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Department of Science of Education, Literatures, Intercultural studies, Languages, and Psychology, University of Florence.
Nato a Massa Marittima, il 06-01-1976. Le altre informazioni degne di interesse sono presenti nel CV allegato.
Curriculum Vitae
Place of Birth: Massa Marittima (Gr)
Date of Birth: 06th January 1976
Citizenship: Italian
Telephone: +39 050 315 3059 (work)
Mobile: +39 338 2316802
Current Position
Associate Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Education, Literatures, Intercultural Studies, Languages and Psychology, University of Florence, Italy.
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale*
Abilitazione scientifica nazionale alle funzioni di professore associato, SSD M-Psi05 Psicologia Sociale, conseguita il 28-3-2017. Valida dal 28/3/2017 al 28/3/2026.
Community Services
President of the Admission Committee for the Master's Degree in "Life Cycle and Contexts Psychology" (LM-51), University of Florence (2024-present).
President of the Commission for National Psychologist Profession Accreditation for the Tuscany Region. Academic Year 2023-2024.
National responsible and coordinator for the double title agreement between University of Florence and University of Sevilla for the sector of “Social Psychology” (M-Psi05)
Member of the Commission for “Laboratori congiunti, conto terzi ed esternalizzazione" of the University of Florence.
Member of the “Department Board (Giunta)” for the Department of Education, Languages, Intercultural studies, Literatures and Psychology, University of Florence (2023-2027).
Member of the “SIAF Board” for the Centre of Informatic Services of the University of Florence (2023-2027).
Coordinator of University Laboratory MCAR - “Multisetting Community Action Research: from real to virtual”, Department of Education, Literatures, Intercultures, Languages, and Psychology, University of Florence, Italy.
Associate Researcher of the Centre for The Study of Complex Dynamics (CSDC) of the University of Florence.
Responsible for the VirtHuLab, "Laboratory for the Study of Virtual Human Dynamics", University of Florence.
Member of the PhD Collegium of the doctoral program titled"LEARNING SCIENCES AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES", Università degli Studi di MODENA e REGGIO EMILIA. a.a. 2024/2025 - (Cycle XXXX)
Member of the PhD Collegium of the doctoral program titled "DOTTORATO DI INTERESSE NAZIONALE IN LIFE COURSE RESEARCH", Università degli Studi di FIRENZE. a.a. 2024/2025 - (Cycle XXXX)
Responsible for the perfecting post lauream course entitled “Giocarsi nel mondo del lavoro”, University of Florence (2021-2022).
Member of the PhD Collegium of the doctoral program titled "national interest doctorate in life course research (cycle XXXIX), University of Florence..
Member of the PhD Collegium for the PhD Curriculum in Complex Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics, within the PhD School on Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Florence, Italy.
Member of the “Italian association of Psychogeriatric” (AIP).
Member of the PhD Collegium for the PhD Curriculum in Psychology, within the PhD School on Education and Psychology, University of Florence, Italy (Cycle XXXV).
Member of the PhD Collegium for the national PhD Curriculum in Learning sciences and digital technologies, coordinated by the University of Foggia, (Cycle XXXIX).
Member of the board (directive) of the Italian Society of Community Psychology - SIPCO (2021-2022).
Member of the interdisciplinary and inter departmental research unit “Biomedical Engineering for Life sciences research uniT (BELT)”, University of Florence.
Organizing Committee Member of CODYM - Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future. ECCS - European conference on complex systems.
Scientific Committee Member of InPACT conference 2016-2022 - "International Psychological Applications and Trends".
Program Committee Member of FOCAS@SASO2015 - "3rd FoCAS Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Adaptive Systems", 21th September 2015 at SASO 2015, Boston, USA.
Program Committee Member of FOCAS@SASO2014 - ’2nd FoCAS Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Systems, 8th September 2014 at SASO 2014, London, UK.
Program Committee Member of SAOS’14 2nd International Workshop on “Self-optimisation in organic and autonomic computing systems”
Program Committee Member of SCA 2013, Satellite. "Collective Social Awareness and Relevance workshop (CSAR)" (web),
Program Committee Member of ECCS 2013, Satellite. "Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future" (web), organized by the Complex Systems Society (web).
Mentors for the AWASS 2012 - Summer School.
Program Committee Member of ECCS 2012, Satellite. "Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future" (web), organized by the Complex Systems Society (web).
Program Committee Member of ECCS 2011 Satellite. "Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future" (web), organized by the Complex Systems Society (web).
Program Committee Member of "Extreme Events in Urban Dynamics" (2008), organized by the Centre for The Study of Complex Dynamics of the University of Florence (web).
Associated Editor for the journal: Frontiers in Psychology
Guest editor special issue future internet: INSCI2019
Topic Editor for the journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Topic Editor for the journal: Future Internet
Scientific board for the Infermieristica Journal
Reviewer for the AIP journal: Chaos, An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science.
Reviewer for the Elsevier journal: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations.
Reviewer for the Elsevier journal: Computer Communications.
Reviewer for the Elsevier journal: Computers in Human Behavior.
Reviewer for the journal: Psychology of Popular Media Culture.
Reviewer for the journal: Future Internet.
Reviewer for the journal: Psicologia di Comunità.
Reviewer Board Member for the journal: Entropy
Reviewer for the journal: Current psychology.
Reviewer for the journal: PLOS One.
Reviewer for the journal: Frontiers in psychology.
2009 : Phd in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems at the University of Florence
Thesis: Computational models of cognitive activity: from neural to social dynamics.
Supervisor: Prof. Franco Bagnoli.
2008 : Nomination as expert on the field of “Computational Models of the Cognitive Activity” (Cultore della materia), Department of Psychology, University of Florence.
2006 : Membership of the Centre for The study of Complex Dynamics (CSDC), University of Florence.
2005 : Qualified to practice the profession of Psychologist, Tuscany Psychologists Register, Italy.
2004 : Nomination as expert on the field of “Theory and Techniques of research and data analysis in psychology” (Cultore della materia), Department of Psychology, University of Florence.
2004 : M Phil in Advanced Models of Data Analysis in Psychology at the University of Florence
Supervisor: Prof. Riccardo Luccio
2004 : M Phil in Cognitive Evaluation and Neuropsychological assessment at the University of Florence
Supervisor: Prof.ssa. Maria Pia Viggiano
2003 : Degree in Psychology at the University of Florence.
Thesis: e-Category Test: costruzione della prima versione italiana computerizzata e primi dati per la validazione.
Supervisors: Dott. Marco Giannini, Dott.ssa Rosapia Lauro-Grotto
1995 : General certificate of education in Chemistry (perito chimico), ITIS B. Lotti, Massa Martittima, (GR), Italy.
1992 : Professional programming course of COBOL and management of UNIX based systems. Infotirrena S.r.l., Follonica, (GR), Italy (2 years).
Courses and School
2008 - Complexity in Social Dynamics: from the micro to the macro, organized by Universitè Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium.
2007 - Complex System Summer School, organized by Institut des Systèmes Complexes Paris Île-de-France , Paris, France. Thesis: Evolutionary multiagent model of Information analysis: Data driven processes VS Schema driven processes. Emergence of unconscious analysis of environmental information.
2007 - Analysis and Control of Complex Network, organized by SICC (Italian Society of CAOS and Complexity), University of Milan, Italy.
2006 - Soft Computing: Theories, Tecniques and Applications, organized by SICC (Italian Society of CAOS and Complexity), University of Milan, Italy.
2006 - From Individual to Collective behaviour in large scale Complex Systems Soft Computing,organized by University of Manchester, Ambleside, UK.
2004 - Gestalt therapy, Istituto di Psicoterapia Comparata (SPC), Florence, Italy.
2004 - Morenian PSYCHODRAMA, Istituto di Psicoterapia Comparata (SPC), Florence, Italy.
2003 - Theories and Tecniques of Psychological Assessment, Istituto di Psicoterapia Comparata (SPC), Florence, Italy.
Academic working experience
01/04/2023-: Associate Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Education, Literatures, Intercultural Studies, Languages and Psychology, University of Florence, Italy.
05/04/2012-31-03-2023: Researcher at the Department of Education, Literatures, Intercultural Studies, Languages and Psychology, University of Florence, Italy.
01/01/2008-31/12/2011: Researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Pisa.
01/01/2006-31/12/2008: PhD student and the Centre for the Study of Complex Dynamics (CSDC) of the University of Florence.
01/01/2005-31/12/2006: Research Assistant for the courses of "Metodologia della Ricerca in Psicologia", and "Modelli Computazionali dell'Attività Cognitiva", Faculty of Psychology, University of Florence.
01/09/2003-31/12/2004: Research assistant for the course of "Teorie e Tecniche dei Test Psicologici", Faculty of Psychology, University of Florence.
Other working experience
01/01/2004-31/12/2004: Online counselor for students and psychologists., School of Comparative Psychotherapy (SPC), Florence, Italy.
01/01/1997-31/12/1999: Supervisor of the data entry services for the updating of the cadastral databases of the city of Florence (TARSU-ICI-IRPEF). Infotirrena S.r.l., Via della Pace, 44/A, Follonica, Grosseto, Italy.
01/01/1996-31/12/1997: Software developer. Development of software for data mining and data management using COBOL and C++programming languages. Infotirrena S.r.l., Via della Pace, 44/A, Follonica, Grosseto, Italy.
Participation in funded European projects
H2020 - PHOENIX: The Rise of Citizens Voices for a Greener Europe. CALL: Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal. ID: H2020-LC-GD-2020. TYPE: RIA. PHOENIX is an acronym for “Participation in HOlistic ENvironmental/Ecological Innovations”. It comes from the desire to propose a fresh start for participatory and deliberative processes, which reflect the “change of pace” represented in 2020, which increased investment on citizens’ and stakeholders’ engagement on augmented EGD ambitions, – as stated in documents such as “The State of the Union 2020” and “European Democracy Action Plan” (EDAP) of Dec. 2020. PHOENIX centred its attention on the more holistic concept of Democratic Innovation (DI), which includes both features deduced from participatory and deliberative practices and encompasses not only, formalised practices shaped by institutions, but also spaces where citizens have been able to organise themselves in order to shape a constructive dialogue and effective arenas of negotiation with political/administrative actors. PHOENIX connects a multidisciplinary consortium of 15 partners from the different macro-regions of the EU and associated countries. They include academic partners encompassing: political scientists, sociologists, legal scholars, ICT experts, psychologists, geographers, town planners and a series of methodological partners with an experienced background in organising and evaluating participatory and deliberative processes and e-governance through ICT platforms which facilitate social dialogue. Partners: Centro de Estudos Sociais CES Portugal, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli FGF Italy, Università Degli Studi di Firenze Unifi Italy, Res publica Res Publica France, French National Center for Scientific Research CNRS France, Université Paris 8 Paris 8 France, The Good Lobby TGL Belgium, Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos CSIC Spain, University of Southampton SOUTHAMPTON United Kingdom, University of Szeged USZ Hungary, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen RUG The Netherlands, e-Governance Academy eGA Estonia, Associação Oficina de Planeamento e Participação OFICINA Portugal, OneSource Consultoria Informática ONESOURCE Portugal, University of Coimbra UC Portugal, University of Iceland UoI Iceland. Duration: 42 months. Total budget: € 5,000,000.00. Role: Scientific Responsible for psychological unit at UNIFI.
H2020 - INSPIRES: Ingenious Science shops to promote Participatory Innovation, Research and Equity in Science. InSPIRES brings together Civil Society, practitioners and other stakeholders from across and beyond Europe to co-design, jointly pilot, implement and roll out innovative models for Science Shops. The InSPIRES models integrate Responsible Research and Innovation, Open Science and Impact Evaluation as part of their DNA in order to open the research process up in a more strategic way. The inputs from systematic impact evaluation studies will be continuously integrated in order to make InSPIRES Science Shops 2.0 models more accurate and responsive to civil society needs and concerns. European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 741677. Partners: Barcelona Institute for Global Health (InSPIRES Coordintaror) SPAIN, Environmental Social Sciences Research Groups Ltd. (ESSRG) HUNGARY, Fundación Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa (IRSICaixa) SPAIN, Université de Lyon (UDL) FRANCE, The VU Institute for research on innovation and communication in the health and life sciences (VU) NETHERLANDS, Università degli studi di Firenze (UNIFI) ITALY. Duration: 48 months. Total budget: € 2,995,606.25. Role: Scientific Responsible for UNIFI.
H2020 - PROVA Prevention of violent Radicalization and Of Violent Actions in intergroup relations: (ERASMUS+ EACEA-05-2016). (2017-2018). Duration: 24 months. Total budget € 472 736. Role: Scientific Responsible and Main coordinator.
FP7 EC Science in Society - Project SciCafe 2.0: The SciCafe 2.0 project takes as its starting point the FP7 funded SciCafe project (Science in Society), in which a European network of science cafes has been developed. Science cafés are an informal and innovative way of communicating science and they represent a successful case for grassroot social innovation for citizens’ empowerment. One of the SciCafe project results was that science café proved to be an excellent tool for collective discussion, encouraging participation, knowledge building, knowledge sharing and creativity of individuals and communities. This suggests the possibility of extending science cafes to the virtual dimension by developing an appropriate ICT platform, starting from the positive research carried out for the first SciCafe project. The overall objective of the SciCafe 2.0 project is to foster the “science café” instrument making use of ICT-based instruments in a wiki-like form, with a bottom-up approach, in order to enhance collective awareness of relevant scientific issues (such as global warming, energy, biomedicine, etc.) and also investigate how science cafés can be exploited as a collective decision-making tool for approaching participative/electronic democracy issues. The social impact of the project will cover many dimensions. In addition to enhancing the development of a scientific culture at the local level, the SciCafe 2.0 ICT platform will develop a more effective and participatory scheme for the communication and circulation of scientific ideas in for the general public, through the sharing, exchange, and participation at a local and global scale. This will lead to a deeper understanding and management of social and environmental problems, at a collective level. Improving collective knowledge through sharing of data and competences is a crucial step towards social innovation. proposal number: 611299 call: FP7-ICT-2013-10. Role: Scientific partner.
FP7 EC European Network of Excellence in Internet Science - EINS Open Call Project FOCAL: Foundations for Collective Awareness Platforms: Disruptive ideas for an Internet Science (2014-2015). Collective Awareness Platforms (CAPs) are currently viewed as a promising vehicle for unlocking the tremendous potential that technology-enabled, highly-connected, distributed and participatory human beings can bring about for the benefit of the society and the environment. However, CAPs largely rely on the collaboration and contributions of human beings with very different personality attributes and varying exposure to social influence. Their behaviours combine in different proportions (pure) altruism and rational selfishness (i.e., economic man), exhibit psychological and cognitive biases and are shaped by real and virtual communities they participate in. Moreover, many CAPs instances need to overcome the concerns of end users about the privacy of their data and locations; again, the intensity of these concerns varies broadly across the (candidate) contributors. Last, but not least, CAPs usually represent a paradigm of service provision that deviates from familiar rules and prescriptions of the market and may stand competitively against purely commercial alternatives. For all these reasons, their wide adoption, sustainability, and effectiveness presents major challenges. The proposed action will leverage the skills and relevant work of its three-partner Consortium to systematically explore all different dimensions inherent in CAPs, including the market, social- and cognitive psychological dimensions and their implications for their design and the user participation in them. These dimensions will drive a characterization/classification of CAPs, which will include the end user participation incentives, sometimes monetary and more often non-monetary, the value of the private information shared in the platform, their vulnerability to the free riding phenomena, and account for the different entities/players in the CAPs ecosystem. The work of FOCAL will inevitably involve literature surveys across widely different knowledge domains, but also preliminary efforts to derive novel modelling ideas and design experiments that will quantitatively capture the CAPs characterization attributes. FOCAL mainly contributes to the efforts of EINS JRA1 to develop a theory for Internet Science; in particular, it addresses the activities in JRA1 task R1.4 on “Collective intelligence”. At the same time, its work on CAPs characterization feeds the JRA6 activities on virtual communities (primarily task R6.1), while it is expected to interact with JRA5 (on the privacy aspects) and JRA7 (on aspects of resilience and vulnerability). Keywords: incentives, collective awareness, decision-making, social networks. Funded under: 7th FWP (Seventh Framework Programme). Duration: 12 months. Role: Scientific partner.
FP7 EC FET-AWARE RECOGNITION Project: Relevance and cognition for self-awareness in a content-centric Internet (2010-2013). RECOGNITION will develop a radically new approach for embedding self-awareness in ICT systems. This will be based on the cognitive processes that the human species exhibits for self-awareness, seeking to exploit the fact that humans are ultimately the fundamental basis for high performance autonomic processes. This is due to the cognitive ability of the brain to efficiently assert relevance (or irrelevance), extract knowledge and take appropriate decisions, when faced with partial information and disparate stimuli. Using the psychological and cognitive sciences as concrete inspiration, our approach is to develop functional models of the core cognitive processes that allow humans to assert relevance and achieve knowledge from information. This involves mechanisms such as inference, belief, similarity and trust. These will be translated to the ICT domain by development of flexible RECOGNITION algorithms that can be embedded in ICT on a flexible basis for self-awareness. We will demonstrate this new paradigm for Internet content. The future Internet will see ever- increasing amounts of content that needs to be effectively managed and acquired, often from portable devices and in diverse spatial and social situations. The massive scale of content will swamp the user with information, impeding effective management and relevant acquisition by the user. By exploiting the self-awareness capability we will enable the users, content and network to cope effectively in a scalable manner, thus making unprecedented amounts of relevant content available and unleashing new classes of applications that extract maximum utility from content. Funded under: 7th FWP (Seventh Framework Programme), Area: Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems (ICT-2009.8.5); Project reference: 257756. Total cost: 3.15 million euro. EU contribution: 2.4 million euro. Execution: From 2010-10-01 to 2013-09-30. Duration: 36 months. Role: Scientific partner and Unit coordinator.
FP6 EC PATHFINDER – Measuring the Impossible Memory Project: “MEasuring and MOdelling Relativistic-like effects in brain and NCSs” (2007-2010). This project involves researchers of IIT-CNR (Italy), of SUPSI (CH), of the Libera Università “Vita Salute S.Raffaele” of Milan (Italy), and of Philipps-University Marburg (Germany). This project builds on recent psychophysical and neurophysiologic findings showing that as humans and animals move their eyes, their visual systems are subject to strong and robust (albeit transient) distortions of perceived space and time. It has been suggested, with strong supporting evidence, that these distortions may be relativistic-like consequences of the rapid remapping of neurons, necessary to compensate for the changes in retinal position produced by the eye movement. We plan to investigate and measure these phenomena with a multidisciplinary approach that combines the techniques of human psychophysics, functional magnetic imaging, animal neurophysiology and modelling within a Networked Control System (NCS). Funded under: 6th FWP (Sixth Framework Programme), Area: Measuring the impossible; Project reference: 43236 . Total cost: 1.45 million euro. EU contribution: 1.28 million euro. Execution: From 2007-03-15 to 2010-09-14. Duration: 42 months. Role: Scientific partner.
Leading/Participation in funded National projects
Progetto Unifi Extra 2024 - Public Engagement - Balance & Wellbeing: attivare la comunità per la salute e i diritti delle madri lavoratrici con un approccio interdisciplinare. 12 Months. Budget: 50.000 €. Role: Responsible (PI)
Progetto PRIN 2022 - Prin Pnrr DD1409 - Project title: COoperation and BRAin-Synchrony: a multiscale and translable approach. 24 Months. Budget: 290.000 €. Role: Unit responsible.
Competitive Projects for Researcher, University of Florence 2022-2024. Title: TARAVH “Design and development of web based psychological and psychosocial action research platform for vaccine hesitancy mitigation.” . Role: Unit responsible.
Project PNR 2021-27 - (1-12-2022 to 31-05-2025) “ADVerse reactions to drugs and vaccines, perinatal heAlth and womeN's soCial wEllbeing - ADVANCE”. Role: Unit responsible.
Progetto THE – Spoke 3 – subprogetto 5. “Telecare for assessment and empowerment of cognitive functioning in subjects with neurodevelopmental disorders or special educational needs”. Role: Unit responsible.
Infanzia Accudita: un modello innovativo ed inclusivo per la montagna - 2020-PIR-01292 (2022-2024) - Progetto regione Toscana. Role: Responsible for impact evaluation.
Cardiodiario (2021-2023) - Progetto Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze. Role: Scientific coordinator.
Prontobadante (2020-2021) - Progetto regione Toscana. Role: Scientific coordinator.
“Vita Nova: un servizio adattivo per ridurre il rischio cardiovascolare e metabolico nelle donne in pre-menopausa e menopausa”(2007-2013) Programma PAR FAS 2007-2013 – Linea d'azione 1.1 - BANDO FAR-FAS 2014 CUP CIPE "VITA NOVA" D18C15000130008. Role: Scientific partner.
Visiting Position
2019 (May): Invited researcher at Groningen University (Netherlands), from May 20th, 2019 through May 31th, 2019. Title of the lecture: “Deindividuation effects in virtual environments: new experimental insights”.
2019 (February): Invited researcher at Lisbon University (Portugal), from February 14th, 2019 through February 19th, 2019. Title of the lecture: “Online social influence: an ERP based approach”.
2018 (December): Invited researcher at Reunion University (France), from December 1st, 2018 through December 20, 2018. Title of the course: “A sociophysics model of collective intelligence”.
2016 (december): Invited researcher at Senseable City Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from December 14, 2016 through December 20, 2016. Title of the talk: “Human behavior in real and virtual environments”.
2016 (september): Invited professor at Faculty of Psychology, Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Invited course entitled: “Human Virtual Dynamics and Social Network Psychology”.
2013 (december): Invited researcher at Istituto di Scienze e Tecniche della Cognizione Umana (ISTC) of the National Council of Research of Italy (CNR). Invited lecture entitled: “From Sociophysic to Cognitive Dynamics”.
2012 (november): Invited researcher at Universität Augsburg - Lehrstuhl für Organic Computing. Eichleitnerstr. 30. 86159 Augsburg (De). Invited lecture entitled: “The architecture of a Tri-Partite Model of Cognition”. (Funded by the Awareness coordination action of the European Commision).
2012 (march): Invited researcher at Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Comlejos, Universidad de las Islas Baleares (IFISC). Invited lecture entitled: “Cognitive network structure of Human Virtual Interactions: a minority game experiment”.
2010 (november): Invited researcher at Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, UK. Invited lecture entitled: “A Cognitive Heuristic based approach to the study of epidemics”.
2010 (june): Invited researcher at Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos, Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. Lecture entitled: “Complex modeling of cognitive based opinion dynamics”.
2009 (september): Invited researcher at Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, UK. Invited lecture entitled: “Cognitive network dynamics”.
2008 (april): Invited researcher at Namur Center for Complex Systems (NAXYS) at the University of Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium. Invited lecture entitled: “Complex system modeling of cognitive activity”.
2007 (may): Invited researcher at School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester, UK. Invited lecture entitled: “The peace mediator effect: the role of openness of mind and affinity in a continuous opinion model”.
2006 (december): Invited researcher at Namur Center for Complex Systems (NAXYS) at the University of Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium. Invited lecture entitled: “Heuristic role in the Opinion Making Processes”.
2002 (April-July) Holder of a course entitled “Informatic: theory and standard applications”. Biblioteca A. Gamberi, Roccastrada, (GR), Italy.
2003 (April-July) Holder of a course entitled “Computer and Telematics”. Biblioteca A. Gamberi, Roccastrada, (GR), Italy.
2003-2004 Assistant of the course “Theory and Techniques of Psychological Testing”, Faculty of psychology, University of Florence.
2003-2004 Assistant of the course “Theory and Techniques of Data Analysis in Psychology”, Faculty of psychology, University of Florence.
2004 (January-April) Holder of a course entitled “Art and Psychology: Percorsi artistico percettivi nel territorio di Massa Marittima”. Cooperativa Colline Metallifere, Massa Marittima, (GR), Italy.
2004-2005 Assistant of the course “Methodology of research in psychology”, Faculty of psychology, University of Florence.
2004-2008 Assistant of the course “Methodology of research in psychology”, Faculty of psychology, University of Florence.
2008 Holder of the course “Medical Statistics”, University master of “Diagnostica clinica strumentale e di laboratorio”, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence.
2008-2009 Holder of the course “Social dynamics modelling” (8 hours), supplementary of the course of “Computational modelling of cognitive processes” Faculty of psychology, University of Florence.
2009 Holder of the course “Statistics and Methodology of Research in medicine” (12 hours), Doctoral School of Anesthesia, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence.
2009 Holder of the course “Statistics” (20 hours), University master of “Nursing and Obstetric Management”, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence.
2011 Holder of the course “ Proposal Development and Project Management for the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Community” (8 hours), University master of “Nursing and Obstetric Management”, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence.
2012 Holder of the course “Statistics”, University master of “Nursing and Obstetric Management”, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence.
2012 Holder of the course “Human Cognitive Modeling: from the cognitive heuristics to their application on the ICT science” (30 hours), Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Pisa.
2012 Mentor of the AWASS2012 summer school, organized by the Awareness Coordination Action (CA), of the FP7:FET Proactive Initiative: Self-Awareness in autonomic systems (40 hours). Holder of a course entitled “Cognitive modelling of community detection/definition, and cognitive based forecasting models of epidemics”. 10th-16th June, Napier University, Edinburgh, (UK).
2013 Holder of the course “Validation of Clinical measures and tools”, PhD on “Ricerca in Scienze Cliniche - Indirizzo Scienze Infermieristiche” (Coordinator Gacomo Laffi, responsible Prof.ssa Laura Rasero), University of Florence.
2013 Holder of the Module “Psychosocial dynamics of virtual groups”, within the course of “Group and Community Psychology” holded by Prof.ssa Patrizia Meringolo, Master of science degree in Psychology, University of Florence.
2014 Holder of the Module “Virtual dynamics for application in Development Psychology”, within the course of “Development Psychology” holded by Prof.ssa Ersilia Menesini, Bachelor of science degree in Psychology, University of Florence.
2014 Holder of the Module “Human virtual dynamics”, within the course of “Social Psychology” holded by Prof.ssa Ersilia Menesini, Bachelor of science degree in Psychology, University of Florence.
2014/15 Holder of the University course “Application in Social Psychology”, Master of science degree in Social Psychology, University of Florence.
2014/15 Holder of the Course “Dynamics databases design for healthcare applications”, Doctoral course of Clinical Sciences, Director Prof. F. Annunziato, University of Florence.
2014/15 Holder of the Course “European projects design and management”, Doctoral course of Clinical Sciences, Director Prof. F. Annunziato, University of Florence.
2014/15 Holder of the course “Sociophysics” (20 hours), Doctoral School of Complex Systems and Non-Linear science, University of Florence.
2016 Holder of the University course “Human Virtual Dynamics and Social Network Psychology”, Erasmus Teaching Programme, Faculty of Psychology, Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
2015/17 Holder of the University course “Psychology of New Media”, Master degree in “Methods and Technique of Education”, Italian University Line, IUL.
2017 Holder of the course “Group and community psychology”. Corso, riconosciuto dalla Regione Toscana ai sensi dell’art. 17 comma 1 lett. B della L.R. 32/2002 con AD nr. 4016 del 28/10/2014 è realizzato dall’Agenzia Formativa FISM Regionale Toscana “Codice Accreditamento nr. FI0122, Florence.
2018/19 Holder of the course “Sociophysics” (20 hours), Doctoral School of Information Engineering, University of Florence.
2019 Holder of the course “Group and community psychology”. Corso, riconosciuto dalla Regione Toscana ai sensi dell’art. 17 comma 1 lett. B della L.R. 32/2002 con AD nr. 4016 del 28/10/2014 è realizzato dall’Agenzia Formativa FISM Regionale Toscana “Codice Accreditamento nr. FI0122, Florence.
2021 - Holder of the University Master course entitled “Online Distance Learning: un contributo dalla psicologia degli ambienti virtuali”, within the University Master “Organizzazione e gestione delle istituzioni scolastiche in contesti multiculturali”. Organized by FORLILPSI Department, University of Florence.
2022 - Holder of the University Master course entitled “La psicologia delle narrazioni”, within the University Master “Metodologie della ricerca auto-bio-grafica, pratiche di narrazione, educazione degli adulti: per le professioni educative, scolastiche e di cura”. Organized by FORLILPSI Department, University of Florence.
2017-23 Holder of the doctoral course “Psychology of virtual human dynamics”. Doctoral course. Doctoral School of Psychology. Department of Education and Psychology, University of Florence. (1CFU)
2023 - Holder of the University Master course (II level) entitled “Psicologia degli ambienti virtuali”, within the University Master Course (II Level) “Clinica e assessment delle dipendenze comportamentali". Organized by FORLILPSI Department, University of Florence.
2023 - Holder of the doctoral course “Il Sè in ambiente virrtuale”. Corso di dottorato in Psicologia – University of Florence.
2023 - Holder of the doctoral course “From sustained attention to cognitive loading in ecological settings: an AI based approach. Corso di dottorato in Qualità della Formazione – University of Florence.
2023/24 - Holder of the master course "Clinica e Assessment delle Dipendenze Comportamentali" 6 ore di teaching (1CFU).
2014/24 Holder of the University course “Group Psychology and Social relationships”, Bachelor degree in Psychology, University of Florence (9CFU).
2015/24 Holder of the University course “Psychology of Virtual Groups and Social Networks”, Master degree in Psychology, University of Florence (6CFU).
2023/24 Holder of the University course “Community empowerment and environmental crisis”, Master degree in Psychology, University of Florence (6CFU).
Computer skills
Operating systems: Unix, Linux, Windows and Mac-Os
Programming & Computational: Matlab, Fortran, C/C++, Octave, Python, Julia, Pearl, Java Script, GoogleScript, SPSS, SAS, R, Visual Basic, Grace, NETLOGO, Lisrel, Amos, Statistica, Pajek, JAMOVI, JASP.
Web tools: HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Googlescript.
Drawing: Photoshop, Gimp, Gnuplot.
Word Processing: LATEX, Microsoft Word, Pages.
Other: Microsoft Excell, Microsoft PowerPoint, Openoffice, Keynote, Numbers, Dreamweaver, Soundforge, Nuendo, CoolEdit, ATLAS, T-Lab, Tensor Flow, Node-js.
Research coordination tasks
Supervisor of around 400 university master and bachelor thesis.
Supervisor of the PhD in Clinical and Experimental Geriatrics (University of Florence) of Dr.ssa Anna Enrica Tosti
Supervisor of the PhD in Psychology (University of Florence) of Giulia Colombini.
Supervisor of the PhD in Psychology (University of Florence) of Dr.ssa Alessia Martucci.
Supervisor of the PhD in Information Engineering (University of Florence) of Dr Federico Calà.
Supervisor of the PhD in Information Engineering (University of Florence) of Dr Pietro Tarchi.
Supervisor of the PhD in Education and Psychology (University of Florence) of Dr. Elena Serritella.
Supervisor of the PhD in Information Engineering (University of Florence) of Dr Can Gursesli.
Supervisor of the PhD in Education and Psychology (University of Florence) of Dr. Maria Martina Fiorenza.
Supervisor of the research grant entitled “Greenathon: a systemic green marathon promoting mindset and behaviour changes towards an embedded sustainability” of Dr. Alan Mattiassi
Supervisor of the research grant entitled “Design e sviluppo di una intelligenza artificiale in grado di rilevare espressioni facciali ed eye-tracking degli studenti di una web application dedicata alla transizione terapeutica” of Dr. Lorenzo Larghi.
Supervisor of the research grant entitled “Supporting university communities well being through virtual environments” within the european project Inspires of Dr. Mirko Duradoni.
Supervisor of the research grant entitled “Rilevazione della percezione della scienza e degli scienziati nella popolazione italiana, con attenzione alla loro alfabetizzazione digitale ed expertise” within the european project Inspires of Dr. Mirko Duradoni.
Supervisor of the research grant entitled “Online Counter Narratives Dynamics: development of a method to promote Critical Thinking Online” of Dr. Elisa Guidi.
Supervisor (50% with prof. Wagner Ladeira) of the PhD in curso de Doutorado no
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração (Universidade Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brasil) of Dr. Vinícius Antonio Machado Nardi.
Supervisor (50% with prof. Leonardo Bocchi) of the PhD in Information Engineering (University of Florence) of Mirko Duradoni.
Supervisor (50% with prof. Lucia Bigozzi and prof. Patrizia Meringolo) of the PhD in Psychology (University of Florence) of Federica Stefanelli and Enrico Imbimbo.
Scientific coordinator of the laboratory for the study of the virtual human interactions (VirtHuLab: Virtual Human dynamics Laboratory), Centre for the Study of Complex Dynamics (CSDC) and Psychology Department, University of Florence.
Supervisor (50% with prof. Franco Bagnoli and prof Patrizia Meringolo) of the PhD in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems (University of Florence) of Cristina Cecchini and Elisa Guidi.
Supervisor (50% with Franco Bagnoli) of the PhD in Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems (University of Florence) of Alessandro Cini and Emanuele Massaro.
Supervisor (50% with R. Lauro Grotto) of the master thesis in Psychology (University of Florence) of Alessandro Cini. Title “Social Dynamics: dinamiche di piccolo gruppo in ambiente virtuale”.
Organization and committees of master, perfectionism courses, schools, workshops, congresses and seminars.
5-6/9/2008 - Florence
Extreme events in Urban Dynamics,
Centre for the Study of Complex Dynamics and Energetic Department of the University of Florence.
25/5/2011 - Florence
Human Virtual Dynamics Day (FP7 workshop for the RECOGNITION project)
Department of Psychology, University of Florence
12-16/9/2011 - Vienna
26-29/6/2012 - Arcidosso
Summer Solstice 2012 and BIOPHYS2012
Arcidosso, GR, Italy
BIOPHYS2012 (INFN TO61 experiment) - Methods of theoretical physics applied to biology, sociophysics and the relationship between psychology and computer sciences, themes of interest of the UE project RECOGNITION.
3-7/9/2012 - Bruxelles
17-18/6/2013 - Florence
Organizer of the final dissemination action for the FP7 European Project: RECOGNITION.
From Cognitive Activity to Artificial Self Awareness: Cognitive sciences, Social Psychology, Socio-Physics, and Computer Science: Models and Experiments, organized by the Centre for the Study of Complex Dynamics, University of Florence (web).
16-20/9/2013 - Barcellona
30/9-2/10/2013 - Karlsruhe
Program Committee Member of SCA 2013, International conference of Social Computing and its Applications. Satellite. "Collective Social Awareness and Relevance workshop (CSAR)" (web), organized by the Complex Systems Society (web).
25th-28th/02/2014 - Lübeck
Program Committee Member of SAOS’14 2nd International Workshop on „Self-optimisation in organic and autonomic computing systems“ (SAOS14) held within the 27th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2014), (web) .
22th-26th/09/2014 - Lucca
Organizing Committee Member of ECCS 2014 Satellite. "Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future", organized by the Complex Systems Society (web).
8th-12th/09/2014 - London, UK
Program Committee Member of FOCAS@SASO2014 - “2nd FoCAS Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Systems”, 8th September 2014 at SASO 2014, London, UK. (web)
15th-18th/09/2014 - Florence, IT
Organizing Committee Member of ISCS-2014, “Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems”
Florence, IT. (web)
21th/09/2015 - Boston, USA
Program Committee Member of FOCAS@SASO2015 - “3nd FoCAS Workshop on Fundamentals of Collective Systems”, 21th September 2015 at SASO 2015, Boston, USA. (web)
12th-14th/09/2016 - Florence, IT
Program Committee Member of INSCI2016 - Openness, Collaboration and Collective Action. “3rd international conference on Internet Science”, 12th September, Florence, Italy. (web)
19th-23th/09/2016 - Rome, IT
Program Committee Member of SSC2016 - Social Simulation Conference 2016, 19th September, Rome, Italy. (web)
10th/10/2016 - Šmarješke toplice, Slovenia
Program Committee Member of ITIS2016 - The 8th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, 10th November, Šmarješke toplice, Slovenia. (web)
9th-10th/10/2017 - Šmarješke toplice, Slovenia
Program Committee Member of ITIS2017 - The 9th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, 9th-10th November, Otočec, Slovenia. (web)
24th-26th/10/2018 - Šmarješke toplice, Slovenia
Program Committee Member of ITIS2018 - The 9th International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, 24th-26th October, Novo Mesto, Slovenia. (web)
2nd-5th/12/2019 - Perpignan, FR
Program Committee Member of INSCI2019 - Openness, Collaboration and Collective Action. “6th International Conference on INTERNET SCIENCE”, December, 2nd-5th, Perpignan, France. (web)
15th-17th/9/2020 - Gdansk, Po
Program Committee Member of INSCI2020 - “7th International Conference on INTERNET SCIENCE”, September, 15th-17th, Gdansk, Poland. (web)
4th/12/2021 - Florence, It
Program Committee Member of VI° Workshop annuale SISI - “Un confronto su ricerca, formazione e modelli organizzativi in un’ottica interdisciplinare”, December, 4th, Florence, It. (web)
17th September - 26th November 2022 - Florence, It
Director of the Specialization course entitled: “Giocarsi nel mondo del lavoro", University of Florence (web).
21th-24th/9/2022 - Naples, It
Program Committee Member of ICCP2022 - “9° International Conference in Community Psychology”, September, 21th-24th, Naples, It. (web)
13th-5th/9/2023 - Limassol, Cy
Program Committee Member of INSCI2023. “7th International Conference on Internet Science”,
September, 13th-15th, Limassol, Cyprus. (web)
3rd February - 28th April 2023 - Florence, It
Other items
Good knowledge of Italian (mother tongue) and English; Basic knowledge of French and Spanish.
Invited Talks and Lectures
Genova, 9th, March, 2024. University of Genova (Italy), XIII Convegno Nazionale di Neuroscienze, Neuropsicologia e Psicoterapia: L’esperienza dell’altro nella mente: minaccia o risorsa?. Invited Lecture entitled: Una porta sull'inconscio grazie all'I.A.: verso una nuova generazione di strumenti per l'assessment psicologico web based.
Florence, 9th, June, 2021. University of Florence (Italy), Corso di Aggiornamento Professionale in “La responsabilità dirigenziale nelle strutture e servizi sociosanitari: principi, strumenti e metodi” a.a. 2020/2021. Lecture entitled “RSA 4.0: tecnologie innovative in ausilio alla gestione delle strutture”
Groningen, 23th, May, 2019. University of Groningen (Netherlands). Lecture entitled “From social cognition to sociophysics” (1CFU).
Lisbon, 15th, February, 2019. University of Lisbon (Portugal). Lecture entitled “Online social conformism and ERP ” (1CFU).
Reunion Island - 5st, December, 2018. University of Reunion (France). Lecture entitled “Collective Intelligence and Deindividuation: a complex recipe ” (1CFU).
Livorno - 20th, October, 2018. Festival “Educazione, Scuola e Consumo”. Lecture entitled “VirtHuLab-On: A serious game for a self-sustainable community ” (1CFU).
Florence - 7th, September, 2018. Forum Droghe – CNCA- CTCA Summer School 2018 “Il web tra peer support di nuova generazione e frontiere professionali innovative”. Lecture entitled “Dinamiche della comunicazione virtuale sulle droghe: tra conformismo e radicalizzazione”. (1CFU).
Florence - 24th, May, 2018. International Conference “The Media education within the global society: experiences and good practices transfering. Talk entitled: “The psychology of virtual environments: towards a digital pedagogy”. (1CFU).
Florence - 14th, April, 2018. 18th National Congress of AIP - Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria. Talk entitled: “Information Communication Technology per il monitoraggio e la prevenzione del declino cognitivo”. (1CFU)
Pisa - 19th, March, 2018. University seminar entitled: “L’Islam è veramente una minaccia? Gesti radicali come risposta alla marginalità sociale”, University of Pisa. (1CFU). Invited talk entitled “The Online Radicalization: toward a psychological model”.
Florence - 13th, October, 2017. PROVA Training school - European project PROVA (IT). Invited talk entitled “The Online Radicalization”.
Florence - 9th, September, 2017. FORMAS - Regional laboratory for the professional training (IT). Invited talk entitled “The Virtual Settings” (3CFU).
Boston - 17th, December, 2016. Senseable City Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Invited talk entitled “Human behavior in real and virtual environments”.
Zagreb - 10th, September, 2016. Faculty of Psychology, Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Invited course entitled: “Human Virtual Dynamics and Social Network Psychology”
Pistoia - 15th - 16th, May, 2015. 6th National conference on Alzheimer centres. Invited talk entitled: “Cognitive and multimedial stimulation in the APP age”.
Edinburgh, 10-16 June 2012. AWASS2012 – Awareness Summer School. Self-Awareness in autonomic Systems. Title of the talk “From the Social Cognition and the Cognitive Heuristics to the modeling of the Self Awareness: the Tri-Partite Model”[Ref].
Conferences and Workshop
Bridgetown, Barbados (Hybrid Online), 19th-22th November 2023, Entertainment, Media Conference IEEE (GEM). Title of the presentation: "Eyetracking correlated in the Matching Pairs Game". Gursesli, M. C., Cala, F., Tarchi, P., Frassineti, L., Gursesli, M. C., Guazzini, A., Lanata, A.
Aosta, Italia, 221th-23th April 2023, XIV Convegno nazionale Società Italiana di Psicologia Sociale (SIPCO). Titolo della presentazione: “Fattori di rischio e protezione per la salute mentale dei dottorandi italiani: uno studio qualitativo” Serritella, E., Guidi, E., Fiorenza, M.M., Barbagallo, G., Masti, F. & Guazzini, A.
Aosta, Italia, 21th-23th April 2023, XIV Convegno Nazionale SIPCO - Immaginare comunità eque, promuovere cambiamenti sostenibili. Titolo della presentazione: “Development and validation of a brand new measure for the “Readiness to Change” towards Pro-Environmental Behaviours”. Guazzini, A., (2023).
Aosta, Italia, 21th-23th April 2023, XIV Convegno Nazionale SIPCO - Immaginare comunità eque, promuovere cambiamenti sostenibili. Titolo della presentazione: “Implicit Association Test (IAT) toward Climate Change: a PRISMA Systematic Review”. Fiorenza, M., Duradoni, M., Barbagallo, G., & Guazzini, A. (2023).
Berlin, Germany, 3rd-5th September 2023, 13th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin IEEE (ICCE-Berlin). Title of the presentation: "Journey of ChatGPT from Prompts to Stories in Games: the Positive, the Negative, and the Neutral". Taveekitworachai, P., Gursesli, M. C., Abdullah, F., Chen, S., Cala, F., Guazzini, A., Lanata, A., Thawonmas, R.
Berlin, Germany, 3rd-5th September 2023, 13th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin IEEE (ICCE-Berlin). Title of the presentation: "Web-Agile Facial Emotion Recognition and Eye-Tracking System (WAFER-ET)". Gursesli, M. C., Cala, F., Abdullah, F., Thawonmas, R., Duradoni, M., Guazzini, A., Lanata, A.
Turku, Finlandia, 28 Agosto - 01 Settembre 2023, European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP) 2023. Titolo del poster (ENG): “Countering bullying and cyberbullying using technology-based solutions: a systematic review”. Serritella, E., Guazzini, A., Nocentini, A. & Menesini, E.
Sydney, Australia, 24th-27th July 2023, 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). Title of the presentation: "Eye-tracking correlates of the Implicit Association Test". Cala, F., Tarchi, P., Frassineti, L., Gursesli, M. C., Guazzini, A., Lanata, A.
Firenze, Italia, 12-14 Aprile 2023, Summer Solstice 2023. Titolo della presentazione (ENG): “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) types and social media: are social media important and impactful for OCS people?”. Serritella, E., Guazzini, A., & Duradoni, M.
Arcetri, Italy, 14 April 2023, Summer Solstice Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems 2023. Title of the presentation: "Climate change' and 'Implicit attitudes': towards a new eye-tracking-based measure". Fiorenza M., Duradoni, M., Guazzini, A.
Florence, Italy, 12-14th April 2023, Summer Solstice 2023. Title of the presentation: “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) types and social media: are social media important and impactful for OCS people?”. Serritella, E., Guazzini, A., Duradoni, M.
Tokyo, Japan, 31th-April 3rd, March 2023, The 13th Asian Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences (ACP2023). Title of the presentation: "Gaming Motivation: Developing a New Tool To Measure Psychological Motivations to Play Video Games". Gursesli, M. C., Duradoni, M., Martucci, A., Mattiassi, A. D., Guazzini, A.
Novi Sad, Serbia, 9th-10th December 2022, Second International Conference of Video Games Studies (SVI). Title of the presentation: "Understanding Individuals’ In-Game Purchase Motivation: First Steps of Initial Analysis for In-Game Purchase Scale". Gursesli, M. C., Duradoni, M., Maggiora, N. D., Guazzini, A.
Padova, Italy, September 27-30 2022, XXX Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana Psicologia (AIP). Title of the proposed and moderated simposium: “Understanding vaccination fear in the Italian population”.
Napoli, Italy, September 21th-24nd 2022, 9ICCP “9° International Conference in Community Psychology. Title of the proposed and moderated simposium: “The intertwining of real and virtual life in the time of COVID”.
Florence, Italy, September 8th-10nd 2021, XIII Convegno Nazionale SIPCO "Oltre le distanze. Le comunità tra separazione e solidarietà". Title of the proposed and moderated simposium: “Ubiquitous Communities”: le comunità sociali nell’era virtuale.
Online, July 1st 2021, ComNet@Networks2021 - Communities in Networks Satellite of Networks 2021. Title of the talk: Community formation induced by recommendation systems in a simple model of social media interaction system.
Madrid, Spain, November 30th- December 2nd 2021, Complex Networks 2021 - The 10th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications. Title of the talk: Bubble effect induced by recommendation systems in a simple social media model.
Berlin, Germany, 14th-16th July 2020, ISPP 2020 Annual Meeting Virtual Event. Title of the talk: “Compliance and Conversion in on-line polarized small group dynamics: toward a recipe for Online Deradicalization”. Guazzini, A., Rinaldi, M, Sabadini, C.
Perpignan, France, 2nd-5th December 2019, INSCI 2019: 6th International Conference on INTERNET SCIENCE. Title of the talk: “Social Norm spreading in real and virtual environments: pro-social versus pro-self norm”. Guazzini, A., Panerati, S., Filindassi, V., Collodi, S., and Levnajic, Z.
Perpignan, France, 2nd-5th December 2019, INSCI 2019: 6th International Conference on INTERNET SCIENCE. Title of the talk: “The Online Bystander Effect: evidence from a study on synchronous Facebook communications”. Authors: Guazzini, A., Imbimbo. E., Stefanelli, F., Bravi, G.
Pittsburgh, USA, 13-14 June 2019, ACM Collective Intelligence 2019. Title of the poster: “A mathematical model of Collective Intelligence”. Authors: Stefanelli, F., Imbimbo, E., Carletti, T., Guarino, A., Burette, F., & Guazzini, A.
Pittsburgh, USA, 13-14 June 2019, ACM Collective Intelligence 2019. Title of the poster: “Evidence for Logical Collective Intelligence In Adolescents Within An Online Environment”. Authors: Imbimbo, E., Stefanelli, F., & Guazzini, A.
Roma, 12th-14th, September 2019. Congresso nazionale associazione italiana di psicologia AIP, sezione di Psicologia Sociale. Title of the talk: “Dalla Deindividuazione alla Radicalizzazione Online”. Author: Guazzini, A.
Washington, 11th-14th December 2016. WSC2016 - Simulating Complex Service Systems. Title of the poster ”The selfish vaccine recipe: a simple mechanism for avoiding free-riding”. Authors: Guazzini, A., Duradoni, M., Gronchi, G.
Rome, 19th-23th September 2016. SSC2016 - Social Simulation Conference . Title of the talk ”Crowdsourcing and complex problem solving: cooperation costs hinder small groups when facing hard problems”. Authors: Guazzini, A., Vilone, D., Lazzeri, A., Gronchi, G.
Rome, 19th-23th September 2016. SSC2016 - Social Simulation Conference . Title of the poster ”Deliberate Self-harm: a study about the evolution of stable maladaptive strategies”. Authors: Cecchini, C., Guazzini, A., Meringolo, P.
Naples, Italy, 22th-24th September 2016. XIV Annual Conference of Social Psychology, AIP - Italian National Association of Psychology. Title of the talk “Effetto Bustander in ambiente virtuale”. Authors: Guidi, E., Guazzini, A., Meringolo, P.
Philadelphia, U.S.A., 10th-13th August 2016. 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Title of the Talk “Simulating the cost of cooperation: A recipe for collaborative problem solving.” Authors: Lazzeri, A., Guazzini, A., Vilone, D., and Gronchi, G.
Dublin, Ireland, 22th-24th June 2016. 7th Living Knowledge Conference. Title of the talk “Challenges of online engagement and effective collaborations ”. Authors: Guazzini, A., Castellani, T., Valente, A., Balázs, B., Bagnoli, F., Pacini, G., Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., Badii, A.
Lisbon, Portugal, 30th April, 2nd May 2016. InPact: International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. Title of the talk “Being a positive bystander: the point of view of Italian and Brazilian students”. Authors: Guidi, E., Mandelbaum, B., Bosco, N., Guazzini, A., Meringolo, P.
Lisbon, Portugal, 30th April, 2nd May 2016. InPact: International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. Title of the talk “Self-Stigma in mental health: planning effective programs for teenagers”. Authors: Bosco, N., Guazzini, A., Meringolo, P.
Lisbon, Portugal, 30th April, 2nd May 2016. InPact: International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. Title of the talk “Self-Efficacy and Personality effect on participation and privacy: comparing italian and turkish samples”. Authors: Cecchini, C., Guazzini, A., Saraç, A., Donati, C., Meringolo, P.
Genova, Italy, 10th-12th December 2015. AISC conference “Language, Cognition & Society”. Title of the talk “Modellizzare processi di problem solving collettivo: un approccio simulativo”. Authors: Vilone, D., Guazzini, A., Donati, C., Nardi, A. and Levnajić., Z. (
Genova, Italy, 10th-12th December 2015. AISC conference “Language, Cognition & Society”. Title of the talk “Scambio di informazioni ed effetti reputazionali in un gioco competitivo tra adolescenti”. Authors: Giardini, F., Guazzini, A., Brigida, L., Vilone, D. and Paolucci, M. ( [BEST PAPER AWARD]
İÇEL, TÜRKIYE 7th-9th, October, 2015.Title of the talk "Türk ve İtalyan Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Fonksiyonel Olmayan Tutumlarının Karşılaştırılması", 13. Ulusal Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Kongresi. Authors: Saraç, A., Guazzini A. , Donati C. , Nardi A.,
Firenze - 18th-22th, May, 2015. 5th International Conference on Digital Health. Title of the contribute “Risk perception and epidemic spreading: How the interplay between physical contacts and information gathering can stop the infection”. Authors: Gronchi, G., Massaro, E., Guazzini, A., e Bagnoli, F.
Milano - 21th, March, 2015. CNOPUS school - L’Assistenza Globale alla Persona con Lesione Midollare. Invited talk entitled “Validation of clinical scales and instruments”.
Lucca - IMT. 22th-26th, September, 2014. ECCS2014- European Conference in Complex System - Satellite Codym. Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future. Title of the talk “Phase transitions in a society of reasonable contrarians and conformists”.
Karlsruhe, 30 September - 2 Ottobre 2013. CSAR’13 – Third international conference on Social Computing and its applications (SCA). Title of the talk “A local algorithm for detecting community structures in dynamic networks”.
Barcellona, 16-20 September 2013. ECCS’13 – European Conference on Complex System. Tnets satellite: Temporal Networks in Human Dynamics. Title of the talk “Revealing the dynamic social community structure in temporal networks given by human mobility”.
Barcellona, 16-20 September 2013. ECCS’13 – European Conference on Complex System. CODYM satellite: Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future. Title of the talk “The stubborness effect: the relevance of psychological field topology”.
Milano, 1-2 July 2013. WIVACE 2013: Italian workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. Title of the talk: “Impact of local information in growing networks”. Emanuele Massaro, Andrea Guazzini, Franco Bagnoli and Henrik Olsson (WIVACE Program).
Lugano, 10-11 December 2012. BIONETICS 2012: 7th International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing SystemsTitle of the talk: “Risk Perception in Epidemic Modeling in Networks with Community Structure”. F. Bagnoli, D. Borkmann, A. Guazzini, E. Massaro, S. Rudolph
Santorini, 24-27 September 2012. ACRI 2012 - Cellular automata for research and industry. Title of the talk: “Community-detection cellular automata with local and long-range connectivity.”
Lyon, 10-14 September 2012. SASO 2012 - Sixth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, ASENSIS - WS9: First International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Nature and Socially Inspired Solutions. Title: “A cognitive-inspired model for self-organizing networks”.
Bruxelles, 3-7 September 2012. ECCS’12 – European Conference on Complex System. CODYM satellite: Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future. Title of the talk “A small group minority game experiment”.
Vienna, 12-16 September 2011. ECCS’11 – European Conference on Complex System. CODYM satellite: Cultural and opinion dynamics: Modeling, Experiments and Challenges for the future. Title of the talk “Cognitive chatline network structure: an experimental study”.
Amsterdam, Ned, 31 May - 2 June 2010. ICCS2010 – International conference on computational sciences. Title of the talk: “Cognitive network dynamics in chatlines”
Warwick, UK, 23-26 September 2009. ECCS’09 – European Conference on Complex System. Title of the talk “The Peace Mediator Effect”
Lymassol, Cyprus, 14-17 September 2009. ICANN09. 19th International Conference on Artificial Neural Network. Title of the talk: “Information processing and timing mechanisms in vision”
Padova, 12-14 Settembre 2008. Università degli Studi di Padova. X° Congresso nazionale della sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica 2008. Title of the talk: “Dinamica dei piccoli gruppi: uno studio di simulazione.”
Stockholm, September 7 - 9, 2008 NEUROINFORMATICS 2008, 1st INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics: Databasing and Modeling the Brain. Title of the talk: “Complex network model of visual timing during saccades.”
Venezia, 8-10 September 2008. Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali Cognitive e Quantitative - Univeristy' of Modena and Reggio Emilia and University Ca' Foscari Venezia WIVACE 2008 – Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale e Computazione Evolutiva. Title of the talk: “Meet, Discuss and Trust each other: large versus small groups.”
Dresden, 4-5 October 2007 Technische Universität Dresden ECCS’07 – IACIA – Interacting agents, complexity and inter-disciplinary applications Title of the talk: “Modelling psychological information processes”.
Dresden, 1-3 October 2007 Technische Universität Dresden ECCS’07 – European Conference on Complex System Title of the talk: “Cognitive dissonance theory in an opinion dynamics model”.
Como, 17-19 September 2007 A.I.P. Associazione Italiana Psicologia XXI Congresso Nazionale della sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Title of the talk: “Modellizzazione di dinamiche sociali tramite sistemi ad agenti: dalla social cognition alle simulazioni numeriche dei fenomeni collettivi”.
Erice, 14-19 July 2007 Satellite Workshop of STATPHYS XXIII - Statistical physics of social dynamics: opinion, semiotic dynamics, and language. Title of the talk: “Modelling affinity in opinion dynamics.”
Stockholm, 9-12 May 2007 XIIIth congress of E.A.W.O.P.: European Work Organizational Psychology Title of the talk: “Burnout versus well-being measure of the organizational and relationship factors.”
Arcidosso, 06-08 September 2006 Biophys 06: Back to the Nature (I.N.F.N. Worskshop) Title of the talk: “Opinion Dynamics: the role of affinity and social temperature.”
Cagliari, 18-20 September 2005 XIX Congresso Nazionale della sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Title of the talk: “Verifica della struttura fattoriale dell’e-YCCT tramite l’impiego dei modelli di equazioni strutturali (MES)”.
Zadar, 2-4 June 2005 7th Alps-Adria conference in Psychology. Title of the talk: “Confirmatory factor analysis of the italian computerized version of the young children category test”.
Zadar, 26-29 May 2004 Department of Psychology – University of Zadar 14th Psychological Days. Title of the talk: “Computerized Halstead Category Test: using structural equation modeling to explain the three latent factors of the task”.
Bari, 22-25 September 2003 A.I.P. - Associazione Italiana Psicologia XVII Congresso Nazionale della sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale. Title of the talk: “Versione Italiana Computerizzata dell’Halstead Category Test: costruzione e primi dati su di un campione italiano”
180) Bellotti, M., Duradoni, M., Fiorenza, M., & Guazzini, A. (2025). Between Pro-Environmental Identity and Attitudes: A PRISMA Systematic Review of the Relationship Between Connectedness to Nature and Pro-Environmental Attitudes for Sustainability. Sustainability, 17(5), 2140.
179) Duradoni, M., Severino, F. P., Neri, G., Fiorenza, M., Lindemann, N., Puddu, L., & Guazzini, A. (2025). Can Trust in Climate-Skeptical Governments Inhibit Pro-Environmental Action? Implications for Public Participation and Democratic Innovations. Societies, 15(2), 26.
178) Martucci, A., Graziani, D., Bei, E., Bischetti, L., Bambini, V., Gursesli, M. C., Guazzini, A. & Pecini, C. (2025). Emotional engagement in a humor-understanding reading task: an AI study perspective. Current Psychology, 1-14.
177) Gursesli, M. C., Lanata, A., Guazzini, A., & Thawonmas, R. (2025). Immersive virtual reality and augmented reality in human-machine interaction. In Artificial Intelligence and Multimodal Signal Processing in Human-Machine Interaction (pp. 331-342). Academic Press.
176) Chen, S., Taveekitworachai, P., Xia, Y., Li, X., Gursesli, M. C., Lanata, A., Guazzini, A. & Thawonmas, R. (2024, December). Don’t Do That! Reverse Role Prompting Helps Large Language Models Stay in Personality Traits. In International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 101-114). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
175) Duradoni, M., Tosti, A. E., Colombini, G., Masti, F., Licata, A. L., Zanobini, P., Materassi, L. & Guazzini, A. (2024). Promoters and Barriers of Vaccine Hesitancy. Psychological Reports, 00332941241302266.
174*) Taveekitworachai, P., Nimpattanavong, C., Gursesli, M. C., Lanata, A., Guazzini, A., & Thawonmas, R. (2024). Multiverse of Greatness: Generating Story Branches with LLMs. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.14672.
173) Duradoni, M., Severino, F. P., Bellotti, M., & Guazzini, A. (2024). How Mattering and Anti‐Mattering Experiences Across Offline and Online Environments Contribute to People's Digital Life Balance and Social Media Addiction. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34(6), e70008.
172) Serritella, E., Guazzini, A., & Menesini, E. (2024). A pilot test of “Narrative Heroes”; an online game to rewrite the Bullying and Cyberbullying Script. (online repository)
171) Gozzi, A., & Guazzini, A. (2024, September). Exploring Acoustics Perception Through XR Spatial Audio Experiences: Experiments and Data Collection for the ‘Listen To the Theatre’Project. In International Conference on Extended Reality (pp. 185-208). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
170) Gursesli, M. C., Calà, F., Tarchi, P., Frassineti, L., Guazzini, A., Duradoni, M., ... & Lanata, A. (2024, August). Understanding Game Performance: A Study of Eye Blinking and Pupil Metrics in Matching Pairs Game. In 2024 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
169) Gursesli, M. C., Martucci, A., Mattiassi, A. D., Duradoni, M., & Guazzini, A. (2024). Development and Validation of the Psychological Motivations for Playing Video Games scale (PMPVGs). Simulation & Gaming, 10468781241260861.
168) Calà, F., Gursesli, M. C., Tarchi, P., Frassineti, L., Guazzini, A., & Lanata, A. (2024, June). Pupil Dilation Dynamics in Serious Game Emotional Activation. In 2024 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM) (pp. 1-4). IEEE
167) Tarchi, P., Gursesli, M. C., Calà, F., Frassineti, L., Guazzini, A., & Lanatà, A. (2024, May). Markov Chain Modeling of Facial Emotions’ Dynamics in Video Games. In 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT (MetroInd4. 0 & IoT) (pp. 33-37). IEEE.
166) Taveekitworachai, P., Abdullah, F., Gursesli, M. C., Lanata, A., Guazzini, A., & Thawonmas, R. (2024, May). Prompt Evolution Through Examples for Large Language Models–A Case Study in Game Comment Toxicity Classification. In 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT (MetroInd4. 0 & IoT) (pp. 22-27). IEEE.
165) Duradoni, M., Serritella, E., Severino, F. P., & Guazzini, A. (2024). Exploring the Relationships Between Digital Life Balance and Internet Social Capital, Loneliness, Fear of Missing Out, and Anxiety. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2024.
164) Duradoni, M., Valdrighi, G., Donati, A., Fiorenza, M., Puddu, L., & Guazzini, A. (2024). Development and Validation of the Readiness to Change Scale (RtC) for Sustainability. Sustainability, 16(11), 4519.
163) Duradoni, M., La Gamma, M., Serritella, E., Severino, F. P., Prifti, A., & Guazzini, A. (2024). Adapting to the Evolving Digital Landscape: Development and Validation of the VirtHuLab Self Efficacy Scale. Psychological Reports, 00332941241253601.
162) Gursesli, M. C., Lombardi, S., Duradoni, M., Bocchi, L., Guazzini, A., & Lanata, A. (2024). Facial Emotion Recognition (FER) through Custom Lightweight CNN Model: Performance Evaluation in Public Datasets. IEEE Access.
161) Guidi, E., Di Gesto, C., Hébert, M., Piltcher, B., Mandelbaum, H., Guazzini, A. (2024). Bystanders’ intentions to help in intimate partner violence and sexual assault situations: A cross-cultural study. Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Preventing and ending gender-based violence, Vol 10, No 1/2, pp. 25-49 (2024)
160) Soysal, F. S. O., Kosar, E., Gursesli, M. C., Guazzini, A., & Duradoni, M. (2024). Digital Life Balance Scale: Validity and Reliability in the Turkish Context. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2024.
159) Duradoni, M., Spadoni, V., Gursesli, M. C., Pratelli, E., & Guazzini, A. (2024). The Complex Relationship between Online Social Feedback and Well-Being. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2024.
158) Gursesli, M. C., Calà, F., Tarchi, P., Frassineti, L., Guazzini, A., & Lanatà, A. (2023, November). Eyetracking Correlated in the Matching Pairs Game. In 2023 IEEE Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (GEM) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
157) Gursesli, M. C., Cala, F., Abdullah, F., Thawonmas, R., Duradoni, M., Guazzini, A., & Lanata, A. (2023, September). Web-Agile Facial Emotion Recognition and Eye-Tracking System (WAFER-ET). In 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) (pp. 147-148). IEEE.
156) Taveekitworachai, P., Gursesli, M. C., Abdullah, F., Chen, S., Cala, F., Guazzini, A., ... & Thawonmas, R. (2023, September). Journey of ChatGPT from Prompts to Stories in Games: the Positive, the Negative, and the Neutral. In 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) (pp. 202-203). IEEE.
155) Calà, F., Tarchi, P., Frassineti, L., Gursesli, M. C., Guazzini, A., & Lanatà, A. (2023, July). Eye-tracking correlates of the Implicit Association Test. In 2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
154) Gursesli, M. C., Masti, F., Duradoni, M., Bostan, B., Sungu, E., Zilbeyaz, P. C., & Guazzini, A. (2023, November). Psychological and Behavioral Effects of League of Legends Rank System for Italian Competitive Players. In International Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts (pp. 59-71). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
153) Severino, F. P., Guazzini, A., Rasero, L., Bambi, S., Piemonte, G., & Rodriguez, S. B. (2023). The “Psychology” of organ donation: two exploratory studies considering Italian “Health professionals” and “Citizens”. infermieristica journal, 2(3), 143-154.
152) Duradoni, M., Gursesli, M. C., Martucci, A., Gonzalez Ayarza, I. Y., Colombini, G., & Guazzini, A. (2023). Dark Personality Traits and Counterproductive Work Behavior: A PRISMA Systematic Review. Psychological Reports, 00332941231219921.
151) Duradoni, M., Raimondi, T., Buttà, F., & Guazzini, A. (2023). Moving beyond an Addiction Framework for Phubbing: Unraveling the Influence of Intrinsic Motivation, Boredom, and Online Vigilance. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2023.
150) Nerini, A., Duradoni, M., Matera, C., Guazzini, A., Paradisi, M., & Sghembri, A. (2023). Predictors of Vaccination Intentions and Behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. Behavioral Sciences, 13(11), 950.
149) Duradoni, M., Gursesli, M. C., Fiorenza, M., Donati, A., & Guazzini, A. (2023). Cognitive Empathy and the Dark Triad: A Literature Review. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13(11), 2642-2680.
148) Taveekitworachai, P., Abdullah, F., Gursesli, M. C., Dewantoro, M. F., Chen, S., Lanata, A., Guazzini, A., ... & Thawonmas, R. (2023, October). What Is Waiting for Us at the End? Inherent Biases of Game Story Endings in Large Language Models. In International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 274-284). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
147) Gursesli, M. C., Taveekitworachai, P., Abdullah, F., Dewantoro, M. F., Lanata, A., Guazzini, A., ... & Thawonmas, R. (2023, October). The Chronicles of ChatGPT: Generating and Evaluating Visual Novel Narratives on Climate Change Through ChatGPT. In International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 181-194). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
146) Taveekitworachai, P., Abdullah, F., Gursesli, M. C., Dewantoro, M. F., Chen, S., Lanata, A., Guazzini, A., ... & Thawonmas, R. (2023, October). Breaking Bad: Unraveling Influences and Risks of User Inputs to ChatGPT for Game Story Generation. In International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (pp. 285-296). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
145) Zupo, R., Castellana, F., Piscitelli, P., Crupi, P., Desantis, A., Greco, E., Guazzini, A., ... & Clodoveo, M. L. (2023). Scientific evidence supporting the newly developed one-health labeling tool “Med-Index”: an umbrella systematic review on health benefits of mediterranean diet principles and adherence in a planeterranean perspective. Journal of Translational Medicine, 21(1), 1-45.
144) Gursesli, M. C., Selek, M. E., Samur, M. O., Duradoni, M., Park, K., Guazzini, A., & Lanatà, A. (2023). Design of Cloud-based Real-Time Eye Tracking Monitoring and Storage System. (Preprint)
143) Baldassini Rodriguez, S., Bardacci, Y., El Aoufy, K., Bazzini, M., Caruso, C., Giusti, G. D., Guazzini, A., ... & Bambi, S. (2023). Sleep Quality and Its Relationship to Anxiety and Hardiness in a Cohort of Frontline Italian Nurses during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nursing Reports, 13(3), 1203-1215.
142) Lorini, C., Del Riccio, M., Zanobini, P., Biasio, R.L., Bonanni, P., Giorgetti, D., Allodola Ferro, V., Guazzini, A., Maghrebi, O., Lastrucci, V., Rigon, L., Okan, O., Sørensen, K., and Bonaccorsi, G. (2023). Vaccination as a social practice: towards a definition of personal, community, population, and organizational vaccine literacy. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1-11.
141) Duradoni, M., Innocenti, F., Mattiassi, A. D., & Guazzini, A. (2023). Italian Validation of the Social Media Engagement Questionnaire (SME-Q): A Preregistered Study. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2023.
140) Gandino, G., Civilotti, C., Finzi, S., Gaboardi, M., Guazzini, A., Novara, C., ... & Di Fini, G. (2023). Linguistic markers of processing the first months of the pandemic COVID-19: a psycholinguistic analysis of Italian university students' diaries. Current Psychology, 1-14.
139) Duradoni, M., Gursesli, M. C., Fiorenza, M., & Guazzini, A. (2023). The Relationship between Orthorexia Nervosa and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 13(5), 861-869.
138) Fiorenza, M., Duradoni, M., Barbagallo, G., & Guazzini, A. (2023). Implicit Association Test (IAT) toward Climate Change: a PRISMA Systematic Review. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 100103.
137) Martucci, A., Gursesli, M. C., Duradoni, M., & Guazzini, A. (2023). Overviewing Gaming Motivation and Its Associated Psychological and Sociodemographic Variables: A PRISMA Systematic Review. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2023.
136) Duradoni, M., Spadoni, V., Gursesli, M. C., & Guazzini, A. (2023). Development and Validation of the Need for Online Social Feedback (NfOSF) Scale. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2023.
135) Facci, C., Imbimbo, E., Stefanelli, F., Ciucci, E., Guazzini, A., Baroncelli, A., & Frick, P. J. (2023). The social correlates to callous-unemotional traits in a sample of high school students. Behavior Therapy.
134) Rodriguez, S. B., Bardacci, Y., El Aoufy, K., Bazzini, M., Caruso, C., Giusti, G. D., ... & Rasero, L. (2022). FATTORI DI INFLUENZA SUGLI ANTECEDENTI DELLA RESILIENZA NEGLI INFERMIERI ITALIANI DURANTE LA PANDEMIA DA COVID-19. Scenario, 39, 80-81.
133) Bagnoli, F., de Bonfioli Cavalcabo, G., Casu, B., & Guazzini, A. (2022). Bubble effect induced by recommendation systems in a simple social media model. In Complex Networks & Their Applications X: Volume 2, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications COMPLEX NETWORKS 2021 10 (pp. 124-131). Springer International Publishing.
132) Serritella, E., Procentese, F., Duradoni, M., Guidi, E., Cecchini, C., Vilone, D., & Guazzini, A. (2022). Self-presentation and emotional contagion on Facebook: new experimental measures of profiles' emotional coherence. Psicologia di Comunità, 13-33.
131) Duradoni, M., Serritella, E., Avolio, C., Arnetoli, C., & Guazzini, A. (2022). Development and Validation of the Digital Life Balance (DLB) Scale: A Brand-New Measure for Both Harmonic and Disharmonic Use of ICTs. Behavioral Sciences, 12(12), 489.
130) Duradoni, M, Gursesli, M., Materassi, L., Serritella, E., and Guazzini, A. (2022). The Long-COVID Experience Changed People’s Vaccine Hesitancy but Not Their Vaccination Fear. International Journal of Environmental research and public health. - ISSN 1660-4601. - ELETTRONICO. - 19: (2022), pp. 1-14.
129) Novara, C., Guazzini, A., Cardinali, P., Arcidiacono, C., Agueli, B., De Piccoli, N., ... & Esposito, C. (2022). Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources, Obstacles, and Emotional Implications for Italian Students in Higher Education. World Futures, 1-18.
128) Gaboardi, M., Gatti, F., Santinello, M., Gandino, G., Guazzini, A., Guidi, E., Novara, C., Sola, T., Ceglie, E., Di Fini, G., Di Napoli, G., Procentese, F. (2022). The photo diaries method to catch the daily experience of Italian university students during COVID-19 lockdown. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, Vol 8, No 2, 59-80.
127) Duradoni, M., Veloso, M. V., La Gamma, M., Monciatti, A. M., & Guazzini, A. (2022). Italian version of the Vaccination Fear Scale (VFS-6): internal and external validation. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 10(2).
126) Capecchi, I., Borghini, T., Barbierato, E., Guazzini, A., Serritella, E., Raimondi, T., ... & Bernetti, I. (2022). The Combination of Serious Gaming and Immersive Virtual Reality through the Constructivist Approach: An Application to Teaching Architecture. Education Sciences, 12(8), 536.
125) Guazzini, A., Gursesli, M. C., Serritella, E., Tani, M., & Duradoni, M. (2022). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Types and Social Media: Are Social Media Important and Impactful for OCD People?. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 12(8), 1108-1120.
124) Guazzini, A., Serritella, E., La Gamma, M., & Duradoni, M. (2022). Italian Version of the Internet Self-Efficacy Scale: Internal and External Validation. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2022.
123) Duradoni, M., Meacci, S., Panerai, G., Salvatori, G., & Guazzini, A. (2022). Development and Validation of the Social Media Capital Scale (SMC): A Brand New Measure for Online Social Capital. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2022.
122) Guazzini, A., Pesce, A., Gino, F., & Duradoni, M. (2022). How the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed Adolescents’ Use of Technologies, Sense of Community, and Loneliness: A Retrospective Perception Analysis. Behavioral Sciences, 12(7), 228.
121) Filindassi, V., Pedrini, C., Sabadini, C., Duradoni, M., & Guazzini, A. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 First Wave on Psychological and Psychosocial Dimensions: A Systematic Review. COVID, 2(3), 273-340.
120) Guizzardi, A., Artuso, P., Bianconi, T., Bandini, B., Grotto, E., Guazzini, A., ... & Bertagnoni, G. (2022). Development and validation of the sitting balance assessment for spinal cord injury (SitBASCI). Spinal Cord, 1-5.
119) Baldassini Rodriguez, S., Bardacci, Y., El Aoufy, K., Bazzini, M., Caruso, C., Giusti, G. D., Mezzetti, A., Bambi, S., Guazzini, A., & Rasero, L. (2022). Promoting and Risk Factors of Nurses’ Hardiness Levels during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from an Italian Cohort. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1523.
118) Guazzini, A., Pesce, A., Marotta, L., & Duradoni, M. (2022). Through the Second Wave: Analysis of the Psychological and Perceptive Changes in the Italian Population during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1635.
117) Ramacciati, N., Guazzini, A., Caldelli, R., & Rasero, L. (2021). User-friendly system (a smartphone app) for reporting violent incidents in the Emergency Department: an Italian multicenter study. La Medicina del lavoro, 112(1), 68-81.
116) Ramacciati, N., Guazzini, A., Caldelli, R., & Rasero, L. (2021). Can a user-friendly system improve reporting of workplace violence towards emergency nurses? Findings of a multicenter study. Professioni Infermieristiche, 74(4), 261-261.
115) Guazzini, A., Raimondi, T., Biagini, B., Bagnoli, F., & Duradoni, M. (2021). Phubber’s Emotional Activations: The Association between PANAS and Phubbing Behavior. Future Internet, 13(12), 311.
114) Bagnoli, F., de Bonfioli Cavalcabo, G., Casu, B., & Guazzini, A. (2021). Community Formation as a Byproduct of a Recommendation System: A Simulation Model for Bubble Formation in Social Media. Future Internet, 13(11), 296.
113) Guazzini, A., Fiorenza, M., Panerai, G., & Duradoni, M. (2021). What Went Wrong? Predictors of Contact Tracing Adoption in Italy during COVID-19 Pandemic. Future Internet, 13(11), 286.
112) Procentese, F., Boniforti, D., Migliorini, L., Marzana, D., & Guazzini, A. (2021). Gruppo di lavoro su setting di intervento online in psicologia di comunità. Gruppo di lavoro su setting di intervento online in psicologia di comunità, 113-122.
111) Pedrini, C., Marotta, L., & Guazzini, A. (2021). ASMR as Idiosyncratic Experience: Experimental Evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11459.
110) Duradoni, M., Colombini, G., Russo, P. A., & Guazzini, A. (2021). Robotic Psychology: A PRISMA Systematic Review on Social-Robot-Based Interventions in Psychological Domains. J, 4(4), 664-709.
109) Rahman, M. A., Duradoni, M., & Guazzini, A. (2021). Identification and Prediction of Phubbing Behavior: A Data-Driven Approach. Neural Computing and Applications.
108) Sabadini, C., Rinaldi, M., & Guazzini, A. (2021). Compliance and conversion in small groups: online vs. offline polarisation effects. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 1-21.
107) Duradoni, M., Fiorenza, M., & Guazzini, A. (2021). When Italians Follow the Rules against COVID Infection: A Psychological Profile for Compliance. COVID, 1(1), 246-262.
106) Marzana, D., Novara, C., De Piccoli, N., Cardinali, P., Migliorini, L., Di Napoli, I., Guidi,
E., Fedi, A., Rollero, C., Agueli, B., Esposito, C., Marta, E., González Leone, F., Guazzini, A., Meringolo, P., Arcidiacono, C., & Procentese, F. (2021). Community dimensions and emotions in the era of COVID-19. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 1–16.
105) Chiesi, F., Gori, E., Collini, F., Palfrader, A., Galli, R., Guazzini, A., ... & Bonaccorsi, G. (2021). Biodanza as a Nonpharmacological Dance Movement–Based Treatment in Older People With Alzheimer's Disease: An Italian Pilot Study in 2 Tuscan Nursing Homes. Holistic Nursing Practice, 35(5), 264-272.
104) Russo, P. A., Duradoni, M., & Guazzini, A. (2021). How self-perceived reputation affects fairness towards humans and artificial intelligence. Computers in Human Behavior, 106920.
103) Duradoni, M., Salvatori, G., Meacci, S., Panerai, G., & Guazzini, A. (2021). Development and validation of the Internet Locus of Control Scale (I-LOC). New Media & Society, 14614448211019495.
102) Duradoni, M., Collodi, S., Coppolino Perfumi, S., & Guazzini, A. (2021). Reviewing Stranger on the Internet: The Role of Identifiability through “Reputation” in Online Decision Making. Future Internet, 13(5), 110.
101) Rodriguez, S. B., Bardacci, Y., Bazzini, M., Caruso, C., Bambi, S., Guazzini, A., & Rasero, L. (2021). Indagine su Ansia, Insonnia e Resilienza nel personale sanitario durante la pandemia da SARS CoV-2 (studio AIR Survey). Protocollo di ricerca. Scenario, 1(1), 17-23.
100) Colombini, G., Duradoni, M., Carpi, F., Vagnoli, L., Guazzini, A. (2021). LEAP Motion Technology and Psychology: A Mini-Review on Hand Movements Sensing for Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 4006.
99) Migliorini, L., De Piccoli, N., Cardinali, P., Rollero, C., Marzana, D., Arcidiacono, C., Guidi, E., Esposito, C., Novara, C., Fedi, A., Marta, E., Guazzini, A., Meringolo, P., Monaci, M.G., Agueli, B., Procentese, F., and Di Napoli, I. (2021). Contextual influences on Italian university students during the COVID-19 lockdown: Emotional responses, coping strategies and resilience. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 7(1), 71-87.
98) Di Napoli, I., Guidi, E., Arcidiacono, C., Esposito, C., Marta, E., Novara, C., Procentese, F., Guazzini, A., Agueli, B., Gonzales Leone, F., Meringolo, P., Marzana, D. (2021). Italian community psychology in the covid 19 pandemic: collective dimensions in storytelling of university students Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 556.
97) Ramacciati, N., Guazzini, A., Caldelli, R., & Rasero, L. (2021). User-friendly system (a smartphone app) for reporting violent incidents in the Emergency Department: an Italian multicenter study. La Medicina del Lavoro, 112(1), 68-81.
96) Marotta, L., Pesce, A., & Guazzini, A. (2020). Before and after the Quarantine: An Approximate Study on the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on the Italian Population during the Lockdown Period. Future Internet, 12(12), 229.
95) Manfredi, R., Guazzini, A., Roos, C. A., Postmes, T., & Koudenburg, N. (2020). Private-Public Opinion Discrepancy. Plos one, 15(11), e0242148.
94) Guazzini, A., Stefanelli, F., & Imbimbo, E. (2020). Further Examples of Violent Attitudes: The Online Radicalisation. In Preventing Violent Radicalisation in Europe (pp. 191-208). Springer, Cham.
93) Zabini, F., Albanese, L., Becheri, F. R., Gavazzi, G., Giganti, F., Giovanelli, F., Guazzini, A.,... & Marzi, T. (2020). Comparative Study of the Restorative Effects of Forest and Urban Videos during COVID-19 Lockdown: Intrinsic and Benchmark Values. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 8011.
92) Collodi, S., Fiorenza, M., Guazzini, A., & Duradoni, M. (2020). How Reputation Systems Change the Psychological Antecedents of Fairness in Virtual Environments. Future Internet, 12(8), 132.
91) Guazzini, A., Guidi, E., Cecchini, C., & Yoneki, E. (2020). Collaborative Facilitation and Collaborative Inhibition in Virtual Environments. Future Internet, 12(7), 118.
90) Carletti, T., Guarino, A., Guazzini, A., & Stefanelli, F. (2020). Problem Solving: When Groups Perform Better Than Teammates. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(3).
89) Imbimbo, E., Stefanelli, F., & Guazzini, A. (2020). Adolescent’s Collective Intelligence: Empirical Evidence in Real and Online Classmates Groups. Future Internet, 12(5), 81.
88) Duradoni, M., Innocenti, F., & Guazzini, A. (2020). Well-Being and Social Media: A Systematic Review of Bergen Addiction Scales. Future Internet, 12(2), 24.
87) Duradoni, M, Gronchi, G, Bocchi, L, Guazzini, A. (2020) Reputation matters the most: The reputation inertia effect. Hum Behav & Emerg Tech. 2020; 2: 71– 81.
86) Coleschi, E., Imbimbo, E., & Guazzini, A. (2019). Threats to society in the digital age: the phenomenon of online radicalization. PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA’.
85) Bambi, S., Lucchini, A., Guazzini, A., Caruso, C., & Rasero, L. (2019). Inciviltà sul luogo di lavoro, violenza orizzontale, bullismo e mobbing tra pari nella professione infermieristica: teorie e modelli di interpretazione dei fenomeni. PROFESSIONI INFERMIERISTICHE, 72(3).
84) Guazzini, A., Panerati, S., Filindassi, V., Collodi, S., & Levnajic, Z. (2019). Social Norm Spreading in Real and Virtual Environments: Pro-social Versus Pro-self Norm. In International Conference on Internet Science (pp. 75-90). Springer, Cham.
83) Guazzini, A., Imbimbo, E., Stefanelli, F., & Bravi, G. (2019). The Online Bystander Effect: Evidence from a Study on Synchronous Facebook Communications. In International Conference on Internet Science (pp. 153-167). Springer, Cham.
82) Donati, C., Guazzini, A., Gronchi, G., & Smorti, A. (2019). About Linda Again: How Narratives and Group Reasoning Can Influence Conjunction Fallacy. Future Internet, 11(10), 210.
81) Pierguidi, L., Guazzini, A., Imbimbo, E., Righi, S., Sorelli, M., & Bocchi, L. (2019, July). Validation of a low-cost EEG device in detecting neural correlates of social conformity. In 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 3131-3134). IEEE.
80) Guazzini, A., Imbimbo, E., Stefanelli, F., Bagnoli, F., & Venturino, E. (2019). Quantifying fairness to overcome selfishness: A behavioural model to describe the evolution and stabilization of inter-group bias using the Ultimatum Game. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16(5): 3718-3733. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2019184. (IF. 1.230)
79) Guazzini, A., Stefanelli, F., Imbimbo, E., Vilone, D., Bagnoli, F., & Levnajić, Z. (2019). Humans best judge how much to cooperate when facing hard problems in large groups. Scientific reports, 9(1), 5497. (IF. 4.122)
78) Guazzini, A., Duradoni, M., Capelli, A., & Meringolo, P. (2019). An Explorative Model to Assess Individuals’ Phubbing Risk. Future Internet, 11(1), 21. (IF. 1.110)
77) Perfumi, S. C., Bagnoli, F., Caudek, C., & Guazzini, A. (2019). Deindividuation effects on normative and informational social influence within computer-mediated-communication. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 230-237. (IF: 3.435)
76) Bambi, S., Guazzini, A., Piredda, M., Lucchini, A., De Marinis, M. G., & Rasero, L. (2019). Negative interactions among nurses. An explorative study on lateral violence and bullying in nursing work settings. Journal of nursing management. 201 ;1–9. (IF. 1.912)
75) Collodi, S., Panerati, S., Imbimbo, E., Stefanelli, F., Duradoni, M., & Guazzini, A. (2018). Personality and Reputation: A Complex Relationship in Virtual Environments. Future Internet, 10(12), 120. (IF. 1.011)
74) Di Fabio, A., Palazzeschi, L., Bucci, O., Guazzini, A., Burgassi, C., & Pesce, E. (2018). Personality Traits and Positive Resources of Workers for Sustainable Development: Is Emotional Intelligence a Mediator for Optimism and Hope?. Sustainability, 10(10), 3422. (IF. 2.075)
73) Bambi, S., Foà, C., De Felippis, C., Lucchini, A., Guazzini, A., & Rasero, L. (2018). Workplace incivility, lateral violence and bullying among nurses. A review about their prevalence and related factors. Acta Bio Medica Atenei Parmensis, 89(6-S), 51-79. (IF. 0.580)
72) Duradoni, M., Paolucci, M., Bagnoli, F., Guazzini, A. (2018). Fairness and Trust in Virtual Environments: The Effects of Reputation, Future Internet 10(6):50. DOI: 10.3390/fi10060050. (IF. 1.110)
71) Guazzini, A., Duradoni, M., Lazzeri, A., & Gronchi, G. (2018). Simulating the Cost of Cooperation: A Recipe for Collaborative Problem-Solving. Future Internet, 10(6). (IF. 1.110)
70) Piemonte G, Migliaccio ML, Bambi S, Bombardi M, D'antonio L, Guazzini A, Di Pasquale C, Tadini-Buoninsegni L, Guetti C, Bonizzoli M, Bagatti S, Lopane P, Nativi A, Rasero L, Peris A. “Factors influencing consent to organ donation after brain death certification: a survey of 29 intensive care units”. Minerva Anestesiol. 2018 May . doi:10.23736/s0375-9393.18.12658-7. PMID: 29756746. (IF. 1.430)
69) Guidi, E., Meringolo, P., Guazzini, A., & Bagnoli, F. (2017, January). “Intimate Partner Violence: A Stochastic Model”. Theoretical biology forum, Vol. 110, No. 1-2, pp. 63-93. (IF. 0.320)
68) Cavalli, L., Guazzini, A., Rossi, B., & Chisari, C. (2017). “Stroke Rehabilitation: Which is the Main Functional Outcome to Reach”. Int J Neurorehabilitation, 4(293), 2376-0281. (IF. 0.160)
67) Bambi, S., Guazzini, A., De Felippis, C., Lucchini, A., & Rasero, L. (2017). “Preventing workplace incivility, lateral violence and bullying between nurses A narrative literature review”. Acta Bio Medica Atenei Parmensis, 88(5-S), 39-47. (IF. 0.580)
66) Duradoni, M., Bagnoli, F., & Guazzini, A. (2017, November). “Reputational Heuristics” Violate Rationality: New Empirical Evidence in an Online Multiplayer Game. In International Conference on Internet Science (pp. 370-376). Springer, Cham.
65) Guazzini, A., Saraç, A., Donati, C., Nardi, A., Vilone, D., & Meringolo, P. (2017). Participation and Privacy Perception in Virtual Environments: The Role of Sense of Community, Culture and Gender between Italian and Turkish. Future Internet, 9(2), 11. doi:10.3390/fi9020011 (IF. 1.110)
64) Ruggiero C, Bonamassa L, Pelini L, Prioletta I, Cianferotti L, Metozzi A, Benvenuti E, Brandi G, Guazzini A, Santoro GC, Mecocci P. (2017). Early post-surgical cognitive dysfunction is a risk factor for mortality among hip fracture hospitalized older persons. Osteoporosis International. 2017 Feb 1;28(2):667-75. DOI: 10.1007/s00198-016-3784-3 (IF. 3.591)
63) Di Fabio, A., Palazzeschi, L., Bucci, O., Guazzini, A., Gori, A. (2016). The challenge of fostering healthy organizations: An empirical study on the role of workplace relational civility in acceptance of change and well-being.Frontiers in Psychology, 7, pages 1748. URL=; DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01748; ISSN=1664-1078. (IF. 2.463).
62) Guazzini, A., Duradoni, M., & Gronchi, G. (2016, December). The selfish vaccine Recipe: A simple mechanism for avoiding free-riding. In Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2016 (pp. 3429-3439). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2016.7822373
61) Giardini, F., Guazzini, A., Duradoni, M., Paolucci, M., Brigida, L., Vilone, D., Bagnoli, F. (2016) Incentivi reputazionali alla cooperazione in un gioco competitivo tra adolescenti: uno studio sperimentale, in "Sistemi intelligenti" 2-3/2016, pp. 215-232, doi: 10.1422/85481
60) Anwar, S., Milanova, M., Bigazzi, A., Bocchi, L., & Guazzini, A. (2016, October). Real time intention recognition. In Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE (pp. 1021-1024). IEEE.
59) Cavalli, L., Guazzini, A., Cianferotti, Parri, S., Cavalli, T., Metozzi, A., Giusti, F., Fossi, C., Black, D., Brandi, M.L. (2016 September). Prevalence of osteoporosis in the Italian population and main risk factors: results of BoneTourCampaign. BMC Musculoskelet Disord (2016) 17: 396. doi:10.1186/s12891-016-1248-8 (IF. 2.350)
58) Guazzini, A., Cecchini, C., & Guidi, E. (2016, September). Small Group Processes on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. In International Conference on Internet Science (pp. 123-132). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45982-0_12
57) Perfumi, S. C., Cardelli, C., Bagnoli, F., & Guazzini, A. (2016, September). Conformity in Virtual Environments: A Hybrid Neurophysiological and Psychosocial Approach. In International Conference on Internet Science (pp. 148-157). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45982-0_14
56) Duradoni, M., Bagnoli, F., & Guazzini, A. (2016, September). Non-trivial Reputation Effects on Social Decision Making in Virtual Environment. In International Conference on Internet Science (pp. 115-122). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45982-0_11
55) Stefanelli, F., Imbimbo, E., Bagnoli, F., & Guazzini, A. (2016, September). Collective Intelligence Heuristic: An Experimental Evidence. In International Conference on Internet Science (pp. 42-54). Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45982-0_4
54) Guazzini, A., Cecchini, C., Guidi, E., Milani, M., Meringolo, P. (2016). Excessive Self-Presentation on Facebook One Year of Analysis of Online Posting. Frontiers in Psychological and Behavioral Science. Volume 5, Number 1, pp 16-24. ISSN:2309-012X(Print), ISSN:2309-0138(Online)
53) Guidi, E., Magnatta, G., Guazzini, A. and Meringolo, P. (2016). Intimate partner sexual violence: an overview of the problem in Italy. The Australian Community Psychologist. Volume 28, Number 1. ISSN: 1835-7393 (Electronic) 1835-7393
52) Gronchi, G., Raglianti, M., Noventa, S., Lazzeri, A., Guazzini, A. (2016). Modeling the overalternating bias with an asymmetric entropy measure. Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 7, Number 01027. URL= & ART_DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01027. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01027. ISSN=1664-1078 (IF: 2,463)
51) Vilone, D., Carletti, T., Bagnoli, F., Guazzini, A. (2016). The Peace Mediator effect: Heterogeneous agents can foster consensus in continuous opinion models, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 462, 15 November 2016, Pages 84-91, ISSN 0378-4371, (IF: 1,785).
50) Calamassi, D., Nannelli, T., Guazzini, A., Rasero, L., & Bambi, S. (2016). High Fidelity Simulation Experience in Emergency settings: doctors and nurses satisfaction levels. Acta bio-medica: Atenei Parmensis, 87(4-S), 38-50.
49) Calamassi, D., Nannelli, T., Guazzini, A., Bambi, S., Gioachin, G., Pini, R., & Rasero, L. (2016). High-Fidelity in Urgency-Emergency Simulation: validation of a tool to determine the satisfaction of participants. Acta Bio Medica Atenei Parmensis, 87(2-S), 28-37. (IF. 0.580)
48) Capecchi, L., Guazzini, A., Lorini, C., Santomauro, F., & Bonaccorsi, G. (2015). The first italian validation of the most widespread health literacy assessment tool: the Newest Vital Sign. Epidemiologia e prevenzione, 39(4 Suppl 1), 124. (h5: 12)) doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-116.
47) A Guazzini, D Vilone, C Donati, A Nardi, Z Levnajic (2015). Modeling crowdsourcing as collective problem solving. Scientific Report 5, 16557; doi: 10.1038/srep16557 (2015).(IF: 5.578)
46) Guazzini, A., Cini, A., Bagnoli, F., & Ramasco, J. J. (2015). Opinion dynamics within a virtual small group: the stubbornness effect. Frontiers in Physics, 3, 65. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2015.00065 (IF: -)
45) Guazzini, A., Yoneki, E., Gronchi, F. (2015). Cognitive dissonance and Social influence effects on preference judgements: an eye tracking based system for their automatic assessment, International Journal of Human-Computer studies, Volume 73, pp. 12-18, (2015). doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2014.08.003 (IF: 1.830)
44) Bambi, S., Becattini, G., Giusti, G. D., Mezzetti, A., Guazzini, A., & Lumini, E. (2014). Lateral hostilities among nurses employed in intensive care units, emergency departments, operating rooms, and emergency medical services: a national survey in Italy. Dimensions of critical care nursing, 33(6), 347-354. DOI: 10.1097/DCC.0000000000000077 (IF: 0.840)
43) Bagnoli, F., Guazzini, A., Pacini, G., Stavrakakis, I., Kokolaki, E., & Theodorakopoulos, G. (2014, September). Cognitive structure of collective awareness platforms. In Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops (SASOW), 2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on (pp. 96-101). IEEE. doi>10.1109/SASOW.2014.38
42) Metozzi, A., Brandi, M. L., Black, D., Fasano, A., Di Tanna, G. L., Piscitelli, P., Guazzini, A., & Prioletta, I. (2014). Code study: connections between outcomes of osteoporosis fractures, depression, delirium & dementia in the elderly. In Osteoporosis international (Vol. 25, pp. S226-S227). 236 Grays Inn Rd, 6TH floor, London WC1X 8HL, England: Springer London LTD. (IF: 3.540)
41) Gronchi, G., Guazzini, A., Massaro, E., Bagnoli, F. Mapping cortical functions with a local community detection algorithm, Journal of Complex Networks, pag 1-17, (2014).doi:10.1093/comnet/cnu035 (IF: 3.780)
40) Massaro, E., Olsson, H. , Guazzini, A. and Bagnoli, F. Cognitive-inspired algorithm for growing networks, Natural Computing 13(3), pag. 379-390, (2014). Doi: 10.1007/s11047-014-9444-7 (IF: 0.757)
39) Lauro Grotto, R., Guazzini, A., and Bagnoli, F. Metastable structures and size effects in small group dynamics. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(699), (2014), DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00699, ISSN=1664-1078, (web)(IF: 2.600)
38) Bagnoli, F., Borkmann, D., Guazzini, A., Massaro, E., Rudolph, S. Modeling Epidemic Risk Perception in Networks with Community Structure. BIONETICS 2012, Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume 134, 2014, pag 283-295, (2014) (IF: -) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06944-9_20
37) Gronchi, G., Guazzini, A., Bagnoli, F., Massaro, E. Evaluating cerebral cortex connectivity with local information algorithm. International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Base Systems, 454-461. ( 2013) Doi: 10.1109/SITIS.2013.80 (IF: -)
36) A., Dal Molin, C., Gatta, V., Derossi, A., Guazzini, A., Cocchieri, E., Vellone, R., Alvaro, L., Rasero. Hospital Discharge: Results From an Italian Multicenter Prospective Study Using Blaylock Risk Assessment Screening Score. International journal of nursing knowledge 12/2013; DOI:10.1111/2047-3095.12016 (IF: 0.404)
35) Marini, F., Parri, S., Masi, L., Ciuffi, S., Guazzini, A., Fabbri, S., Luzi, E., Cianferotti, L., Brandi, M.L. COL1A1 Sp1 variation and bone phenotypes in an Italian population. Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 05/2013; 10(2):133-8. (2013) (IF: 1.890)
34) Massaro, E., Olsson, H., Guazzini, A. and Bagnoli, F.. Impact of local information in growing networks. EPTCS 130 - Proceedings of Wivace 2013 - Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation. Milan, Italy, July 1-2, 2013. Edited by: Alex Graudenzi, Giulio Caravagna, Giancarlo Mauri and Marco Antoniotti. Published: 30th September 2013. DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.130. ISSN: 2075-2180 (2013) (IF: -)
33) Cini, A., Guazzini, A. Human virtual communities: affinity and communication dynamics. Advances in Complex Systems (ACS), October 2013, Vol. 16, No. 07 - Page: 1350034, (2013), doi: 10.1142/S0219525913500343 (IF: 0.968)
32) Massaro, M., Valerio, L., Guazzini, A., Passarella, A., Bagnoli, F. A local algorithm for detecting community in dynamics networks, arXiv:1307.3003v1 [physics.soc-ph] 11 Jul 2013. ( (2013) (IF: -)
31) Guazzini, A., Vilone, D. Bluffing as a Rational Strategy in a Simple Poker-Like Game Model, Journal of Complex Systems, vol. 2013, Article ID 390454, 6 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/390454. (2013) (IF: -)
30) Guazzini, A. A cognitively inspired model for self-aware agents. Awareness Magazine. 24 January 2013. web: DOI: 10.2417/3201301.004625 (2013) (IF: -)
29) Arnaboldi, V, Guazzini, A., Passarella, A., Egocentric Online Social Networks: Analysis of Key Features and Prediction of Tie Strength in Facebook. Computer Communications, Volume 36, Issues 10–11, June 2013, Pages 1130–1144. (2013) (IF: 1.695)
28) Borkmann, D.; Guazzini, A.; Massaro, E.; Rudolph, S., "A Cognitive-Inspired Model for Self-Organizing Networks," Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops (SASOW), 2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.229,234, 10-14 Sept. 2012 - doi: 10.1109/SASOW.2012.47 - URL: (2012) (IF: -)
27) Conti F, Piscitelli P, Italiano G, Parma A, Caffetti MC, Giolli L, Di Tanna GL, Guazzini A, Brandi ML. Adherence to Calcium and Vitamin D supplementations: results from the ADVICE Survey. Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2012 Sep;9(3):157-60. Epub 2012 Dec 20. (2012) (IF: 1.890)
26) A. Dal Molin, S. McMillan, F. Zenerino, V. Rattone, S. Grubich, A. Guazzini, L. Rasero. Validity and reliability of the Italian Constipation Assessment Scale. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 2012 Jul;18(7):321-5. (2012), DOI:10.12968/ijpn.2012.18.7.321 (IF: 0.580)
25) Guazzini, A., Cini, A., Lauro Grotto, R., Bagnoli, F. Virtual Small Group Dynamics: a quantitative experimental framework. Vol.1 Iss.2, pp 10-16, the Journal of Review of Psychology Frontier (RPF), (2012). (IF: -)
24) Guazzini, A., Bagnoli, F. Carletti, T., Vilone, D., Lauro Grotto, R. Cognitive network structure: an experimental study. Advanced in complex systems, (ACS), Volume No.15, Issue No. 6, pp 12500. DOI: 10.1142/S0219525912500841 (2012) (IF: 0.968)
23) F. Bagnoli, A. Guazzini., and E. Massaro. Community-detection cellular automata with local and long-range connectivity. In G.C. Sirakoulis and S. Bandini (Eds.): ACRI 2012, LNCS 7495, pp. 204–213, 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2012) (IF: -)
22) Massaro, E., Guazzini, A., Bagnoli, F, Liò, P. Information dynamics algorithm for detecting communities in networks. Journal of Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17(11): 4294 – 4303, 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2012.03.023 (2012). (IF: 2.879)
21) Guazzini, A., Vilone, D. (2011), "Social Aggregation as a Cooperative Game", Physica A.,Volume 390, Issue 14, 15 July 2011, Pages 2716–2727 Elsevier DOI: ( (2011). (IF: 1.732)
20) Guazzini, A., Liò, P., Passarella, A., Conti, M. (2010), "Modeling perisaccadic time perception", Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2010, Pages 1133-1142. DOI:10.4236/jbise.2010.312147 (2010). (IF: 0.872)
19) Abdulcadir, O.H., Capecchi, R., Catania, L., Gattai A., Guazzini, A., Scarselli, V., "Trattamento e cura delle complicanze MGF", In Sessualità e culture. Mutilazioni genitali femminili: risultati di una ricerca in contesti socio-sanitari, a cura di Morrone, A. E Sannella, A., pages 141-158, Franco Angeli, Milano. ISBN 13: 9788856814958 (2010) (IF: -)
18) Guazzini, A., Lió, P., Bagnoli, F., Passarella, A., and Conti, M. "Cognitive network dynamics in chatlines". Procedia Computer Science, Volume 1, Issue 1, May 2010, Pages 2349-2356. ICCS 2010. DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.265 (2010). (IF: 1.030)
17) Guazzini, A., Liò, P., Passarella, A., Conti, M. (2009) "Information processing and timing mechanisms in vision". ICANN 2009, LNCS, Volume 1, Pages 325-334.DOI10.1007/978-3-642-04274-4_34 (2009). (IF: -)
16) Guazzini, A. (2009). Phd Thesis. "Computational models of cognitive activity: from neural to social dynamics". Centre for the study of complex dynamics, University of Florence. (IF: -)
15) Bagnoli., F., Guazzini, A., Liò, P. (2008). “Human Heuristic for Autonomous Agents”, In P. Li`{o} et al. editors, BIOWIRE 2007, LNCS 5151, pages 340-351, Springer--Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008. DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-92191-2_30. (IF: -)
14) Bagnoli., F., Carletti, T., Fanelli, D., Guarino, A., Guazzini, A. (2008). “Meet, Discuss and Trust each other: large versus small groups”, proceedings WIVACE 2008, In R. Serra et al.editors. artificial life and evolutionary computation, 213-224, 2009. (IF: -)
13) Guazzini, A., Lauro-Grotto, R., Carletti, T., Fanelli, D., Guarino, A.. (2008). “Dinamica dei piccoli gruppi: uno studio di simulazione”. Estratti del X° congresso nazionale di psicologia clinica e dinamica. Padova, Cluep Editore. (IF: -)
12) Bagnoli., F., Carletti, T., Fanelli, D., Guarino, A., Guazzini, A. (2008).. “Dynamical affinity in opinion dynamics modeling", Phys. Rev. E, 76, 066105. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.76.066105. (IF: 2.288)
11) Bagnoli., F., Carletti, T., Fanelli, D., Guarino, A., Guazzini, A. (2007). “Birth and Death in a Continuous Opinion Dynamics Model. The consensus case”, The European Physical Journal B 64 2 (2008) 285-292. DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2008-00297-3. (IF: 1.345)
10) Guazzini, A. (2007). “Modellizzazione di dinamiche sociali tramite sistemi ad agenti: dalla social cognition alle simulazioni numeriche dei fenomeni collettivi”, Proceedings del XXI Congresso Nazionale della sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale: Proceedings, Como (2007). (IF: -)
9) Gattai, A., Guazzini, A., Capecchi, R., Marocci, G. (2007). “Burnout versus well-being measure of the organizational and relationship factors.” Proceedings of XIIIth EAWOP international conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 9-12.5.2007. (IF: -)
8) Donati Della Lunga, S., Guazzini, A., Martellucci, P., Raffagnino, R. (2006). “Body Art tra i giovani” Salute e Prevenzione, Rassegna italiana delle tossicodipendenze. n° 45/2006, p. 112 - 128. (IF: -)
7) Guazzini. A, Lauro-Grotto, R. e Giannini, M. (2006). “Versione computerizzata dell'Halstead Category Test: primi dati su un campione italiano”. Testing Psicometria Metodologia. Vol. 13, No. 2, 91-106. (IF: 0.900)
6) Guazzini, A. e Lauro-Grotto, R. (2005): “Verifica della struttura fattoriale dell’e-YCCT tramite l’impiego dei modelli di equazioni strutturali (MES)”. Proceedings del XIX Congresso Nazionale della sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, Università di Cagliari: Cagliari (2005). (IF: -)
5) Guazzini, A. e Urpe, M. (2005): “Confirmatory factor analysis of the italian computerized version of the young children category test”. 7th Alps-Adria conference in Psychology. Proceedings of International conference of psychology, Università di Zara (Croazia): Department of Psychology, University of Zadar (2005). (IF: -)
4) Guazzini, A. e Menzione, M.(2004): “Computerized Halstead Category Test: using structural equation modeling to explain the three latent factors of the task”. “14th Psychology Days in Zadar” Proceedings of International Conference of Psyhology, Zadar University (Croatia): Znanstvena knjiznica Zadar. (IF: -)
3) Guazzini, A. (2004), “Breve storia della diagnosi del danno cerebrale”,, Anno 1, Vol. 1, n° 0. (IF: -)
2) Guazzini.A. (2004), “Lo studio delle funzioni cognitive”,, Anno 1, Vol. 1, n° 1. (IF: -)
1) Guazzini, A.,Lauro-Grotto, R. e Giannini, (2003) M.: “Versione Italiana Computerizzata dell’Halstead Category Test: Primi dati su di un campione italiano”. Proceedings del Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Bari, pp.518-528. (IF: -)
Premi e riconoscimenti
Best Master degree Thesis Award: “Analysis and contrast of gender stereotypes”, assigned by the Tuscany Region, by the Regional Commission for Equal Opportunities and by the universities of Tuscany (University of Florence, Pisa and Siena, Scuola Superiore Normale of Pisa, Higher School of University Studies and Specialization of Sant ' Anna of Pisa, University for Foreigners of Siena, IMT High Studies School of Lucca).
Thesis: Marta Baroncelli “Resilience and empowerment in intimate partner violence: towards a multidimensional assessment in a virtual environment”; Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Guazzini
Best PhD Thesis Award: “Prize for the best PhD thesis on the theme of countering violence against women”, promoted by the Italian delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in partnership with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Equal Opportunities, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the CRUI (Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities) and the Council of Europe.
PhD thesis: Guidi, E. (JANAURY 2017). Intimate Partner Violence: Comparison between Empirical Data and Stochastic Agent-Based Modeling (Scientific Disciplinary Sector M-PSI/05); Tutor (Prof. Franco Bagnoli e Prof. Andrea Guazzini); Co-tutor (Prof Patrizia Meringolo).
Best paper award: Genova, Italy, 10th-12th December 2015. AISC conference “Language, Cognition & Society”. Title of the talk “Scambio di informazioni ed effetti reputazionali in un gioco competitivo tra adolescenti”. Authors: Giardini, F., Guazzini, A., Brigida, L., Vilone, D. and Paolucci, M. (
Best poster award: Rome, 19th-23th September 2016. SSC2016 - Social Simulation Conference . Title of the poster ”Deliberate Self-harm: a study about the evolution of stable maladaptive strategies”. Authors: Cecchini, C., Guazzini, A., Meringolo, P.
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Il sottoscritto autorizza il trattamento dei dati contenuti in questo curriculum vitae per ogni fase di selezione ai sensi del D.Lgs. n. 196/03.
Firenze, 6 Gennaio 2025
Andrea Guazzini
Il Professor Andrea Guazzini dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze ha tra i suoi principali interessi scientifici:
Sistemi Complessi e Multidisciplinarietà: Studia le dinamiche emergenti nei sistemi complessi, applicando un approccio interdisciplinare che integra psicologia, fisica e ingegneria. (
Dinamiche Sociali e Psicosociali in Ambienti Virtuali: Analizza il comportamento umano in contesti digitali, focalizzandosi su interazioni sociali, processi cognitivi e fenomeni psicosociali online. (
Psicologia Sociale e Cognitiva: Esamina i processi mentali e comportamentali che influenzano le relazioni sociali e le dinamiche di gruppo. (
Sociopsicologia e Sociofisica: Applica modelli matematici e fisici per comprendere le dinamiche sociali e comportamentali. (
Ricerca-Azione per il Benessere Psicosociale: Promuove interventi di ricerca-azione per migliorare il benessere nelle comunità, combinando teoria e pratica per affrontare problematiche sociali. (
Inoltre, il Professor Guazzini coordina il VirtHuLab (Virtual Human Dynamics Laboratory), dedicato allo studio delle dinamiche umane in ambienti virtuali, utilizzando strumenti statistici e scientifici avanzati. (
Born in Massa Marittima on January 6th, 1976. More information can be found in the curriculum vitae.
Professor Andrea Guazzini of the University of Florence has among his main scientific interests:
Complex Systems and Multidisciplinarity: He studies emerging dynamics in complex systems, applying an interdisciplinary approach that integrates psychology, physics, and engineering. (
Social and Psychosocial Dynamics in Virtual Environments: He analyzes human behavior in digital contexts, focusing on social interactions, cognitive processes, and psychosocial phenomena online. (
Social and Cognitive Psychology: He examines mental and behavioral processes that influence social relationships and group dynamics. (
Sociopsychology and Sociophysics: He applies mathematical and physical models to understand social and behavioral dynamics. (
Action Research for Psychosocial Well-being: He promotes action research interventions to improve well-being in communities, combining theory and practice to address social issues. (
Additionally, Professor Guazzini coordinates the VirtHuLab (Virtual Human Dynamics Laboratory), dedicated to studying human dynamics in virtual environments using advanced statistical and scientific tools. (