Su appuntamento tramite messaggio di posta elettronica
Professional Positions
2018-present. Senior Researcher in Microbiology (BIO/19).
2014-2018.Senior Lecturer in Microbiology. Middlesex University London. London, UK.
2011-2014Research Assistant Professor. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
2009-2011 Assistant Professor. Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, PR, USA
2008 Post Doctorate. University of Puerto Rico in Humacao, PR, USA
2015. Middlesex University.Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education(PGCHE). The PGCHE focuses on the teaching role.strategies of academics in Higher Education.
2008. Ph.D. University of Florence. PhD in Conservation of Cultural Heritages in the field of microbial biotechnology (BIO/19).
2003. Accreditation by the Italian Government to the practice of Biologist.
2003. University of Florence. B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Molecular Biology.(Laurea. 5 year programme)
Grants and contracts - Project director (full responsibility), collaborator (partial responsi- bility)
2017 Erasmus mobility travel grant. Exploring teaching practices and feedback in microbiology. Collabora- tion with the University of Florence. euro 750.
2016 Measurement of the fitness of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (ARB) exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of ampicillin and tetracycline in river water, irrigation water and wastewater. COST Action. Action ES1403-NEREUS. 2015 Short Time Scientific Missions (STSMs). euro 1200. Project Director: Marvasi.
2015-2017 T-GAPs optimization for the reduction of Salmonella risk in Florida tomatoes. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Marvasi: CoPI. Project director: Max Teplitski. $187,642.
2015-2016 Control of Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria and Pectobacterium biofilms in the irrigation and post-harvest production environment. Co-PI: Marvasi M. PI: Teplitski Max. Tomato Florida Committee, $26,169. University of Florida.
2014 Middlesex University. Start Up funds. GBP 5000. Marvasi (PI).
2014-2016 Mitigating the spread of antibiotic and resistance determinants through ecosystems. $10,000. University of Florida. Project Director: Marvasi M. Co-PI: Max Teplitski, George O’Connor, Jeffrey Ulmann, University of Florida.
2014- 2015 Controlling biofilms in the tomato production chain: Applications of nitric oxide donors to dis- perse biofilm and prevent biofouling formed by plant and human pathogens. Tomato Florida Committee, $26,000. Project Director: Marvasi M. Co-PI: Eric McLamore. University of Florida.
2014-2015 Feasibility of using nitric oxide donors to disperse biofilms of industrial significance to strengthen the efficacy of current industrial disinfectants. Center for Produce Safety. $49,951. Project Director: Marvasi M. Co-PI: Max Teplitski, University of Florida.
2013-2014 Feasibility of using nitric oxide donors to disperse biofilms formed by Salmonella enterica, Listeria innocua BAA-680D and pathogenic Escherichia coli on surfaces in post-harvest production facilities. Funds from Tomato Florida Committee, $30,900. Project Director: Marvasi M. Co-PI: Max Teplitski, University of Florida.
2011 Micropropagation of plantain at the CEIBA Center. Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. $10,000. Project Director: Marvasi.
2010-2011 Establishment of a New Bachelor of Science Degree in Biotechnology Program with emphasis in Agrobiotechnology. Funds from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. $433,000. Curricula developer: Marvasi M. Project Director: Alma Santiago.
2010 Calcium carbonate CaCO3precipitation induced by bacteria: characterization of ybcF gene in Bacillus subtilis. PUCPR. $10,000. Project director: Marvasi M.
Grants and contracts (without management role)
2012-2014 Functional genomics of Salmonella-tomato interaction and crop driven pathogen limitation: the role of agricultural practices in outcomes. Funds from United States Department of Agriculture, (USDA). $499,531. Senior researcher - microbiologist.
2012-2014 Toward a safer harvest: reduction of the susceptibility of tomatoes to Salmonella through focused breeding and science-based extension. Funds from Center for Produce Safety, (UC-Davis), $177,781. Senior researcher - microbiologist.
2008-2009 RUI: Microbial Observatories: Cabo Rojo Salterns Microbial Observatory. National Science Foun- dation, Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences. $1,370,694. Post-Doctoral Fellowship.
Large grants classified above the threshold but not funded
2017. Horizon 2020. Swaf-11. Platform for Active Scientific Citizenship and Literacy’ (PASCaL) Deputy Principal Coordinator: Marvasi. Principal Coordinator Ahmet Suerdem. Euro 3M funding.
2016InnovateUK-CDE call: synthetic-biology. Textile fabrics coated with EPS/biofilm as novel antiwetting barrier materials for protective clothing. Coordinator: Ningtao Mao, University of Leeds. Co-principal investigator: Marvasi.
2015Horizon 2020. Microbiology Interdisciplinary Project-Lab Based Learning: Micro Real Lab. Euro 1.7 Million. Coordinator: Marvasi. The consortium was composed by 7 partners, 5 countries, 30 collabora- tors.
Consultant activity.
2013- 2014 Sol Group Marketing Group Inc. Florida, USA. Consultant for food safety. I worked in collaboration with the company’s food safety department in order to develop GAP protocols for decreasing the risk of proliferation of enterobacteria in cantaloupe.
2012- 2014 Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Micropropagation of banana plant tissue. Consultant for the genetics and molecular plantain-Sigatoka interaction.
2009-2014 Asociaciόn Productores Farinaceos del Este, Inc. Puerto Rico, USA. Foodsafety. Micropropagation of Musa (plantain).
(*) Indicates students under my supervision.
Other Communications
Speaker at international or national conferences and seminars
2017 Student-generatedquestionsandvolunteeringexperienceareeffectivetoolsforparticipatorylearningin STEM subjects. Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. Middlesex University, 8 September. London. UK.
2017 Student-generated pre-exam questions is an effective tool for participatory learning: Case study in Microbiology. 7th FEMS. 9-13 July 2017. Valencia, Spain.
2017 Human Enteric Pathogens in Produce: Ecological Questions and Food Safety Concerns. 20th annual meeting in genomics proteomics. Public Health England, London, UK. 22nd-23rd June 2017.
2017 Fitness di Shigella flexneri resistente alla tetraciclina in acque urbane inquinate. May 2017. University of Florence, Italy.
2017 Spread of Salmonella enterica in post-harvested tomato: The Perfect Storm scenario. University of Florence, Italy. May 2017.
2016 Synergistic effect of nitric oxide donors in association with sanitizers in dispersing biofilms of industrial interest. European Symposium on Food Safety. Athens (Greece), 11-13 May.
2015 Persistence and ecology of Salmonella in post-harvested tomatoes. 20 July 2015. Biology Department. University of Florence, Italy.
2015 Use of explorative learning and constructivism theories to build a Laboratory activity to teach the ecological niche of Salmonella in vegetables. PGCert Conference. Middlesex University, London, UK. 1st July.
2015 Feasibility of using nitric oxide donors to disperse biofilms of industrial significance to strengthen the efficacy of current industrial disinfectants. Center for Produce Safety Conference. 22-24 June. Atlanta, USA.
2015 Laboratory Activity to effectively teach introductory geomicrobiology concepts to non-geology majors. The 6th Congress of European Microbiologists, Maastricht, the Netherlands, July 7-11. Educational Section.
2015 Contribution of the Salmonella enterica sv Typhimurium capsular transcriptional regulators rcsA and rcsB to the persistence of Salmonella in post-harvested tomatoes. 2015 European Symposium on Food Safety. Cardiff (Wales), 20-22 April.
2014 Spread of Salmonella enterica in post-harvest tomato: The Perfect Storm scenario. Department of Natural Science. Middlesex University, London, UK. 4 December 2014.
2014 Spread of Salmonella enterica in post-harvest tomato: The Perfect Storm scenario. Department of Biology. University of Florence, Italy. 17 April 2014.
2014 Salmonella-tomato interaction: Regulation of Salmonella Typhimurium genes involved in O-antigen capsule production and their role in persistence within tomatoes. Department of Biology. University of Puerto Rico. Humacao USA. February 17, 2014.
2013 Tomato genotype and Salmonella proliferation: current knowledge. Seminar at the Teplitki Lab. Uni- versity of Florida
2012 ABacillus subtilis cell fraction (BCF) inducing calcium carbonate precipitation: biotechnological perspec- tives for monumental stones reinforcement. Invited speaker at 51th American Society of Microbiology (ASM), branch in Puerto Rico. San Juan June16-17, PR, USA.
2012 El uso de banco de datos en la investigacion (in spanish). Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Ponce. PR, USA. December 16.
2007 Characterization of B. subtilis mutants incapable of calcium carbonate precipitation”. Cortona Procarioti April 2-7, Cortona, ITALY.
2006 Molecular Biology and Biotechnology applied to preservation of Cultural Heritage. Seminar, Dicember 1. University of Turabo, Biology Department, Puerto Rico, USA.
2006 The biology applied to preservation of Cultural Heritage. November 27 2006 University of Humacao, Biology Department, Puerto Rico, USA.
2006 Analysis of bacterial communities on historical glass. Heritage Microbiology Science 2005 Conference. University of Portsmouth (U.K). June 29th to July 1st.
2006 Bacterial communities on “Nativita`”: a stained glass window of Florence Cathedral. GLASS SCIENCE in Art and Conservation. Monte de Caparica. New University of Lisbon and Technological Institute (PORTUGAL). September 19-20. Conference Proceedings.
Teaching experience 2014-2018: Module leader:
BIO1524Principles of Microbiology.15 credits. Lectures, seminars, and laboratories.
BIO3226Gene technology. 15 credits. Lectures, seminars, and laboratories.
Contribution to other modules:
BIO2501Microbial Life. 15 credits. Lectures, seminars, workshop and laboratories.
BIO2605Microbial Biotechnology. 15 credits. Lectures, seminars, and laboratories.
BIO1605Environmental and Health Stressors. I teach the microbiology component. Lectures, seminars and laboratories.
BIO4501Pollution and disease: Cause effects and control. I teach the microbiology component. Lectures and laboratories. Master level. Biological Techniques. Laboratory activities.
BIO3330. Thesis dissertation.
2009-2014 Other courses taught in USA
BIO603. Microbiology. Master of Science in Biotechnology.
BIOL427Genetics and Laboratory of Genetics. Undergraduate. tory per week.
3 credits, 3 hours week.4 credits, 3 hours lecture and 3 hours labora-
BIOL436Molecular Biology Laboratory. Undergraduate. 4 credits, 3 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory per week.
ENSC613Microbial Ecology. Master of Science in Environmental Sciences. 3 credits, 2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory per week.
Student supervisor.
University governance and service
2015-2018 Environmental Science Seminar Series - Chair and organizer. Middlesex University.
2014-2018 Member of the Biosafety Committee – Middlesex University. 2009-2011 Member of the Library Committee for the Science Library. PUCPR. 2009-2011 Admissions Committee (member), Master in Science. PUCPR
Editorial Board, Reviewer/panelist for proposal and journals/books
Awards and honour
2015 European Food Safety Authority. Young Researcher Travel Grant. “Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together”, Milan on 14-15-16 October 2015.
2014 ABC Laboratories Travel Grant for demonstrating excellence in Produce Food Safety Research. Newport, CA, USA. 24 June 2014.
2011 Marvasi et al. “Exopolymeric substances (EPS) from Bacillus subtilis: polymers and genes encoding their synthesis”, has been one of the most cited article on FEMS Microbiol Letter in 2010.
2011 ASM Annual Meeting branch in Puerto Rico. Keynote Speaker.
2008 Post Doctoral fellowship NSF 2008. Microbial Observatory.
2003 Scholarship in Microbiology. University of Florence.
Italian(native speaker),
English(full professional proficiency),
Spanish(full professional proficiency)