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Nome: Maura Lodovici
Data di nascita: 6 Marzo 1954
Luogo di nascita: Monterchi (AREZZO)
1979 Laureata in Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche presso l'Universita' di Firenze con la votazione 110 e lode/110
1988 Conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Farmacologia e Tossicologia con sede amministrativa presso: Universita' di Firenze.
1/9/2015 Chiamata come Professore Associato di BIO/14
Attualmente è componente come esperto farmacologo del Comitato Etico Area-Vasta-SE
2014 Responsabile del Servizio di Farmacovigilanza per gli Studi No-Profit, presso il Centro CIMMBA (Dipartimento di NEUROFARBA)
2013-2014 Vice-presidente (in qualità di Farmacologo) del Comitato Etico Area-Vasta-SE
2010 Gia’ Presidente del Comitato Etico Sperimentazioni Cliniche dei Farmaci dell’Azienda USL 8 (Arezzo)
8/11/05 Nominata Presidente del Comitato Etico delle Sperimentazioni Cliniche Cliniche dei Farmaci dell’Azienda USL 8 (Arezzo)
1999-2005 Componente, in qualità di Farmacologo, del Comitato Etico Sperimentazioni Cliniche dei Farmaci dell’Azienda USL 8 (Arezzo)
6/12/94 Conferma nel ruolo di ricercatore universitario
6/12/91 Vincitrice di un concorso di Ricercatore universitario, settore BIO/14
1983-87 Frequenta il I ° Ciclo del Dottorato di Ricerca in Farmacologia e Tossicologia.
1979-1983 Frequenta l’istituto di Farmacologia “Mario Aiazzi- Mancini” usufruendo di borse di studio all’interno dell’Unità di ricerca del Prof. Dolara
-Iscrizione alla SIF
-Iscrizione alla SITOX
- Membership of AACR (American Association for Cancer Research)
Invito a collaborare come autore della Noyes Publications, Inc. N.J. USA come autore nel campo "environment and health"
Peer Review for Philip Morris External Research Programs-2002 and 2003 and 2004.
Responsabile del progetto, per l’anno 1997, in collaborazione con il comune di Arezzo, dal titolo: Valutazione dei livelli di policiclici aromatici nella citta' di Arezzo e nella zona di S. Zeno prima e dopo l'insediamento dell'inceneritore. Importo:10.000.000
Ha recensito articoli per le riviste: Pharmacological Research , Cancer Detection and Prevention , European J Nutrition; Toxicology, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Free Radical Research.
a) Lavori pubblicati su riviste internazionali
85) Femia AP, Luceri C, Lodovici M, Crucitta S, Caderni G. Gene Expression Profile of Colon Mucosa after Cytotoxic Insult in wt and Apc-Mutated Pirc Rats: Possible Relation to Resistance to Apoptosis during Carcinogenesis. Biomed Res Int. 2016: 1310342, 2016.
84) Femia AP, Soares PV, Luceri C, Lodovici M, Giannini A, Caderni G. Sulindac, 3,3'-diindolylmethane and curcumin reduce carcinogenesis in the Pirc rat, an Apc-driven model of colon carcinogenesis. BMC Cancer.5:611-614, 2015.
83) Lodovici M, Bigagli E, Luceri C, Mannucci E, Rotella CM, Raimondi L. Gender-related drug effect on several markers of oxidation stress in diabetes patients with and without complications. Eur J Pharmacol. 766: 86-90, 2015.
82) Lodovici M, E. Bigagli, F. Tarantini, C. Di Serio, and L. Raimondi. Losartan reduces oxidative damage to renal DNA and conserves plasma antioxidant capacity in diabetic rats. Exp Biol & Med 240(11):1500-1504. 2015
81) Femia AP, Luceri C, Soares PV, Lodovici M, Caderni G. Multiple mucin depleted foci, high proliferation and low apoptotic response in the onset of colon carcinogenesis of the PIRC rat, mutated in Apc. INT J CANCER 136(6):E488-95, 2015 (5.44).
80) Manni ME, Zazzeri M, Musilli C, Bigagli E, Lodovici M, Raimondi L. Exposure of cardiomyocytes to angiotensin II induces over-activation of monoamine oxidase type A: implications in heart failure. EU J PHARMACOL. 18:271-276, 2013 (5.44).
79) Angelo Pietro Femia, Laura Raimondi, Giulia Maglieri, Maura Lodovici, Edoardo Mannucci and Giovanna Caderni. Long term treatment with Sitagliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor, reduces colon carcinogenesis and reactive oxygen species in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced rats. Int.J.Canc. In press 2013 (5.44).
78) Gabriela Trevisan, Serena Materazzi, Camilla Fusi, Alessandra Altomare, Giancarlo Aldini, Maura Lodovici, Riccardo Patacchini, Pierangelo Geppetti, and Romina Nassini. Novel Therapeutic Strategy to Prevent Chemotherapy-Induced Persistent Sensory Neuropathy By TRPA1 Blockade. Canc. Res. 2013 (7.85)
77) E. Bigagli, L Raimondi, E Mannucci, C. Colombi, G. Bardini, C.M. Rotella and M. Lodovici. Lipid and protein oxidation products, antioxidant status and vascular complications in poorly controlled type 2 diabetes. British J Diabetes Vasc Dis. 2011 12:33-39
76) M.E. Manni; E. Bigagli, M. Lodovici, L. Raimondi. 3-iodothyronamine, a pharmacological modulator of the hypothalamus-pancreas-thyroid axes in mouse. Br J Pharmacol. 2012 Jan 6. (4.92).
75) Manni ME, Bigagli E, Lodovici M, Zazzeri M, Raimondi L. The protective effect of losartan in the nephropathy of the diabetic rat includes the control of monoamine oxidase type A activity. Pharmacol Res. 2011 Nov 23 (3.61)
74) Maura Lodovici, Elisabetta Bigagli, Cristina Luceri, Elena M. Manni, Mohamed Zaid. Protective effect of resveratrol against oxidation stress induced by 2-nitropropane in rat liver. Pharmacol. & Pharmac, 2: 127-135, 2011.
73) Maura Lodovici, E. Bigagli. Oxidative stress and air pollution exposure. J Toxicol. 2011;2011:487074. Epub 2011 Aug 13
72) Pitozzi V, Jacomelli M, Zaid M, Luceri C, Bigagli E, Lodovici M, Ghelardini C, Vivoli E, Norcini M, Gianfriddo M, Esposto S, Servili M, Morozzi G, Baldi E, Bucherelli C, Dolara P, Giovannelli L. Br J Nutr. 14:1-10, 2010. (2.76)
71) M. Lodovici, S. Caldini, L. Morbidelli, V. Akpan, M. Ziche, P. Dolara (2009). Protective effect of 4-coumaric acid from UVB ray damage in the rabbit eye.. TOXICOLOGY, vol. 255, p. 1-5,
70) Castagnini C, Luceri C, Toti S, Bigagli E, Caderni G, Femia AP, Giovannelli L, Lodovici M, Pitozzi V, Salvatori M, Tesserini L, Martin R, Zoetendal E, Gaj S, Ejissen L, Evelo C, Renard C, Baron A, Dolara P. Reduction of colonic inflammation in HLA-B27 transgenic rats by feeding Marie Ménard apples, rich in polyphenols. Br J Nutrition, 22:1-9, 2009 (2.76)
69) Mar Larrosa, Cristina Luceri, Elisa Vivoli, Chiara Pagliuca, Maura Lodovici, Gloriano Moneti and Piero Dolara. Polyphenol metabolites from colonic microbiota exert anti-inflammatory activity on different inflammation models. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2009, 53: 1044-1054 (4.6)
68) Maura Lodovici and Elisabetta Bigagli. Biomarkers of Induced Active and Passive Smoking Damage. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 6: 874-888, 2009. (1.6)
67) Maura Lodovici, Elisabetta Bigagli, Gianluca Bardini and Carlo Maria Rotella. Lipoperoxidation and antioxidant capacity in poorly controlled type 2 diabetic patients. Toxicology and Industrial Health. 25:337-341, 2009. (0.7)
66) Maura Lodovici and Piero Dolara. Modified cigarette filters: selective reduction of PAH. Food and Chemical Toxicology 47:1722-1723, 2009. (2.62)
65) Mar Larrosa , Maura Lodovici, Lucia Morbidelli and Piero Dolara. Hydrocaffeic and p-coumaric acids, natural phenolic compounds, inhibit UV-B damage in WKD human conjunctival cells in vitro and rabbit eye in vivo. Free Radical Research 42:903-910, 2008. (2.83)
64) Maura Lodovici, Lucia Morbidelli, Victor Akpan, Silvia Caldini, Marina Ziche and Piero Dolara Protective effect of 4-coumaric acid from UVB ray damage in the rabbit eye. Toxicology 255: 1-5, 2009. (3.6)
63) Maura Lodovici, Lisa Giovannelli , Vanessa Pitozzi, Elisabetta Bigagli, Gianluca Bardini,
Carlo Maria Rotella Oxidative DNA damage and plasma antioxidant capacity in type 2 diabetic
patients with good and poor glycaemic control. Mut. Res. 638: 98-102, 2008. (3.198)
62) Lodovici M, Luceri C, De Filippo C, Romualdi C, Bambi F, Dolara P. Smokers and passive smokers gene expression profiles: Correlation with the DNA oxidation damage. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 43: 415–422, 2007. (5.399)
61) Luceri C, Giannini L, Lodovici M, Antonucci E, Abbate R, Masini E, Dolara P. p-Coumaric acid, a common dietary phenol, inhibits platelet activity in vitro and in vivo. Br J Nutr. 97: 458-463, 2007. (2.76)
60) Lodovici M, Akpan V, Caldini S, Akanju B, Dolara P. DNA solution(R) in cigarette filters reduces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels in mainstream tobacco smoke. Food Chem Toxicol. 2007. (2.32)
59) Lodovici Maura, Menichetti Stefano, Viglianisi Caterina, Caldini Silvia, Giuliani Elisa. Polyhydroxylated 4-thiaflavans as multipotent antioxidants: Protective effect on oxidative DNA damage in vitro. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 31 Jan, 2006. (2.53)
58) Akpan V, Huang S. Lodovici M, Dolara P. High Levels of Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in 20 Brands of Chinese Cigarettes. Journal Applied of Toxicology 26:480483, 2006. (2.127)
57) Huang S, GE X, Tang J, Akpan V, Lodovici M, Dolara P. Content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in mainstream smoke of Chinese Cigarettes . Journal of Environment and Health 23:46-48, 2006. (0.8)
56) Laura Raimondi, Maura Lodovici, Francesco Visioli, Laura Sartiani, Laura Cioni, Chiara Alfarano, Elisabetta Cerbai and Alessandro Mugelli. N-3polyunsaturated fatty acids supplementation decreases asymmetric dimethyl arginine and arachidonate accumulation in aging spontaneously hypertensive rats. Eur. J. Nut. 44:327-333, 2005 (1.9)
55) ESCODD (European Standards Committee on Oxidative DNA damage) members: Collins A, Gedik C, Vaughan N, Wood S, White A, Dubois J, Rees JF, Loft S, Moller P, Poulsen, Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat JL, Sauvaigo S, Faure H, Morel I, Morin B, Epe B, Phoa N, Hartwig A, Dolara P, Giovannelli L, Lodovici M, Olinski R, Bialkowski K, Foksinski M, Gackowski D, Durackova Z, Hlincikova L, Korytar P, Sivonova M, Dusinska M, Mislanova C, Vina J, Moller L, Hofer T, Nygren J, Gremaud E, Herbert K, Lunec J, Wild C, Hardie L, Olliver J, Smith. Establishing the background level of base oxidation in human lymphocytes DNA: results of an interlaboratory validation study. FASEB J. 19: 82-84, 2005. (7.09)
54) Lodovici Maura, Caldini Silvia, Luceri Cristina, Bambi Franco, Boddi Vieri, Dolara Piero.
Active and passive smoking and lifestyle determinants of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine levels in human leukocyte DNA. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 14:2975-2977, 2005. (4.77)
53) M Lodovici, Luceri C, Guglielmi F, Bacci C, Akpan V, Fonnesu ML, Boddi V, Dolara P.
Benzo(a)pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE)-DNA adduct levels in leukocytes of smokers in relation to polymorphism of CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1 and mEH1. Cancer Epidem. Biomark.Prev. 8: 1342-1348, 2004. (4.77)
52) O. Fantappie’ , M. Lodovici, V. Fabbroni, L. Toffolatti, B. Neri, P. Fabrizio, F. Guglielmi, M. Solazzo, R. Giovannini, R. Mazzanti. Vitamin E protects DNA from oxidative damage in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. Free Radical Research, 38: 751-759, 2004. (2.83)
51) M. Lodovici, V. Akpan, C. Evangelisti, P. Dolara. Sidestream tobacco smoke as the main predictor of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from cigarette smoke. J. Appl. Toxicol. 24: 277-281, 2004. (2.127)
50) Cristina Luceri, Francesco Guglielmi, Maura Lodovici, Luca Giannini, Messerini L, Piero Dolara Plant phenolic 4-coumaric acid protects against intestinal inflammation in rats. Scand. J. Gastroenterology, 39:1128-1133, 2004. (1.98)
49) M. Lodovici, L. Raimondi, F. Guglielmi, S. Gemignani, and P. Dolara. Protection against ultraviolet B-induced DNA damage in rabbit corneal derived cells (SIRC) by 4-coumaric acid. Toxicology, 184, 141-147, 2003. (2.83)
48) L. Raimondi, M. Lodovici, F. Guglielmi, G. Banchelli, M. Ciuffi, E. Boldrini and R. Pirisino. The polysaccaride from Tamarindus indica (TS-polysaccaride) protects cultured corneal-derived cells (SIRC cells) from ultraviolet rays. J. of Pharm. & Pharmacol. 55, 333-338, 2003. (1.847)
47) F. Guglielmi, C. Luceri, L. Giovannelli, P. Dolara and M. Lodovici. Effect of 4-coumaric and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid on oxidative DNA damage in rat colon mucosa. Br. J. Nutr. 89, 1-8, 2003. (2.76)
46) Lodovici M, Venturini M, Marini E, Grechi D, Dolara P. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons air levels in Florence, Italy, and their correlation with other air pollutants. Chemosphere 50:377-382, 2003. (3.05)
45) ESCODD (European Standards Committee on Oxidative DNA damage) members: Collins A, Gedik C, Vaughan N, Wood S, White A, Dubois J, Rees JF, Loft S, Moller P, Poulsen, Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat JL, Sauvaigo S, Faure H, Morel I, Morin B, Epe B, Phoa N, Hartwig A, Dolara P, Giovannelli L, Lodovici M, Olinski R, Bialkowski K, Foksinski M, Gackowski D, Durackova Z, Hlincikova L, Korytar P, Sivonova M, Dusinska M, Mislanova C, Vina J, Moller L, Hofer T, Nygren J, Gremaud E, Herbert K, Lunec J, Wild C, Hardie L, Olliver J, Smith. Measurement of DNA oxidation in human cells by chromatographic and enzymic methods. Free Rad. Biol. & Med. 34,1089-1099, 2003. (5.399)
44) Collins A, Gedik C, Vaughan N, Wood S, White A, Dubois J, Duez P, Dehon G, Rees JF, Loft S, Moller P, Poulsen H, Riis B, Weimann A, Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat JL, Sauvaigo S, Faure H, Morel I, Morin B, Epe B, Phoa N, Hartwig A, Pelzer A, Dolara P, Casalini C, Giovannelli L, Lodovici M, Olinski R, Bialkowski K, Foksinski M, Gackowski D, Durackova Z, Hlincikova L, Korytar P, Sivonova M, Dusinska M, Mislanova C, Vina J, Lloret A, Moller L, Hofer T, Nygren J, Gremaud E, Herbert K, Chauhan D, Kelly F, Dunster C, Lunec J, Cooke M, Evans M, Patel P, Podmore I, White A, Wild C, Hardie L, Olliver J, Smith ESCODD (European Standards Committee on Oxidative DNA damage) Comparative analysis of baseline 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine in mammalian cell DNA, by different methods in different laboratories:an approach to consensus. Carcinogenesis 23, 2129-2133, 2002. (4.93)
43) M. Lodovici, P. Dolara, ESCODD (2002). Inter-laboratory validation of procedures for measuring 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine/8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine in DNA. Free Radic Res. 36:239-245, 2002. (2.83)
42) M. Lodovici, F. Guglielmi, C. Casalini, M. Meoni, V. Cheynier and P. Dolara. Antioxidant and radical scavenging properties in vitro of polyphenolic extracts from red wine. Eur. J. Nutr. 40, 74-77, 2001. (1.899)
41) M. Lodovici, F. Guglielmi, M. Meoni, and P. Dolara. Effect of natural phenolic acids on DNA oxidation in vitro. Food Chem. Toxicol. 39, 1205-1210, 2001. (2.32)
40) M. Lodovici, C. Casalini, R. Cariaggi, L. Michelucci and P. Dolara. Levels of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine, a marker of oxidative DNA damage, in human leukocytes. Free Radical Biol. & Med. 28, 13-17, 2000. (5.399)
39) M. Lodovici, C. Casalini, C. De Filippo, E. Copeland, X. Xu, M. Clifford and P. Dolara. Inhibition of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced oxidative DNA damage in rat colon mucosa by black tea polyphenols. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 38, 1085-1088, 2000. (2.32)
38) C. Zappa, M. Lodovici, C. Bondi e P. Dolara. Livelli aerei di idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (IPA) nella città’ di Arezzo (1997-1998). Epidemiologia & Prevenzione 24:65-68, 2000.
37) M. Lodovici, V. Akpan, C. Casalini and P. Dolara. Different susceptibility to polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-induced DNA damage in lung tissue in male and female non-smokers. Biomarkers, 5, 447-451, 2000. (1.728)
36) M. Lodovici, V. Akpan, C. Casalini, L. Nencini, M. Pinzauti, M. Marcoccia and P. Dolara. Benzo(a)pyrene diol-epoxide-DNA adduct levels and aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) in human white blood cells from smokers and non-smokers. Biomarkers 4, 272-280, 1999. (1.728)
35) C. Casalini, M. Lodovici, C. Briani, G. Paganelli, S. Remy, V. Cheynier and P. Dolara. Effect of complex polyphenols and tannins from red wine (WCPT) on chemically-induced oxidative DNA damage in the rat. Europ. J. Nutr. 38, 190-95, 1999. (1.899)
34) M. Lodovici, V. Akpan, C. Casalini, C. Zappa and P. Dolara. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Laurus nobilis leaves as a measure of air pollution in urban and rural sites of Tuscany. Chemosphere 36, 1703-1712, 1998. (3.05)
33) M. Lodovici, V. Akpan, L. Giovannini, F. Migliani and P. Dolara. Benzo(a)pyrene diol-epoxide DNA adducts and levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in autoptic samples from human lungs. Chem. Biol. Interac.116, 199-212, 1998. (3.077)
32) G. Caderni, L. Lancioni, C. Luceri, A. Giannini, M. Lodovici, A. Biggeri and P. Dolara. Dietary sucrose and starch affect dysplastic characteristics in carcinogen-induced Aberrant Crypt Foci in rat colon. Cancer Letters, 114, 39-41, 1997. (3.5)
31) M. Lodovici, C. Casalini, C. Briani and P. Dolara. Oxidative liver damage in rats treated with pesticide mixtures. Toxicology 117 55-60, 1997. (2.83)
30) M. Ferrali, C. Signorini, L. Sugherini, A. Pompella, M. Lodovici and M. Comporti. Release of free, redox-active iron in the liver and DNA oxidative damage following phenylhydrazine intoxication. Bioch. Pharmacol. 54, 1997. (4.838)
29) C. Luceri, G. Caderni, M. Lodovici, M. T. Spagnesi C. Monserrat and P. Dolara. Urinary excretion of sucrose, glucose and fructose as a predictor of sucrose intake in dietary intervention studies. Canc. Epid. Biomark. Prev. 5, 167-171, 1996. (4.77)
28) P. Dolara, C. Luceri, C. Ghelardini, C. Monserrat, S. Aiolli, F. Luceri, M. Lodovici. Analgesic effects of myrrh. Nature, 379, 29, 1996. (31.43)
27) M. Lodovici, P. Dolara, C. Casalini, S. Ciappellano and G. Testolin. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in the Italian diet. Food Additives and Contam. 12, 703-713, 1995. (1.81)
26) V. Akpan, M. Lodovici and P. Dolara. Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in fresh and smoked Fish Samples from three Nigerian Cities. Bull. Envirom Cont. and Toxicol. 53, 246-253, 1994. (0.609)
25) M. Lodovici, P. Dolara, S. Taiti, P. Del Carmine, L. Bernardi, L. Agati and S. Ciappellano. Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Leaves of the Evergreen Laurus Nobilis. Sci. of Total Environ. 153, 61-68, 1994. (2.579)
24) M. Lodovici, S. Aiolli, C. Monserrat, P. Dolara, A. Medica and P. Di Simplicio. Effect of a mixture of fifteen commonly used pesticides on DNA levels of 8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine and xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes in rat liver. J. Environ. Toxic. Phat. Oncol. 13, 163-168, 1994. (1.519)
23) M. Lodovici, P. Dolara, S. Amerini, L. Mantelli, F. Ledda, F. Bennardini, M. Fazi, A. Montereggi and G. Dini. Effects of GM1 ganglioside on cardiac function following experimental hypoxia-reoxygenation. Europ. J. Pharmacol., 243, 255-263, 1993. (2.787)
22) G. Ignesti, M. Lodovici and P. Dolara. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in olive fruits as a measure of air pollution in the valley of Florence (Italy). Bull. Envir. Toxicol. 48, 809-817, 1992. (0.609)
21) F. Tonelli, F. Bianchini, M. Lodovici, R. Valenzano, G. Caderni and P. Dolara. Mucosal cell proliferation of the rectal stump in ulcerative colitis patients after ileorectal anastomosis. Dis. Colon and Rectum, 34, 385-390,1991. (2.615)
20) P. Dolara, M. Lodovici, M. Fazi, L. Lasagni and S. Sturlini. Protective effect of gangliosides on myocardial hypoxic damage in the rat. Europ. J. Pharmacol., 198, 43-49, 1991. (2.787)
19) G. Caderni, F. Bianchini, P. Dolara, M. Lodovici and E. Quattrucci. Effect of dietary lipids on hepatic and intestinal monoxigenase in mice. Nutr. Cancer, 13, 111-117, 1990. (2.627)
18) M. Lodovici, M. Ziche, P. Dolara, L. Lasagni, S. Bianchi, A. Biggeri, M. Fazi. High dietary fat increases polyamine content of murine mammary glands. Canc. J., 3, 22-27,1990. (2.769)
17) M. Lodovici, M. Grassi and P. Dolara. In vitro DNA binding of 2-amino-3-metylimidazo (4,5-f) (5-3H)quinoline (IQ) is modulated by sulfotransferase and sulfate levels. Mut. Res., 223, 321-324, 1989. (3.198)
16) P. Dolara, M. Lodovici, M. Salvadori, C. Saltutti, A. Delle Rose, C. Selli and D. Kriebel. Variations of cortisol hydroxilation and paracetamol metabolism in patients with bladder carcinoma. Br. J. Urol., 62, 419-426, 1988
15) P. Dolara, M. Lodovici, M. Salvadori, G. Zaccara, G.C. Muscas. Urinary 6-beta-OH-cortisol and paracetamol metabolites as a probe for assessing oxidation and conjugation of chemicals in humans. Pharmacol. Res. Comm. 19, 261-273, 1987.
14) E. Masini, M. Lodovici, R. Fantozzi, S. Brunelleschi, A. Conti and P.F. Mannaioni. Histamine release by free radicals: paracetamol-induced histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cels after in vitro activation by monooxygenase. Agents and Actions, 18, 85-88, 1986. (1.457)
13) G. Caderni, M. Lodovici, M. Salvadori, F. Bianchini and P. Dolara. Inhibition of the mutagenic activity of some heterocyclic dietary carcinogens and other mutagenic/carcinogenic compounds by rat organ preparation. Mut. Res., 169, 35-40, 1986. (3.198)
12) L. Raimondi, G. Banchelli, B. Bertocci, M. Lodovici, G. Ignesti, R. Pirisino, F. Buffoni, V. Bertini and A. De Munno. Reaction of pig plasma benzylamine oxidase with beta-aminopropionitrile. Agents and Action, 16, 1985. (1.457)
11) P. Di Simplicio, P. Dolara and M. Lodovici. Blood glutathione as a measure of exposure to toxic compounds. J. Appl. Toxicol., 4,5, 227-229, 1984. (2.127)
10) P. Dolara, G. Caderni, M. Lodovici. Inactivation of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo (4,5-f)quinoline by horse radish and intestinal peroxidases. Arch. Toxicol. (suppl) 7, 253-255, 1984. (2.62)
9) P. Dolara, G. Caderni, M. Lodovici, G. Santoni, M. Salvadori and A. Baroni. Determination of styrene in the urine of workers manufacturing polystyrene plastics. Ann. Occup. Hyg., 28, 195-199, 1984. (1.787)
8) P. Dolara, G. Caderni, M. Salvadori, L. Tringale, M. Lodovici. Urinary mutagens in humans after fried pork and bacon meals. Cancer Lett. 22, 275-280, 1984. (3.5)
7) M. Lodovici, P. Dolara, A. Costantini, G. Barbagli, A. Calzolari and N. Stomaci. Impairment of antipyrine metabolism in urinary tract cancer. Tumori, 69, 221-222, 1983. (0.791)
6) V.A. Peduto, E. Masini, M. Lodovici, E. Pieraccioli, P. Dolara and G.P. Novelli. Stimulation of drug-metabolizing enzymes by nitrous oxide in the rat. Acta Anaesth. Scand. 27, 439-442, 1983. (1.953)
5) M. Lodovici, P. Dolara, G. Caderni, M. Carini, A. Costantini, C. Selli, G. Barbagli and A. Calzolari. The effect of cigarette smoke on aryl hydrocarbon hydroxilase (AHH) of the human kidney. Eur. J. Cancer Clin. Oncol. 19, 1565-1568, 1983.
4) P. Dolara, M. Lodovici, M. Salvadori, G. Santoni, G. Caderni, E. Buiatti, and P. Bavazzano. Enzyme induction in humans exposed to stirene. Ann. Occup. Hyg., 27, 183-188, 1983. (1.787)
3) P. Dolara, M. Lodovici, F. Buffoni, E. Buiatti, S. Baccetti, O. Ciofini, P. Bavazzano, S. Barchielli and V. Vannucci. Variations of some parameters of enzyme induction in chemical workers. Ann. Occup. Hyg., 25, 27-32, 1982. (1.787)
2) M. Lodovici, P. Dolara, P. Bavazzano, A. Colzi and V. Pistolesi. A new method for the determination of 6-beta-OH-cortisol in human urine. Clin. Chim. Acta, 114, 107-1110, 1981. (2.96)
1) F. Buffoni, G. Ignesti, M. Lodovici. Lysyloxidase and benzylamine oxidase in pig aorta. Ital.J.Bioch., 30, 179-189, 1981.