Pagina Cercachi
Orario di ricevimento
Lorenzo FINI
Ruolo attuale:
Ricercatore in Pensione
PHYS-03/A - Fisica sperimentale della materia e applicazioni
Afferenza organizzativa:
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Lorenzo FINI
Orario di ricevimento (aggiornato al 01/09/2022)
Ricevimento su appuntamento. Scrivere a lorenzo.fini@unifi.it.
Lorenzo FINI
1984 Laurea in Fisica presso l' Università di Firenze 1985-1986 Borsa di
studio CNR presso il Laboratoire d' Optique Quantique, CNRS, Palaiseau
1985-1988 Dottorato di Ricerca in fisica presso l' Università
di Firenze.
1988 Conseguimento del Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica con una tesi
dal titolo: "Studio del Trasferimento Collisionale di Energia Indotto da Laser
in Vapori di Europio e Stronzio.
Dal 1990 Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Fisica dell' Università di
Firenze, settore disciplinare "Struttura della Materia". Associato al
Laboratorio Europeo di Spettroscopie Non-lineari dell' Università di Firenze
(LENS). I miei campi di interesse sono: spettroscopia laser, spettroscopia di
ionizzazione, ottica non lineare, propagazione della luce in mezzi non lineari.
Lorenzo FINI
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Articolo su libro |
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Contributo in atti di convegno (proceeding) |
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Curatela |
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Tesi di Dottorato
Tommasi, Federico; Pattelli, Lorenzo; Cavalieri, Stefano; Fini, Lorenzo; Paolucci, Michela; Pini, Ernesto; Sassaroli, Angelo; Martelli, Fabrizio (2024). Anomalous Radiative Transfer in Heterogeneous Media. ADVANCED THEORY AND SIMULATIONS, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2513-0390
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Tommasi F.; Sassaroli A.; Fini L.; Cavalieri S.; Martelli F. (2023). Validation test of Monte Carlo codes employed in biomedical optics applications. In: European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany, 25-29 June 2023, SPIE, vol. 12628, pp. 0-0, ISBN:9781510664654
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Tommasi F.; Sassaroli A.; Fini L.; Cavalieri S.; Pini E.; Pattelli L.; Martelli F. (2023). Relation between fluence rate and mean photons pathlengths: an alternative option for Monte Carlo-based calculations of fluence. In: European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany, 25-29 June 2023, SPIE, vol. 12628, pp. 0-0, ISBN:9781510664654
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Fabrizio Martelli, Federico Tommasi, Angelo Sassaroli, Lorenzo Fini, Stefano Cavalieri (2023). Verification test of Monte Carlo codes for biomedical optics applications with arbitrary accuracy. In: Photonic West 2023, San Francisco, From January 28 to February 2, SPIE, vol. Vol. 12376, pp. 0-0.
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Tommasi, Federico; Fini, Lorenzo; Martelli, Fabrizio; Cavalieri, Stefano (2023). Random laser-based noninvasive sensor for direct measurements of scattering samples. In: SPIE Bions 2023, San Francisco USA, SPIE, pp. 0-0, ISBN:9781510658578
Fabrizio Martelli, Angelo Sassaroli, Federico Tommasi, Lorenzo Fini, Stefano Cavalieri (2023). Relation between fluence rate and mean photons pathlengths: an interesting option for Monte Carlo based fluence calculations in biomedical optics. In: Photonic West 2023, San Francisco, From January 28 to February 2, SPIE, vol. Vol. 12376, pp. 0-0.
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Tommasi F.; Fini L.; Martelli F.; Cavalieri S. (2023). Direct measurements of diffusive samples by random lasing. In: European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, Munich, Germany, 25-29 June 2023, SPIE, vol. 12629, pp. 0-0, ISBN:9781510664678
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Sassaroli, Angelo; Tommasi, Federico; Cavalieri, Stefano; Fini, Lorenzo; Liemert, André; Kienle, Alwin; Binzoni, Tiziano; Martelli, Fabrizio (2022). Two-step verification method for Monte Carlo codes in biomedical optics applications. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, vol. 27, pp. 083018-1-083018-25, ISSN:1083-3668
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Tommasi F.; Auvity B.; Fini L.; Martelli F.; Cavalieri S. (2022). Direct Measurement of the Reduced Scattering Coefficient by a Calibrated Random Laser Sensor. SENSORS, vol. 22, pp. 1401-1401, ISSN:1424-8220
Tommasi, Federico; Fini, Lorenzo; Focardi, Stefano; Martelli, Fabrizio; Santini, Giacomo; Cavalieri, Stefano (2022). On the mean path length invariance property for random walks of animals in open environment. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 12, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2045-2322
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Martelli F.; Tommasi F.; Fini L.; Cortese L.; Sassaroli A.; Cavalieri S. (2021). Invariance properties of exact solutions of the radiative transfer equation. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, vol. 276, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0022-4073
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Martelli F.; Tommasi F.; Sassaroli A.; Fini L.; Cavalieri S. (2021). Verification method of Monte Carlo codes for transport processes with arbitrary accuracy. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 11, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2045-2322
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Tommasi F.; Fini L.; Martelli F.; Cavalieri S. (2020). Invariance property in scattering media and absorption. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 458, pp. 124786-124786, ISSN:0030-4018
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Tommasi, Federico; Fini, Lorenzo; Martelli, Fabrizio; Cavalieri, Stefano (2020). Invariance property in inhomogeneous scattering media with refractive-index mismatch. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 102, pp. 1-7, ISSN:2469-9926
Tommasi F.; Fini L.; Martelli F.; Cavalieri S. (2019). Superdiffusive random laser. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 99, pp. 1-9, ISSN:2469-9926
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Tommasi, Federico; Ignesti, Emilio; Fini, Lorenzo; Martelli, Fabrizio; Cavalieri, Stefano (2019). Advances in random lasing sensing. In: Francesco Baldini, Jiri Homola, Robert A. Lieberman. Optical Sensors 2019, pp. 0-0 SPIE, ISBN:9781510627222.
Federico Tommasi, Lorenzo Fini,Emilio Ignesti,Stefano Lepri, Fabrizio Martelli,Stefano Cavalieri (2018). Statistical outliers in random laser emission. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2469-9926
Federico Tommasi, Emilio Ignesti, Lorenzo Fini, Fabrizio Martelli, Stefano Cavalieri (2018). Random laser based method for direct measurement of scattering properties. OPTICS EXPRESS, vol. 26, pp. 27615-27627, ISSN:1094-4087
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Tommasi, Federico; Ignesti, Emilio; Fini, Lorenzo; Cavalieri, Stefano (2017). Precursor propagation in inhomogeneous broadened media: Experimental and numerical simulation. OPTICS LETTERS, vol. 42, pp. 4498-4501, ISSN:0146-9592
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Stefano Cavalieri, Fini Lorenzo, Emilio Ignesti, Federico Tommasi, Fabrizio Martelli. (2017). A RANDOM LASER BASED OPTICAL SENSOR. Numero: Patent N. 3465154, (2022) Stefano Cavalieri, Fini Lorenzo, Emilio Ignesti, Federico Tommasi e Fabrizio Martelli.
Tommasi, Federico; Ignesti, Emilio; Fini, Lorenzo; Martelli, Fabrizio; Cavalieri, Stefano (2017). A new concept for noninvasive optical sensing: random lasing. In: Optical Sensors 2017, Praga, Giugno 2017, International Society for Optical Engineering:PO Box 10:Bellingham, WA 98227:(360)676-3290,, vol. 10231, pp. 102310E1-102301E6.
Tommasi, F.; Ignesti, E.; Fini, L.; Martelli, F.; Cavalieri, S. (2016). Towards a sensor based on random laser emission. In: 18th Italian National Conference on Photonic Technologies (Fotonica 2016), AIF, pp. 63-65, ISBN:978-1-78561-268-8
Ignesti, Emilio; Tommasi, Federico; Fini, Lorenzo; Cavalieri, Stefano (2016). Dependence of light pulse propagation on its temporal width: Transition from group velocity to c-propagation. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 371, pp. 196-200, ISSN:0030-4018
Ignesti, Emilio; Tommasi, Federico; Fini, Lorenzo; Martelli, Fabrizio; Azzali, Niccolò; Cavalieri, Stefano (2016). A new class of optical sensors: a random laser based device. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, vol. 6, pp. 35225-35225-6, ISSN:2045-2322
Ignesti, Emilio; Tommasi, Federico; Fini, Lorenzo; Cavalieri, Stefano; Martelli, Fabrizio (2016). SENSORE OTTICO BASATO SU RANDOM LASER. Numero: 102016000054453 Università degli Studi Firenze
Tommasi, Federico; Ignesti, Emilio; Fini, Lorenzo; Lepri, Stefano; Azzali, Niccolò; Cavalieri, Stefano (2015). Dynamics of random laser emission: Investigation and practical perspectives. In: 17th Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2015, ita, 2015, Institution of Engineering and Technology, vol. 2015, pp. 4-7, ISBN:978-1-78561-068-4
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Federico Tommasi; Emilio Ignesti; Lorenzo Fini; Stefano Cavalieri (2015). Proof of principle experiment on minimizing propagation time in optical communications. In: Slow Light, Fast Light, and Opto-Atomic Precision Metrology VIII, 93780A March 10, 2015 ;, San Francisco, California, United States, March 10, 2015, SPIE, vol. 9378, pp. 93780H-1-93780H-11.
Federico Tommasi; Emilio Ignesti; Lorenzo Fini; Stefano Cavalieri (2015). Controlling directionality and the statistical regime of the random laser emission. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 91, pp. 033820-1-033820-7, ISSN:1050-2947
F. Tommasi; E. Ignesti; L. Fini; S. Cavalieri (2014). Vanishing the delay of a light pulse induced by propagation in matter. In: 46th Conference of the European Group of Atomic Physics, Lille, Francia, 1-4 Luglio, European Physica Society, vol. 38D, pp. 88-88, ISBN:2914771886
F. Tommasi; E. Ignesti; L. Fini; S. Cavalieri (2014). Recovering the propagation delay of an optical pulse. OPTICS EXPRESS, vol. 22, pp. 28566-28571, ISSN:1094-4087
F. Tommasi; E. Ignesti; L. Fini; S. Cavalieri (2013). Recovering propagation delay of an optical pulse to achieve a ”true” c-velocity. In: FISMAT 2013, FISMAT 2013, pp. 200-201.
D. Vangi; A. Virga; E. Ignesti; F. Tommasi; L. Fini; S. Cavalieri (2013). Applicazione laser-ultrasuoni per il monitoraggio degli assili ferroviari. In: 42° Convegno AIAS, Salerno, 11-14 settembre 2013, Padova University Press, pp. 487-496, ISBN:987-88-6938-024-2
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F. Tommasi; E.Ignesti; L.Fini; S.Cavalieri (2013). Slow/Fast-Light Scheme for achieving propagation at ”true” c-velocity for an optical pulse,. In: 11TH European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons, Aarhus (Denmark), ECAMP, pp. 40-40.
F. Tommasi; E. Ignesti; L. Fini; S. Lepri; S. Cavalieri (2013). Statistical regimes in random laser emission,. In: XCIX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica, SIF, pp. 39-39, ISBN:9788874380817
E. Ignesti; F. Tommasi; R. Buffa; L. Fini; E. Sali; S. Cavalieri (2013). Optical control of superluminal propagation of nanosecond laser pulses. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 87, pp. 033828-1-033828-4, ISSN:1050-2947
Emilio Ignesti; Federico Tommasi; Lorenzo Fini; Stefano Lepri; Vivekananthan Radhalakshmi; Diederik Wiersma ;Stefano Cavalieri (2013). Experimental and theoretical investigation of statistical regimes in random laser emission.. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 88, pp. 0833820-1-0833820-7, ISSN:1050-2947
E. Ignesti; F. Tommasi; E. Sali; M.V. Tognetti; L. Fini; S. Cavalieri (2012). Optical Control of Slow and Fast Light in Atomic Media. In: Fotonica 2012, Firenze, AIF, pp. 0-0, ISBN:9788887237146
E. Ignesti; R. Buffa; L. Fini; E. Sali; M. V. Tognetti; S. Cavalieri (2012). Controlling the propagation of broadband light pulse by electromagnetically induced transparency. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 285, pp. 1185-1189, ISSN:0030-4018
Ignesti, Emilio; Tommasi, Federico; Buffa, Roberto; Fini, Lorenzo; Sali, Emiliano; Tognetti, Marco; Cavalieri, Stefano (2012). Incoherent optical control of pulse propagation and compression. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 86, pp. 063818-1-063818-5, ISSN:1050-2947
E. Ignesti; F. Tommasi; E. Sali; L. Fini; S. Cavalieri (2012). Control of slow and fast light by inchorent interaction in sodium vapour. In: XCVIII Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Fisica, SIF, pp. 12-12, ISBN:9788874380732
R. Ignesti; R. Buffa; L. Fini; E. Sali; M. V. Tognetti; S. Cavalieri (2011). Coherent control of spectral characteristics and group velocity of a broadband laser pulse. In: Laser Physics 20th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’11), Sarajevo, July 2011, Laser Physics, pp. 38-38.
E. Ignesti; R. Buffa; L. Fini; E. Sali; M.V. Tognetti; S.Cavalieri (2011). Controlling the spectrum of light pulses by dynamical Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 83, pp. 053411-1-053411-4, ISSN:1050-2947
S. Cavalieri; E. Sali; E. Ignesti; R. Buffa; L. Fini; M. Tognetti (2011). All-Optical Control of Group velocity, Central Frequency and Spectral Bandwidth of a laser pulse. In: 2011 OSA Optics and Photonics Congress, Toronto, Canada, Optical Society of America, pp. 21-21.
E. Ignesti; F. Tommasi; R. Buffa; L. Fini; E. Sali; M.V. Tognetti; S. Cavalieri (2011). Optical incoherent control of slow and fast light. In: IGNESTI E, F. Tommasi, R. Buffa, L. Fini, E. Sali, M.V. Tognetti and S. Cavalieri (2011). Optical incoherent control of slow and fast light. In: Laser Physics 20th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’11), Sarajevo Bosnia, July 2011, Laser Physics, pp. 38-38.
E. Ignesti; R. Buffa; L. Fini; E. Sali; Marco V Tognetti; S. Cavalieri (2010). Frequency shift by optical coherent control. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 81, pp. 023405-023405, ISSN:1050-2947
E. Ignesti; S. Cavalieri; L. Fini; E. Sali; R. Eramo; M.V. Tognetti; R. Buffa (2010). Controllable optical delay of wide-bandwidth laser pulses by means of coherent effects. LASER PHYSICS, vol. 20, pp. 1132-1139, ISSN:1054-660X
E. Sali; E. Ignesti; S. Cavalieri; L. Fini; M.V. Tognetti; R. Buffa (2010). A titanium-doped-sapphire laser source with tuneable frequency, single-mode emission and adjustable pulse duration. LASER PHYSICS, vol. 20, pp. 1126-1131, ISSN:1054-660X
E. Sali; E. Ignesti; S. Cavalieri; L. Fini; M. V. Tognetti; R. Buffa (2009). A tuneable, single-mode titanium-doped-sapphire laser source with variable pulse duration in the nanosecond regime. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 282, pp. 3330-3334, ISSN:0030-4018
E. Ignesti; S. Cavalieri; L. Fini; E. Sali; R. Eramo; Marco V Tognetti; R. Buffa (2009). Optical delay control of large-spectral-bandwidth laser pulses. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 80, pp. 011811R-0, ISSN:1050-2947
M.V. TOGNETTI; R. BUFFA; S. CAVALIERI; L. FINI; E. IGNESTI; E. SALI; (2007). Temporal compression of laser pulses by coherent control. In: COMPUTATION IN MODERN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 2007 (ICCMSE 2007):, Corfu, GREECE, 25-30 settembre 2007, American Institute of Physics, vol. 2, pp. 829-831, ISBN:978-0-7354-0476-2
S. CAVALIERI; L. FINI; E. SALI; R. BUFFA (2007). Enhanced harmonic generation efficiency using focussing devices based on Fresnel diffraction. LASER PHYSICS, vol. 17, pp. 143-147, ISSN:1054-660X
R.BUFFA; S. CAVALIERI; L.FINI; E.SALI; M.V.TOGNETTI (2007). Temporal compression of nanosecond laser pulses using coherent control.. LASER PHYSICS, vol. 17, pp. 148-154, ISSN:1054-660X, Maik Nauka / Interperiodica:Profsoyuznaya 90, Moscow 117864 Russia:011 7 095 3360266, Fax: 011 7 095 3360666:
R. BUFFA; S. CAVALIERI; L. FINI; E. SALI. M. V. TOGNETTI (2006). Coherent control of laser pulse temporal duration: an experimental proposal for the special issue on Quantum Control of Light and Matter. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 264, pp. 471-474, ISSN:0030-4018
S. CAVALIERI; LORENZO FINI; EMILIANO SALI; ROBERTO BUFFA (2006). Enhancement of harmonic generation using Fresnel-lensing effects. OPTICS LETTERS, vol. 31, pp. 1298-1302, ISSN:0146-9592
R. BUFFA; S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI (2005). Coherent control of third-harmonic generation and multiphoton ionization: Experimental and theoretical studies. LASER PHYSICS, vol. 15, pp. 334-340, ISSN:1054-660X, Maik Nauka / Interperiodica:Profsoyuznaya 90, Moscow 117864 Russia:011 7 095 3360266, Fax: 011 7 095 3360666:
S. CAVALIERI; L. FINI; R. BUFFA (2004). Coherent control and third-harmonic generation: an experimental study. JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. B, OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol. 21, pp. 574-580, ISSN:0740-3224
R. BUFFA; S. CAVALIERI; L. FINI (2002). Coherent control and third-harmonic generation. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 211, pp. 109-114, ISSN:0030-4018, Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598:
S. Cavalieri; M. Materazzi; R. Eramo; L.Fini; A. Giugni (2000). Temporal Coherent Control on Multiphoton Transitions Using Incoherent Light. In: ICAP 2000 XVII International Conference on Atomic Physics. Conference, Firenze, 2000, ICAP, pp. 455-460.
S. CAVALIERI; MARZIA MATERAZZI; ROBERTO ERAMO; LORENZO FINI; ANDREA GIUGNI (2000). Multiphoton time-delay spectroscopy using not trasform-limited laser pulses. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 182, pp. 161-168, ISSN:0030-4018, Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598:
Bungenstock, C; Tröster, Th; Holzapfel, W B; Fini, L; Santoro, M (2000). Energy levels of Pr 3+ :GdOCl under pressure. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONDENSED MATTER, vol. 12, pp. 6959-6959, ISSN:0953-8984
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ANDREA GIUGNI; S. CAVALIERI; ROBERTO ERAMO; LORENZO FINI; MARZIA MATERAZZI (2000). Electron angular distributions in non-resonant three-photon ionization of xenon. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. B, ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol. 33, pp. 285-295, ISSN:0953-4075, IOP Publishing Limited:Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE United Kingdom:011 44 117 9297481, EMAIL: custserv@iop.org, INTERNET: http://www.iop.org, Fax: 011 44 117 9294318:
M. BECUCCI; S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI; M. MATERAZZI (1999). Accuracy of remote sensing of temperature by Raman spectroscopy. APPLIED OPTICS, vol. 38, pp. 928-931, ISSN:0003-6935
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M. BECUCCI; S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI; M. MATERAZZI (1999). Raman spectroscopy for water temperature sensing. LASER PHYSICS, vol. 9, pp. 422-425, ISSN:1054-660X
S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI; M. MATERAZZI; D. CHARALAMBIDIS; O. FAUCHER (1999). Control of photoionization products by quantum interferences. LASER PHYSICS, vol. 9, pp. 249-256, ISSN:1054-660X, Maik Nauka / Interperiodica:Profsoyuznaya 90, Moscow 117864 Russia:011 7 095 3360266, Fax: 011 7 095 3360666:
S. Cavalieri; R. Eramo; L. Fini; M. Materazzi (1998). Control of photoionization processes through quantum interference. PHYSICS OF VIBRATIONS, vol. 6, pp. 27-33, ISSN:1069-1227
S. Cavalieri; R. Eramo; L. Fini; M. Materazzi (1998). Coherent control of atomic photoionization. PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE, THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, pp. 286-292, ISSN:0277-786X
D. Charalambidis; N. E. Karapanagioti; D. Xenakis; E. Papastathopoulos; O. Faucher; E. Hertz; S. Cavalieri; R. Eramo; L. Fini; M. Materazzi (1998). Quantum Control in Atomic System. In: International Workshop on Coherent Control of charge carrier dynamics in semiconductors, Klewer Academic Press, pp. 15-25.
D. Charalambidis; N. E. Karapanagioti; D. Xenakis; C. Fotakis; O. Faucher; E. Hertz; S. Cavalieri; R. Eramo; L. Fini; M. Materazzi (1998). Experimental studies of Quantum Control in Atoms. In: Ninth International Symposium on Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy, June 1998, AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 19-25, ISBN:156396810X
S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI; M. MATERAZZI; O. FAUCHER; D. CHARALAMBIDIS (1998). Controlling ionization products through laser induced continuum structure. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 57, pp. 2915-2922, ISSN:1050-2947, American Institute of Physics:2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite 1NO1:Melville, NY 11747:(800)344-6902, (631)576-2287, EMAIL: subs@aip.org, INTERNET: http://www.aip.org, Fax: (516)349-9704:
D. Charalambidis; O. Faucher; N.E. Karapanagioti; D. Xanakis. E. Hertz; S. Cavalieri; R. Eramo; L. Fini; M. Materazzi (1998). Quantum Control in Atomic and Molecular System. In: 6th Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy, Kaeri (Korea), Novembre 1998, Proceedings of 6th Symposium on Laser Spectroscopy, Kaeri (Korea) November 3-4, 1998, pp. 101-120.
A. Bartoli; G. Ferrini; L. Fini; G. Gabetta; F. Parmigiani; F.T. .Arecchi (1997). Nonlinear photoemission from W and Cu investigated by total-yield correlation measurements. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER, vol. 56, pp. 1107-1110, ISSN:0163-1829
L. Fini; M. Mazzoni (1997). electromagnetic field induced switching off of radiation trapping. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 142, pp. 299-307, ISSN:0030-4018
S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI; M. MATERA; L.F. DIMAURO (1997). Observation of laser-induced structure in the ionization continuum of sodium by photoelectron energy spectrometry. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. B, ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol. 30, pp. 3789-3798, ISSN:0953-4075, IOP Publishing Limited:Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE United Kingdom:011 44 117 9297481, EMAIL: custserv@iop.org, INTERNET: http://www.iop.org, Fax: 011 44 117 9294318:
S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI (1997). Phase controlled quantum interference in two-color atomic photoionization. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 55, pp. 2941-2944, ISSN:1050-2947, American Institute of Physics:2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite 1NO1:Melville, NY 11747:(800)344-6902, (631)576-2287, EMAIL: subs@aip.org, INTERNET: http://www.aip.org, Fax: (516)349-9704:
S. Cavalieri; R. Eramo; L. Fini; M. Matera (1996). High contrast measurement of a laser induced structure in the ionization continuum of sodium by photoelectron spectrometry. In: XIII Spectral line shapes,International Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 213-220.
A. Damascelli; G. Gabetta; A. Lumachi; L. Fini; F. Parmigiani (1996). Multiphoton electron emission from Cu and W: An angle-resolved study. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER, vol. 54, pp. 6031-6034, ISSN:0163-1829
S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI; R. BUFFA (1995). Effect of incoherent processes on laser-induced continuum structure. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. B, ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol. 28, pp. L637-L641, ISSN:0953-4075, IOP Publishing Limited:Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE United Kingdom:011 44 117 9297481, EMAIL: custserv@iop.org, INTERNET: http://www.iop.org, Fax: 011 44 117 9294318:
S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI (1995). Laser-induced structure in the continuum of sodium: a weak dressing-field measurement. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. B, ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, vol. 28, pp. 1793-1799, ISSN:0953-4075, IOP Publishing Limited:Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6BE United Kingdom:011 44 117 9297481, EMAIL: custserv@iop.org, INTERNET: http://www.iop.org, Fax: 011 44 117 9294318:
R. BUFFA; S. CAVALIERI; R. ERAMO; L. FINI; M. MATERA (1995). Strong-field effects in bichromatic laser-induced collisional energy transfer. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, vol. 52, pp. 1382-1389, ISSN:1050-2947, American Institute of Physics:2 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite 1NO1:Melville, NY 11747:(800)344-6902, (631)576-2287, EMAIL: subs@aip.org, INTERNET: http://www.aip.org, Fax: (516)349-9704:
S. Cavalieri; R. Eramo; L. Fini (1995). Laser-induced structure in the continuum of sodium: a weak dressing-field measurement. In: Laser Spectroscopy, XII International Conference, USA World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. New Jersey Office 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402 Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA Tel: 1-201-487-9655 Fax: 1-201-487-9656 Toll-free tel: 1-800-227-7562 Toll-free fax: 1-888-977-2665 e-mail: wspc@wspc.com, pp. 368-372.
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