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Stefano Carrer, born in Bologna on 26 september 1956, lives in Grizzana Morandi (BO), Stanco-Monte 88/D.
He is a qualified adjunct professor, as well as a confirmed researcher of appraisal (Discilinary Scientific Sector ICAR 22) at the DIDA (Department of Architecture) of the university of Florence.
Already responsible for four years for the appraisal case studies at the Technical Administrative Committee of the Florentine University (D.R. 1619 of 12/23/2008).
Former member of the TAD departement board ( Architectur and Design Technologies "Pierluigi Spadolini").
Former member of the Teaching Commettee of the Five-Years Degree Course and member of the Permanent Commission: Transfer of knowledge and relations with the territory.
Since its foundation it has been a member of SIEV, the Italian Society of Appraiser and Evaluetors.
After graduation:
1983-1989 held a seven-year corporate role in financial services industries (Listal S.P.A. Group, joint-stock company) and in the business organisation (Ipsor Projects srl, limited liability company);
1990-1991 he specialized in Tousism Economics, MET - Master in Tourism Economics, Political Economy - Political Economy Department 2 - of the L.Bocconi Commercial University of Milan;
1991-1992 teacher in the course of "territory, agricolture and tourism", ERSAL project - Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Milan, within the framework of the training activities of the Lombardy Region;
1991-1992 he worked as an expert in appraisal matters at the Department of Territorial Science of the Faculty of Architecture of the Politechnic of Milan;
1993 obtained a PhD (5th cycle) in "methods in urban and architectural design";
1994-1995 collaborates as a Research Doctor with the "Home-City Department" of the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Turin;
1996-2001 contract professor at the Faculty of Architectur of the University of Florence, leads the educational module of "economic evaluation of the project" at the "Architectural Construction Laboratory 1";
2002-2003 following Comparative Evaluation he is qualified as a permanent Appraisal Researcher and belongs to the TAD, "Department of Architecturals Technologies and Design Pier Luigi Spadolini", of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence;
2005-2006 achieved "Cofirmation in Role";
from 2003 to 2023 he was responsible for the Course "Appraisal and Professional Exercise and Economic and Evaluation of Projects" at the Degree Course in Architecture (five-years single cycle);
for years he has partecipate in the real estate valuation activities carried out, on a national scale, by the former Professional Association Prof. Piero Carrer and Associated, in the accademic field, in addiction to belonging to the TESIS CENTER, he has been an actor in multiple research activities, including:
The European research project "LUDA - Improving Quality Life in Large Urban Distessed Areas" (Contract n° EVK4.CT.2002.008);
"partecipation strategies in the redevelopment processes of large degraded areas: the involvement of local actors"; (ex 60%);
PRIN 2005: " Integrated evaluation and monitoring in the development processes of large degraded urban areas", coordinated by Prof. Saverio Miccoli (University of Rome "La Sapienza";
"cities of art and real estate" (ex 60 %);
"evaluation dynamics of the urban hospitality" (ex 60 %);
"Appraisals evolving proceedings in global change", under the direction of Prof. Saverio Miccoli, partnerships: DIAP, University of Rome, Territorial Agency, National Research Council;
"La Ghibertiana", research project directed and coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Merlo (DIDA - Cultural Heritage Management).
Regarding the teaching organization, Stefano Carrer:
organized and coordinated, with the collaboration of Prof. Vincenzo Bentivegna and the Astengo Foundation, the specialization course " Evaluation in complex urban transformation projects and in PRUSST";
from 2019 to 2023, together with Prof. Alessandro Merlo, he organized and coordinated the educational indepth activity "Architecture that matters" a synergistic activitywith The Gibertians projects, with the collaboration of the municipality of Pelago;
from 2021 to 2023, he is responsible and educational coordinator for the Tourism and Management areas at the second level master's degree "Enhancement of Cultural Heritage", directed and coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Merlo (DIDA - Cultural Heritage Management).