mercoledi 10-12 su skype (collegatevi e chiedete via chat se possiamo parlare, vi rispondo appena libera)
Annick Farina è professoressa associata nel settore di Lingua e Traduzione Francese L-LIN/04 e insegna presso il dipartimento di Lingue Letterature e Studi Interculturali dal 2005. Ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Lettere presso l'Università Paris 8 nel 1998.
Nel 2015 è stato nominata del Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Culture francese Chevalier dans l'ordre des Palmes Académiques e Accademico d'onore dell'Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze.
Presidente del Centro Linguistico di Ateneo dell'Università di Firenze-
Responsabile del polo fiorentino del CISQ (Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Quebecchesi).
Coordina l'Unità di Ricerca "Lessico dei Beni Culturali" presso il Dipartimento LiLSI. ( )
Un sessismo accettato: il trattamento delle parole insultanti verso le donne nei dizionari (francese/italiano), in XXIX Convegno nazionale ILSA, Università di Firenze, Florence, 24 September 2022.
(with L. Sini, Università di Pisa), Traduire les injures et autres violences verbales, in int'l conference : Discours de haine: Approches plurielles, débats, enjeux et controverses, Université Paris Cité, Paris, 18-20 May 2022.
(with C. Flinz, Università di Milano), LBC-Dictionary: A Multilingual Cultural Heritage Dictionary. Data collection and data preparation, in XIX Euralex International Virtual Congress, Alexandroupolis, Greece (online), 7-9 September 2021.
(with I. Natali, Università di Firenze), Intersecting travel paths: From Susan Horner to the LBC corpus (and beyond), in int'l conference : Penser la promenade littéraire, Université de Nantes, France, 11-12 March 2021.
Les problèmes de traduction liés à l’ambiguïté linguistique: les limites de la désambiguïsation automatique, in study session: Traduction et humanités numériques, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italy, 27 November 2020.
(with C. Flinz, Università di Milano), Descriptions of the Dome of Florence: Analysis of the word combinations in the German and French corpora of Lessico dei Beni Culturali, in International Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: The Discourses and Materialities of Tourism. Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 12-14 February 2020.
(with E. Carpi, Università di Pisa), Comparison of Visions of Heritage through Travel Accounts in Italy: A Journey through the Proper Names in the Spanish and French corpora of Lessico dei Beni Culturali, inInternational Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: The Discourses and Materialities of Tourism. Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 12-14 February 2020.
(with G. Yriarte, Atlande edition and M. Baldo, author), Rome et Florence en V.O., in Festival Les Rendez-Vous de l’Histoire, Blois, France, October 2019.
(with A. Aresti, Università di Cagliari), Didattica delle lingue straniere e corpora: l’esempio dei corpora LBC, in XXVII Convegno nazionale ILSA, Università di Firenze, 25 May 2019.
Le projet LBC, in the workshop Journées de lancement du programme de recherche interdisciplinaire Renaissances Université Paris Lumières, Université de Nanterre, France, 13-14 May 2019.
Lessico dei Beni Culturali (LBC), un dictionnaire en ligne du patrimoine artistique et culturel élaboré à partir d’un corpus multilingue, in study session: Corpus comparables, parallèles, spécialisés : quelle(s) approche(s) du corpus en traduction ?, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, La Plaine St-Denis, France, 11 January 2019.
(with C. Cervini, Università di Bologna), LabiFLE: formare e certificare le competenze ICT nel francese lingua straniera, Nuove tecnologie e apprendimento linguistico, in XXVI Convegno Nazionale ILSA, Università di Firenze, Florence, 19 May 2018.
Spazi digitali professionali. Insegnare con l’aiuto di Moodle, in conference Digital scholarship tra ricerca e didattica, Università di Firenze, Florence, 5 October 2017.
(with S. Ballestracci, Università di Firenze), Collaborazione Università-Scuole nella didattica delle lingue: nuovi metodi, nuovi pubblici. I progetti UniPluriLocal e TICE-FLE (CLA Firenze / CLA Torino) e EUniTa –European University Tandem– per i tandem di tedesco, in workshop L’internazionalizzazione tra promuovere e valorizzare il plurilinguismo con i progetti europei Scuola-Università, CLA Università di Torino, 26 September 2017.
(with R. Billero, Università di Firenze), Narratour, un percorso nella letteratura di viaggio, table ronde il viaggio nella didattica, in workshop Letteratura di viaggio e Lessico dei Beni Culturali, Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, 16 May 2017.
La technologie en FLE : objet et medium d’apprentissage, in Giornate di Formazione nazionali LEND, Le français dans un curriculum plurilingue : Environnements d’apprentissage, parcours et outils, Bologna, 6 February 2017, Salerno, 8 February 2017.
(with F. Bonnand, French Institute of Florence), La langue au-delà de la langue : Emile et Esabac, in training seminar for teachers CLIL/EMILE : Vecchie e nuove sfide nella metodologia dell’apprendimento delle lingue straniere, Association ANILS, Lycée Capponi, Florence, 19 November 2016.
(with F. Bonnand, French Institute of Florence et Eliana Terzuoli, ANILS), Certification C2i et projets pour le FLE, in La formation initiale des enseignants de français en Italie: expériences, réflexion et concertation dans la perspective de la réforme de la Buona Scuola, Institut Français Firenze, Florence 21-22 January 2016.
Les marques diatechniques dans les dictionnaires bilingues généraux français-italien, in int’lconference Metalex : Les marques de registre dans les dictionnaires bilingues, INALCO, Paris, November 6, 2015.
Des dictionnaires qui enferment la langue dans une « vision du monde » : l’espace culturel tel que le délimitent les nouveaux dictionnaires des français, l’Usito vs Le Petit Robert,in int'l conference Espaces réels et imaginaires au Québec et en Acadie: enjeux culturels, linguistiques et géographiques, Università di Milano, Milan, Italy, 3 March 2015.
(with E. Carpi, Università di Pisa and A. Tei, Università di Firenze) Il lavoro del dizionario: le schede tempera, guazzo e acquarello italiano-francese-spagnolo, in workshop Progetto per un lessico multilingue dei Beni Culturali: Comunicare il patrimonio artistico e culturale fiorentino II, Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Florence, January 27, 2015.
L’aura symbolique des odonymes. L’exemple de Montréal depuis la Révolution Tranquille,in int’l conference Le passé dans le présent: la langue du patrimoine / Past in present: The language of heritage, French Institute of Florence, Florence, November 14, 2014.
Le dodici fatiche del lettore di dizionari bilingui: un’analisi dell’inadeguatezza .delle microstrutture lessicografiche, in study day Presente e futuro della lessicografia digitale, Università di Milano, Milan, Italy, November 12, 2014.
Montréal à travers les mots qui la décrivent : les connotations des toponymes,in int’lsymposium of the Centre Interuniversitaire d’Études Québécoises (CISQ) Le bien-être en ville : espaces urbains, langues, cultures et sociétés, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, October 20-21, 2014.
Le portail lexicographique du Lessico plurilingue dei Beni Culturali, outil pour le professionnel, instrument de divulgation du savoir patrimonial et atelier didactique, in SUSLLF international symposium La Francesistica italiana à l’ère du numérique, Università di Genova, Genoa, Italy, September 18-19, 2014.
Come tradurre tempera e guazzo in francese? Il lavoro di lessicografia bilingue, in study day Progetto per un lessico multilingue dei Beni Culturali: Comunicare il patrimonio artistico e culturale fiorentino I, Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Florence, May 26, 2014
Descrivere e tradurre il patrimonio gastronomico italiano: le proposte del Lessico plurilingue dei Beni Culturali, in XXIV Convegno Ass.i.term, Cibo e agricoltura: parole per denominare. La terminologia dell’agroalimentare, Cagliari, Italy, May 23-24, 2014.
(with A. Tei, Università di Firenze) Il laboratorio lessicografico LBC / L’atelier lexicographique LBC: Collegare e schedare i nostri patrimoni lessicali e lessicografici, in int'l conference Strumenti e applicazioni per la divulgazione del patrimonio linguistico e culturale/Tools and applications for popularizing linguistic and cultural heritage, April 23-24, 2014, Università di Bologna, Bologna / Accademia della Crusca, Florence.
Une tentative pour cultiver les ressources au lieu de les exploiter : le modèle des Trésors pour la construction du Lessico multilingue dei Beni Culturali, in study day Lessico e Banche dati / Glossary and Databases, Università di Firenze, Florence, December 13, 2013.
Guideline Proposition for Description and Translation of Proper Names in a Multilingual Cultural Heritage Dictionary of Florence,in X International School on Lexicography Life beyond Dictionaries, Florence, September 12-14, 2013.
Projet de dictionnaire du patrimoine historico-culturel d’une ville d’art, inresearch seminar, research group Triangle, CNRS, ENS Lyon, France, May 2, 2013.
Esotismi e Dizionari: gli italianismi nell’Encyclopédie di Diderot e D’Alembert, in NeMLA Convention. Session Non solo lingua: The Debates on Italian through the Centuries, Boston, Massachusetts, March 21-24, 2013.
(with M. Garzaniti) Projet de dictionnaire du patrimoine historico-culturel d’une ville d’art : Florence, instudy day Lexicographie et informatique, ILF, University of Paris 13, LDI Lab & ANR Crealscience Project, Villa Finaly, Florence, March 11-12, 2013.
Des marques au statut flottant: les indicateurs de connotation et de dénotation dans les monolingues, in symposium Les sémiotiques des dictionnaires 5ème journée allemande des dictionnaires, Klingenberg, Germany, July 6-8, 2012
La BDLP, base-source pour les lexicographes : l’exemple de l’utilisation de ses descriptions gastronomiques dans la constitution d’un dictionnaire monolingue français de realia pour non-francophones,in int’lsymposium Des mots et des mondes, Università di Firenze/Università di Bologna, Florence, June 28-29, 2011.
Le traitement des mots d’une culture non partagée dans le dictionnaire bilingue : le lexique révolutionnaire tel qu’il est ou devrait apparaître dans les bilingues français-italien, in symposium Lexis : The study of lexicon across cultural identities and textual genres, Università di Verona, Italy, Nov. 11-13, 2010.
Description et traduction des « réalités culturelles », in study day Francophonie,variation lexicale et traduction,Università di Firenze, Florence, February 17, 2010.
Les appellations d’hommes et de femmes dans les dictionnaires post-révolutionnaires,in symposium Qui était l’homme de la Déclaration des Droits de 1789?, Università di Torino/ENS Lyon, Torino, May 14, 2009.
L’italiano nell’Encyclopédie di Diderot e d’Alembert,in seminar Giudizi e Pregiudizi, Percezione dell’altro e stereotipi tra Europa e Mediterraneo, Università di Firenze, Florence, June 9-13, 2008.
En voiture, Simone ! Nos articles ont fait Gilles. Nomi personali e dizionari, in int’l symposium Lessicografia e Onomastica, Università Roma Tre, Rome, February 14-16, 2008.
Dans quel sens prendre l’histoire? Filiations sémantiques et dictionnaires bilingues, in int’lsymposium Du sens des mots : le réseau sémantique des dictionnaires, Università degli Studi di Sannio, Benevento, Italy, January 28-29, 2008.
Le discours scientifique pour les femmes au XVIIIe siècle, in int'l conference Le style c’est l’homme, XXX. ROMANISTENTAG: Romanistik in der Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria, September 24, 2007.
Des choix problématiques : distribution et traitement des mots techniques dans les différents dictionnaires bilingues français-italien généraux et spécialisés, in int’l symposium L’architecture du dictionnaire bilingue et le métier du lexicographe, Università di Bari, Italy, April 16-17, 2007.
Un vide lexicographique pour la traduction de notre littérature: le vocabulaire maritime, in int'l conference Dictionnaires monolingues et bilingues : langue, culture, littérature, University of Chicago in Paris, January 19, 2007.
La femme dans l’Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert, in int'l conference Des mots et des femmes, Università di Firenze, Florence, December 1, 2006.
Problèmes de traitement des “pragmatèmes” dans les dictionnaires bilingues, in int’l symposium Le Diction-naire maître de langue, 2e journée allemande des dictionnaires, Klingenberg, Germany, July 7-9, 2006.
Cdrom et lexicographie bilingue franco-italienne : entre interfaces et utilisateurs, in int’lsymposium Glossari, Dizionari, Corpora: Lessicologia e lessicografia delle lingue europee, Università di Milano, Gargnano sul Garda, Italy, May 25-27, 2006.
Toponomastique et lexicographie bilingue: le cas des dictionnaires français-italien, in int’l symposium Lessicografia e Onomastica, Università di Roma 3, Rome, February 16-17, 2006.
Traduzione di sintagmi lessicali “fissi” o di grande frequenza (campo italiano-francese): per un uso dinamico delle risorse lessicali e lessicografiche su supporto elettronico, in int’l symposium Lessicografia bilingue e Traduzione: metodi, strumenti e approcci attuali, Università di Bologna, Forlì, Italy, November 17-18, 2005.
Pour la constitution de véritables dictionnaires bilingues francophones: des écarts culturels aux cultures partagées, in int'l conference Colloque international d’Études Canadienne Canada: le rotte della libertà, Associazione Italiana di Studi Canadesi, Università di Bari, Monopoli, Italy, October 5-9, 2005.
Lingua e identità: il dilemma del “joual” durante la Rivoluzione tranquilla,inint’l symposium Quarto seminario annuale di storia atlantica / Quatrième séminaire annuel d’histoire atlantique, Università di Genova, Genoa, Italy, April 14-15, 2003.
Lexicographie française et québécoise : les nouveaux dictionnaires des français, in int’l symposium La Journée des dictionnaires : La lexicographie française et la lexicographie mondiale influences réciproques, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France, March 19, 2003.
Un choix politique: l’utilisation des marques lexicographiques au Québec, in int’l symposium Dizionari - Dictionnaires – Dictionaries, Università di Udine, Italy, February 27-28, 2003
Féminisme et dictionnaires québécois: des femmes reconstruites dans des définitions politiquement correctes, in int’l symposium ACFAS, Dictionnaires et société, University of Montreal, Canada, May 15, 2000.
Persécution des dictionnaires électroniques, in int’l symposium Lexiques-Grammaires comparés et traitements automatiques, UQAM, Montreal, Canada, July 1995.
Dictionnaires électroniques et dictionnaires humains : originalité et particularités d’un dictionnaire électronique comparatif des français de France et du Québec, in int’l symposium of ACL (Association canadienne de linguistique), Ottawa, Canada, June 1993.
I have a Doctorate of Letters : Lexicographie et Société - Les dictionnaires québécois [Lexicography and Society - The Quebec Dictionaries”] from the University Paris 8, 1998 and an Italian habilitation for university education at the rank of “professore associato” (2013).
My teaching career has focused on French language, applied linguistics, translation and French as a foreign language didactics for over twenty years in Italy: up to 2004 as a temporary professor at the French Cultural Center in Milan and then as a lecturer at the University of Aquila (2003-2005), and most recently at the University of Florence as a researcher with teaching responsibilities (2004-2014), and as a professor since 2014.
Since 2016, I have been President of the Language Center (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo) of the University of Florence.
As for my career as a researcher, it began in 1990, as a research assistant position in the Language Formalization Research Group (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada) led by J. Labelle, and then as a visiting researcher in the same group until 1994.
At the end of 2003, I participated in implementing a research project on bilingual lexicography which obtained Italian national funding for 2004-2006, on a project for evaluating modern bilingual works and in particular the CDRom interfaces of bilingual dictionaries available on the market.
In 2005-2007, I created a project focused on the comparative analysis of interjections in Romance languages. On the basis of the comparison of the linguistic elements that we noted and integrated into a comparative lexical database, I was able to identify a certain number of problems related to the lexicographic description of this type of unit, dwelling in particular on pragmatemes (elements related to a specific pragmatic situation). On this same topic I later participated in the Spanish national research project PragmaTema Frasemas Composicionales Pragmáticos directed by X. Blanco Escoda (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona).
From 2006 to 2010, I formed a team together with V. Zotti (University of Bologna) for a French-Italian bilingual dictionary project (Lablex, dir. G. Dotoli, University of Bari) and organized research, training (PhD students and young researchers: we supervised about twenty people) and writing. We designed a DTD (XML Writing Protocol) illustrated in several scientific meetings.
In 2013 I created with M. Garzaniti a research group within our department (Lessico dei Beni Culturali Research Unit) with a team of colleagues representing different languages. The plurilingual heritage lexicon project was a great success from its inception, and in a few months the team went from 7 to more than 30 colleagues and PhD students, each a specialist in one of the 8 project languages, but also in philology, history and art history. It is made up of several working groups, and deals with the development of different instruments, all oriented towards the same objective, for disseminating in-depth knowledge on the tangible and intangible heritage of a given country, initially Italy, and for offering tools to enable dissemination in other languages. In this first phase of the project, we have mainly developed textual databases and work on monolingual dictionaries linked by bilingual hypertext links, designed for the translator in the tourism sector, and have organized several multidisciplinary scientific meetings.
PhD in Letters (Doctorat ès lettres), Université Paris 8, Paris, France, 1998.
MA in Linguistics (Maîtrise de linguistique/DEA Texte Imaginaire Société), Université Paris 8, Paris, France, 1992-1993.
MA in French Modern Literature (Maîtrise de littérature moderne), Université Paris 8, Paris, France/McGill University, Department of Comparative Literature, Montreal, Canada, 1990.
BA in Language Sciences (Licence de Sciences du langage), Université Paris 8, 1989
BA in French Modern Literature (Licence de Littérature moderne), Université Paris 8, 1989.
Other education and expertise
Attained the National qualification for position of Associate Professor in French Language, Literature and Culture in Italy (professore universitario di seconda fascia, sezione 10 / H1 Lingua, letteratura e cultura francese), 2014.
Training course in teaching translation, French Institute of Milan (Stage de formation à l’enseignement de la traduction), 2001-2002.
Attained the National qualification for lecturer functions in Linguistics in France (maître de conférence, section 07 Sciences du langage), 1999.
Attained the National qualification for lecturer functions in French Language and Literaturein France (maître de conférence, section 09 Langue et littérature françaises), 1999.
Training course in teaching French as a foreign language (Stage de formation à l’enseignement du français langue étrangère), French Institute of Milan (Centre Culturel Français de Milan), 1995.
Current employment
Coordinator of the MA Double Degree in Translation Theory and Practice (University of Paris 8 / University of Florence), 2019-
President of the University Language Centre (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo), University of Florence, Italy, 2016-
Associate professor (professore associato) in French Language and Translation, University of Florence, Italy, 2014-
Coordinator of the Research UnitLBC, Cultural Heritage Lexicon (Lessico dei Beni Culturali), Department of FORLILPSI University of Florence, and the related LBC lexicographical portal project. Website: , 2013-
Previous work experience
University lecturer in French Language and Translation(ricercatore/professore aggregato), Università di Firenze, Florence, Italy, 2004-2014.
Teacher training coordinatorfor teachers of French in Italian secondary schools (TFA: Tirocinio Formativo Attivo, Section A245; PAS: Percorso Abilitanti Speciali), Scuola di Studi Umanistici e della Formazione, Università di Firenze, Florence, Italy, 2013-2015.
Adjunct lecturer in French Language and French Linguistics (contrattista), Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, l’Aquila, Italy, 2003-2004.
Teacher of French language (annual contracts) and DALF/DELF examiner, French Institute of Milan (Centro Culturale di Milano),Milan, Italy, 1996-2004.
Freelancer translator from Italian to French and Spanish to French, Milan, Italy, 1996-2004; Barcelona, Spain: 1994-1996.
Visiting researcher in the research group on linguistics formalisation (Groupe de recherche en formalisation linguistique, GRFL) headed by Jacques Labelle at the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, 1992-1994.
Research Assistant(Allocataire de recherche), research group Texte, imaginaire,société, Université Paris 8, Paris, France, 1992-1995.
Research Assistantin the research group on linguistics formalisation (GRFL), University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, 1990-1991.
Research funding and grants
Since 2020 Member of the Florence Unit of the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell), Erasmus+ Member of Working Group 2 (Direction G. Giovannetti, University of Florence) for development of a new approach to learning languages (intercomprehension) and member of working group 6 (Direction L. Kulmala, Linnaeus University) for EUniWell Mobility skills (EMS).
Since 2013 Coordinator of the Research Unit Lessico dei Beni Culturali (LBC), Università di Firenze, Italy, with both internal and external funding : grant for a postdoctoral position co-financed by personal university funding of members of the Research Unit and LILSI Dipartment of the University of Florence.
2019-2021 Member of the Spanish national project (Proyectos de I+D de generación de conocimiento y Proyectos de I+D+i retos investigación) La integración del archivo Azcarate de vocabulario artístico en el léxico europeo de patrimonio cultural (LexArtE)
2016-2020 Coordinator of the project UniPluriLocal: Unità nella pluralità locale: recupero e condivisione of the linguistico-culturali familiari, to teach migrant children their family’s native language, presented as Prog. Europeo REC PP 2016-2. Financed by the Language Centre (Centro linguistico dell’Università di Firenze), Florence, Italy.
2010-2011 Participation in the Spanish national research project PragmaTema Frasemas Composicional Pragmáticos headed by Xavier Blanco Escoda, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
2004-2006 Member of a national research project on bilingual lexicography (PRIN/MIUR 2004) Lessicologia e lessicografia bilingui tra passato e presente, National coordinator: Giovanni Iamartino, Università di Milano, Milan, Italy.
Research output
See list
Awards and honours
Honorary Academician of the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze (Academy of Design Arts of Florence), Sciences and Humanities section, November 2015.
Rank of Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques ( Chevalier of the Order of Academic Palms), French Ministry of National Education, Embassy of France in Rome, January 2015.
Memberships and positions of trust in scientific communities
Since 2010 Member of the board committee of CISQ (Interuniversity Center for Quebecois Studies)
Since 2023 : Editor-in-chief of a new collection (Lessico multilingue dei beni culturali) being a scientific committee before (see below), Firenze University Press. The first book of the collection (Nuove strategie per la traduzione del lessico artistico), in press, will be published in May 2023.
Since 2022: Member of the scientific board of the Journal LinguaInAzione. ILSA Italiano L2 (LIA), Ornimi Editions, Athens, Greece.
2017- 2023 : Director of the scientific committee for gathering the Lessico multilingue dei beni culturali, Firenze University Press.
Since 2014 : Member of the scientific board of Chimera : Journal of Romance Corpora and Linguistic Studies.
2011-2013: Member of the scientific and editorial board of the collection Biblioteca di studi di filologia moderna – Laboratorio editorial.
Since 2012 : Member of the scientific board of the Journal AG AboutGender, Genova.
Since 2011 : Member of the editorial board of the Journal Synergies Italie, GERFLINT, Turin.
Since 2005 : Member of the scientific and editorial board of the collection Quaderni di Donne & Ricerca, Turin.
1989-1990 Member of the editorial board of the Journal Discours social / Social Discourse Cahiers de recherche en littérature comparée, Montreal (translations of the abstracts).
Since 2019 Coordinator of the double MA degree in Translation Theory and Practice (Université Paris 8 / Université de Florence).
Since 2017 Member of the Commission for management of languages at the University of Florence, a committee responsible for advising the University of Florence in managing orientation of language policies, proposing measures to harmonize and rationalize language training with the bodies responsible for the various courses, including foreign language instruction.
Since 2016 President of the Language Centre of the University of Florence (CLA – Centro linguistico di Ateneo). Responsible of budget of the Centre (250.000 €/year); in collaboration with the Director : staff management (37 Language teachers and 15 administration staff) and organisation of the educational offer (in 2022, number of students enrolled in courses in the Centre: 2600, in free courses for tests preparation: 382, in language labs: 1165; in language testing: 12.792).
2013-2015 Training referent for teachers of French as Foreign Language in Italian secondary schools(TFA: Tirocinio Formativo Attivo and PAS: Percorso Abilitanti Speciali), University of Florence.
2013-2017 Member of the Didactics Committee of the Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies curricula of the University of Florence.
2006-2015 Coordinator of internships for curricula in Languages, Literatures and Intercultural studies at the University of Florence (student counselling, relationships with businesses, records management and internship reports).
(In progress) Member of the organizing committee of int'l conference La littérature voyageuse du Québec vue par les lecteurs et lectrices des pays parcourus to be held in Florence in May 2024 (call for participation already published), LBC University of Florence / Centre interuniversitaire sur la littérature et la culture québécoises (CRILCQ), Canada.
Member of the Scientific Committee and speaker in the round table presentation of the Lessico dei Beni Culturali project in the conferenceComunicare il patrimonio artistico e culturale nella società digitale plurilingue, University of Bologna, Dec. 13-14, 2018
All its years since 2017. Organization of European Languages Day, Florence University Language Centre.
Organization (with French Institute of Florence and Accademia delle Arti del Disegno) of study daysLetteratura di viaggio e lessico dei beni culturali, May 15-16-17, 2017, Accademia delle Arti Del Disegno, Florence.
Organization (with the Dorif Association and the French Institute of Florence) and moderation of the study day La formation initiale des enseignants de français en Italie: expériences, réflexion et concertation dans la perspective de la réforme de la Buona Scuola, Florence, January 21-22, 2016.
Organization and moderation of the study day La coopération universitaire franco-italienne: dialogue et perspectives, French Institute of Florence, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of SUSLLF (Association of French Studies in Italy), Florence, September 18, 2015.
Organizer of the int’l symposium Le guide touristique: lieu de rencontre entre lexique et images du Patrimoine (LBC Florence/Udrils Pisa), University of Pisa / Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Florence, June 11-12, 2015.
Organizer of the study day Projet pour un Lexique plurilingue du Patrimoine : Communiquer le patrimoine artistique et culturel florentin II, Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Florence, January 27, 2015.
Organizer of the int’l symposium: Le passé dans le présent: la langue du patrimoine/Past in present: The language of heritage, French Institute of Florence, Florence, November 13, 2014.
Organizer of the study day Projet pour un Lexique plurilingue du Patrimoine : Communiquer le patrimoine artistique et culturel florentin I, Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Florence.
Organizer of the int’l symposium Strumenti e applicazioni per la divulgazione del patrimonio linguistico e culturale April 23-24, 2014, University of Bologna/Accademia della Crusca (Florence).
Organizer of the study day Lexique et bases de données, December 13, 2013, University of Florence.
Member of the organizing committee of the Etats Généraux des Études Québécoises, CISQ, Bologna, Italy, October 1-2, 2012.
Organizer of the int’l symposium Des Mots et des Mondes, Hommage à Claude Poirier, University of Florence, June 2011.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the int’l symposium CIRSDe WWW.Globalizzazione, generi, linguaggi, Turin, Italy, February 10-12, 2011.
Organizer of the study day Francophonie, variation sociale et traduction, February 17, 2010, University of Florence.
Member of the scientific committee of the int’l symposium Journées italiennes des dictionnaires “L’architecture du dictionnaire bilingue et le métier du lexicographe”, April 16-17, 2007, University of Bari, Italy.
Organizer of the int’l symposium Des Mots et des Femmes, University of Florence, December 2006.
Scientific and societal impact
Since 2021 Creation of a Wikisource/Wikidata project with the participation of student trainees for publication of important works for Italian cultural heritage (edition of translations of Vasari’s works on Wikisource and creation of item pages on artistic works on Wikidata) in collaboration with LBCresearch group and Social Studies Library of the University of Florence.
2016-2017 Participation to a spin-off project selected by the Florentine University Incubator for a one year’s support for its development : e-Vispi project (e-Viaggio intelligente alla scoperta del Patrimonio Italiano), changed into Narratour.