Publ., 1993, pages 399–414.[69] F. ROSSO, R. Gianni, and L. Pezza. “Controlling the flow rate of aBingham fluid undergoing stress - induced degradation in a pipe”. In:Proceedings of ECMI. Teubner, 1993, pages 217–224.[70] A. Fasano, M. Primicerio, and F. ROSSO. “On quasi-steady axisym-metric laminar flows of Bingham type with stress-induced degradation”.In: Computing 49 (1992), pages 213–237.
[71] F. ROSSO and L. Preziosi. “Interfacial stability in a two-layer shearingflow of immiscible liquids between sliding pipes”. In: European JournalOf Mechanics. B, Fluids 10 (1991), pages 294–296.[72] F. ROSSO, L. Preziosi, K. P. Chen, and D. D. Joseph. “Interfacialstability problems in lubricated pipelining”. In: Series on Advances inMathematics for Applied Sciences: Waves and Stability in ContinuousMedia. Volume 4. World Scientific Publ., 1991, pages 41–48.[73] F. ROSSO and M. Angelillo. “0n equilibrium solutions in plane masonrystructures”. In: Atti del Congresso AIMETA. Università di Pisa, 1990,pages 291–296.[74] F. ROSSO and L. Preziosi. “Stability of a viscous liquid between slidingpipes”. In: Physics Of Fluids. A, Fluid Dynamics 2 (1990), pages 1158–1162.[75] F. ROSSO. “Stability of rigid rotations of two immiscible viscous liquidsbetween rotating coaxial cylinders of finite length”. In: Proc. of IIIrdWASCOM. Laterza, 1988, pages 175–187.[76] F. ROSSO and M. Angelillo. “Condizioni esplicite di ammissibilità peri carichi assegnati al bordo di un corpo piano non reagente a trazione”.In: Atti del Congresso AIMETA. Università di Bari, 1988, pages 125–127.[77] F. ROSSO, C. Guillopé, D. D. Joseph, and K. Nguyen. “The energymethod approach to the nonlinear stability of rigid motions of two im-miscible liquids between rotating cylinders with endplates”. In: Energystability and Convection. Longman, 1988, pages 429–431.[78] F. ROSSO, C. Guillopé, D. D. Joseph, and K. Nguyen. “Nonlinearstability of rotating flow of two fluids”. In: Journal De Mecanique The-orique Et Appliquee 6 (1987), pages 619–645.[79] F. ROSSO, D. D. Joseph, and P. T. Than. “Instability of Poiseuilleflow of two immiscible liquids with different viscosities in a channel”.In: International Journal Of Engineering Science 25 (1987), pages 189–204.[80] F. ROSSO. “Pointwise unconditional attractivity of solutions to theNavier-Stokes equations with respect to perturbations of Hopf type”.In: Revue Roumaine De Mathématiques Pures Et Appliquées XXXI(1986), pages 51–64.
[81] F. ROSSO. “On the mathematical problem of linear and nonlinearhydrodynamic stability with completely perturbed data”. In: NonlinearAnalysis 8 (1984), pages 17–38.[82] F. ROSSO. “On the pointwise stability of a viscous liquid betweenrotating coaxial cylinders”. In: Journal Of Mathematical Analysis AndApplications 98 (1984), pages 251–269.[83] F. ROSSO. “Variational methods for pointwise stability of viscous fluidmotions”. In: Archive For Rational Mechanics And Analysis 86 (1984),pages 181–195.[84] F. ROSSO. “Condizioni di stabilita‘ non-lineare di tipo uniforme per ilmoto alla Couette di un liquido viscoso fra cilindri coassiali ruotanti”.In: International Workshop on Mathematical Methods of Dynamics ofFluids and Ionized Gases. 1981, pages 207–219.[85] F. ROSSO. “Metodi variazionali per la stabilita‘ non–lineare in medianei moti fluidi viscosi in presenza di perturbazioni al contorno”. In:Proc. of Ist WASCOM. 1981, pages 291–294.[86] F. ROSSO and B. Carbonaro. “Some remarks on a modified fluid dy-namic equation”. In: Rendiconti Del Circolo Matematico Di PalermoXXX (1981), pages 181–185.[87] F. ROSSO and B. Carbonaro. “On continuous dependence and unique-ness of stationary solutions of Navier-Stokes equations in unboundeddomains”. In: Atti del V Congresso AIMETA. 1980, pages 69–79.[88] F. ROSSO. “Bundle and proper incompleteness with unbounded worldacceleration in General Relativity”. In: Bollettino Dell’unione Matem-atica Italiana. B 16 (1979), pages 593–597.[89] F. ROSSO. “A comparison between Schmidt and Geroch spacetimeincompleteness”. In: Rendiconti Di Matematica 11 (1978), pages 141–149.[90] F. ROSSO. “Generalized affine parameters and proper time in relativis-tic spacetime”. In: Rendiconto Dell’accademia Delle Scienze Fisiche EMatematiche XLIII (1976), pages 295–300.[91] F. ROSSO. “On the boundedness of the 4-acceleration norm for time-like singularities in General Relativity”. In: Rendiconto Dell’accademiaDelle Scienze Fisiche E Matematiche XLIII (1976), pages 362–371.
Hobbies: reading, travelling, photography, cinema, theater, classic and modern music.
Sport activity: alpine sci, tennis, scuba diving
Past and actual research interests