Lunedì e martedì alle 10.00 (o su prenotazione via email)
Nato in Zimbabwe il 28/7/1952
Cittadinanza: Australiano ed Italiana
Laurea in psicologia (110 e lode): University of Western Australia, 1975
Dottorato di ricerca (Psicologia e fisiologia), Darwin College, Cambridge, 1979.
QUALIFICHE: BSc (1st class hons in psychology) University of Western Australia, 1975
PhD (psychology) Cambridge University, UK, 1979
Posizioni Precedenti Ricoperte
1979-1981 Royal Society Exchange Fellow (assegnata dalla Royal Society, Londra), svolta all' Istituto di Neurofisiologia del CNR, Pisa.
1982-1987 Post Doctoral Research Fellow (finanziata dall' Australian NHMRC e ARC), Department of Psychology, University of Western Australia.
1987-1991 Senior Research Officer (“Primo Ricercatore ex. art. 36” - Italian CNR), Istituto di Neurofisiologia del CNR, Pisa.
1991-1997 Professore di Psicologia, Università di Roma “ La Sapienza”, Roma, Italia.
Finanziamenti alla Ricerca
2008-2010: PRIN (Ministero Italiano della Ricerca) – Percezione della numerosità in visione normale e durante le saccadi: €28,571.
2009-2014: ERC Advanced Grant – Space, time and number in the brain (STANIB): €2,500,000. Primo tra i progetti finanziati.
2012-2016: British MRC (PI Liz Pellicano, UCL) “I do not see the world as others do.” Diminished perceptual adaptation, hypo-priors and autism £583,132.
2015-2019: ARC Discovery grant (CI: D. Alais, U. Syd) - Temporal alignment of multisensory signals: A$691,800. Include "International Collaboration Award" di 72.000 $ specificamente per finanziare i viaggi di David Burr a Sydney.
2014-2019: ERC Advanced Grant (PI Concetta Morrone) – Early Sensory Cortical Plasticity in Adults (ESCPLAIN): €2,500,000. (Ricercatore senior nel finanziamento)
Onoreficenze e Premi
1975 Borse di studio Hackett per studio all' estero - Università WA
1983 Campbell Early Career Award in Neuroscience - Società australiana di neuroscienze (Australian Neuroscience Society)
Medaglia Kurt-Koffka 2011 in Sviluppo e Percezione - Università di Giessen
2012 Perception Lecturer - European Conference of Visual Perception, Alghero
Attualmente all' esame Fellowship of the Royal Society (London)
Responsabilità Professionali
Editore Associato di Journal of Vision
Membro dell' Editorial Board di Current Biology, Perception e Timing and Time Perception Reviews
Membro del gruppo di esperti per ERC Starting Grants (2.000.000 euro ciascuna) per la divisione SH4 (2015 e 2017).
Membro dell' International Scientific Advisory Board, Brain and Mind Institute, Western University, Londra, Ontario, Canada (Direttore : Mel Goodale).
Membro del Comitato Scientifico, Instituto Davide Chissone Onlus (per i ciechi e ipovedenti), Genova, Italia.
Visual Sciences Society (annual conference in Florida, each May). Membro del comitato organizzatore.
September 2009: “Three dimensional sensory and motor space: space, time and numbers in the brain”. European Science Foundation Conference, Barcelona. Co-organizzatore.
August 2008: European Conference of Visual Perception, Utrecht, Netherlands. Membro del comitato scientifico.
August 2007: European Conference of Visual Perception, Arezzo, Italy. Membro del comitato scientifico.
July 2007: Multi-Sensory Research Forum, Sydney, Australia. Membro del comitato scientifico.
August 2006: European Conference of Visual Perception (ECVP), St Petersburg. scientifico: The perception of time.
August 2005: European Conference of Visual Perception, a Coru?a, Spain. Scientific committee.
July 2003: IBRO World conference of neuroscience. Co-organizer of symposium: Visuospatial processing in human and monkey.
August 2001: European Conference of Visual Perception, Ishmir, Turkey. Membro del comitato organizzatore.
Percezione umana, in particolare visione. La ricerca utilizza tutte le più moderne tecniche impiegate nelle neuroscienze, compresa la psicofisica, la modellazione computazionale, la registrazione dei potenziali evocati ed in ultimo la risonanza magnetica funzionale. Essa affronta la maggior parte dei temi principali nella ricerca sulla visione, tra cui la percezione del movimento, lo sviluppo percettivo neonato e del bambino, la percezione del colore, la visione spaziale e la visione durante i movimenti oculari saccadici.
Più recentemente la ricerca si è ampliata fino a includere la percezione multisensoriale e il suo sviluppo, la percezione del tempo e del numero. Altri interessi includono plasticità e adattabilità nei sistemi neurali adulti.
Non ci sono
DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 28 July, 1952, Gwello, Zimbabwe
BSc (Psychology) 1st class Hons, University of Western Australia, 1975
PhD (Psychology and Physiology), Darwin College, Cambridge, 1979.
1979-1981 Royal Society Exchange Fellow (awarded by the Royal Society, London), tenable at the Istituto di Neurofisiologia del CNR, Pisa.
1982-1987 Post Doctoral Research Fellow (funded by Australian NHMRC and ARC), Department of Psychology, University of Western Australia.
1991-1997 Professor of Psychology, Università di Roma “ La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy.
2008-2010: PRIN (Italian Ministry of Research) – Perception of numerosity in normal and saccadic vision: €28,571.
2009-2014: ERC Advanced Grant – Space, time and number in the brain (STANIB): €2,500,000. I was among the first grant-winners.
2012-2016: British MRC (PI Liz Pellicano, UCL) “I do not see the world as others do.” Diminished perceptual adaptation, hypo-priors and autism£583,132.
2015-2019: ARC Discovery grant (CI: D. Alais, U. Syd) - Temporal alignment of multisensory signals: A$691,800. Includes International Collaboration Award of $72,000 specifically to fund Burr’s travels to Sydney.
2014-2019: ERC Advanced Grant (PI Concetta Morrone) – Early Sensory Cortical Plasticity in Adults (ESCPLAIN): €2,500,000. (I am senior investigator on the grant).
1975 Hackett Scholarship for overseas study – University of WA
1983 Campbell Early Career Award in Neuroscience – Australian Neuroscience Society
2011 Kurt-Koffka Medal in Development and Perception – University of Giessen
2012 Perception Lecturer – European Conference of Visual Perception, Alghero
Currently under consideration for Fellowship of the Royal Society (London)
Associate Editor: Journal of Vision
Member of editorial boards: Current Biology, Perception, and Timing and Time Perception Reviews.
Panel Member for ERC Starting Grants (€2,000,000 each) for SH4 division (2015 & 2017).
Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board, Brain and Mind Institute, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada (Director Mel Goodale).
Member of the Scientific Committee, Instituto Davide Chissone Onlus (for the Blind and Low Vision), Genova, Italy.
Human perception, particularly vision. The research uses all state-of-the-art neuroscience techniques, including psychophysics, computational modelling, evoked potential recording and functional imaging. It addresses most major themes in vision research, including motion perception, infant and child development, colour perception, spatial vision, and vision during saccadic eye-movements.
More recently the research has expanded to include multi-sensory perception and its development, the perception of time and of number. Other interests include plasticity and adaptability in adult neural systems.