Antonio Lanatà, Ph.D., è professore associato di Bioingegneria presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione dell'Università di Firenze. Nel 2004 ha iniziato a lavorare presso il Centro di Ricerca in Bioingegneria e Robotica "E. Piaggio" di Pisa e nel 2020 è entrato a far parte dell'Università di Firenze. I suoi interessi di ricerca comprendono la progettazione e l'implementazione di sistemi indossabili per il monitoraggio fisiologico e l'elaborazione statistica e non lineare dei segnali biomedici. Le applicazioni della sua ricerca includono la valutazione e la modellazione dell'attività del sistema nervoso autonomo nell'affective computing, dell'umore e dei disturbi mentali/neurologici e dell'interazione uomo/animale/robot. È autore di numerosi contributi scientifici internazionali in queste aree, pubblicati su riviste internazionali peer-reviewed, atti di conferenze, libri e capitoli di libri. Ha partecipato a diversi progetti di ricerca internazionali della Comunità Europea. È stato invitato a partecipare a diverse conferenze internazionali. Il Prof. Lanatà è revisore per molte riviste internazionali e agenzie di finanziamento della ricerca e membro di programmi e comitati scientifici di conferenze internazionali annuali. È anche editore associato di diverse riviste internazionali.
Antonio Lanatà, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence, Italy. In 2004, he started working at the Bioengineering and Robotics Research Center "E. Piaggio" in Pisa, and in 2020 he joined the University of Florence. His research interests include designing and implementing wearable systems for physiological monitoring and statistical and nonlinear biomedical signal processing. Applications of his research include the assessment and modeling of autonomic nervous system activity in affective computing, mood and mental/neurological disorders, and of human/animal/robot interaction. He is the author of numerous international scientific contributions in these areas, published in peer-reviewed international journals, conference proceedings, books, and book chapters. He has been involved in several international research projects of the European Community. He has been an invited speaker at several international conferences. Prof. Lanatà is a reviewer for many international journals and research funding agencies and a member of programs and scientific committees of annual international conferences. He is also an Associate Editor of several international journals.
Antonio Lanatà (Male)Position: Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence, Italy.h-index: 37 (Google Scholar) – 32 (Scopus);Citations: 5007 (Google Scholar) – 3,435 (Scopus)Identification: Scopus ID: 22734018500 – ORCID ID: production:Antonio Lanata (AL) is the author of more than 150 scientific publications (81 articles in international scientific journals, 1 monograph, 4 book chapters, 65 articles on international conferences, 29 articles as the first author, 12 articles as the senior author, and 1 international patent. AL has been invited several times as a speaker at Italian and foreign Universities. AL is a member of the editorial board of 7 international scientific journals and has been a guest editor of 7 international scientific journals.Research Interest:AL's scientific research activity focuses on bioengineering with eight main themes and a strongly interdisciplinary character. Motivated by designing and developing systems useful to humans, AL has enriched its curriculum, which started from a solid electronic base, expanding it to neuroscience, medicine, statistics, and biomedical signal processing. In particular, from the study and development of innovative wearable systems for health monitoring (e.g. ultrasound and electromagnetic waves), the research interests have been extended to investigating the affective state's sphere. In particular, AL has focused its research on human emotions, both in recognition and stimulation. This activity has allowed new fields of application for healthy subjects and subjects suffering from behavioral, mental, and consciousness disorders. Likewise, it has required in-depth knowledge of signal processing techniques and methods, descriptive and inferential statistics, data mining and pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence models.Currently, AL's research activities can be grouped into the following topics:1. Novel wearable systems for monitoring physiological signals and biomechanical parameters.2. Models and methods for Automatic Neonatal Seizures Detection.3. Innovative radiant systems (ranging between low and very high frequency, including UltraWideBand radar systems) for non-contact biomedical applications.4. Research on eye patterns in psychology, emotional recognition, stress, and mood and consciousness disorders.5. Development of methods to analyze physiological signals emphasizing non-linear and complexity analysis.6. Research applied to studying neural control over the cardiovascular system, including multivariate dynamics of autonomic system-visual system interaction.7. Research applied to identifying and monitoring emotional states and emotional regulation dysfunction in humans and associated mental disorders.8. Study of human-animal interaction in inter-species emotional exchange phenomena to better understand basal dynamic mechanisms and improve animal-assisted interventions' effectiveness.Education:• PhD in Bioengineering, Robotics and Automation at the Department of Electrical Systems and Automation, University of Pisa. Entitled: "Innovative wearable systems for heart monitoring". Tutor Prof. Danilo De Rossi.• MSD: Laurea in Electronic Engineering, University of Pisa. Entitled: "Design and realization of polymeric actuation systems for the development of an expressive robotic face." Supervisor: Prof. Danilo De Rossi.Fellowships and Awards:• Best Paper Award - Expressive Humanoid Face: a Preliminary Validation Study – International Academy, Research, and Industry Association - The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, ACHI 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, February 22 - 27, 2015.• Best Paper Award - Interpreting Psychophysiological States Using Unobtrusive Wearable Sensors in Virtual Reality - International Academy, Research, and Industry Association - The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, ACHI 2014, Barcelona, Spain, March 23 - 27, 2014.Teaching Background:Teacher:• 2019 - now "Biomedical Instrumentation", Laurea in Biomedical Engineering, University of Florence, Italy.• 2019 - now "Bioengineering for Neuroscience", Laurea in Biomedical Engineering, University of Florence, Italy.• 2018 - now "Biomedical Electronics II", Laurea in Biomedical Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy.• 2009 - 2010 "Biosensors", Laurea in Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy.• 2008 - 2009 "Electronic Bioengineering II", Laurea in Biomedical Engineering, University of Cagliari, Italy.Teaching Assistant:• "Biomedical Electronics II", Laurea in Biomedical Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy, a.a. 2018-2012.• "Bioelectronics", Laurea in Biomedical Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy, a.a. 2011- 2008;• Tutor of several theses for Electronics, Biomedical and Information Engineering for both Master and bachelor’s degree.Research European Projects Participation:• POTION – "Promoting social interaction through emotional body odours." (POTION, H2020-FETPROACT-2018-01,, Start: January 1st, 2019, Duration: 60 months).• NEVERMIND – "NEurobehavioural predictiVE and peRsonalised Modelling of depressIve symptoms duriNg primary somatic Diseases with ICT-enabled self-management procedures". (NEVERMIND, H2020-PHC-2015-689691,, Start: January 1st, 2016, Duration: 48 months).• WEARHAP – "Wearable Haptics for Humans and Robots" (WEARHAP, FP7-ICT-2011-9 601165,, Start: March 1st, 2013, Duration: 48 months.• CEEDS – "Collective Experience of Empathic Data Systems" (CEDDs, FET-ICT-2009.8.4-258749, Start: September 1st, 2009, Duration: 48 months)• PSYCHE - Personalised monitoring SYstems for Care in mental HEalth( PSYCHE, FP7-ICT-2009.5.1-247777,, Start: January 1st, 2010, Duration: 40 months).• PROETEX - Protection e-Textiles: "MicroNanoStructured fibre systems for emergency-disaster wear" (PROETEX, FP6-2004-IST-4-026987, Start: February 1st, 2006, Duration: 48 months).Patents:• European Patent, n.PCT/EP2011/064742. Entitled: "Monitoring Method and System for assessment of prediction of mood trends", 2011.Technology transfer:• Spin-off: FEEL-ING S.R.LVisiting research activity:• Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Department Microelectronics, Olanda, January 2015Other Scientific Activities:• Associate Editor of MDPI Electronics section Bioelectronics.• Associate Editor of MDPI Bioengineering.• Associate Editor of MDPI Biosensors.• Associate Editor of Frontiers Bionics and Biomimetics.• Associate Editor of MDPI Algorithms.• Associate Editor of MDPI Animals.• Associate Editor of The Open Cybernetics & Systemics Journal.• Associate Guest Editor of MDPI Bioengineering - Special Issues "Monitoring and Analysis of Human Biosignals”, 2022.", 2020;• Associate Guest Editor of MDPI Electronics for the Special Issues: “10th Anniversary of Electronics: Hot Topics in Bioelectronics”, 2022.• Associate Guest Editor of MDPI Bioengineering for the Special Issues: “Advances in Multivariate Physiological Signal Analysis”, 2021.• Associate Guest Editor of MDPI Bioengineering - Special Issues "Advances in Multivariate Physiological Signal Analysis", 2020;• Associate Guest Editor of MDPI Electronics - Special Issues "The Anniversary of Electronics: Hot topics in Bioelectronics, 2020;• Associate Guest Editor of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology and Frontiers in Neurorobotics - Special Topic "Emotion and Emotion Regulation - Sensors and Technologies for Regulating Human Emotion for Healthcare Purposes" 2020;• Associate Guest Editor of Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Animal Behavior and Welfare Veterinary Humanities and Social Sciences and Frontiers in Psychology - Special Topic "Emotions and Emotional Interplay Within and Between Species: A One Welfare Perspective", 2020;• Associate Guest Editor of MDPI Electronics - Special Issues "Data Processing and Wearable Systems for Effective Human Monitoring", 2016.• Associate Guest Editor of MDPI Animals - Special Issues: "Biotechnology in animals? management, health and welfare", 2016.• Associate Guest Editor of IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics - Special Issues: "Sensor Informatics for Managing Mental Health", 2015.• Associate Guest Editor of Frontiers Neuroscience, Frontiers in Neuroengineering - Special Issues: "Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) correlates in psychophysiological states investigation: sensing, processing and recognition", 2012.Reviewer of International/National Research Project:• Reviewer of International/National Research Project Funding Programme. Heart Research UK (HRUK)• Reviewer of Grant Proposal for the National Science Center, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN; Committee Member:• Program Committee member for GLOBAL HEALTH from 2012 up to now.• Program Committee member for the e-Health conference from 2012 up to now.• Program committee member for the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health ICT4AGE from 2012 until now.Memberships of Scientific Societies:• IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society.• IEEE Signal Processing Society.• IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.• IEEE Sensors CouncilReviewer of Scientific Journals:• Scientific Report Nature;• IEEE Journal of Biomedical Health Informatics;• IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering;• IEEE Sensor Journal;• Institute Of Physic (IOP) Journals Publishing;• The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America;• IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine;• Research Journal of Textile and Apparel (RJTA);• Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing;• Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica;• Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika;• MDPI Electronics;• MDPI Animals;• MDPI Sensor;Reviewer for International Conferences:• IEEE The Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), from 2008 up to now;• World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics WMSCI, from 2008 up to now;• GLOBAL HEALTH, from 2012 up to now;• e-Health from 2012 up to now;• ICT4AGE from 2012 up to now;