martedì 12-13 San Salvi (II piano)
mercoledì 12-13 via Laura
MODALITA': in presenza o a distanza previo appuntamento via mail
CHIARA PECINI Data di nascita: 07.05.1972
- 2018-presente. Professore Associato di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell'Educazione, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Lingue, Intercultura, Lettere e Psicologia (FORLILPSI) - Università degli Studi di Firenze.
- Delegata per la Scuola di Psicologia alle Disabilità e ai Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento
- Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per Professore di I fascia M-Psi-04 (05.03.2021 – 05.032030)
- 2007-2018. Dirigente Psicologa a tempo pieno - IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris-Dipartimento di Neuroscienze dello Sviluppo-Università di Pisa
- 1997-2007. Collaboratore di ricerca in Neuropsicologia dello sviluppo - IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris-Dipartimento di Neuroscienze dello Sviluppo-Università di Pisa.
-2019-presente. Psicologia dell'handicap e della riabilitazione (Laurea Magistrale in Scienze della Formazione / Laurea Magistrale in Scienze dell’Educazione dell’Adulto, educazione Continua - Università degli Studi di Firenze)
- 2020-presente. Psicologia della disabilità nello sviluppo (Laurea triennale in Psicologia-Università degli Studi di Firenze)
-2020- presente. Indici di sviluppo atipico (Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia clinica e neuropsicologia -Università degli Studi di Firenze)
-2016-presente. Incarichi di docenza esterna a Corsi di Master nell’ambito della neuropsicologia dello sviluppo presso le Università di Pavia, Chieti, Napoli, Milano-Cattolica, Modena-Reggio Emilia
-2000-2018. Docente presso le Università di Padova, Bologna, Pisa, e Firenze presso lauree triennali, magistrali in Psicometria, Psicologia dell'handicap e della riabilitazione, Psicologia dello sviluppo e dell'educazione, Neuropsicologia dello sviluppo e recupero funzionale, Riabilitazione neuropsicologica, Valutazione psicologica.
Esperta in neuropsicologia dello sviluppo: approccio comparativo tra sviluppo tipico e atipico; correlati neurofunzionali e basi cognitive del linguaggio, dell'apprendimento e del funzionamento cognitivo in bambini con disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento, paralisi cerebrale e disturbi neuromuscolari; procedure di teleriabilitazione e robotica educativa per l'empowerment cognitivo nei bambini con bisogni educativi speciali. Collaborazioni con diversi ricercatori e unità di ricerca clinica di istituti nazionali e internazionali. Membro del board scientifico della piattaforma online Ridinet, supervisore scientifico di App per la tele-riabilitazione e coautore di studi sull'utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie per l'empowerment dei processi cognitivi in bambini con sviluppo tipico e atipico.
-Alessia Martucci (2022-presente). Progetto PNRR Tuscan Helth Ecosystem- Spoke 3- Subproject 5 Tele-health devices for treatment and assessment of cognitive functioning in subjects with neurodevelopmental disorders or special educational needs.
-Costanza Ruffini (2020-presente). Progetto di tele-valutazione e intervento sulle funzioni esecutive nello sviluppo tipico e atipico.
-(co-relatore) Maria Chiara Di Lieto (2012-2015; tesi: Profili neuropsicologici di bambini con disturbi dello sviluppo neurologico: nuovi approcci clinici e strumentali alla storia naturale e alla riorganizzazione cerebrale nella paralisi cerebrale).
- 2016-presente. Revisore per la ricerca psicologica (Ed. Springer); Frontiers in Psychology; BMC Pediatrics (Ed. Springer); PLOSE-ONE; Journal of Cognitive Enhancement.
- 2016-presente. Revisore per DIS. Dislessia, Discalculia e Disturbi di Attenzione (Ed. Erickson); Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo (Ed. Il Mulino) - 2020-presente. Membro del Comitato Scientifico di DIS. Dislessia, Discalculia e Disturbi di Attenzione (Ed. Erickson)
- 2020-2021. Guest Editor del numero speciale della rivista Children. “Increasing Knowledge on Learning and Behavioral Difficulties in Children” (SSN 2227-9067; IF: 2.078).
- 2021-2022. Guest Editor del numero speciale della rivista Children "Children’s Emotion and Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic"(ISSN 2227-9067)
- 2023-presente. Guest Editor del numero speciale della rivista Children “ Children with Reading Difficulties: How to Intervene and Treat?” ISSN 2227-9067
-2023-presente. Co-autrice della batteria Tele-FE per la televalutazione multiassiale delle Funzioni Esecutive in età Evolutiva (Ed. Anastasis, Hogrefe)
-2021-presente. Membro del Gruppo GRIFE. Gruppo di Ricerca sulle Funzioni Esecutive.
-2020-presente. Membro del consorzio COMPRENDO (COM ponenti tecnologiche Pe R l'inclusione E N ella Didattica e nella formazione) per la realizzazione di un videogioco per il potenziamento delle Funzioni Esecutive
-2018-presente. Supervisore scientifico dell'APP. "MemoRAN" (Piattaforma Ridinet - Coop. Anastasis) per la Tele-riabilitazione di Funzioni Esecutive. - 2016-presente. Supervisore scientifico dell'APP. "RuntheRAN" (Piattaforma Ridinet - Coop. Anastasis) per la Tele-riabilitazione dell'automatizzazione visuo-verbale.
-2014-presente. Membro del Comitato Scientifico della Software House Coop. Anastasis (Bologna, IT), dal 2 agosto 2014 ad oggi - 2013-2018. Direttore del team del servizio di Teleriabilitazione dei disturbi dell'apprendimento e delle funzioni cognitive presso la Fondazione IRRCCS Stella Maris.
-Vincitore della Borsa di studio 1999 presso la Fondazione IRRCS Stella Maris sul progetto: “Effetti Attenzionali delle misure di Specializzazione Emisferica”;
-Vincitore “Young Research Grant 2000 - Plasticità cerebrale in seguito a lesioni congenite e precoci acquisite” - Università di Pisa.
-Vincitore del Premio Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia per la migliore tesi di dottorato nell'anno accademico 2002/2003.
-Premio Poster al 1 ° Congresso Nazionale SOS Dyslexia, 12-13 febbraio 2016, Pisa; Pecini C., et al., "Riabilitazione della dislessia dello sviluppo: trattamenti orientati al compito o al processo?"
-Poster Award al 1 ° Congresso Nazionale SOS Dyslexia, 12-13 febbraio 2016, Pisa. DiLieto et al. “Robotica educativa e funzioni esecutive: uno studio pilota sui bambini in età prescolare”.
-Poster Award al XII Congresso Nazionale di Neuropsicologia dello Sviluppo, Bressanone, 18-21 gennaio 2017; Castro et al. Robotica educativa e funzioni esecutive: uno studio pilota sui bambini in età prescolare.
- Poster Award al Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, 20-21 settembre 2021; Ruffini et al. La tele-valutazione delle funzioni cognitive in età evolutiva: una revisione sistematica
-Poster CLASTA. Bombonato et al. Le Funzioni Esecutive nei bambini con Disprassia Verbale Evolutiva e Disturbo Fonetico Fonologico: relazioni con il profilo di speech e di linguaggio. Firenze, 13-14 Maggio 2022
- 2023 - in corso Membro della Commissione sulla Teleriabilitazione in Età Evolutiva dell’ l'Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
- 2018-2022. Membro dei gruppi di scrittura della Italian Consensus Conference on Specific Learning Disorders.
- 2018-2019. Membro dei gruppi di scrittura della Italian Consensus Conference on Language Disorders.
-2007 Specializzazione con lode in Psicologia Clinica e Psicoterapia-Università degli Studi di Siena
-2003 PhD con lode in Neuroscienze dello Sviluppo -Università di Pisa
-1996 Laurea Magistrale con lode in Psicologia-Università degli Studi di Padova.
Madrelingua italiana
Inglese: C1
- 2017- presente Socio AIP-Società Italiana di Psicologia- Sezione di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell'Educazione
- 2015-presente Membro SINP-Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia
- 2011-presente Membro del consiglio toscano di AIRIPA-Associazione Italiana Ricerca e Intervento in Psicopatologia dell'Apprendimento
- 1998- presente Ordine degli Psicologi della Toscana (nr.2496)
H-index Scopus:18; citations:1.054
PUBBLICAZIONI in ISI/Scopus journals
Executive Functions and Rapid Automatized Naming: A New Tele-Rehabilitation Approach in Children with Language and Learning Disorders (2022) Children, 9 (6), art. no. 822, DOI: 10.3390/children9060822
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.03084.
(2017). Spastic diplegia in preterm-born children: Executive function impairment and neuroanatomical correlates. Research in Developmental Disabilities, Feb;61:116-126. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2016.12.006.
Cognitive and Behavioural Neurology, 19(3):141-9. doi: 10.1097/01.wnn.0000213902.59827.19
Multisystem Disorders: a clinical study. Infant Mental Health Journal, Vol. 24(4), 365-377, 2003. doi:10.1002/imhj.10062
PUBBLICAZIONI in peer-reviewed journals
Psicologia dello sviluppo cognitivo, del linguaggio e degli apprendimenti scolastici.
Studio comparativo fra sviluppo tipico e atipico.
Neuropsicologia dello sviluppo.
Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento e altre traiettorie di neurosviluppo atipico.
Valutazione e intervento sulle funzioni cognitive di base, attenzione e Funzioni Esecutive in età pre-scolare e scolare.
Game-based intervention, teleriabilitazione e televalutazione dei processi cognitivi di base e degli apprendimenti scolastici.
Richiesta di tesi di laura:
Per la richiesta di tesi scrivere via mail specificando anno frequentato, media esami, tipologia di tesi d'interesse (bibliografica o sperimentale) e argomenti di intersse.
CHIARA PECINI Date of birth: 07.05.1972
Current position
- 2018-present. Associate Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology, Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Humanities and Psychology (FORLILPSI) - University of Florence.
- Delegate for the School of Psychology on Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders
- National Scientific Qualification for Professor of I fascia M-Psi-04 (05.03.2021 - 05.032030)
Previous positions
- 2007-2018. Full-time Psychologist - IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris-Department of Developmental Neuroscience-University of Pisa
- 1997-2007. Research associate in Developmental Neuropsychology - IRCCS Stella Maris Foundation-Department of Developmental Neuroscience-University of Pisa.
Teaching experience
- 2019-present. Psychology of Disability and Rehabilitation (Master's Degree in Education / Master's Degree in Adult Education, Continuing Education - University of Florence)
- 2020-present. Developmental Disability Psychology (Bachelor's Degree in Psychology-University of Florence)
- 2020-present. Atypical Developmental Indices (Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology -University of Florence)
- 2016-present. External teaching assignments in Master's courses in the field of developmental neuropsychology at the Universities of Pavia, Chieti, Naples, Milan-Cattolica, Modena-Reggio Emilia
- 2000-2018. Lecturer at the Universities of Padua, Bologna, Pisa, and Florence at three-year and master's degrees in Psychometry, Psychology of Handicap and Rehabilitation, Developmental and Educational Psychology, Developmental Neuropsychology and Functional Recovery, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Psychological Assessment.
Research activities
Expert in developmental neuropsychology: comparative approach between typical and atypical development; neurofunctional correlates and cognitive bases of language, learning and cognitive functioning in children with specific learning disorders, cerebral palsy and neuromuscular disorders; telerehabilitation procedures and educational robotics for cognitive empowerment in children with special educational needs. Collaboration with various researchers and clinical research units of national and international institutes. Member of the scientific board of the online platform Ridinet, scientific supervisor of apps for tele-rehabilitation and co-author of studies on the use of new technologies for the empowerment of cognitive processes in children with typical and atypical development.
PhD Tutor
- Alessia Martucci (2022-present). PNRR project Tuscan Helth Ecosystem- Spoke 3- Subproject 5 Tele-health devices for treatment and assessment of cognitive functioning in subjects with neurodevelopmental disorders or special educational needs.
- Costanza Ruffini (2020-present). Tele-assessment and intervention project on executive functions in typical and atypical development.
- (co-author) Maria Chiara Di Lieto (2012-2015; thesis: Neuropsychological profiles of children with neurodevelopmental disorders: new clinical and instrumental approaches to natural history and cerebral reorganisation in cerebral palsy).
Research support and scientific projects
1.January 2023- present Empowering schools in self-regula<on of Media and Informa<on Literacy
processes PI: Chris<an Tarchi UNIFI , Chiara Pecini Leader for Il Mondo degli Elli - Dura<on: 18
months (Calouste Gulbenkian Funda<on GOOGLE- European University Ins<tute)
2. December 2022- present Addressing Special Learning Needs through game-based toolkits and
tele-rehabilita<on methods. Dura<on: 12 months. (University Incen<ves for Research - Erasmus
+KA220 Project)
3.October 2022-present - Spoke 3 ProjectTHE - Tuscany Health Ecosystem. Ecosystem of innova<on
on life sciences and technologies in Tuscany - Sub-project 5 Tele-health devices for treatment and
assessment of cogni<ve func<oning in subjects with neurodevelopmental disorders or special
educa<onal needs. PI of the sub-project: Chiara Pecini. Dura<on: 01.10.2022 - 36 months (PNRR
4. 2021-present. Scien<fic project manager - Cogni<ve challenges of online vs in person learning in
EUniwell students: effects on a^en<on and short term memory reten<on- PI: Dr. Costanza Ruffini,
PhD student in Developmental Psychology- FORLILPSI- UniFI.
5. 2021-2023. Scien<fic Responsible of the Research Unit of the University of Florence in
PRO.TE.NE.U.CO (call COVID-19 TOSCANA) Inves<ga<on on tele-rehabilita<on protocols in children
with neurodevelopmental disorders (PI: Dr. Luccherino, ASL Toscana Sud-Est)
6. 2021. Scien<fic Responsible for the RiDi Project - Reducing Distances. A ba^ery of tests for the
tele-assessment of cogni<ve control processes at school age. Call for proposals Firs-2020 -
Partners: University of Genoa (Prof. Viterbori), University Milano Bicocca (Prof. Marzocchi)
7. 2020-present. Scien<fic Director, for the FORLILPSI-University of Florence Dept., of the Scu-Ter
Consor<um (Scuola Territorio Societ. Coopera<va Sociale) for research projects on school inclusion
of children with special needs.
8. 2019-present. Member of the Laboratory of Educa<onal Psychology of the Dept. FORLILPSIUniversity
of Florence.
9. 2019-present. External consultant of the Laboratory of Neuropsychology and Psycholinguis<cs-
IRRCS Stella Maris Founda<on.
10. 2020-2021. Member of the working group of the European University of Wellbeing - EUniWell
11. 2016-2018 Principal Inves<gator of the RC -2016-2018 research funded by the Na<onal Health
Department at the IRRCS Stella Maris Founda<on: Rehabilita<on of Func<onal Func<ons in
Neurodevelopmental Disorders: a trans-nosographic study.
12. 2016-2018 In-house consultant for the "e-Rob Call 4 IDEAS e-Rob: eLearning for the Educa<onal
Robo<cs". FTI Telecom Italia Founda<on. Principal Inves<gator: Prof. Cioni Giovanni-IRRCS
Fondazione Stella Maris.
13. 2013-2015 Co-Principal Inves<gator of the RC2013-2015 research funded by the Na<onal
Health Department at the Stella Maris Founda<on-IRRCS: Learning Out of the Lab: Home-based
cogni<ve rehabilita<on.
14. 2014-2016 External Consultant for research Tender Tuscany Region: Early iden<fica<on of
children with language and communica<on disorders at risk of developing language learning
15. 1996-2006 External consultant for research on the neuropsychological and neurofunc<onal
profile of various developmental disabili<es, funded by the Na<onal Health Department at the
Stella Maris IRRCS Founda<on: RC 2/96; RC 3/97; RC 3/98; RC 3/99; RC3 / 00; RC3 / 01; RF5 / 00; RC
Collaborations with Scientific Journals
- 2016-present. Reviewer for Psychology Research (Springer Ed.); Frontiers in Psychology; BMC Pediatrics (Springer Ed.); PLOSE-ONE; Journal of Cognitive Enhancement.
- 2016-present. Reviewer for DIS. Dyslexia, Discalculia and Attention Disorders (Ed. Erickson); Clinical Developmental Psychology (Ed. Il Mulino) - 2020-present. Member of the Scientific Committee of DIS. Dyslexia, Discalculia and Attention Disorders (Ed. Erickson)
- 2020-2021. Guest Editor of the special issue of the journal Children. "Increasing Knowledge on Learning and Behavioral Difficulties in Children" (SSN 2227-9067; IF: 2.078).
- 2021-2022. Guest Editor of the special issue of the journal Children's "Children's Emotion and Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic"(ISSN 2227-9067)
- 2023-present. Guest Editor of the special issue of the journal Children " Children with Reading Difficulties: How to Intervene and Treat?" ISSN 2227-9067
Achievements in technology transfer and new services
- 2023-present. Co-author of the Tele-FE battery for the multiaxial teleassessment of Executive Functions in Developmental Age (Ed. Anastasis, Hogrefe)
- 2021-present. Member of the GRIFE Group. Executive Functions Research Group.
- 2020-present. Member of the consortium COMPRENDO (COM ponents of Technology for Inclusion and Education) for the development of a video game for the enhancement of Executive Functions.
- 2018-present. Scientific supervisor of the APP. "MemoRAN" (Ridinet Platform - Coop. Anastasis) for the Tele-rehabilitation of Executive Functions. - 2016-present. Scientific supervisor of the APP. "RuntheRAN" (Ridinet Platform - Coop. Anastasis) for the Tele-rehabilitation of Visual-Verbal Automation.
- 2014-present. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Software House Coop. Anastasis (Bologna, IT), from 2 August 2014-present - 2013-2018. Director of the Telerehabilitation of Learning Disorders and Cognitive Functions service team at Fondazione IRRCCS Stella Maris.
- Winner of the 1999 Fellowship at the IRRCS Stella Maris Foundation on the project: "Attentional Effects of Measures of Hemispheric Specialisation";
- Winner "Young Research Grant 2000 - Brain plasticity after congenital and early acquired lesions" - University of Pisa.
- Winner of the National Award of the Italian Psychology Association for the best doctoral thesis in the academic year 2002/2003.
- Poster Award at the 1st SOS Dyslexia National Congress, 12-13 February 2016, Pisa; Pecini C., et al., "Rehabilitation of developmental dyslexia: task-oriented or process-oriented treatments?"
- Poster Award at the 1st SOS Dyslexia National Congress, 12-13 February 2016, Pisa. DiLieto et al. "Educational robotics and executive functions: a pilot study on preschool children".
- Poster Award at the 12th National Congress of Developmental Neuropsychology, Bressanone, 18-21 January 2017; Castro et al. 'Educational robotics and executive functions: a pilot study on preschool children.
- Poster Award at the National Congress of Developmental and Educational Psychology, 20-21 September 2021; Ruffini et al. The tele-assessment of cognitive functions in developmental age: a systematic review
- CLASTA Poster. Bombonato et al. Executive Functions in children with Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia and Phonetic Phonological Disorder: relationships with speech and language profile. Florence, 13-14 May 2022
Member of National Consensus Conferences
- 2023 - ongoing Member of the Commission on Telerehabilitation in Childhood of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
- 2018-2022. Member of the writing groups of the Italian Consensus Conference on Specific Learning Disorders.
- 2018-2019. Member of the writing groups of the Italian Consensus Conference on Language Disorders.
Education / Training
- 2007 Specialisation with honours in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy-University of Siena
- 2003 PhD with honours in Developmental Neuroscience - University of Pisa
- 1996 Master's Degree with honours in Psychology-University of Padua.
Mother tongue Italian
English: C1
Membership in Scientific Associations
- 2017-present Member AIP-Italian Society of Psychology- Section of Developmental and Educational Psychology
- 2015-present Member SINP-Italian Society of Neuropsychology
- 2011-present Member of the Tuscan Council of AIRIPA-Italian Association for Research and Intervention in Learning Psychopathology
- 1998-present Order of Psychologists of Tuscany (nr.2496)
H-index Scopus:18; citations: 1.054
- More than 50 communications as invited speaker at congresses
- 2023. Member of the scientific technical committee of the public engagement event "Paediatric Psychology and Paediatrics in dialogue: the importance of integrated work" Paediatric Psychology Task Force AIP Section of Developmental and Educational Psychology and FORLILPSI Department University of Florence
- 2023. Member of the technical-scientific committee of the public engagement event "Giocare per giocare e giocare per imparare: sinergie e confini nello sviluppo" AIRIPA Toscana and Dipartimento FORLILPSI Università di Firenze.
- 2021-2023. Member of the scientific committee of the course Executive functions in developmental age: Knowing the constructs and tools for assessment, rehabilitation and education FAD SINCRONA Geco Formazione and IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris.
- 2020. Scientific co-responsibility of the public engagement event - "Teaching at a distance, how technologies can support educational and inclusion processes"- University of Florence.
- 2019. Scientific co-responsibility of the public engagement event "Empowering cognitive and socio-emotional processes underlying emergent literacy" - University of Florence
- 2019. Scientific direction of the workshop "L'intervento sulle Funzioni Esecutive in età prescolare" Fondazione IRRCS Stella Maris
- 2018-2019. Scientific direction of the workshop "e-tutor", from the learning method to the technological devices to support learning. Learning Method to the technological devices to support learning. IRRCS Stella Maris Foundation
- 2014. Scientific direction of the workshop "SuperAbile"-Technological aids for children with motor disorders.
- 2014. Scientific direction of the workshop "Computer aids for neuropsychological developmental disabilities" Fondazione IRRCS Stella Maris.
PUBLICATIONS in ISI/Scopus journals
Peer-reviewed journals
Psychology of cognitive development, language and school learning.
Comparative study of typical and atypical development.
Developmental neuropsychology.
Specific Learning Disorders and other trajectories of atypical neurodevelopment.
Assessment and intervention on basic cognitive functions, attention and executive functions in pre-school and school age.
Game-based intervention, telerehabilitation and teleassessment of basic cognitive processes and school learning.