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Paola Turano è professore ordinario di Chimica Generale e Inorganica all'Università di Firenze. La sua attività di ricerca è principalmente dedicata all'NMR in Life Sciences. Ha una lunga esperienza nello sviluppo e nell'applicazione di metodi NMR a sistemi inorganici di rilevanza biologica, con particolare attenzione alle proteine eme e alle ferritine. Dal 2008 ha ampliato il suo interesse di ricerca includendo la metabolomica basata sull'NMR. In questo campo ha portato un contributo originale nel settore della pre-analisi (sviluppato attraverso i progetti FP7 SPIDIA e H2020 SPIDIA4P), che l'ha portata al coinvolgimento nei comitati tecnici CEN e ISO per lo sviluppo di standard pre-analitici per la metabolomica. Dal 2020 è inoltre in corso una ricerca attiva sulla profilazione di metaboliti e liproproteine in campioni di siero o plasma di soggetti COVID-19.
Place & date of birth/Luogo e data di nascita: Firenze 05/07/1964
Nationality/Nazionalità: Italian/Italiana
CERM – Via. Sacconi, 6
Dipartimento di Chimica Ugo Schiff – Via della Lastruzzi a 3-13
Università degli Studi di Firenze
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze) Italia,
1993 – Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences/Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Chimiche – Università di Firenze
1989 – Degree in Chemistry/Laurea in Chimica (110/110 cum laude) – Università di Firenze
Professional Appointments/Incarichi professionali
September 2021-present: Full professor – Univ. of Florence
November2002–August 2021: Associate Professor – Univ. ofFlorence
October1997–October2002 Researcher at the Faculty of Sciences – Univ. of Florence
June1996–September1997: Research contract –Dept. of Chemistry –Univ. of Florence
May1994-April1996: Postdoctoral fellowship – Univ. ofFlorence
November1993-January1994: Visiting Associate in Chemistry – California Institute of Technology
Offices held/Incarichi presso società o istituzioni scientifiche
2016-2019 Vice-Chair, Gruppo Italiano Discussione Risonanze Magnetiche(GIDRM)
2015-2016 Treasurer, Gruppo Italiano Discussione Risonanze Magnetiche (GIDRM)
2014-2015 Vice-Chair, Gruppo Italiano Discussione Risonanze Magnetiche (GIDRM)
2014-2017 Chair of the scientific committee, da Vinci EuropeanBiobank of the FiorGen Foundation
2009-2013 Scientific committee member, da Vinci European Biobank of the FiorGen Foundation
2012-2014 Chair, Division of Chemistry in Life Sciences ofEuCheMS
2008-2012 Council member, Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Management activities/Attività di gestione (University of Florence)
Coordination of teaching activities:
2016-ongoing President of the Bachelor's Degree Course in Biotechnology
2015-ongoing President of the Master's Degree Course in Molecular Biotechnology (second term)
2001 - ongoing Member of the Board of Teachers of the International Doctorate in Structural Biology / Mechanistic and Structural Systems Biology
2004-ongoing Teaching Committee, Master's Degree in Molecular Biotechnology
2001-ongoing Teaching Committee, Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology (biomolecular curriculum delegate)
Support for the management of research centers and services:
2017-ongoing Member of the Scientific Council of the Magnetic Resonance Center (CERM)
2017- ongoing Scientific Director and President of the Scientific Committee, da Vinci European Biobank
2013- ongoing Member of the Board of Chemistry Department
2010-2014 Member of the Scientific Council of the Magnetic Resonance Center (CERM)
1998-2000 Member of the Board of Chemistry Department
“Raffaello Nasini Medal 2003” of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society.
European CEN-CENELEC Project Award 2021 (Project Award to the SPIDIA4P consortiium)
Research funding/Finanziamenti (bandi competitivi)
Duration/Durata (months/mesi)
A Flexible antibody-drug conjugate Approach for Innovative antiviral THerapy (FAITH) – PRIN
PI of Research Unit
COMETA - Studio del fingerprint metabolomico dei pazienti affetti da Covid 19 per un accurato inquadramento diagnostico, prognostico e terapeutico - BANDO RICERCA COVID-19 TOSCANA
Sviluppo di nanodispositivi a base di ferritina per il trasporto mirato di farmaci e sonde per imaging - Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze 2020.1519
Advanced mass spectrometry tools for cancer research: novel applications in proteomics, metabolomics and nanomedicine (AIRC - Fondazione CR Firenze Multi - user Equipment Program Call for Proposals 2016
SPIDIA4P “SPIDIA for personalized Medicine Standardization of Generic Preanalytical procedures for In-vitro diagnostics for personalized medicine” H2020
Valutazione del tempo di vita dei campioni in biobanche di materiale biologico - Ente CRF 2013.0494
Progetto RISE - Regione Toscana PAR FAS 2007-2013 – Realizzazione Centri di Competenza
Farmaci innovativi per Malattie Neurodegenerative - FINDING - POR CREO FESR 2007-2013
Controllo Qualità di campioni biologici conservati in biobanca – Ente CRF 2011.1073
Realizzazione laboratori di biologia cellulare e molecolare (BioLab) - Ente CRF 2008.2026
SPIDIA "Standardisation and improvement of generic pre-analytical tools and procedures for in-vitro diagnostics" HEALTH-F5-2008-222916
"Ingegneria proteica e caratterizzazione strutturale di eme proteine per applicazioni bioelettroniche" - Progetto Finalizzato Biotecnologie
Invited Talks/Interventi su invito
Conferences /congressi:
- Biobanking applications in clinical research (online event), November 19, 2021.
- National Meeting of the Italian Chemical Society, Divison of Biological Systems (virtual meeting), September 14-23, 2021. KEYNOTE
- 11th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-11), (virtual meeting), June 28-July 3, 2021.
- Meeting of - Strengthening Synergies, Graz (Austria), December 9-11, 2019.
- Bruker Symposium at the Jahrestagung der DGKL, Magdeburg (Germany), September 25-27, 2019.
- 19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC-19), Interlaken (Switerland), August 11-16, 2019.
- 15th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry (ISABC15), Nara (Japan) June 2–5, 2019.
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Nanomedicine and Metabolomics Research – NMR 4 NMR Kick-off Meetidng, Padova (Italy), February 21, 2019.
- Past, present and future of inorganic chemistry in italy: a path defined by the winners of the Nasini prize, February 11-12, 2019.
- Giornata Nazionale di, Roma (Italy), January 10, 2019.
- 14th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EuroBIC 14), Birmingham (UK), August 26-30, 2018. KEYNOTE
- 10th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-10), Munich (Germany), July 1-6, 2018
- Cecam Workshop Physiological role of ions in the brain: towards a comprehensive view by molecular simulation, Pisa (Italy) May 21-23, 2018
- NMR Day: HR-MAS NMR, metabolomics and multivariate analysis, Milano (Italy) 6 June, 2017.
- NMR & MS in metabolomica, Padova (Italia), February 3, 2017.
- NMR Pharma Day, IRBM Science Park, Pomezia (RM; Italy) November 16 2016.
- 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress: Chemistry, Seville (Spain), September 11-15,2016. KEYNOTE
- 9th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-9), Nanjing (China), July 3-8,2016.
- 3rd Jena HHDP Symposium, Jena (Germany), May 25-27,2016.
- Biobanking National Infrastructures meeting, Nice (France), May 17-19,2016.
- XIII International Symposium on Inorganic Biochemistry, Karpacz (Poland), September 1-6,2015.
- IV International Conference on Cofactors (ICC04), Parma (Italy), August 25-28,2014.
- 12th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (EuroBIC 12), Zürich (Switzerland), August 24-262014. PLENARY
- 8th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-8), Istanbul (Turkey), June 22-27,2014.
- XII International Symposium on Inorganic Biochemistry - Collaboration and Beyond, Wrocław (Poland), August 28- September 1, 2013. PLENARY
- Italian Meeting on Porphyrins and Phtalocyanines (IMPP-1), Roma (Italy), July 1-3,2013.
- 5th European Conference on “Chemistry for Life Sciences” (5th ECCLS), Barcelona (Spain), June 10-12, 2013. PLENARY
- The quality of molecular methods in the age of personalized medicine, Florence (Italy), May 18,2013.
- Metabolomics in clinics, Milan (Italy), November 30,2012.
- Convegno nazionale della Divisione di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici, Napoli (Italy), September 24-25,2012.
- XLI National Congress on Magnetic Resonance, Pisa (Italy) September 17-19,2012.
- 7th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-7), Jeju (Korea), July 1-6,2012.
- 221st ECS Meeting, Seattle (WA, USA), May 6-10,2012.
- ACS 241st National Meeting, Anaheim (CA, USA), March 27 – 31,2011.
- 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress: Chemistry - the Creative Force, Nürnberg (Germany), August 29 agosto – September 2, 2010.
- 6th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-6), Albuquerque (USA), July 4-9,2010.
- Early stage drug discovery, Berlin Buch (Germany), May 27-28,2010.
- N.M.R: a tool for biology IX, Paris (France), January 25-27,2010.
- CEUM 2009, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), October 4-6,2009.
- 3rd European Conference on Chemistry in Life Sciences, Frankfurt am Main (Germany), September 2-5,2009.
- ICBIC 14, Nagoya (Japan), July 25-30,2009.
- Gordon Reserach Conference - Metals in Biology Ventura (CA, USA), January 25-30,2009.
- EUROBIC9, Wroclaw (Poland), September 2-6,2008.
- ACS 236th National Meeting, Philadelphia (PA, USA), August 17 – 21,2008.
- 5th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-5), Moscow (Russia), July 6-11,2008.
- XXXVII National Congress on Magnetic Resonance, Verbania Pallanza (Italy), September 12-15,2007. PLENARY
- NMR solid state Bruker user’s meeting, Florence (Italy), April 19,2007.
- VI International Symposium on Metals, Environment and Health, Szklarska Poreba (Poland), September 6-9,2006.
- 4th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-4), Roma (Italy), July 2-7,2006.
- COST D21 Final Workshop on “Metalloenzymes and Chemical Biomimetics”, Leuven (Belgium), May 25-28,2006.
- XXXIII National Congress of the Inorganic Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society, Siena (Italy), July 11-16,2005.
- 3rd International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-3), New Orleans (USA), July 11-16,2004.
- 11th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC), Cairns (Australia), July 19-23,2003.
- National Meeting of the Italian Chemical Society, Division of Inorganic Chemistry Turin (Italy), June 22-25,2003. NASINI AWARD LECTURE
- 7th FIGIPS Meeting in Inorganic Chemistry, Lisboa (Portugal), June 11-15,2003.
- 10th Chianti Workshop on Magnetic Resonance, San Miniato (Pisa, Italy), May 25-30,2003.
- Sapio Meeting 2003, Florence (Italy), May 10, 2003.
- COST D21 Working Group meeting “Structural and Spectroscopic Studies of Metalloproteins and Electron Transfer Proteins”, Marseille (France), October 3-6,2002.
- 2nd International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-2), Kyoto (Japan), June 30–July 5, 2002.
- Progress meeting of EEC METALBIOREDUCTION RTD project, Marseilles (France), June 11-12,2001.
- SAPIO NMR/MRI Conferences 2001 “NMR in Puglia: ambiente, alimentazione, salute” Bari (Italy), June 1,2001.
- Tavola Rotonda “La biologia strutturale e le biotecnologie” Collaretto Giacosa (Turin - Italy), February 14,2001.
- On the occasion of the Laurea honoris causa to K. Wuthrich, Siena (Italy), March 20,1997.
- IV Convegno Nazionale di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici, Siena (Italy), September 24-26,1996.
- Workshop: The Dynamics of Protein Structure, San Miniato (Pisa - Italy), September 14-15,1996.
- 4th Joint Greek-ltalian Meeting on Chemistry of Biological Systems and Molecular Chemical Engineering, Turin (Italy), June1-3, 1996.
- Convegno Nazionale di Risonanze Magnetiche, Rome (Italy), October 21-23, 1992.
-NMR School – Advanced NMR, GIDRM/Università di Torino (via web), 20-23 luglio 2020.
-3rd Summer School of Medicinal Chemistry, Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari, Italy) August 28–September 1, 2017.
-Schulich Winter School, Frontiers in Inorganic Chemistry, Haifa (Israel), December 1-3, 2015.
-Summer Inorganic Medicinal Chemistry School, Cagliari (Italy), September 28-October 1, 2015.
-Summer School of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Cagliari (Italy), September 8-11, 2013.
-Scuola Nazionale di Chimica Bioinorganica, Siena (Italy), July 3-6, 2011.
-IX Laboratorio di Metodologie Sintetiche in Chimica Farmaceutica, Siena (Italy), February 14-18, 2010.
-Scuola Nazionale di Chimica Bioinorganica per Dottorandi, San Miniato (Pisa, Italy), June 24-28,2002.
-Metodologie in Biologia Strutturale, Collaretto Giacosa, Turin (Italy), February 12-15, 2001.
- Modern Techniques in Industrial Biology: Metodi per la determinazione della struttura delle proteine”, Turin (Italy), January 31 – February 4, 2000.
- ISA-Lyon, April 6, 2018
- Università di Perugia, 3 maggio2016
- Università di Roma - La Sapienza, April 7,2017
- Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, October 1,2014
- Medical University of Graz, October 10, 2012.
- University of Arizona, July 13,2010.
- University of Bayreuth, November 29,2006.
- Insitut Pasteur, Paris, June 21,2005.
- Siena Biotech, Siena, March 16,2005.
- Institut de Chimie Minérale et Analitique, Université de Lausanne, April 16,1996.
- Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universitat Basel, April 15,1996.
- Fachbereich Chemie, Universität Dortmund, February 1,1996.
Conference and school organization/organizzazione di congressi e scuole
- Session Chair (T13 – Metals in biology) 44th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC2020) Rimini, postponed
- Member of the Scientific Committee Advances in NMR and MS Based Metabolomics, Lucca, November 20-22, 2019.
- Member of the Scientific Committee XLVIII National Congress on Magnetic Resonance, L’Aquila, September 11-13 2019.
- Member of the Scientific Committee - GIDRM day “Metabolomics in cancer”, Florence, November 28, 2018.
- Member of the Scientific Committee XLVII National Congress on Magnetic Resonance, Torino, September 19-21 2018.
- Member of the Scientific Committee - Workshop “CHANCES” - Crystallography And Nmr in Complementary Structural Investigations, Florence, September 4th, 2018.
- Member of the Scientific Committee - Advances in NMR and MS Based Metabolomics, Padova, November 14-16, 2017.
- Member of the Scientific Committee - XLVI National Congress on Magnetic Resonance, Fisciano (Salerno), September 27-29 2017.
- Member of the Scientific Committee - XLV National Congress on Magnetic Resonance, September 5-7 2016, Modena.
- Organizer - NMR Day: “Industrial applications of proteins: what role for NMR?”, Firenze, June 15 2016.
- Member of the Scientific Committee - XLIV National Congress on Magnetic Resonance, Roma, September 28-30 2015.
- Member of the Scientific Committee - XLIII National Congress on Magnetic Resonance, Bari, September 22-24 2014.
- Chair, EMBO Practical Course, Solution and solid-state NMR of paramagnetic molecules, Sesto Fiorentino (Italy) 13–19 July 2014
- Session organizer, 8th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-8), Istanbul (Turkey), June 22-27, 2014.
- Organizer of the “12th Chianti/INSTRUCT Workshop on BioNMR”, Montecatini (Italy), June 17-22, 2012.
- Session organizer, 7th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-7), Jeju (Korea), July 1-6, 2012.
- Member of the organizing Committee of “NMR to lay the bricks for molecular systems biology”, Montecatini Terme, Italy, December 14-18, 2008
- Session organizer of “2nd European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences”, Wroclaw, Poland, September 4-8 2007.
- Organizer of “Second EuCheMS School on protein Chemistry”, Alba di Canazei, January 15-20, 2006.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of “4th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-4), Roma (Italy), July 2-7, 2006.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of “First European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences”, Rimini, October 4-8, 2005.
- Organizer of “First FECS School on Protein Chemistry”, Brixen, January 9-14, 2005.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of “1st International Meeting on: Genome Based Drug Discovery”, Florence, March 22-27, 2004.
- Organizer of “X Chianti Workshop of Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear and Electron Relaxation”, San Miniato, Pisa, May 25 – 30, 2003.
- Organizer of “IX Chianti Workshop of Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear and Electron Relaxation”, Tirrenia, Pisa, May 26 – June 1, 2001.
- Organizer of the “VIII Chianti Workshop of Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear and Electron Relaxation”, San Miniato, Pisa, May 30 – June 5, 1999
- Member of the Organizing Committee of "NMR for the development of Science and Technology", Florence, June 7-8, 1996.
Editorial activities/Attività editorial
2017- in corso Section Board Member for 'Molecular Biophysics' - International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2016- in corso Member of the Editorial Board – Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
2009-2012 Member of the Editorial Board – Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
2008-2011 Member of the Editorial Board – Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
1996-1999 Assistant to the Editor - Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
1994-1995 Assistant to the Editor – La Chimica & l’Industria (SCI)
Reviewing activities/attività di revisore
Referee for journal in chemistry/chemical biology/Riviste scientifiche:JACS, Chem Com., BBA, Inorg. Chem, Analytical Chemistry, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, Journal of Chemical Information and modeling, Dalton Transactions, FEBS Letters, J. Biol. Inorg. Chem, Journal of Proteome Research, RSC Advances, Molecular Oncology, Frontiers in Moleculari Biosciences, Metabolomics, Biomolecules, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, ...
Referee for national and international funding agencies/agenize di finanziamento nazionali e internazionali:ERC, MIUR/ANVUR, Swiss national Science Foundation, French National Research Agency (ANR), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), Dutch Research Council (NWO), National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Israel Science Foundation (ISF)
Member of international selection or evaluation commitees/Partecipazione a comitati di selezione o commissioni presso istituzioni straniere
Ecole Normale Superior Lyon, PhD Thesis defence committee
Universidad de Sevilla, PhD Thesis defence committee
IRB Barcelona - Panel member for a position as Group Leader in Chemical Biology.
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Member of the classification Juri for Job/Fellowships in "Biochemistry, Spectroscopy, and Molecular Biology" CIENCIA 2008 CQFB 05.
Teaching/Insegnamenti (Università di Firenze)
Bachelr and Master’s degree/Corsi di Studio
Insegnamento: 0105787 CICLI BIOGEOCHIMICI
Insegnamento: 0105907 - LABORATORIO DI TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI A (modulo A)
Insegnamento: 0106110 - LABORATORIO DI TECNOLOGIE CHIMICHE A (modulo A)
Insegnamento 0105910 - METODI DI INDAGINE STRUTTURALE (Parte B)
Insegnamento: Chimica Generale e Inorganica + Laboratorio di Chimica I
Insegnamento Modelli di Sistemi Biologici
Insegnamento: Chimica Generale e Inorganica con Laboratorio
Insegnamento: Chimica Inorganica II
International Doctorate in Structural Biology/Mechanistic and Structural Systems Biology:
2016 - NMR of large molecular assemblies
2013 - NMR of large molecular assemblies
2012 - Biophysical methods to study biomolecular interactions
2010 - NMR of large molecular assemblies
Technology transfer/Trasferimento tecnologico
Spin-Off activities:- Co-funder of the Research Biobank da Vinci European biobank ( associated to BBMRI-ERIC via the Italian node
International standard development:- Member of the CEN/TC 140/WG 3 Working group "Quality management in the medical laboratory"- Member of the ISO/TC212/WG4 Working group “Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems”
Support to educational programs/Attività di supporto alla didattica (Università di Firenze)
2016- Presidente Corso di Laurea Triennale in Biotecnologie (secondo mandato)
2015- Presidente Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie Molecolari (secondo mandato)
2001- Membro del Collegio dei docenti International Doctorate in Structural Biology/Mechanistic and Structural Systems Biology
PhD Supervisor:
Lucrezia Cosottini “Production of human ferritin-based nanosystems able to deliver tumor antigens for the development of cancer vaccines” (Doctorate in Chemical Sciences; 2021-2024)
Silvia Ciambellotti “Human ferritin nanocages: from iron oxidation to drug delivery” (International Doctorate in Structural Biology; 2013-16)
Camilla Rosa “Labeling strategies for metalloprotein structural and functional characterization” (International Doctorate in Mechanistic and Structural Systems Biology; 2009-2012)
Daniela Lalli “Structure and dynamics of complexes and molecular aggregates trough NMR: from protein-ligand interactions to nanobioreactors” (Doctorate in Chemical Sciences; 2007-2010)
Elisa Libralesso “hSOD fALS mutants: an insight into molecular mechanisms of aggregation” (International Doctorate in Structural Biology; 2002-2005)
PhD Corresponding Faculty:
Galit Kuznets – Technion, Haifa (hosted at CERM 07/01/2014 al 08/02/2014)
J Blas Moreno-Beltrán – University of Seville (hosted at CERM 17/11/2012-28/02/2013)
Post-doc supervisor:
Veronica Ghini (04/2021-present)
Gaia Meoni (07/2021-12/2021), presently: young researcher, Univ. of Florence
Silvia Ciambellotti (02/2017-01/2020), presently: young researcher, Univ. of Florence
Caterina Bernacchioni (10/2014-09/2015 & 02/2013-01/2014), presently: senior researcher, Univ. of Florence
Daniela Lalli (02/2011-01/2014), presently: associate professor, Univ. Piemonte Orientale
Michael Assfalg (2002), presently: associate professor, Univ. of Verona
Scientific production/Produzione scientifica
Author identifiers:
WOS: F-9089-2011
ORCID: 0000-0002-7683-8614
Principali linee di ricerca:
ottimizzazione degli esperimenti NMR su sistemi paramagnetici
relazione-struttura funzione in metalloproteine
biologia strutturale
NMR di sistemi parzialmente foldati o unfoldati
NMR di sistemi ad alto peso molecolare
interazioni proteina-leganti via NMR
metabolomica via NMR
Paola Turano is full professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Florence. Her research activity is mainly dedicated to NMR in Life Sciences. She has a long term experience in the development and application of NMR methods to inorganic systems of biological relevance, with a special focus on heme proteins and ferritins. Since 2008, Paola Turano expanded her research interest to include NMR-based metabolomics. In this field, she brought an original contribution in the pre-analytics sector (developed through the FP7 SPIDIA and H2020 SPIDIA4P projects), which led to her involvement in CEN and ISO technical committees for the development of pre-analytical standards for metabolomics. Since 2020 active research is also ongoing on the profiling of metabolites and liproproteins in serum or plasma specimens from COVID-19 subjects.
Place & date of birth: Firenze, 5 luglio 1964
Nationality: Italiana
Professional Appointments
November 2002–August 2021: Associate Professor – Univ. ofFlorence
October 1997–October 2002 Researcher at the Faculty of Sciences – Univ. of Florence
June 1996–September 1997: Research contract –Dept. of Chemistry –Univ. of Florence
May 1994-April 1996: Postdoctoral fellowship – Univ. ofFlorence
November 1993-January 1994: Visiting Associate in Chemistry – California Institute of Technology
Main research lines: