Il ricevimento PER GLI STUDENTI sarà in presenza o a distanza MA SEMPRE PREVIO appuntamento il MERCOLEDì dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 18.00 nello studio docente stanza 204 palazzo Fenzi (via San Gallo 10) oppure ONLINE
PER I LAUREANDI, triennio, magistrale, SPECIALIZZANDI, E DOTTORANDI: ricevimento su appuntamento, in presenza o da remoto, in qualunque momento. Contattatemi via mail (marina.pucci@unifi.it) o via whatsapp (3738390325).
PER TIROCINI E ATTIVITà DI LABORATORIO 2024: vi prego di prendere un appuntamento online.
a causa di missione archeologica in Turchia non posso essere presente, QUINDI IN QUESTO PERIODO TUTTI I RICEVIMENTI SARANNO ONLINE PREVIO APPUNTAMENTO
STUDENT COUNSELLING HOURS May 01st - Juli 05th 2024
For STUDENTS: counselling hours in presence or on line on Wednesdays from 2 PM to 6 PM either in my office (room 204 in palazzo Fenzi, via San Gallo 10) or on line BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
Students writing their thesis can contact me anytime by email marina.pucci@unifi.it or by whatsapp (3738390325) to set up an appointment.
FROM JULI 5th I will be in Turkey for excavations, so please write me an email to set an appointment online.
Curriculum Vitae
Marina Pucci, ha conseguito l’ASN (10/N1) nel 2014, il dottorato di ricerca presso la Freie Universität Berlin (summa cum laude) e la laurea in Lettere Antiche, Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico presso l’università di Pisa.
Da Settembre 2016 è ricercatore a tempo determinato (RtD/b) di archeologia e storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico, Settore concorsuale 10/N1, presso il dipartimento SAGAS, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Precedentemente ha avuto i seguenti incarichi accademici.
03/2013-03/2016 Ricercatore a tempo determinato, Rita Levi Montalcini, Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte del Vicino Oriente Antico (L-Or/05), presso il dipartimento SAGAS, Università degli Studi di Firenze.presso la Freie Universität Berlin (Germania).
2009-2011 Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlino (Germania), Ricercatore indipendente (Finanziato dalla White-Levy Foundation).
04/2008 – 04/2009, Ricercatore a progetto (Tell Schech Hamad) presso la Freie Universität Berlin.
10/2006 – 04/2008, Research Scholar, responsabile del Chatal Höyük Publication Project presso l’Oriental Institute a Chicago, finanziamento Shelby White Levy Foundation, Harvard University.
01/2004 – 10/2006, Ricercatore a progetto (Tell Schech Hamad) presso la Freie Universität Berlin
Svolge attività didattica universitaria in archeologia e storia dell’arte del vicino Oriente antico dal 2004 a tutti i livelli (triennale, magistrale, master e scuola di specializzazione) presso la Freie Universität di Berlino (2004-2007, 2009-2013) e presso l’Università degli studi di Firenze (2013-oggi)
Ha le seguenti collaborazioni scientifiche in atto:
Oriental Institute Chicago (USA), research associate
Freie Universität Berlin (Germania), Prof. Dominik Bonatz: accordo Erasmus, progetto di scavo del sito di Gercin Höyük (Turchia)
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Universitesi di Hatay (Turchia), accordo quadro
Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva (Israel), Prof. G. Lehmann
Lattakie (Siria), Tishreen University accordo quadro già firmato da entrambi i partner
Università di Damasco (Siria), Prof. Oula Tounsi (accordo quadro in corso di stipula)
University of art Isfahan (Iran), accordo quadro.
CNR Roma, ISMA dott. Silvia Alaura,
Ha partecipato ai seguenti progetti di scavo:
2011-2015 Neubauer Excavations at Sam’al/ Zincirli (Turchia)., condotta dall’Oriental Institute di Chicago, diretta dal Prof. D. Schloen. Scavo della porta urbica meridionale del sito.
2011-oggi Missione archeologica di Alalakh/Tell Atchana, (Turchia) condotta, diretta dalla Prof. A. Yener. Studio del repertorio ceramico.
1999-2009 Missione archeologica a Dūr Katlimmu/Tell Šheḫ Ḥamad (Siria) condotta dalla Freie Universität di Berlino, diretta dal Prof. H. Kühne. Responsabile delle residenze neo-assire.
2007 Survey nell’area di Niğde, (Turchia), condotta dall’Università di Pavia. Partecipazione alla prospezione di superficie.
1997-2000 Missione archeologica a Tell Afis (Siria), condotta dall’Università di Pisa, diretta dalla Prof. Stefania Mazzoni. Scavi nell’area di Ferro II e III (settore G).
L’ambito di ricerca si concentra sulla cultura materiale dei periodi del Bronzo Tardo e dell’età del Ferro in Anatolia, Levante, Siria centrale e Mesopotamia settentrionale, con l’obiettivo di approfondire:
Organizzazione conferenze e workshop
14-16 Gennaio 2015, organizzazione in collaborazione con la Prof. S. Mazzoni e il dott. F. Venturi della conferenza su “Late Bronze Age Ceramic Identities” presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze.
20 Novembre 2014, organizzazione in collaborazione con L. Welton (Università di Vancouver) del Workshop su “The passage from the Iron I to Iron II periods in northern Levant”, San Diego (USA)
È reviewer per la rivista Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research, per il Research Council of Canada (Division Social Sciences and Humanities), per la rivista Levant, per il Orientalische Literaturzeitung .
Posizione accademica
Professore Associato Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte del Vicino Oriente Antico
Università degli Studi di Firenze,
Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo
via San Gallo 10, Firenze (Italia)
Titoli :
2/2014 Abilitazione Nazionale all’insegnamento Universitario in N-10
1998 – 2003 Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), PhD summa cum Laude, Facoltà di Storia e Studi culturali, Dottorato in Archeologia del Vicino Oriente Antico. Titolo della tesi: Functional Analysis of Space in Syro-Hittte Architecture. Supervisori: Prof. Dr. H. Kühne and Prof. Dr.- Ing. J.G. Schmid
1993 – 1998 Universita’ di Pisa (Italy). Laurea a ciclo unico, (votazione 110/110), Facoltà di lettere antiche, tesi in archeologia e storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico (Relatore Prof. Stefania Mazzoni). Titolo della Tesi: rianalisi della stratigrafia dei centri siro-ittiti di Karkemish, Tell Halaf, Tell Tacyinat e Zincirli
Carriera accademica
Agosto 2016 – Agosto 2019: Ricercatore tipo B, tenure track, Archeologia del Vicino oriente antico, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento SAGAS. Insegnamento (triennio, magistrale, scuola di specializzazione) e ricerca.
Finanziamenti e borse
2020 MAECI Fondo Archeologia, Missione Italiana nell’Amuq
2020 OrMe Finanziamento esterno per posto da ricercatore di tipo A presso l’Università degli studi di Firenze.
2019 MAECI Fondo Archeologia, Missione Italiana nell’Amuq 2019
2019, Prin 2017,Writing Uses: Transmission of Knowledge, Administrative Practices and Political Control in Anatolian and Syro-Anatolian Polities in the 2nd and 1st Millennium BCE. Participant
2018-19 Straarcheologia, Finanziamento ateneoUniversità degli studi di Firenze. Financial Support for archaeological research
2016-17 Straarcheologia, , Finanziamento ateneoUniversità degli studi di Firenze. Financial Support for archaeological research
2016 Prin 2015, L'Anatolia antica: politiche imperiali e culture locali tra XV e VII secolo a.C. Problemi di etnicità, assetti urbani e territoriali, tradizione e innovazione. Participant
2015 iFund, Università degli studi di Firenze. Financial Support to apply to the EU horizon 2020 program
2014 iFund, Università degli studi di Firenze. Financial Support to apply to the EU horizon 2020 program (Application submitted in May 2015)
2013-2016 Rita Levi Montalcini Finanziamento Ministero Affari Esteri, “Rientro dei cervelli”
2013 Freie Universität Berlin Forschungsförderung, Finanziamento per preparare la domanda di scavo al sito di Gerçin Höyük, Turkey
2009-2011 Shelby-White Grant, Harvard Finanziamento del Progetto “Zincirli materials and pottery kept at the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin”
2006-2008 Shelby-White Grant, Harvard, Finanziamento del Progetto “Analysis and publication of the materials from Chatal Höyük (Hatay region, turkey) at the Oriental Institute Museum in Chicago”
2001-2002 Na-Fög (FU-Berlin) Borsa di dottorato
2000-2001 DAAD Borsa di dottorato
Esperienze sul campo e museali
2011-2020 Missione Archeologica ad Alalakh, Turchia: dal direttore della Missione Italiana nell’Amuq per lo studio e l’analisi del repertorio ceramico ad Alalakh.
2014-2016 Archaeological Museum Hatay (Turkey)
Studio dei materiali conservati al Museo Archeologico di Hatay provenienti dagli scavi di Chatal Hoyük e Atchana
2011-2015 Excavations at Zincirli, Turchia. Quattro campagne di scavo come direttore del settore “Scavi alla porta sud di Zincirli” condotti dall’Oriental Institute Chicago. Condotto come sottoprogetto con student della Freie Universität di Berlino /fino al 2014) e dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze.
2007-2009 Oriental Institute Museum
Studio e pubblicazione dei materiali provenineti da chatal Höyük e conservati presso il museo.
2007 Survey a Niğde, Turchia. Partecipazione ad una campagna di survey Condotta dall’Università degli studi di Pavia.
1999-2008 Missione Archeologica a Tell Shech Hamad, Siria. Sette campagne di scavo presso il sito di Tell Shech Hamad, diretto dalla Freie Universität di Berlin, Prof. H. Kühne. Direttore dell’area di scavo delle “Residenze Neo-Assire” nella città bassa e vicedirettore degli scavi durante l’ultima campagna.
1997-2000 Missione Archeologica Italiana a Tell Afis, Siria. Quattro campagne di scavo presso il sito di Tell Afis (Syria occidentale) condotto dall’Università degli Studi di Pisa e Bologna, direzione Prof. S. Mazzoni. Area del Ferro II e III (G).
1997 Scavi nel cimitero etrusco di Castiglioncello (Livorno), Museo Archeologico di Rosignano. 1995 –Scavi a San Vincenzino, Italy. Cimitero Medievale e villa romana. Entrambi scavi didattici condotti dall’Università degli Studi di Pisa e Sovrintendenza Archeologica della Toscana.
Semestre estivo 2020, Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Social Geography for Cooperation). Archaeology in Conflict Areas; Corso post-laurea (Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia), Beni Culturali nelle aree di crisi; Corso post-laurea (Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia), Archeologia del Vicino Oriente Antico.
Semestre invernale 2019/20, Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Archaeology). Archeologia of the Ancient Iran and Mesopotamia, Corso di Laurea Triennale (Archeologia and cultural heritage): Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico.
Semestre estivo 2019, Corso di Laurea Triennale (Archeologia and cultural heritage): Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico.
Semestre invernale 2018/19, Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Archeologia). Archeologia dell’Iran e della Mesopotamia; Corso di Laurea Triennale (Storia e Tutela dei Beni Archeologici): Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico, i templi
Semestre invernale 2017/18, Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Archeologia). Archeologia dell’Iran e della Mesopotamia; Corso di Laurea Triennale (Storia e Tutela dei Beni Archeologici): il tempio nel vicino oriente
Semestre estivo 2017, Corso di Laurea Triennale (Archeologia e patrimonio): Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico, i palazzi
Semestre invernale 2016/17, Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Archeologia). Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico: iconografia della religione.
Semestre estivo 2016, Corso di Laurea Triennale (Storia e Tutela dei Beni Archeologici): Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico.
Semestre invernale 2015/16, Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Archeologia): Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico: Migrazioni
Semestre invernale 2015/16, Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Lingue e Civiltà dell’Oriente Antico e Moderno): Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico storia della ricerca.
Semestre estivo 2015, Corso di Laurea Triennale in Storia e Tutela Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico: Levante, Anatolia e Mesopotamia
Semestre invernale 2014/15 Corso di Laurea Magistrale Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Lingue e Civiltà dell’Oriente Antico e Moderno): Archeologia e Storia dell’arte del Vicino Oriente Antico storia della ricerca, la nascita della disciplina.
Semestre invernale 2013/14, Laboratorio di Archeologia Orientale: la ceramica
Semestre invernale 2014/15, Corso di Laurea Magistrale (Archeologia): Archeologia and History of Art in the Ancient Near East, The Late Bronze and the Iron Age in the Levant and Anatolia and their influence to the West
Semestre estivo 2013, Corso di Laurea Triennale : Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte del Vicino Oriente Antico, Levante, Anatolia and Mesopotamia
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Germany
Semestre estivo 2013, Corso Magistrale interdisciplinare: Looking for Identity in the Syro-Hittite town Centers: material culture, language and architecture. In codocenza con Dr. Annik Payne.
Semestre invernale 2012/13, Laboratorio Archeologico: introduzione al lavoro sul campo: metodi e scavi.
Semestre invernale 2012/13, Corso Triennale (Pro-Seminar, modulo Preistoria, Storia in Archeologia). Il passaggio dal Bronzo Tardo al Ferro in Anatolia sudorientale.
Semestre estivo 2012, Corso triennale (Pro-Seminar, Classi e tipologie edilizie).
Semestre invernale 2011/12, Corso triennale (Pro-Seminar, Classi e tipologie edilizie). La forma vs la funzione
Semestre estivo 2006, Laboratorio archeologico triennio e magistrale. Disegno vettoriale
Semestre estivo 2006, Corso Triennale Storia dell’architettura nel vicino oriente
Semestre invernale 2005/06, Corso Triennale Storia dell’architettura nel vicino oriente
Semestre estivo 2005, Laboratorio archeologico triennio e magistrale. Disegno vettoriale, database
Semestre invernale 2004/05, Laboratorio archeologico triennio e magistrale. Disegno vettoriale, database
Focus di ricerca
Conferenze su invito
22 Febbraio 2020, Firenze, Exotic and Foreign: refusal and Appreciation of Micenaean Pottery in the Amuq between the LBA and the Iron Age, Le grandi isole del Mediterraneo: Rotte e legami tra Bronzo e Ferro, Tourisma.
21 Maggio 2019, Bern, The Iron Age in Northern Levant, SGOA conference Bern
30 Marzo – 3 Aprile, 2019, Ascona, Networks/Modes of communication and knowledge transfer, In Search of the Neo-Hittites
29-30 Marzo 2019, Istanbul, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 29 Marzo. Il contatto tra popolazione locale e i cosiddetti popoli del mare nell’Amuq. 10 Edizione del Convegno, Contributo Italiano a scavi, ricerche e studi nelle missioni archeologiche in Turchia.
22-23 Gennaio 2019, Torino, Economic Decay and Urban Rebirth: the Archaeological Evidence from Chatal Höyük and Tell Atchana in the Amuq from the Mid-14th to the Mid-12th Century BC, in Anatolia between the 13th and the 12th Century b.C.E.
16-21 Giugno 2018, Ascona (Switzerland), 20th Giugno, The Iron Age I-II Material Culture in the Amuq: traditions, innovations and contacts. In Beyond all Boundaries: Anatolia in the 1st Millennium BC.
14-15 Novembre 2015, Istanbul, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Searching for the Hittites in southeastern Anatolia: Zincirli and the Hittite material culture in the Symposium The Discovery of an Anatolian Empire.
10-12 Giugno 2015, Antakya, Archaeological Museum, The Iron Age pottery horizon from Alalakh in Alalakh and its Neighbours
5 Novembre 2013, CNR Roma, Carl Humann e gli scavi alla porta sud di Zincirli, in Scavi d’archivio: dalla storia dell’orientalistica alla storia delle idee.
31 Maggio – 1 Giugno 2010, Istanbul, Koç University, Symposium Across the Border: Late Bronze – Iron Age Relations between Syria and Anatolia, The Late Bronze – Iron Age levels from Chatal Höyük in the Amuq
23 Gennaio 2008 ,Chicago, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Brown Bag Lecture, The Chatal Höyük Project
13-15 Maggio 2005, Heidelberg, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Forschungskolloquium Constructing Power, Architecture, Ideology and Social Practice, Enclosing Open Spaces
Organizzazione di conferenze
Novembre 2019, Archaeology of Roads, International Conference held at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Organized with dr. Tuna Kalayci
17-Giugno-2018 al 21-Giugno-2018, Ascona, with dr. Sebastiano Soldi. International Workshop: Political Boundaries and Cultural Contacts during the Iron Age in South-east Anatolia: Cilicia, Amuq and the Karasu valley. Beyond all Boundaries: Anatolia in the 1st Millennium BC.
14-16 Gennaio 2015, Late Bronze Age Ceramic Identities, International Conference at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Organized with dr. Fabrizio Venturi
20 Novembre 2014, with L. Welton (Vancouver) Workshop “The passage from the Iron I to Iron II periods in Northern Levant (ASOR)
Partecipazione a Conferenze
2018, 8 Settembre, Barcelona (Spain), Late Bronze Age Resistance and Iron Age Acceptance of Mycenaean Influences in Northern Levant: Chatal Höyük in the Amuq, 24th EAA Annual Meeting, 5-8 Settembre 2018
2018, Ascona (Switzerland), 20 Giugno, The Iron Age I-II Material Culture in the Amuq: traditions, innovations and contacts. In Beyond all Boundaries: Anatolia in the 1st Millennium BC.
2018, 7 Settembre, Barcelona, The Shirin Initiative: Past, Present and Future, at the 24th EAA Annual Meeting, 5-8 Settembre 2018
2016, 29th Aprile, Wien, Discussant at the Workshop Formation, Transformation and Development of Iron Age Societies, at the 10th International Congress of Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
2015, 18-21 Novembre, Atlanta, ASOR Annual Meeting, together with Dr. M. Horowitz e Prof. R. Kohl, titolo intervento: New Horizons: The Iron Age Sequence at Tell Atchana – Alalakh
2014, 19-22 Novembre, San Diego, ASOR Annual Meeting titolo intervento: The Iron I to Iron II Transition at Chatal Höyük : from Eclecticism to Standardization
2013, 20-23 Novembre, Baltimore, ASOR Annual Meeting titolo intervento: Testing the Canon of Ancient Near Eastern Art and Archaeology in Syria
2012, 14-17 Novembre, Chicago, ASOR Annual Meeting titolo intervento: Giving Meaning to Material Culture: the case of Chatal Höyük in the Amuq
2012, 4 May, Warsaw, 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, titolo intervento: Chatal Höyük in the Amuq during the Iron Age
2008, 7 May, Roma, 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, titolo intervento: The Chatal Höyük Publication Project
2006, 6 Aprile, Madrid, 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, titolo intervento: The Neo-Assyrian residences of Tell Shekh Hamad
2004, 3 Aprile, Berlin, 4th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, titolo intervento: Visual communication of Architecture: the Syro-Hittite Town of Zincirli
Accordi Internazionali
Dal 2017, Accordo internazionale tra l’Università di Firenze e the University of Art at Isfahan (Iran). Ricerca convenzionata sull’Iran Nord occidentale
Dal 2018, Accordo internazionale tra l’Università di Firenze e la Tishreen University at Latakye (Syria). Cultural Heritage preservation in northern Syria.
Dal 2015, Accordo internazionale tra l’Università di Firenze e la Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Universitesi di Hatay (Turkey). Joint research project on the archaeology of the Amuq region,
-Bronzo Tardo ed età del Ferro in Siria ed Anatolia
-Analisi funzionale della ceramica
-Analisi spaziale dell'archittetura del vicino oriente antico
-Contatto culturale, migrazioni, trasmissione di competenze
Current Position
Associate Professor, Near Eastern Archaeology, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo, via San Gallo 10, Firenze
2/2014 Abilitazione Nazionale all’insegnamento Universitario in N-10 (Ancient Near Eastern Studies )
1998 – 2003 Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), PhD summa cum Laude, Faculty of History and ´Cultural Studies, PhD in Archaeology of the Ancient Near East.Titel: Functional Analysis of Space in Syro-Hittte Architecture. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. H. Kühne and Prof. Dr.- Ing. J.G. Schmid
1993 – 1998 Universita’ di Pisa (Italy). Graduation certificate: Master degree, (110/110), Faculty of Humanities, Classical Studies, master degree in Archaeology and History of Art in the Ancient Near East (Prof. Mazzoni). Title: Re-analysis of the architecture at the Syro-Hittite centres of Karkemish, Tell Halaf, Tell Tacyinat and Zincirli
Academic and Research Experiences
August 2016 – 2019: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Near Eastern Archaeology, at the Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento SAGAS (History, Archaeology, Geography, Fine and Performing Arts).Teaching (graduates and undergraduates) and research position.
Grants and Financial Supports
2020 MAECI Fund for the Italian Mission at the excavations at Alalakh
2020 OrMe Foundation: financial support for a post doc position at the University degli Studi di Firenze
2019 MAECI Fund for the Italian Mission at the excavations at Alalakh 2019
2018-19 Straarcheologia, Università degli studi di Firenze. Financial Support for archaeological research
2016-17 Straarcheologia, Università degli studi di Firenze. Financial Support for archaeological research
2013-2016 Rita Levi Montalcini Grant from Ministero Affari Esteri
2013 Freie Universität Berlin Forschungsförderung, Financial support to organize the application for the Excavations at Gerçin Höyük, Turkey
2009-2011 Shelby-White Grant, Harvard the research on the Zincirli materials and pottery kept at the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin
2006-2008 Shelby-White Grant, Harvard, research and publication on the materials from Chatal Höyük (Hatay region, turkey) at the Oriental Institute Museum in Chicago
2001-2002 Na-Fög (FU-Berlin) grant for doctoral studies
2000-2001 DAAD grant for doctoral studies
Field and
Museums Experiences
2011-2019 Excavations at Alalakh, Turkey: Since 2011 Since 2011, director of the Italian Mision at the Turkish excavations of Atchana. I direct (6-7 students and postdocs) a team from the University of Firenze, who processes and study the pottery at the site and analyses on the field the archaeological context.
Study on the Materials from Chatal Hoyük and from Atchana
2011-2015 Excavations at Zincirli, Turkey. Four excavation campaigns at site of Zincirli led by the Oriental Institute Chicago. I travelled there with a group of students from the Freie Universität Berlin. We restarted excavating the Southern Gate at Zincirli. The project is a sub project under my direction.
Study and publication of the OI collection from the American excavations in the Amuq
2007 Survey in the Niğde, Turkey. I took part at one survey season on behalf of the University of Pavia as the responsible for topography and architectural evidences.
1999-2008 Excavations at Tell Shech Hamad, Syria. Seven excavation campaigns at the site of Tell Shech Hamad, Syria led by the Free University in Berlin, department of Near-eastern Archaeology under the directorship of Prof. H. Kühne. I was field director of the area of the so -called Neo-Assyrian Residences in the lower town and vice director of the excavations in the last two seasons.
1997-2000 Excavations at Tell Afis, Syria. Four excavation campaigns (2/3 months each) at site of Tell Afis (Syria) led by the Universities of Pisa under the directorship of Prof. S. Mazzoni. First year, dig assistant, second and third year: responsible of sector G in the Iron Age II area.
1997 Excavations at the Etruscan cemetery in Castiglioncello (Livorno), Archaeological Museum of Rosignano. 1995 –Excavations at San Vincenzino, Italy. Medieval cemetery and Roman villa at San Vincenzino (Livorno), the University in Pisa
Teaching Experience
Summer Term 2020, Graduate Course (Social Geography). Archaeology in Conflict Areas; Postgraduate seminar (Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia), Cultural Heritage in crisis areas; Post graduate course (Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia), Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, the history of research.
Winter Term 2019/20, Graduate Course (Archaeology). Archaeology of the Ancient Iran and Mesopotamia, Undergraduate Course (Archaeology and cultural heritage): Introduction to Near Eastern Archaeology.
Summer Term 2019, Undergraduate Course (Archaeology and cultural heritage): Introduction to Near Eastern Archaeology.
Winter term 2018/19,Graduate Course (Archaeology). Archaeology of the Ancient Iran; Undergraduate Course (Archaeology and cultural heritage): the temples in the ANE
Winter Term 2017/18, Graduate Course (Archaeology). Archaeology of the Ancient Iran; Undergraduate Course (Archaeology and cultural heritage): the temple in the ANE
Summer Term 2017, Undergraduate Course (Archaeology and cultural heritage): Introduction to Near Eastern Archaeology.
Winter Term 2016/17, Graduate Course (Archaeology). Archaeology of the Ancient Near East: iconography of Religion in the Second Millennium BC from Elam to Anatolia.
Summer Term 2016, Undergraduate Course (Archaeology and cultural heritage): Introduction to Near Eastern Archaeology.
Winter term 2015/16, Graduate Course (Archaeology): Archaeology in the Ancient Near East: Migrations and Disruptions at the End of the Second Millennium
Winter term 2015/16, Graduate Course (Languages and Civilizations of the Ancient and Modern Orient): Archaeology in the Ancient Near East, Excavations, Expeditions and the construction of a discipline from the 18th to now.
Summer Term 2015, Undergraduates Course: Archaeology and History of Art in the Ancient Near East, Levant, Anatolia and Mesopotamia during the Third and Second Millennium
Winter Term 2014/15 Graduate Course (Languages and Civilizations of the Ancient and Modern Orient): Archaeology and History of Art in the Ancient Near East, Excavations, Expeditions and the construction of a discipline from the 18th to the 20th century.
Winter Term 2013/14, Graduate Laboratory in Near Eastern Archaeology, From the excavations to the publication: Pottery
Winter Term 2014/15, Graduate Course (Archaeology): Archaeology and History of Art in the Ancient Near East, The Late Bronze and the Iron Age in the Levant and Anatolia and their influence to the West
Summer Term 2013, Undergraduates Course: Archaeology and History of Art in the Ancient Near East, Levant, Anatolia and Mesopotamia during the Third and Second Millennium
Summer Term 2013, Graduate Interdisciplinary Course. Looking for Identity in the Syro-Hittite town Centers: material culture, language and architecture (64 hours). Together with Dr. Annik Payne, philologist for Luwian hieroglyphic.
Winter Term 2012/13, Archaeological Laboratory: Introduction to the Field work in Near Eastern Archaeology Introduction on Methods and History of the Excavations in the Ancient Near East (32 hours.)
Winter Term 2012/13, Undergraduates Course (Pro-Seminar, Module Prehistory and History in the Archaeology). The Passage from the Late Bronze to the Iron Age in South Eastern Anatolia and Northern Syria (32 hours.)
Summer Term 2012, Undergraduates Course (Pro-Seminar, Module Typology and Classes). Shape versus Function: Typology and Functional Classes of built Structures, the first Millennium BC (32 hours.)
Winter Term 2011/12, Undergraduates Course (Pro-Seminar, Module Typology and Classes). Shape versus Function: Typology and Functional Classes of built Structures in the third and Second Millennium BC (32 hours.)
Summer Term 2006, Archaeological Laboratory for Graduates and Undergraduates. How to document an archaeological excavation using databases, vector drawing programs
Summer Term 2006, Undergraduates Course (Pro-Seminar). History of Architecture in the Ancient Near East from the Paleo-Babylonian to the Neo-Babylonian Period (32 hours.)
Winter Term 2005/06, Undergraduates Course (Pro-Seminar). History of Architecture in the Ancient Near East from the Obed to the Paleo-Babylonian Period (32 hours.)
Summer Term 2005, Archaeological Laboratory for Graduates and Undergraduates. How to document an archaeological excavation using databases, vector drawing programs
Winter Term 2004/05, Archaeological Laboratory for Graduates and Undergraduates. How to document an archaeological excavation using databases, vector drawing programs.
Winter Terms 2004/05, Archaeological Laboratory for Graduates and Undergraduates. How to document an archaeological excavation using databases, vector drawing programs
Research Focuses
22nd February 2020, Firenze, Exotic and Foreign: refusal and Appreciation of Micenaean Pottery in the Amuq between the LBA and the Iron Age, Le grandi isole del Mediterraneo: Rotte e legami tra Bronzo e Ferro, Tourisma.
21st Mai 2019, Bern, The Iron Age in Northern Levant, SGOA conference Bern
March 30th- April 3rd, 2019, Ascona, Networks/Modes of communication and knowledge transfer, In Search of the Neo-Hittites
29-30th March 2019, Istanbul, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 29 Marzo. Il contatto tra popolazione locale e i cosiddetti popoli del mare nell’Amuq. 10 Edizione del Convegno, Contributo Italiano a scavi, ricerche e studi nelle missioni archeologiche in Turchia.
22-23rd January 2019, Torino, Economic Decay and Urban Rebirth: the Archaeological Evidence from Chatal Höyük and Tell Atchana in the Amuq from the Mid-14th to the Mid-12th Century BC, in Anatolia between the 13th and the 12th Century b.C.E.
16-21st June 2018, Ascona (Switzerland), 20th June, The Iron Age I-II Material Culture in the Amuq: traditions, innovations and contacts. In Beyond all Boundaries: Anatolia in the 1st Millennium BC.
14-15 November 2015, Istanbul, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Searching for the Hittites in southeastern Anatolia: Zincirli and the Hittite material culture in the Symposium The Discovery of an Anatolian Empire.
10-12 June 2015, Antakya, Archaeological Museum, The Iron Age pottery horizon from Alalakh in Alalakh and its Neighbours
5 November 2013, CNR Roma, Carl Humann e gli scavi alla porta sud di Zincirli, in Scavi d’archivio: dalla storia dell’orientalistica alla storia delle idee.
31 May – 1 June 2010, Istanbul, Koç University, Symposium Across the Border: Late Bronze – Iron Age Relations between Syria and Anatolia, The Late Bronze – Iron Age levels from Chatal Höyük in the Amuq
23 January 2008 ,Chicago, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Brown Bag Lecture, The Chatal Höyük Project
Organized Conferences
November 2019, Archaeology of Roads, International Conference held at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Organized with dr. Tuna Kalayci
17-06-2018 al 21-06-2018, Ascona, with dr. Sebastiano Soldi. International Workshop: Political Boundaries and Cultural Contacts during the Iron Age in South-east Anatolia: Cilicia, Amuq and the Karasu valley. Beyond all Boundaries: Anatolia in the 1st Millennium BC.
14-16 January 2015, Late Bronze Age Ceramic Identities, International Conference at the Università degli Studi di Firenze. Organized with dr. Fabrizio Venturi
20 November 2014, with L. Welton (Vancouver) Workshop “The passage from the Iron I to Iron II periods in Northern Levant (ASOR)
Conference Papers
2018, 8 September, Barcelona, Late Bronze Age Resistance and Iron Age Acceptance of Mycenaean Influences in Northern Levant: Chatal Höyük in the Amuq, 24th EAA Annual Meeting, 5-8 September 2018
2018, 7 September, Barcelona, The Shirin Initiative: Past, Present and Future, at the 24th EAA Annual Meeting, 5-8 September 2018
2016, 29th April, Wien, Discussant at the Workshop Formation, Transformation and Development of Iron Age Societies, at the 10th International Congress of Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
2015, 18-21 November, Atlanta, ASOR Annual Meeting, together with Dr. M. Horowitz e Prof. R. Kohl, title: New Horizons: The Iron Age Sequence at Tell Atchana – Alalakh
2014, 19-22 November, San Diego, ASOR Annual Meeting title: The Iron I to Iron II Transition at Chatal Höyük : from Eclecticism to Standardization
2013, 20-23 November, Baltimore, ASOR Annual Meeting title: Testing the Canon of Ancient Near Eastern Art and Archaeology in Syria
2012, 14-17 November, Chicago, ASOR Annual Meeting title: Giving Meaning to Material Culture: the case of Chatal Höyük in the Amuq
2012, 4 May, Warsaw, 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, title: Chatal Höyük in the Amuq during the Iron Age
2008, 7 May, Roma, 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, title: The Chatal Höyük Publication Project
2006, 6 April, Madrid, 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, title: The Neo-Assyrian residences of Tell Shekh Hamad
2004, 3 April, Berlin, 4th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, title: Visual communication of Architecture: the Syro-Hittite Town of Zincirli
International Agreements
Since 2017, International Agreement between the University of Firenze and the University of Art at Isfahan (Iran). Joint research on the Archaeology of the Iron Age in northern Iran. In 2018 we underwent a joint trip to the areas of Ziwiye and Tabriz, visited together the ICAR in Teheran and visited the University of Isfahan.
Since 2018, International Agreement between the University of Firenze and the Tishreen University at Latakye (Syria). Joint research on cultural Heritage preservation in northern Syria. Joint Visit in November 2019
Since 2015, International Agreement between the University of Firenze and the Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Universitesi di Hatay (Turkey). Joint research project on the archaeology of the Amuq region, summer excavations since 2015 to 2019
-Late Bronze and Iron Ages in Syria and Anatolia
-Functional Analysis of artefacts
-Analysis of the Urban Space
-Cultural contact/migration/technological transfer