Il corso di Richio Vulcanico iniziera' il giorno mercoledì 19 febbraio, ore 9.00, aula A. Gli studenti interessati sono pregati di iscriversi sulla piattaforma Moodle.
Il corso di Laboratorio di Vulcanologia iniziera' il giorno martedì 18 febbraio, ore 14.30, aula E. Gli studenti interessati sono pregati di iscriversi sulla piattaforma Moodle.
Il corso di Stratigrafia delle Rocce Vulcaniche iniziera' il giorno Martedì 18 febbraio, ore 9.00, aula E. Gli studenti interessati sono pregati di iscriversi sulla piattaforma Moodle.
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2013 to present Associate Professor in Volcanology and Geochemistry - Dept. of Earth Sciences of University of Florence (Italy)
1999 to 2013
Associate Professor in Volcanology and Geochemistry - Dept. of Earth Sciences of University of Cagliari (Italy)
1994 to 1999
Researcher in Volcanology and Geochemistry - Dept. of Earth Sciences of University of Pisa (Italy)
1993 to 1994
Postdoc fellow - Dept. of Earth Sciences of University of Pisa (Italy)
1987 to 1988
Research fellow - Dept. of Earth Sciences of University of Pisa (Italy)
1988 to 1992 PhD
Dept. of Earth Sciences of University of Pisa (Italy)
▪ Field volcanology, physical volcanology, petrology, geochemistry, structural geology, geological mapping
1980 to 1986 Honours Degree (110/110 cum laude) in Geological Sciences
▪ Field volcanology, physical volcanology
Total number of publications in peer-review journals: 123 (source Scopus)
H index (Scopus): 42 (October 2023)
H Index (Google Scholar): 51 (October 2023)
Main scientific interests
Field studies of volcanic deposits; Regional volcanology; Geological and structural mapping of volcanic areas; Magma chamber processes; Dynamics of magma ascent; Magmatic volatiles; Dynamics and physical volcanology of explosive eruptions; Trigger and depositional mechanisms of debris flows in volcanic areas; Volcanic hazard assessment; Eruption and impact scenarios; Probabilistic volcanic hazards mapping
Field Experience
Field activity has been carried on at several volcanoes worldwide
Italy: Vesuvius, Phlegrean Fields, Etna, Vulcano Island, Stromboli, Mt Vulsini, Mt Sabatini, Vico, Sardinia Cenozoic volcanism, Mt. Amiata
Greece: Santorini; Nisyros
Spain: Tenerife (Canary Islands)
Ethiopia: Gedemsa caldera; Ignimbrites of the Southern Main Ethiopian Rift; Ririba Rift
Ecuador: Guagua Pichincha; Cotopaxi; Tungurahua; Quilotoa
Guatemala: Fuego
El Salvador: San Salvador; Santa Ana
Iceland: Eyjafjallajokull, Askja, Oraefajokull
Papua – New Guinea: Rabaul caldera
Philippines: Pinatubo; Taal
Argentina: Copahue
Chile: Cordon Caulle – Puyehue; Ollague
Japan: Sakurajima
Tutoring activities
Tutoring to several PhD students at Pisa, Cagliari and Firenze Universities.
Distincted PhD students: Lucia Gurioli (Researcher at CNRS Clermont Ferrand, France); Claudia d’Oriano (Researcher at INGV, Italy); Marco Pistolesi (Associate Professor at University of Pisa, Italy); Mulas Maurizio (Associate Professor at University of Guayaquil, Ecuador); Alvaro Aravena Ponce (Associate Professor at Catholic University of Talca, Chile); Tadini Alessandro (Research Fellow at University of Auvergne-Clermont, France); Pietro Gabellini (Research Fellow at University of Florence); Zara Franceschini (Grant Fellow at University of Florence)
Tutoring of numerous First and Second Level Thesis at Pisa, Cagliari and Firenze Universities
Public Appointments at National and International Panels
- 2023 to present Member of the “Great Risks National Commission – Volcanic sector” official commission of the National Department of Civil Protection (DPC)
- 2013 to 2017 Member of the “Great Risks National Commission – Volcanic sector” official commission of the National Department of Civil Protection (DPC)
- 2012 to 2014 Member of National Project Commission for the volcanological projects of INGV-DPC
- 2012 to 2017 Clermont-Ferrand Centre of Volcano Studies project – Evaluation panel
- 2015 to 2019 Director of the Italian Interuniversity Center for Volcanological Research (CIRVULC)
- 2017 to 2019 Member of INGV-DPC commission on “Alert Levels at Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius”
2020 to present ClerVolc Lab of Excellence consortium, Science and Strategic Committee
Appointments at Scientific Societies
- 2009 to 2014 President, Associazione Italiana di Vulcanologia
- 2011 to 2017 Leader, IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling
Participation to funded research projects
- 2018 EUROVOLC, I3 European project, RU Dip. Scienze Terra, Firenze
- 2017- 2018 RIESCA project “Escenarios de Riesgo en Centro America” Univ. Di Palermo – IGG CNR – Ag. Italiana cooperazione allo Sviluppo
- 2006-2008 Progetto SPEED INGV-Reg. Campania SRPC. "Scenari di Pericolosità per la Prevenzione del Rischio dei Vulcani della Campania" RU INGV-Pisa
- 2002-2006 Progetto EXPLORIS, EEC Programme V, Programma "Enviroment and Sustainable Development" RU INGV-PISA
- PRIN 1999. "Evoluzione magmatica e vulcanologica nelle successioni dei margini, negli apparati centrali e nelle eruzioni fissurali nel Rift Etiopico settentrionale". RU Dip. Scienze Terra, Pisa
- 1993-1995 Progetto CEE "Santorini Volcano Laboratory", RU Dip. Scienze Terra, Pisa
- 1989 to 1998 - GNV Annual Projects (UR Dip. Scienze Terra, Pisa
Responsibility of research projects
-PRIN 2022 Project “HEATED - PHreatic Eruptions at AcTive volcanoEs: processes, source parameters and physical models of eruption Dynamics”: Principal Investigator
- PRIN 2022 PNRR Project “RESILIENCE - Refine Eruptive Scenarios and Impact reLated to phreatomagmatIc EruptioNs at Campi FlegrEi (Italy)”. Responsible of Research Unit
-2016 Contribution for a PhD Grant, Project VINCI, Universita’ Italo-Francese, Scientific responsible
- 2011 CONTRIBUTO "Sistema premiale della ricerca, Art. 13 L.R. REG. AUTONOMA SARDEGNA n. 7/2007"
-PRIN 2008 – “AshErupt: Studio interdisciplinare della dinamica sin-eruttiva di eruzioni di cenere” (Principal Investigator)
-DPC-INGV 2004-2006 - Progetto V3_4/11 "V3_4 - Vesuvio". Scientific coord. of 20 RUs
- 2004 CONTRIBUTO L.R. REG. AUTONOMA SARDEGNA 11/04/96 N.19 – Cooperazione PVS. “Studio dei prodotti emessi durante la crisi eruttiva iniziata nell’Ottobre 1999 al Guagua Pichincha (Quito, Ecuador): implicazioni per una valutazione della pericolosita’ vulcanica”
- PRIN 2003. “Tefrostratigrafia dell'attivita' recente del vulcano Cotopaxi. Correlazioni tra eventi eruttivi e innesco di colate di fango sineruttive”. Local responsible
- 2003 CONTRIBUTO L.R. 11/04/96 N.19 REG. AUTONOMA SARDEGNA – Cooperazione PVS. "Vulcano Cotopaxi (Ecuador): variabilita’ composizionale dei prodotti relativi all’attivita’ esplosiva degli ultimi 5000 anni"
- 2002 CONTRIBUTO L.R. 11/04/96 N.19 REG. AUTONOMA SARDEGNA – Cooperazione PVS. "La dinamica delle eruzione del 5-7 ottobre 1999 del Guagua Pichincha (Quito, Ecuador): implicazioni per un possibile sviluppo futuro della crisi eruttiva in corso"
Editorial activity
2013 to present Review Editor, Frontiers in Earth Science, section Volcanology
2017 to 2022 Review Editor, Bulletin of Volcanology
2010 to 2014 Associate Editor, Italian Journal of Geosciences
2008 to 2012 Associate Editor, Periodico di Mineralogia
2002 to 2011 Associate Editor, Bulletin of Volcanology
Journal reviews for: Geology; Geophysical Research Letters; J. Geophysical Research Bulletin of Volcanology; J. Volcanology & Geothermal Research; AGU Geophysical Monographs; Acta Vulcanologica; Mineralogy and Petrology; Geological Society of London Spec. Publ.; Mineralogical Magazine; Journal of Petrology; Earth Planetary Science Letters; Annals of Geophysics; Geosphere; Geosciences; Journal of Maps; Frontiers in Earth Sciences; Scientific Reports; Science Advance; Nature Communications; Nature.
Proposal reviews for: Italian Ministery of Research and Education; INGV, Italy; National Science Foundation, USA; National Science Foundation, Swiss; National Science Foundation, Canada; National Science Foundation, Iceland; Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France; European Science Foundation; European Research Council; NERC, Great Britain.
Invited presentations
Invited presentations at several international congresses
Invited presentations at international Summer schools
Invited Chapters in Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (Academic Press) and at several books
Steering and scientific committees of national and international congresses
SIMP 2006 (Fluminimaggiore, CA, Italy)
Rittmann Conference 2009 (Nicolosi, CT, Italy)
Geoitalia 2009 (Rimini, Italy)
Geoitalia 2011 (Torino, Italy)
Geoitalia 2013 (Pisa, Italy)
Goldschmidt 2013 (National Committee)
Rittmann Conference 2012 (Nicolosi, CT, Italy)
Rittmann Conference 2014 (Nicolosi, CT, Italy)
SIMP-AIV-SOGEI-SGI 2014 (Florence, Italy)
Rittmann Conference 2020, Scientific Committee (Catania, Italy)
Rittmann Conference 2022, Scientific Committee (Catania, Italy)
Field Leader at International Congresses
1994 - IMA 16th General Meeting (Neapolitan Volcanoes)
1995 – IAVCEI Volcanoes in Towns (Campanian Province Volcanoes)
1996 – IAVCEI Comm. On Explosive Volcanism (Vesuvius Decade Volcano)
1998 - IAVCEI "Cities on volcanoes" (Vesuvius and Phleagrean Fields)
2001 – 10th Water Rock Interaction (San Pietro Island, Sardinia, Italy)
2006 – Congr. SIMP (San Pietro Island, Sardinia, Italy)
2013 - Goldschmidt 2013 (Quaternary Italian Volcanoes – From Vesuvius to Amiata)
- 2014 National Scientific Qualification of the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR) as Full Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology (GEO/08), sector 04/A1
- 2020 National Scientific Qualification of the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR) as Full Professor of Geochemistry and Volcanology (GEO/08), sector 04/A1
2018 – 10th Cities on Volcanoes, Naples (The city of Napoli and its active volcanoes)
Grants and Honors
- 1996 Visiting fellow at Caltech, Pasadena (USA; 1 month)
- 2014 Visiting Professor at Orleans University (France; 1 month)
- 2014 Short course of Physical Volcanology (VULCAMED Project, INGV)
- Selected in 2nd percentile of the Most Influent Researchers for the Year 2019 – Plos Biology
- Top 100 Italian Researchers in Earth Sciences in 2022 and 2023
- Ranked in the list of Top Italian Scientists (TIS)
Membership at Scientific Societies
American Geophysical Union (1996 - present)
Societa’ Geologica Italiana (2008 - present)
Associazione Italiana di Vulcanologia (2008- present)
2009 – present President, Associazione Italiana di Vulcanologia
2011 – present Leader, IAVCEI Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling,
Academic, Editorial and Public Appointments
2002 - 2011 Bulletin of Volcanology (Associate Editor)
2008 – 2012Periodico di Mineralogia (Associate Editor)
2010 – present Italian Journal of Geosciences (Associate Editor)
2013 – present Frontiers in Earth Science, section Volcanology (Review Editors)
Journal Reviews
Geology, Geophysical Research Letters, J. Geophysical Research, Bulletin of Volcanology, J. Volcanology & Geothermal Research, AGU Geophysical Monographs, Acta Vulcanologica, Mineralogy and Petrology, Geological Society of London Spec. Publ., Mineralogical Magazine, Journal of Petrology, Earth Planetary Science Letters, Annals of Geophysics, Geosphere, Journal of Maps
Proposal Reviews
Italian Ministery of Research and Education, National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation; Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France
Public appointments
Member of the “Large Risks National Commission – Volcanic sector” official commission of the National Department of Civil Protection (DPC)
National and International Panels
2004-2006 INGV-DPC Projects– National responsible Project V3 - Vesuvius
2012 – present Clermont-Ferrand Centre of Volcano Studies project
2012-2014 Member of National Project Commission for the volcanological projects of INGV-DPC
Scientific and Organizing Committees
Research Grants
Italian Ministery of Research and Education, University of Cagliari, Civil Protection Dept. – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Regione Autonoma Sardegna
1993 – 1996 Volcanology (assistent) – Petrography (assistent) – Regional Volcanology (assistent) – Earth Sci. Dept., Universita’ di Pisa
1996 – 1998 Physical Volcanology – Earth Sci. Dept., Universita’ di Pisa
1999 – 2001 Volcanology – Earth Sci. Dept., Universita’ di Pisa
1999 – 2013 Physical Volcanology – Earth Sci. Dept., Universita’ di Cagliari
2001 - 2010 Geology of Volcanic Terrains – Earth Sci. Dept., Universita’ di Cagliari
2001 - 2010 Geological Mapping of Volcanic Terrains – Earth Sci. Dept., Universita’ di Cagliari
2010 – 2012 Geodynamics – Earth Sci. Dept., Universita’ di Cagliari
Academic Advising
PhD students:
Dott. Lucia Gurioli, Dott. Filippo Mundula, Dott. Claudia d’Oriano, Dott. Marco Pistolesi , Dott. Maurizio Mulas
Author of about 90 scientific notes on national and international Journals, more than 140 abstracts , 6 geological maps, 9 fieldtrip guides
Citation data
H index Scopus 22, total citations 1444 (as of May 2014)
H index Google Scholar = 2629 total citations 2280 (as of May 2014)