Prossimi ricevimenti 2025 in presenza prof. Maria Paiano:
- venerdì 10 gennaio, ore 16-18
- lunedì 20 gennaio, ore 11-13
- giovedì 23 gennaio, ore 13,30-15,30
- mercoledì 29 gennaio, ore 11-13
-giovedì 13 febbraio, ore 11-13
- lunedì 24 febbraio ore 16,30-18,30
Sono possibili colloqui a distanza in giorni e orari diversi da quelli indicati.
Maria Paiano is Associate Professor of History of Christianity and Churches at the University of Florence, SAGAS Department (Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Arts and Entertainment). She received her PhD in Religious History at the University of Bologna (1996) and joined the University of Florence in 2004. In 2019, she has been visiting researcher at the Fondation Maison de Sciences de l'Homme in Paris, programme DEA (Directeurs d'études associés). In 2022 and 2023 she has been Visiting Fellow at the KU-Leuven for a study stay at the KADOC - Documentation and Research Centre on religion, culture and society. In October 2023 she has been "Professeure invitèe" at the ULB-MSH (Maison des Sciences Humaines - université libre de Bruxelles): Her research interests mainly focus on the relationship between religion, politics and society, with special attention to contemporary Catholicism. In this field, her studies have explored various subjects and problems: the political and social meanings of Catholic worship in the 19th and 20th centuries; the sacralization of the nation and violence in the contemporary age and its reflections on prayer; Catholic anti-Semitism and anti-Protestantism; postconciliar Catholic traditionalism. She is member of the Board of Directors of the journals «Modernism. Annual Journal of Contemporary Religious Reformism» and «Rivista di Storia del cristianesimo». She is member of the scientific committee of the journals «Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà» and «Chrétiens et Sociétés XVIe-XXIe siècles».
2014 – Present: Associate professor of History of Christianity and Churches, Department of History, Archeology, Geography, Art and Entertainment, University of Florence
-September 2018: academic qualification as full professor of History of Christianity and the Churches (Contest Sector 11/HIST-04, Scientific Disciplinary Sector HIST-04/B )
- January 2024: academic qualification as full professor of Contemporary History (Contest Sector 11/HIST-03, Scientific Disciplinary Sector 11/HIST-03/A)
1996Ph.D. in Religious History, University of Bologna
2004-2014Lecturer in History of Christianity, Department of History, Archeology, Geography, Art and Entertainment, University of Florence
2003-2005, Contract professor, Ca 'Foscari University of Venice
2012-2015 Contract professor, Catholic University of Milan, Brescia campus
Religion and society; religion and politics; Political and social aspects of worship in Contemporary history; Religious history of the Great War; Religion and violence, Catholic traditionalism and the political right in the second half of the 20th century
1990- 1991 Fellowship at the Institute for Religious Sciences (Istituto per le scienze religiose), Bologna
1991-1995Fellowship for the four-year Ph.D. course in Religious History, Department of History, University of Bologna
1997-1999Two-year post-doctoral Fellowship in Contemporary History, University of Florence
1999- 2000Fellowship at the Istituto Trentino di cultura-Institute of Religious Sciences
2000-2001 Research grant, Department of Historical and Geographical studies, University of Florence
2001 Research Scholar Contract at the Balducci Archive, Balducci Foundation (Fiesole, Florence)
2002- 2003 Two-year Fellowship, Tuscany Regional Council for Historical Research, Ernesto Balducci Archive, Balducci Foundation
1992-1993: during Ph.D. research, École pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris (November 1992 to June 1993)
1996-1997: research activity financed by the Center de Documentation et Recherche Religieuses (CDRR), Brussels, for studying at University of Namur (November 11, 1996 to February 10, 1997 and September 15 to 26, 1997)
2019: Researcher Guest of the FMSH (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme), DEA Program (Directeurs d’Études Associés), Paris (27 October- 7 December)
2022: Visiting Fellow/Scholar at the KADOK - Documentation and Research Centre on Religion Culture and Society (20 July - 20 August )
2023: Visiting Fellow/Scholar at the KADOK - Documentation and Research Center on Religion Culture and Society (16 - 30 August)
2023: Professeure invitée at the MSH-ULB in Brussels (22-28 October)
2024: Invited as Senior Research Fellow, as part of the Senior Research Fellowship Programme of the Leibniz Institute of European History di Mainz. ( (16 September-12 November)
- 1990-1995International Research Project for the History of the Second Vatican Council, coordinated by the Institute for Religious Sciences of Bologna, directed by Giuseppe Alberigo: see Storia del Concilio Vaticano II, ed. G. Alberigo, vol. 1, Bologna, Il Mulino 1995, pp. [2] and 11.
- 1998-2002 Research Group on “Religious Cultures and Churches in the face of the authoritarian and totalitarian movements and regimes of the 1920s”, coordinated by professors Daniele Menozzi, Renato Moro and Alfonso Botti, Romolo Murri Foundation, Urbino.
- 2018-2020International research project “Discursos y prácticas en torno a la religión en tiempos de radicalismo político: España 1820-1823, 1868-1874 y 1931-1936. Una perspectiva comparada”, financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; project code: HAR2017-88490-P; Principal Investigator: Mª Concepción Marcos del Olmo.
- 2020-2022 Participation in the PRIN (Project of relevant national interest, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research) entitled Sacrifice in the Europe of the religious conflicts and in the early modern world: comparisons, interpretations, legitimations. (Project reference: 20179JL8WR; Principal investigator Vincenzo Lavenia). Maria Paiano was a member of the research unit at the University of Florence
- From 29 September 2022 to present: Member of the Inter-University Centre for the Study of the History of the Protestant Reformation and Religious Movements - Network for Reformation and Religious History (ReRhis).
- From September 2023 to present: Member of the Research Group of the project, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e innovación of the Spanish Government, El factor católico y la libertad de pensamiento en las guerras culturales de la Europa occidental contemporánea (1789-1989): Perspectiva comparada, transnacional y de género’. Principal Investigators: Mª Concepción Marcos del Olmo, (Universidad de Valladolid) and Ángel Luis López Villaverde (University of Castilla-La-Mancha). Administrative reference of the project: PID2022-136299NB-I00.
- From September 2023 to present: Member of the Research Unit of the University of Modena-Reggio Emilia of the PRIN (Project of relevant national interest, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research) CATO-POPULISMOS - Nationalisms and Populisms in the Pius XII's Age: Cultural Circulations, Religious Perceptions and Devotionals Practices across Europe and Latin America (1939-1958). (Project reference: PRIN 20223KRB3M_002- CUP: E53D23000070006; Principal Investigator Lucia Ceci (University of Rome Tor Vergata).
Membership by co-optation of scientific and academic institutions and associations
- 2018 to present: International Research Network Christian Churches Culture and society in contemporary Europe:
- 2022 to Present: ISCBO (Istituto di Storia della Chiesa di Bologna/Institute for the History of the Church of Bologna)
- 2023 to present: Scientific Committee of the Ernesto Balducci Foundation (Fiesole, Florence)
Membership of historical societies
- Consulta Universitaria per la storia del cristianesimo e delle chiese (CUSCC) [Universities Council for the History of Christianity and Churches]
- Société d’histoire religieuse de la France (SHRF)
- Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea (SISSCO) [Italian society for the study of contemporary history]
Participation in the direction or scientific committee of Scientific or top-ranked journals
- 2015 to Present: member of the scientific committee of the «Archivio italiano per la Storia della pietà»
- 2020 to Present: Member of the Scientific Committee of the open access journal ‘Chrétiens et Société XVIe-XXIe siècles’
- 2021 to Present: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal «Modernism. Rivista annuale di Storia del riformismo religioso/Annual Journal of Contemporary Religious Reformism»
- 2024 to Present: Member of the Editorial Board of the «Rivista di Storia del Cristianesimo».
International teaching activities
- since the 2021-2022 academic year she has been teaching a course entitled Church and human rights" in the History in the Public Sphere (HIPS), Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, Florence campus
- In March 2023, she taught in Louvain-la-Neuve, in the field of History of Christianity, as part of the Erasmus Plus mobility programme
- In the semester 1 February-31 July 2024, she was in charge of a course at the University of Geneva (3 CFU, 24 teaching hours). Course title: Les catholiques, la guerre et la paix à l'époque contemporaine.
During the said semester of teaching, she also gave four public lectures at the University of Geneva:
• Monday, March 11, 2024: La "guerre juste" dans la culture catholique
entre la Révolution française et le Concile Vatican II.
• Monday, April 8, 2024: Prier pour la victoire, prier pour la paix. Les
catholiques dans les guerres pour la nation
• Monday, April 22, 2024: Le magistère pontifical face aux guerres
• Monday, May 6, 2024: Les catholiques et le pacifisme
Other International Activities
Responsible for the Department of History Geography Art and Entertainment of the University of Florence for international agreements:
- between the University of Florence and the University of Extremadura
- between the University of Florence and Valladolid
Participation in PhD bodies
During the academic years 2010-2011 and 2012-2013, member of the Board of Doctoral Studies in History at the Department of Historical and Geographical Studies, University of Florence (sabbatical absence in a.y. 2011-2012)
2014 to present: Member of the teaching staff of the Doctorate in Historical Studies of the University of Florence and Siena - curriculum Contemporary History:
From November 2024 to present: Member of the Board of professors of the Doctorate in Historical Studies of the Universities of Florence and Siena - curriculum Contemporary History:
Responsibility for research
2018-2020. Supervisor of the project funded on European funds Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship, Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2017, "Catholicism and the ‘Negro question’. Religion, Racism and antiracism in a Transnational perspective (United States and Europe, 1934-1968)", project 794780 (researcher Matteo Caponi). In this role she contributed to the organization of scientific and dissemination initiatives funded on Marie-Curie funds, reported more punctually in the curriculum.
2019-2020. Scientific responsible (tutor/supervisor) for a research grant funded on the above-mentioned Marie-Curie funds (effective 01/05/2019 - 30/07/2020, with an interruption for personal reasons of the fellow from 01/12/2019 to 29/02/2020)
From October 2020 to July 2023, she was co-supervisor/tutor (with Nicola Labanca) of XXXV doctoral research entitled The Diocese of Florence during World War II. Society and Religious Experience
- referee for the reviews: «Rivista di Storia del cristianesimo», «Passato e Presente», «Memoria e Ricerca», «Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Lettere e Filosofia», «Women’s History rewiew»; «Cristianesimo nella Storia», «Passato e Presente», «Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique», «Rivista di Storia del cristianesimo», «Studi Storici», «Women’s History rewiew»; «Chrétiens et sociétés XVIe-XXIe siècles», «Diasporas. Circulations, Migrations, Histoire»; «Journal of Modern and Contemporary Christianity», «Religions»
- Referees for publishing houses or publishing series: Florence University Press; Nuovi Quaderni di ricerche storiche (Pacini publisher)
- September 2019, referee for the selection of candidates for post-doctoral fellowships within the LabEx HASTEC (Laboratoire d'Excellence «Histoire et anthropologie des savoirs, des techniques et des croyances » : )
- November 2023: Referee for the evaluation of post-doctoral research projects funded by the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Research Fellowship Programme, of the University of Mainz (assignment of 17 November, to be completed by 20 December)
Other research evaluation activities
Referee of doctoral dissertations from the University of Bologna and the Catholic University of Milan
Member of doctoral thesis committees of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and the Catholic University of Milan
organization or participation as a speaker for study seminar and conferences of a scientific nature in Italy or abroad (outside Italy)
- Internazional conference Les commissions conciliaires à Vatican II, Leuven and Louvain-la Neuve, July 8-10, 1994, Université catholique de Louvain and Katholieke Universiteit di Leuven; paper on Les travaux de la commission liturgique conciliaire
- Study Seminar on Catholicism and anti-Semitism coordinated by prof. Giovanni Miccoli; spring 1998, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia; paper on I riflessi dell’antisemitismo nella liturgia cattolica
- International conference Renouveau liturgique des Églises en Suisse au XXe siècle, Friburgo (Svizzera), 1-3 March 1999, Università di Friburgo; paper on Liturgie et société parmi les jeunesses catholiques suisses de l’entre-deux guerres: un projet de recherche
- International conference Pio X e il suo tempo, Treviso November 22-24, 2000, LUMSA; paper on Liturgia e società nel pontificato di Pio X
- Conference Ernesto Balducci (1922-1992). La Chiesa, la società, il dibattito politico-culturale, Firenze-Fiesole, December 6-7, 2002, Fondazione Balducci. Paper on La formazione del giovane Balducci attraverso i diari del seminario
- Study Seminar on La formazione del clero italiano tra guerra e dopoguerra. Questioni aperte alla luce della pubblicazione dei diari di Ernesto Balducci, Torino, October 2003, Fondazione Pellegrino - Centro di Studi di Storia e Letteratura religiosa; paper on La «spiritualità» nei «Diari» Balducci del seminario romano
- International conference Actualité du mouvement liturgique, Parigi, December 3-4, 2003, Institut catholique di Parigi, paper on Liturgie et societé dans le mouvement liturgique (
- Study Seminar on I cattolici nel primo conflitto mondiale, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, September 26 2008, paper on La preghiera e la guerra in Italia durante il primo conflitto mondiale
- Conference Un paese in guerra. La mobilitazione civile in Italia 1914-1918, Convitto Cicognini, Prato, November 6-7, 2008, paper on Pregare in guerra: gli opuscoli cattolici per i soldati
- Study seminar on Chiesa cattolica e minoranze in Italia nella prima metà del Novecento. Il caso veneto a confronto", Department of Historical Studies of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, May 11, 2010, Ateneo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti; paper on L’antiprotestantesimo cattolico tra Otto e Novecento
- Milan University, Conference Oportet et Haereses esse. Eresie ed eretici nella storia del cristianesimo, May 30-31, 2011; paper on «Combattere con tutti i mezzi l’eretica setta straniera»: l’Opera della Preservazione della Fede in Roma e i protestanti
- International conference I cattolici e l'Unità d'Italia, L'Aquila, October 13-14, 2011, Italian Association of Professors of Church History; paper on Le devozioni nel Risorgimento
- Conference Rinnovamento teologico e riforma liturgica. Il Concilio Vaticano II e l'editoria bresciana, Brescia, May 3, 2012, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, Department of Religious Sciences, section of Brescia; paper on Dal movimento liturgico alla «Sacrosanctum Concilium»
- Conference cycle Rileggere il Concilio. Storici e teologi a confronto, Roma, March-May 2012, Pontificia Università Lateranense e Centre Culturel Saint Louis de France (Roma); paper on Sacrosanctum Concilium, March 31, 2012 (
- International conference Foi, Religion et sacré dans la Grande Guerre, Verdun November 8-9, 2012, Association 14/18 Meuse, Centre de Recherche universitaire Lorrain d'Histoire, Fondation de l'Ossuaire de Douaumont; paper on La Mobilisation spirituelle en Italie pendant la Grande Guerre; cfr.
- Conference Il cardinale Oppizzoni tra Napoleone e l'Unità d'Italia, Bologna, November 18-20, 2013, Istituto per la Storia della Chiesa di Bologna; paper on Il culto durante l’episcopato del cardinale Oppizzoni
- International conference Religione, clero e Grande Guerra: articolazioni territoriali e confessionali, Brescia, March 31-April 1, 2014, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, Department of Religious Sciences, section of Brescia; paper on La Santa Sede e la preghiera in Italia. Also a member of the scientific committee that organized the conference:
- International conference Les Eglises chrétiennes et la Grande Guerre. Expériences historiographiques européennes, Paris November 22, 2014, Maison de la Recherche de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne - Société d'Histoire de l'Eglise de France; paper on L'Italie. Le pays qui abrite le pape:
- Seminar study on Religione e politica in Medio Oriente. Passato e presente, Firenze, December 1, 2015, University of Florence; paper Sguardi sull’Islam nella tradizione cristiana (età contemporanea).Also a member of the scientific committee that organized the seminar
- Study week of Italian professors of liturgy on Dove va il movimento liturgico?, Assisi, 29 August-2 September 2016, Association of Italian professors of liturgy; paper on L’uso della storia nel movimento liturgico. Cfr. link.
- International conference Pope Giacomo della Chiesa in the world of the uneless slaughter, Bologna, Novembre 3-5, 2016; Fondazione per le Scienze religiose, Bologna, paper on Letture religiose della guerra: il caso della preghiera,
- European Academy of religion, Ex nihilo Conference, Bologna, June 18-22, 2017, paper on Praying in wartime al panel su Benedict XV. Pope Giacomo della Chiesa in the world of the “usless slaughter”.
- Roma Sapienza University, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia - Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni, Advanced Training Course in “Storia del Cristianesimo: dalla formazione alla Ricerca”, 16 February 2018, lecture on La storia del cristianesimo contemporaneo: tendenze storiografiche e piste di ricerca,
- European Academy of religion, First annual Confrrence, 5-8 March, 2018, panel Vers la fin du centenaire de la Grande Guerre: à propos du volume "Diocèses en guerre. L’Église déchirée entre “Gott mit uns” et le “Dieu ds armées”, (Dir. X. Boniface - J. Heuclin), Septentrion Presses Universitaires, 2018; organisation of the panel, discussant e speaker (paper on Religion et Grande guerre à la fin du centenaire: état des études, pistes de recherche ouvertes)
- Turin University, lecture on Le apparizioni mariane dopo l’Unità.«Il Giardinetto di Maria» (1863-1870), 28 Mai 2018
- Chalons (France), Quatrième colloque de la Société internationale d’Études sur Alfred Loisy, 7/9 november 2018. Paper on Les papes et la paix au XXe siècle: Benoît XV et la Grande Guerre
- Geschichte und Religion Gesellshaft/Società Storia e religione (Bozen/Bolzano), Conference La Chiesa tra guerra e pace. Sguardi regionali sull’”inutile strage”, Bolzano, 9 november 2018, paper on Benedetto XV e la nazionalizzazione del culto.
- Valladolid University (Spain), Conference Religion y Política en la España contemporánea (1820-1936) 15-16 November 2018, Valladolid, Paper on “Culto católico, política y sociedad en el primer período de postguerra: la devoción eucarística en Italia desde el <bienio roio> al advenimiento del fascismo (1919-1922)
- Florence University, SAGAS Department, Seminar Da Gesù al cristianesimo, starting from the volume by Mauro Pesce, Il cristianesimo, Gesù e la modernità, Carocci, Roma 2018, 15 Mai 2019, Scientiphic Responsability, Organisation, Introduction and Discussant
- Florence University, SAGAS Department, Discussion on the volume by Raffaella Perin, La radio del papa. Propaganda e Diplomazia nella seconda guerra mondiale, Il Mulino, Bologna 2017, 22 Mai 2019, Scientiphic Responsability, Organisation, Introduction and Discussant
- Florence University, SAGAS Department, Seminar on Nation, ‘race’ and racism in twenthieth-century Italy, starting from the monographic issue of «Modern Italy», 2018/4, 6 June 2019, Scientiphic Responsability, Organisation, Introduction and Discussant
- Gabinetto Viesseux (Florence), Discussion on the volume by Matteo Baragli, Filippo Crispolti. Un Profilo politico fra cattolicesimo e nazione (1857-1942), Morcelliana, Brescia 2018, 12 June 2019, Paper on the book
- Florence University, SAGAS Department, 30 September - 1 October 2019, conference on Racisms, Rhetorics and Practices of Discrimination, member of the scientific committee and introduction of the works
- Florence University, SAGAS Department, 22 October 2019, Seminar on “Il mito della cristianità”. Giornata di studi in memoria di Giovanni Miccoli, member of the scientific committee, introduction of the works and paper on Tradizionalismo cattolico e liturgia. Il “Nuovo movimento liturgico”
- Florence University, SAGAS Department, Florence. 5 and 19 May 2021. Organizer with Roberto Alciati of the seminar entitled: History of Christianity and Church History, beginning with the publication of History of the Church, Bologna, EDB, 4 volumes, 2019-2020. Present authors Giovanni Filoramo (vol. I), Patrizia Pellegrini (vol. 2), Vincenzo Lavenia (vol. 3), Daniele Menozzi (vol. 4). The undersigned is organizer of the event in collaboration with Roberto Alciati and discussant of vol. 4, by Daniele Menozzi, The Contemporary Age (2019).
- University of Florence, SAGAS Department. 27 May 2021. Seminar based on Daniele Menozzi's book, Crusade. Storia di una ideologia dalla Rivoluzione francese a Bergoglio, Carocci 2020, as part of the activities for the PRIN Sacrifice in the Europe of the Religious Conflicts and in the Early Modern World: Comparisons, Interpretations, Legitimations - Unifi Unit (PI Vincenzo Lavenia). Of the seminar she was organizer, scientific responsible and discussant. Other speakers: Daniele Menozzi (SNS), Ignazio Veca (University of Pisa).
- Meeting Cycle of the AISSCA (Associazione italiana per lo studio della santità). Talk for the presentation, in telematic mode, of the volume Santi in posa. The influence of photography on the religious imaginary, edited by Tommaso Caliò, Viella 2020. Other speakers: Roberto Rusconi (moderator), Luca Mazzei, Tommaso Subini, Valentina Ciciliot. 22 June 2021.
- Valladolid University, Secundo Congreso Internacional Religion y Política en la España contemporánea (1820-1936). 24-25 June 2021. Organized by the Project Research Group HAR2017-88490-P. Paper on: Religión y conflicto social en la Italia del Novecientos. El culto eucarístico en el “Bienio Rojo”. She was also member of the Scientific Committee ( file:///C:/Users/39328/Downloads/triptico.pdf)
- Sangalli Institute, Florence. 5 May 2022. Within the cycle of meetings Conflict Religious Mobilities from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age- Spring 2022, speech for the presentation in telematic mode of Lucia Ceci's volume, La fede armata. Cattolici e violenza politica nel Novecento, Il Mulino, Bologna 2023. Introduced and moderated by Maria Chiara Rioli. Discussant: Maria Paiano.
- University of Florence, SAGAS Departement. 10 May 2022. Presentation of the volume by Paolo Cozzo, In cammino. Una storia del pellegrinaggio cristiano, Carocci, Rome 2021. She was the organizer, moderator of the event and speaker
- Bologna, Sala del Barracano. 14 October 2022. Scientific coordinator and organizer (as well as a speaker within its framework) of the day promoted by the Institute for the History of the Church of Bologna (of which the undersigned, as reported elsewhere, is a corresponding member) dedicated to the theme: La guerra come “inutile strage”. Benedetto XV da Bologna al servizio petrino. Talks by Giovanni Turbanti (Giacomo Della Chiesa a Bologna) Daniele Menozzi (Tra guerra giusta e guerra santa. The definition of the conflict as “Useless Massacre”); paper: Praying for Victory, Praying for Peace. Benedict XV and the nationalization of worship.
- Louvain-la-Neuve, UCLouvain. 24-25 November 2022. International Conference Entre tradition et innovation. Ruptures dans les communautés monastiques aux 19e et 20e siècles organizzato dall’ARCA (Archives du monde catholique). Paper on: La réforme liturgique en question. L'affrontement entre les liturgistes du CNPL et Gérard Calvet sur l'histoire de la liturgie.
- Florence, Oblate Library. 21 December 2022. Presentation of Francesca Perugi's volume Storia di una sconfitta. Carlo Maria Martini e la Chiesa in Europa (1986-1993), Carocci 2022. Talks by Bruna Bocchini, Monica Galfrè, Maria Paiano, Riccardo Saccenti. Initiative by the Tuscan Historical Institute of Resistance and Contemporary Age (ISRT)
- Rome, École française de Rome. 10 January 2023. Discussant of projects at the seminar Le catholicisme au féminin, within the Séminaire annuel - Les archives du pontifiats de Pie XII. Programme Archives Pie 12 & ANR Global Vat.
- UC Louvain, 21 March 2023. Seminar on postconciliar Catholic traditionalism within the activieties of the Groupe d'Histoire du Christianisme et de Religions
- University of Florence, SAGAS Department, Seminar on Liturgia e storia. Un dibattito nel cattolicesimo del postconcilio (1990-1993), as part of the seminar series within the project Pensare Francesco: storia, memoria e uso politico of the CUC (Centro Universitario Cattolico)
- Organization and moderation of the online meeting, held on April 15, 2023, on the volume by Francesca Perugi (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart), History of a Defeat. Carlo Maria Martini and the Church in Europe (1986-1993), Carocci 2022. The author was present and gave a talk entitled Un'alternativa mancata. Carlo Maria Martini in the Church of his time. The meeting was held as part of the activities of the Archives for the Alternative Michele di Schiena
- University of Florence, SAGAS Department. 6 June 2023. Seminar/Workshop on Cattolicesimo e Islam in età contemporanea. Presented paper: Le oscillazioni del magistero pontificio dopo il Concilio Vaticano II. Moderated by Roberto Alciati. Other speaker Vanni Rosini (University of Florence). Of the Workshop, which is part of the activities of RERHIS, she is also organizer.
- University of Bologna, Department of the Arts. 30 June 2023. Seminar on Elena Bovo's volume, Pensée de la foule, pensée de l'inconscient. Généalogie de la psychologie de la foule (1875-1895), Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2021. She speaks on the relationship of the liturgical movement of the early twentieth century to the psychology of crowds. The seminar is part of the “Barbary Seminars” cycle. Other speakers: Elena Bovo (Université de Franche-Comté), Xavier Tabet (Université Paris 8), Martina Insero (University of Bologna), Francesco Casales (University of Pavia).
- Florence University, Department SAGAS. 1 December 2023. Conference Il conflitto delle facoltà. Storia e teologia in Italia fra Otto e Novecento. 1 December 2023, Member of the scientific committee and paper on Liturgia e storia: approcci metodologici.e
- Rome, ISACEM, 28-29 Mai 2024. Raccontare, divertire, educare. Le riviste religiose per l’infanzia e la gioventù come laboratorio di cultura popolare, Conference within the activities for the project PRIN 2020TCFPK2 I laboratori culturali della fede. La produzione di cultura religiosa popolare in Italia dall’Unità al miracolo economico" (Research unity of Turin). Paper on I periodici per l'infanzia e la Gioventù cattolica fondati da Giovanni Acquaderni nel primo Regno unitario
- International Conference Souverainetés fragiles. Diplomatie et diplomates du Saint-Siège face aux recompositions territoriales et frontalières (1939-1958), Lyon, 5-7 June 2024, organised by the École française de Rome and the Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes. Member of the scientific committee and participant in the round table on Le pontificat de Pie XII: nouvelles archives, nouvelles approches
- International Conference COMUNICAZIONE, PROPAGANDA, PERSUASIONE: Linguaggi religiosi e strategie devozionali in area italiana e iberica fra età moderna e contemporanea/ COMUNICACIÓN, PROPAGANDA, PERSUASIÓN : lenguajes religiosos y estrategias devocionales en las áreas italiana e ibérica entre la edad moderna y la contemporánea, Torino-Varallo Sesia-Milano, 12-14 June 2024. Conference within the activities for the projects PRIN 2020TCFPK2, PRIN 2022THRFNH COPPA D5 and PID 2021-126470NB-100 (Spain). Paper on Un culto mariano nazionale, universale e sociale. Il Rosario e la nuova Pompei sotto il pontificato di Leone XIII.
- Turin, Erik Peterson Library, 20-21 June 2024. Conference within the activities for the project PRIN 2020TCFPK2 I laboratori culturali della fede. La produzione di cultura religiosa popolare in Italia dall’Unità al miracolo economico (Reserach unity of Turin University). Paper on Le devozioni popolari tra Ottocento e Novecento. Tra religione e politica.
- Ravenna, Conference Don Minzoni (1885-1923). Tra missione sacerdotale e impegno sociale, 15-16 November 2024. Report on La preghiera e la guerra. Pratiche liturgiche dell’Italia in guerra.
PAIANO MARIA ANTONIA - List of main publications
[The full list of publications is taken from the University's website ( and immediately follows the selection given here]
Curatorship of collective volumes and monographic sections of journals
Selection of essays within volumes
11. "Combattere con tutti i mezzi l'eretica setta straniera": antiprotestantesimo e questione nazionale nell'Opera per la Preservazione della Fede in Roma. In «Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa». 51 (2015/1), pp. 275-305.
12. Religione e politica nel Risorgimento. Le devozioni al tempo di Pio IX. In «Contemporanea», 19 (2016/4), pp. 509-536.
13. L'Italie, le pays qui abrite le pape. In «Revue d’Histoire de l’Eglise de France», 102 (2016), vol. 102, pp. 69-88.
Notes critiques
- September 2018: academic qualification as full professor of History of Christianity and the Churches (Contest Sector 11/HIST-04, Scientific Disciplinary Sector HIST-04/B )