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Rossella Bardazzi é professore associato di Politica Economica. Si è laureata presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche “Cesare Alfieri” di Firenze e ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in economia presso l’Università di Siena. Ha svolto periodi di formazione presso l'Università di Oxford (UK) e l'Università del Maryland (USA). Collabora con il network internazionale INFORUM (INterindustry FORecasting at the University of Maryland) e con la International Input-Output Association. I suoi interessi di ricerca riguardano la modellistica multisettoriale, i modelli di microsimulazione, lo studio dei sistemi di domanda, la simulazione di politiche economiche, fiscali e ambientali.
Rossella Bardazzi
Link su ResearchGate
Posizione lavorativa attuale: professore di seconda fascia, Università di Firenze
Studi compiuti1992: Titolo di Dottore di ricerca in Economia Politica conseguito presso l'Università di Siena.1991-1992: Visiting Student in Economics presso l'Università di Oxford (Gran Bretagna).1987: Laurea in Scienze Politiche, Indirizzo Politico - Economico, conseguita presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche "Cesare Alfieri", Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Pubblicazioni recenti (lista completa)
Bardazzi, R., Charlier, D., Legendre, B., and Pazienza, M. G. (2023). “Energy vulnerability in Mediterranean countries: A latent class analysis approach”. Energy Economics, 106883, DOI 10.1016/j.eneco.2023.106883.
Bardazzi, R., Pazienza, M.G. (2023) (eds) Vulnerable Households in the Energy Transition. Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics. Springer, Cham.
Bardazzi, R., Pazienza, M.G. (2023). “Demographic Shifts, Household Energy Needs and Vulnerability”. In: Bardazzi, R., Pazienza, M.G. (eds) Vulnerable Households in the Energy Transition. Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35684-1_3
Bardazzi, R., Pazienza, M.G. (2023). “Vulnerable Households in the Energy Transition”. In: Bardazzi, R., Pazienza, M.G. (eds) Vulnerable Households in the Energy Transition. Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35684-1_1
Bardazzi R., L.Ghezzi (2022) “Large-scale multinational shocks and international trade: a non-zero-sum game”, Economic Systems Research, 34(4), 383-409. DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2021.1949267
Bardazzi R., L.Bortolotti, M.G. Pazienza (2021), “To eat and not to heat? Energy poverty and income inequality in Italian regions.”, Energy Research & Social Science, 73, 101946.
Bardazzi R. (2021), “Multi-country models and international trade: a critical survey”, in Marcucci E. e Magazzino C. (a cura di), Intorno alla politica economica. Saggi per Gian Cesare Romagnoli, Franco Angeli.
Bardazzi R., M.G.Pazienza (2020), “When I was your age: Generational effects on long-run residential energy consumption in Italy”, Energy Research & Social Science, vol. 70, pp. 1-19.
Bardazzi R., L.Ghezzi (2018), “A Multi-Scale System of Macroeconometric Models: the Inforum Approach”, Studies on Russian Economic Development, 29, 598-606.
Bardazzi R., M.G.Pazienza (2018), “Ageing and private transport fuel expenditure: do generations matter?”, Energy Policy, 117, 396-405.
Bardazzi R., L.Ghezzi (2018), “Trade, competitiveness and investment: an empirical assessment”, Economic Systems Research, 1-24,DOI 10.1080/09535314.2018.1446913
Bardazzi, R., M.G.Pazienza (2017), “Switch off the light, please! Energy use, aging population and consumption habits”, Energy Economics, 65, 161-171, DOI 10.1016/j.eneco.2017.04.025.
Bardazzi R., Duranti S. (2016), “Atypical work: a threat to labour productivity growth? Some evidence from Italy”, International Review of Applied Economics, 30(5), 620-643.
Bardazzi R., M.G. Pazienza, A. Tonini (Eds) (2016), European Energy and Climate Security. Public Policies, Energy Sources, and Eastern Partners, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21302-6, Springer.
Bardazzi R., M.G. Pazienza, A. Tonini (2016), “Enhancing European Energy and Climate Security: Eastern Strategic Partners, Unconventional Sources and Public Policies”, in Bardazzi R., M.G. Pazienza, A. Tonini (Eds), European Energy and Climate Security. Public Policies, Energy Sources, and Eastern Partners, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21302-6_1, Springer,1-9.
Bardazzi R., M.G. Pazienza (2016), “Public Policies and the Energy Mix in Italy: Where Do We Stand?”, in Bardazzi R., M.G. Pazienza, A. Tonini (Eds), European Energy and Climate Security. Public Policies, Energy Sources, and Eastern Partners, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21302-6_12, Springer, 265-297.
Bardazzi R., L.Ghezzi (2015), “Towards a New INFORUM Bilateral Trade Model: Data Issues and Modelling Equations”, in Meade D.S. (Ed.), In Quest of the Craft: Economic Modeling for the 21st Century, Firenze University Press, 3-42.
Bardazzi R., M.G.Pazienza, F. Oropallo (2015),“Do manufacturing firms react to energy prices? Evidence from Italy”, Energy Economics, Vol.49, May, 168-181.
Bardazzi R., M.G.Pazienza (2014), “Energy mix and energy taxation: a comparison between the EU, Italy and Turkey”, Perceptions, Vol. XIX, n.3, 81-100.
Bardazzi R., M.G.Pazienza (2014), “Non-municipal waste generation and firm performance”, International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics, Vol.22, n.2, 89-106.
Bardazzi R., M.G.Pazienza (2014), “Carbon pricing and distributional effects on firms: a methodological survey”, in Tiezzi S. and C.Martini (Eds), Is the environment a luxury? An inquiry into the relationship between environment and income, Routledge, 128-156.
Seminari e presentazioni a convegni (ultimi anni)
2023: “The snowball effect in a globalized economy. The contribution of different sources of inflation” (conT. Ferraresi (IRPET) e L.Ghezzi (IRPET)) presentato alla 29th International Input-Output Conference, Luglio, Alghero, Italy.
2022: “Energy transition and social sustainability of carbon pricing in Italy” (con M.G.Pazienza) presentato alla 14ma Conferenza della European Society of Ecological Economics, Pisa, Giugno. “Environmental taxes and transport fuel consumption choices” (con M.G.Pazienza) presentato alla 23ma Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, Parma, Settembre.
2021: “Large-scale multinational shocks and international trade: a non-zero-sum game” (con L.Ghezzi) presentato alla 62ma Riunione annuale della Società Italiana di Economia, Ottobre 2021.
2020: “Energy poverty and income inequality in Italian regions” (con L.Bortolotti, M.G.Pazienza) presentato alla 61ma Riunione annuale della Società Italiana degli Economisti, Ottobre 2020.
2019: “Tariffs and exchange rate elasticities in international trade. A bilateral trade analysis” (con L.Ghezzi), “Population Ageing, Cohort Effects and Personal Consumption Expenditure” presentato alla 27th International Input-Output Conference, 2-5 Luglio 2019, Glasgow, UK. “When I Was Your Age... Population Dynamics and Household Energy Consumption” (con M.G. Pazienza) presentato alla 60ma Riunione annuale della Società Italiana degli Economisti, 24-26 Ottobre 2019, Palermo.
2018: “Exchange Rate and Trade Elasticities: A Multisectoral and Multicountry Analysis” (con L.Ghezzi), presentato alla 26th International Input-Output Conference, 25-29 Giugno 2018, Juiz de Fora, Brasile.
2017: “Aging and transport-related energy use: do generations matter?” (con M.G.Pazienza), presentato a: 5th International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues (ISEFI-2017), Maggio, Parigi; International Microsimulation Association 2017 World Congress, Giugno, Torino; 15th IAEE European Conference, Settembre, Vienna.“International competitiveness and investment: simulations with BTM” (con L.Ghezzi) presentato alla XXV INFORUM World Conference, Riga (Lettonia), Agosto; 58th Riunione Scientifica Aannuale – Società Italiana degli Economisti, Università della Calabria, 19-21 Ottobre 2017.
2016: “BTM 3.0 Ready, steady, go!”(con L.Ghezzi), presentato alla XXIV INFORUM World Conference, Osnabrueck (Germania), Agosto. “Switch off the light, please! Energy consumption, ageing population and consumption habits”, (con M.G. Pazienza), presentato al First AIEE Energy Symposium, Milano.
2015: “Modelling bilateral international trade flows. The INFORUM Legacy”, (con L. Ghezzi, D. S.Meade), presentato alla XXIII International Input-Output Conference, Mexico City, Giugno. “Estimating bilateral trade shares: preliminary results with Inforum BTM 3.0”, (con L.Ghezzi), presentato alla XXIII INFORUM World Conference, Bangkok, Agosto. “Effects on bilateral international trade on some strategic sectors in China”, (con L.Ghezzi), presentato alla International Conference on Regional Economic Development, Fudan University, Shanghai, Settembre. “Switch off the light, please! Energy consumption, ageing population and consumption habits”, (con M.G. Pazienza), presentato al Fifth World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association, Luxemburg, Settembre.
Progetti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali
2023-2025: Referente Unità locale del progetto PRIN 2022 "Multi-sectoral Integrated Modeling platform for planning national transition pathways (MIMO)", principal investigator Matteo V. Rocco (POLIMI).
2023-2025: Partecipante unità locale UNIFI del progetto PRIN-PNRR "Taxation and public finance in the transition towards a sustainable economic development, principal investigator Valerio Ficari (Università di Tor Vergata).
2019-2023: “HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies” (HOPPER), Jean Monnet Chair (610775-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR)
2012-2015: “Empowering Europe: Energy, Security and Environment”, Jean Monnet Programme, Key Activity 1, (528886-LLP-2012-IT-AJM-MO)
2001-2004: “Development of a System of Indicators on Competitiveness and Fiscal Impact on Enterprise Performance, DIECOFIS”, (IST-2000-31125), progetto coordinato dall’Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT), partecipanti: Inland Revenue (Gran Bretagna), London School of Economics (Gran Bretagna), University of Cambridge (Gran Bretagna), Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Università di Firenze, Centro di Ricerca Economica e Sociale, European Commission Joint Research Center. Partecipazione all’unità locale dell’Università di Firenze, coordinata da V.Patrizii.
2000-2001: “Eastern Enlargement of the EU: Economic costs and benefits for the current EU Member States”, (reference BUDG/B1/0001) (coordinatore M.Grassini)
Altre attività
Dal 2018: Membro eletto del Council della International Input-Output Association.
Dal 2013: Responsabile del Comitato scientifico “Structural Economics” presso la Firenze University Press.
Dal 1990 è research fellow del gruppo INFORUM (Interindustry Forecasting Project University of Maryland).
Referee per le seguenti riviste internazionali: Economic Systems Research, Energy Policy, Energy Economics, Economia Politica, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Journal of Economic Policy, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, Energy Journal, Energy Research & Social Science, SN Business & Economics.
Modelli econometrici multisettoriali, sistemi di domanda, politiche ambientali e comportamento di impresa, microsimulazione
Attività della International Input-output Association https://www.iioa.org/
Rossella Bardazzi is associate professor at the University of Florence. She holds a PhD in Economics at the University of Siena. She is research fellow at INFORUM (Interindustry Forecasting at the University of Maryland) and she has evaluated the economic effects of 2004 EU enlargement with these multisectoral models in a study for the European Commission. As expert in multisectoral modelling, she belongs to the International Input-output Association (IIOA) for which she has been elected as a council member. She has been involved in the EU-funded DIECOFIS project of building microsimulation models for firms to evaluate fiscal reforms (including environmental taxes) which are very high on the European agenda. More recently, she has studied empirical issues related to the effects of market-based tools on energy consumption of firms and households. She has been the coordinator of a Jean Monnet Module in the years 2012-2015 “Empowering Europe: Energy, Security and Environment”. She has many-years’ experience in lecturing both at the undergraduate and at the graduate level. Her teaching activities have largely been focussed on European economic issues including the European economic governance and the EU energy markets. She is Jean Monnet Chair (2019-2022) of the project “HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies” (HOPPER)
Link to ReaserchGate
Office: Department of Economics and Management, Via delle Pandette 21, 50127, Firenze.
E-mail rossella.bardazzi@unifi.it
Current position:
- Associate professor in Political Economics , University of Florence.
Education1992: Ph.D in Economics, University of Siena.1991-1992: Visiting Student in Economics, University di Oxford (UK).1987: Degree in Political Sciences summa cum laude, University of Firenze.
Main research fieldsMultisectoral modelling, indirect taxation, household behaviour and demographics, microsimulation modelling, taxation on firms.
Recent Publications
Bardazzi R. (2021), “Multi-country models and international trade: a critical survey”, in Marcucci E. e Magazzino C. (eds), Intorno alla politica economica. Saggi per Gian Cesare Romagnoli, Franco Angeli.
Bardazzi R., M.G.Pazienza (2020), “When I was your age: Generational effects on long-run residential energy consumption in Italy.”, Energy Research & Social Science, 70, 1-19.
Bardazzi R., M.G.Pazienza, F. Oropallo (2015), “Do manufacturing firms react to energy prices? Evidence from Italy”, Energy Economics, Vol.49, May, 168-181.
Recent conferences and seminars
2023: “The snowball effect in a globalized economy. The contribution of different sources of inflation” (with T. Ferraresi (IRPET) e L.Ghezzi (IRPET)) presented at the 29th International Input-Output Conference, July, Alghero, Italy.
2022: “Energy transition and social sustainability of carbon pricing in Italy” (with M.G.Pazienza) presented at the 14th Conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics, Pisa, June. “Environmental taxes and transport fuel consumption choices” (con M.G.Pazienza) presented at the 23rd Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, Parma, September.
2021: “Large-scale multinational shocks and international trade: a non-zero-sum game” (with L.Ghezzi) presented at the 62th Annual meeting of the Italian Economic Association, October 2021.
2020: “Energy poverty and income inequality in Italian regions” (with L.Bortolotti, M.G.Pazienza) presentated at the 61st Annual meeting of the Italian Economic Association, October 2020.
2019: “Tariffs and exchange rate elasticities in international trade. A bilateral trade analysis” (with L.Ghezzi), “Population Ageing, Cohort Effects and Personal Consumption Expenditure” presented at the 27th International Input-Output Conference, 2-5 July 2019, Glasgow, UK. “When I Was Your Age... Population Dynamics and Household Energy Consumption” (with M.G. Pazienza) presented at the Annual meeting of Italian Economic Association, 24-26 October 2019, Palermo, Italy.
2018: “Exchange Rate and Trade Elasticities: A Multisectoral and Multicountry Analysis” (with L.Ghezzi), presented at the 26th International Input-Output Conference, 25th-29th June 2018, Juiz de Fora, Brazil.
2017: “Aging and transport-related energy use: do generations matter?” (with M.G.Pazienza), paper presented at the 5th International Symposium on Environment and Energy Finance Issues (ISEFI-2017), May, Paris; International Microsimulation Association 2017 World Congress, June, Turin; 15th IAEE European Conference, September, Vienna. “International competitiveness and investment: simulations with BTM” (with L.Ghezzi) paper presented at the XXV INFORUM World Conference, Riga (Latvia), August; 58th Annual Scientific Meeting – Association of Italian Economists, University of Calabria, 19-21 October 2017.
2016: “BTM 3.0 Ready, steady, go!”(with L.Ghezzi), paper presented at the XXIV INFORUM World Conference, Osnabrueck (Germany), August. “Switch off the light, please! Energy consumption, ageing population and consumption habits”, (with M.G. Pazienza), paper presented at the First AIEE Energy Symposium, Milan.
2015: “Modelling bilateral international trade flows. The INFORUM Legacy”, (with L. Ghezzi, D. S.Meade), paper presented at the XXIII International Input-Output Conference, Mexico City, June. “Estimating bilateral trade shares: preliminary results with Inforum BTM 3.0”, (with L.Ghezzi), paper presented at the XXIII INFORUM World Conference, Bangkok, August. “Effects on bilateral international trade on some strategic sectors in China”, (with L.Ghezzi), paper presented at the International Conference on Regional Economic Development, Fudan University, Shanghai, September. “Switch off the light, please! Energy consumption, ageing population and consumption habits”, (with M.G. Pazienza), paper presented at the Fifth World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association, Luxemburg, September.
Recent National and International Research Projects
2023-2025: Coordinator of the local research unit, project PRIN 2022 "Multi-sectoral Integrated Modeling platform for planning national transition pathways (MIMO)", principal investigator Matteo V. Rocco (POLIMI).
2023-2025: Participant of the local research unit, project PRIN-PNRR "Taxation and public finance in the transition towards a sustainable economic development, principal investigator Valerio Ficari (University Rome Tor Vergata).
2019-2023: “HOuseholds' energy Poverty in the EU: PERspectives for research and policies” (HOPPER), Jean Monnet Chair (610775-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR).
Other activities
2018-present: : Elected Council Member of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA).
2013 - present: Director of the Scientific Committe “Structural Economics” at the Firenze University Press.
Research Fellow of INFORUM (Interindustry Forecasting at University of Maryland).
Referee for the following scientific journals: Economic Systems Research, Energy Policy, Energy Economics, Economia Politica, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Journal of Economic Policy, Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, Energy Journal, Energy Research & Social Science, SN Business & Economics.
Multisectoral econometric modelling, demand systems, environmental policies and firm behaviour, microsimulation
Activities of the International Input-output Association https://www.iioa.org/