ll corso di Temi avanzati di Logica si terrà nel II semestre (inizio presumibille il 17/2/2025, orario lu-ma-me 9-11, aula 6, plesso Capponi). E' possibile contattare il docente per chiarimenti o appuntamenti scrivendo a andrea.cantini@unifi.it.
Il docente è stato collocato a riposo a partire dal primo novembre 2022. Terrà per contratto il corso di Temi Avanzati di Logica per la LM di Logica, Storia e Filosofia della Scienza nelle parti C e D del prossimo A.A. 2024-25 (lezioni a partire dal 19/2/2024 in via Capponi aule 1, 6, 7; si consiglia di controllare sul sito DILEF e Scuola e di iscriversi al corso via Piattaforma Moodle-Unifi)
Il ricevimento si terrà per appuntamento in un ufficio che verrà indicato dal docente, presumibilmente o prima o dopo le lezioni nelle sedi destinate ai collehi pensionati o emeriti in cia della Pergola (NB: il docente ha lasciato l'uffficio 11, piano primo, DILEF, via della Pergola 58-60).
Si può contattare il docente per un appuntamento scrivendo a andrea.cantini@unifi.it.
N. a Borgo S.Lorenzo (Firenze) il 12.12.1951.
Research Fellowships
Main research interests
Teoria della dimostrazione; teorie assiomatiche della verità e dell'astrazione; teorie delle operazioni e degli insiemi; storia e filosofia della logica e dei fondamenti della matematica.
Personal Data: Born December 12, 1951, Borgo S. Lorenzo (Firenze, Italy).
Education and Grants:1974: laurea in Philosophy; dissertation, advisor prof. E. Casari
1977-1978: Fulbright grant at the University of California, Berkeley (Group in Logic and Methodology of Science, study and research in Generalized Recursion Theory and Proof Theory );
1979-1983: Humboldt Fellow, CNR-NATO Junior Fellow at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen (study and research in Proof Theory, advisor Prof. H. Schwichtenberg)
Professional Experience:1.11.2000-present: full professor of Logic, Dept. of Philosophy; Università di Firenze;1.11.2001- 31.10.2007: Chairman of the Department of Philosophy;
1.11.2009-31.1.2014: delegato del Rettore per il Dottorato di Ricerca;
2003-2004: temporary position as: professor of Logic, Collegio Ghislieri, Università di Pavia;1988-2000: associate professor of Logic, Università di Firenze;1997-98 (sabbatical): visiting IAM, Universitaet Bern (prof. G.Jaeger); Humboldt Fellow at the Institut fuer Mathematische Logik, Universitaet Muenster (prof. W. Pohlers);1991 (sabbatical): Humboldt Fellow, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen;.1984-1988: assistant professor (ricercatore), Università di Trieste, Università di Firenze;1983-4: temporary lecturer (professore a contratto) in Epistemology, Università della Calabria.Member of the Graduate Programs in: Philosophy, Philosophy and Methodology and Empirical Research in Social Sciences.
Teaching: since 1988, several courses and seminars (undergraduate and graduate level) on the following topics:
Rudiments of Logic, Logic, Modal Logic, Indecidability and Incompleteness, Topics in Proof Theory, Set Theory, History and Philosophy of Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, Theories of Truth. Service
(i) Referee of papers for international journals including Journal of Symbolic Logic, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Studia Logica, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic,Review of Symbolic Logic, Synthese, Erkenntnis, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Journal of Logic and Computation, Archive for Mathematical Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic; (ii) referee of research projects, dissertations and tenure evaluation for European and US-universities and research agencies;(iii) reviewer for the section 03-XX: Philosophy of mathematics, General logic, Proof Theory and Constructive Mathematics, Recursion Theory of the Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik und Ihre Grenzgebiete (Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg).(iv) reviewer of papers and books for the Journal of Symbolic Logic, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, Erkenntnis, Studia Logica ;(iv) 1.11.2001-30.10.2007: member of the University Committee for funding international research activities of the University of Florence;(v) member of the steering committees for national and international conferences CiE 2007, LMPS 2007, LMPS 1995.
(vi) member (since 2009) of Comitato Direttivo, Rivista di Filosofia, Il Mulino, Bologna;
(vii) Editor (1.1.2014-31.12.2018) of the Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
Invited Talks at Conferences and Workshops (a selection):
A path from formal truth to predicativity, APT meeting, 113-15, 2023; A fixed point theory over stratified truth, LTG, University of Bern, Bern, 12-14, 12.2018; From self-reference to unfoundedness, Ouroboros 2018, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn, 16-18, 2018; About propositions and truth, axiomatically, University College, University of London, London, May 31, 2019; Abstract objects in a truth-theoretic setting, MCMP, LMU Muenchen, July 6-7 2019;
Axiomatic Theories of Truth, University of Oxford, New College (September 2011), Pillars of Truth, Princeton University (Aprile 2011), LMPS 1995, Logic Colloquium 2001, Logic Colloquium 2004, and several other conferences at the following universities: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, University of Roskilde, Stanford University, University of California Irvine, University of Leeds, Universitaet Bern, University of Oxford (Logic meeting at New College 2006); invited at the meetings "Mathematische Logik" , Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (1981, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 2002, 2005)
Theories of truth and abstraction; proof theory and foundations of constructivism; history and philosophy of logic