Mondays, 1:30-2:30pm.
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Patrick O. Cohrs si occupa di storia della politica internazionale e il suo lavoro si concentra sulla guerra e la pace e sulla trasformazione dell'ordine transatlantico e globale nel XIX e XX secolo. È anche direttore del Centre for History, Strategy and International Order (CHIOS) della Helmut-Schmidt-University, che ha fondato con Michael Jonas e Haakon Ikonomou come fulcro di una più ampia alleanza internazionale per il rinnovamento dell'ordine globale.
Patrick O. Cohrs è stato professore associato di Storia internazionale presso l’History Department della Yale University, dove è ha co-fondato lo Yale International History Workshop. Il professor Cohrs ha ricevuto il DPhil presso l'Università di Oxford nel 2002 ed è stato successivamente Alistair Horne Fellow al St Antony’s College, Oxford, nel 2006-7. In precedenza, è stato fellow presso il Belfer Center for International Affairs della Kennedy School e il Center for European Studies dell'Università di Harvard, nonché research fellow a Londra, Parigi, Tokyo e Budapest. Da ultimo è stato visiting Professor presso la Humboldt University di Berlino, la LUISS “Guido Carli” di Roma (2016), la Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (2017–18) e la Sciences Po a Parigi (2022). Nel 2023 è tornato a Oxford come visiting fellow al St Antony's College.
Ha scritto The Unfinished Peace after World War I. America, Britain and the Stabilisation of Europe, 1919–1932 (Cambridge University Press, 2006) e The New Atlantic Order. The Transformation of International Politics, 1860–1933 (Cambridge University Press, 2022). Attualmente sta lavorando a A World Transformed, il terzo e ultimo volume della sua trilogia sulla trasformazione dell'ordine transatlantico e globale, che coprirà la seconda metà del "lungo" XX secolo (1933-2022).
Cohrs New Atlantic Order
Cohrs Unfinished Peace
Attualmente lavora al terzo e ultimo volume (1933–2020) del suo studio sulla trasformazione dell’ordine atlantico nel "lungo" Novecento.
Podcast sul mio nuovo libro The New Atlantic Order:
Pubblicazioni Selezionate
The Unfinished Peace after World War I. America, Britain and the Stabilization of Europe, 1919 - 1932 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006; extended paperback edition, 2008).
The New Atlantic Order. The Transformation of International Politics, 1860-1933 (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
and L. von Trott (eds.), Contours of a “New World Order”? American and European Perspectives in the Wake of September 11 (Hamburg: Edition Körber Stiftung, 2003).
and T. Weihe (eds.), Power and Rules. Elements of a New World Order (Hamburg: Edition Körber Stiftung, 2004).
'The First' Real 'Peace Settlements after the First World War. Britain, the United States and the Accords of London and Locarno, 1923–1925 ', Contemporary European History, 12/1 (February 2003).
'The Quest for a New International Equilibrium in the 1920s', in G. Johnson (ed.), Locarno Revisited: European Diplomacy 1920–1929 (London: Routledge, 2004).
'The Crucible of the 20th Century: a Reassessment of the Causes and Outbreak of the First World War', The European Legacy , 11/7 (November 2006).
'The Locarno Conference', in PN Stearns et al. (eds.), The Oxford Encyclopaedia of the Modern World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).
'"Pax Americana"', in A. Iriye, P.-Y. Saunier (eds.), Dictionary of Transnational History (London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2009).
'New Foundations of Postwar Order. The Consequences of Keynes ' Economic Consequences of the Peace ', Contemporanea 12/1 (January 2009).
'"American Peace" - to "Democratic Peace"? Wilson and the Search for a New World Order - a Re-appraisal ', in G. Niedhart, J. Dülffer (eds.), Frieden durch Demokratie? Genese, Wirkung und Kritik eines Deutungsmusters (Essen: Klartext-Verlag, 2011).
'A Pivotal Power. The United States in the International System of the Inter-War Period ', in F. McDonough (ed.), The Origins of the Second World War. An International Perspective 70 Years on (London-New York: Continuum, 2011).
'Adam von Trott's Noble Quest and Futile Mission. Transnational Aspirations for a New European Order and the Fight against Hitler ', in L. Mehlhorn (ed.), Adam von Trott zu Solz. Gewißheit im Widerstand (Berlin-London: Lit Verlag, 2011).
'Wilson's Aspiration to Found a Progressive Order for the 20th Century', in M. Campus (ed.), Development, crisis, integration. International relations history themes for the 21st century (Milan: Mondadori, 2012).
'Towards a “New Deal” for the World? Lyndon Johnson and the Renewal of America's Liberal Hegemony ', in M. Lawrence, F. Gavin (eds.), Beyond the Cold War. Lyndon Johnson and the New Global Challenges of the 1960s (Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2014).
'The Congress of Vienna and the Transformation of Modern International Politics. European and Global Perspectives', Vienna Journal (6/2015).
'The Search for a Legitimate Equilibrium. British Pursuits of European Stability and a New International Order after the First World War ', in U. Lappenküper, B. Wegner (eds.), Stabilität durch Gleichgewicht. Die Balance of Power im internationalen System der Neuzeit (Paderborn: Schöningh Verlag, 2015).
'"Pax Americana". The United States and the Remaking of Global Order in the 20th Century ', Review of International Politics , 61/2 (November 2018).
'No “Pax Atlantica” for the 20th Century. The Struggle to Forge a Transatlantic Order of Peace and Security in 1919 ', in J. Leonhard (ed.), Große Erwartungen. 1919 und die Neuordnung der Welt (Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter-Oldenbourg, 2023).
'Towards an Atlantic World Order. Fundamental Transformation and Learning Processes in the Long Twentieth Century', E-International Relations 16/8 (August 2023).
'Un tournant dans le "long" vingtième siècle. La transformation naissante de l'ordre international moderne dans les années 1920', Le Grand Continent 4/12 (December 2023).
'The Transformation of the Modern Atlantic and Global Order. On My Interpretation of the Long Twentieth Century', H-Diplo Roundtable 15-19 on The New Atlantic Order (December 2023).
Insegnamenti relativi all'Anno Accademico 2020-21:
* B030591: “The Transformation of Europe in the Long 20th Century”
* B029742: "The United States and the Transformation of the International Order"
* B029120: "History of European Integration"
* B029125: "History of International Organisations"
La ricerca e insegnamento di Patrick Cohrs sono incentrati sulla storia internazionale contemporanea e in particolare sulla storia globale delle relazioni transatlantiche; il ruolo complessivo degli Stati Uniti nel sistema internazionale contemporaneo; la stabilizzazione della pace e la ricostruzione dell’ordine internazionale dopo le più importanti crisi e conflitti dal congresso di Vienna alla Guerra fredda.
I suoi principali interessi di ricerca comprendeno:
Patrick O. Cohrs specialises in the history of modern international politics. His work focuses on war and peace and the transformation of the Atlantic and global order in the long twentieth century (1860-2020). He also is Director of the Centre for History, Strategy and International Order (CHIOS) at Helmut-Schmidt-University, which he founded with Michael Jonas and Haakon Ikonomou as hub of a broader international alliance for the renewal of global order.
Before coming to Florence, Patrick O. Cohrs was Associate Professor of History and International Relations at Yale University where he also was one of the co-founders of the Yale International History Workshop. Professor Cohrs received his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2002 and was subsequently Alistair Horne Fellow at St Antony's College, Oxford, in 2006-7. Earlier, he was a fellow at the Kennedy School of Government and the Center for European Studies at Harvard University. He has also held fellowships in London, Paris, Tokyo and Budapest. Having once taught at Humboldt University Berlin, he was a visiting professor at the Free International University of Social Studies in Rome (2016), at Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (2017-18) and at the Sciences Po in Paris (2022). In 2023 he returned to Oxford as visiting fellow at St Antony's College.
Professor Cohrs is the author of The Unfinished Peace after World War I (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and The New Atlantic Order. The Transformation of International Politics, 1860-1933 (Cambridge University Press, 2022). Winner of the 2023 Prose Award in World History.
He is currently working on A World Transformed, the third and final volume of his trilogy on the transformation of the modern Atlantic and global order, which will cover the second half of the long twentieth century (1933-2022).
For further information on The New Atlantic Order, his work and his wider interests please visit:
Select Publications
Monographs and Edited Volumes
The Unfinished Peace after World War I. America, Britain and the Stabilization of Europe, 1919–1932 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006; extended paperback edition, 2008).
The New Atlantic Order. The Transformation of International Politics, 1860-1933 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022).
'New Foundations of Postwar Order. The Consequences of Keynes ' Economic Consequences of the Peace ', Contemporanea, 12/1 (January 2009).
'Wilson's Aspiration to Found a Progressive Order for the 20th Century', in M. Campus (ed.), Development, Crisis, Integration. International History Themes for the 21st century (Milan: Mondadori, 2012).
'"Pax Americana". The United States and the Remaking of Global Order in the 20th Century ', Review of International Politics, 61/2 (November 2018).
Academic Year 2020-21
Professor Cohrs’ research and teaching focus on modern international history, particularly the global history of transatlantic relations; the United States’ global role; and peace settlements and the remaking of international order after major crises and wars, from the Congress of Vienna to the era of the Cold War. His main research interests include: