Giovedì ore 14:30, Dipartimento Fisica e Astronomia (ufficio Fanelli, secondo piano, stanza 326)
Laureato in Fisica presso l'Università di Firenze, 1996Dottore di Ricerca presso il Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) di Stoccolma, 2002
Postdoc presso il Karolinska Institute di Stoccolma, 2002-2004
Ricercatore presso Sidec AB, Stoccolma 2002-2004
Ricercatore presso il Karolinska Institute, Stoccolma 2004-2006
Vincitore di un contratto per il “rientro dei cervelli”, Firenze 2004-2006
Lecturer in Fisica Teorica, Manchester, 2006-2007
Professore associato in Fisica della Materia (FIS/03), 2007-2019
Professore invitato presso la scuola normale di Lyon, 2008
Professore invitato presso l'università di Orleans, 2012
Abilitazione a professore di prima fascia settore 02/A2 , 2017
Abilitazione a professore di prima fascia settore 02/B2, 2017
Ricercatore invitato CNRS (livello DR1), Marsiglia, Francia.
Professore ordinario in Fisica della Materia (FIS/03), 2019-
L’attivita’ di ricerca si colloca nell’ambito dei sistemi complessi, della fisica non lineare e della meccanica statistica. E’ autore di circa 120 lavori su riviste internazionali
2019- Full Professor in Condensed Matter Physics (permanent job) –Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
2019 Invited Reseracher CNRS (DR1 level), Marseille, France.
2013-2019 Associate Professor in Condensed Matter Physics (permanent job) –Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
2013 Invited Professor - University of Orleans, France
2008 Invited Professor – Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) de Lyon, France
2007-2012 Associate Professor in Condensed Matter Physics (permanent job) –Department of Energy “S. Stecco”, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
2006 -2007 Lecturer in Theoretical Physics (permanent job)– Department of Physics, University of Manchester, UK. Theaching and research position. The research activity is aimed at establishing an independent unit with supervision of postdocs and PhD students.
2006 Senior Researcher – SIDEC technologies AB, Stockholm, Sweden. Home page: Project Leader of a project aimed at developing a simulator for the image formation in a Transmission Electron Microscope. The project involves the Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Sweden and the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
2004 – 2006 Contracted Professor – Department of Energetic “S. Stecco”, University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Position sponsored by the Italian research council within the framework of the “Rientro dei Cervelli” program.
2004 - 2006 Researcher – Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Medical Nobel Institute, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
2002 - 2004 Postdoc – Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Medical Nobel Institute, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
2002 - 2004 Researcher - SIDEC technologies AB, Stockholm, Sweden. Home page: Molecular imaging. EDUCATION 1997-2002 Ph.D. in Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and University of Stockholm, Sweden: “Self-gravitating Systems and Beam Dynamics in a Storage Ring”. Supervisor: Erik Aurell (Stockholm).
1997-2000 Licentiate Philosopie in Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, University of Stockholm, Sweden: “On the dynamics of self-gravitating systems and a new interpretation of the resonance theory for betatron motion”. Supervisor: Erik Aurell (Stockholm).
1989-1996 Laurea in Physics, University of Florence, Italy: “Regime non lineare dell´interazione plasma-fascio caldo di elettroni (Non linear warm beam - plasma instability)”. Supervisors: Yves Elskens (Marseille) and Stefano Ruffo (Florence).
1993-1994 Course of Maitrise, European Erasmus exchange, University of Provence, Marseille, France.