RICEVIMENTO: Mercoledi' 14:00-15:00
Fuori dal periodo didattico i ricevimenti si effettuano mediante Skype
(contattare docente a d.angeli@imperial.ac.uk)
Il prof. David Angeli e' nato nel 1971 e si e' laureato all'Universita' di Firenze in Ingegneria Informatica con 110/110 e lode nel 1996. Ha conseguito il dottorato in Automazione nel 2000 e da allora e' ricercatore prima e Prof. Associato dal 2005 presso il Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione. E' inoltre Reader presso il Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering dell'Imperial College London e Direttore del Master in Control Systems. E' Associate Editor delle IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control dal 2006 al 2010, e per la rivista Automatica dal 2012 al 2016. Da Gennaio 2015 e' Fellow dell'IEEE e da Novembre 2018 e' Fellow dell'IET. Riceve la Honeywell International Medal dell'Institute of Measurement and Control nell'Ottobre 2021.
David Angeli e' Professore in Reti Dinamiche Nonlineari al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica dell'Imperial College London e Associato presso il DINFO, Universita' di Firenze, Italia.
Si e' laureato nel 1996 presso l'Universita' di Firenze e ha ottenuto nel 2000 il titolo di dottore di ricerca nella medesima universita'.
Ha avuto posizioni da visitatore in varie istituzioni, tra cui Rutgers University (New Jersey), INRIA de Rocquencourt (Francia) e Universita' di Melbourne, Australia. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono: stabilita' di sistemi nonlineari, reti di reazioni chimiche, systems biology, controllo predittivo e smart grid.
Un sommario dei suoi riconoscimenti scientifici e' riportato di seguito:
- Novembre 2021: Honeywell International Award of the Institute of Measurement and Control
- Dicembre 2018: IET Fellow
- Gennaio 2015: IEEE Fellow per contributi alla teoria della stabilita' nonlineare
-Luglio 2002: CIRA (Italian Automation Society) riconoscimento di Merito Scientifico (Ricercatore settore automazione)
Importanti interventi in congressi:
- Tandem Plenary speaker} IFAC Conference on Modeling Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems, 20-22 June 2018, Guadalajara, Mexico,
``From stabilizing to economic NMPC: Three decades of receding horizon control theory'' (con Prof. F. Allgower)
- Semiplenary speaker alla European Conference on Control, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2016
``Input-to-State Stability for Complex Dynamics: From Global to Almost Global ... and Back''
- Plenary speaker alla 2015 IFAC Workshop on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, September 2015, Seville, Spain,
``Theoretical Advances on Economic Model Predictive Control with Time-Varying Costs''
- Plenary speaker al 2012 IFAC Symposium on Robust Control, Aalborg, Denmark,
``Open problems in Chemical Reaction Networks: how structure affects dynamics''
- Semi-plenary speaker al 2010 IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, September 2010,
``Receding Horizon Cost Optimization and Control for Nonlinear Plants''.
David Angeli e' autore di oltre 200 pubblicazioni su rivista e atti di congresso, con un H-factor di 50 secondo Google Scholar.
Ha servito come Editore Associato di Automatica e delle IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
La ricerca del docente David Angeli e' incentrata sui seguenti temi:
- Controllo di sistemi soggetti a vincoli e ottimizzazione delle prestazioni economiche del sistema
- Stabilita' di sistemi nonlineari
- Dinamica delle reti di reazioni chimiche (con applicazioni in biologia molecolare)
- Sistemi monotoni e multistabilita'
- Applicazioni del controllo per la Smart Grid
I Appello Sistemi Dinamici Nonlineari
13 Giugno 2018
ore 8:30
II Appello Sistemi Dinamici Nonlineari
27 Giugno 2018
III Appello Sistemi Dinamici Nonlineari
23 Luglio 2018
presso Santa Marta
David Angeli is an Associate Professor within the Dept. of Information Engineering and a Reader within the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Imperial College London. He has been Associate Editor of International Journals such as IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2006-2010) and Automatica (2012-2015). Since January 2015 he is a Fellow of the IEEE and Since November 2018 is a Fellow of the IET. It is the recipient of the Honeywell International Medal from the Institute of Measurement and Control awarded in October 2021.
David Angeli is a Professor in Nonlinear Network Dynamics at the Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Imperial College London and an Associate Professor of University of Florence, Italy.
He graduated from Florence University in 1996 and subsequently achieved his PhD from the same University (2000). He has had visiting positions at several institutions, including Rutgers University (New Jersey), INRIA de Rocquencourt (France) and University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include: stability of nonlinear systems, chemical reaction networks and systems biology, model predictive control and smart grids.
A summary of his Scientific Recognitions is provided below:
- November 2021: Honeywell International Award of the Institute of Measurement and Control
- December 2018: IET Fellow
- January 2015: IEEE Fellow for contributions to nonlinear control theory
- July 2002: CIRA (Italian Automation Society) award for Scientific Merit (Best Ricercatore)
Important scientific talks:
- Tandem Plenary speaker IFAC Conference on Modeling Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems, 20-22 June 2018, Guadalajara, Mexico,
``From stabilizing to economic NMPC: Three decades of receding horizon control theory'' (together with Prof. F. Allg"ower)
- Semiplenary speaker at the European Conference on Control, Aalborg, Denmark, July 2016,
- Plenary speaker at the 2015 IFAC Workshop on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, September 2015, Seville, Spain
- Tutorial speaker (invited) at the 2012 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, ``A tutorial on Economic Model Predictive Control'', jointly with Prof. J. Rawlings
- Plenary speaker at the 2012 IFAC Symposium on Robust Control, Aalborg, Denmark, ``Open problems in Chemical Reaction Networks: how structure affects dynamics''
- Semi-plenary speaker at the 2010 IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, September 2010,
David Angeli is author of more than 200 scientific publications in International peer-reviewed Journals and Conference Proceedings, with an H factor of 50 according to Google Scholar. He served as an Associate editor of Automatica (2012-2015) and IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2006-2010).
The main areas of interest of Dr. David Angeli are the following:
1- Stability of Nonlinear Systems
2- Economic Model Predictive Control
3- Dynamics of Chemical Reaction Networks
4- Control solutions for the Smart Grid
5- Multistability and Monotone Systems