La prof. Lucarelli riceve su appuntamento richiesto via mail all'indirizzo, il mercoledì alle 12, edificio D4, terzo piano.
Nata a Matelica (Mc) il 13 luglio 1962. E' sposata con tre figli.
È ordinario di Diritto Commerciale nel Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze; titolare del Corso obbligatorio di Diritto Commerciale e del Corso facoltativo di Mediazione dei Conflitti; è direttore dei Corsi di formazione post-lauream in ADR e Mediazione e in materia di Composizione negoziata della crisi dell’impresa.
Posizione nell’Università degli Studi di Firenze
Comitati scientifici e Progetti istituzionali di Terza missione.
Ricerche scientifiche
Il campo scientifico delle ricerche: Gestione e risoluzione delle dispute nei contratti commerciali; Studi in materia di ADR, pratica e discipline; Diritto societario; Diritto del mercato finanziario; Diritto del commercio internazionale.
Diritto dell'impresa - Diritto del commercio internazionale - Diritto delle società - Conflitti e tecniche di soluzione - Mediazione e negoziazione - Sperimentazione sul territorio nel campo della prevenzione e della gestione dei conflitti civili e commerciali.
Paola Lucarelli was born in Italy, 13.07.1962.
He is full professor of Commercial Law in the Department of Legal Sciences at the University of Florence; he holds the compulsory course in Commercial Law and the optional course in Mediation of Conflicts; he is director of the post-graduate training courses in ADR and Mediation and in Negotiated Settlement of Business Crisis.
Position at the University of Florence
She was President of the School of Law of the University of Florence (until March 2023).She was Coordinator of the Private Law Section in the Department of Legal Sciences at the University of Florence (2016/2019);She was a member of CsAVRI (2010/2015);She was a delegate of the Rector from 2010-2015;She was Director of the Department of Private and Procedural Law from 2008 to 2012;Scientific Committees and Institutional Third Mission Projects.
Member of the Doctoral College in Legal Sciences of the University of FlorenceDirector of the scientific journal Consensual Justice;Referent of the University of Florence for the PON project "Agile Justice";Scientific Responsible of Un Altro Modo, Joint Research Laboratory on the Management of Conflictual Relations and Culture of ADR;Scientific responsible for the experimental research project GE.CO. Conscious management of company crisis;Scientific responsible for the Jacobea Experimental Research Project at the Court of Pistoia;Scientific Responsible for the Experimental Research Project Giustizia Semplice 2017/2019 at the Court of Florence;Scientific Responsible for the 2018/2023 Mediation at School Project;Scientific Responsible for the Experimental Research Project Giustizia Condivisa 2018/2019 in the Court of Perugia;Scientific Responsible for the DIKE Experimental Research Project, Differentiated Litigation Management and Exercise of Prudence, 2018/2019 in the Court of Appeal of Florence;Scientific Responsible for the Nausicaa Experimental Research Project at the Court of Florence;Scientific Responsible of the Experimental Research Project Pre-trial litigation assessment and dispute system design: negotiation, mediation and atp in conciliatory function citizen and public administration in conflict for non-contractual liability;Member of the DGJustice Program: Contractualised Distress Resolution in the Shadow of the Law, Effective Judicial Review and Oversight of Insolvency and Preinsolvency Proceedings (referee: Prof. Lorenzo Stanghellini).Scientific Responsible for the experimental research project Mediation on Judge's Order NausicaaI and NausicaaII.Member of the Commission for the Reform of Civil Justice, Mediation of Conflicts 2020-2022.As an expert on Conflict Mediation called to a hearing by the Justice Commission of the Chamber of Deputies (2013) on the new legislative decree 28/2010.Scientific research
Scientific field of research: Management and dispute resolution in commercial contracts; ADR studies, practice and disciplines; Corporate law; Financial market law; International trade law.
The most important research field are: Relational Commercial Agreements and Dispute Resolutions Methods; Enterprises and Civil Conflicts Mediation; Comparative Study on the application of the EU Directive 52/2008; Company Law; Securities Markets Law; International Trade Law.