Il ricevimento avrà luogo giovedì 20 febbraio alle ore 11, stanza 217 S.R.
A partire dal 14 settembre 2024, e durante tutto il primo semestre, il ricevimento avrà luogo il
giovedì alle ore 15, stanza 217 S.R.
Eventuali variazioni saranno comunicate e segnalate sulla bacheca elettronica.
Donatella Pallotti is Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Florence since 2001. She studied English Literature at the University of Bologna (MA), and Linguistics at the University of Lancaster (PhD).
Her broad research interests are early modern literature and culture, Shakespeare, stylistics and literary pragmatics. She has written on the stylistics of poetry, Donne’s poetry, Shakespeare’s and Isabella Andreini’s sonnets, psalm translation in verse in sixteenth-century England, early modern women’s prophecy and spiritual testimonies, the moral debate on dance in early modern England and early modern representations of rape. She has also devoted attention to Joyce’s Giacomo Joyceand Ulysses.
Her current research is divided into three main strands: the first two are related to her previous work on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century radical literature, and the representations of rape in early modern culture, respectively. The third strand revolves around issues of authorship in Shakespeare’s poems.
She is editor in chief (together with Paola Pugliatti) ofthe open access peer-reviewed journalJ ournal of Early Modern Studies (JEMS) (
From 2012 to 2018 she was Vice-President of the Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies (IASEMS) and member of its Executive Board (elective position) (
2001- present
Associate Professor of English Literature (University of Florence)
Lecturer in English Language and Literature (University of Florence)
April 1999
Ph.D in Linguistics (University of Lancaster UK). Supervisor: Mick Short
November 1982
MA in Foreign Languages and Literatures (English) summa cum laude(University of Bologna, Italy); supervisor: Paola Pugliatti
Early Modern literature and culture
Shakespeare and authorship
Shakespeare and early modern popular culture
Representations of rape in Shakespeare and early modern culture
Shakespeare’s poetry
John Donne’s poetry
Seventeenth-century radical literature: women’s prophecy and spiritual testimonies; conversion narratives
Stylistics and literary pragmatics
James Joyce
30-31January 2019 – Cagliari (Italy)
speaker (invited): “Racconti di conversione nell’Inghilterra del XVII secolo: esperienza spirituale e catechesi”. International Conference: ‘Tesri, forme, linguaggi nella produzione didascalico-pedagogica.
25-26 October 2018 – Firenze (Italy)
Speaker: “ ‘the fit and apt construction of thy name’. Shakespeare, la poesia e il nome dell’autore”.
Introductory and closing remarks: International Conference: “Forme e modi dell’Autorialità nella cultura europea dalla prima età moderna alla contemporaneità”.
9-10 May 2018 – Firenze (Italy)
Speaker: “Avventure dell’interpretazione. Per ricordare Alessandro Serpieri”
5-6 May 2017 – Facoltà valdese di teologia Rome (Italy)
speaker (invited): “ ‘Onely a voice, and Christ the sound’. Profetesse e visionarie nell’Inghilterra del XVII secolo: il caso di Anna Trapnel”. International Conference. “La Bibbia e le donne a partire dalla Riforma: 500 anni di cambiamenti”.
2 February 2017 – Rome (Italy)
Presentation (invited): ‘writ by one and rede by two: Enrico Frattaroli e Franco Mazzi, lettori di ALP. The X James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome (2-3 February 2017).
24-25 January 2017 – Firenze (Italy
Introductory notes and closing remarks: Forme ed espressioni della biografia e dell’autobiografia tra cultura popolare e cultura d’élite. Convegno interdipartimentale.
31 July–6 August 2016 – Stratford upon Avon and London (U.K.)
Seminar Leader (with C. Desmet, P. Pugliatti, and R. Saywer): Notion of Influence in Shakespeare’s Work. World Shakespeare Conference 2016: ‘Creating and Re-creating Shakespeare’.
24 May 2016 – Milano (Italy)
Speaker (invited): “Shakespeare, la poesia e il nome dell’autore”. Seminar: Discutendo di Roger Chartier, La mano dell’autore, la mente dello stampatore. Cultura e scrittura nell’Europa Moderna (Carocci 2015). I Seminari di APICE. University of Milan
3-8 August 2014 – Stratford upon Avon (U.K.)
Seminar Leader (invited): Shakespeare’s Poems: Originality and/in Transmission. Thirty-Sixth International Shakespeare Conference: ‘Shakespeare, Origins and Originality’.
19 June 2014 – Pisa (Italy)
Lecture: “Personal & publick confessions: racconti di conversione nell'Inghilterra della prima età moderna”.
Invited speaker. Ph.D in Philology, Literature and Linguistics.
21-27 April – Paris (France)
Paper: “Issues of (Collaborative) Authorship in Shakespeare’s Poems”. Seminar: “The Many Lives of William Shakespeare: Collaboration, Biography and Authorship” (leaders: William Leahy and Paola Pugliatti), Conference: “Shakespeare 450”.
28-29 November 2013 – Venice (Italy)
Discussant (invited). Session: “The English Malady”. International Research Seminar: “Melancholia/ae: L’esperienza religiosa del ‘male dell’anima’ e le sue definizioni in epoca moderna tra censure, dissensi e auto-rappresentazioni / The Religious Experience of the ‘Disease of the Soul’ and its Definitions in the Early Modern Period: Censorship, Dissent and Self-representation”, organised by EMoDiR - Research Group in Early Modern Religious Dissents and Radicalism.
14-15 June 2012 – Pisa (Italy)
Stato della ricerca in Italia: Shakespeare and Early Modern Studies”. Conference: “IASEMS 2012”, hosted by The University of Pisa.
15-17 September 2011 – L’Aquila (Italy)
Paper: “ ‘Old things are passed away … all things are become new’ ”. Conversion Narratives and English Radical Religious Practice in the Seventeenth Century”. XXV AIA Conference: Literary Workshop: “Regenerating Community, Territory, Voices, Memory and Vision: Reconstructing Text, Reconstructing the Self”, convened by Jeanne Clegg, Carla Dente, Paola Pugliatti.
17-22 July 2011 – Prague (Czech Republic)
Paper: “Loathsome trespass. Rape Narratives in Early Modern England”. Seminar: “Shakespeare and Early Modern Popular Culture” (convenors: Janet Clare e Paola Pugliatti) 9th World Shakespeare Conference “Renaissance Shakespeare: Shakespeare Renaissances”.
23 aprile 2010 – Bologna (Italy)
Paper: “Conversion narratives. Religiosità radicale nelle chiese inglesi della metà del XVII secolo”. Conference “Early Modern Studies in Italy”, organized by the Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies.
4-6 April 2008 – Pisa (Italy)
Paper:“A far different aim”: The English Translations of Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi’s biography”. British Academy colloquium 3: “Translations and Travels”.
23-24 November 2007 – Geneva (Switzerland)
Paper (by invitation only): “Telling experiences:Conversion and Radical Religion in Early Modern England”, International Research Seminar: “Les modes de la conversion confessionnelle à l’age moderne: Autobiographie, altérité et construction de l’identité religieuse (XVIe– XVIIIesiècles)”, organized by Institut d’Histoire de la Réformation.
15-17 February 2007 – Rome (Italy)
Paper: “My conversion was wonderful: conversioni femminili e religiosità radicale nell’Inghilterra della prima età moderna”. Panel: “Racconti di conversione e relazioni di genere nella prima età moderna tra autobiografia, biografia e romanzo”, convened by Adelisa Malena. IV Congress of Società Italiana delle Storiche: “Donne e uomini nella storia: diacronie e trasversalità”.
9-11 February 2006 - Florence (Italy)
Paper: “Devota improvvisazione o empia seduzione: la riflessione morale sulla danza nell’Inghilterra della prima età moderna”. International Conference:“La guerra dei teatri. Le controversie sul teatro in Europa dal secolo sedicesimo alla fine dell’AncienRégime”.
6-9 October 2004 – Bologna (Italy)
Paper: “Dal salmo al sonetto: la meditazione penitenziale di Anne Vaughan Lock”. International Conference: “Il Petrarchismo: un modello di poesia per l’Europa”.
14-16 November2003 - Florence (Italy)
Paper: “Pervase dallo Spirito Santo: esperienze profetiche e visionarie femminili nell’Inghilterra della prima età moderna”. Panel, convened by Adelisa Malena. III Congress of Società delle Storiche Italiane.
4-8 July 2002 – Munich (Germany)
Paper: “Inflamed with God: Women’s Trascendental Experiences in Early Modern Europe”. International Conference: “Renaissance Go-Betweens: Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe.
22-24 November 2001: Bologna (Italy)
Paper: “Full characterd with lasting memory. Sonnet-writing and Dramatic Art in the Renaissance: William Shakespeare and Isabella Andreini”. International Conference: “L’Italia nell’immaginario e nella cultura britannica del Rinascimento e del Romanticismo. The impact of Italy on British Imagination and culture of the Renaissance and of Romanticism”.
18-23 April 2001 – Valencia (Spain)
Paper: “The Sonnets of William Shakespeare and Isabella Andreini”. Seminar: “Shakespeare and Sonnets: The English Form and the European Tradition”, convened by Mario Domenichelli and Kathrine Ducan-Jones. 7th World Shakespeare Conference: “Shakespeare and the Mediterranean”.
14-20 June 1998 - Rome (Italy)
Paper: “everintermutuomergent: the ‘cobweb (hand)writing’ of Giacomo Joyce”. Seminar: “Giacomo Joyce”, convened by Paola Pugliatti. 16thInternational James Joyce Symposium”.
4-8 September 1991 – Norwich (U.K.)
Paper: “Periculosa et Pestilens Quaestio: Interrogative Discourse in Donne’s Holy Sonnets”. Inaugural Conference of the European Society for the Study of English.
1985-1990 five-year grant awarded by the Italian Ministry of Education for Ph.D in Linguistics at the University of Lancaster (UK) [Awardees were selected through a competitive grants process, administered by the Italian Ministry of Education].
Principal Investigator of the University of Florence Research Project: ‘Forms and modalities of authorship in European culture from the early modern period to the present’.
2014 - 2017
Member of the international research team: ‘Literary Translation and Übersetzungskultur: The Definition of National Culture in Early Modern Europe’. Coordinator: Alessandra Petrina. Funded by the University of Padua.
Member of the international research team:‘Les modes de la conversion confessionnelle à l'âge moderne. Autobiographie, altérité et construction de l'identité religieuse (XVIe - XVIIIe siècles)’, Institut d'Histoire de la Réformation, Geneva (Switzerland).
Member of national research team: ‘La guerra dei teatri. Le controversie sul teatro in Europa dal secolo sedicesimo alla fine dell’Ancien Régime’. Coordinator: Mario Domenichelli. Research Projectof National Interest (PRIN), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education.
Member of national research team: ‘Forme e modi della rappresentazione teatrale nell’Inghilterra elisabettiana”. Coordinator: Alessandro Serpieri. Funded by the University of Florence.
Member of national research team: ‘L’Italia nell’immaginario e nella cultura britannica del Rinascimento e del Romanticismo”. Coordinator: Valentina Poggi. Research Projectof National Interest (PRIN). Funded by the Italian Ministry of Education.
Member of national research team: ‘La nuova filologia shakesperiana’. Coordinator: Alessandro Serpieri. Research Projectof National Interest (PRIN). Funded by the Italian Ministry of Education.
2011 – present
Editor in chief (with Paola Pugliatti) of the Journal of Early Modern Studies(JEMS), an open access peer-reviewed international journal that promotes interdisciplinary research and discussion on issues concerning all aspects of early modern European culture. The journal is sponsored and funded by the University of Florence (
2012 - present
Member of the Publications and Editorial Coordination Committee of the Department.
Advisory Board Member
Studi irlandesi – A Journal of Irish Studies
2013 – 2018
Proceedings of “Shakespeare & his Contemporary Graduate Conference” (British Institute of Florence)
Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna (Firenze University Press) (
LEA - Lingue e Letterature d'Oriente e d’Occidente(
AIA (Italian Association of Anglistics)
The Autobiography Society
ESRA (European Shakespeare Association)
ESSE (European Association for the Study of English)
IASEMS (Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies)
ISA (The International Shakespeare Association)
PALA (Poetics and Linguistics Association)
RSA (The Renaissance Society of America)
SAA (Shakespeare Association of America)
Position held in professional associations
2012 – 2018
Vice-President and member of the Executive Board of IASEMS (Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies) (elective position).
Member of scientific committee in academic events
25-26 October 2018– Florence (Italy)
Forme e modi dell’Autorialità nella cultura europea dalla prima età moderna alla contemporaneità (Organizer and principal investigator).
13−15 June 2018 – Cagliari (Italy)
The Ninth IASEMS Annual Conference: “Early Modern Identity: Selves, Others, and Life Writing”.
20 April 2018 The British Institute of Florence (Italy)
Shakespeare & his Contemporaries. The IASEMS Graduate Conference at The British Institute of Florence 2017’: “Conversions in Early Modern British Literature and Culture”.
24-26 May 2017 – Ferrara (Italy)
The Eighth IASEMS Annual Conference: Shakespeare and Popular Culture, as you like it
7 April 2017 - The British Institute of Florence (Italy)
‘Shakespeare & his Contemporaries. The IASEMS Graduate Conference at The British Institute of Florence 2017’: ‘The Fine Art of Lying’.
24-25 January 2017 – Florence (Italy)
‘Forme ed espressioni della biografia e dell’autobiografia tra cultura popolare e cultura d’élite”
30 May-1 June 2016 – Catania (Italy)
The Seventh IASEMS Annual Conference: “All the world's a page”.
22 April 2016 - The British Institute of Florence (Italy)
‘Shakespeare & his Contemporaries. The IASEMS Graduate Conference at The British Institute of Florence 2016’: ‘Prophecy and Conspiracy in Early modern England’
28-29 May 2015 – Bergamo (Italy)
‘In the Public Sphere: Crime, Transgression and Subversion in Shakespeare and Early Modern England The 2015 IASEMS Annual Conference’.
23 April 2015 – The British Institute of Florence (Italy)
‘Shakespeare & his Contemporaries. The IASEMS Graduate Conference at The British Institute of Florence 2015’: Humour in Shakespeare’s Arcadia: Gender, Genre and Wordplay in Early Modern Comedy’.
29-30 May 2014 – Lecce (Italy)
‘Maps and Borders: The 2014 IASEMS Annual Conference’
10 April 2014 – The British Institute of Florence (Italy)
‘Shakespeare & his Contemporaries Graduate Conference 2014: Forms of Nationhood’ (British Institute of Florence)
17-18 May 2013 – Padua (Italy)
‘Re-thinking Early Modern: Critical Approaches. The 2013 IASEMS Annual Conference’
18 April 2013 - The British Institute of Florence (Italy)
‘Shakespeare & his Contemporaries Graduate Conference 2013: The Italian Connection’
‘IASEMS 2012’
9-11 February 2006 – Florence (Italy)
Organiser: ‘La guerra dei teatri. Le controversie sul teatro in Europa dal secolo sedicesimo alla fine dell'ancienrégime’. International Conference.
12-13 October 2004 - Florence (Italy)
Organiser: International Research Seminar “La guerra dei teatri. Le controversie sul teatro in Europa dal secolo sedicesimo alla fine dell’Ancien Régime”.
2001 - present (University of Florence)
Associate Professor of English Literature
Lectures and seminars on 16th- and 17th-century rhetoric; early modern women’s writing; cultural hybridity and literary genres in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English poetry. Co-ordination of doctoral students’ workshops and supervision of PhD. Theses. Internal examiner.
MA courses
Shakespeare and early modern literature and culture; English Petrarchism; John Donne and Metaphysical Poetry (MA in European and American Languages and Literatures)
James Joyce and Modernism (MA in Art History9
T.S. Eliot and the Avant-Garde((MA in Art History)
BA courses
20th-century English literary culture; Modernism and postmodernism (BA in Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies).
Teacher qualification courses
2013 – present
Teaching poetry in English in secondary schools
1992-2000 (University of Florence)
Lecturer in English Language and Literature
Courses and modules
Early modern literature and culture; Shakespeare and the sonnet tradition; early modern language; Romantic poetry; T.S. Eliot’s poetry; James Joyce’s short fiction; introduction to the study of poetry.
2019 –
Erasmus + Delegate- School of Humanities and Education (University of Florence).
Member of the School Board– School of Humanities and Education (University of Florence).
2013 –
Member of the Board of the Language Centre(CLA) of the University of Florence.
2016 – 2018
Department Coordinator(elected) – Section of Intercultural Studies.
Member of the Internationalization Committee of the Department Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (University of Florence).
Erasmus+department coordinator - Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (University of Florence).
2013 - 2017
Member of the School Board (elected) – School of Humanities and Education (University of Florence).
2013 – 2016
Member of the Departmental Committee (elected) – Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (University of Florence).
Member of the Joint Board of Studies (elected) - School of Humanities and Education (University of Florence).
2010 – 2017
Member of the Organising Committee of the Doctoral Program in ‘Languages, Literatures and Comparative Studies’.
1999 – 2012
Member of the Organising Committee of the Doctoral Program in ‘English and American Studies’.
2009 - 2012
Member of the Departmental Committee (elected) – Department of Languages, Literatures and Comparative Studies (University of Florence).
2007 - 2009
Member of the Teaching Committee (Undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs) in the Faculty of Humanities
2008 - 2009
Graduate Program Coordinator. Ma courses in Foreign Languages and Literatures.
2007 - 2008
Vice-director of the Teaching Committee (Undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs) in the Faculty of Humanities.
2009- present
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures of the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia (U.S.A.) and the Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies. Coordinator (with Fiorenzo Fantaccini)
2013– present
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts (U.S.A) and Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies. Coordinator.
2013- 2017
University of Sydney (Australia) and Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies. Coordinator.
Erasmus+ Exchange program
2013 - 2018
Erasmus+ department coordinator
2013 - present
Tutor in charge of the students and teachers exchanges with the Universities of Bangor, Cardiff, Durham (U.K.), and Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest (Hungary).
Il mio principale interesse scientifico riguarda la cultura inglese della prima età moderna, studiata sia nelle sue manifestazioni canoniche sia in quelle non canoniche. Nei primi anni della mia attività di ricerca, mi sono occupata prevalentemente di questioni inerenti all’analisi del testo poetico. In una prospettiva pragmatica, ho affrontato sia questioni teoriche sia lo studio di testi specifici, quali i sonetti di Shakespeare e soprattutto la poesia di John Donne. Accanto a questo ambito di ricerca, mi sono occupata anche di narrativa, intervenendo sull’opera di Joyce, segnatamente su Giacomo Joyce e Ulysses.
Nel corso degli ultimi anni, l’interesse si è concentrato su due ambiti di ricerca distinti, ma interrelati. Il primo costituisce un approfondimento dello studio sul sonetto e sulla poesia del Rinascimento. In particolare, sono stati indagati i rapporti, parzialmente trascurati, tra arte drammatica e scrittura poetica in Inghilterra e in Italia; il petrarchismo in Inghilterra; le relazioni tra petrarchismo, la forma del sonetto e la parafrasi in versi dei salmi penitenziali nel canzoniere religioso di Anne Lock.
Il secondo ambito di ricerca, in cui sono impegnata, concerne la spiritualità popolare e la sua rappresentazione nell’Inghilterra della prima età moderna. L’indagine si è focalizzata specificatamente sui resoconti di visioni e profezie che vedono come protagoniste le donne. Gli aspetti principali presi in considerazione riguardano, da un lato, le tecniche discorsive impiegate per la costruzione dell’identità e per l’autenticazione della parola profetica; dall’altro, la performance profetica e la sua percezione. Ampliando la prospettiva, ho avviato un percorso di ricerca dedicato allo studio dei racconti di conversione, ovvero dei resoconti pubblici dell’esperienza di conversione, richiesti dalle chiese radicali inglesi. Questi testi sono studiati sia in termini di fenomeno letterario sia in termini di performance culturale. Più recentemente, la stessa tipologia testuale è stata indagata alla luce delle relazioni complesse tra l’esperienza ‘originale’ della conversione, la sua espressione e la sua conseguente trasmissione scritta, della tensione tra soggettività e conformità ai modelli, e delle varie forme d’intervento editoriale. Lo studio ha messo in luce che la costruzione testuale delle narrazioni di conversione è frutto di una authorship multipla.
Nell’ambito dello studio dei testi in cui il dibattito religioso seicentesco prende forma, ho preso anche in esame le traduzioni inglesi della biografia di Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi, prendendo in esame le due versioni, pubblicate in Inghilterra nel corso del XVII secolo.
Più recentemente, mi sono occupata della rappresentazione dello stupro nel periodo della prima età moderna, studiando la complessa relazione tra lingua, evento e interpretazione. Questa ricerca esplora i differenti “discorsi” sullo stupro e le forme di rappresentazione della violenza sessuale, ponendo l’attenzione sull’esperienza di donne appartenenti a classi sociali diverse. I testi esaminati sono di diversa natura, canonici e non canonici. L’intento è di mettere in luce le dinamiche di scambio critico e creativo fra forme della cultura ‘alta’ e della cultura ‘bassa’ i reciproci adattamenti e le mutue assimilazioni.
Nell'ultimo periodo, mi sono dedicata allo studio dei problemi legati alla authorship nell'opera poetica di Shakespeare.
Ho fatto parte di tre ricerche d’interesse nazionale: “La nuova filologia shakespeariana”, coordinato a livello nazionale da Alessandro Serpieri (1994-1997); “L’Italia nell’immaginario e nella cultura britannica del Rinascimento e del Romanticismo”, coordinato a livello nazionale da Valentina Poggi (1999-2001); “La guerra dei teatri. Le controversie sul teatro in Europa dal secolo XVI alla fine dell’Ancien Régime”, coordinata a livello nazionale da Mario Domenichelli (2003-2005). Ha partecipato, inoltre, a un “Progetto Strategico”, finanziato dall’Ateneo fiorentino, su “Forme e modi della rappresentazione teatrale nell’Inghilterra elisabettiana”, diretto da Alessandro Serpieri (1999-2002).
30-31 January 2019 – Cagliari (Italy)
LEA - Lingue e Letterature d'Oriente e d’Occidente (
Erasmus+ Delegate- School of Humanities and Education (University of Florence).
Member of the Board of the Language Centre (CLA) of the University of Florence.
Her broad research interests are early modern literature and culture, Shakespeare, stylistics and literary pragmatics. She has written on the stylistics of poetry, Donne’s poetry, Shakespeare’s and Isabella Andreini’s sonnets, psalm translation in verse in sixteenth-century England, early modern women’s prophecy and spiritual testimonies, the moral debate on dance in early modern England and early modern representations of rape. She has also devoted attention to Joyce’s Giacomo Joyce and Ulysses.