Tutti i giorni dalle 9,30 all13,00 previo appuntamento
Formazione e carriera:
1970: Maturità Classica
1975: Laurea in Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche presso l’Università di Firenze, 110 e lode;
1976: Laurea in Farmacia presso l’Università di Firenze, 110 e lode;
1977-1980: borsista CNR nel campo delle Scienze Chimiche presso l'Istituto di Chimica Farmaceutica e Tossicologica dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze;
1981-1991: Ricercatore Confermato per il gruppo di discipline "Farmaceutica Applicata" presso la Facoltà di Farmacia dell’Università di Firenze;
1992-2000: Professore Associato
2001-2022: Professore Ordinario per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare CHIM/09 “Farmaceutico Tecnologico Applicativo”
2022 ad oggi: Professore Ordinario Emerito
Incarichi accademici:
Attività didattica
1977-1990: lezioni per i corsi di Tecnica e Legislazione Farmaceutica, Impianti e Macchinario Farmaceutico
1983-1990: Esercitazioni teoriche per il Corso di Tecnica e Legislazione Farmaceutica;
1978-1982: assistenza esercitazioni di laboratorio del Corso di Esercitazioni di Chimica Farmaceutica e Tossicologica II (CTF)
1983-1985: assistenza esercitazioni di laboratorio del Corso di Tecnica e Legislazione Farmaceutica;
1986-1990: assistenza alle Esercitazioni di laboratorio del Corso di Analisi Chimico-Farmaceutica II (Analisi quantitativa) (CTF)
1991-2022: titolare del corso di “Chimica Farmaceutica Applicata” (CTF)
1995-2000: titolare del corso di “Biofarmaceutica e Farmacocinetica I” della Scuola di Specializzazione in Farmacia Ospedaliera
2001-2008: titolar del corso di “Tecnologia, Socio-Economia e Legislazione Farmaceutiche” (CTF)
2011-2015: titolare del corso di impianti dell'Industria Farmaceutica (CTF) mutuato con Tecnica e Impianti dell'Industria Farmaceutica (SFA)
1985-2022: relatore o correlatore di oltre 160 tesi sperimentali di Laurea in CTF e Farmacia
1993-2022: docente supervisore di 11 tesi di Dottorato
Attribuzione di incarichi ufficial presso atenei italiani e esteri, e MIUR
Altri incarichi Accademici nazionali e internazionali
Altre Attività
-membro di varie Società Scientifiche, quali SCI (Società Chimica Italiana), ADRITELF (Associazione Docenti e Ricercatori Italiani di Tecnica e Legislazione Farmaceutiche, sezione italiana CRS-IT (Controlled Release Society) e CDTEC (Associazione di Chimica e Tecnologia delle Ciclodestrine)
- referee di numerose riviste internazionali nell'ambito Tecnologico-farmaceutico
- chairman di Congressi Nazionali e Internazionali
- membro di Comitati Scientifici e/o Organizzatore di Congressi Nazionali e Internazionali
Responsabilità scientifica per progetti di ricerca
- 1996-2022: Responsabile scientifico di progetti di ricerca annualmente finanziati dall'Università di Firenze (ex 60%): Tutti i progetti riguardano studi di preformulazione per l'ottimizzazione di famaci in forme farmaceutiche
- Partecipazione ai seguenti programmi di ricerca finanziati:
- Responsabile Scientifico locale del progetto internazionale: Investigacion y desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos (progetto ALFA) - (24 mesi)
Convenzioni di Ricerca con Aziende
2001-2004 Convenzione ricerca con ACTIMEX
2007-2008: convenzione ricerca con ENDURA
2007-2009: Convenzione ricerca con Recordati
2005-2009 Convenzione ricerca con Colorobbia
2014-2015 Convenzione ricerca con Coloplast
2017-2018 Convenzione ricerca con Assobiomedica
2019 -2020 Convenzione ricerca con Stragen
Pubblicazioni Scientifiche
Autore di oltre 220 pubblicazioni su quotate riviste scientifiche internazionali (>9000 citazioni, h-Index Scopus 57) (vedi Pubblicazioni)
Principali campi di ricerca:
L’attività di ricerca è mirata all’ottimizzazione del farmaco in formulazioni farmaceutiche, allo scopo di migliorarne efficacia terapeutica, stabilità e sicurezza nell’uso, e allo sviluppo di innovative forme di dosaggio, per ottenere un controllo temporale e/o spaziale del rilascio del farmaco.
Le principali linee di ricerca seguite per raggiungere i suddetti obiettivi riguardano:
- Preparazione caratterizzazione chimico-fisica e valutazione biofarmaceutica di complessi farmaco-ciclodestrina, o dispersioni solide farmaco-carrier o sistemi ottenuti per attivazione meccano-chimica. allo scopo di modificarne favorevolmente proprietà quali solubilità in acqua, stabilità, ecc.
- Realizzazione, caratterizzazione e valutazione di formulazioni innovative di forme farmaceutiche solide per os (in particolare del tipo a "matrice"), semisolide (gel, film, patches, ecc, sia per uso topico che transdermico), e liquide (microemulsioni)
- Studi dell’effetto di variabili di formulazione sul rilascio del farmaco da forme farmaceutiche solide (matrici a rilascio protratto o controllato o sito-mirato, ecc.), o semisolide (gel, film, patches, ecc.) o liquide (microemulsioni, ecc.)
- Vettorizzazione di farmaci in sistemi micro e nanoparticellari (liposomi, niosomi, microsfere, nanoparticelle polimeriche, nanocarrier lipidici (LNC), nanoparticelle solido-lipidiche (SLN), micelle a base di polimeri anfifili), sfruttando anche l’uso combinato di più strategie (es. farmaci - in ciclodestrine - in liposomi o in nanoparticelle) per somministrazione orale o topica
- Sviluppo di sistemi per somministrazione orale a rilascio colon-specifico basati sull’uso di biopolimeri, sfruttando approcci formulativi combinati quali pH- e/o tempo-dipendenza e attivazione da parte della micro-flora batterica colonica
- Sviluppo di sistemi buccali mucoadesivi per azione locale o sistemica quali compresse, patches, o films a base idonei biopolimeri
- Sviluppo di formulazioni per la veicolazione di farmaci e peptidi a livello del SNC
- Utilizzo di tecniche di disegno sperimentale al fine di valutare l’importanza delle diverse variabili di formulazione e applicazione del "Quality by Design" e di strategie multivariate per l'ottimizzazione delle varie formulazioni farmaceutiche sviluppate
Collaborazioni Nazionali e Internazionali:
- Prof. G.P. Bettinetti, e prof. Milena Sorrenti, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Università di Pavia
- Prof. A.M. Rabasco e Prof. M. Luisa Gonzales Rodriguez, Università di Siviglia
- Prof. N. Zerrouk, Univesité Paris Descartes (Paris V), Parigi
- Prof. M.D. Veiga, Università Complutense Madrid
- Prof. Antonio Almeida, Università di Lisbon
- Prof. Mario Jug, Università di Zagabria
- Prof. Maria Josè Alonso, Università di Santiago de Compostela
- Prof. Cesar Viseras, Università di Granada, Spagna
- Prof. Santiago Daniel Palma, Univ. Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina
Premi e riconoscimenti per l'attività scientifica
2006: Premio Vespucci (Ricerca, Innovazione Etica in Toscana) per il progetto "Smart Test"
Trasferimento tecnologico per Brevetti e partecipazione a Spin Off
- Patent, prot. n.1.216.269, Firenze, 22/2/90, Complesso di inclusione di un derivato dell'acido 4-metossii¬softalico con beta-ciclodestrina con attività antipiastrinica, P. Mura, A. Liguori
- Patent n. P 2005 01331, Santiago de Compostela, 11 ottobre 2005, Nanopartículas que comprenden quitosano y ciclodextrinas, F.Maestrelli, M.Garcia Fuentes,M.J. Alonso, P.Mura
- U.S. Patent Application N. 11/916,283"Nanoparticles comprising chitosan and cyclodextrins, December 1, 2007, F.Maestrelli, M.Garcia Fuentes,M.J. Alonso, P.Mura
- Partecipazione allo Spin Off accademico Techno Quality Care Lab (TQC Lab)
NAME: Mura, Paola Angela
Full Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology
University of Florence, Faculty of Pharmacy
1977-1981 CNR research grant in Chemical Sciences, Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Institute, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Florence, Italy
1982-1992 tenure researcher in Applied Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Florence, Italy
1992-2001 Assoc. Professor, Dept. Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Florence, I
2001-2012 Full Professor, Dept. Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Florence, I
2013-2022 Full Professor, Dept. Chemistry, School of Human Health Sciences, University of Florence, I
2023-present Emeritus Full Professor, Dept. Chemistry, School of Human Health Sciences, University of Florence, I
Appointments at the University of Florence
1993- 2012: teaching staff member of post-degree Doctorate in “Chemistry and technology of the drug”
2012-present: teaching staff member of post-degree Doctorate in “Drug area and innovative treatments”
1998-2013t: Intern. Relationships Responsible;-Erasmus Delegate, Faculty of Pharmacy.
2007-2010 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy
2013-2022: Intern. Relationships Responsible and Erasmus Delegate School of Human Health Sciences
2013-2022: Member of Council of Chemistry Department
2013-2021: Member of Internal Commission of Auto-evaluation of Chemistry Department
National and International Appointments
1998: Member of the Commission of European PhD at the University of Sevilla, Spain
2002: Member of the Commission of PhD at the University of Siena, Italy
2002: Member of the Commission of European PhD at the University of Sevilla, Spain
2004: Member of the Commission of European PhD at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
2005: teacher at European Summer School, Université René Descartes
2008: teacher at Master in "Ciencia, Tecnologia y Uso Racional del Medicamento”, Univ. Sevilla
2009: Member of the Commission of PhD at the University of Milan, Italy
2010: teacher at International Summer School on Cyclodextrins, University of Sassari
2011: teacher at Master in "Ciencia y Tecnologia Farmacéuticas y uso racional del Medicamento”, Univ. Sevilla
2012-2014: Member National Commission Scientific Qualification University Professor (SSD CHIM/09)
Research activity
Author of more than 220 Publications on known and qualified Scientific Journals and 250 Communications to national and international Congresses.>9000 citations, h-Index Scopus 57
Main research interests are aimed at drug optimization in pharmaceutical formulations (for improving its efficacy, stability and safety) and at the development of innovative dosage forms (for obtaining controlled and/or targeted drug release) in order to achieve safer and more effective drug utilization. Different research lines, exploiting different approaches and technologies, are followed to reach these objectives:
- Improvement of unfavourable drug physicochemical properties through preparation of drug-cyclodextrin complexes or drug-carrier solid dispersions or mechano-chemically activated systems:
Drug-carrier solid systems are prepared by various methods and the effect of the preparation method on the physico-chemical properties of the system is evaluated. Drug-excipient interactions are investigated in depth both in solution (phase-solubility studies, U.V. spectrophotometry, fluorescence, circular dichroism, NMR, etc.) and in the solid state (DSC, TGA, HSM, optical microscopy, SEM, FTIR, NIR, X-ray diffraction, etc.).
Molecular modelling studies are performed to study the host-guest geometrical and/or conformational structure of drug-cyclodextrin complexes. Dissolution rate studies are carried out according to USP Apparatus I, II and IV. Diffusion test across artificial membranes are performed to simulate biological absorption.
- Preparation, characterization and evaluation of innovative formulations:
- Studies of the effects of formulation variables on drug release from solid (controlled/sustained-release matrices, etc.) semisolid (gel, patches, films, etc.) or liquid (microemulsions) pharmaceutical forms.
- vectorisation of drugs in micro- or nano-particle systems (liposomes, niosomes, microspheres, polymeric nanoparticles, lipid nanocarriers, solid-lipid nanoparticles, micelles), also by exploiting combined strategies (such as drug-in cyclodextrin-in liposome or in SLN or NLC) for oral or topic administration.;
- development of colon-targeted systems for oral administration based on the use of biopolymers and exploiting combined approaches such as pH- and/or time-dependency and triggering by the colonic bacterial micro-flora;
- development of bio-adhesive buccal systems for local or systemic action based on the use of films, patches, gels or tablets consisting of suitable biocompatible biodegradable polymers;
-development of formulations for delivery of drugs and peptides to SNC.
During these studies, Experimental Design strategies are applied to investigate with a multi-varied approach the possible interactions between the different formulation and process factors, and to find, with the minimum number of experiments, the best conditions in order to optimize the formulation and obtain products of predefined and constant quality, according to the Quality by Design (QbD)concept.
Each formulation type is carefully characterized by specific kinds of analysis, depending on the type of preparation examined. In particular, the drug release profiles are determined by in vitro methods (USP Apparatus I, II and IV) in the presence or not of enzymes, and permeation properties are determined by in vitro diffusion tests through artificial lipophilic membranes or excised rat skin or porcine mucosa. Experimental design techniques are used to identify the critical formulation variables and optimise their values to reach the prefixed goals.
Selected publications of last fifteen years
1 Cirri, M., F. Maestrelli, N. Mennini, P. Mura, Physical-chemical characterization of binary and ternary systems of ketoprofen with cyclodextrins and phospholipids, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 50 (2009) 683-689.
2 Cirri, M., F. Maestrelli, N. Mennini, P. Mura, Influence of the preparation method on the physical-chemical properties of ketoprofen-cyclodextrin-phosphatidylcholine ternary systems, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 50 (2009) 690-694.
3 Maestrelli F., G. Capasso, M.L. González-Rodríguez, A.M. Rabasco, C. Ghelardini, P. Mura, Effect of preparation technique on the properties and in vivo efficacy of benzocaine-loaded ethosomes, J. Lipos. Res. 19 (2009) 1-8.
4 M. Jug, F. Maestrelli, M. Bragagni, P. Mura,Preparation and solid state characterization of bupivacaine hydrochloride cyclodextrin complexes aimed for buccal delivery, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 52(2010) 9-18.
5 P. Mura, G. Corti, M. Cirri, F. Maestrelli, N. Mennini, M. Bragagni, Development of mucoadhesive films for buccal administration of flufenamic acid: effect of cyclodextrin complexation, J. Pharm. Sci. 99 (2010) 3019-3029.
6 F. Maestrelli, M.L. Gonzalez Rodriguez, A.M. Rabasco, C. Ghelardini, P. Mura, New "Drug –in cyclodextrin-in deformable liposomes" formulations to improve the therapeutic efficacy of local anaesthetics, Int. J. Pharm.395 (2010) 222-231.
7 M. Bragagni, F. Maestrelli, N. Mennini, C. Ghelardini, P. Mura, Liposomal formulations of prilocaine: effect of complexation with hydroxypropyl-ß-cyclodextrin on drug anaesthetic efficacy, J. Lipos. Res. 20 (2010) 315-322.
8 P. Mura, F. Maestrelli, M. Cecchi, A. Almeida, Development of a new delivery system consisting in "drug-in cyclodextrin-in PLGA nanoparticles, J. Microencaps. 27 (2010) 479-486.
9 S. Furlanetto, M. Cirri, N. Mennini, P. Mura, Mixture experiment methods in the development and optimization of microemulsion formulations, J. Pharm. Biopharm. 55 (2011) 610-617.
10 F. Maestrelli, M. Cirri, N. Mennini, N. Zerrouk, P. Mura Improvement of oxaprozin solubility and permeability by the combined use of cyclodextrin, chitosan, and bile components. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 78, (2011) 385-393.
11 P. Mura, M. Valleri, M. Cirri, N. Mennini, New solid self-microemulsifying systems to enhance dissolution rate of poorly water soluble drugs, Pharm. Dev. Technol. 17 (2012) 277-284.
12 M. Bragagni, N. Mennini, C. Ghelardini, P. Mura, Development and characterization of niosomal formulations of doxorubicin aimed at brain targeting, J. Pharm. Pharmaceut. Sci. 15 (2012)184-196.
13 M. Cirri, M. Bragagni, N. Mennini, P. Mura, Development of a new delivery system consisting in "drug - In cyclodextrin - In nanostructured lipid carriers" for ketoprofen topical delivery, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 80 (2012) 46-53.
14 N. Mennini, S. Furlanetto, M. Cirri, P. Mura., Quality by design approach for developing chitosan-Ca-alginate microspheres for colon delivery of celecoxib-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin-PVP complex, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 80 (2012) 67-75.
15 M. Jug, F. Maestrelli, P. Mura, Native and polymeric ß-cyclodextrins in performance improvement of chitosan films aimed for buccal delivery of poorly soluble drugs J. Incl. Macrocycl Chem, 74(2012)87-97.
16 F. Maestrelli, M. Cirri, N. Mennini, M. Bragagni, N. Zerrouk, P. Mura, Influence of cross-linking agent type and chitosan content on the performance of pectinate-chitosan beads aimed for colon-specific drug delivery, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm. 38 (2012) 1142-1151.
17 M. Jug, I. Kosalec, F. Maestrelli, P. Mura, Development of low methoxy amidated pectin-based mucoadhesive patches for buccal delivery of triclosan: effect of cyclodextrin complexation, Carbohydr. Polym. 90 (2012) 1794-1803.
18 M. Bragagni, N. Mennini, F. Maestrelli, M. Cirri, P. Mura, Comparative study of liposomes, transfersomes and ethosomes as carriers for improving topical delivery of celecoxib, Drug Deliv. 19 (2012) 354-361.
19 M. Bragagni, C. Beneitez, C. Martìn, D.H.Perez de la Ossa, P. Mura, M.E. Gil-Alegre, Selection of PLA polymers for the development of injectable prilocaine controlled release microparticles: usefulness of thermal analysis, Int. J. Pharm.,441 (2013) 468-475.
20 N. Mennini, S. Furlanetto, M. Bragagni, C. Ghelardini, L. Di Cesare Mannelli, P. Mura, Development of a chitosan-derivative micellar formulation to improve celecoxib solubility and bioavailability, Drug Dev. Ind. Pharm. 40 (2014) 1494-1502.
21 M. Jug, N. Mennini, K.E. Kover, P. Mura, Comparative analysis of binary and ternary cyclodextrin complexes with econazole nitrate in solution and in the solid state J. Pharm. Biomed.Anal. 91(2014)8191.
22 M. Bragagni, N. Mennini, S. Furlanetto, S.Orlandini, C. Ghelardini, P. Mura, Development and characterization of functionalized niosomes for brain ttargeting of dynorphin-B, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 87 (2014) 73-79.
23 P. Mura, Analytical techniques for characterization of cyclodextrin complexes in solution: A review, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 101 (2014) 238-250
24 P. Mura, M. Bragagni, N. Mennini, M. Cirri, F. Maestrelli, Development of liposomal and microemulsion formulations for transdermal delivery of clonazepam: Effect of randomly-methylated ß-cyclodextrin, Int. J. Pharm. 475 (2014) 306-314.
25 P. Mura, N. Mennini, I. Kosalec, S. Furlanetto, S. Orlandini, M. Jug, Amidated pectin-based wafers for econazole buccal delivery: formulation optimization and antimicrobial efficacy estimation, Carbohydr. Polym. 121 (2015) 231-240.
26 P. Mura, Analytical techniques for characterization of cyclodextrin compexes in the solid state: A review, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 113 (2015) 226-238
27 F. Maestrelli, N. Zerrouk, M. Cirri, P. Mura, Comparative evaluation of polymeric and waxy microspheres for combined colon delivery of ascorbic acid and ketoprofen Int. J. Pharm. 485 (2015) 365-373.
28 M. Cirri, F. Maestrelli, N. Mennini, P. Mura, Combined use of bile acids and aminoacids to improve permeation properties of acyclovir, Int. J. Pharm. 490 (2015) 351-359
29 M. Bragagni, A. Scozzafava, A. Mastrolorenzo, C.T. Supuran, P. Mura, Development and ex-vivo evaluation of 5-aminolevulinic acid-loaded niosomal formulations for topical photodynamic therapy, Int. J. Pharm. 494 (2015) 258-263
30 M. Bragagni, M. Bozdag, F. Carta, A. Scozzafava, C. Lanzi, E. Masini, P. Mura, C.T. Supuran Cyclodextrin complexation highly enhances efficacy of arylsulfonylureido benzenesulfonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors as a topical antiglaucoma agents, Bioorg. Med. Chem. 23 (2015) 6223-6227.
31 L.M.D. Gonçalves, F. Maestrelli, L.C. Mannelli, C. Ghelardini, A.J. Almeida, P. Mura, Development of solid lipid nanoparticles as carriers for improving oral bioavailability of glibenclamide .Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 102 (2016) 41-50.
32 N. Mennini, G. Casella, M. Cirri, F. Maestrelli. P. Mura, Development of cyclodextrin hydrogels for vaginal delivery of dehydroepiandrosterone, J. Pharm. Phrmacol. 68 (2016) 762-771.
33 M. Cirri, A. Roghi, M. Valleri, P. Mura, Development and characterization of fast-dissolving tablet formulations of glyburide based on solid self-microemulsifying systems, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 104 (2016) 19-29.
34 F. Maestrelli, M. Bragagni, P. Mura, Advanced formulations for improving therapies with anti- inflammatory or anaesthetic drugs: A review, J. Drug Deliv. Sci. Tech. 32 (2016) 192-205.
35 P. Mura, F. Maestrelli, C. Aguzzi, C. Viseras Iborra, Hybrid systems based on "drug - in cyclodextrin - in nanoclays" for improving oxaprozin dissolution properties, Int. J. Pharm. 509 (2016) 8-15
36 N. Mennini, F. Maestrelli, M. Cirri, P. Mura, Analysis of physicochemical properties of ternary systems of oxaprozin with randomly methylated-ß-cyclodextrin and l-arginine aimed to improve the drug solubility, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 129 (2016) 350–358.
37 P. Mura, M. Cirri, N. Mennini, G. Casella, F. Maestrelli, Polymeric mucoadhesive tablets for topical or systemic buccal delivery of clonazepam: effect of cyclodextrin complexation, Carbohydr. Polym. 152 (2016) 755-763.
38 N. Mennini, M. Cirri, F. Maestrelli, P. Mura, Comparison of liposomal and NLC (nanostructured lipid carrier) formulations for improving the transdermal delivery of oxaprozin: effect of cyclodextrin complexation. Int. J. Pharm. 515 (2016) 684-691.
39 M. Cirri, N. Mennini, F. Maestrelli, P. Mura, C. Ghelardini, L. Di Cesare Mannelli, Development and in vivo evaluation of an innovative “Hydrochlorothiazide-in Cyclodextrins-in Solid Lipid Nanoparticles” formulation with sustained release and enhanced oral bioavailability for potential hypertension treatment in pediatrics, Int. J. Pharm. 521 (2017) 73-83
40 F. Maestrelli, P. Mura, M. Cirri, N. Mennini, C. Ghelardini, L. Di Cesare Mannelli, Development and characterization of fast dissolving tablets of oxaprozin based on hybrid systems of the drug with cyclodextrins and nanoclays, Int. J. Pharm. 531 (2017) 640-649.
41 F. Maestrelli, P. Mura, M.L. González-Rodríguez, M.J. Cózar-Bernal, A.M. Rabasco, L. Di Cesare Mannelli, C. Ghelardini, Calcium alginate microspheres containing metformin hydrochloride niosomes and chitosomes aimed for oral therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus, Int. J. Pharm. 530 (2017) 430-439.
42 P. Mura, N. Mennini, C. Nativi, B. Richichi, In situ mucoadhesive-thermosensitive liposomal gel as a novel vehicle for nasal extended delivery of opiorphin, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 122 (2018) 54-61.
43 A.M. Romero, F. Maestrelli, P. Mura, A.M. Rabasco, M.L. Gonzalez-Rodriguez. Novel Findings about Double-Loaded Curcuminin HPbcyclodextrin-in Liposomes: Effects on the Lipid Bilayer and Drug Release. Pharmaceutics, 10 (2018) 1-27.
50 P. Mura, N. Mennini, C. Nativi, B. Richichi. In situ mucoadhesive-thermosensitive liposomal gel as a novel vehicle for nasal extended delivery of opiorphin. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm 122, (2018) 54-61.
44 Bragagni M, Gil-Alegre ME, Mura P, Cirri M, Ghelardini C, Di Cesare Mannelli L. Improving the therapeutic efficacy of prilocaine by PLGA microparticles: Preparation, characterization and in vivo evaluation. Int. J. Pharm. 547 (2018) 24-30
45 Jug M, Mura P. Grinding as solvent-free green chemistry approach for cyclodextrin inclusion complex preparation in the solid state. Pharmaceutics 10 (2018) 189 doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics10040189
46 M Cirri, L Maestrini, F Maestrelli, N Mennini, P Mura, C Ghelardini, L Di Cesare Mannelli Design, characterization and in vivo evaluation of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) as a new drug delivery system for hydrochlorothiazide oral administration in pediatric therapy. Drug Deliv. 25 (2018) 1910-1921.
47 M Cirri, F Maestrelli, P Mura, C Ghelardini, L Di Cesare Mannelli. Combined Approach of Cyclodextrin Complexation and Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for the Development of a Pediatric Liquid Oral Dosage Form of Hydrochlorothiazide. Pharmaceutics 10 (2018) 287 doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics10040287.
48 F. Maestrelli, M. Jug, M. Cirri, I. Kosalec, P. Mura. Characterization and microbiological evaluation of chitosan-alginate microspheres for cefixime vaginal administration Carbohydr. Polym. 192(2018)176-183
49 P. Mura, S. Orlandini, M. Cirri, F. Maestrelli, N. Mennini, G. Casella, S. Furlanetto. A preliminary study for the development and optimization by experimental design of an in vitro method for prediction of drug buccal absorption. Int. J. Pharm. 547 (2018) 530-536.
50 Mura P., Valleri M., Fabianelli E., Maestrelli F., Cirri M. Characterization and evaluation of different mesoporous silica kinds as carriers for the development of effective oral dosage forms of glibenclamide. Int. J.Pharm. 563 (2019) 53-62.
51 Mura P., Valleri M., Baldanzi S., Mennini N., Characterization and evaluation of the performance of different calcium and magnesium salts as excipients for direct compression. Int. J. Pharm. 567 (2019) 118454
52 Mura P., Advantages of the combined use of cyclodextrins and nanocarriers in drug delivery: A review. Int. J. Pharm. 579 (2020) 119181
53 Maestrelli, F., Rossi, P., Paoli, P., De Luca, E., Mura, P., The role of solid state properties on the dissolution performance of flufenamic acid. J. Pharm. Biomed Anal. 180 (2020) 113058.
54 Maestrelli, F., Cirri, M., García-Villén, F., Borrego-Sanchez A., Iborra, C.V., Mura, P. Tablets of “hydrochlorothiazide in cyclodextrin in nanoclay”: A new nanohybrid system with enhanced dissolution properties. Pharmaceutics 12 (2020) 104.
55 Mura P., Advantages of the combined use of cyclodextrins and nanocarriers in drug delivery: A review. Int. J. Pharm. 579 (2020) 119181
56 Cirri M., Mura P., Valleri M., Brunetti L., Development and characterization of liquisolid tablets based on mesoporous clays or silicas for improving glyburide dissolution. Pharmaceutics, 12 (2020) 503
57 Cirri M., Maestrelli F., Mennini N., Di Cesare Mannelli L., Micheli L., Ghelardini C., Mura P., Development of a stable oral pediatric solution of hydrochlorothiazide by the combined use of cyclodextrin and hydrophilic polymers. Int. J. Pharm. 587 (2020) 119692
58 Cirri M., Maestrelli F., Scuota S., Bazzucchi V., Mura P., Development and microbiological evaluation of chitosan and chitosan-alginate microspheres for vaginal administration of metronidazole. Int. J. Pharm. 598 (2021) 120375
59 Mura P., Maestrelli F., D’Ambrosio M., Luceri, C., Cirri M., Evaluation and Comparison of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) and Nanostructured Lipid Carriers (NLCs) as Vectors to Develop Hydrochlorothiazide Effective and Safe Pediatric Oral Liquid Formulations. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 437. Doi 10.3390/pharmaceutics13040437
60 Mura P., Maestrelli F., Cirri M., Nerli G., Di Cesare Mannelli L., Ghelardini C., Mennini, N., Improvement of butamben anaesthetic efficacy by the development of deformable liposomes bearing the drug as cyclodextrin complex. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 872. Doi 10.3390/pharmaceutics13060872.
61 Cirri M., Maestrelli F., Nerli G., Mennini, N., D’Ambrosio M., Luceri, C., Mura P., Development of a Cyclodextrin-Based Mucoadhesive-Thermosensitive In Situ Gel for Clonazepam Intranasal Delivery. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 969. doi 10.3390/ pharmaceutics13070969.
62 Biagi D., Nencioni P., Valleria M., Calamassi N., Mura P., Development of a Near Infrared Spectroscopy method for the in-linequantitative bilastine drug determination during pharmaceuticalpowders blending. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 204 (2021) 114277.
63 Cirri M., Mennini, N., Nerli G., Rubia J., Casalone E., Melani, F., Maestrelli F., Mura P., Combined Use of Cyclodextrins and Amino Acids for the Development of Cefixime Oral Solutions for Pediatric Use. Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 1923. Doi 10.3390/ pharmaceutics13111923
64 Fernández-Romero A.M., Maestrelli F., Garcia-Gil S., Talero E., Mura P., Rabasco A.M., González-Rodríguez M.L., Preparation, Characterization and Evaluation of the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Epichlorohydrin-ß-Cyclodextrin/Curcumin Binary Systems Embedded in a Pluronic®/Hyaluronate Hydrogel. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 13566. Doi 10.3390/ijms222413566.
65 Maestrelli F., Cirri M., De Luca E., Biagi D., Mura P., Role of Cyclodextrins and Drug Solid State Properties on Flufenamic Acid Dissolution Performance from Tablets. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 284. Doi 10.3390/pharmaceutics14020284
66 Mura P, Maestrelli F, Cirri M, Mennini N. Multiple Roles of Chitosan in Mucosal Drug Delivery: An Updated Review. Mar Drugs. 20 (2022) 335.
67 Cirri M, Nerli G, Mennini N, Maestrelli F, Mura P. Development and Characterization of Cyclodextrin-Based Nanogels as a New Ibuprofen Cutaneous Delivery System. Pharmaceutics. 23 (2022) 2567.
68 Nerli G, Gonçalves LMD, Cirri M, Almeida AJ, Maestrelli F, Mennini N, Mura PA. Design, Evaluation and Comparison of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers and Chitosan Nanoparticles as Carriers of Poorly Soluble Drugs to Develop Oral Liquid Formulations Suitable for Pediatric Use. Pharmaceutics. 15 (2023) 1305.
69 Cirri M, Mura PA, Benedetti, S., Buratti, S. Development of a Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin-Based Liquid Formulation for the Oral Administration of Propranolol in Pediatric Therapy. Pharmaceutics. 15 (2023) 2217.
70 Mura P., Cirri M., Rossetti A., Allemandi D.A., Paredes A.J., Palma S.D., Preparation of glyburide nanocrystals with improved dissolution properties by dry-ball- and wet-bead- milling: Systematic comparison by experimental design of the performance of the two methods. J. Drug. Deliv. Sci.Technol. 91 (2024) 10522.
71 Chiarugi I, Biagi D, Nencioni P, Maestrelli F, Valleri M, Mura PA. Taste Masking of Dexketoprofen Trometamol Orally Disintegrating Granules by High-Shear Coating with Glyceryl Distearate. Pharmaceutics. 16 (2024)165
Scientific International collaborations
- Prof. A.M. Rabasco e Prof. M. Luisa Gonzales Rodriguez, Universidad Sevilla
- Prof. N. Zerrouk, Université Paris Descartes (Paris V), Paris
- Prof. M.D. Veiga, Universidad Complutense Madrid
- Prof. Antonio Almeida, University of Lisbon
- Prof. Mario Jug, University of Zagreb
- Prof. Maria Josè Alonso, Universidad Santiago de Compostela
- Prof. Cesar Viseras, Universidad Granada
Member of: Italian section of Controlled Release Society (CRS-It); Association of Italian Teachers and Researchers of Pharmaceutical Technology and Legislation (ADRITELF); Italian Association of Cyclodextrins Technology and Chemistry (CDTEC); Italian Chemistry Society (SCI); Italian Society of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics (SIFEB); Association Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle(APGI)
Research Support
- 1995-present: responsible for the project “pre-formulation studies for optimizing drugs in pharmaceutical formulations”, funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research)
- 2004-2006: component of the Italian inter-university project (PRIN) “Chemometric strategies for the enantiomeric resolution and dosage of drugs and for the development of innovative dosage forms” funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research)
-2007-2009: component of the Italian inter-university project (PRIN) “Chemometric strategies for the development and dosage of drugs” funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research)
-2010-2012: component of the Italian inter-university project (PRIN): Electroforetic, chromathographic and thermal methods for the development and control of drugs and nutraceuticals: a multivaried approach” funded by MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research)
2000 to 2022: R&D contract with several national and international Pharmaceutical Industries (Actimex, Endura, Gianis, Recordati, Colorobbia, Assobiomedica, Coloplast, Stragen, etc.)
Teaching activity at the University of Florence, Italy
1991-2022: course of “Chimica Farmaceutica Applicata” (Degree: Chem-Technol-Pharmaceutics, CTF)
1995-2000: course of “Biofarmaceutica e Farmacocinetica I” (Post-graduate School of Hospital Pharmacy)
2001-2008: course of “Tecnologia, Socio-Economia e Legislazione Farmaceutiche” (CTF)
2011-2014: course of “Impianti dell'Industria Farmaceutica (CTF)
2011-2014: course of “Tecnica e Impianti dell'Industria Farmaceutica” (Degree Applied Pharmac. Sciences)
1985-2022: relator or correlator of more than 160 experimental thesis in CTF and Pharmacy
1993-2022: supervisor of 11 PhD thesis