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Con il suo pensionamento il 1 novembre 2023 i ricevimenti del prof Brownlees si sono conclusi.
2022: “Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of British Serialised News: News Analysis for Old Stories with Present-Day Resonance” (Invited speaker at ESSE2022, the European Society for the Study of English, Mainz).
2022: “Elizabeth Powell Challenges the World of Male London News (1716-1720)” (LModE-7, 7th International Conference on Late Modern English, University of Catania (Ragusa)).
2020: ““Translated from Italian” and “tradotto in italiano”: How diplomats and naval commanders use and abuse translation during the Livorno crisis of 1652-1653”, at the international conference‘Anglo-Italian history, 1500-1700: Translating news, politics and commerce’, University of Florence, Italy.
2019: “ ‘and if we have Respect to the Context, (as we ought to have)’: Context and its Role in Historical News Production and Reception, CHINED VII (Conference on Historical News DiscourseVII), University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
2017: “The Gazette de Londres (1666-1705): Disseminating news and winning political consensus through translation and manipulation”presso il convegno internazionale 'Found In Translation: Translation as Cultural Dissemination from the Middle Ages to the New Millennium', Università di Bergamo.
2017: “Reporting and Selling Foreign News in England in 1623”, Workshop “Year of the News”, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, giugno 2017.
2017: “Tracking down the popularisation of exploration” convegno internazionale: CHINED VI (Conference on Historical News Discourse VI), University of Sheffield, Maggio 2017.
2016: “Exploring the Congo through Translation: Nineteenth-century Reappraisal and Translation into English of Filippo Pigafetta’s Relatione del reame di Congo (1591)” presso il convegno internazionale “Aspetti dell’Ulissismo intellettuale dall’Ottocento a oggi”, Università di Catania.
2016: “The concept of periodicity in English pamphlet news”, VIII Convegno SIERS: “L’invenzione delle notizie: Le relaciones de sucesos fra letteratura e informazione (secoli XVI-XVIII), Trento, settembre 2016.
2016: “Creating a Language of News in Seventeenth-Century England”, Seminario AIA: Old and New Media Linguistic Insights (Associazione Italiana Anglistica), Università di Catania-Ragusa.
2016 : “Judicious and Favourable Reader”: The dynamics of writing and reading news in early modern England, International Conference on Quotidian Cultures of Reading and Writing, (Yonsei University, Seoul, aprile 2016)
2016: “A true and faithfull relation … Faithfully translated out of Dutch”: the role and translation of Dutch news in early modern England, International Conference on Transit and Translation in Early Modern Europe: Textual Circulation in Italy, England and Northern Europe, Sapienza University of Rome
2016: "Teaching the history of the English language (HEL): Materials, approaches, perspectices", Seminario: 'A Great Feast of Languages': Shakespeare's language and the language(s) of Shakespeare's time, Sapienza, Università di Roma.
2015: 17th Italian International Conference on History of the English Language (SLIN 17), Ragusa, Italy, October 2015.
2015: 5th International Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED V), Porto.
2014: 4th International Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED IV), Helsinki.
2014: 1st Poznañ Historical Sociopragmatics Symposium (PHSS 2014), Poznañ, May 2014.
2014: 60th Conference of the Renaissance Society of America, New York, March 2014.
2013: International Conference on “News and the Shape of Europe 1500-1750”, July 2013, London.
2013: “5th International Conference on Late Modern English”, Bergamo, Italy
2013: International conference on “Discourse in and through the Media”, Modena, Italy.
2012: International Seminar on “Corpus linguistics and Historical Corpora”, Florence, Italy.
2012: Third International Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED III), Rostock, Germany.
2012: International Conference on “The Role of Space and Place in the Discursive Construction of Identity”, Naples, Italy.
2012: International Seminar on “New perspectives on Late Modern English ego documents and news discourse”, Bergamo, Italy.
Si veda l'elenco sul link precedente:
Bachelor of Arts dell’Università di Oxford in giurisprudenza (1974), Master of Arts (Oxford, 1980)
Prof. Nicholas Brownlees: Professor of English Language and Translation (L-LIN/12 – Lingua e traduzione – Lingua inglese)
2016 to today: Full Professor of English Language and Translation, University of Florence, Italy.
2019 January until October 2021: Deputy Head of the Department of Education, Languages, Intercultures, Literatures, and Psychology, University of Florence.
2016 November until December 2018: Head of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies, University of Florence.
2016 November until December 2018: Member of the Senate of the University of Florence.
2016 November until December 2018: Member of the Teaching Steering Committee of the University of Florence.
2014 until December 2015: Coordinator of the Section of Linguistic and Oriental Studies in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies, University of Florence.
2013 until December 2015: Erasmus Delegate for the School of Humanities. 2014 -2015: President of the Degree Course in Humanistic Sciences for Communication, University of Florence.
Chair and Co-organizer of international conferences and seminars:
Founder and Board Member of the series of conferences on Historical News Discourse (CHINED): The CHINED conferences have been held in Florence (2004), Zurich (2007), Rostock (2012), Helsinki (2014), Porto (Universidade Fernando Pessoa,2015), Sheffield (2017), Barcellona (2019), Augsburg (2022). The aim of CHINED conferences is to promote the communication and discussion of research into the discourse of historical news texts written in the English language. In this primary objective the focus is on linguistic analysis of specific text genres traditionally associated with the domain of news, such as ballads, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, correspondence, histories, annals, etc. The conferences have provided material for four important volumes on historical news: N. Brownlees (ed.), News Discourse in Early Modern Britain (Peter Lang, 2006); A.Jucker (ed.) Early Modern English News Discourse (John Benjamins, 2009); B. Bös and L. Kornexl (ed.), Changing Genre Conventions in Historical English News Discourse, (John Benjamins, 2015); M. Palander-Collin, M. Ratia, I. Taavitsainen (eds), Diachronic Developments in English News Discourse (John Benjamins, 2017), The Role of Context in the Production and Reception of Historical News Discourse, edited by N. Brownlees (Peter Lang, 2021).
2022: Co-organiser, 7th International Conference on Late Modern English, University of Catania – Ragusa, 5-7 May 2022.
2020: Chair and Co-organiser of the international "Anglo-Italian History, 1500-1700: Translating News, Politics and Commerce".
2018: Chair and Co-organiser of the international conference "The Language of Discovery, Exploration and Settlement", 15-16 February (University of Florence, The event was in part funded by the Italian national research grant (PRIN) for the project “Knowledge Dissemination across Media in English: Continuity and change in discourse strategies, ideologies, and epistemologies” (Prot. 2015TJ8ZAS).
2015: Chair and Co-organiser of the international symposium on "News, Pamphlets and Print in Early Modern Europe", University of Florence.
2013: Chair and Co-organiser of the international seminar on “Corpus linguistics and Historical Corpora”, University of Florence.
2009: Co-organiser the international conference on “The language of private and public communication in a historical perspective" (SLIN14), University of Florence.
2004: Chair and co-organiser of “Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED I)”, University of Florence.
Participation in recent research projects and committees:
2023: Scientific Coordinator for the University of Florence research group for the Italian inter-university research project "Discourses and Contexts of Well-being in the History of English" (Prot. 20228JCCPN). The project is financed by the Italian Ministry for University and Research.
2017-2020: Scientific Coordinator for the University of Florence research group for the Italian inter-university research project “Knowledge Dissemination across Media in English: Continuity, Change in Discourse Strategies, Ideologies and epistemologies". (Prot. 2015TJ8ZAS). The project is financed by the Italian Ministry for University and Research.
2013 until today: "The Birth of News. A Program in Early Modern Media Studies" (The Medici Archive Project, Florence: 2011- present: Representative of the University of Florence on the Executive Board of the Interuniversity Research Centre “Corpus and Language Variation in English Research - CLAVIER".
2010-2012: Scientific Coordinator for the University of Florence research group for the Italian inter-university research project “Perception of space in private and public communication: diachronic and synchronic perspectives”. The project was financed by the Italian Ministry for University and Research.
2004-6: Member of the research project “LEXICOM-THETA. Lexical complexity: theoretical definition and technological applications”, an Italian inter-university research project financed by the Italian Ministry for University and Research).
2016:Referee for the Italian Ministry of Education's "Evaluation of Research Quality" (Valutazione della qualità della ricerca (VQR) 2011-2014.
2014: nominated ‘Expert Referee’ by the European Research Council (ERC) in the sector “Study of the Human Past”.
2012: Referee for the Italian Ministry of Education's "Evaluation of Research Quality" (Valutazione della qualità della ricerca (VQR) 2004-2010.
On invitation he has reviewed numerous proposals for journals and publishing houses.
Invited Guest Speaker:
Apart from Italy, he has been invited to give lectures at the Universities of Adam Mickiewicz (Poznan, Poland), Mainz (European Society for the Study of English Conference, 2022), Minho (Braga, Portugal), Kansai (Osaka, Japan), Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), Rostock (Germany), Yonsei (Seoul, South Korea), Zurich (Switzerland).
Papers given at recent conferences (2012-2023):
2023: "Using a newspaper of record for misinformation: The role of translation and the manipulation of news in La Gazette de Londres (1666-1705)", at the international conference "The Language of Fake News", Royal Holloway, University of London.
2017: “The Gazette de Londres (1666-1705): Disseminating news and winning political consensus through translation and manipulation” at the international conference 'Found In Translation: Translation as Cultural Dissemination from the Middle Ages to the New Millennium', University of Bergamo.
2017: “Reporting and Selling Foreign News in England in 1623”, Workshop “Year of the News”, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
2017: “Tracking down the popularisation of exploration”, CHINED VI (Conference on Historical News Discourse VI), University of Sheffield.
2016: “Exploring the Congo through Translation: Nineteenth-century Reappraisal and Translation into English of Filippo Pigafetta’s Relatione del reame di Congo (1591)” University of Catania-Ragusa.
2016: “The concept of periodicity in English pamphlet news”, VIII Convegno SIERS: “L’invenzione delle notizie: Le relaciones de sucesos fra letteratura e informazione (secoli XVI-XVIII), Trento.
2016 : “Judicious and Favourable Reader”: The dynamics of writing and reading news in early modern England, International Conference on Quotidian Cultures of Reading and Writing, (Yonsei University, Seoul)
2016: "Teaching the history of the English language (HEL): Materials, approaches, perspectices", Seminario: 'A Great Feast of Languages': Shakespeare's language and the language(s) of Shakespeare's time, Sapienza, University of Rome.
Please see the list of 'Publications' in the Italian version of the Curriculum:
Founder and Board Member of CHINED (Conference on Historical News Discourse).
Elected member of International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE).
Member of AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica) and the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE).
Compiler of electronic corpus: Co-compiler of the Florence Early English Newspapers (FEEN) corpus. Consisting of 256,000 words, the collection of machine-readable print news texts is divided into subcorpora including the first corantos of 1620-1621, the serialised corantos between 1622-1641, five well-known newsbooks spanning 1642–49, and the adversarial Civil War newsbooks Mercurius Aulicus and Mercurius Britanicus in 1643–44. The corpus can be accessed through The FEEN corpus has been used as a reference corpus by numerous researchers and has been cited in the following recent studies on the history of the English language: A. Bergs and L. Brinton (2012) “English and the media: Newspapers”, in English Historical Linguistics, edited by Alexander Bergs, vol. 1, page 1064, Berlin: de Gruyter; Carol Percy (2012) “Early advertising and newspapers as sources of sociolinguistic investigation”, in The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics, edited by J.M. Hernández-Campoy and J. C. Conde-Silvestre, pages 191-210, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Scientific coordinator for the post doc position (December 2017-November 2018) financed by the Italian University and Research Ministry for the 2015 project "Knowledge Dissemination across Media in English: Continuity, Change in Discourse Strategies, Ideologies and epistemologies", (Prot. 2015TJ8ZAS). The post-doc research project is entitled “Linguistic analysis (with corpus linguistics methodologies) of the transmission and diffusion of specialised knowledge in a diachronic perspective”.
Previous university positions
2001-2015: Associate Professor of English Language and Translation, University of Florence.
1990-2001: Researcher of English Language and Translation, University of Florence.
1988-1990: Language assistant (’Lettore’) of English language, University of Pisa.
1978-1988: Language assistant (’Lettore’) of English language, University of Florence.
Teaching courses:
Please see “Didattica” in the Italian version of this CV.
University education
1974: University of Oxford, Bachelor of Arts, Jurisprudence.
1980: University of Oxford, Master of Arts, Jurisprudence.
1990: Degree in Jurisprudence (Diploma di laurea in giurisprudenza, Università of Pisa, 1990)