Lunedi, 10:45-12:45
Algoritmi e architetture per l'apprendimento automatico. Anomaly detection. Ottimizzazione degli iperparametri. Applicazioni alla medicina e alla biologia. Analisi di immagini 3D del cervello. Modelli generativi per la musica.
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Principal Investigator: 4 national projects (PRIN 2017, PRIN 2009, PRIN 2003, PRIN 2002, PRIN 2001), 3 Projects funded by the European Commission (APrIL II: Applications of Probabilistic L ogic Representations, BIOPATTERN: Computational Intelligence for Biopattern analysis in Support of eHealthcare, BIOPTRAIN: Bioinformatics Optimization Training).
Journal Special Issues: - Machine learning journal, Special Issue on Inductive Logic Programming (2012) - Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), Special Topic on Mining and Learning with Graphs and Relations - ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Special Issue on Machine Learning for the Internet (2004) - Cognitive Systems Research, Special Issue on Integration of Symbolic and Connectionist Systems (2002) - IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Special Issue on Connectionist Models for Learning in Structured Domains (2001
Editorial Boards:
• Member of the Steering Committee for the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery from Databases (2016-2019). • Panel member for W&T5 (Informatics and Knowledge Technology), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) - 2019-2021 • Member of Conference Program Committees: several, including Neural Information Processing Systems (area chair: 2008, 2009, 2012, 2018), International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Area Chair, 2021; Area Chair, 2020; Area Chair, 2013; senior PC member 2009), International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML/PKDD)(Area Chair: 2010, 2018, 2019, 2022), IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (Vice-Chair), Int. Conference on Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB), IEEE Computer Society Conference on Bioinformatics.
• Member of PhD examination committee: several, including KU Leuven (Belgio), Univ. Ulm (Germania), IITB Monash (Australia).
Organization of scientific events:- Program Associate Chair: IJCAI 2022. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence- Program Co-chair: ECML PKDD 2016. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases.- Second workshop on Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Bertinoro, May 2015.- Languages for Data Mining and Machine Learning (LML 2013), workshop at ECML/PKDD 2013- Second Italian Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining ( 2013), at AI*IA 2013, Torino, December 2013, Co-organizer.- 7th Conf. on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2012), Program co-chair- First Italian Workshop on Machine Learning and Data Mining ( 2012), at AI*IA 2012, Roma. September 2012, Co-organizer.- 20th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, (program Co-Chair) Firenze, June 2010.- Special Track on AI and Bioinformatics, AAAI 2010 (co-chair)- 5th International ``Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs'', (program Co-Chair) Firenze, August 2007.- Special Session ``Machine Learning in Bioinformatics'', 6th Int. Conf. on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies (September 2002).- Co-director, NATO Advanced Studies Institute ``Artificial Intelligence and Heuristic Methods for Bioinformatics'', San Miniato, 1-11 Ottobre 2001.- Workshop ``Foundations of connectionist-symbolic integration: representation, paradigms, and algorithms'', European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2000.- Workshop ``Learning dynamical data structures: From sequences to graphs'', at Neural Information Processing Systems, Denver (CO), December 1997
• Refereed scientific papers: 69 Journal papers, 17 Book chapters, 92 Conference papers.• Books: 1 (Modeling the Internet and the Web: Probabilistic Methods and Algorithms, with P. Baldi and P. Smyth, 2003).• Edited books: 4.
• Invited talks and keynote speaker. CoLISD (ECML/PKDD Workshop on Collective Learning and Inference on Structured Data Athens 2011), 17th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming 2007 (Oregon State Univ.), <I>Freiburg, Leuven & Friends</I>, Workshop on Advances in Machine Learning (Montreal), Imperial College London, University of California, Irvine, Universityof Ulm, University College London, University College Dublin, 5 Dagstuhl Seminars.• Referee: More than 30 journals and 50 conferences, several scientific funding bodies including European Research Council (Advanced Grants), European Science Foundation, European Commission (STREP evaluator), Expert panel at the Research Foundation Flanders (Belgium), Australian Research Council, Austrian Science Fund, Science Foundation Ireland, Research Grants Council Hong Kong, Swiss National Science Foundation, Italian Government’s Department of Research and Education (MIUR).• Teachers in tutorials and summer schools: several, including European Science Foundation Workshops, SOCRATES Intensive Programmes, NATO ASI, Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International School on Neural Networks.• Head of the PhD Program in Smart Computing, Univ. Firenze, Pisa, Siena (2015-2021)
• Past and present Ph.D. Students: Eleonora Ristori, Luca Bindini, Curzio Checcucci, Luca Angioloni, Amin Zadenhoori, La Ode Toresano, Stefano Martina, Alessandro Tibo, Daniele Baracchi, Francesco Orsini (joint with KU Leuven), Marco Lippi, Matthieu Labbé, Marc Vincent, Alessio Ceroni, Sauro Menchetti, Alessandro Vullo, Andrea Passerini, Fabrizio Costa.• Awarded ``E. Caianiello prize'' (for the Ph.D. Thesis)
Algorithms and architectures for machine learning. Anomaly detection. Hyperparameter optimization. Applications to medicine and biology. Analysis of 3D Brain Images. Generative models for music.