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Presso "Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale", Padiglione "Il Cubo" Viale Pieraccini 6, stanza numero 2/56.
Il Professor Amedeo Amedei (01.04.1971),
nel luglio del 1996 si è laureato con il massimo dei voti (110/110) e lode in Scienze Biologiche presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze, con una tesi sperimentale dal titolo “Infezione da Helicobacter pylori: modello di risposta immune di tipo Th1”, svolta presso il Laboratorio di Ricerca Immunologica del Dipartimento di Medicina Interna. Dopo un periodo di Tirocinio post-Laurea presso il Laboratorio di Immunoallergologia (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi di Firenze), il Dr. Amedei ha iniziato la sua carriera scientifica con una borsa di studio (1997-99), finanziata dalla dall’Ente “Fondazione Anna Villa Rusconi” e che aveva come oggetto di studio il ruolo dei linfociti Th1/Th2 nella patogenesi della Graft Versus Host Disease. Parallelamente, ha analizzato la risposta immune specifica anche in altre patologie umane, in particolare la dermatite atopica ed il rigetto del rene trapiantato. Inoltre nello stesso periodo ha preso parte alla realizzazione di un progetto finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna, che prevedeva lo Sviluppo e la produzione di reagenti per il monitoraggio del sistema immunitario ovino.Dal 2000 al 2002 ha invece indagato i meccanismi che regolano il processo infiammatorio acuto e cronico a livello gastrico, nello specifico il ruolo della risposta immune adattativa Helicobacter pylori–specifica in diverse patologie gastriche: gastrite, ulcera, linfoma Malt (Maltoma) e l’adenocarcinoma gastrico.
Nel gennaio 2003 ha vinto il concorso per l'ammissione al Dottorato di ricerca in "Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale" (XVIII ciclo), che ha interotto dopo un anno perché nel gennaio 2004 ha vinto la selezione pubblica per il reclutamento di un ricercatore a tempo determinato nel settore scientifico MED/46 (presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Interna dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze). Nel medesimo periodo, il Professor Amedei ha collaborato attivamente al Progetto finanziato dalla Regione Toscana " Messa a punto di terapie con cellule staminali e di immunoterapia dei tumori". Da marzo 2005, occupa la posizione di ricercatore a tempo indeterminato presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica (Università degli Studi di Firenze).
Da novembre 2015 Il Professor Amedei ricopre il ruolo di Professore Associato, (presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Interna dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, MED/46).
Negli ultimi anni, il suo interesse scientifico si è focalizzato nello studio della cancerogenesi, in particolare nel ruolo svolto dalla risposta immune e dal microambiente tumorale.
Di recente, il Professor Amedei è entrato nel team di ricercatori coinvolti nel progetto planetario, denominato "Halifax Project"( ) , che coinvolge circa 300 ricercatori internationali, divisi in due gruppi di lavoro: una task force è focalizzata sullo studio di trattamenti innovativi verso gli stadi avanzati del cancro, mentre il secondo ha il compito di analizzare il potenziale carcinogenico dell’esposizione a basso dosaggio di miscele chimiche ambientali.
I risultati dei vari studi hanno contribuito alla realizzazione di una notevole produzione scientifica del Professor Amedei, che al momento consta di 127 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali (con 3538 citazioni ,Impact Points totale di 618.77, RG Score di 41.48, H-Index di 30 e 28.507 di Rg Search) ( ), 7 capitoli di libri scientifici ed un brevetto internazionale (WO/2007/039451), oltre a numerose comunicazioni a congressi scientifici (42) in due delle quali premiato per la miglior comunicazione orale (XI Congresso Associazione Italiana Neuroimmunologia e Workshop “Immunobiology of Infectious Diseases”). Al momento, Il Professor Amedei fa parte dell’editorial board di 56 riviste scientifiche e svolge attività di revisore per 45 riviste internazionali.
Inoltre il Professor Amedei in questi anni, come responsabile scientifico, ha ricevuto diversi finanziamenti sia ministeriali (Prin 2005 e 2009), universitari (programmi scientifici per giovani ricercatori 2001 e 2002, Ex 60 % tutti gli anni dal 2005) e privati (Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia 2009, Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze 2015); Il finanziamento recente più importante aggiudicato dal Professor Amedei proviene dal “Bando pubblico della Regione Toscana FAS Salute 2014” per un importo di oltre un milione di euro.
Per quanto concerne l’attività didattica il Professor Amedei negli anni ha avuto diverse titolarità di corsi (Patologia generale, Malattie del sangue, Reumatologia, Genetica) per il corso di Laurea di Infermieristica (Università degli Studi di Firenze), per il quale dal 2012 ad oggi è titolare dei corsi di Biologia Applicata e Malattie Infettive. Inoltre il Professor Amedei è co-titolare dal 2013 del corso Immunologia – Immunologia Clinica (Corso di Laurea "Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico"). Ha partecipato come docente al corso internazionale, Erasmus course on “Oncology” (2006 e 2007) ed attualmente fa parte del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale e della Scuola Federata di Allergia e Immunologia Clinica della Scuola di Scienze della Salute Umana (Università degli Studi di Firenze). Al momento il Professor Amedei è stato Relatore di 45 Tesi di laurea ed una di Dottorato di Ricerca e una di Master.
Infine il Professor Amedei svolge delle attività ospedaliere per l’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi. Dal 2005 è responsabile, presso il SOD Dipartimento Neuromuscoscheletrico-Medicina Interna Interdisciplinare (diretta dal Prof. D. Prisco), del test all'urea (Breath test) per la rilevazione dell'infezione da Helicobacter Pylori. Inoltre il Professor A. Amedei ha provveduto negli anni ed in maniera sporadica alla tipizzazione del complesso maggiore di istocompatibilità di pazienti affetti da malattie autoimmuni o adenocarcinoma gastrico ed ha effettuato test di proliferazione cellulare ad antigeni di Micobacterium Tuberculosis in pazienti affetti da tubercolosi.
Nome e Cognone: Amedeo Amedei
Luogo e data di nascita: Rodi Garganico (FG), 01-04-1971
Cittadinanza: Italiana Residenza: Via Bernardino Ramazzini, 30 50135 Firenze
Servizio Militare: Assolto Lingue conosciute: Inglese , Francese
Sito Internet:
Pagina Facebook: https: //
Titoli di Studio:
Attività scientifica:
1994-96: Tesi di Laurea presso il Laboratorio di Ricerca Immunologica del Dipartimento di Medicina Interna dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze. Titolo della tesi:Infezione da Helicobacter pylori: modello di risposta immune di tipo Th1.
1996-97: Tirocinio post-Laurea presso il Laboratorio di Immunoallergologia (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi di Firenze) del Dipartimento di Medicina Interna.
Borsa di Studio finanziata dall’Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Progetto: Individuazione di specifici markers di attività di malattia nella Graft Versus Host Disease.
1997-98: Borsa di Studio finanziata dall’Ente “Fondazione Anna Villa Rusconi”.
Titolo: Ruolo dei linfociti Th1/Th2 nella patogenesi della Graft Versus Host Disease.
1998-99: Rinnovo della Borsa di Studio finanziata dall’Ente “Fondazione Anna Villa Rusconi”.
Titolo: Ruolo dei linfociti Th1/Th2 nella patogenesi della Graft Versus Host Disease
Prestazione d’opera a favore della ditta Nurex S.r.l. Sassari: per il Progetto”Sviluppo e produzione di reagenti per il monitoraggio del sistema immunitario ovino”
1999-2000: Assegno di ricerca: Meccanismi cellulari e molecolari nella regolamentazione del processo infiammatorio cronico a livello epatico
2000-2001: Rinnovo Assegno di ricerca: Meccanismi cellulari e molecolari nella regolamentazione del processo infiammatorio cronico a livello epatico
2000: Nell’ottobre ha vinto il Premio per la migliore comunicazione al XI Congresso Associazione Italiana Neuroimmunologia . Camogli , 26-28 Ottobre 2000.
Nel novembre ha vinto un Grant della Società italiana di Immunologia – Istituto Superiore di Sanità come migliore comunicazione al Workshop “Immunobiology of Infectious Diseases”. Massa Marittima , 12-14 November 2000.
2001-2002: Rinnovo Assegno di ricerca: Meccanismi cellulari e molecolari nella regolamentazione del processo infiammatorio cronico a livello epatico
2003Nel gennaio ha vinto del concorso per l'ammissione al Dottorato di ricerca in "Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale" (XVIII ciclo).
Da febbraio a dicembre ha collaborato al Progetto finanziato dalla Regione Toscana " Messa a punto di terapie con cellule staminali e di immunoterapia dei tumori"
2004 Nel gennaio ha vinto la selezione pubblica per il reclutamento di un ricercatore a tempo determinato nel settore scientifico MED/46. Ricercatore a tempo determinato presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Interna dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze.
2005 Nel febbraio è risultato vincitore del concorso per il reclutamento di un ricercatore a tempo indeterminato nel settore scientifico MED/46. Nel marzo ha preso servizio come Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Interna dell'Università degli Studi diFirenze.
2012: Abilitazione nazionale per professore di seconda fascia nel settore disciplinare 06/N1 (Scienze delle Professioni Sanitarie e delle Tecnologie Mediche Applicate).
Entra a far parte del team dei ricercatori coinvolti nel progetto mondiale “Halifax Project” ( ).Il progetto vede coinvolti circa 300 ricercatori internazionali, divisi in due gruppi di lavoro. Una task force è focalizzata sul piano terapeutico avanzato che ha come obiettivi principali, il problema della resistenza terapeutica e della recidiva di malattia. La seconda task force è focalizzata sul potenziale cancerogeno delle esposizioni a basse dosi di miscele di sostanze chimiche nell'ambiente.
2015: Nell’ottobre è risultato vincitore del concorso per il reclutamento di un professore associato nel settore scientifico MED/46. Nel novembre ha preso servizio come Professore Associato presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica dell'Università degli Studi diFirenze.
Associazioni clinico/scientifiche ed Attività Editoriale:
Dal 1998 è socio della SIICA (Società italiana Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia.
Dal 1999 è socio della AINI (Associazione Italiana di Neuroimmunologia).
Dal 2010 è socio della Sipem (Società Italiana di Pedagogia medica)
Dal 2011 è membro Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale per lo Sviluppo di Nuove Tecniche Mininvasive in Chirurgia Oncologica (C.O.M.I.S.)
Dal 2013 membro della consulta editoriale dell’associazione italiana del libro
Dal 2014 è membro del comitato scientifico della rivista "Scienze e Ricerche"
Dal 2014 è membro della SODs LUPUS CLINIC di Firenze
Dal 2016 è membro della Pancreatic Unit dell’ Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi
Attività nazionale e internazionale di Revisore:
2012: Latvian Science Council (Latvia)
2013: Latvian Science Council (Latvia)
2015: Government agency of National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki – NCN- Poland)
2015: MS Research Australia (MSRA) (Australia)
2015: Université de Toulouse (France)
2015: Registro Reprise, attività di revisore per ricerca di base e diffusione della cultura scientifica
2016: Revisore per la VQR (Valutazione Qualità della Ricerca) per conto dell’ Anvur per le attività dal 2011 al 2014
Incarichi Istituzionali:
2016 Membro della Commissione Scientifica Dipartimentale per i finanziamenti alla ricerca di Ateneo EX-60%
2016 Membro della Commissione Giudicatrice per l’ incarico agli insegnamenti, per il settore disciplinare MED46 Cdl Tecniche Di Laboratorio Biomedico (Abilitante Alla Professione Sanitaria Di Tecnico Di Laboratorio Biomedico)
Membro dell’Editorial Board delle riviste scientifiche internazionali:
Attività di “Referee” (ad hoc reviewer) per le riviste scientifiche internazionali:
La produzione scientifica del Prof. Amedeo Amedei consta di 127 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali con un
Total Impact Points 623.88 (RG Score: 41.48, citazioni: 3538; h-index: 30; RG Search:28.507) di 7 capitoli di libri scientifici, uno Special Issue, di 43 comunicazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali e di un brevetto Internazionale.
Pubblicazioni in esteso:
Elena Niccolai, Paola Cappello, Antonio Taddei, Federica Ricci, Mario Milco D'Elios, Marisa Benagiano, Paolo Bechi, Lapo Bencini, Maria Novella Ringressi, Andrea Coratti, Fabio Cianchi, Lisa Bonello, Paola Francia Di Celle, Domenico Prisco, Francesco Novelli, Amedeo Amedei: Peripheral ENO1-specific T cells mirror the intratumoral immune response and their presence is a potential prognostic factor for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. International Journal of Oncology 05/2016; 49(1). DOI:10.3892/ijo.2016.3524
Edda Russo, Antonio Taddei, Maria Novella Ringressi, Federica Ricci, Amedeo Amedei: The interplay between the microbiome and the adaptive immune response in cancer development. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 03/2016; 9(4). DOI:10.1177/1756283X16635082
Cristiana Caorsi, Elena Niccolai, Michela Capello, Rosario Vallone, Michelle S. Chattaragada, Brunilda Alushi, Anna Castiglione, Gianni Ciccone, Alessandro Mautino, Paola Cassoni, Lucia De Monte, Sheila M. Álvarez-Fernández, Amedeo Amedei, Massimo Alessio, Francesco Novelli: Protein disulfide isomerase A3 (PDIA3)-specific Th1 effector cells infiltrate colon cancer tissue of patients with circulating anti-PDIA3 auto-antibodies. 12/2015; 171. DOI:10.1016/j.trsl.2015.12.013
Elena Niccolai, Antonio Taddei, Federica Ricci, Simona Rolla, Mario Milco D'Elios, Marisa Benagiano, Paolo Bechi, Lapo Bencini, Maria Novella Ringressi, Alessandro Pini, Francesca Castiglione, Daniele Giordano, Maria Antonietta Satolli, Andrea Coratti, Fabio Cianchi, Daniele Bani, Domenico Prisco, Francesco Novelli, Amedeo Amedei: Intra-tumoral IFN-gamma-producing Th22 cells correlate with TNM staging and the worst outcomes in pancreatic cancer. Clinical Science 11/2015; 130(4). DOI:10.1042/CS20150437
Wen G Jiang, Andrew J Sanders, M Katoh, Hendrik Ungefroren, Frank Gieseler, Mark Prince, Sarah K Thompson, Massimo Zollo, D Spano, Punita Dhawan, Daniel Sliva, Pochi R. Subbarayan, Malancha Sarkar, Kanya Honoki, Hiromasa Fujii, Alexandros G Georgakilas, Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Amr Amin, Salman S. Ashraf, Ye L, William G. Helferich, Xujuan Yang, Chandra S. Boosani, Gunjan Guha, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Katia Aquilano, Sophie Chen, Asfar S. Azmi, W. Nicol Keith, Alan Bilsland, Dipita Bhakta, Dorota Halicka, Somaira Nowsheen, Francesco Pantano, Daniele Santini: Tissue Invasion and Metastasis: Molecular, Biological and Clinical Perspectives. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement).
Paul Yaswen, Karen L. MacKenzie, W. Nicol Keith, Patricia Hentosh, Francis Rodier, Jiyue Zhu, Gary L. Firestone, Ander Matheu, Amancio Carnero, Alan Bilsland, Tabetha Sundin, Kanya Honoki, Alexandros Georgakilas, Amedeo Amedei, Amr Amin, Bill Helfericho, Chandra S. Boosani, Gunjan Guha, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Sophie Chen, Sulma Mohammed, Asfar S. Azmi, Dipita Bhakta, Dorota Halicka, Elena Niccolaim, Katia Aquilanor, S. Salman Ashraf, Somaira Nowsheen, Xujuan Yang: Therapeutic Targeting of Replicative Immortality. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement).
Mark A. Feitelson, Alla Arzumanyan, Rob J. Kulathinal, Stacy W. Blain, Randall F. Holcombe, Jamal Mahajna, Maria Marino, Maria L. Martinez-Chantar, Roman Nawroth, Isidro Sanchex-Garcia, Dipali Sharma, Neeraj K. Saxena, Neetu Singh, Panagiotis J. Vlachostergios, Shanchun Guo, Alexzander A. A. Asea, Kanya Honoki, Hiromasa Fujii, Alexandros G Georgakilas, Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Amr Amin, S. Salman Ashraf, Chandra S. Boosani, Gunjan Guha, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Katia Aquilano, Sophie Chen, Sulma I Mohammed, Asfar S. Azmi, Dipita Bhakta, Dorota Halicka, Somaira Nowsheen: Sustained Proliferation in Cancer: Mechanisms and Novel Therapeutic Targets. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement). DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.02.006
Lynnette R Ferguson, Helen Chen, Andrew R. Collins, Marisa Connell, Giovanna Damia, Santanu Dasgupta, Meenakshi Malholtra, Alan K Meeker, Amedeo Amedei, Amr Amin, S. Salman Ashraf, Katia Aquilano, Asfar S. Azmi, Dipita Bhakta, Alan Bilsland, Chandra S. Boosani, Sophie Chen, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Hiromasa Fujii, Gunjan Guha, Dorota Halicka, William G. Helferich, W. Nicol Keith, Sulma I. Mohammed, Elena Niccolai, Xujuan Yang, Kanya Honoki, Virginia R. Parslow, Satya Prakash, Sarallah Rezazadeh, Rodney E Shackelford, David Sidransky, Phuoc T Tran, Eddy S. Yang, Christopher A Maxwell: Genomic instability in human cancer: molecular insights and opportunities for therapeutic attack and prevention through diet and nutrition. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement).
Keith I. Block, Charlotte Gyllenhaal, Leroy Lowe, Amedeo Amedei, A.R.M. Ruhul Amin, Amr Amin, Katia Aquilano, Jack Arbiser, Alexandra Arreola, Alla Arzumanyan, S. Salman Ashraf, Asfar S. Azmi, Fabian Benencia, Dipita Bhakta, Alan Bilsland, Anupam Bishayee, Stacy W. Blain, Penny B. Block, Chandra S. Boosani, Thomas E. Carey, Amancio Carnero, Marianeve Carotenuto, Stephanie C. Casey, Mrinmay Chakrabarti, Rupesh Chaturvedi, Georgia Zhuo Chen, Helen Chen, Sophie Chen, Yi Charlie Chen, Beom K. Choi, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Helen M. Coley, Andrew R. Collins, Marisa Connell, Sarah Crawford, Colleen S. Curran, Charlotta Dabrosin, Giovanna Damia, Santanu Dasgupta, Vinay S. Dass, Ralph J. DeBerardinis, William K. Decker, Punita Dhawan, Anna Mae E. Diehl, Jin-Tang Dong, Q. Ping Dou, Janice E. Drew, Eyad Elkord, Bassel El-Rayes, Mark A. Feitelson, Dean W. Felsher, Lynnette R Ferguson, Carmela Fimognari, Gary L. Firestone, Christian Frezza, Hiromasa Fujii, Mark M. Fuster, Daniele Generali, Alexandros G. Georgakilas, Frank Gieseler, Michael Gilbertson, Michelle F. Green, Brendan Grue, Gunjan Guha, Dorota Halicka, William G. Helferich, Petr Heneberg, Patricia Hentosh, Matthew D. Hirschey, Lorne J. Hofseth, Randall F. Holcombe, Kanya Honoki, Hsue-Yin Hsu, Gloria S. Huang, Lasse D. Jensen, Wen G. Jiang, Lee W. Jones, Phillip A. Karpowicz, W Nicol Keith, Sid P. Kerkar, Gazala N. Khan, Mahin Khatami, Young H. Ko, Omer Kucuk, Rob J. Kulathinal, Nagi B. Kumar, H. M. C. Shantha Kumara, Byoung S. Kwon, Anne Le, Michael A. Lea, Ho-Young Lee, Terry Lichtor, Liang-Tzung Lin, Jason W. Locasale, Bal L. Lokeshwar, Valter D. Longo, Costas A. Lyssiotis, Karen L. MacKenzie, Meenakshi Malhotra, Maria Marino, Maria L. Martinez-Chantar, Ander Matheu, Christopher Maxwell, Eoin McDonnell, Alan K. Meeker, Mahya Mehrmohamadi, Kapil Mehta, Gregory A. Michelotti, Ramzi M. Mohammad, Sulma I. Mohammed, D. James Morre, Vinayak Muralidhar, Michael P. Murphy, Ganji Purnachandra Nagaraju, Rita Nahta, Elena Niccolai, Somaira Nowsheen, Carolina Panis, Francesco Pantano, Virginia R. Parslow, Graham Pawelec, Peter L. Pedersen, Brad Poore, Deepak Poudyal, Satya Prakash, Mark Prince, Lizzia Raffaghello, Jeffrey C. Rathmell, W. Kimryn Rathmell, Swapan K. Ray, Jörg Reichrath, Sarallah Rezazadeh, Domenico Ribatti, Luigi Ricciardiello, R. Brooks Robey, Francis Rodier, H.P. Vasantha Rupasinghe, Gian Luigi Russo, Elizabeth P. Ryan, Abbas K. Samadi, Isidro Sanchez-Garcia, Andrew J. Sanders, Daniele Santini, Malancha Sarkar, Tetsuro Sasada, Neeraj K. Saxena, Rodney E Shackelford, Dipali Sharma, Dong M. Shin, David Sidransky, Markus David Siegelin, Emanuela Signori, Neetu Singh, Sharanya Sivanand, Daniel Sliva, Carl Smythe, Carmela Spagnuolo, Diana M. Stafforini, John Stagg, Pochi R. Subbarayan, Tabetha Sundin, Wamidh H. Talib, Sarah K. Thompson, Phuoc T. Tran, Hendrik Ungefroren, Matthew G. Vander Heiden, Vasundara Venkateswaran, Panagiotis J. Vlachostergios, Zongwei Wang, Kathryn E. Wellen, Richard L. Whelan, Eddy S. Yang, Huanjie Yang, Xujuan Yang, Paul Yaswen, Clement Yedjou, Xin Yin, Jiyue Zhu, Massimo Zollo: Designing a Broad-Spectrum Integrative Approach for Cancer Prevention and Treatment. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement). DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.09.007
Ramzi M. Mohammad, Irfana Muqbil, Leroy Lowe, Clement Yedjou, Hsue-Yin Hsu, Liang-Tzung Lin, Markus David Siegelin, Carmela Fimognari, Nagi B. Kumar, Q. Ping Dou, Huanjie Yang, Abbas K. Samadi, Gian Luigi Russo, Carmela Spagnuolo, Swapan K. Ray, Mrinmay Chakrabarty, James D. Morre, Helen M. Coley, Kanya Honoki, Hiromasa Fujii, Alexandros G. Georgakilas, Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Amr Amin, S. Salman Ashraf, William G. Helferich, Xujuan Yang, Chandra S. Boosani, Gunjan Guha, Dipita Bhakta, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Katia Aquilano, Sophie Chen, Sulma I. Mohammed, W. Nicol Keith, Alan Bilsland, Dorota Halicka, Somaira Nowsheen, Asfar S. Azmi: Broad targeting of resistance to apoptosis in cancer. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement). DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.03.001
Abbas K. Samadi, Alexandros G. Georgakilas, Amedeo Amedei, Amr Amin, Anupam Bishayee, Bal L. Lokeshwar, Brendan Grue, Carolina Panis, Chandra S. Boosani, Deepak Poudyal, Diana M. Stafforini, Dipita Bhakta, Elena Niccolai, Gunjan Guha, H. P. Vasantha Rupasinghe, Hiromasa Fujii, Kanya Honoki, Kapil Mehta, Katia Aquilano, Leroy Lowe, Lorne J. Hofseth, Luigi Ricciardiello, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Neetu Singh, Richard L. Whelan, Rupesh Chaturvedi, S. Salman Ashraf, HMC Shantha Kumara, Somaira Nowsheen, Sulma I. Mohammed, William G. Helferich, Xujuan Yang: A multi-targeted approach to suppress tumor-promoting inflammation. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement). DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.03.006
Stephanie C. Casey, Amedeo Amedei, Katia Aquilano, Fabian Benencia, Dipita Bhakta, Chandra S Boosani, Sophie Chen, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Sarah Crawford, Hiromasa Fujii, Alexandros G. Georgakilas, Gunjan Guha, Dorota Halicka, William G. Helferich, Petr Heneberg, Kanya Honoki, Sid P Kerkar, Sulma I. Mohammed, Elena Niccolai, Somaira Nowsheen, H. P. Vasantha Rupasinghe, Abbas Samadi, Neetu Singh, Wamidh H. Talib, Vasundara Venkateswaran, Richard L Whelan, Xujuan Yang, Dean W. Felsher: Cancer prevention and therapy through the modulation of the tumor microenvironment. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement). DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.02.007
Zongwei Wang, Charlotta Dabrosin, Xin Yin, Mark M. Fuster, Alexandra Arreola, W. Kimryn Rathmell, Daniele Generali, Ganji P. Nagaraju, Bassel El-Rayes, Domenico Ribatti, Yi Charlie Chen, Kanya Honoki, Hiromasa Fujii, Alexandros G. Georgakilas, Somaira Nowsheen, Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Amr Amin, S. Salman Ashraf, Bill Helferich, Xujuan Yang, Gunjan Guha, Dipita Bhakta, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Katia Aquilano, Sophie Chen, Dorota Halicka, Sulma I. Mohammed, Asfar S. Azmi, Alan Bilsland, Nicol Keith, Lasse D. Jensen: Broad Targeting of Angiogenesis for Cancer Prevention and Therapy.. Seminars in Cancer Biology 11/2015; 35(Supplement). DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.01.001
A Taddei, F Castiglione, M N Ringressi, E Niccolai, L Tofani, L Boni, P Bechi, A Amedei: The Trend of CEACAM3 Blood Expression as Number Index of the CTCs in the Colorectal Cancer Perioperative Course. Mediators of Inflammation 11/2015; 2015(6). DOI:10.1155/2015/931784
Elena Niccolai, Danilo Squatrito, Giacomo Emmi, Elena Silvestri, Lorenzo Emmi, Lucia Ciucciarelli, Federica Ricci, Daniele Manganaro, Amedeo Amedei, Domenico Prisco: A new cytofluorimetric approach to evaluate the circulating microparticles in subjects with antiphospholipid antibodies. Thrombosis Research 10/2015; 136(6). DOI:10.1016/j.thromres.2015.10.018
Rita Nahta, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Amedeo Amedei, Rafaela Andrade-Vieira, Sarah Bay, Dustin G. Brown, Gloria M. Calaf, Robert C. Castellino, Karine A. Cohen-Solal, Annamaria Colacci, Nichola Cruickshanks, Paul Dent, Riccardo Di Fiore, Stefano Forte, Gary S. Goldberg, Roslida A. Hamid, Harini Krishnan, Dale W. Laird, Ahmed Lasfar, Paola A. Marignani, Lorenzo Memeo, Chiara Mondello, Christian C. Naus, Richard Ponce-Cusi, Jayadev Raju, Debasish Roy, Rabindra Roy, Elizabeth P. Ryan, Hosni K. Salem, A. Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Monica Vaccari, Renza Vento, Jan Vondrá?ek, Mark Wade, Jordan Woodrick, William H. Bisson: Mechanisms of environmental chemicals that enable the cancer hallmark of evasion of growth suppression.. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; 36.
Amancio Carnero, Carmen Blanco-Aparicio, Hiroshi Kondoh, Matilde E Lleonart, Juan Fernando Martinez-Leal, Chiara Mondello, A Ivana Scovassi, William H Bisson, Amedeo Amedei, Rabindra Roy, Jordan Woodrick, Annamaria Colacci, Monica Vaccari, Jayadev Raju, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Hosni K Salem, Lorenzo Memeo, Stefano Forte, Neetu Singh, Roslida A Hamid, Elizabeth P Ryan, Dustin G Brown, John Pierce, Wise Sr, Sandra S Wise, Hemad Yasaei: Disruptive chemicals, senescence and immortality. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; 36. DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv029
Wilhelm Engström, Philippa Darbre, Staffan Eriksson, Linda Gulliver, Tove Hultman, Karamouzis MV, Klaunig JE, Rekha Mehta, Kim Moorwood, Thomas Sanderson, Hideko Sone, Pankaj Vadgama, Gerard Wagemaker, Andrew Ward, Neetu Singh, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Amedeo Amedei, Colacci AM, Monica Vaccari, Chiara Mondello, A Ivana Scovassi, Jayadev Raju, Hamid RA, Lorenzo Memeo, Stefano Forte, Rabindra Roy, Jordan Woodrick, Salem HK, Elizabeth P Ryan, Brown DG, Bisson WH: The potential for chemical mixtures from the environment to enable the cancer hallmark of sustained proliferative signalling. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; 36(Suppl 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv030
William H. Goodson III, Leroy Lowe, David O. Carpenter, Michael Gilbertson, Abdul Manaf Ali, Adela Lopez de Cerain Salsamendi, Ahmed Lasfar, Amancio Carnero, Amaya Azqueta, Amedeo Amedei, Amelia K Charles, Andrew R. Collins, Andrew Ward, Anna C. Salzberg, Annamaria Colacci, Ann-Karin Olsen, Arthur Berg, Barry J Barclay, Binhua P. Zhou, Carmen Blanco-Aparicio, Carolyn J Baglole, Chenfang Dong, Chiara Mondello, Chia-Wen Hsu, Christian C. Naus, Clement Yedjou, Colleen S. Curran, Dale W. Laird, Daniel C. Koch, Danielle J. Carlin, Dean W. Felsher, Debasish Roy, Dustin G Brown, Edward Ratovitski, Elizabeth P Ryan, Emanuela Corsini, Emilio Rojas, Eun-Yi Moon, Ezio Laconi, Fabio Marongiu, Fahd Al-Mulla, Ferdinando Chiaradonna, Firouz Darroudi, Francis L. Martin, Frederik J. Van Schooten, Gary S. Goldberg, Gerard Wagemaker, Gladys N Nangami, Glenn Rice, Gloria M. Calaf, Graeme Williams, Gregory T. Wolf, Gudrun Koppen, Gunnar Brunborg, H Kim Lyerly, Harini Krishnan, Hasiah Ab Hamid, Hemad Yasaei, Hideko Sone, Hiroshi Kondoh, Hosni K. Salem, Hsue-Yin Hsu, Hyun Ho Park, Igor Koturbash, Isabelle R. Miousse, Ivana Scovassi, James E Klaunig, Jan Vondrá?ek, Jayadev Raju, Jesse Roman, John Pierce Wise Sr, Jonathan R Whitfield, Jordan Woodrick, Joseph A Christopher, Josiah Ochieng, Juan Fernando Martinez-Leal, Judith Weisz, Julia Kravchenko, Jun Sun, Kalan R Prudhomme, Kannan Badri Narayanan, Karine A. Cohen-Solal, Kim Moorwood, Laetitia Gonzalez, Laura Soucek, Le Jian, Leandro S. D’Abronzo, Liang-Tzung Lin, Lin Li, Linda Gulliver, Lisa J. McCawley, Lorenzo Memeo, Louis Vermeulen, Luc Leyns, Luoping Zhang, Mahara Valverde, Mahin Khatami, Maria Fiammetta Romano, Marion Chapellier, Marc A.Williams, Mark Wade, Masoud H. Manjili, Matilde E Lleonart, Menghang Xia, Michael J Gonzalez, Michalis V. Karamouzis, Micheline Kirsch-Volders, Monica Vaccari, Nancy B. Kuemmerle, Neetu Singh, Nichola Cruickshanks, Nicole Kleinstreuer, Nik van Larebeke, Nuzhat Ahmed, Olugbemiga Ogunkua, P.K. Krishnakumar, Pankaj Vadgama, Paola A. Marignani, Paramita M. Ghosh, Patricia Ostrosky-Wegman, Patricia A Thompson, Paul Dent, Petr Heneberg, Philippa Darbre, Po Sing Leung, Pratima Nangia-Makker, Qiang (Shawn) Cheng, R. Brooks Robey, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Rabindra Roy, Rafaela Andrade-Vieira, Ranjeet Kumar Sinha, Rekha Mehta, Renza Vento, Riccardo Di Fiore, Richard Ponce-Cusi, Rita Dornetshuber-Fleiss, Rita Nahta, Robert C. Castellino, Roberta Palorini, Roslida Abd Hamid, Sabine A.S. Langie, Sakina E Eltom, Samira A. Brooks, Sandra Ryeom, Sandra S. Wise, Sarah N. Bay, Shelley A Harris, Silvana Papagerakis, Simona Romano, Sofia Pavanello, Staffan Eriksson, Stefano Forte, Stephanie C. Casey, Sudjit Luanpitpong, Tae-Jin Lee, Takemi Otsuki, Tao Chen, Thierry Massfelder, Thomas Sanderson, Tiziana Guarnieri, Tove Hultman, Valérian Dormoy, Valerie Odero-Marah, Venkata Sabbisetti, Veronique Maguer-Satta, W. Kimryn Rathmell, Wilhelm Engström, William K. Decker, William H. Bisson, Yon Rojanasakul, Yunus Luqmani, Zhenbang Chen, Zhiwei Hu: Assessing the Carcinogenic Potential of Low Dose Exposures to Chemical Mixtures in the Environment: The Challenge Ahead. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; 36(S1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv039
Stephanie C Casey, Monica Vaccari, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Amedeo Amedei, Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff, Dustin G Brown, Marion Chapellier, Joseph Christopher, Colleen S Curran, Stefano Forte, Roslida A Hamid, Petr Heneberg, Daniel C Koch, P.K. Krishnakumar, Ezio Laconi, Veronique Maguer-Satta, Fabio Marongiu, Lorenzo Memeo, Chiara Mondello, Jayadev Raju, Jesse Roman, Rabindra Roy, Elizabeth P Ryan, Sandra Ryeom, Hosni K Salem, Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Laura Soucek, Louis Vermeulen, Jonathan R Whitfield, Jordan Woodrick, Annamaria Colacci, William H Bisson, Dean W Felsher: The Effect of Environmental Chemicals on the Tumor Microenvironment. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; 36(S1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv035
Sabine A S Langie, Gudrun Koppen, Daniel Desaulniers, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Amedeo Amedei, Amaya Azqueta, William H Bisson, Dustin G Brown, Gunnar Brunborg, Amelia K Charles, Tao Chen, Annamaria Colacci, Firouz Darroudi, Stefano Forte, Laetitia Gonzalez, Roslida A Hamid, Lisbeth E Knudsen, Luc Leyns, Adela Lopez de Cerain Salsamendi, Lorenzo Memeo, Chiara Mondello, Carmel Mothersill, Ann-Karin Olsen, Sofia Pavanello, Jayadev Raju, Emilio Rojas, Rabindra Roy, Elizabeth P Ryan, Patricia Ostrosky-Wegman, Hosni K Salem, Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Monica Vaccari, Frederik J Van Schooten, Mahara Valverde, Jordan Woodrick, Luoping Zhang, Nik van Larebeke, Micheline Kirsch-Volders, Andrew R Collins: Causes of genome instability: The effect of low dose chemical exposures in modern society. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; 36 Suppl 1(Suppl 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv031
Rita Nahta, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Amedeo Amedei, Rafaela Andrade-Vieira, Sarah N Bay, Dustin G Brown, Gloria M Calaf, Robert C Castellino, Karine A Cohen-Solal, Annamaria Colacci, Nichola Cruickshanks, Paul Dent, Riccardo Di Fiore, Stefano Forte, Gary S Goldberg, Roslida A Hamid, Harini Krishnan, Dale W Laird, Ahmed Lasfar, Paola A Marignani, Lorenzo Memeo, Chiara Mondello, Christian C Naus, Richard Ponce-Cusi, Jayadev Raju, Debasish Roy, Rabindra Roy, Elizabeth P Ryan, Hosni K Salem, A Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Monica Vaccari, Renza Vento, Jan Vondrá?ek, Mark Wade, Jordan Woodrick, William H Bisson: Mechanisms of environmental chemicals that enable the cancer hallmark of evasion of growth suppression. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; 36 Suppl 1(Suppl 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv028
Josiah Ochieng, Gladys N Nangami, Olugbemiga Ogunkua, Isabelle R Miousse, Igor Koturbash, Valerie Odero-Marah, Lisa J McCawley, Pratima Nangia-Makker, Nuzhat Ahmed, Yunus Luqmani, Zhenbang Chen, Silvana Papagerakis, Gregory T Wolf, Chenfang Dong, Binhua P Zhou, Dustin G Brown, Annamaria Colacci, Roslida A Hamid, Chiara Mondello, Jayadev Raju, Elizabeth P Ryan, Jordan Woodrick, Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Monica Vaccari, Rabindra Roy, Stefano Forte, Lorenzo Memeo, Hosni K Salem, Amedeo Amedei, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Fahd Al-Mulla, William H Bisson, Sakina E Eltom: The impact of low-dose carcinogens and environmental disruptors on tissue invasion and metastasis. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; 36(Suppl 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv034
Zhiwei Hu, Samira A Brooks, Valérian Dormoy, Chia-Wen Hsu, Hsue-Yin Hsu, Liang-Tzung Lin, Thierry Massfelder, W Kimryn Rathmell, Menghang Xia, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Amedeo Amedei, Dustin G Brown, Kalan R Prudhomme, Annamaria Colacci, Roslida A Hamid, Chiara Mondello, Jayadev Raju, Elizabeth P Ryan, Jordan Woodrick, A Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Monica Vaccari, Rabindra Roy, Stefano Forte, Lorenzo Memeo, Hosni K Salem, Leroy Lowe, Lasse Jensen, William H Bisson, Nicole Kleinstreuer: Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: Focus on the cancer hallmark of tumor angiogenesis. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; Vol. 36,(Supplement 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv036
Kannan Badri Narayanan, Manaf Ali, Barry J Barclay, Qiang Shawn Cheng, Leandro D’Abronzo, Rita Dornetshuber-Fleiss, Paramita M Ghosh, Michael J. Gonzalez Guzman, Tae-Jin Lee, Po Sing Leung, Lin Li, Suidjit Luanpitpong, Edward Ratovitski, Yon Rojanasakul, Maria Fiammetta Romano, Simona Romano, Ranjeet Kumar Sinha, Clement Yedjou, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Amedeo Amedei, Dustin G Brown, Elizabeth P Ryan, Annamaria Colacci, Roslida A Hamid, Chiara Mondello, Jayadev Raju, Hosni K Salem, Jordan Woodrick, Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Monica Vaccari, Rabindra Roy, Stefano Forte, Lorenzo Memeo, Seo Yun Kim, William H Bisson, Leroy Lowe, Hyun Ho Park: Disruptive environmental chemicals and cellular mechanisms that confer resistance to cell death. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; Vol. 36(Supplement 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv032
Patricia A. Thompson, Mahin Khatami, Carolyn J. Baglole, Jun Sun, Shelley A Harris, Eun Yi Moon, Fahd Al Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Dustin G Brown, Annamaria Colacci, Chiara Mondello, Jayadev Raju, Elizabeth P Ryan, Jordan Woodrick, Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Monica Vaccari, Rabindra Roy, Stefano Forte, Lorenzo Memeo, Hosni K. Salem, Amedeo Amedei, Roslida A. Hamid, Leroy Lowe, Tiziana Guarnieri, William H. Bisson: Environmental immune disruptors, inflammation and cancer risk. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; Vol. 36(Supplement 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv038
R Brooks Robey, Judith Weisz, Nancy B Kuemmerle, Anna C Salzberg, Arthur Berg, Dustin G Brown, Laura Kubik, Roberta Palorini, Fahd Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Annamaria Colacci, Chiara Mondello, Jayadev Raju, Jordan Woodrick, Ivana Scovassi, Neetu Singh, Monica Vaccari, Rabindra Roy, Stefano Forte, Lorenzo Memeo, Hosni K Salem, Amedeo Amedei, Roslida A Hamid, Graeme P Williams, Leroy Lowe, Joel Meyer, Francis L Martin, William H Bisson, Ferdinando Chiaradonna, Elizabeth P Ryan: Metabolic reprogramming and dysregulated metabolism: Cause, consequence and/or enabler of environmental carcinogenesis?. Carcinogenesis 06/2015; Vol. 36(Supplement 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv037
William H Goodson, Leroy Lowe, David O Carpenter, Michael Gilbertson, Abdul Manaf Ali, Adela Lopez de Cerain Salsamendi, Ahmed Lasfar, Amancio Carnero, Amaya Azqueta, Amedeo Amedei, Amelia K Charles, Andrew R Collins, Andrew Ward, Anna C Salzberg, Annamaria Colacci, Ann-Karin Olsen, Arthur Berg, Barry J Barclay, Binhua P Zhou, Carmen Blanco-Aparicio, Carolyn J Baglole, Chenfang Dong, Chiara Mondello, Chia-Wen Hsu, Christian C Naus, Clement Yedjou, Colleen S Curran, Dale W Laird, Daniel C Koch, Danielle J Carlin, Dean W Felsher, Debasish Roy, Dustin G Brown, Edward Ratovitski, Elizabeth P Ryan, Emanuela Corsini, Emilio Rojas, Eun-Yi Moon, Ezio Laconi, Fabio Marongiu, Fahd Al-Mulla, Ferdinando Chiaradonna, Firouz Darroudi, Francis L Martin, Frederik J Van Schooten, Gary S Goldberg, Gerard Wagemaker, Gladys N Nangami, Gloria M Calaf, Graeme Williams, Gregory T Wolf, Gudrun Koppen, Gunnar Brunborg, H Kim Lyerly, Harini Krishnan, Hasiah Ab Hamid, Hemad Yasaei, Hideko Sone, Hiroshi Kondoh, Hosni K Salem, Hsue-Yin Hsu, Hyun Ho Park, Igor Koturbash, Isabelle R Miousse, A Ivana Scovassi, James E Klaunig, Jan Vondrá?ek, Jayadev Raju, Jesse Roman, John Pierce Wise, Jonathan R Whitfield, Jordan Woodrick, Joseph A Christopher, Josiah Ochieng, Juan Fernando Martinez-Leal, Judith Weisz, Julia Kravchenko, Jun Sun, Kalan R Prudhomme, Kannan Badri Narayanan, Karine A Cohen-Solal, Kim Moorwood, Laetitia Gonzalez, Laura Soucek, Le Jian, Leandro S D'Abronzo, Liang-Tzung Lin, Lin Li, Linda Gulliver, Lisa J McCawley, Lorenzo Memeo, Louis Vermeulen, Luc Leyns, Luoping Zhang, Mahara Valverde, Mahin Khatami, Maria Fiammetta Romano, Marion Chapellier, Marc A Williams, Mark Wade, Masoud H Manjili, Matilde E Lleonart, Menghang Xia, Michael J Gonzalez, Michalis V Karamouzis, Micheline Kirsch-Volders, Monica Vaccari, Nancy B Kuemmerle, Neetu Singh, Nichola Cruickshanks, Nicole Kleinstreuer, Nik van Larebeke, Nuzhat Ahmed, Olugbemiga Ogunkua, P K Krishnakumar, Pankaj Vadgama, Paola A Marignani, Paramita M Ghosh, Patricia Ostrosky-Wegman, Patricia A Thompson, Paul Dent, Petr Heneberg, Philippa Darbre, Po Sing Leung, Pratima Nangia-Makker, Qiang Shawn Cheng, R Brooks Robey, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Rabindra Roy, Rafaela Andrade-Vieira, Ranjeet K Sinha, Rekha Mehta, Renza Vento, Riccardo Di Fiore, Richard Ponce-Cusi, Rita Dornetshuber-Fleiss, Rita Nahta, Robert C Castellino, Roberta Palorini, Roslida Abd Hamid, Sabine A S Langie, Sakina E Eltom, Samira A Brooks, Sandra Ryeom, Sandra S Wise, Sarah N Bay, Shelley A Harris, Silvana Papagerakis, Simona Romano, Sofia Pavanello, Staffan Eriksson, Stefano Forte, Stephanie C Casey, Sudjit Luanpitpong, Tae-Jin Lee, Takemi Otsuki, Tao Chen, Thierry Massfelder, Thomas Sanderson, Tiziana Guarnieri, Tove Hultman, Valérian Dormoy, Valerie Odero-Marah, Venkata Sabbisetti, Veronique Maguer-Satta, W Kimryn Rathmell, Wilhelm Engström, William K Decker, William H Bisson, Yon Rojanasakul, Yunus Luqmani, Zhenbang Chen, Zhiwei Hu: Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: the challenge ahead..
Julia Kravchenko, Emanuela Corsini, Marc A Williams, William Decker, Manjili MH, Takemi Otsuki, Neetu Singh, Faha Al-Mulla, Rabeah Al-Temaimi, Amedeo Amedei, Colacci AM, Monica Vaccari, Chiara Mondello, A Ivana Scovassi, Jayadev Raju, Hamid RA, Lorenzo Memeo, Stefano Forte, Rabindra Roy, Jordan Woodrick, Salem HK, Ryan EP, Brown DG, Bisson WH, Leroy Lowe, H Kim Lyerly: Chemical compounds from anthropogenic environment and immune evasion mechanisms: Potential interactions. Carcinogenesis 05/2015; 36(Suppl 1). DOI:10.1093/carcin/bgv033
Elena Niccolai, Antonio Taddei, Domenico Prisco, Amedeo Amedei: Gastric cancer and the epoch of immunotherapy approaches. 05/2015; 21(19). DOI:10.3748/wjg.v21.i19.5778
Elena Niccolai, Giacomo Emmi, Danilo Squatrito, Elena Silvestri, Lorenzo Emmi, Amedeo Amedei, Domenico Prisco: Microparticles: Bridging the Gap between Autoimmunity and Thrombosis. Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis 05/2015; 41(04). DOI:10.1055/s-0035-1549850
Giacomo Emmi, Elena Silvestri, Danilo Squatrito, Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Mario Milco D'Elios, Chiara Della Bella, Alessia Grassi, Matteo Becatti, Claudia Fiorillo, Lorenzo Emmi, Augusto Vaglio, Domenico Prisco: Thrombosis in vasculitis: From pathogenesis to treatment. Thrombosis Journal 04/2015; 13(1). DOI:10.1186/s12959-015-0047-z
Paul Yaswen, Karen L. MacKenzie, W. Nicol Keith, Patricia Hentosh, Francis Rodier, Jiyue Zhu, Gary L. Firestone, Ander Matheu, Amancio Carnero, Alan Bilsland, Tabetha Sundin, Kanya Honoki, Hiromasa Fujii, Alexandros G. Georgakilas, Amedeo Amedei, Amr Amin, Bill Helferich, Chandra S. Boosani, Gunjan Guha, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Sophie Chen, Sulma I. Mohammed, Asfar S. Azmi, Dipita Bhakta, Dorota Halicka, Elena Niccolai, Katia Aquilano, S. Salman Ashraf, Somaira Nowsheen, Xujuan Yang: Therapeutic targeting of replicative immortality. Seminars in Cancer Biology 04/2015; 5(Suppl). DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.03.007
Lynnette R Ferguson, Helen Chen, Andrew R Collins, Marisa Connell, Giovanna Damia, Santanu Dasgupta, Meenakshi Malhotra, Alan K Meeker, Amedeo Amedei, Amr Amin, S Salman Ashraf, Katia Aquilano, Asfar S Azmi, Dipita Bhakta, Alan Bilsland, Chandra S Boosani, Sophie Chen, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Hiromasa Fujii, Gunjan Guha, Dorota Halicka, William G Helferich, W Nicol Keith, Sulma I Mohammed, Elena Niccolai, Xujuan Yang, Kanya Honoki, Virginia R Parslow, Satya Prakash, Sarallah Rezazadeh, Rodney E Shackelford, David Sidransky, Phuoc T Tran, Eddy S Yang, Christopher A Maxwell: Genomic instability in human cancer: Molecular insights and opportunities for therapeutic attack and prevention through diet and nutrition. Seminars in Cancer Biology 04/2015; 35S(Suppl). DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.03.005
A R M Ruhul Amin, Phillip A Karpowicz, Thomas E Carey, Jack Arbiser, Rita Nahta, Zhuo G Chen, Jin-Tang Dong, Omer Kucuk, Gazala N Khan, Gloria S Huang, Shijun Mi, Ho-Young Lee, Joerg Reichrath, Kanya Honoki, Alexandros G Georgakilas, Amedeo Amedei, Amr Amin, Bill Helferich, Chandra S Boosani, Maria Rosa Ciriolo, Sophie Chen, Sulma I Mohammed, Asfar S Azmi, W Nicol Keith, Dipita Bhakta, Dorota Halicka, Elena Niccolai, Hiromasa Fujii, Katia Aquilano, S Salman Ashraf, Somaira Nowsheen, Xujuan Yang, Alan Bilsland, Dong M Shin: Evasion of anti-growth signaling: A key step in tumorigenesis and potential target for treatment and prophylaxis by natural compounds. Seminars in Cancer Biology 03/2015; 359. DOI:10.1016/j.semcancer.2015.02.005
Zongwei Wang, Charlotta Dabrosin, Xin Yin, Mark M. Fuster, Alexandra Arreola, W. Kimryn Rathmell, Daniele Generali, Ganji P. Nagaraju, Bassel El-Rayes, W. Nicol Keith, Domenico Ribatti, Yi Charlie Chen, Kanya Honoki, Hiromasa Fuji, Alexandros G. Georgakilas, Somaira Nowsheen, Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Amr Amino, S. Salman Ashraf, Bill Helferich, Xujuan Yang, Gunjan Guhas, Dipita Bhaktas, Maria Rosa Ciriolot, Katia Aquilanot, Sophie Chenu, Dorota Halicka, Sulma I. Mohammed, Asfar Azmi, Alan Bilslandy, Nicole Keithy, Lasse D. Jensen: Broad targeting of angiogenesis for cancer prevention and therapy. Seminars in Cancer Biology 01/2015;
Elena Niccolai, Domenico Prisco, Amedeo Amedei: SI CaVa: Pancreatic Cancer: role of the immune system in cancer progression and vaccine-based immunotherapy.. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 11/2014; 10(11). DOI:10.4161/hv.34392
Loffredo Rosa, Lulli Matteo, Witort Ewa, Granucci IIrene, Di Gesualdo Federico, Lapucci Andrea, Amedei Amedeo, Capaccioli Sergio: Impact of acidosis on ζ-crystallin-mediated bcl-2 expression in leukemic cell lines. Frontiers in Pharmacology 01/2014; 5. DOI:10.3389/conf.fphar.2014.61.00027
Maria Pittelli, Leonardo Cavone, Andrea Lapucci, Claudia Oteri, Roberta Felici, Elena Niccolai, Amedeo Amedei, Alberto Chiarugi: Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) activity is essential for survival of resting lymphocytes. Immunology and Cell Biology 11/2013; 92(2). DOI:10.1038/icb.2013.85
Amedeo Amedei, Nicola Pimpinelli, Alessia Grassi, Chiara Della Bella, Elena Niccolai, Simona Brancati, Marisa Benagiano, Sofia D’Elios, Alberto Bosi, Mario M. D’Elios: Skin CD30+ T cells and circulating levels of soluble CD30 are increased in patients with graft versus host disease. Autoimmunity Highlights 06/2013; 5(1). DOI:10.1007/s13317-013-0054-7
Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Marisa Benagiano, Chiara Della Bella, Fabio Cianchi, Paolo Bechi, Antonio Taddei, Lapo Bencini, Marco Farsi, Paola Cappello, Domenico Prisco, Francesco Novelli, Mario Milco D'Elios: Ex vivo analysis of pancreatic cancer-infiltrating T lymphocytes reveals that ENO-specific Tregs accumulate in tumor tissue and inhibit Th1/Th17 effector cell functions. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 05/2013; 62(7). DOI:10.1007/s00262-013-1429-3
Gaia Codolo, Fleur Bossi, Paolo Durigutto, Chiara Della Bella, Fabio Fischetti, Amedeo Amedei, Francesco Tedesco, Sofia D'Elios, Marco Cimmino, Alessandra Micheletti, Marco A. Cassatella, Mario M. D'Elios, Marina de Bernard: Orchestration of Inflammation and Adaptive Immunity in Borrelia burgdorferi–Induced Arthritis by Neutrophil-Activating Protein A. Arthritis & Rheumatology 05/2013; 65(5). DOI:10.1002/art.37875
Elena Niccolai, Domenico Prisco, Mario Milco D'Elios, Amedeo Amedei: What Is Recent in Pancreatic Cancer Immunotherapy?. 03/2013; 2013(4). DOI:10.1155/2013/492372
Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Marisa Benagiano, Chiara Della Bella, Fabio Cianchi, P. Bechi, Lapo Bencini, A. Taddei, Paola Cappello, Domenico Prisco, Francesco Novelli, Mario Milco D'Elios: Ex vivo analysis of pancreatic cancer infiltrating T cells reveals that ENO1-specific Tregs accumulate in tumor tissue and frustrate Th1/Th17 effector cell functions. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 01/2013; 32.
Amedeo Amedei, Domenico Prisco, Mario Milco D'Elios: Multiple Sclerosis: The Role of Cytokines in Pathogenesis and in Therapies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12/2012; 13(10). DOI:10.3390/ijms131013438
A Amedei, G Codolo, D Ozolins, C Ballerini, T Biagioli, I Jaunalksne, A Zilevica, S D Elios, M De Bernard, M M D' Elios: Cerebrospinal fluid T-regulatory cells recognize Borrelia burgdorferi NAPA in chronic Lyme borreliosis. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 11/2012; 26(4).
Amedeo Amedei, Fabio Munari, Chiara Della Bella, Elena Niccolai, Marisa Benagiano, Lapo Bencini, Fabio Cianchi, Marco Farsi, Giacomo Emmi, Giuseppe Zanotti, Marina de Bernard, Manikuntala Kundu, Mario Milco D'Elios: Helicobacter pylori secreted peptidyl prolyl cis, trans-isomerase drives Th17 inflammation in gastric adenocarcinoma. Internal and Emergency Medicine 10/2012; 9(3). DOI:10.1007/s11739-012-0867-9
Elena Chiappini, Chiara Della Bella, Francesca Bonsignori, Sara Sollai, Amedeo Amedei, Luisa Galli, Elena Niccolai, Gianfranco Del Prete, Mahavir Singh, Mario M D'Elios, Maurizio de Martino: Potential Role of M. tuberculosis Specific IFN-γ and IL-2 ELISPOT Assays in Discriminating Children with Active or Latent Tuberculosis. PLoS ONE 09/2012; 7(9). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0046041
Amedeo Amedei, Domenico Prisco, Mario M D'Elios: The Use of Cytokines and Chemokines in the Cancer Immunotherapy. 08/2012; 8(2). DOI:10.2174/1574892811308020002
N Capitani, F Ariani, A Amedei, A Pezzicoli, A Matucci, A Vultaggio, A Troilo, A Renieri, C T Baldari, M M D Elios: Vav1 haploinsufficiency in a common variable immunodeficiency patient with defective T-cell function. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 07/2012; 25(3).
Amedeo Amedei, Chiara Della Bella, Elena Silvestri, Domenico Prisco, Mario M D'Elios: T Cells in Gastric Cancer: Friends or Foes. Clinical and Developmental Immunology 05/2012; 2012(16). DOI:10.1155/2012/690571
A Amedei, M M D'Elios: New Therapeutic Approaches by Using Microorganism-Derived Compounds. Current Medicinal Chemistry 04/2012; 19(22). DOI:10.2174/092986712801661167
Marisa Benagiano, Fabio Munari, Alessandra Ciervo, Amedeo Amedei, Silvia Rossi Paccani, Fabiola Mancini, Mauro Ferrari, Chiara Della Bella, Camilla Ulivi, Sofia D'Elios, Cosima T Baldari, Domenico Prisco, Marina de Bernard, Mario M D'Elios: Chlamydophila pneumoniae phospholipase D (CpPLD) drives Th17 inflammation in human atherosclerosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 01/2012; 109(4). DOI:10.1073/pnas.1111833109
Angelo Pietro Femia, Alexander Swidsinski, Piero Dolara, Maddalena Salvadori, Amedeo Amedei, Giovanna Caderni: Mucin Depleted Foci, Colonic Preneoplastic Lesions Lacking Muc2, Show Up-Regulation of Tlr2 but Not Bacterial Infiltration. PLoS ONE 01/2012; 7(1). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0029918
Laura Conti, Raffaele De Palma, Simona Rolla, Daniela Boselli, Gabriella Rodolico, Surinder Kaur, Olli Silvennoinen, Elena Niccolai, Amedeo Amedei, Federico Ivaldi, Marinella Clerico, Giulia Contessa, Antonio Uccelli, Luca Durelli, Francesco Novelli: Th17 Cells in Multiple Sclerosis Express Higher Levels of JAK2, Which Increases Their Surface Expression of IFN-gamma R2. The Journal of Immunology 01/2012; 188(3). DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1004013
Amedeo Amedei, Marisa Benagiano, Chiara della Bella, Elena Niccolai, Mario M D'Elios: Novel Immunotherapeutic Strategies of Gastric Cancer Treatment. BioMed Research International 12/2011; 2011(4). DOI:10.1155/2011/437348
Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Mario M D'Elios: T Cells and Adoptive Immunotherapy: Recent Developments and Future Prospects in Gastrointestinal Oncology. Clinical and Developmental Immunology 11/2011; 2011. DOI:10.1155/2011/320571
L Chiumiento, G Del Prete, G Codolo, M De Bernard, A Amedei, C Della Bella, M Piazza, S D'Elios, L Caponi, M M D'Elios, F Bruschi: Stimulation of TH1 response by Helicobacter pylori neutrophil activating protein decreases the protective role of IgE and eosinophils in experimental trichinellosis. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 10/2011; 24(4). DOI:10.17223/15617793/390/8
Mario Milco D'Elios, Marisa Benagiano, Chiara Della Bella, Amedeo Amedei: T-cell response to bacterial agents. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 09/2011; 5(9). DOI:10.3855/jidc.2019
Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Luigi Marino, Mario Milco D'Elios: Role of immune response in Yersinia pestis infection. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 09/2011; 5(9). DOI:10.3855/jidc.1999
Chiara Babolin, Amedeo Amedei, Dzintars Ozolins, Aija Zilevica, Mario Milco D'Elios, Marina de Bernard: PS1-033. Treponema pallidum TpF1 Activates Inflammasome and Promotes the Development of Regulatory T Cells. The Journal of Immunology 06/2011; 187(3). DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.1100615
Fabio Munari, Silvia Lonardi, Marco A Cassatella, Claudio Doglioni, Maria Giulia Cangi, Amedeo Amedei, Fabio Facchetti, Yoshinobu Eishi, Massimo Rugge, Matteo Fassan, Marina de Bernard, Mario M D'Elios, William Vermi: Tumor-associated macrophages as major source of APRIL in gastric MALT lymphoma. Blood 06/2011; 117(24). DOI:10.1182/blood-2010-06-293266
Serena Pillozzi, Marika Masselli, Emanuele De Lorenzo, Benedetta Accordi, Emanuele Cilia, Olivia Crociani, Amedeo Amedei, Marinella Veltroni, Massimo D'Amico, Giuseppe Basso, Andrea Becchetti, Dario Campana, Annarosa Arcangeli: Chemotherapy resistance in acute lymphoblastic leukemia requires hERG1 channels and is overcome by hERG1 blockers. Blood 11/2010; 117(3). DOI:10.1182/blood-2010-01-262691
Amedeo Amedei, Gaia Codolo, Gianfranco Del Prete, Marina de Bernard, Mario Milco D'Elios: The effect of Helicobacter pylori on asthma and allergy. Journal of Asthma and Allergy 09/2010; 3(default). DOI:10.2147/JAA.S8971
Nagaja Capitani, Amedeo Amedei, Silvia Rossi Paccani, Andrea Matucci, Alessandra Vultaggio, Gianfranco Del Prete, Cosima T Baldari, Mario M D'Elios: Impaired T(H)2 response in patients with Vav1-deficient common variable immunodeficiency with T-cell defects. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 09/2010; 126(3). DOI:10.1016/j.jaci.2010.05.033
Mario M D'Elios, Gianfranco Del Prete, Amedeo Amedei: Targeting IL-23 in human diseases. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 07/2010; 14(7). DOI:10.1517/14728222.2010.497143
Andrea Lapucci, Matteo Lulli, Amedeo Amedei, Laura Papucci, Ewa Witort, Federico Di Gesualdo, Francesco Bertolini, Gary Brewer, Angelo Nicolin, Annamaria Bevilacqua, Nicola Schiavone, Dominique Morello, Martino Donnini, Sergio Capaccioli: zeta-Crystallin is a bcl-2 mRNA binding protein involved in bcl-2 overexpression in T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia. The FASEB Journal 06/2010; 24(6). DOI:10.1096/fj.09-140459
Andrea Cappon, Chiara Babolin, Daniela Segat, Laila Cancian, Amedeo Amedei, Federica Calzetti, Marco A Cassatella, Mario M D'Elios, Marina de Bernard: Helicobacter pylori-derived neutrophil-activating protein increases the lifespan of monocytes and neutrophils. Cellular Microbiology 06/2010; 12(6). DOI:10.1111/j.1462-5822.2010.01431.x
Amedeo Amedei, Elena Niccolai, Chiara Della Bella, Fabio Cianchi, Giacomo Trallori, Marisa Benagiano, Lapo Bencini, Marco Bernini, Marco Farsi, Renato Moretti, Gianfranco Del Prete, Mario Milco D’Elios: Characterization of tumor antigen peptide-specific T cells isolated from the neoplastic tissue of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 11/2009; 58(11). DOI:10.1007/s00262-009-0693-8
A Amedei, C Della Bella, E Niccolai, N Stanflin, M Benagiano, R Duranti, G Del Prete, T F Murphy, M M D'Elios: Moraxella catarrhalis-specific TH1 cells in BAL fluids of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 10/2009; 22(4).
Mario M D'Elios, Amedeo Amedei, Annalisa Azzurri, Marisa Benagiano, Gianfranco Del Prete, Mathijs P Bergman, Christina M Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Ben J Appelmelk: Molecular Specificity and Functional Properties of Autoreactive T-Cell Response in Human Gastric Autoimmunity. International Reviews Of Immunology 08/2009; 24(1-2). DOI:10.1080/08830180590884611
Mathijs P Bergman, Christina M J E Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Ben J Appelmelk, Mario M D'Elios, Amedeo Amedei, Annalisa Azzurri, Marisa Benagiano, Gianfranco Del Prete: The Story So Far: Helicobacter Pylori and Gastric Autoimmunity. International Reviews Of Immunology 08/2009; 24(1-2). DOI:10.1080/08830180590884648
Mario Milco D'Elios, Gianfranco Del Prete, Amedeo Amedei: New frontiers in cell-based immunotherapy of cancer. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 06/2009; 19(5). DOI:10.1517/13543770902817820
L Masi, A Gozzini, A Franchi, D Campanacci, A Amedei, A Falchetti, F Franceschelli, G Marcucci, A Tanini, R Capanna, M L Brandi: A Novel Recessive Mutation of Fibroblast Growth Factor-23 in Tumoral Calcinosis. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 06/2009; 91(5). DOI:10.2106/JBJS.H.00783
Mario Milco D'Elios, Gaia Codolo, Amedeo Amedei, Paola Mazzi, Giorgio Berton, Giuseppe Zanotti, Gianfranco Del Prete, Marina de Bernard: Helicobacter pylori , asthma and allergy. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 03/2009; 56(1). DOI:10.1111/j.1574-695X.2009.00537.x
G Del Prete, L Santi, V Andrianaivoarimanana, A Amedei, O Domarle, M M D' Elios, C J Arntzen, L Rahalison, H S Mason: Plant-derived recombinant F1, V, and F1-V fusion antigens of Yersinia pestis activate human cells of the innate and adaptive immune system. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 01/2009; 22(1).
Gaia Codolo, Amedeo Amedei, Allen C Steere, Elena Papinutto, Andrea Cappon, Alessandra Polenghi, Marisa Benagiano, Silvia Rossi Paccani, Vittorio Sambri, Gianfranco Del Prete, Cosima Tatiana Baldari, Giuseppe Zanotti, Cesare Montecucco, Mario Milco D'Elios, Marina de Bernard: Borrelia burgdorferi NapA-driven Th17 cell inflammation in Lyme arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology 11/2008; 58(11). DOI:10.1002/art.23972
Gianfranco Del Prete, Lorena Chiumiento, Amedeo Amedei, Maria Piazza, Mario M D'Elios, Gaia Codolo, Marina de Bernard, Massimo Masetti, Fabrizio Bruschi: Immunosuppression of TH2 responses in Trichinella spiralis infection by Helicobacter pylori neutrophil-activating protein. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 10/2008; 122(5). DOI:10.1016/j.jaci.2008.08.016
Gaia Codolo, Paola Mazzi, Amedeo Amedei, Gianfranco Del Prete, Giorgio Berton, Mario Milco D'Elios, Marina de Bernard: The neutrophil-activating protein of Helicobacter pylori down-modulates Th2 inflammation in ovalbumin-induced allergic asthma. Cellular Microbiology 09/2008; 10(11). DOI:10.1111/j.1462-5822.2008.01217.x
C Becchi, S Pillozzi, L P Fabbri, M Al Malyan, C Cacciapuoti, C Della Bella, M Nucera, M Masselli, S Boncinelli, A Arcangeli, A Amedei: The increase of endothelial progenitor cells in the peripheral blood: A new parameter for detecting onset and severity of sepsis. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 07/2008; 21(3).
Leonardo Guasti, Olivia Crociani, Elisa Redaelli, Serena Pillozzi, Simone Polvani, Marika Masselli, Tommaso Mello, Andrea Galli, Amedeo Amedei, Randy S Wymore, Enzo Wanke, Annarosa Arcangeli: Identification of a Posttranslational Mechanism for the Regulation of hERG1 K+ Channel Expression and hERG1 Current Density in Tumor Cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology 07/2008; 28(16). DOI:10.1128/MCB.00304-08
Mario Milco D'Elios, Gianfranco Del Prete, Amedeo Amedei: Interfering with chemokines and chemokine receptors as potential new therapeutic strategies. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents 03/2008; 18(3). DOI:10.1517/13543776.18.3.309
B Orsini, J R Vivas, B Ottanelli, A Amedei, E Surrenti, A Galli, S Milani, P Pinzani, G Del Prete, C Surrenti, C T Baldari, E Touati, M M D' Elios: Human gastric epithelium produces IL-4 and IL-4δ2 isoform only upon Helicobacter pylori infection. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 10/2007; 20(4).
Mario Milco D'Elios, Amedeo Amedei, Andrea Cappon, Gianfranco Del Prete, Marina de Bernard: The neutrophil-activating protein of Helicobacter pylori (HP-NAP) as an immune modulating agent. FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 08/2007; 50(2). DOI:10.1111/j.1574-695X.2007.00258.x
Amedeo Amedei, Andrea Cappon, Gaia Codolo, Anna Cabrelle, Alessandra Polenghi, Marisa Benagiano, Elisabetta Tasca, Annalisa Azzurri, Mario Milco D'Elios, Gianfranco Del Prete, Marina de Bernard: The neutrophil-activating protein of Helicobacter pylori promotes Th1 immune responses. Journal of Clinical Investigation 05/2006; 116(4). DOI:10.1172/JCI27177
Silvia Rossi Paccani, Marianna Boncristiano, Laura Patrussi, Cristina Ulivieri, Andreas Wack, Silvia Valensin, Tim R Hirst, Amedeo Amedei, Gianfranco Del Prete, John L Telford, Mario M D'Elios, Cosima T Baldari: Defective VAV expression and impaired F-actin reorganization in a subset of common variable immunodeficiency patients with T-cell defects. Blood 08/2005; 106(2). DOI:10.1182/blood-2004-05-2051
Mario Milco D'Elios, Amedeo Amedei, Marisa Benagiano, Annalisa Azzurri, Gianfranco Del Prete: Helicobacter pylori, T cells and cytokines: The "dangerous liaisons". FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 06/2005; 44(2). DOI:10.1016/j.femsim.2004.10.013
Marisa Benagiano, Mario M D'Elios, Amedeo Amedei, Annalisa Azzurri, Ruurd van der Zee, Alessandra Ciervo, Gianni Rombolà, Sergio Romagnani, Antonio Cassone, Gianfranco Del Prete: Human 60-kDa Heat Shock Protein Is a Target Autoantigen of T Cells Derived from Atherosclerotic Plaques. The Journal of Immunology 06/2005; 174(10). DOI:10.4049/jimmunol.174.10.6509
Annalisa Azzurri, Oumou Y Sow, Amedeo Amedei, Boubacar Bah, Sadio Diallo, Giuseppe Peri, Marisa Benagiano, Mario M D'Elios, Alberto Mantovani, Gianfranco Del Prete: IFN-γ-inducible protein 10 and pentraxin 3 plasma levels are tools for monitoring inflammation and disease activity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Microbes and Infection 01/2005; 7(1). DOI:10.1016/j.micinf.2004.09.004
Mario Milco D'Elios, Mathijs P Bergman, Amedeo Amedei, Ben J Appelmelk, Gianfranco Del Prete: Helicobacter pylori and gastric autoimmunity. Microbes and Infection 01/2005; 6(15). DOI:10.1016/j.micinf.2004.10.001
Gianfranco Del Prete, Mathijs P. Bergman, Amedeo Amedei, Mario M. D'Elios, Christina M. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Ben J. Appelmelk: Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Gastric Autoimmunity: Coincidence or Cause-effect Relationship?.
Mario M D'Elios, Ben J Appelmelk, Amedeo Amedei, Mathijs P Bergman, Gianfranco Del Prete: Gastric autoimmunity: The role of Helicobacter pylori and molecular mimicry. Trends in Molecular Medicine 08/2004; 10(7). DOI:10.1016/j.molmed.2004.06.001
Marianna Boncristiano, Silvia Rossi Paccani, Silvia Barone, Cristina Ulivieri, Laura Patrussi, Dag Ilver, Amedeo Amedei, Mario Milco D'Elios, John L Telford, Cosima T Baldari: The Helicobacter pylori Vacuolating Toxin Inhibits T Cell Activation by Two Independent Mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Medicine 01/2004; 198(12). DOI:10.1084/jem.20030621
Barbara Orsini, Barbara Ottanelli, Amedeo Amedei, Elisabetta Surrenti, Marco Capanni, Gianfranco Del Prete, Andrea Amorosi, Stefano Milani, Mario Milco D'Elios, Calogero Surrenti: Helicobacter pylori cag Pathogenicity Island Is Associated with Reduced Expression of Interleukin-4 (IL-4) mRNA and Modulation of the IL-4 2 mRNA Isoform in Human Gastric Mucosa. Infection and Immunity 12/2003; 71(11). DOI:10.1128/IAI.71.11.6664-6667.2003
Amedeo Amedei, Mathijs P Bergman, Ben J Appelmelk, Annalisa Azzurri, Marisa Benagiano, Carlo Tamburini, Ruurd van der Zee, John L Telford, Christina M J E Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Mario M D'Elios, Gianfranco Del Prete: Molecular Mimicry between Helicobacter pylori Antigens and H,K–Adenosine Triphosphatase in Human Gastric Autoimmunity. Journal of Experimental Medicine 10/2003; 198(8). DOI:10.1084/jem.20030530
Mario M D'Elios, Amedeo Amedei, Gianfranco Del Prete: Helicobacter pylori antigen-specific T-cell responses at gastric level in chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer and low-grade mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. Microbes and Infection 08/2003; 5(8). DOI:10.1016/S1286-4579(03)00114-X
Marisa Benagiano, Annalisa Azzurri, Alessandra Ciervo, Amedeo Amedei, Carlo Tamburini, Mauro Ferrari, John L Telford, Cosima T Baldari, Sergio Romagnani, Antonio Cassone, Mario M D'Elios, Gianfranco Del Prete: T helper type 1 lymphocytes drive inflammation in human atherosclerotic lesions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 06/2003; 100(11). DOI:10.1073/pnas.1135726100
Mathijs P Bergman, Amedeo Amedei, Mario M D'Elios, Annalisa Azzurri, Marisa Benagiano, Carlo Tamburini, Ruurd van der Zee, Christina M Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Ben J Appelmelk, Gianfranco Del Prete: Characterization of H+,K+-ATPase T cell epitopes in human autoimmune gastritis. European Journal of Immunology 03/2003; 33(2). DOI:10.1002/immu.200310030
Christian Lienhardt, Annalisa Azzurri, Amedeo Amedei, Katherine Fielding, Jackson Sillah, Oumou Y Sow, Boubacar Bah, Marisa Benagiano, Alimou Diallo, Roberto Manetti, Kebba Manneh, Per Gustafson, Steve Bennett, Mario M D'Elios, Keith McAdam, Gianfranco Del Prete: Active tuberculosis in Africa is associated with reduced Th1 and increased Th2 activity in vivo. European Journal of Immunology 06/2002; 32(6). DOI:10.1002/1521-4141(200206)32:6<1605::AID-IMMU1605>3.0.CO;2-6
Amedeo Amedei, Chiara Romagnani, Marisa Benagiano, Annalisa Azzurri, Federico Fomia, Franco Torrente, Alessandro Plebani, Mario M. D'Elios, Gianfranco Del Prete: Preferential Th1 profile of T helper cell response in X-linked (Bruton's) agammaglobulinemia. European Journal of Immunology 06/2001; 31(6). DOI:10.1002/1521-4141(200106)31:6<1927::AID-IMMU1927>3.0.CO;2-D
J Vekemans, A Amedei, M.O. Ota, M M D'Elios, T Goetghebuer, J Ismaili, M J Newport, G Del Prete, M Goldman, K P McAdam, A Marchant: Neonatal bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination induces adult-like IFN-gamma production by CD4+ T lymphocytes. Eur J Immunol. European Journal of Immunology 06/2001; 31(5). DOI:10.1002/1521-4141(200105)31:5<1531:AID-IMMU1531>3.0.CO;2-1
Johan Vekemans, Amedeo Amedei, Martin O. Ota, Mario M. D'Elios, Tessa Goetghebuer, Jamila Ismaili, Melanie J. Newport, Gianfranco Del Prete, Michel Goldman, Keith P. W. J. McAdam, Arnaud Mayant: Neonatal bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination induces adult-like IFN-γ production by CD4+ T lymphocytes. European Journal of Immunology 05/2001; 31(5). DOI:10.1002/1521-4141(200105)31:5<1531::AID-IMMU1531>3.0.CO;2-1
L Masi, L Becherini, L Gennari, A Amedei, E Colli, A Falchetti, M Farci, S Silvestri, S Gonnelli, M L Brandi: Polymorphism of the aromatase gene in postmenopausal Italian women: Distribution and correlation with bone mass and fracture risk. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 05/2001; 86(5). DOI:10.1210/jc.86.5.2263
Arnaud Marchant, Amedeo Amedei, Annalisa Azzurri, Johan Vekemans, Marisa Benagiano, Carlo Tamburini, Christian Lienhardt, Tumani Corrah, K. P. W. J. McAdam, Sergio Romagnani, Mario M. D'Elios, Gianfranco Del Prete: Polarization of PPD-Specific T-Cell Response of Patients with Tuberculosis from Th0 to Th1 Profile after Successful Antimycobacterial Therapy or In Vitro Conditioning with Interferon- α or Interleukin-12. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 03/2001; 24(2). DOI:10.1165/ajrcmb.24.2.4274
Mario M. D'elios, Mathus P. Bergman, Annalisa Azzurri, Amedeo Amedei, Marisa Benagiano, Jan J. De Pont, Fabio Cianchi, Christina M. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, Sergio Romagnani, Ben J. Appelmelk, Gianfranco Del Prete: H+,K+-ATPase (proton pump) is the target autoantigen of Th1-type cytotoxic T cells in autoimmune gastritis. Gastroenterology 02/2001; 120(2). DOI:10.1053/gast.2001.21187
Marianna Boncristiano, M.?Bernardetta Majolini, Mario?M. D'Elios, Sonia Pacini, Silvia Valensin, Cristina Ulivieri, Amedeo Amedei, Brunangelo Falini, Gianfranco?Del Prete, John?L. Telford, Cosima?T. Baldari: Defective recruitment and activation of ZAP-70 in common variable immunodeficiency patients with T cell defects. European Journal of Immunology 08/2000; 30(9). DOI:10.1002/1521-4141(200009)30:9<2632::AID-IMMU2632>3.0.CO;2-C
L Masi, C Malentacchi, S Benvenuti, A Amedei, U Bigozzi, E Montali, Maria Luisa Brandi: In vitro expression of proα1(I) collagen mRNA by human pre-osteoclastic cells. Journal of endocrinological investigation 02/2000; 23(1). DOI:10.1007/BF03343667
M M D'Elios, A Amedei, M Benagiano, A Azzurri, G Del Prete: Usefulness of 13C-urea breath test in the diagnosis of gastric Helicobacter pylori infection. International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology 02/2000; 13(1).
Mario M. D'Elios, Amedeo Amedei, Marta Manghetti, Francesco Costa, Cosima T. Baldari, Adnan S. Quazi, John L. Telford, Sergio Romagnani, Gianfranco del Prete: Impaired T-cell regulation of B-cell growth in Helicobacter pylori-related gastric low-grade MALT lymphoma. Gastroenterology 12/1999; 117(5). DOI:10.1016/S0016-5085(99)70395-1
C Contigli, D N Silva-Teixeira, G Del Prete, M M D'Elios, M De Carli, M Manghetti, A Amedei, F Almerigogna, J R Lambertucci, A M Goes: Phenotype and Cytokine Profile ofSchistosoma mansoniSpecific T Cell Lines and Clones Derived from Schistosomiasis Patients with Distinct Clinical Forms. Clinical Immunology 07/1999; 91(3). DOI:10.1006/clim.1999.4706
MM D'Elios, M Manghetti, A Amedei, E Quazi, F Costa, CT Baldari, JL Telford, G Del Prete: Impaired T-cell cytotoxicity in H-pylori-related gastric low grade MALToma. Gut 09/1998; 43.
M Caproni, B Bianchi, M M D'Elios, M De Carli, A Amedei, P Fabbri: In vivo relevance of CD30 in atopic dermatitis. Allergy 12/1997; 52(11). DOI:10.1111/j.1398-9995.1997.tb00177.x
Mario M. D'Elios, Marta Manghetti, Fabio Almerigogna, Amedeo Amedei, Francesco Costa, Daniela Burroni, Cosima T. Baldari, Sergio Romagnani, John L. Telford, Gianfranco Del Prete: Different cytokine profile and antigen-specificity repertoire in Helicobacter pylori-specific T cell clones from the antrum of chronic gastritis patients with or without peptic ulcer. European Journal of Immunology 07/1997; 27(7). DOI:10.1002/eji.1830270723
Mario M D'elios, Régis Josien, Marta Manghetti, Amedeo Amedei, Marco de Carli, Maria Cristina Cuturi, Gilles Blancho, Françoise Buzelin, Gianfranco Del Prete, J.P. Soulillou: Predominant Th1 cell infiltration in acute rejection episodes of human kidney grafts. Kidney International 07/1997; 51(6). DOI:10.1038/ki.1997.256
Comunicazioni a Congressi:
1) M.M. D’Elios, M. Manghetti, A. Amedei et al.:Cytokine profile of Helicobacter pylori-specific T cells differs between peptic ulcer disease and non-ulcer chronic gastritis. Second European meeting on pathogenesis and host response in Helicobacter Pylori infections. Galway (Ireland.), 23-25 March 1997.
2) M.M. D’Elios, M. Manghetti, A. Amedei et al.: Ruolo dei linfociti Th1 / Th2 nel rigetto acuto di trapianto renale e nella “Graft versus Host Disease” (GvHD) acuta e cronica. Atti del convegno "Sostituzioni funzionali, organi artificiali e trapianti di organo" Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 8-10 June1997.
3) M.M. D’Elios, M. Manghetti, A. Amedei et al.: Cellule T ed autoimmunità. Annual Meeting 1997 SIAIC. Porto Conte 24-27 September 1997.
4) M.M. D’Elios, M. Manghetti, A. Amedei et al.: Ridotto potenziale citotossico dei linfociti T specifici per Helicobacter pylori nel linfoma gastrico a cellule B a basso grado di malignità.XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica. Cagliari, 4-8 May 1998.
5) M.M. D’Elios, M. Manghetti, A. Amedei et al.: Impaired T-cell dependent cytolytic regulation of B-cell proliferation in gastric low grade B-cell MALT-lymphoma. 26th National Conference of Gruppo di cooperazione in immunologia. Viterbo 10-12 June1998.
6) M.M. D’Elios, F. Novelli, G. Forni, M. De Carli, A. Amedei et al.: Ruolo delle catene a eb del recettore per IFN-g nella regolazione della risposta immune di tipo Th1 e Th2.Atti del convegno sulla tubercolosi, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 4-7 May 1998.
7) M.M. D’Elios, M. De Carli, C. Lienhardt, A. Amedei et al.: Bilancio Th1/Th2 in pazienti con tubercolosi polmonare. Atti del convegno sulla tubercolosi, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 4-7 May 1998.
8)G. Del Prete, M.M. D’Elios, A. Amedei et al.: Ruolo dei linfociti Th1 / Th2 nella “Graft versus Host Disease” (GvHD) acuta e cronica e nel rigetto acuto del trapianto renale xenogenico. Atti del convegno "Sostituzioni funzionali, organi artificiali e trapianti di organo" Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 15-17 June 1998.
9) M.M. D’Elios, M. Manghetti, A. Amedei and al.: Impaired T-cell cytotoxicity in H. pylori-related gastric low grade MALT-oma. XIth international Workshop on Gastroduodenal Pathology and Helicobacter pylori. Budapest (Hungary), 2-5 September 1998.
10) M.M. D’Elios, A. Amedei, et al.: Host response to Helicobacter pylori infection: the Th1/Th2 balance. 9th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Berlin (Germany), 21-24 March 1999.
11) M.M. D’Elios, M. De Carli, C. Lienhardt, A. Amedei et al.: T-Cell response to M. tuberculosis in humans. 27th GCI. National Conference. Udine, 14-17 March 1999
12) M. M. D’Elios, A. Amedei et al.: Ruolo dei linfociti Th1/Th2 nella GVHD acuta e cronica. Atti del convegno sui trapianti di organi, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, 5-10 May 1999.
13) M. M. D’Elios, A. Amedei et al.: The Th1/Th2 balance and coagulation. Annual Meeting of Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Bruxelles (Belgium), 26 November 1999.
14) A. Amedei, C. Romagnaniet al.:Risposte preferenziali di tipo Th1 in pazienti affetti da Agammaglobulinemia di Bruton (XLA). XI Congresso Associazione Italiana Neuroimmunologia (AINI). Camogli, 26-28 October 2000.
15) A. Amedei, C. Romagnaniet al.:Preferential Th1 responses in Bruton agammaglobulinemia.Workshop “Immunobiology of Infectious Diseases” . Massa Marittima, 12-14 November 2000.
16) A. Azzurri, A. Marchant, A. Amedei, et al.: Polarization of PPD-specific T-cell response of tuberculosis patients from Th0 to Th1 profile after successful anti-mycobacterial therapy or in vitro conditioning with interferon-a or interleukin-12. Workshop “Immunobiology of Infectious Diseases”. Massa Marittima, 12-14 November 2000.
17) M. Benagiano, M. P. Bergman, A. Azzurri, A. Amedei, et al.: H+K+-ATPase is the target autoantigen of Th1-type cytotoxic T cells in the gastric mucosa of patients with autoimmune gastritis. Workshop“Immunobiology of Infectious Diseases” . Massa Marittima, 12-14 November 2000.
18) A. Amedei, M. P. Bergmanand al.: H+K+-ATPase-specific Th1-type immune response in gastric mucosa of patients with autoimmune gastritis. XXIX National Conference Italian Society of Immunology. Abano, 6-9 June 2001.
19) M. M. D’Elios, A. Amedei, et al.:H+P+-ATPase-specific Th1-type immune response in gastric mucosa of patients with autoimmune gastritis. 6th International Symposium on Predictive Oncology & Intervention Strategies. Paris (France), 9-12 February 2002.
20) A. Amedei, A. Azzurri, et al.: Helicobacter pylori infection: different patterns of host-pathogen interactions. 1st National Conference SIIICA. Montecatini Terme, 8-11 maggio 2002.
21) M. Mariani, F. Benigni, P. Di Lucia, A. Amedei, et al.: Expression of TREM-1 Ligand on neutrophils provides a potential diagnostic tool in sepsis. 2nd National Conference SIIICA. Verona, 28-31 May 2002.
22) M. Benagiano, A. Azzurri, A. Ciervo, A. Amedei, et al.: T helper type 1 lymphocytes drive inflammation in human atherosclerotic lesions . 2nd National Conference SIIICA Verona, 28-31 May 2002.
23) M.M. D’Elios, M. P. Bergman, A. Amedei et al.: Mucosal T-cell responses in gastric autoimmunity and H. pylori infection. The 7th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 5Th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine. Crete (Greece) 10-12 October 2002 .
24) M. Benagiano, A. Azzurri, A. Ciervo, A. Amedei et al.:T helper type 1 lymphocytes drive inflammation in human atherosclerotic lesions. Gordon Research Conference on Atherosclerosis.Meriden (NH, USA), 15-20 June 2003.
25) M. Benagiano, M. M. D’Elios, A. Amedei and al.: Human 60-kDa Heat Shock Protein is a target autoantigen of T cell derived from atherosclerotic plaques.Research Conference on Atherosclerosis.Meriden (NH, USA), 15-20 June2005.
26) A. Lapucci, M. Lulli, A. Amedei and al.: z-Crystallin is a New Stabilizing bcl-2 mRNA AU-rich Element Binding Protein Over-expressed in the Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Jurkat T-Cell Line. ISCO 2008 Amsterdam (Holland) 5-8 March 2008.
27) S. Pillozzi, M. Masselli, O. Crociani, E. De Lorenzo, M. Veltroni, A. Amedei: Overcoming chemotherapy resistance in childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia by targeting ion channels. Spring 2007 ABCD and UK Adhesion Society Meeting: Mechanisms of signal transduction in cell adhesion and differentiation Rome (Italy) 28-29 March 2008.
28) G. Codolo, A. Amedei and al: NapA of Borrelia burgdoferi drives TH17 inflammation in Lyme Arthritis. XXIX National Congress of Italian Society of Pathology. Rende (Italy) 10-13 September 2008.
29) A. Lapucci, S. Capaccioli, M. Lulli, M. Donnini, N. Schiavone, A. Amedei and al.:Bcl-2 Over-Expression in Human T-Cell Acute LymphocyticLeukemias is Consequent to mRNA Stabilization by Increased Binding toZeta-Crystallin, a New Bcl-2 ARE-Binding Protein. XXIX National Congress of Italian Society of Pathology Rende (Italy) 10-13 September 2008.
30) MM. D'Elios, G. Codolo, A. Amedei and al. : Borrelia Burgdoferi NAPA and Th17 inflammation in Lyme arthritis. International Congress on cytokines in immune regulation and disease Florence (Italy) 4-6 December 2008.
31)MM. D'Elios, G. Codolo, A. Amedei and al.: Helicobacter pylori NAP inhibits Th2 inflammation in experimental allergic asthma. International Congress on cytokines in immune regulation and disease Florence (Italy) 4-6 December 2008.
32) A. Amedei and al. Characterization of tumor antigen peptide-specific T cells isolated from the neoplastic tissue of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. 2nd European Congress of Immunology Berlin (Germany) 13-16 September 2009.
33) A. Amedei and al. Le Medical Humanities a Firenze. XV Congresso Nazionale SIPEM- Soc.Ital.Pedagogia Medica . Turin (Italy) 25-29 May 2010.
34) A. Amedei and al. Florence and Medical Humanities: intangible heritage of mankind Cost . Strategic Workshop : Safeguard of cultural heritage. A challenge from the past for the Europe of tomorrow. Florence (Italy) 11-13 July 2011.
35) C. Della Bella,….. and A. Amedei.Characterization of tumor antigen peptide-specific T cells isolated from the neoplastic tissue of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma Joint Annual Meeting –SIICA- DGfI . Riccione (Italy) 28 September – 1 October 2011
36) C. Della Bella Chiara, C. Babolin, A. Amedei and al.TpF1 from Treponema pallidum activates inflammasome and promotes the development of regulatory T cells. 9th Joint Meeting of ICS-ISICR “Cytokines and Interferons: from the bench to the bedside” . Firenze (Italy), 9-12 October, 2011
37) E. Niccolai, …. A. Amedei. Characterization of tumor antigen peptide-specific T cells isolated from the neoplastic tissue of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma. ESCII/NIBIT Meeting 2011 “New perspectives in the immunotherapy of cancer” Siena (Italy), 19-22 October, 2011
38) P. De Mennato, A.R. Formiconi, A. Amedei and al. Formare alla pratica riflessiva nella professione medica attraverso l’uso dei film:l’esperienza di Cin@med e dell’archivio filmico della facoltà della medicina di Firenze. XVI Congresso Nazionale SIPEM-Soc.Ital.Pedagogia Medica . Garda (Italy) 14-17 November 2012.
39) Della Bella C., Amedei A., et al. Helicobacter pyloriHP0175 promotes the production of IL-23, IL-6, IL-1β and TGF-β. 15th International Congress of ImmunologyMilan, August 28 September – 1 October , 2013
40) Niccolai E., …… Amedei A., ENO1-specific Tregs frustrate Th1/Th17 effector cells isolated from pancreatic cancer patients 15th International Congress of Immunology Milan (Italy), August 28 September – 1 October, 2013
41) Amedei A., and al. Ex vivo analysis of pancreatic cancer infiltrating T lymphocytes reveals that ENO-specific Tregs accumulate in tumor tissue and inhibit Th1/Th17 effector cell functions 18th Word Congress on advances in oncology Crete (Greece), 10-12 October, 2013
42) Loffredo R., Lulli M., Witort E., Granucci I., Di Gesualdo F., Lapucci A., Amedei A. and al. Impact of acidosis on ζ-crystallin-mediated bcl-2 expression in leukemic cell lines. 4th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Proton Dynamics in Cancer, Garching, Germany, 10 Oct - 12 Oct, 2013
Capitoli di libro:
1) A. Amedei & M.M. D'Elios: Cancer: Recent Development of Cell-based Immunotheraphy. Book: Immunotherapy: Action, Suppression and Treatments. Editors: Blake C. Facinelli Nova Science Publishers, Inc.2010 ISBN: 978-1-61668-585-0. Pp 77-129.
2) A. Amedei & M.M. D'Elios: Gastric Cancer and Helicobacter pylori. Book: Bacteria and Cancer"-Editors: Springer Science Publisher 2012. Pp 25-60.
3) Amedei & M.M. D'Elios: The role of immune response and the impact of biological drugs in psoriasis Patients. Book: Psoriasis/Book 2 Editors: Intech. 2012 Pp 229-272.
4) A. Amedei et al.: Gastritis in Helicobacter pylori Infection. Book: Advances in Medicine and Biology. Editors: Leon V. Berhardt. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.2012 pp 61-80.
5) A. Amedei & E. Niccolai: plant and Marine Sources: Biological Activity of Natural products and therapeutic Use Natural Products Analysis: Instrumentation, Methods, and Applications, First Edition. Edited by Vladimír Havlí?ek and Jaroslav Spížek. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc pp 43-113
6) A. Amedei & D. Prisco. Cancer Immunotherapy: The Share of Cytokines and Chemokines for publication in the Patents eBook Series entitled “Topics in Anti-Cancer Research, 2015, Vol. 4, 3-70
Special Issue:
1)Michal A. Rahat, Seth B. Coffelt, Zvi Granot, Munitta Muthana, and Amedeo Amedei “Macrophages and Neutrophils: Regulation of the Inflammatory Microenvironment in Autoimmunity and Cancer” sulla rivista “Mediator of information”
Amedei A. and al: Use of the Neutrophil activating protein of Helicobacter pylori (HP-NAP) and/orof its portions as adjuvants for the development of T helper type 1 (Th1) immune responses.. Publication Number: WO/2007/039451
2001: Università degli Studi di Firenze - programmi scientifici per giovani ricercatori - progetto “Rapporti fra risposta immune ad Helicobacter pylori, gastrite atrofica ed adenocarcinoma gastrico”
2002: Università degli Studi di Firenze - programmi scientifici per giovani ricercatori - progetto “Immunità naturale e specifica ad Helicobacter pylori in età pediatrica”
2005- 2007: Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica – Prin – progetto “Attività immunomodulatoria nell'uomo di prodotti derivati da patogeni persistenti”
2007 – 2008: Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica – Ex 60% - progetto “ Caratterizzazione della risposta T specifica verso antigeni del Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in pazienti affetti da morbo di Crohn “
2009:Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia – progetto – “Valutazione e potenziamento della risposta immune T specifica per antigeni tumorali associati al tumore gastrico:un nuovo approccio immunoterapeutico”
2009-2010: Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica – Ex 60% - progetto “Ruolo e specificità della risposta cellulo-mediataverso antigeni virali nella patogenesi della Sclerosi Sistemica Progressiva”
2011-2012: Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica – Prin 2009 – progetto “Caratterizzazione della risposta immunitaria T umana specifica per nuovi antigeni associati al cancro del pancreas”
2012-2013: Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica – Ex 60% - progetto “ Ruolo della proteina PDIA3 nella risposta tumore-specifica in pazienti con carcinoma colon-rettale”
2012-2014: Ministero dell’ Università e della Ricerca Scientifica – Ex 60 % - Progetto - “ Ruolo della proteina PDIA3 nella risposta tumore-specifica in pazienti con carcinoma colon-rettale”
2015: Fondazione – Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze – Progetto- “ Ruolo della proteina PDIA3 nella risposta tumore- specifica in pazienti con carcinoma colon-rettale”
Ministero dell’ Università e della ricerca scientifica – Ex 60 % - Progetto- Il ruolo della risposta adattativa T nei pazienti con l’ esofago di Barrett e/o adenocarcinoma faringea.
Regione Toscana – Progetto – Tumore del colon-retto: caratterizzazione funzionale/metabolica del microbiota e il ruolo dei probiotici nella modulazione della risposta immuno specifica “Acronimo MICpROBIMM”.
Progetti di ricerca:
1) Caratterizzazione della risposta immune specifica verso nuovi antigeni tumore-associati. Lo scopo principale è di valutare il ruolo della risposta immune verso le cellule tumorali potenziandone l'efficacia anche tramite vaccinazione con i costrutti antigenici, realizzati dai collaboratori di chimica
2) Valutazione della correlazione ed influenza reciproca tra la risposta immune ed il microbioma intestinale nello sviluppo del tumore del colon retto.
3) Sindrome di Churg-Strauss: ruolo dei linfociti B
4) Studio delle Microparticelle circolanti e dei miRNA in patologie autoimmuni, in particolare quelle con manifestazioni trombotiche (Sindrome da anticorpi antifosfolipidi, Sindrome di Behςet e vasculiti sistemiche).
5) Studio della relazione tra Microbiota intestinale e risposta immune in differenti patologie: Infezione da HIV, Celiachia Sclerosi Multipla e Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica
Attività didattica:
Al momento il Prof. Amedeo Amedeiè stato Relatore di 44 Tesi di laurea ed una di Dottorato di Ricerca e una di master.
Attività aziendale:
Il Prof. Amedei è responsabile dal 2005, presso l'unità di Patologia Medica diretta dal Prof. D. Prisco, del test all'urea (Breath test) per la rilevazione dell'infezione da Helicobacter Pylori.
Inoltre il Prof. A. Amedei ha provveduto alla tipizzazione HLA (complesso maggiore di istocompatibilità), tramite la tecnica della SSP, di pazienti affetti da malattie autoimmuni e di pazienti con adenocarcinoma gastrico.
Sporadicamente ha effettuato test di proliferazione cellulare ad antigeni di Micobacterium Tuberculosis in pazienti affetti da tubercolosi.
Dal 2014 il Prof Amedei fa parte della SODs Lupus Clinic di Firenze, e dal 2016 della Pancreatic Unit dell’ Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi.
Firenze, marzo 2016
Prof. . Amedeo Amedei
Aggiornato 30/09/2016 Prof. Amedeo Amedei
Le mie grandi passioni sono i libri, i film e la musica.
Pratico sport all'aria aperta: podismo, tennis e calcio a cinque
Amedeo Amedei was born at Rodi Garganico (Fg) on 01.04.1971. On 1996 July he graduated with full marks and honours in Biology at Florence University, with an entitled thesis “Helicobacter pylori infection: immune response pattern Th1”, held at the laboratory Research of Immunology at the Department of Internal Medicine. He has started his scientific career with a scholarship (1997-1999, financed by the Ente “Foundation Anna Villa Rusconi “ studying the role of Th1/Th2 lymphocytes in several diseases (graft versus host disease, atopic dermatitis, kidney rejection crisis).
In parallel, he analyzed the specific immune response in other human diseases, in particular atopic dermatitis and the rejection of the transplanted kidney. Also in the same period he tooks part to the realization of a funded project by Sardinia Region, which provided for development and prodction of reagents to monitoring the ovino immune system.
From 2000 to 2002 he has examined the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the gastric chronic inflammatory process; particularly he studied the role of specific immune response versus Helicobacter pylori in gastric diseases (gastritis-ulcer, Malt-lymphoma, gastric cancer, autoimmune gastritis). On January 2003 began his doctor’s degree in "Clinical and Sperimental Medicine". From February to December 2003 he has collaborated on the " Stem cells and immune-therapy of cancer” financed project by Tuscany Region. In March 2005 he became a scientific researcher at Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine (University of Florence), where in November 2015 he was appointed Associate Professor.
In the last years, the Prof. Amedei has focused his scientific interests on the cancer, studying, in detail, the anti-cancer immune response and the role of cancer microenvironment. For the important scientific impact of obtained data, recently, he became a member of the team of researchers involved in the world project "Halifax Project" ( The project involves about 300 international researchers, divided into two working groups. A task force is focused on advanced cancer treatments. The second task force is focused on the carcinogenic potential of exposure to low doses of mixtures of chemicals in the environment. The data have produced 11 papers for the important cancer journal “Carcinogenesis” (I.F. = 5.334) and 12 articles for the prestigious scientific journal “Seminars in Cancer Biology” (I. F= 9.330). The Prof. Amedei is coauthor of all 23 manuscripts.
The great quality of his international profile is documented by scientific production that, to date, is composed of 127 peer reviewed articles (3538 Citations and RG Score 41.48), 7 book chapters and one patent (WO/2007/039451) (, in addition to active participation in various (42) international congress. In simple terms, considering the 11 years of current University career, it means 11 publications and 4 congress for year. Moreover, the Prof. Amedei currently is serving as an editorial board member of 56 international journals and reviewer of 43 reputed journals. Finally, he regularly carries out activities as scientific reviewer for international research projects of private and public entities: 2012 - Latvian Science Council (Latvia); 2013 - Latvian Science Council (Latvia);
2015 - Government agency of National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki – NCN- Poland); 2015 - MS Research Australia (MSRA) (Australia); 2015- Université de Toulouse (France).
His scientific production is also documented and reviewed on: Google scolar: 131 documents, with 3594 Citations, H Index= 32 and i-10 index= 61; ( Scopus: 98 documents, with 2608 Citations, H Index= 27 ( Web of Science: 154 documents, with 2816 Citations, H Index= 28 and Average Citations per Item = 18.29 (
The Prof. Amedei had different scientific AWARDS and GRANTS, in detail 2000: two awards for best congress communication (XI Congress of Italian Association of Neuroimmunology, Camogli, Italy, 26-28 October) and (Workshop “Immunobiology of Infectious Diseases”, Massa Marittima, Italy, 12-14 November) 2001: Grant from University of Florence - Scientific programsfor youngresearchers – Project: Relationships between immune response to Helicobacter pylori, atrophic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma2002: Grant from University of Florence - Scientific programsfor youngresearchers – Project: Innate and anti-Helicobacter pylori specific immunity in children2005- 2007: Grant fromItalian Ministry of University and Research - Prin – Project: Immunomodulatory activity on human of products derived from persistent pathogens 2009: Grant from Foundation – Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia – Project: Evaluation and enhancement of T specific immune response to tumor antigen associated with gastric cancer: a new immunotherapeutic approach. 2009-2011 Grant of Italian Ministry of University and Research - Prin – Project: Characterization of the human immune T response specific to new pancreatic cancer associated antigens2015 – 2008: Grant from Italian Ministry of University and Research – Ex 60% - Immune T response versus antigens of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in patients with Crohn Disease. 2015: Grant from Foundation – Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze – Project: role of PDIA3 protein in tumor-specific response in patients with colorectal carcinoma.From 2005 to 2015: Grant for Scientific Research University (ex 60%): different projects.
Pending Grants: ITALY – EGYPT JOINT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COOPERATION - CALL FOR JOINT PROJECT PROPOSALS - Regarding projects of Particular Relevance (The role of cancer microenvironment in modulation of immune response; CNIHR (HIV-1 infection: Immune/genomic host characteritation and microbiota analisys; Horizon 2020 (Intra-and inter-tumor heterogeneity in patients with lung cancer Prognostic role of microRNAs (miR-155, miR-205, miR-218) and their molecular association with TILs and chemoresistance); ARISLA (Safety and Efficacy of fecal microbiota transplantation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). The most recent funding awarded by Professor Amedei comes from “Public call of Tuscany Region FAS Health 2014” in the amount of over one million euros.
The prof. Amedei is member of the Italian Association of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA), of the Italian Association of Neuroimmunology (AINI), of SIPEM (Italian society of medical education) and of Italian association of book. In addition the prof. Amedei is a component of the Scientific Committee of COMIS (Interdepartmental Research Center for the Development of New minimally invasive techniques in Surgical Oncology) and of italian Magazine (Sciences and Researches).
He has attend as a speaker and as a organizer theoretical/practical courses (Methods for the study of in vivo activated T lymphocytes and analysis of signal transduction), master (Daily nature of clinical ethics) and Erasmus course on “Oncology” (2006 and 2007).
With regard to teaching the Professor Amedei over the years had several ownership of courses (General Pathology, Blood Diseases, Rheumatology, Genetics) for the course of Nursing Degree (University of Florence), for which in 2012 today owns the courses of Applied Biology and Infectious diseases. Also Professor Amedei is co-owner since 2013 Course Immunology-Clinical Immunology (Degree “Biomedical Laboratory Techniques”). He has participated as a lecturer in the international course, Erasmus course on “Oncology” (2006 and 2007) and currently serves on the faculty on the Phd in Clinical and Experimental Medicine and the Federated School of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of the School of Sciences Human Health (University of Florence) . Currently Professor Amedei was Supervisor of 44 degree thesis, one PhD, one master.
Finally Professor Amedei plays hospital activities for the Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi. Since 2005 he is responsible, at the “SOD Skeletal-Muscle-neurologic department Unit” of Internal Medicine Interdisciplinary directed by Prof D. Prisco, the Urea test (Breath Test) fot the detection of infection with Helicobacter Pylori. Besides Professor Amedei provided over the years and sporadically typing the major histocompatibility complex of patients with autoimmune diseases, or gastric adenocarcinoma and carried out cell proliferation tests to antigens of Mycobacterium tubercolosis in patients with tuberculosis.
Curriculum Vitae
GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Amedeo Amedei Born: April 1st, 1971, Rodi Garganico (Fg) Citizenship: Italian Foreign Languages: English (spoken and written) French (conversational) Home address: Bernardino Ramazzini Road 30, Florence, 50135 Office address: Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine Pieraccini Road 6, 50134 Florence (Florence, Italy) Phone: 00390552758330 Fax: 00390552758330 E-mail:
Internet Website :
Facebook Page: EDUCATION 1998: Qualification of Biologist Profession (University of Florence, Firenze-Italy)
1996: University Degree in Biological Science (first class honors), University of Florence, Firenze-Italy; Thesis title : “Helicobacter pylori infection: model of Th1 immune response”
1990: School Leaving Certificate (awarded after five years of Liceo specializing in classical studies)
2015: Upgrade career: Associate Professor (Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine)
2012: National Qualification for Professor in the area 06/N1 (Science of Health Professions and Applied Medical Technologies).
Member of the team of researchers involved in the project world "Halifax Project" (
The project involves about 300 international researchers, divided into two working groups. A task force is focused on advanced cancer treatments. The second task force is focused on the carcinogenic potential of exposure to low doses of mixtures of chemicals in the environment.
2005 - 2015: Researcher (Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine)
2004: Indentured Researcher in Department of Internal Medicine; Project “Study of specific immune response in gastric cancer”
2003: Winner of Doctorate School of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
1999-2002: Fellowship holder “Cellular and molecular mechanisms in the regulation of chronic inflammation”
1998-1999: Contractor of Nurex Company “Development and production of reagents for monitoring immune sheep”
1997-1999: Scholarship holder of Fondazione Anna Villa Rusconi “Role of Th1/Th2 lymphocytes in the
pathogenesis of Graft Versus Host”
1996-1997: Scholarship holder “Identification of specific markers of disease activity in Graft Versus Host
Teacher at the University of Florence in different courses: Infectious Diseases and Immunology for Nursing degree (Full Professor of General Pathology course); Pharmacy (Owner of Immunology module of General Pathology course ); Technicians Biomedical Laboratory (Professor of Immunology and Immunohematology course); Biological Sciences (Professor of Immunology and Immunological Techniques ).
Component of the teaching Ph.D. in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, in the Federated School of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of the Florence Faculty of Medicine and in the international Erasmus course on "Oncology" (2006, 2007).
Speaker and organizer of theoretical/practical courses (Methods for the study of in vivo activated T lymphocytes and analysis of signal transduction - 2001) and master (Daily nature of clinical ethics - 2007).
To date the Prof. Amedeo Amadei was Supervisor of 44 Dissertation, 1 PhD and 1 Master
Member of the Italian Association of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology (SIICA)
Member of the Italian Association of Neuroimmunology (AINI)
Superintendent of Florence division of Sipem (Italian Society of Medical Education)
Member of Interdepartmental Research Centre for the development of new minimally invasive techniques in surgical oncology (COMIS)
Memberof the editorial councilof the Book Italian Association
Member of the Florence’s SODs Lupus Clinic
Member of the scientific council of Magazine "Science and Research"
Member of the Pancreatic Unit of University Hospital Careggi
HOSPITAL ACTIVITY Manager since 2005, pathology unit, headed by Prof. D. Prisco, testing to urea (Breath test) for the detection of Helicobacter Pylori infection.
Also the Prof. Amedei effected the HLA (histocompatibility complex), using the technique of the SSP, autoimmune disease patients and patients with gastric adenocarcinoma.
Sporadically maintained cell proliferation test for pneumonia, and Tuberculosis antigens in patients suffering from tuberculosis.
By 2014 Prof Amedei is part of SODs Lupus Clinic in Florence, and by 2016 the Pancreatic Unit, of University Hospital of Careggi. MEMBER OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS
Scientific reviewer for research entities
2012 - Latvian Science Council (Latvia)
2013 - Latvian Science Council (Latvia)
2015 - Government agency of National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki – NCN- Poland)
2015 - MS Research Australia (MSRA) (Australia)
2015 - Université de Toulouse (France)
2015 - Reprise Registry, reviewer for basic research and dissemination of scientific culture (Italy)
2016 - Reviewer for the VQR (Research Quality Rating) on behalf of ANVUR for activities 2011-2014 (Italy)
1) Grant for best congress communication (XI Congress of Italian Association of Neuroimmunology, Camogli, Italy, 26-28 October).
2) Grant for best congress communication (Workshop “Immunobiology of Infectious Diseases”, Massa Marittima, Italy, 12-14 November)
Grant from University of Florence - Scientific programsfor youngresearchers - Project: Relationship between immune response to Helicobacter pylori infection, atrophic gastritis and gastric adenocarcinoma
Grant from University of Florence - Scientific programsfor youngresearchers - Project: Natural and specific immunity to Helicobacter pylori in child's infection
2005- 2007:
Grant fromItalian Ministry of University and Research - Prin – Project: Immunomodulatory activity on human of products derived from persistent pathogens (Project: The phenomenon of cross-presentation and the immunomodulator signals in the genesis of infectious and autoimmune diseases) 2006 – 2008:
Grant from Italian Ministry of University and Research – Ex 60% - Immune T response versus antigens of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in patients with Crohn Disease.
Grant from Foundation – Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia – Project: Evaluation and enhancement of T specific immune response to tumor antigen associated with gastric cancer: a new immunotherapeutic approach.
Grant from Italian Ministry of University and Research – Ex 60 % - Role of T immune response specific to viral antigens in Systemic Sclerosis pathogenesis
Grant of Italian Ministry of University and Research - Prin – Project: Characterization of the human immune T response specific to new pancreatic cancer associated antigens (Project: Novel therapies for pancreas cancer) 2012-2014:
Grant from Italian Ministry of University and Research – Ex 60 % - Project -PDIA3 role of protein in tumor-specific response in patients with colorectal carcinoma
Grant from Foundation – Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze – Project: role of PDIA3 protein in tumor-specific response in patients with colorectal carcinoma
Grant from Italian Ministry of University and Research – Ex 60 % - Project - The role of adaptive T cell response in patients with Barrett's esophagus and / or esophageal adenocarcinoma
Grant From Tuscany Region – Project - Colorectal cancer: functional / metabolic characterization of the microbiota and the role of probiotics in the modulation of immune specific response.
Amedei A. and al: Use of the Neutrophil activating protein of Helicobacter pylori (HP-NAP) and/or of its portions as adjuvants for the development of T helper type 1 (Th1) immune responses.. Publication Number: WO/2007/039451
CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS: 1) Characterization of the immune response specific to new tumor-associated antigens in the gastrointestinal cancers
2) Evaluation of the relationship and mutual influence between the immune response and intestinal microbiota in the development of colorectal cancer
3) Study of the intestinal microbiota in patients with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg Strauss Syndrome)
4) Study of regulatory B cells in patients with Churg-Strauss syndrome in different stages of activation / remission of the disease
5) To characterize the profile of the microparticles and circulating miRNAs in the peripheral blood of patients with Behςet syndrome
6) The role of anti-DM1-BETA2GP1 antibodies in the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
7) Study of circulating microparticles in autoimmune diseases with thrombotic events (Antiphospholipid syndrome, Syndrome Behςet and Systemic Vasculitis)
8) Study of the intestinal microbiota and rare exome variants in HIV-infected patients
9) Evaluation of the intestinal microbiota in patients with Celiac Disease Potential
10) Study of the intestinal microbiota in multiple sclerosis patients after transplant of autologous hematopoietic cells.
11) Role of the intestinal microbiota and related immune response in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
PUBLICATIONS-MANUSCRIPTS (EXCLUDING all abstract and poster presentations)
Book Chapters: 7 Peer reviewed Articles: 127 Special Issue: 1
24) M. Benagiano, A. Azzurri, A. Ciervo, A. Amedei et al.: T helper type 1 lymphocytes drive inflammation in human atherosclerotic lesions. Gordon Research Conference on Atherosclerosis.Meriden (NH, USA), 15-20 June 2003.
25) M. Benagiano, M. M. D’Elios, A. Amedei and al.: Human 60-kDa Heat Shock Protein is a target autoantigen of T cell derived from atherosclerotic plaques. Research Conference on Atherosclerosis.Meriden (NH, USA), 15-20 June 2005.
39) Della Bella C., Amedei A., et al. Helicobacter pyloriHP0175 promotes the production of IL-23, IL-6, IL-1β and TGF-β. 15th International Congress of ImmunologyMilan, August 28 - September 1, 2013
40) Niccolai E., …… Amedei A., ENO1-specific Tregs frustrate Th1/Th17 effector cells isolated from pancreatic cancer patients 15th International Congress of Immunology Milan (Italy), August 28 - September 1 October , 2013
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Florence, 30th September 2016