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Luogo e data di nascita: Firenze, 4 Agosto 1972
Lapo Governi ha conseguito il diploma di maturità scientifica presso il Liceo Scientifico P. Godetti di Firenze nell'anno scolastico 1990/91.Si è laureato in Ingegneria Meccanica nel settembre del 1998, presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dellUniversità degli Studi di Firenze, con voti 106 su 110 discutendo la tesi dal titolo: Procedura computerizzata per la pianificazione semiautomatica nellintervento di protesi danca (relatori: Prof. Marco Poggi, Prof. Monica Carfagni del dipartimento di Meccanica e Tecnologie Industriali dellUniversità di Firenze; Dr. Flavio Molinaroli dellOspedale Maggiore di Verona).Ha conseguito nel novembre del 1998, a Firenze, l'abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di Ingegnere;Nellanno Accademico 1998/99 è risultato vincitore di una borsa di Dottorato di Ricerca in Progetto e Costruzione di Macchine (sede amministrativa presso lUniversità di Firenze sedi consociate Università di Bologna, Genova e Padova), in particolare di una borsa di studio finanziata dal Centro Ricerche Fiat di Torino.Avendo regolarmente frequentato i tre anni previsti del corso di Dottorato, nel marzo del 2002 lIng. Governi ha ottenuto il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca discutendo la tesi dal titolo Sviluppo di metodologie di ottimizzazione per la progettazione vibroacustica di pannelli sollecitati dinamicamente (Tutore: Prof. Monica Carfagni).
Dal 2005 al 2014 è stato Ricercatore di ruolo per il SSD ING-IND/15 presso il Dipartimento di Meccanica e Tencologie Industriali, poi confluito nel Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze
Dal 2014 al 2021 è stato Professore Associato per il SSD ING-IND/15 presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Dal 2021 è Professore Ordinario per il SSD ING-IND/15 presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze.
1. CURRENT POSITION- Full Professor (Design Methods of Industrial Engineering) at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF), University of Florence, Italy.2. CURRICULUM STUDIORUM1998MSc Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering, University of Florence – Italy).2002Ph.D. in “Machine Design and Construction”.3. ACADEMIC WORK EXPERIENCE2000Teacher of “Computer Aided Design” at the Professional High School “C. Chini” in Borgo San Lorenzo (Florence – Italy).2001–2003Research Grant Holder at the Department of Mechanics and Industrial Technologies (DMTI) of the University of Florence (Italy). 2001–2004Contract Lecturer and Contract Professor at the Department of Mechanics and Industrial Technologies (DMTI) of the University of Florence (Italy).2003-2004Contract Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanics and Industrial Technologies (DMTI) of the University of Florence (Italy).2005-2014Assistant Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF) of the University of Florence (Italy).2014-2021Associate Professor at the DIEF.
2021-...Full Professor at the DIEF
4. SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS- 3D modeling and computational geometry- Additive Manufacturing- 3D scanning and Reverse Engineering- 3D processing for Cultural Heritage and Biomedicine- Industrial Design- Virtual Prototyping- Shape and structural optimization- Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT)5. TEACHING AND EDUCATION ACTIVITIESAcademic Courses (University of Florence)- Development and Analysis of 3D digital models - Master Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing - Master Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Methods for modeling and design - Master Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Computational technical graphics – Degree Course in Civil and Environmental Engineering- Graphical Informatics - Degree Course in Industrial Engineering- Computer Aided Design - Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Mechanical drafting - Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Industrial drafting - Degree Course in Industrial EngineeringBesides Academic courses, Prof. Governi has taught several professional courses related to the introduction of new technologies in the Industrial, Cultural Heritage and medical fields6. COORDINATION OF RESEARCH GROUPS, AND OTHER COORDINATION RESPONSIBILITIES- Scientific supervisor of the Reverse Engineering and Computer Vision Lab of the DIEF- Operative supervisor of SMIPP lab (tools and methods for product and process innovation);- Scientific Supervisor for the DIEF of the interdepartmental research center “3D digitization and processing techniques for the protection, enhancement and preservation of Cultural Heritage”- Founding member of the European Cluster "Nano and Advanced Materials for Cultural Heritage"; member of Thematic Work Group WG2 – “Innovative technologies and tools”- Founding member of the interdepartmental research center “Florence Accessibility Lab” (working in the field of accessibility to cultural heritage)- Operative supervisor of the Team for the Innovation of Products and Processes of the DIEF, hosting 10 researchers- Member of the management committee of T3DDY lab (Personalized pediatrics by inTegrating 3D aDvanced technology)- Participation (teacher and/or coordinator) to education projects funded by European Social Fund devoted to the introduction of virtual prototyping and collaborative design techniques among the SMEs;- Tutor for over 120 MSc, BSc and Ph.D. students;- Member of the teaching board of the Ph.D. course in “Industrial Engineering” - University of Florence – Italy;- President of the “Commissione di Indirizzo e Autovalutazione” of the DIEF7. MANAGEMENT OR EVALUATION OF RESEARCH PROJECTS FUNDED ON COMPETITIVE CALLS- Project: “T-VedO - Ricostruzione Tridimensionale per non Vedenti di Opere d'arte pittoriche”; funded by: European Social Fund - PAR-FAS REGIONE TOSCANA – 2010 (competitive call); role: Project Manager.- Project: “SUONO - Safe Underwater Operations iN Oceans”; funded by: MIUR/SMART CITIES – 2013 (competitive call); role: Scientific Responsible for DIEF of “hyperbaric lifeboat” sub-project.- Project: “QUADMAP - QUiet Areas Definition and Management in Action Plans”; funded by European Commission/Life 2010 (competitive call); role: Technical Project Manager.- Project: “IMAT - Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermoelectrical device for art Conservation”; funded by European Commission/FP7 (competitive call); role: WP leader.- Project: “MONZA - Methodologies fOr Noise low emission Zones introduction And management”; funded by European Commission/Life 2015 (competitive call); role: WP leader.- Project: “RITMI - Ricerca Integrata sisTema Moda Interregionale”; funded by REGIONE TOSCANA/POR Ob.3 2000-2006 (competitive call); role: Presdient of the Scientific Committee and Coordinator.- Project: “NANO-IT - Ricerca e sviluppo di un innovativo sistema a canale caldo termo-isolato mediante materiali Nano-strutturati”; funded by REGIONE TOSCANA/POR-CREO-FESR 2014-2020 (competitive call); role: Scientific responsible.- Project: “AACPG – Analisi, Automazione e Certificazione del Processo Galvanico mediante impiego di tecnologie ICT”; funded by REGIONE TOSCANA/PAR-FAS 2014 (competitive call); role: DIEF Scientific responsible.- Project: “DREAM – Dal Rilievo mEtrico Alla fruizione Multimediale”; funded by: REGIONE TOSCANA/POR - FESR 2014 – 2020 (competitive call); role: PIN s.c.r.l. Scientific responsible.- Project: “ARCONTE Piattaforma multidisciplinare web-based integrate per la gestione delle procedure perioperatorie e delle pratiche medico chirurgiche”; funded by REGIONE TOSCANA/POR - FESR 2014 – 2020 (competitive call); role: UNIFI Scientific Responsible.- MANUNET III CALL (funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 721267); role: Evaluator for Regione Piemonte (Italy).8. MEMBERSHIP OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARDS- International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (SCOPUS) – ISSN: 1752-9131Member of the editorial board since 02/2012- Journal of Artificial Intelligence (SCOPUS) - ISSN: 1994-5Associate Editor since 04/2012- Journal of Applied Sciences (SCOPUS) - ISSN: 1812-5654Associate Editor since 05/2012- International Journal of Advanced Robotic System (SCOPUS and ISI) – eISSN: 17298814 | ISSN: 17298814Member of the Editorial Board since 12/2016 - Computer Science and Engineering - p-ISSN: 2163-1484 e-ISSN: 2163-1492Member of the Editorial Board since 12/2011- Alphanumeric Journal ISSN : 2148-2225Advisory Editor since 2017Member of the Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE) since 2014Reviewer for a number of Scientific Journals such as: Computers in Industry; Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA); Pattern Recognition, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation; Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE); Journal of Food Engineering; Journal of the Textile Institute; …9. INVITED TALKS AND SEMINARS, AWARDS- Invited Plenary Speech al 2nd Workshop "Challenges", organized by M.I.T. (Massachussets Institute of Technology) and A.B.F. (Andrea Bocelli Foundation), at the M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachussets, USA, 3/12/2013. Talk title: "3D tactile models from paintings: an assessment of possible computer-aided methodologies";- Invited Seminar at the U.Va. – School of Engineering & Applied Sciences (University of Virginia – Charlottesville, USA), 3/12/2013. Talk title: "Computer-Aided 3D modeling from drawings and images: possible strategies in the field of industrial design";- Invited Lecture at the "Spring Conference of the Fiber Society", St. Gallen, Switzerland 27/5/2005. Lecture Title: "Image Processing based method for monitoring the raising industrial process";- Invited Seminar at Freie Universitat Bozen 24/11/2016. Seminar tile: "Reverse Engineering for large volumes: time of flight and phase shift 3D scanners". Bolzano. Invitato by: Prof. Walter A. Lorenz (Rector of Freie Universitat Bozen).- Invited Lecture at “Salone dell'Arte e Restauro di Firenze” 2014. Lecture title: “The design of an innovative CNT-based thermo-electrical device for Art Conservation: the IMAT Project”. Invited by: Cav. Franco Sottani, President.- Prize "Innovaciòn AR&PA 2012 - VIII Bienal de la restauracion y gestion del patrimonio" awarded by "Junta de Castilla y Leòn" for the project "IMAT-Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermoelectrical (IMAT) Device For Art Conservation", FP7 (Leader of WPs 5 e 8);- Best Poster Award for the work: Furferi R., Governi L., Nunziati M.; "On the performance of several stereo calibration methods and models". Conference: "IMPROVE 2011 - International Conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design". 15-17/06/2011, Venezia (Italia);- Best Conference Paper for the paper: Furferi R., Governi L., Palai M., Volpe Y.; "From unordered point cloud to weighted B-spline - A novel PCA-based method". Conference: "5th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, CEA'11", 29-31/01/2011, Puerto Morelos (Messico);- Prize “Salone dell’arte e del restauro” 2014 for the Project “IMAT- Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermoelectrical (IMAT) Device For Art Conservation”, delivered to Lapo Governi, Rocco Furferi e Yary Volpe, Florence 2014.- Winner of Individual Funding for Research (FFABR) - 2017 Legge 11 dicembre 2016, n. 232, art.1, commi 295-302.10. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES (key roles)- CHAIR of the International conference “Florence Heritech – the future of heritage science and technologies”, Florence (Italy), May 16-18, 2018- Member of the Scientific Committee the "20th International Conference of Engineering Design" ICED 22 – Milan (Italy) 27-31 July 2015;- Member of the Scientific Committee the "21st International Conference of Engineering Design" ICED 2017 – Vancouver (Canada) 21-25 August 2017.- Member of the Scientific Committee of at the "22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration" ICSV 22 – Florence (Italy) 12-16 July 2015;- Member of the Scientific Committee of the “6th International Conference on Research into Design” (ICoRD '17) Design for communities 9-11 January 2017, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (India);- Member of the Program Committee of the “International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing” (JCM 2014);2014 June 18-20 Toulouse (France);- Member of the Program Committee of the “International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing” (JCM 2016); 2016 September 14-16 Catania (Italy).- Member of the scientific Committee of the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2017), June 27-30, 2017, Modena, Italy.- Member of the Program Committee of the “25th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering” (TE2018), July 3-6, 2018, Modena, ITALY.- Member of the scientific Committee of the “28th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing” (FAIM 2018), June 10-14, 2018, Columbus (OHIO), USA.- Chairperson for the session "Assistive Technologies for Visually Impaired People II" at the "22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation – MED '14" (MCA – IEEE). Palermo June 16-19 2014.- Chairperson for the session "3D Reverse Engineering: methods and applications" at 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2017), June 27-30, 2017, Modena, Italy.- Chairperson for the session "European Projects for Noise Control and Quiet Areas" at the "22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration" ICSV 22 – Florence (Italy) 12-16 July 2015;- Chairperson for the session "Engineering Methods in Medicine" at the “International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing” (JCM 2016); September 14-16 Catania (Italy)11. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION- Author of over 200 publications; - Member of the International Society of Geometry and Graphics (ISGG);- Member of the National Design Methods Association (Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi – ADM)
Analisi e genesi dell'informazione grafica;
Prototipazione virtuale;Reverse Engineering;Image Processing e Computer Vision;Ottimizzazione geometrica e strutturale;Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT);Simulazione di processi industriali e cognitivi tramite tecniche di Intelligenza artificiale.
Florence (Italy) August 04, 1972
Department of Industrial Engineering
Università degli Studi di Firenze (University of Florence)
Via di Santa Marta, 3 - 50139 Firenze – ITALY
Foreign Languages: English
level: fluent
Full Professor (Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering) at the Department of Industrial Engineering – University of Florence – Italy.
2021 - ...Full Professor at the DIEF.
4. SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS- 3D modeling and computational geometry- Additive Manufacturing- 3D scanning and Reverse Engineering- 3D processing for Cultural Heritage and Biomedicine- Industrial Design- Virtual Prototyping- Shape and structural optimization- Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT)
5. TEACHING AND EDUCATION ACTIVITIESAcademic Courses (University of Florence)- Development and Analysis of 3D digital models - Master Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing - Master Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Methods for modeling and design - Master Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Computational technical graphics – Degree Course in Civil and Environmental Engineering- Graphical Informatics - Degree Course in Industrial Engineering- Computer Aided Design - Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Mechanical drafting - Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering- Industrial drafting - Degree Course in Industrial EngineeringBesides Academic courses, Prof. Governi has taught several professional courses related to the introduction of new technologies in the Industrial, Cultural Heritage and medical fields6. COORDINATION OF RESEARCH GROUPS, AND OTHER COORDINATION RESPONSIBILITIES- Scientific supervisor of the Reverse Engineering and Computer Vision Lab of the DIEF- Operative supervisor of SMIPP lab (tools and methods for product and process innovation);- Scientific Supervisor for the DIEF of the interdepartmental research center “3D digitization and processing techniques for the protection, enhancement and preservation of Cultural Heritage”- Founding member of the European Cluster "Nano and Advanced Materials for Cultural Heritage"; member of Thematic Work Group WG2 – “Innovative technologies and tools”- Founding member of the interdepartmental research center “Florence Accessibility Lab” (working in the field of accessibility to cultural heritage)- Operative supervisor of the Team for the Innovation of Products and Processes of the DIEF, hosting 10 researchers- Member of the management committee of T3DDY lab (Personalized pediatrics by inTegrating 3D aDvanced technology)- Participation (teacher and/or coordinator) to education projects funded by European Social Fund devoted to the introduction of virtual prototyping and collaborative design techniques among the SMEs;- Tutor for over 120 MSc, BSc and Ph.D. students;- Member of the teaching board of the Ph.D. course in “Industrial Engineering” - University of Florence – Italy;- President of the “Commissione di Indirizzo e Autovalutazione” of the DIEF7. MANAGEMENT OR EVALUATION OF RESEARCH PROJECTS FUNDED ON COMPETITIVE CALLS- Project: “T-VedO - Ricostruzione Tridimensionale per non Vedenti di Opere d'arte pittoriche”; funded by: European Social Fund - PAR-FAS REGIONE TOSCANA – 2010 (competitive call); role: Project Manager.- Project: “SUONO - Safe Underwater Operations iN Oceans”; funded by: MIUR/SMART CITIES – 2013 (competitive call); role: Scientific Responsible for DIEF of “hyperbaric lifeboat” sub-project.- Project: “QUADMAP - QUiet Areas Definition and Management in Action Plans”; funded by European Commission/Life 2010 (competitive call); role: Technical Project Manager.- Project: “IMAT - Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermoelectrical device for art Conservation”; funded by European Commission/FP7 (competitive call); role: WP leader.- Project: “MONZA - Methodologies fOr Noise low emission Zones introduction And management”; funded by European Commission/Life 2015 (competitive call); role: WP leader.- Project: “RITMI - Ricerca Integrata sisTema Moda Interregionale”; funded by REGIONE TOSCANA/POR Ob.3 2000-2006 (competitive call); role: Presdient of the Scientific Committee and Coordinator.- Project: “NANO-IT - Ricerca e sviluppo di un innovativo sistema a canale caldo termo-isolato mediante materiali Nano-strutturati”; funded by REGIONE TOSCANA/POR-CREO-FESR 2014-2020 (competitive call); role: Scientific responsible.- Project: “AACPG – Analisi, Automazione e Certificazione del Processo Galvanico mediante impiego di tecnologie ICT”; funded by REGIONE TOSCANA/PAR-FAS 2014 (competitive call); role: DIEF Scientific responsible.- Project: “DREAM – Dal Rilievo mEtrico Alla fruizione Multimediale”; funded by: REGIONE TOSCANA/POR - FESR 2014 – 2020 (competitive call); role: PIN s.c.r.l. Scientific responsible.- Project: “ARCONTE Piattaforma multidisciplinare web-based integrate per la gestione delle procedure perioperatorie e delle pratiche medico chirurgiche”; funded by REGIONE TOSCANA/POR - FESR 2014 – 2020 (competitive call); role: UNIFI Scientific Responsible.- MANUNET III CALL (funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 721267); role: Evaluator for Regione Piemonte (Italy).8. MEMBERSHIP OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARDS- International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (SCOPUS) – ISSN: 1752-9131Member of the editorial board since 02/2012- Journal of Artificial Intelligence (SCOPUS) - ISSN: 1994-5Associate Editor since 04/2012- Journal of Applied Sciences (SCOPUS) - ISSN: 1812-5654Associate Editor since 05/2012- International Journal of Advanced Robotic System (SCOPUS and ISI) – eISSN: 17298814 | ISSN: 17298814Member of the Editorial Board since 12/2016 - Computer Science and Engineering - p-ISSN: 2163-1484 e-ISSN: 2163-1492Member of the Editorial Board since 12/2011- Alphanumeric Journal ISSN : 2148-2225Advisory Editor since 2017Member of the Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE) since 2014Reviewer for a number of Scientific Journals such as: Computers in Industry; Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA); Pattern Recognition, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation; Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE); Journal of Food Engineering; Journal of the Textile Institute; …9. INVITED TALKS AND SEMINARS, AWARDS- Invited Plenary Speech al 2nd Workshop "Challenges", organized by M.I.T. (Massachussets Institute of Technology) and A.B.F. (Andrea Bocelli Foundation), at the M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachussets, USA, 3/12/2013. Talk title: "3D tactile models from paintings: an assessment of possible computer-aided methodologies";- Invited Seminar at the U.Va. – School of Engineering & Applied Sciences (University of Virginia – Charlottesville, USA), 3/12/2013. Talk title: "Computer-Aided 3D modeling from drawings and images: possible strategies in the field of industrial design";- Invited Lecture at the "Spring Conference of the Fiber Society", St. Gallen, Switzerland 27/5/2005. Lecture Title: "Image Processing based method for monitoring the raising industrial process";- Invited Seminar at Freie Universitat Bozen 24/11/2016. Seminar tile: "Reverse Engineering for large volumes: time of flight and phase shift 3D scanners". Bolzano. Invitato by: Prof. Walter A. Lorenz (Rector of Freie Universitat Bozen).- Invited Lecture at “Salone dell'Arte e Restauro di Firenze” 2014. Lecture title: “The design of an innovative CNT-based thermo-electrical device for Art Conservation: the IMAT Project”. Invited by: Cav. Franco Sottani, President.- Prize "Innovaciòn AR&PA 2012 - VIII Bienal de la restauracion y gestion del patrimonio" awarded by "Junta de Castilla y Leòn" for the project "IMAT-Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermoelectrical (IMAT) Device For Art Conservation", FP7 (Leader of WPs 5 e 8);- Best Poster Award for the work: Furferi R., Governi L., Nunziati M.; "On the performance of several stereo calibration methods and models". Conference: "IMPROVE 2011 - International Conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design". 15-17/06/2011, Venezia (Italia);- Best Conference Paper for the paper: Furferi R., Governi L., Palai M., Volpe Y.; "From unordered point cloud to weighted B-spline - A novel PCA-based method". Conference: "5th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, CEA'11", 29-31/01/2011, Puerto Morelos (Messico);- Prize “Salone dell’arte e del restauro” 2014 for the Project “IMAT- Intelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Thermoelectrical (IMAT) Device For Art Conservation”, delivered to Lapo Governi, Rocco Furferi e Yary Volpe, Florence 2014.- Winner of Individual Funding for Research (FFABR) - 2017 Legge 11 dicembre 2016, n. 232, art.1, commi 295-302.10. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES (key roles)- CHAIR of the International conference “Florence Heritech – the future of heritage science and technologies”, Florence (Italy), May 16-18, 2018- Member of the Scientific Committee the "20th International Conference of Engineering Design" ICED 22 – Milan (Italy) 27-31 July 2015;- Member of the Scientific Committee the "21st International Conference of Engineering Design" ICED 2017 – Vancouver (Canada) 21-25 August 2017.- Member of the Scientific Committee of at the "22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration" ICSV 22 – Florence (Italy) 12-16 July 2015;- Member of the Scientific Committee of the “6th International Conference on Research into Design” (ICoRD '17) Design for communities 9-11 January 2017, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (India);- Member of the Program Committee of the “International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing” (JCM 2014);2014 June 18-20 Toulouse (France);- Member of the Program Committee of the “International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing” (JCM 2016); 2016 September 14-16 Catania (Italy).- Member of the scientific Committee of the 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2017), June 27-30, 2017, Modena, Italy.- Member of the Program Committee of the “25th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering” (TE2018), July 3-6, 2018, Modena, ITALY.- Member of the scientific Committee of the “28th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing” (FAIM 2018), June 10-14, 2018, Columbus (OHIO), USA.- Chairperson for the session "Assistive Technologies for Visually Impaired People II" at the "22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation – MED '14" (MCA – IEEE). Palermo June 16-19 2014.- Chairperson for the session "3D Reverse Engineering: methods and applications" at 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2017), June 27-30, 2017, Modena, Italy.- Chairperson for the session "European Projects for Noise Control and Quiet Areas" at the "22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration" ICSV 22 – Florence (Italy) 12-16 July 2015;- Chairperson for the session "Engineering Methods in Medicine" at the “International Joint Conference on Mechanics, Design Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing” (JCM 2016); September 14-16 Catania (Italy)11. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION- Author of over 130 publications; - Member of the International Society of Geometry and Graphics (ISGG);- Member of the National Design Methods Association (Associazione Nazionale Disegno e Metodi – ADM)
- 3D modeling and computational geometry
- Industrial Design
- 3D scanning and Reverse Engineering
- Virtual Prototyping
- Additive Manufacturing
- Shape and structural optimization
- Image Processing e Computer Vision
- Computer Aided Tolerancing (CAT)
- Simulation and analysis of industrial processes by means of AI techniques