La lezione 1 del Corso di Chimica delle Biomolecole si svolgera' Lunedi 23/09/24, 16:00-18:00 in Aula 39 Blocco Aule. La lezione successiva si svolgerà Mercoledi 24/09/23 ore 9:00 Aula 39 Anna Maria Papini
Su appuntamento
cell: 3478844146
skype contact: pepthome
Education and Scientific Graduation
1977-1983: Italian “Laurea” in Chemistry, Curriculum Organic Chemistry & Chemical Biology of the University of Florence (Italy). Title of the “Laurea” thesis: Regioselective functionalisation of cyclic ethers and thioethers: synthesis of bifunctional derivatives via IVB organometallic compounds”.
1985-1989: International Ph.D. in Chemical Biology of the Italian Ministry of Education Title of the PhD thesis: . 1985-1986 Department of Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Québec, Mentor Prof. Dr. Gilles Dupuis; 1986-1988 Dept. of Organic Chemistry, University of Florence, Mentor: Prof. Gianfranco. Rapi and 1988-1989 Department of Peptide Chemistry, Max Planck Institute für Biochemie, Martinsried Bei Muenchen, Mentor Prof. Dr. Luis Moroder. Title of the PhD thesis: “Synthesis of peptides for chemical, bio-pharmacological and immunological studies”.
1990 Specialisation in Dermatochemistry, Dermatological Department of the Florence University Hospital. Supervisor Pr. M.D. E. Panconesi.
2013-2019 and confirmed for 2018-2024: Habilitation to the function of Full Professor of Organic Chemistry of the Italian Universities.
Since 2001: Habilitation to the function of Full Professor of Organic Chemistry of the French Universities.
Curriculum vitae aggiornato al 6 giugno 2024
Peptide organic chemistry
Development of innovative synthetic solid-phase strategies. Microwave assisted peptide and organic synthesis. Bioorganic chemistry of biomolecules: i.e., peptides and proteins. Synthetic & semi-synthetic strategies of co- or post-translationally modified proteins. Unnatural amino acids orthogonally protected for peptide synthesis (i.e., constrained amino acids, glycosyl and lipophilic amino acids, etc.). Peptidomimetics for the development of therapeutic treatments (i.e., cyclisation via click chemistry). Coupling reagents for peptide chemistry (amide and ester bond formation).
Molecular mechanisms of immune-mediated diseases
This project is performed in cooperation with clinicians supporting specimen and clinics of patients. An innovative "Chemical Reverse Approach" has been developed in PeptLab to characterise immune mediated diseases by circulating antibodies and/or metabolites in biological fluids: neurodegenerative and neurodevelopment diseases, i.e. Multiple Sclerosis, Optical Neuromyelitis, Rett Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorders; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Gluten disease; Primary Biliary Cyrrhosis. Cross-linked peptides, glycoconjugates and all kind of modified peptides (i.e. MAP) and other biomolecules are used as diagnostic, prognostic, and theragnostic tools to follow up disease activity in humans and setting up animal models. For the diagnosis and therapy of autoimmune diseases we investigate the role of co- or post-translational modifications of proteins and peptides (native versus aberrant) by immunochemical studies. The development of innovative diagnostic/prognostic tools by characterisation of biomarkers of disease activity is performed in the context of a strong technology transfer activities sponsored by the Regione Toscana (in cooperation with new start up and spin-off companies, i.e., EspiKem and Apotech). The fundamental research of this project is performed thanks to ANR and Fondation Pierre Gilles de Gennes in cooperation with the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris.
Recently (January 2017) we established PeptFarm in the MOD&LS lab funded by the Regione Toscana and located at RISE b, Polo Scientifico of Sesto Fiorentino ( a joined laboratory between PeptLab and the Industry Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici, F.I.S. SpA to develop large-scale protocols for the GMP synthesis of peptide-based active pharmaceutical ingredients.
Scientific Fields of interest
Peptide and protein organic chemistry. Development of innovative synthetic solid-phase strategies. Microwave assisted peptide synthesis. Bioorganic chemistry of peptides and proteins. Synthetic & semi-synthetic strategies of co- or post-translationally modified proteins. Unnatural amino acids orthogonally protected for peptide synthesis (constrained amino acids, glycosyl and lipophilic amino acids). Coupling reagents for peptide chemistry (amide and ester bond formation).
Synthetic biology. Production of proteins specifically glycosylated, such as glucosylated adhesin protein from Haemophilus influenzae. Expression of cell-surface adhesins including N-Glc, to establish a connection between H. influenzae infection and autoimmune diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis. We exploited the biosynthetic machinery from the opportunistic pathogen H. influenzae (and the homologous enzymes from A. pleuropneumoniae) to produce a unique set of defined glucosylated adhesin proteins to detect specific and high affinity antibodies.
Industrial applications
In vitro Diagnostics and peptide biomarkers. Autoimmune diseases. Molecular mechanisms of immune-mediated autoimmune diseases. Cross-reaction with infectious diseases. Glycoconjugates as diagnostic and prognostic tools for human, animal, and plant diseases. Diagnosis and therapy of autoimmune diseases: role of co- or post-translational modifications of myelin proteins and peptides for immunological studies on multiple sclerosis for the development of diagnostic/prognostic tools, innovative immunotherapies and characterisation of biomarkers of disease activity. Apheresis technologies. In vivo Diagnostics and imaging techniques. DOTA peptide analogues for cancer pre-targeting diagnosis & therapy. FIV peptides for the development of an anti-retroviral therapy for felines. Cultural heritage. Peptide-based immunoassays for characterization of glues, in particular collagen. Peptide Nutraceuticals and cosmeceutics. Spiruline. Fish feed. Peptides involved in collagen turnover. Development of processes for large scale solid-phase peptide synthesis. GMP production of active peptides as pharmaceutical ingredients. MW-technology. Peptide materials.
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Short Biography of Prof. Anna Maria Papini, PhD (
Full Professor of Bioorganic Chemistry and director of the Interdepartmental Research Unit of Peptide & Protein Chemistry & Biology. After completing an International PhD in 1990 (supervisor Prof. L. Moroder, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry), in 1991 she founded the first Laboratory of peptide chemistry, starting peptide-based translational research at the University of Florence.
After completion of an International PhD degree in 1990, under the supervision of Professor Luis Moroder at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, she launched in 1991 a comprehensive peptide-based translational research program and founded the first laboratory of peptide chemistry at the University of Florence. She was Associate Professor of Bioorganic Chemistry (2001-2019) and in 2020, she was appointed Full Professor at the University of Florence. She is Laureate of the “Chaire d’Excellence” 2009-2014 of the French “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (unique for chemistry out of 16) for the project “PepKit: Development of peptide-based-diagnostic kits for autoimmune diseases”. The project was developed at the Université Paris-Seine (now CY Cergy Paris Université), where she was appointed Full Professor of Bioorganic chemistry, founding and being Director of the platform PeptLab@UCP, born to support start-up companies involved in R&D of peptide-based products (2008-2020). In 2009, she started the French-Italian Interdepartmental Research Unit of Peptide and Protein Chemistry and Biology (PeptLab) that she coordinates, associating the Departments of Chemistry and NeuroFarBa (Section of Pharmaceutical Sciences) of the University of Florence and PeptLab@UCP in France. In June 2019, at PeptLab@UCP, she launched a facility for large-scale production of peptides with the Liberty Pro MW-assisted synthesizer, the technology she trusted for its unique performances since she purchased, in 2005, the first MW-peptide synthesizer installed in Europe, at PeptLab at the University of Florence. In recognition of her outstanding contribution to peptide science, in 2008, she was the recipient of the Leonidas Zervas Award of the European Peptide Society and of the First Dimitrios Theodoropoulos Memorial Award of the Hellenic Peptide Society. She was awarded the Rita Levi Montalcini Prize 2019-2021 for the binational cooperation between Italy and Israel to develop her program aimed to characterise possible unknown bacterial and/or viral infections triggering immune-mediated diseases using aberrantly glycosylated peptide antigens and recently recognized with the Barry Cohen Prize 2024 for Medicinal Chemistry/Chemical Biology that was attributed by the Israel Chemical Society on July 18, 2024 at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, after presenting a keynote lecture. Since 2013, she is delegate of the International Affairs and Erasmus Program of the School of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences of the University of Florence supporting and orienting students interested in international education pathways and since 2021 she is Director of the Phd Programme in Chemical Sciences of the University of Florence, recently confirmed for a second term. She contributed to launch several double degrees in Chemical sciences (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Burgos, Rouen Normandie, Paris Sciences et Lettres). She has been Treasurer and Member of the Executive Committee of the European Peptide Society (2011-2020) and still is Councillor of the American Peptide Society (2019-2025). In 2015, she was founding member of the Italian Peptide Society and she was appointed scientific officer of the executive committee since 2017. She was chair with Phil E. Dawson of the 2016 Gordon Research Conference “Crossing Barriers by Peptide Science for Health and Wellness” and on August 25-31, 2024 she will cochair the 14th International Peptide Symposium/37th European Peptide Symposium ( that will take place in Florence (Italy). In 2003 she cofounded the first spin-off of the University of Florence, EspiKem Srl, that managed the valorisation of a peptide-based anti-aging cosmeceutical product, Definisse KP1, developed in her academic laboratories and launched on the global market on September 2023 by Relife, the aesthetic medicine division of Menarini group. Moreover, she cofounded and acted as CSO of the start-up Toscana Biomarkers Srl (2007-2014), with the R&D mission to innovate and license peptide-based intellectual property for diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. Distinguished for activity in technology transfer, she received the 2009 Frost & Sullivan Excellence in Research Award in the European autoimmune disease diagnostics market and the Vespucci Award of the Region Toscana for the development of a company aimed to research and produce innovative peptide-based diagnostic methodologies for autoimmune diseases. In 2016, she founded and is Director of the Toscana EU-Region technology transfer Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics and Life Sciences (MoD&LS) where she coordinated the standardisation of the HPLC-MS analyses of ca. 60 endocrine disrupting chemicals and their metabolites in more than 4000 biological fluids of children and their mothers (urines, sera and breast milk) to associate their presence with children disease development such as autism, obesity, and insulin resistance. Moreover, she has been scientific supervisor of the PeptLab and Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici Spa joint laboratory PeptFarm, for GMP large-scale peptide synthesis in Vicenza. Recently thanks to a cooperation with Protein Technologies AB (Sweden) she has been involved in a joint PhD to develop sustainable strategies for peptide production with a holistic approach integrating green solvents and reagents, automatic peptide synthesizers and low impact purification platforms. She is coauthor of 370 peer-reviewed articles (WOS 30/06/2024) and of 11 filed patents. She presented worldwide 140 invited lectures in International Symposia, Universities, and Research Centres (28 aimed to technology transfer). Her laboratory has communicated 59 oral and 251 poster presentations at international symposia. In her independent career, she has trained 38 PhDs and 82 undergraduate students (55 M.Sc. and 27 B.Sc.), 16 post-doctoral fellows and 11 research assistants, with focus on the characterisation of aberrant post-translational modifications and biomarkers of immune-mediated diseases, structure-activity relationship studies, and efficient synthetic strategies for metabolic stabilization by strategic side-chain to side-chain cyclization. Her PhD students have received important distinctions, including the 2023 “Sara Lapi” Award for the Best Master Thesis in Chemistry, the 2016 Louis Forest “Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris”, the 2005 Bert Schram Young Investigator Honorable Mention, and the 1999 Bruce W. Erickson Award from the American Peptide Society.
Firenze (Italy), June 20, 2024
Anna Maria Papini, PhD: Curriculum Vitae et studiorum
Full Professor of Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff”, University of Florence, Coordinator of the Interdepartmental Research Unit of Peptide & Protein Chemistry & Biology (PeptLab), Director of the Centre of Competences in Molecular Diagnostics & Life Sciences (MoD&LS).
1985-1989: International Ph.D. in Chemical Biology of the Italian Ministry of Education Title of the PhD thesis (fellowship of the Italian Ministry of Education) performed in 1985-1986 at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Québec, Mentor Prof. Dr. Gilles Dupuis; in 1986-1988 at the Dept. of Organic Chemistry, University of Florence, Mentor: Prof. Gianfranco. Rapi and in 1988-1989 at the Department of Peptide Chemistry, Max Planck Institute für Biochemie, Martinsried Bei Muenchen, Mentor Prof. Dr. Luis Moroder. Title of the PhD thesis: “Synthesis of peptides for chemical, bio-pharmacological and immunological studies”. Tutors: Prof. Gianfranco Rapi and Prof. Luis Moroder.
1990: Specialisation in Dermatochemistry, Dermatological Department of the Florence University Hospital. Supervisor Pr. M.D. E. Panconesi.
Since 2013: Habilitation to the function of Full Professor of Organic Chemistry of the Italian Universities.
Professional appointments
Since March 1, 2020 to date: Appointed Full Professor ("Professore I fascia") of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff” of the University of Florence (Italy).
November 2002-February 2020: Associate Professor ("Professore II fascia") of Organic Chemistry and Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry at the Department of Organic Chemistry and since 2011 Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff” of the University of Florence.
2001-2002: Researcher ("Ricercatore universitario a tempo indeterminato") of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Florence.
1991-2001: Assistant Researcher ("Tecnico Laureato") at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Florence, associated to the Chair of Chemistry for the Medical School.
2008-2020: Appointed Full Professor with the “Chaire d’Excellence” of the French “Agence Nationale de la Recherche” (ANR-09-CEXC-013-01), Section 32 (Chimie Organique Minérale et Industrielle) of the Université Paris-Seine, now CY Cergy Paris University (France). Detached to the University of Florence on September 2020 (Article 14-6 of the Law of French Universities).
2001: Awarded Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (France). Waiver.
Coordination of Research groups
Since 2004 to date: Co-founder and head of the Interdepartmental Research Unit of Peptide & Protein Chemistry & Biology at the Polo Scientifico of the University of Florence, associating the Departments of Chemistry and NeuroFarBa (Section of Pharmaceutical Sciences) of the University of Florence (Italy) (PeptLab@UNIFI).
Since 2016 to date: Founder and Director of the Laboratory Molecular Diagnostics & Life funded by EU-Region Toscana to support R&D in diagnostics in SMEs.
Since 2017 to date: Associated to the CNR Institute of Crystallography (
2017-2020: Scientific supervisor of the Joint Laboratory PEPTFARM (joining PeptLab and FIS – Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici Spa, Vicenza working in MoD&LS) for technology transfer of large-scale MW-assisted peptide synthesis of Eptifibatide Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, aimed to validation of a GMP plant in Vicenza (see
2013-2020: Founder and Director of the Platform PeptLab@UCP of the Université Paris-Seine, Cergy-Pontoise, since 2020 CY Cergy Paris Université (France).
2009-2020: Founder and coordinator of the French-Italian Interdepartmental Research Unit of Peptide & Protein Chemistry & Biology associating PeptLab@UNIFI and the Platform PeptLab@UCP at the Université Paris-Seine, Cergy-Pontoise, now CY Cergy Paris Université (France) (
Academic Roles and Responsabilities
Since 2021 to date: Elected Coordinator of the PhD Course in Chemical Sciences of the University of Florence (since XXXVII Edition).
Since 2010 to date: Member of the Board of the PhD Course in Chemical Sciences of the University of Florence.
Since 2013 to date: Delegate of the International Affairs of the School of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences (SMFN) of the University of Florence (Italy) and Responsible of the Erasmus + Exchanges Programs for Study and Traineeship of the students incoming and outcoming (ca. 300 students/year) of the School of SMFN (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Informatics, Biological and Natural Sciences, Earth sciences, Optics, Biotechnology, Cultural Heritage). Responsible of the Erasmus + Exchanges Programs for Staff Teaching and Administrative Mobility worldwide.
Since 2005 to date: Coordinator of the Erasmus Program of Chemistry of the Faculty of SMFN of the University of Florence (Italy). Responsible of Erasmus Exchange Programs for Study and Traineeship of the students of Chemistry Degrees (B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD).
Since October 2020 to date: In charge of the activities implemented in the context of the "European Universities for well-Being" (EUniWell) funded by the EC-EACEA, Erasmus+ Program - European Universities (Responsible of the WG Guidelines for Course Design and Co-responsible of the WG on Entrepreunership).
Since December 2020: Elected member of the Board of the School of SMFN to represent the Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff” of the University of Florence.
Since 2018 to date: Member of the Teaching Committee for the BSc and MSc Courses in Chemistry of the University of Florence
Since 2016 to date: Responsible of the foreign internship for the BSc and MSc Courses in Chemistry of the University of Florence
Since 2019 to date: Coordinator of the foreign internship for the MSc students in Advanced Molecular Sciences of the University of Florence.
2006-2009: Member of the Board of the PhD School in Non-linear systems and complex dynamics of the University of Florence.
2010-2014: Delegate of the Faculty of SMFN in the Board of the Foreign Language Centre (CLA - "Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo") of the University of Florence.
2006-2016: Vice President and Delegate for Chemistry in the Board of OpenLab (Educational program of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Florence).
2012: Member of the Committee for the selection of TFA A059 (Educational Trainings for teachers of chemistry in high schools).
2011: Representative of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence in the Pole of innovation for life sciences (“Polo d’Innovazione per le Scienze della Vita”).
Awards for the scientific activity
2019-2021: Rita Levi Montalcini Prize 2019 (postponed to 2020 for COVID-19) for the binational Italian-Israeli Cooperation for the project “Role of glycopeptides in immune-mediated diseases”. 4-Month scientific visits in Israel: Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar Ilan University, Safed (Prof. Nir Quit); Department of Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot (Dr. Rina Aharoni and Prof. Ruth Arnon); Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (Dr. Mattan Hurevich, Prof. Assaf Friedler, and Prof. Shlomo Yitzchaik).
2009-2013: "Chaire d’excellence" of the French "Agence Nationale de la Recherche (unique of chemistry out of 16 attributed in 2009), ANR-09-CEXC-013-01, Project “PepKit : Development of peptide-based-diagnostic kits for autoimmune diseases”.
2008: Leonidas Zervas Award for outstanding contribution to peptide chemistry, 30th EPS, Helsinki (Finland), August 31, 2008.
2008: 1st D. Theodoropoulos Memorial Lecture Award for outstanding achievements in Peptide Sciences, 6th Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides, Patras (Greece), May 18, 2008.
2006: Best Poster Award Lucio Senatore, XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana [V. Volkov, F. Nuti, Y.Takaoka, R. Chelli, A.M. Papini, and R. Righini. Structure and bonding of water molecules in the polar region of phospholipid membrane investigated by two-dimensional IR spectroscopy and MD computer simulation. XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Firenze, September 10-15, 2006, Abstract FIS-P-135] attributed to the work performed with the Postdoc student F. Nuti and of the coworker R. Chelli.
2005: Bert Schram Price. Honorable Mention, 19th American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, California, USA [B. Mulinacci, C. Breithaupt, P.P. Pal, N. Budisa, M. Pazzagli, B. Mazzanti, P. Rovero, L. Moroder, and A.M. Papini. Cross-reactivity studies of rMOGED with the synthetic putative autoantigen CSF114(Glc) and [N31(Glc)]hMOG(30-50) in Multiple Sclerosis patient sera. 19th American Peptide Symposium (San Diego, CA, USA), June 18-24, 2005, LY 03, Abstract p. 484] attributed to the work performed with the PhD student B. Mulinacci.
2005: Best Poster Award Glycoconjugates “Glyco XVIII”, Florence, Italy [F. Nuti, I. Paolini, B.Mulinacci, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, and A.M. Papini. Sugar-scan of CSF114(Glc) for autoantibody recognition in Multiple Sclerosis. XVIII International Symposium on Glycoconjugates. Glyco XVIII”, Firenze, September 4-9, 2005, Abstract P057, Glycoconjugate J., 2005, 22(4–6), 254] attributed to the work performed with the PhD student F. Nuti.
1999: Bruce W. Erickson Award for outstanding achievement in peptide sciences, 16th American Peptide Symposium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA [E. Nardi, S. Mazzucco, S. Matà, M. Chelli, B. Mazzanti, E. Traggiai, M. Ginanneschi, F. Pinto, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli, H. Kalbacher, F. Lolli and A.M. Papini. Influence of different N-linked glycosyl moiety at position 31 of hMOG(30-50) on anti-MOG antibody recognition in multiple sclerosis patients. 16th American Peptide Symposium, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), June 26-July 1, 1999, Abstract P148] attributed to the work performed with the PhD student E. Nardi.
Technology transfer activity
2017-2020: Founder and Scientific Coordinator of PEPTFARM, joint laboratory between PeptLab of the University of Florence and Fabbrica Italiana Sintetici, F.I.S. S.p.a. (Vicenza, Italy) to transfer the technology for GMP large-scale synthesis of active pharmaceutical peptide drugs (research activity performed in MoD&LS).
Since July 2020 to date: Technology transfer of a peptide-based cosmeceutical IP of AM Papini’s Team to an international company (to be discosed January 2022).
2013-2020: Founder and Director of the PeptLab@UCP Platform at the University of Cergy-Pontoise that in 2019 launched the large-scale facility for MW-assisted peptide synthesis at CY Cergy Paris Université, aimed to technology transfer to SMEs.
Since 2016 to date: Founder and Director of the Toscana EU-Region technology transfer Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics and Life Sciences (MoD&LS) aimed to R&D of peptide-based diagnostics.
Since 2016 to date: Founder and member of the Board of the start-up company Apotech S.r.l. for R&D of peptide-based cosmeceuticals that developed KP1 as anti-aging cream based on the peptide analog of Serpin A1, inhibitor of collagen degradation (doi:10.1002/cmdc.201500472). The cream is commercialized by Apotech S.r.l.
Since 2014 to date: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Regulaxis (
2007-2016: Founder & Chief Scientific Officer of the startup Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l. whose mission was R&D of peptide-based diagnostics of autoimmune diseases. Toscana Biomarkers IP was licensed to European IVD producers: Diametra (Milano, Italy), Theradiag (Paris, France), etc.
Since 2003 to date: Founder and member of the Board of EspiKem, 1st spinoff of the University of Florence, presently acting as CRO selling custom peptides for research (cooperating with PeptLab).
Awards for the technology transfer activity
2009: Vespucci Award for founding the startup Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l.
2008: Frost & Sullivan Excellence in Research Award in the European autoimmune disease diagnostics market presented to A.M. Papini for the start-up Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l.
2006: Start-Cup for the business plan of the start-up Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l.
2004: Vespucci Award, Research & Ethical Innovation to A.M. Papini as inventor of the patent PCT (2003) WO 03000733 A2.
Recent Research Funding as Principal Investigator
2020-2024: “Mother and Infant dyads: Lowering the impact of endocrine disrupting Chemicals in milk for a Healthy Life” LIFE18 ENV/IT/000460 “life MILCH”. Total cost of the project for the University of Florence € 711.028 (UNIFI will contribute with € 326.150 of own financial resources and will receive from the coordinating beneficiary a maximum amount of € 384.878).
2021-2022: “Regione Toscana POR FESR 2014-2020” R&D of SMEs project: ECO-SMART DEGREASING SYSTEM 4.0. Total cost of the project € 1.497.849,55 (UNIFI € 204.700,00).
2017-2019: “Regione Toscana POR CReO FESR 2014-2020” project: EcoReLabel: Ecological removable and recyclable labels. € 303.000,00.
2010-2012: “Regione Toscana POR CReO FESR 2007-2013” project: MARK - Identification of diagnostic biomarkers of autoimmune diseases. € 450.000,00.
2005-2011: “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze”. Molecular characterisation of peptide-protein interaction in autoimmune diseases. 1.500.000 Euro for PeptLab at the University of Florence.
2005-2007: International FIRB - Italian Ministry of University & Research and Harvard Medical School. € 350.000,00.
2002-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2009: PRIN-Italian Ministry of University & Research. Design, synthesis & immunological characterisation of modified peptides to follow up autoimmune diseases. € 700.000,00.
2009-2014: “Chaire d’Excellence” (ANR-09-CEXC-013-01). PepKit: Development of peptide-based-diagnostic kits for autoimmune diseases.€ 999.998,00 for the PeptLab@UCP platform at Université Paris-Seine, Cergy-Pontoise (France).
2018: Région Ile de France, funding dedicated to launch the large-scale facility KgPeptLab@UCP at Université Paris-Seine, Neuville site, Cergy Pontoise (France), including the Large-scale MW-assisted peptide synthesizer (CEM, Charlotteville, NC, USA). € 800.000,00.
2016-2018: Lauréate MRSEI-ANR Edition 2015, EU Project REDIPOC to organize and submit a FET-OPEN project for a Reliable Diagnostic Point Of Care Network. € 20.000.
2013-2016: PhD grant by ANRT Thèse CIFRE in cooperation with REGULAXIS. € 90.000.
2015-2018: BIRAC, Indo-French Challenge-oriented Call for proposals 2014. “AMIR-PepKit IVD, R&D of a peptide-based-diagnostic kit for an early detection of a fatal immune response in acute myocardial infarction patients”. € 50.000,00.
2011-2013: Fondation Pierre-Gilles de Gennes. “Immune-mediated diseases: Glycopeptidomic-based diagnostics to follow-up disease activity”. 2 post-doctoral fellows + € 90.000,00 for materials.
Panel Member of international evaluation committees
2012-2019: Panel Member for ERC Advanced Grant evaluation, PE5 – Synthetic chemistry and materials, Brussels (attended 4 panels, 2 meetings in Brussels every two years).
2020: Individual Fellowships Evaluator and Rapporteur (EX2006A195962) for the Marie Curie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, H2020-MSCA-IF-2020, European Research Executive Agency (remote evaluation 2/10/2020-4/12/2020).
2019: Individual Fellowships Evaluator for the Marie Curie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, H2020-MSCA-IF-2019, European Research Executive Agency (remote evaluation, 7/10/2019-6/12/2019).
2018: Individual Fellowships Evaluator for the Marie Curie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, H2020-MSCA-IF-2018, European Research Executive Agency (remote evaluation, 25/09/2018-15/11/2018).
2019: Member of the panel to evaluate the Erasmus Mundus joint Master Degree SERP+ (for Qualifications in the European Higher Education Area - FQ-EHEA), a two-year programme in Surface, Electro, Radiation, and Photo-Chemistry with elements of Management, Business, Innovation and Valorisation, Communication and Patent law (Université Paris-Sud, Universidade de Porto, Università degli studi di Genova, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza). Poznan (Poland), June 1-3, 2019.
2018: Member of the training committee for the implementation of the European Approach to Quality Assurance of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees. 12-14 November 2018, COLOGNE (Germany).
Since 2021 to date: Member of the Scientific Commitee of ChimieParistech, Paris, France
2020: Panel member (representing the CNU Section 32) of the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES) for the evaluation committee Group A of the Unit “Institut de Biomolécules Max Mousseron”, Montpellier, France (February 25-28, 2020).
2019: Nominated member of the Scientific Evaluation Committee N° 44 " Biochemistry of living organisms " for the French “Agence Nationale de la Recherche”. ChâteauForm, République, 8 Bis Rue De La Fontaine Au Roi, 75011 Paris (France), January 14-15, 2019 and June 17-18, 2019.
2017: Vice-president of the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES) evaluation committee Group D of the Unit Molecules of Communication and Adaptation of Microorganisms (MCAM) UMR 7245 CNRS Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), 6-7 December 2017, Paris.
2016-2019: Elected member of the “Conseil Nationale des Universités” - CNU (France) to deliberate habilitations and promotions of the French University researchers and professors (4 meetings of 1 week/year for "Qualifications PR et MCF, PEDR, Progression de carrière, CRCT).
2011: Member of the AERES Committee for evaluation of the ICM of the University of Reims, February 26-28, 2011.
2011 & 2012: Member of the Evaluation Committee of research projects submitted to the “Fondation de la Recherche Médicale”, Paris, France.
2010: Member of the AERES Committee for the evaluation of iBiTecc-S Equipe SIMOPRO (CEA, Saclay), March 28-30, 2010.
2021: Leader of the expert Panel commission for the Research Council of Lithuania for the Call for proposals Promotion of Postdoctoral Fellows. Evaluation of 26 projects of Natural, Technical, and Medical Sciences (March 8, 2021-May 13, 2021. 2 Steps, 2nd step on April 20, 2021 held remotely using Microsoft TEAMS platform).
2021: Leader of the expert Panel commission for the Research Council of Lithuania for the Call for proposals for Lithuanian-Polish programme. Evaluation of 30 projects in the field of Natural, Technical, Agricultural, and Medical Sciences (February 3, 2021-March 24, 2021. 2 Steps, 2nd step on February 25, 2021 held remotely using Microsoft TEAMS platform).
2020: Member of the expert commission of the Research Council of Lithuania for the X Call for proposals for the Implementation of researcher groups projects for 2021-2024. Evaluation of 34 projects in the field of Natural, Technical, Agricultural, and Medical Sciences (November 17, 2020-January 30, 2021. 2 Steps, 2nd step on December 17, 2020 held remotely using Microsoft TEAMS platform).
2020: Leader of the expert panel commission for the Research Council of Lithuania for EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, Baltic Research Programme, Call for Proposals in Lithuania, evaluation of 11 projects in the field of Natural, Technical, and Medical Sciences (July 1-9, 2020).
2020: Leader of the expert panel for the Research Council of Lithuania for the Evaluation of "Implementing World-class R&D Projects (SMART)" of 22 projects in the field of Natural, Technical, Medical and Agricultural Sciences (May 7-8, 2020).
2020: Member of the expert panel and acting as Leader of the expert panel for the Research Council of Lithuania for the “Distinguished Professor Programme”. Evaluation of 12 projects in the field of Natural, Technical, Medical and Agricultural Sciences (February 1-March 5, 2020).
2019: Member of the expert commission of the Research Council of Lithuania for the Competitive Funding of Research and Dissemination Projects (evaluation of 27 projects). Two-stage evaluation process: 1st stage individual expert assessment of the proposal remotely (by March 17, 2019); 2nd stage participation at the panel assessment followed by the summary evaluation on March 22, 2019, 9:00-18:00, Research Council of Lithuania in Vilnius (Gedimino av.3, Room 212), Lithuania.
2018: Panel member as expert of bioorganic chemistry and chemical biology for assessment of research and development of the universities and research institutions of Lithuania in the field of physical sciences, 24-29 September 2018, Vilnius.
2019-2021: Nominated as 1 out of 8 members of the External Scientific Advisory Board of The Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC), belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and devoted to research of excellence in Chemical Sciences, as a leading scientist in peptide chemistry and the application of peptides in different fields (1st Meeting in Barcelona, Catalonia 25-26 November 2019).
2018: Panel member of the Foundation for Polish Science to select the winners of the First Team programme, edition 5/2018, 26-27 July 2018, Warsaw (Poland).
2016: Evaluation panel member for Promotion of Research and Development Programs Implementation for the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport, Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, June 3-4, 2016.
Remote Referee of international evaluation committees
2019-2020: Expert member for the European Science Foundation
2017: Expert member for the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF) for Scientific Research and Development to evaluate projects presented at the GIF Regular Program.
2016: External Member of an “Ad Hoc Committee” for promotion review at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) of candidates to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure.
2016: Appointed evaluator for research projects submitted to the United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF).
2016: Appointed External evaluator of candidates for Faculty Positions in the subject field “Organic Chemistry with emphasis on Chemistry” at the University of Patras (Greece).
2015-2016: Appointed Reviewer for research projects submitted to the executive government agency of the Polish National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN;
2014: Appointed reviewer for “Vienna Science and Technology Fund (VSTF, Austria)” to evaluate proposals submitted to the Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators call in the field of “Life Sciences”.
2014: Appointed reviewer for the National Science Centre in Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN; to evaluate projects in the Funding scheme PRELUDIUM.
2011-2013: Appointed reviewer for the “Association Nationale Recherche et Technologie (ANRT, Paris, France) to evaluate proposals “CIFRE” (Conventions Industrielles de Formation par la Recherche) to fund PhD fellowships to be perfomed 50% in industrial environments.
2012-2017: Referee for the Evaluation of the quality of the research of the Italian Universities (VqR )
2010-2020: Member of the Council of “Ordine dei Chimici della Toscana” (Society of Chemists in Tuscany).
Organisation of International Symposia
2024: Elected in 2016 by the General Assembly of the European Peptide Society Chairperson of the 14th International Peptide Symposium/37th European Peptide Symposium that will be held in Florence (Italy), 25-30 August 2024 (after two postponed dates scheduled for COVID-19).
2019: Chairperson of the “Giornata scientifica della Società Italiana Peptidi dedicata ai Soci Giovani, Premio scientifico Vittorio Erspamer. September 21, 2019, Polo Didattico Morgagni, University of Florence, Viale Morgagni 44, Firenze (Italy).
2019: Chairperson with Fernando Albericio of the International Oligonucleotides and Peptides Conference, Track Peptides, Ramada Plaza Hotel, Milano (Italy), September 17-18, 2019.
2019: Chairperson Session III: Peptide Nutraceutics and Cosmeceutics and Session IV: Peptide Engineering and Smart Materials, CIS 2019 - Chemistry meets Industry and Society, Società Chimica Italiana, WS3 – Smart Peptide Chemistry for next generation industry in a sustainable society, Grand Hotel Salerno, Salerno (Italy), August 28-30, 2019.
2016: Chairperson of the 2016 Gordon Research Conference: Chemistry & Biology of Peptides: Crossing Barriers by Peptide Science for Health and Wellness, with Prof. Dr. P. Dawson, Ventura, CA (USA), 21-26/02/2016
2014: Vice-chair of the Gordon Research Conference: Chemistry & Biology of Peptides: Peptide Science in the Era of Synthetic Biology, Ventura, CA (USA), 23-28/02/2014.
2016: Chairperson of 1st Mass Spectrometry Peptide Day, Convento di Sant’Apollonia, Firenze, 10-12 February 2016 (
2014: Chairperson of the International Symposium Peptides in Paris PIPS 2014 and Training Course 5-10 October 2014. Co-editor of the special issue in Biopolymers Peptide Science together with S. Lavielle (UPMC, Paris) and W.D. Lubell (Université de Montreal).
2014: Responsible of the thematic semester “Peptides & Proteins Molecules of Life. Université de Cergy Pontoise (France) as final event of the Chaire d’Excellence 2009-2014.
2011: Chair of the Symposium "PEPTIDES AND PROTEINS IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM" organised in honour of the Doctorate Honoris Causa attributed from the Université de Cergy-Pontoise to Prof. Luis Moroder in Neuville-sur-Oise (France), 5-6 October, 2011.
2011: Chair of the Symposium MAOPS2 - Microwave-Assisted Organic Peptide Synthesis, Chiostro del Maglio, Firenze (Italy), 26-28 April 2011.
2010: 1st Italy-Australia Peptide Symposium on Biomolecules for Diagnostics & Therapeutics, Satellite of 31st European Peptide Symposium, Monash University, Prato (Italy), 10-12 September, 2010.
2007: EUROCOMBI4, 1st International Symposium on Combinatorial Sciences in Biology, Chemistry, Catalyst and Materials, Chiostro del Maglio, Firenze (Italy), 15-18 July, 2007.
2006: International Training Course on Mass Spectrometry & High Performance Liquid Chromatography of Proteins (sponsored by UNESCO), Polo Scientifico, Università di Firenze, 1-12 May 2006.
2003: 1st Practical Training Course: Innovative Combinatorial Approches and Technologies (sponsored by European Society of Combinatorial Sciences,) Polo Scientifico, Università di Firenze, 9-11 April, 2003.
Member of scientific committees of international symposia
Since 2020 to date: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the 12th International Peptide Symposium/36th European Peptide Symposium, Sitges (Spain) August 28-September 2, 2022.
2020: Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd Meeting of the Italian Peptide Society, December 12, 2020 (Webinar, Rome, Italy).
2018: Member of the Scientific Committee of the 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples (Italy) June 7-9, 2018.
2017: Appointed member of the Advisory Committee of the American Peptide Symposium 2019, Monterey, CA, USA, June 22-27, 2019.
2017: Appointed member of the Organising Committee of the European Chemistry Conference, Roma (Italy) June 11-13, 2018.
Member of the scientific committees of European Peptide Symposia: 2016: 34th European Peptide Symposium, Leipzig (Germany); 2014: 33rd European Peptide Symposium, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2010: 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark).
2009: Member of the scientific committee of SCS-09 - 2nd International Symposium on Combinatorial Sciences in Biology, Chemistry, Catalysts and Materials, Bejing (China).
2002 and 2004: Member of the scientific committee of 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Medicinal Chemistry Conference: Drug discovery and Design, University of Patras (Greece).
Member of international evaluations and selection committees of PhD and habilitation exams
2021: Rapporteur of the PhD Committee of Carole Deflers, July 8, 2021, Title: Evaluation and Optimization of Targeting Systems for the Preferential Heart Delivery of Therapeutic Agents. PhD thesis of the Université Paris-Saclay, École doctorale n°569 : Innovation Thérapeutique : du fondamental à l’appliqué (ITFA).
2021: Member of the PhD Committee of Hendrik Rusche as Supervisor, April 12, 2021, Ecole Doctorale Sciences et Techniques, CY Cergy Paris Université (online via Zoom)
2020: Examinateur of the PhD Committee of Bastien Petit, December 2, 2020, Ecole Doctorale de Pharmacie, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (online via Zoom)
2020: Member of the PhD Committee of Antonio Mazzoleni as Supervisor, May 5, 2020, Ecole Doctorale en Chimie, Paris Sorbonne Université (online via Zoom)
August-September 2018: Member of the selection committee of the 34th PhD Course in Chemical Sciences of the University of Florence (Italy).
2010, 2012 & 2013: Referee at Ecole Doctorale en Chimie, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France)
2010: Referee for the Ecole Doctorale en Chimie, Université Montpellier (France)
2009 : Referee for the Ecole Doctorale en Chimie, Université de Bourgogne (France)
2008, 2010 & 2011 : Referee for the Ecole Doctorale en Chimie, Université de Strasbourg (France)
2011, 2016 & 2016 : Referee for the Ecole Doctorale en Chimie, Université Paris-Sud (France)
2012: Referee for the PhD School in Chemistry of the University of Montreal (Canada).
Referee of “Habilitations à diriger les recherches” (HDR)
2008: University of Strasbourg (France)
2011: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France).
Activities as Visiting Professor/Scientist
2020: Staff Teaching Mobility, Université de Rouen (8h teaching)
2019: Erasmus Teaching Mobility at the University of Wroclaw (Poland) (13h teaching – 1 week)
2018: Erasmus Teaching Mobility at the University of Wroclaw (Poland) (13h teaching – 1 week)
2016: Erasmus Teaching Mobility at the University of Wroclaw (Poland) (10h teaching – 1 week)
2010: Erasmus Teaching Mobility at the University of Bolu (Turkey) (8h teaching – 1 week)
2010: Erasmus Teaching Mobility at the University of Balikesir (Turkey) (8h teaching – 1 week)
2010: Erasmus Teaching Mobility at the University of Patras (Greece) (8h teaching – 1 week)
2010: Erasmus Teaching Mobility at the University of Gdansk (Poland) (8h teaching – 1 week)
2008: Invited Professor at the Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France) (8h teaching – 1 week)
2008: Invited Professor at the Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (France) (1 month)
2005: Invited Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Université de Bourgogne, Dijon (France) (1 month)
1999: Visiting Scientist at the Medizinisch Naturwissenschaftlichens Forschungs Zentrum, University of Tuebingen (Germany) (1 month)
1999: Invited Professor of Organic Chemistry, U.F.R. Sciences et Techniques, Neuville sur Oise, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France) (1 month)
1998: Invited Professor of Organic Chemistry, U.F.R. Sciences et Techniques, Neuville sur Oise, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France) (6 months).
Teaching activities at the School of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, University of Florence (Italy)
Since 2019-2020: Master Course in English in Advanced Molecular Sciences: Course Advanced synthetic methods (6 ECTS).
Since 2010: “Laurea Magistrale” (M.Sc.) in Chemical Sciences: curriculum in Chemistry of Biological Molecules: Course Chemistry of Biomolecules (6 ECTS); curriculum in Synthesis and reactivity of organic molecules, Course Bioorganic Chemistry (6 ECTS).
2002-2007: “Laurea triennale” (B.Sc.) in Chemistry (6 ECTS): Course Laboratory of Organic Chemistry I.
2007-2009: “Laurea Specialistica” (M.Sc.) in Chemistry of Biological Molecules: Course Bioorganic Chemistry & Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry (6 ECTS).
Teaching activities at the UFR Sciences et Techniques, University of Cergy-Pontoise (France)
2009-2014: 60h/year Semester 1: Bioorganic Chemistry (20h: 10h CM + 10h TD); Travaux Pratiques Chimie organique (35h).
2015-2020: 132h/year. Semester 1, Course Master 1: Bioorganic Chemistry (20h: 10h CM + 10h TD), Course Master 2 Molecules for health: Peptides and Proteins (15h CM) and Immunochemistry (6h CM). Semester 2, Course Master 1 – option biomolecules: Amino acids and peptides (20h: 10h CM + 10h TD); Practical tutorials (Travaux Pratiques) Organic Chemistry (35h). Direction of the platform PeptLab@UCP: 24h.
Innovative Teaching and Dissemination Activities in Italy
2016-2021: Coordinator with Prof. V. Schettino of the Training course for professors of Sciences Multidisciplinary aspects of teaching Sciences in high schools, Polo Firenze - I Lincei per una nuova didattica nella Scuola, Fondazione “I Lincei per la Scuola”, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
2020: Panel member of the evaluation committee of the finalists of FameLab 2020 (March 7, 2020): “Talent in science” an international competition of young researchers and PhD students involved in scientific dissemination, OpenLab, Psiquadro, and British Council Italy (the first 2 will participate at Masterclass in science communication at the international competition in Cheltenham, UK, June 4-5, 2020.
2010-2012: Director of the “Corso di Specializzazione per la Professione di Chimico”, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Florence in cooperation with Ordine dei Chimici della Toscana.
2010 and 2011: Organiser of the Course “Rischio Chimico” for VVFF (Vigili del Fuoco) in the Regione Toscana in cooperation with OpenLab and Ordine dei Chimici della Toscana
2010: Organiser of the Course “Mass Spectrometry” for VVFF (Vigili del Fuoco) in the Regione Toscana in cooperation with OpenLab and Ordine dei Chimici della Toscana.
2002-2003: Member of the Board and teaching activity in the Master 2nd level “Innovative Synthetic Methodologies” of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Florence.
2002: Member of the Organising Board of the Open day of the Department of Chemistry XII Week of Scientific Culture in Tuscany.
Since 2001: Organiser of Chemistry Activities for OpenLab – Dissemination of Science at the “Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico” of the University of Florence for students from 3 to 18 years old of the Schools in Tuscany.
1986-1990: Trainer of Chemistry for Teachers of Primary Schools in the Project IRRSAE in Tuscany.
Scientific contributions
BIBLIOMETRIC PARAMETERS. WOS data (26/06/2021). Number of publications: 318. h-index: 30. Total citations: 2884.
Communication of the scientific activity
2000-2021: invited to present 128 lectures: 101 lectures in International Symposia (keynotes, invited and plenary), Universities and Research Centres (EU, USA, Canada, Australia, Israel, Japan, South Korea, China) and 27 lectures aimed to technology transfer in the global space of R&D. 1997-2021: 66 oral & 253 poster communications were selected in international symposia and presented by her students or co-workers or personally.
Supervisor of diploma/master/bachelor and PhD students
Supervisor of 26 PhD students in Chemical Sciences (23 finalised and 3 ongoing), 59 M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences (55 finalised and 4 ongoing), 28 B.Sc. (26 finalised and 2 ongoing). Tutor of Erasmus students: 31 Erasmus Traineeship students for periods from 4 months till 1 year (29 finalised, 2 ongoing).
Snap-shot of the group (as of June 2021)
3 PhDs; 5 Post-docs; 1 CNR Researcher; 3 Technologists, 1 Full Professor, 2 Associate Professors; 6 M.Sc. and B.Sc. students; 2 Erasmus traineeship students.
Editorial Advisory Board Member
Since 2005: Editor-for-Europe of Protein & Peptide Letters, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Since 2004: Current Drug Delivery, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Since 2005: International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics.
Since 2009: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Peptide Science, Wiley Publisher.
Since 2013: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Current Protein & Peptide Science, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Since 2003: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, Springer
Since 2017: Member of the Editorial Board di Biosensors – Open Access Jounal MDPI (ISSN 2079-6374; CODEN: BIOSHU
Since 2018: Review Editor of Frontiers in Chemistry – Chemical Biology Open access publisher
Since 2018: Associate Editor of Current Peptide and Protein Sciences, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
2007-2016: Member of the Editorial Board of Chemistry Today, Editor Teknoscienze
Member of the board of scientific societies
2019-2025: Elected Councilor of the American Peptide Society.
2011-2020: Elected Treasurer and member of the Executive Board of the European Peptide Society. She contributed to an increase of funding from 97.000,00 Euro to 250.000,00 Euro thanks to new agreements established with Wiley, BCN, Curran Associates.
2017-2021: Elected Member of the Executive Board of the Italian Peptide Society and acting as scientific officer.
2004-2008: Appointed Member of the Scientific Affairs Committee of the European Peptide Society.
2000-2013: Appointed academic representative for Italy in the Board of the Society of Combinatorial Chemistry.
Scientific Societies Membership
Since 1988: Charter Member of the American Peptide Society.
Since 1988: Member of the European Peptide Society and of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Since 2000: Member of the Society of Combinatorial Sciences.
Since 1993: Charter Member of the Division of Chemistry of Biological Systems of the Italian Society of Chemistry.
Since 2016: Founder and member of the Italian Peptide Society
Scientific fields of interest
Peptide and protein organic chemistry. Development of synthetic solid-phase strategies. Microwave-assisted peptide synthesis. Bioorganic chemistry of peptides and proteins. Synthetic & semi-synthetic strategies of co- or post-translationally modified proteins. Unnatural amino acids orthogonally protected for peptide synthesis (constrained amino acids, glycosyl and lipophilic amino acids). Coupling reagents for peptide chemistry (amide and ester bond formation). Side-chain to side-chain peptide cyclisation, i.e., lactams, dicarba analogs, triazolyl-based cyclization, Glaser cyclization, etc., to mimic bioactive secondary structures for SAR studies (PTH, MT, Octreotide, Oxytocin, etc.)
Chemical immunology. Characterization of aberrant post-translational modifications (glycosylation, glycation, lipoylation, etc.) in antigens triggering immune-mediated diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, T1D, PBC, coeliac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Rett Syndrome, Metabolic disorders, etc.) to characterize antibodies. Characterization of anti-drug antibodies. Study of the molecular mechanisms of immune-mediated diseases. Cross-reactions with infectious diseases, i.e., bacterial and/or viral infections.
In vitro Diagnostics and peptide biomarkers. Glycoconjugates and PTM antigens as diagnostic and prognostic tools for human, animal, and plant diseases. IVDs for autoimmune diseases. Characterisation of biomarkers of disease activity. R&D of diagnostic/prognostic tools, immunotherapies, apheresis technologies. In vivo Diagnostics and imaging techniques. DOTA peptide analogues for cancer pre-targeting diagnosis & therapy. FIV peptides for the development of an anti-retroviral therapy for felines. Cultural heritage. Peptide-based immunoassays for characterization of glues, in particular collagen. Peptide Nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. Spiruline. Fish feed. Peptides involved in collagen turnover. Development of processes for large-scale solid-phase peptide synthesis. Production of active pharmaceutical peptide ingredients by MW-technology.
Anna Maria Papini was born in Firenze (Italy) on February 2, 1959. Married with 2 daughters Giulia (born in 1991) and Elena (born in 1996). French and Italian nationality. Bilingual: French and Italian mother tongues. Language skills: English and German.
Prof. Anna Maria Papini, PhD ORCID: 0000-0002-2947-7107
[1] M. Taddei, A.M. Papini, M. Fiorenza, A. Ricci, G. Seconi. Ring opening reactions of thiiranes with group IVB organometallics: a new regioselective route to b-amino and b-cyanide thiols. Tetrahedron Lett 1983; 24(22), 2311-2314. DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(00)81911-5
Published by ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA, MAY 1983.
[2] A.M. Papini, A. Ricci, M. Taddei, G. Seconi and P. Dembech. Regiospecific Conversion of Oxiranes, Oxetanes, and Lactones into Difunctional Nitrogen Compounds via Aminosilanes and Aminostannanes. J Chem Soc Perkin Trans I 1984; 2261-2265. ISSN: 14727781
[3] S. Francalanci, S. Giorgini, M. Gola, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini and A. Sertoli. Eczema da contatto da antifungino topico. Boll. Dermatol. Allergol. e professionale (1986) 1, 9-13.
[4] M. Ginanneschi, A. Sertoli, A.M. Papini, G. Rapi. Chemical aspects of hapten-carrier interaction in contact allergy. Giorn It Derm Vener 1987; 122(7-8), 389-395. PubMed ID 3666799. ISSN: 00264741
[5] S. Giuliani, R. Amann, A.M. Papini, C.A. Maggi, A. Meli. Modulatory action of galanin on responses due to antidromic activation of peripheral terminals of capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves. Eur J Pharmacol 1989; 163(1), 91-96. DOI: 101016/0014-2999(89)90399-3
Published by ELSEVIER, Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS, APRIL 1989.
[6] M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, G. Rapi. Highly efficient synthesis of steroid-17-spiro-5’-oxazolidine-2’,4’-diones from 17-keto steroids. Steroids 1990; 55(11), 501-506. DOI:10.1016/0039-128X(90)90088-S
[7] M. Chelli, G. Dupuis, S. Evangelista, M. Ginanneschi, A. Meli, A.M. Papini, G. Rapi. Suppression of the skin response to alantolactone in alantolactone-sensitized guinea pigs treated with N-acetyl-l-cysteinyl-l-alanine methyl ester. Eur J Med Chem 1990; 25(2), 107-115. DOI: 10.1016/0223-5234(90)90017-W
[8] R. von Grünigen, G. Siglmüller, A.M. Papini, K. Köcher, B. Traving, W. Göhring, L. Moroder. Enzyme Immunoassay with Captured Hapten. A sensitive Gastrin Assay with Biotinyl-Gastrin Derivatives. Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler 1991; 372(3), 163-172. DOI: 10.1515/bchm3.1991.372.1.163
[9] A.M. Papini, S. Rudolph, G. Siglmüller, H.-J. Musiol, W. Göhring, L. Moroder. Alkylation of histidine with maleimido-compounds. Int J Pept Prot Res 1992; 39(4), 348-355. DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3011.1992.tb01594.x
[10] D. Donati, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, G. Rapi, A.M. Papini. X-ray structure analysis of 3,11,17-trioxoandrostane-5a-carbonitrile and of 17a-ethoxycarbonyloxy-3-oxoandrost-4-ene-17-carbonitrile. Steroids 1992; 57(10), 502-506. DOI: 10.1016/0039-128X(92)90045-B
[11] L. Moroder, A.M. Papini, G. Siglmüller, K. Köcher, E. Dörrer, C.H. Schneider. Induction and Detection of anti-peptide antibody specificity is critically affected by the mode of hapten presentation. Biol Chem Hoppe-Seyler 1992; 373(6), 315-321. DOI: 10.1515/bchm3.1992.373.315
[12] M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi. Cyclization of C-Terminal Histidine Peptides to 7-Amino-dihydroimidazo[1,5-c]pyrimidin-5-one Derivatives. J Chem Research - S 1993; 3:118-119.
[13] M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi, E. Borghi, F. Laschi, M. Occhiuzzi. Complexation properties of Histidyl-Glycyl-containing peptides. Part 1. Synthesis of cyclo(L-His-Gly)4. J Chem Research - S 1993; 11:437-437 and J Chem Res - M 1993; 11:2929-2938.
[14] E. Borghi, F. Laschi, M. Occhiuzzi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini; G. Rapi. Complexation properties of Histidyl-Glycyl containing peptides. Part 2. An X-band EPR study of divalent paramagnetic metal ions interacting in solution with H-(L-His-Gly)2-OMe. J Chem Research - S 1994; 1:48-49.
[15] D. Pinzani, A.M. Papini, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, C.A. Maggi, R. Patacchini, L. Quartara; G. Rapi. Synthesis and biological activity of tachykinin analogs containing the adamantane moiety. Lett Pept Sci 1996; 2(5), 307-313. DOI: 10.1007/BF00142244
[16] M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani; G. Rapi. Structure of the adduct of Alantolactone with Z-l-Cys-l-Ala-OMe and 1H and 13C assignment of the Alantolactone moiety by 14 Tesla NMR. Magn Reson Chem 1996; 34(2), 95-99. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-458X(199602)34
[17] D. Pinzani, A.M. Papini, M.E. Vallecchi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, L. Quartara, R. Patacchini, C.A. Maggi, F.M. Arcamone. Glycosyl derivatives of NK2 tachykinin receptor antagonists. Bioorg Med Chem Lett1996; 6(4), 367-372. DOI: 10.1016/0960-894X(96)00039-X
[18] G. Giorgi, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, F. Laschi, E. Borghi. Histidyl-Glycyl containing peptides. Characterization and complexation properties of H(L-His-Gly)2-R with hydrogen and alkali metal ions in the gas-phase. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 1996; 10(10), 1266-1272. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0231(19960731)10
[19] G. Caminati, A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, G. Gabrielli. Lipopeptides of myelin basic protein in mono- and multilayers. Thin Solid Films 1998; 327:37-41. DOI: 10.1016/S0040-6090(98)00583-5
[20] M. Ciuffi, C. Cellai, S. Franchi-Micheli, P. Failli, L. Zilletti, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini; F. Paoletti. An in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro comparative study of activity of copper oligopeptide complexes vs Cu(II) ions. Pharmacol Res 1998; 38(4), 279-287. DOI: 10.1006/phrs.1998.0369
[21] S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, A.M. Papini, M. Vergelli, B. Mazzanti, L. Massacesi, L. Amaducci. Synthesis of lipopeptides of the immunodominant epitope hMBP(83-99) containing amide or C-C bond linked hydrophobic chains for the study of T cell response. Lett Pept Sci 1999; 6(1), 51-59. DOI: 10.1007/BF02443618
[22] G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, S. Mazzucco, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini. Cyclisation of Histidine Containing Peptides in the Solid-Phase by Anchoring the Imidazole Ring to Trityl Resins. Tetrahedron Lett 1999; 40(4), 809-812. DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(98)02459-9
[23] S. Mazzucco, S. Matà, M. Vergelli, R. Fioresi, E. Nardi, B. Mazzanti, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, M. Ginanneschi, F. Pinto, L. Massacesi, A.M. Papini. A synthetic glycopeptide of human Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein to detect antibody responses in Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological diseases. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 1999; 9(2), 167-172. DOI: 10.1016/S0960-894X(98)00698-2
[24] M. Casolaro, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, F. Laschi, M. Muniz-Miranda, A.M. Papini, G. Sbrana. Spectroscopic and potentiometric study of copper(ii) complexes with l-histidyl-glycyl-l-histidyl-glycine in aqueous solution. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, Mol & Biomol Spectroscopy 1999; 55(7-8), 1675-1689. DOI: 10.1016/S1386-1425(98)00328-X
[25] C. Galoppini, S. Meini, M. Tancredi, A. Di Fenza, A. Triolo, L. Quartara, C.A. Maggi, F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, S. Mazzucco, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. A new class of pseudopeptide antagonists of the kinin B1 receptor containing alkyl spacers. J Med Chem 1999; 42(3), 409-414. DOI: 10.1021/jm980495r
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 11 FEBRUARY 1999.
[26] C. Giragossian, E. Nardi, C. Savery, M. Pellegrini, S. Meini, C.A. Maggi, A.M. Papini, D. Mierke. Structural characterization of lipopeptide agonists for the Bradykinin B2 receptor. Biopolymers 2001; 58(5), 511-520. DOI: 10.1002/1097-0282(20010415)58
Published by WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 20 FEBRUARY 2001
[27] A.M. Papini, B. Mazzanti, E. Nardi, E. Traggiai, C. Ballerini, T. Biagioli, H. Kalbacher, H. Beck, M. Deeg, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli. Palmitoyl Derivatives of GpMBP Epitopes: T-Cell Response and Peptidases Susceptibility. J Med Chem 2001; 44(21), 3504-3510. DOI: 10.1021/jm010913j
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, SEPTEMBER 13, 2001
[28] F. Meyer, J. Uziel, A.M. Papini, S. Jugé. Triphenylphosphonium salts bearing an l-alanyl substituents: short synthesis and enantiomeric analysis by NMR. Tetrahedron Lett 2001; 42(24), 3981-3984. DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(01)00650-5
[29] A. Carotenuto, A.M. D’Ursi, E. Nardi, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Conformational analysis of a glycosylated Human Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein peptide epitope able to detect antibody response in Multiple Sclerosis. J Med Chem 2001; 44(14), 2378-2381. DOI: 10.1021/jm010811t
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, JUNE 7, 2001
[30] E. Peroni, G. Caminati, P. Baglioni, F. Nuti, M. Chelli,A.M. Papini. A New lipophilic fluorescent probe for interaction studies of bioactive lipopeptides with membrane models. Bioorg Med Chem Lett2002; 12(13), 1731-1734. DOI: 10.1016/S0960-894X(02)00253-6
[31] M. Casolaro, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, F. Laschi, L. Messori, M. Muniz-Miranda, A.M. Papini, T. Kowalik-Jankowska, H. Kozlowski. Spectroscopic and potentiometric study of the SOD mimic system Copper/Acetyl-L-histidyl-glycyl-L-histidyl-glycine. J Inorganic Biochem 2002; 89(3-4), 181-190. DOI: 10.1016/S0162-0134(02)00365-3
Published by ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA, 1 APRIL 2002
[32] A.M. Papini,E. Nardi, F. Nuti, J. Uziel, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A. Brandi. Diastereoselective alkylation of Schiff bases for the synthesis of lipidic unnatural Fmoc-protected a-amino acids. Eur J Org Chem2002; 16, 2736-2741. DOI: 10.1002/1099-0690(200208)2002:16<2736
Published by WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, POSTFACH 101161, 69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY, 19 JULY 2002
[33] C. Giragossian, S. Stone, A.M. Papini, L. Moroder, D.F. Mierke. Conformational and molecular modeling studies of sulfated cholecystokinin-15. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002; 293(3), 1053-1059. DOI: 10.1016/S0006-291X(02)00334-0
Published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-4495 USA, 1 MAY 2002
[34] G. Sabatino, B. Mulinacci, M.C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Assessment of new 6Cl-HOBt based coupling reagents for peptide synthesis. Part 1: Coupling efficiency study. Lett Pept Sci 2002; 9(2-3), 119-123. DOI: 10.1007/BF02576873
[35] G. Sabatino, M. Chinol, G. Paganelli, S. Papi, M. Chelli, G. Leone, A.M. Papini, A. De Luca, M. Ginanneschi. ANew Biotin Derivative-DOTA Conjugate as a candidate for pre-targeted diagnosis and therapy of tumors. J Med Chem2003; 46(14):3170-3173. DOI: 10.1021/jm030789z
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, JUNE 5, 2003
[36] M.C. Alcaro, M. Orfei, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini. Solid-phase approach to the synthesis of cyclen derivatives from cyclotetrapeptides. Tetrahedron Letters 2003; 44(28):5217-5219. DOI: 10.1016/S0040-4039(03)01213-9
[37] F. Meyer, A. Laaziri,A.M. Papini, J. Uziel, S. Jugé. Efficient synthesis of b-halogeno protected L-alanines and their b-phosphonium derivatives. Tetrahedron Asymmetry 2003; 14(15):2229-2238. DOI: 10.1016/S0957-4166(03)00484-1
[38] M.C. Alcaro, E. Peroni, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthetic peptides in the diagnosis of HIV infection. REVIEW. Current Protein and Peptide Science 2003; 4(4):285-290. DOI: 10.2174/1389203033487117
[39] F. Lolli, B. Mazzanti, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthetic peptides in the diagnosis of neurological diseases. REVIEW. Current Protein and Peptide Science2003; 4(4):277-284. DOI: 10.2174/1389203033487162
IF: 2,696 - Citations: 3 (Scopus); 1 (WoS).
[40] M.C. Alcaro, G. Sabatino, J. Uziel, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.On-resin head-to-tail cyclization of cyclotetrapeptides: optimization of crucial parameters. J Pept Sci 2004; 10(4), 218-228. DOI: 10.1002/psc.512.
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 10 NOVEMBER 2003
[41] F. Meyer, A. Laaziri,A.M. Papini, J. Uziel, S. Jugé. A novel phosphorus-carbon bond formation by ring opening with diethyl phosphite of oxazolines derived from serine. Tedrahedron 2004; 60(16), 3593-3597. DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2004.03.001
[42] F. Machetti, F.M. Cordero, F. De Sarlo, A.M. Papini, M.C. Alcaro, A. Brandi. Synthesis of free and Na-Fmoc/Na-Boc protected (2S, 4S)- and (2S, 4R)-4-aminopipecolic acids. Eur J Org Chem 2004; 13, 2928-2935. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.200400045
[43] A. Innocenti, A. Casini, M.C. Alcaro, A.M. Papini, A. Scozzafava,C.T. Supuran. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: The first on-resin screening of a 4-sulfamoylphenylthioureas library. J Med Chem 2004; 47(21), 5224-5229. DOI: 10.1021/jm049692i.
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, AUGUST 25, 2004
[44] G. Caminati, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini, P. Baglioni. Photophysical investigation of lipopeptides of myelin basic protein in phospholipid vesicles. Progress in Colloid & Polymer Science 2004; 126, 163-168. DOI: 10.1007/b93987
[45] G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, A. Brandi, A.M. Papini.Analytical methods for solid phase peptide synthesis. Current Organic Chemistry 2004; 8(4), 291-301. DOI: 10.2174/1385272043485954
[46] A. Carotenuto, D. D’Addona, E. Rivalta, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, M. Ginanneschi. Synthesis of a dicarba-analogue of octreotide keeping the type II’ b-turn of the pharmacophore in water solution. Lett Org Chem 2005; 2(3), 274-279. DOI: 10.2174/1570178053765276
[47] J. Matsoukas, V. Apostolopoulos, H. Kalbacher, A.M. Papini, T. Tselios, K. Chatzantoni, T. Biagioli, F. Lolli, S. Deraos, P. Papathanassopoulos, A. Troganis, E. Mantzourani, T. Mavromoustakos, A. Mouzaki. Design and synthesis of a novel potent myelin basic protein epitope 87-99 cyclic analogue: enhanced stability and biological properties of mimics render them a potentially new class of immunomodulators. J Med Chem 2005; 48(5), 1470-1480. DOI: 10.1021/jm040849g
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, FEBRUARY 15, 2005
[48] F. Nuti, S. Hildenbrand, M. Chelli, R. Wodarzb, A.M. Papini.Synthesis of DEHP metabolites as biomarkers for GC-MS evaluation of phthalates as endocrine disrupters. Bioorg Med Chem 2005; 13(10), 3461-3465. DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2005.03.005
[49] A.M. Papini. Simple test for Multiple Sclerosis. Nature Medicine2005; 11(1), 13. DOI: 10.1038/nm0105-13
[50] Lolli F, Mulinacci B, Carotenuto A, Bonetti B, Sabatino G, Mazzanti B, D'Ursi AM, Novellino E, Pazzagli M, Lovato L, Alcaro MC, Peroni E, Pozo-Carrero MC, Nuti F, Battistini L, Borsellino G, Chelli M, Rovero P, Papini AM. An N-glucosylated peptide detecting disease-specific autoantibodies, biomarkers of multiple sclerosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005; 102(29):10273-10278. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0503178102
[51] F. Lolli, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, E. Peroni, M.C. Alcaro, R. Lanzillo, V. Brescia Morra, L. Santoro, C. Gasperini, S. Galgani, M.M. D’ Elios, V. Zipoli, S. Sotgiu, M. Pugliatti, P. Rovero, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini.The glycopeptide CSF114(Glc) detects serum antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. J Neuroimmunol 2005; 167(1-2), 131-137. DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2005.05.016
[52] S. Giannecchini, M.C. Alcaro, P. Isola, O. Sichi, M. Pistello, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, M. Bendinelli. Feline immunodeficiency virus plasma load reduction by a retroinverso octapeptide reproducing the Trp-rich motif of the transmembrane glycoprotein. Antiviral Therapy 2005; 10(5), 671-680.
[53] F. Lolli, P. Rovero, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini.Antibodies against glycosylated native MOG are elevated in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Neurology 2005 65(5), 781-782.
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, NOVEMBER 10, 2005
[55] F. Minutolo, S. Bertini, L. Betti, R. Danesi, G. Gervasi, G. Giannaccini, A. Martinelli, A.M. Papini, E. Peroni, G. Placanica, S. Rapposelli, T. Tuccinardi, M. Macchia. Synthesis of stable snalogues of geranylgeranyl Diphosphate possessing a (Z,E,E)-geranylgeranyl side chain, docking analysis, and biological assays for prenyl protein transferase inhibition. CHEMMEDCHEM 2006; 1(2), 218-224. DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.200500010
[56] A.M. D’Ursi, S. Giannecchini, C. Esposito, M.C. Alcaro, O. Sichi, M.R. Armenante, A. Carotenuto, A.M. Papini, M. Bendinelli, P. Rovero. Development of antiviral fusion inhibitors: short modified peptides derived from the transmembrane glycoprotein of feline immunodeficiency virus. CHEMBIOCHEM 2006; 7(5), 774-779. DOI: 10.1002/cbic.200500390
[57] Alcaro MC, Vinci V, D'Ursi AM, Scrima M, Chelli M, Giuliani S, Meini S, Di Giacomo M, Colombo L, Papini AM. Bradykinin antagonists modified with dipeptide mimetic beta-turn inducers. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2006; 16(9):2387-2390. DOI: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2006.01.125
[58] M.C. Alcaro, A.M. Papini. Contribution of peptides to Multiple Sclerosis research. Biopolymers 2006; 84(4), 349-367. DOI: 10.1002/bip.20498
Published by WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2006
[59] V.V. Volkov, F. Nuti, Y. Takaoka, R. Chelli, A.M. Papini, R. Righini. Hydration and hydrogen bonding of carbonyls in dimyristoyl-phospahtidylcholine bilayer. J Am Chem Soc2006; 128(29), 9466-9471. DOI: 10.1021/ja0614621
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, JULY 26, 2006
[60] A. Carotenuto, A.M. D’Ursi, B. Mulinacci, I. Paolini, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, E. Novellino, P. Rovero. Conformation-activity relationship of designed glycopeptides as synthetic probes for the detection of autoantibodies, biomarkers of multiple sclerosis. J Med Chem 2006; 49(17), 5072-5079. DOI: 10.1021/jm060117j
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, AUGUST 24, 2006
[61] F. Lolli, P. Rovero, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Toward biomarkers in multiple sclerosis: new advances. Expert Review Neurotherapeutics 2006; 6(5), 781-794. DOI: 10.1586/14737175.6.5.781
[62] Rizzolo F, Sabatino G, Chelli M, Rovero P, Papini AM. A convenient microwave-enhanced solid-phase synthesis of difficult peptide sequences: case study of Gramicidin A and CSF114(Glc). Int J Pept Res Ther 2007; 13(1-2), 203-208. DOI:10.1007/s10989-006-9066-8
Published by SPRINGER, 233 SPRING STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA, JUNE 2007
[63] K. Jastrząbek, B. Kolesińska, G. Sabatino, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini, Z.J. Kamiński. Benzyloxy derivatives of triazine-based coupling reagents designed for an efficient solid phase peptide synthesis on polystyrene resin. Int J Pept Res Ther 2007; 13(1-2), 229-236. DOI: 10.1007/s10989-006-9071-y
[64] B. Kolesińska, J. Frączyk, G. Sabatino, A.M. Papini, Z.J. Kamiński. Sulfonates of N-triazinylammonium salts as highly efficient, inexpensive and environmentally friendly coupling reagents for peptide synthesis. Chimica oggi-Chemistry Today 2007; 25(1), 10-13.
[65] I. Paolini, F. Nuti, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, F. Barbetti, B. Kolesinska, Z.J. Kaminski, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. A convenient microwave-assisted synthesis of N-glycosyl amino acids. Tetrahedron Letters 2007; 48(16), 2901-2904. DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlett.2007.02.087
[66] F. Nuti, I. Paolini, F. Cardona, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, A. Brandi, A. Goti, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Fmoc-protected iminosugar modified asparagine derivatives as building blocks for glycomimetics-containing peptides. Bioorg Med Chem 2007; 15(12), 3965-3973.
[67] M.C. Alcaro, F. Lolli, P. Migliorini, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Peptides as autoimmune diseases antigenic probes: a peptide-based reverse approach to detect biomarkers of autoimmune diseases. Chimica oggi-Chemistry Today 2007; 25(3S), 14-16.
[68] V.V. Volkov, R. Chelli, W. Zhuang, F. Nuti, Y. Takaoka, A.M. Papini, S. Mukamel, R. Righini. Electrostatic interactions in phospholipid membranes revealed by coherent two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. Proc Natl Acad. Sci, USA 2007; 104(39):15323-15327. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0706426104
[69] D'Addona D, Carotenuto A, Novellino E, Piccand V, Reubi JC, Di Cianni A, Gori F, Papini AM, Ginanneschi M. Novel sst5-selective somatostatin dicarba-analogues: synthesis and conformation-affinity relationships. J Med Chem 2008; 51(3):512-520. DOI: 10.1021/jm070886i
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, FEBRUARY 14, 2008
[70] F. Real Fernández, A. Chamois-Colson, J. Bayardon, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, R. Meunier-Prest, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, C. Darcel, S. Jugè, A.M. Papini. Ferrocenyl Glycopeptides as Electrochemical Probes to Detect Autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis Patients’ Sera. Biopolymers2008; 90(4):488-495. DOI: 10.1002/bip.20955
Published by WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, in 2008
[71] Cantel S, Isaad Ale C, Scrima M, Levy JJ, DiMarchi RD, Rovero P, Halperin JA, D'Ursi AM, Papini AM, Chorev M. Synthesis and conformational analysis of a cyclic peptide obtained via i to i+4 intramolecular side-chain to side-chain azide-alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. J Org Chem 2008; 73(15), 5663-5674. DOI: 10.1021/jo800142s. FEATURED ARTICLE AND COVER.
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, AUGUST 1, 2008
[72] I. Paolini, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini. Optimized strategies for the synthesis of biomolecules by the microwave approach. Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 2008;26(4S), 35-38.
[73] A. Carotenuto, M.C. Alcaro, M.R. Saviello, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, A.M. Papini, E. Novellino, P. Rovero. Designed glycopeptides with different b-turn types as synthetic probes for the detection of autoantibodies, biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis. J Med Chem 2008; 51(17), 5304-5309. DOI: 10.1021/jm800391y
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, AUGUST 20, 2008
[74] Le Chevalier Isaad A, Barbetti F, Rovero P, D’Ursi AM, Chelli M, Chorev M, Papini AM. N(alpha)-Fmoc-Protected omega-Azido and omega-Ynoic-alpha-Amino Acids as Building Blocks for the Synthesis of "Clickable" Peptides. Eur J Org Chem 2008; 31:5308-5314. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.200800717
[75] G. Sabatino, A.M. Papini. Advances in automatic, manual and microwave-assisted solid-phase peptide synthesis. REVIEW. Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development 2008; 11(6), 762-768.
[76] S. Carganico, P. Rovero, J. A. Halperin, A.M. Papini, M. Chorev Building Blocks for the Synthesis of Post-Translationally Modified Glycated Peptides and Proteins. J Pept Sci 2009; 15(2), 67-71. DOI: 10.1002/psc.1105
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, FEBRUARY 2009
[77] M.C. Alcaro, I. Paolini, F. Lolli, P. Migliorini, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Peptide contribution to the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 2009; 27(2), 11-14.
[78] M. Angeles Bonache, F. Nuti, A. Le Chevalier Isaad, F. Real-Fernandez, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of new ribosylated Asn building blocks as useful tools for glycopeptide and glycoprotein synthesis. Tetrahedron Lett 2009; 50(28), 4151-4153. DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2009.04.124
[79] A. Le Chevalier-Isaad, A.M. Papini, M. Chorev, P. Rovero. Side chain-to-side chain cyclization by click reaction. J Pept Sci 2009; 15(7), 451-454. DOI: 10.1002/psc.1141
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, JULY 2009
[80] A.M. Papini. The use of post-translationally modified peptides for detection of biomarkers of immune-mediated diseases. REVIEW ZERVAS AWARD LECTURE. J Pept Sci 2009, 15(10), 621-628. DOI: 10.1002/psc.1166
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, OCTOBER 2009
[81] Scrima M, Le Chevalier-Isaad A, Rovero P, Papini AM, Chorev M, D'Ursi AM. CuI-Catalyzed Azide–Alkyne Intramolecular i-to-(i+4) Side-Chain-to-Side-Chain Cyclization Promotes the Formation of Helix-Like Secondary Structures. Eur J Org Chem 2010; 3:446-457. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.200901157
[82] F. Real-Fernández, F. Nuti, M.A. Bonache, M. Boccalini, S. Chimichi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Microwave-assisted reaction of glycosylamine with aspartic acid. Amino Acids 2010; 39(2), 599-604. DOI: 10.1007/s00726-010-0484-8
Published by SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA, JULY 2010
[83] M. Frediani, D. Sémeril, D. Matt, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini, P. Frediani, L. Rosi. Ring Opening Polymerization of rac-Lactide using a calix[4]arene-based Titanium (IV) Complex. Published by International Journal of Polymer Science 2010, 490724, 1-6.
[84] M. Frediani, D. Sémeril, D. Matt, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini, P. Frediani, L. Rosi, M. Santella, G. Giachi. L-Lactide Polymerization by Calix[4]arene-Titanium (IV) Complex Using Conventional Heating and Microwave Irradiation. e-Polymers 2010; 19, 1-8.
[85] F. Nuti, E. Peroni, F. Real-Fernández, M.A. Bonache, A. Le Chevalier-Isaad, M. Chelli, N. Lubin-Germain, J. Uziel, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Post-translationally modified peptides efficiently mimicking neo-antigens: a challenge for theragnostics of autoimmune diseases. Biopolymers 2010; 94(6), 791-799. DOI: 10.1002/bip.21456
Published by WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA in 2010
[86] Di Cianni A, Carotenuto A, Brancaccio D, Novellino E, Reubi JC, Beetschen K, Papini AM, Ginanneschi M. Novel octreotide dicarba-analogues with high affinity and different selectivity for somatostatin receptors. J Med Chem 2010; 53(16):6188-6197. DOI: 10.1021/jm1005868
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, AUGUST 26, 2010
[87] F. Gori, B. Mulinacci, L. Massai, C. Avolio, M. Caragnano, E. Peroni, S. Lori, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, F. Lolli. IgG and IgM antibodies to the refolded MOG(1-125) extracellular domain in humans. J Neuroimmunol 2011; 233(1-2), 216-220. DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2010.11.011
[88] F. Rizzolo, C. Testa, D. Lambardi, M. Chorev, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Conventional and microwave-assisted SPPS approach: a comparative synthesis of PTHrP(1–34)NH2. J Pept Sci 2011; 17(10), 708-714. DOI: 10.1002/psc.1395
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, OCTOBER 2011
[89] C. Selmi, A.M. Papini, P.Pugliese, M.C. Alcaro, M.E. Gershwin. Environmental pathways to autoimmune diseases: the cases of primary biliary cirrhosis and multiple sclerosis, Archives of Medical Science 2011; 7(3), 368-380. DOI: 10.5114/aoms.2011.23398
[90] C. Testa, F. Nuti, J. Hayek, C. De Felice, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, G. Latini, A.M. Papini. Di-(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate and Autism Spectrum Disorders. ASN NEURO (American Society for Neurochemistry) 2012; 4(4), 223-229. DOI:10.1042/AN20120015
autism, di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, endocrine disrupters, HPLC-ESI-MS urine analysis, secondary metabolites
[91] F. Real-Fernández, I. Passalacqua, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Glycopeptide-based antibody detection in Multiple Sclerosis by surface plasmon resonance. Sensors2012; 12(5):5596-5607. DOI: 10.3390/s120505596
[92] Scrima M, Grimaldi M, Di Marino S, Testa C, Rovero P, Papini AM, Chorev M, D'Ursi AM. Solvent independent conformational propensities of [1,2,3]triazolyl-bridged parathyroid hormone-related peptide-derived cyclo-nonapeptide analogues. Biopolymers 2012; 98(6):535-545. DOI: 10.1002/bip.22139
Published by WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA in 2012
[93] Guardiani C, Signorini GF, Livi R, Papini AM, Procacci P. Conformational landscape of N-glycosylated peptides detecting autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis, revealed by Hamiltonian replica exchange. J Phys Chem B 2012; 116(18):5458-5467. DOI: 10.1021/jp301442n
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, MAY 10, 2012
[94] Pandey S, Alcaro MC, Scrima M, Peroni E, Paolini I, Di Marino S, Barbetti F, Carotenuto A, Novellino E, Papini AM, D'Ursi AM, Rovero P. Designed glycopeptides mimetics of myelin protein epitopes as synthetic probes for the detection of autoantibodies, biomarkers of multiple sclerosis. J Med Chem 2012; 55(23):10437-10447. DOI: 10.1021/jm301031r
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, DECEMBER 13, 2012
[95] Pandey S, Dioni I, Lambardi D, Real-Fernandez F, Peroni E, Pacini G, Lolli F, Seraglia R, Papini AM, Rovero P. Alpha actinin is specifically recognized by multiple sclerosis autoantibodies isolated using an N-glucosylated peptide epitope. Mol Cell Proteomics 2013; 12(2), 277-282. DOI: 10.1074/mcp.M112.017087
[96] Potenza M, Sabatino G, Giambi F, Rosi L, Papini AM, Dei L. Analysis of egg-based model wall paintings by use of an innovative combined dot-ELISA and UPLC-based approach. Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry 2013; 405(2-3), 691-701. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-012-6049-9
[97] Chanson J-B, Paolini I, Collongues N, Alcaro MC, Blanc F., Barbetti F., Fleury M., Peroni E, Rovero P, Rudolf G, Lolli F, Trifilieff E, Papini AM, de Seze J. Evaluation of new immunological targets in neuromyelitis optica. J Pept Sci 2013; 19(1):25-32. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2470
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, JANUARY 2013
[98] Friligou I, Rizzolo F, Nuti F, Tselios T, Evangelidou M, Emmanouil M, Karamita M, Matsoukas J, Chelli M, Rovero P, Papini AM. Divergent and convergent synthesis of polymannosylated dibranched antigenic peptide of the immunodominant epitope MBP(83-99). Bioorg Med Chem 2013; 21(21):6718-6725. DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2013.08.008
[99] Candelaresi M, Ragnoni E, Cappelli C, Corozzi A, Lima M, Monti S, Mennucci B, Nuti F, Papini AM, Foggi P. Conformational analysis of Gly-Ala-NHMe in D(2)O and DMSO solutions: a two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy study. J Phys Chem B 2013; 117(46):14226-14237. DOI: 10.1021/jp406139t
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, NOVEMBER 21, 2013
[100] Naegeli A, Neupert C, Fan YY, Lin CW, Poljak K, Papini AM, Schwarz F, Aebi M. Molecular analysis of an alternative N-glycosylation machinery by functional transfer from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae to Escherichia coli. J Biol Chem 2014; 289(4):2170-2179. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M113.524462
[101] Pratesi A, Gabbiani C, Michelucci E, Ginanneschi M, Papini AM, Rubbiani R, Ott I, Messori L. Insights on the mechanism of thioredoxin reductase inhibition by Gold N-heterocyclic carbene compounds using the synthetic linear Selenocysteine containing C-terminal peptide hTrxR(488-499): An ESI-MS investigation. J Inorg Biochem 2014; 136, 161-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2014.01.009
[102] C. Gellini, G. Sabatino, A.M. Papini, M. Muniz-Miranda.SERS study of a tetrapeptide based on histidine and glycine residues, adsorbed on copper/silver colloidal nanoparticles. J Raman Spectrosc2014; 45(6), 418-423. DOI: 10.1002/jrs.4484
Published by WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, JUNE 2014
[103] M. Di Pisa, P. Buccato, G. Sabatino, F. Real Fernández, B. Berti, F. Cocola, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Epitope Mapping of the N-terminal Portion of Tissue Transglutaminase Protein Antigen to Identify Linear Epitopes in Celiac Disease. J Pept Sci 2014; 20(9), 689-695. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2650
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, SEPTEMBER 2014
[104] Papini AM, Nuti F, Real-Fernandez F, Rossi G, Tiberi C, Sabatino G, Pandey S, Leoncini S, Signorini C, Pecorelli A, Guerranti R, Lavielle S, Ciccoli L, Rovero P, De Felice C, Hayek J. Immune dysfunction in Rett syndrome patients revealed by high levels of serum anti-N(Glc) IgM antibody fraction. J Immunol Res 2014:260973. DOI: 10.1155/2014/260973
[105] Auberger N, Di Pisa M, Larregola M, Chassaing G, Peroni E, Lavielle S, Papini AM, Lequin O, Mallet JM. Glaser oxidative coupling on peptides: stabilization of β-turn structure via a 1,3-butadiyne constraint. Bioorg Med Chem 2014; 22(24):6924-6932. DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2014.10.026
[106] Testa C, Scrima M, Grimaldi M, D'Ursi AM, Dirain ML, Lubin-Germain N, Singh A, Haskell-Luevano C, Chorev M, Rovero P, Papini AM. 1,4-disubstituted-[1,2,3]triazolyl-containing analogues of MT-II: design, synthesis, conformational analysis, and biological activity. J Med Chem 2014; 57(22):9424-9434. DOI: 10.1021/jm501027w
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA in 2014.
[107] Kolesinska B, Rozniakowski KK, Fraczyk J, Relich I, Papini AM, Kaminski ZJ. The Effect of Counter-ion and Tertiary Amine on the Efficiency of N-Triazinylammonium Sulfonates in Solution and Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis. Eur J.O.C. 2015; 2:401-408. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201402862
[108] Di Pisa M, Pascarella S, Scrima M, Sabatino G, Real-Fernández F, Chelli M, Renzi D, Calabrò A, D'Ursi AM, Papini AM, Rovero P. Synthetic peptides reproducing tissue transglutaminase-gliadin complex neo-epitopes as probes for antibody detection in celiac disease patients' sera. J Med Chem 2015; 58(3):1390-1399. DOI: 10.1021/jm5017126
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, FEBRUARY 12, 2015
[109] Smerieri A, Testa C, Lazzeroni P, Nuti F, Grossi E, Cesari S, Montanini L, Latini G, Bernasconi S, Papini AM, Street ME. Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate metabolites in urine show age-related changes and associations with adiposity and parameters of insulin sensitivity in childhood. PLOS One 2015; 10(2):e0117831. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117831
[110] Pratesi A, Ginanneschi M, Melani F, Chinol M, Carollo A, Paganelli G, Lumini M, Bartoli M, Frediani M, Rosi L, Petrucci G, Messori L, Papini AM. Design and solid phase synthesis of new DOTA conjugated (+)-biotin dimers planned to develop molecular weight-tuned avidin oligomers. Org Biomol Chem 2015; 13(13):3988-4001. DOI: 10.1039/c4ob02685c
[111] Rentier C, Monasson O, Nuti F, Rovero P, Sabatino G, Papini AM. Methionine sulfoxide- and sulfone-containing peptide synthesis: management of a relevant post-translational modifications in proteins. Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 2015; 33(2S):32-35.
[112] Rentier C, Pacini G, Nuti F, Peroni E, Rovero P, Papini AM. Synthesis of diastereomerically pure Lys(Nå-lipoyl) building blocks and their use in Fmoc/tBu solid phase synthesis of lipoyl-containing peptides for diagnosis of primary biliary cirrhosis. J Pept Sci 2015; 21(5):408-414. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2761
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, MAY 2015
[113] Real-Fernández F, Rossi G, Lolli F, Papini AM, Rovero P. Label-free method for anti-glucopeptide antibody detection in Multiple Sclerosis. MethodsX 2015; 2:141-144. DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2015.03.004
[114] Real Fernández F, Di Pisa M, Rossi G, Auberger N, Lequin O, Larregola M, Benchohra A, Mansuy C, Chassaing G, Lolli F, Hayek J, Lavielle S, Rovero P, Mallet JM, Papini AM. Antibody recognition in multiple sclerosis and Rett syndrome using a collection of linear and cyclic N-glucosylated antigenic probes. Biopolymers 2015; 104(5):560-576. DOI: 10.1002/bip.22677
Published by WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, SEPTEMBER 2015
[115] Papini AM, König E. Novel diagnostic tools and solutions for multiple sclerosis treatment: a patent review (2009-2014). REVIEW. Expert Opin Ther Pat 2015; 25(8):873-84. DOI: 10.1517/13543776.2015.1043267
[116] Bellagha-Chenchah W, Sella C, Real Fernandez F, Peroni E, Lolli F, Amatore C, Thouin L, Papini AM. Interactions between Human Antibodies and Synthetic Conformational Peptide Epitopes: Innovative Approach for Electrochemical Detection of Biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis at Platinum Electrodes. Electrochimica Acta 2015; 176, 1239-1247. DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2015.07.158
[117] Pacini G, Carotenuto A, Rentier C, Nuti F, Real-Fernandez F, Brancaccio D, Sabatino G, Larregola M, Peroni E, Migliorini P, Novellino E, Battezzati PM, Selmi C, Papini AM, Rovero P. Role of Lipoylation of the Immunodominant Epitope of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex: Toward a Peptide-Based Diagnostic Assay for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. J Med Chem 2015; 58(16):6619-6629. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.5b00783
Published by AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, AUGUST 27, 2015
[118] Real-Fernández F, Cimaz R, Rossi G, Simonini G, Giani T, Pagnini I, Papini AM, Rovero P. Surface plasmon resonance-based methodology for anti-adalimumab antibody identification and kinetic characterization. Anal Bioanal Chem 2015; 407(24):7477-7485. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-015-8915-8
[119] Becucci L, Benci S, Nuti F, Real-Fernandez F, Vaezi Z, Stella L, Venanzi M, Rovero P, Papini AM. Interaction Study of Phospholipid Membranes with an N-Glucosylated β-Turn Peptide Structure Detecting Autoantibodies Biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis. Membranes 2015; 5(4):576-596. DOI: 10.3390/membranes5040576
[120] Walvoort MT, Testa C, Eilam R, Aharoni R, Nuti F, Rossi G, Real-Fernandez F, Lanzillo R, Brescia Morra V, Lolli F, Rovero P, Imperiali B, Papini AM. Antibodies from multiple sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae. Sci Rep 2016; 6:39430. DOI: 10.1038/srep39430
[121] Sabatino G, Guryanov I, Rombecchi A, Zanon J, Ricci A, Cabri W, Papini AM, Rovero P. Production of peptides as generic drugs: a patent landscape of octreotide. REVIEW. Expert Opin Ther Pat 2016; 26(4):485-495. DOI: 10.1517/13543776.2016.1158810
[122] De Felice C, Leoncini S, Signorini C, Cortelazzo A, Rovero P, Durand T, Ciccoli L, Papini AM, Hayek J. Rett syndrome: An autoimmune disease? REVIEW. Autoimmunity Reviews 2016; 15(4):411-416. DOI: 10.1016/j.autrev.2016.01.011
[123] Giangrande C, Auberger N, Rentier C, Papini AM, Mallet JM, Lavielle S, Vinh J. Multi-Stage Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Sugar-Conjugated β-Turn Structures to be Used as Probes in Autoimmune Diseases. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2016; 27(4):735-747. DOI: 10.1007/s13361-015-1321-9
Published by SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA, APRIL 2016
[124] Pacini G, Ieronymaki M, Nuti F, Sabatino G, Larregola M, Aharoni R, Papini AM, Rovero P. Epitope mapping of anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis: microwave-assisted synthesis of the peptide antigens and ELISA screening. J Pept Sci 2016; 22(1):52-58. doi: 10.1002/psc.2839
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, JANUARY 2016
[125] Pascarella S, Tiberi C, Sabatino G, Nuti F, Papini AM, Giovannelli L, Rovero P. Serpin A1 C-Terminal Peptides as Collagen Turnover Modulators. CHEMMEDCHEM 2016; 11(16):1850-1855. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.201500472
[126] E. Peroni, F. Real Fernández, C. Gheri, F. Nuti, A.-C. Mitaine-Offer, F. Lolli, M.-A. Lacaille-Dubois, A.M. Papini. Natural Triterpene Glycosides for Antibody Recognition. Planta Med Lett 2016; 3(01): e2-e7. DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1568263
[127] Champy AS, Mitaine-Offer AC, Miyamoto T, Tanaka C, Papini AM, Lacaille-Dubois MA. Structural analysis of oleanane-type saponins from the roots of Wisteria frutescens. Magn Reson Chem 2017; 55(6), 595-600. DOI: 10.1002/mrc.4550
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, JUNE 2017
[128] Pratesi A, Ginanneschi M, Lumini M, Papini AM, Novellino E, Brancaccio D, Carotenuto A. DOTA-Derivatives of Octreotide Dicarba-Analogs with High Affinity for Somatostatin sst2,5 Receptors. Front Chem 2017; 5:8. DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2017.00008
[129] Pratesi A, Stazzoni S, Lumini M, Sabatino G, Carotenuto A, Brancaccio D, Novellino E, Chinol M, Rovero P, Ginanneschi M, Papini AM. Synthesis of dicarba-cyclooctapeptide Somatostatin analogs by conventional and MW-assisted RCM: a study about the impact of the configuration at Cα of selected amino acids. Chemical Engineering & Processing 2017; 122, 365-372. DOI: 10.1016/j.cep.2017.02.005
[130] Ieronymaki M, Nuti F, Brancaccio D, Rossi G, Real-Fernández F, Cao Y, Monasson O, Larregola M, Peroni E, Uziel J, Sabatino G, Novellino E, Carotenuto A, Papini AM, Rovero P. Structure-Activity Relationship Studies, SPR Affinity Characterization, and Conformational Analysis of Peptides That Mimic the HNK-1 Carbohydrate Epitope. CHEMMEDCHEM 2017; 12(10):751-759. DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.201700042
Published by WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, POSTFACH 101161, 69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY, MAY 22, 2017
[131] Uber, D; Wyrzykowski, D; Tiberi, C; Sabatino, G; Zmudzinska, W; Chmurzynski, L; Papini, AM; Makowska, J. Conformation-dependent affinity of Cu(II) ions peptide complexes derived from the human Pin1 protein ITC and DSC study. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 2017; 127:2, 1431-1443. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-016-5387-9
[132] Champy AS, Mitaine-Offer AC, Paululat T, Papini AM, Lacaille-Dubois MA. Triterpene Saponins from Wisteria floribunda "macrobotrys" and "rosea". NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS 2017; 12:10, 1573-1576.
[133] Grage SL, Kara S, Bordessa A, Doan V, Rizzolo F, Putzu M, Kubař T, Papini AM, Chaume G, Brigaud T, Afonin S, Ulrich AS. Orthogonal 18F-labeling for solid-state NMR reveals the conformation and orientation of short peptaibols in membranes. Chem Eur J 2018; 24(17), 4328-4335. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201704307
Published by WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, POSTFACH 101161, 69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY, MARCH 20, 2018
[134] C. Testa, D. D’Addona, M. Scrima, A.M. Tedeschi, A.M. D’Ursi, C. Bernhard, F. Denat, C. Bello, P. Rovero, M. Chorev, A.M. Papini. Design, Synthesis and Conformational Studies of [DOTA]-Octreotide Analogues Containing [1,2,3]Triazolyl as a Disulfide Mimetic. PEPTIDE SCIENCE 2018; 110(5) e24071. DOI: 10.1002/pep2.24071
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, SEPTEMBER 2018
[135] Kukacka Z, Iurascu M, Lupu L, Rusche H, Murphy M, Altamore L, Borri F, Maeser S, Papini AM, Hennermann J, Przybylski M. Antibody Epitope of human α-Galactosidase A revealed by affinity-mass spectrometry: a basis for reversing immunoreactivity in enzyme replacement therapy of Fabry Disease. CHEMMEDCHEM 2018; 13(9); 909-915. DOI:10.1002/cmdc.201800094
Published by WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, POSTFACH 101161, 69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY, MAY 8, 2018
[136] Becucci L, Aloisi G, Papini AM, Guidelli R. Channel-forming activity of nisin in two mercury-supported biomimetic membranes. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2018; 812; 186-193. DOI:10.1016/j.jelechem.2017.11.061.
[137] Champy-Tixier AS, Mitaine-Offer AC, Real-Fernández F, Miyamoto T, Tanaka C, Papini AM, Lacaille-Dubois MA. Oleanane-type glycosides from the roots of Weigela florida "rumba" and evaluation of their antibody recognition. Fitoterapia 2018; 128:198-203. DOI: 10.1016/j.fitote.2018.04.017
[138] C. Testa, A.M. Papini, M. Chorev, P Rovero. Copper-catalyzed azide alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC)-mediated macrocylization of peptides: impact on conformation and biological activity. REVIEW. Curr Topics Med Chem 2018; 18(7), 591-610. DOI: 10.2174/1568026618666180518095755
[139] M.E. Street, S. Angelini, S. Bernasconi, E. Burgio, A. Cassio, C. Catellani, F. Cirillo, A. Deodati, E. Fabbrizi, V. Fanos, G. Gargano, E. Grossi, L. Iughetti, P. Lazzeroni, A. Mantovani, L. Migliore, P. Palanza, G. Panzica , A.M. Papini, S. Parmigiani, B. Predieri, C. Sartori, G. Tridenti, S. Amarri. Current Knowledge on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) from Animal Biology to Humans, from Pregnancy to Adulthood: Highlights from a National Italian Meeting. REVIEW. Int J Mol Sci 2018; 19(6):1647. DOI:10.3390/ijms19061647
[140] Nuti F, Gallo A, Real-Fernandez F, Crulli M, Rentier C, Piarulli F, Peroni E, Rossi G, Traldi P, Rovero P, Lapolla A, Papini AM. Antibodies to post-translationally modified mitochondrial peptide PDC-E2(167-184) in type 1 diabetes. Arch Biochem Biophys 2018; 659:66-74. DOI: 10.1016/
Published by ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA, DECEMBER 1, 2018
[141] A.M. Papini. From morphine to endogenous opioid peptides, e.g., endorphins: the endless quest for the perfect painkiller. Substantia 2018; 2(2): 81-91. DOI: 10.13128/substantia-63
Published by University Press, Firenze, ITALY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2018.
[142] Real-Fernández F, Pregnolato F, Cimaz R, Papini AM, Borghi MO, Meroni PL, Rovero P. Detection of anti-adalimumab antibodies in a RA responsive cohort of patients using three different techniques. Analytical Biochemistry 2019; 566, 133-138. DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2018.11.018
[143] A. Mazzoleni, J.-M. Mallet, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Glycoreplica peptides to investigate molecular mechanisms of immune-mediated physiological versus pathological conditions Arch Biochem Biophys 2019; 663, 44-53. DOI: 10.1016/
Published by ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA, MARCH 15, 2019
[144] I. Guryanov, F. Real-Fernández, G. Sabatino, N. Prisco, E. Popova, V. Korzhikov-Vlakh, B. Biondi, A.M. Papini, E. Korzhikova-Vlakh, P. Rovero, T. Tennikova. Modeling interaction between gp120 HIV protein and CCR5 receptor. J Pept Sci 2019; 25(2):e3142. DOI: 10.1002/psc.3142
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 24 JANUARY 2019
[145] C. Bello, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Just a spoonful of sugar: short glycans affects protein properties and functions. J Pept Sci 2019; 25(5), e31-67. DOI: 10.1002/psc.3167
Published by WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, MAY 2019
[146] V. Iaconisi, G. Secci, G. Sabatino, G. Piccolo, L. Gasco, A.M. Papini, G. Parisi. Effect of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) larvae meal on amino acid composition of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) fillets. Aquaculture 2019; 513, 734403. Doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734403
[147] F. Nuti, C. Gellini, M. Larregola, L. Squillantini, R. Chelli, P.R. Salvi, O. Lequin, G. Pietraperzia, A.M. Papini. A photochromic azobenzene peptidomimetic of a β-turn model peptide structure as a conformational switch. Frontiers in Chemistry. Section: Supramolecular Chemistry 2019; 7, Art. 180. DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00180
[148] De Santis, M; Isailovic, N.; Generali, E.; Ceribelli, A.; Altamore, L.; Real-Fernandez, F.; Papini, A.M.; Rovero, P.; Sabatino, G.; Selmi, C. Humoral response against LL-37 in psoriatic disease: comment on the article by Yuan et al. ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY 2019; 71(11), 1964-1965. Published in 2019.
[149] Nuti F, Gallo A, Real-Fernandez F, Rentier C, Rossi G, Piarulli F, Traldi P, Carganico S, Rovero P, Lapolla A, Papini AM. Study of Aberrant Modifications in Peptides as a Test Bench to Investigate the Immunological Response to Non-Enzymatic Glycation. Folia Biol (Praha). 2019;65(4):195-202.
[150] Nguyen DH, Mitaine-Offer AC, Maroso S, Papini AM, Paululat T, Bellaye PS, Collin B, Chambin O, Lacaille-Dubois MA. Cytotoxic glycosides from the roots of Weigela x "Bristol Ruby". Fitoterapia. 2019 Sep;137:104242. doi: 10.1016/j.fitote.2019.104242. Epub 2019 Jun 13.
[151] Real-Fernández F; Pacini G; Nuti F; Conciarelli G; De Felice C; Hayek J; Rovero P; Papini AM. Is aberrant N-glucosylation relevant to recognise anti-MOG antibodies in Rett syndrome? Substantia 2019, 3(2), 19-25.
[152] M. Kijewska, F. Nuti, M. Wierzbicka, M. Waliczek, P. Ledwon, A. Staskiewicz, F. Real-Fernandez, G. Sabatino, P. Rovero, P. Stefanowicz, Z. Szewczuk, A.M. Papini. An Optimised Di-Boronate-ChemMatrix Affinity Chromatography to Trap Deoxyfructosylated Peptides as Biomarkers of Glycation. Molecules 2020, 25, 755. doi:10.3390/molecules25030755
[153] A. D’Ercole, G. Sabatino, L. Pacini, E. Impresari, I. Capecchi, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. On-resin microwave-assisted copper-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition of H1-relaxin B single chain “stapled” analogues. Peptide Science 2020, p.e24159. DOI: 10.1002/pep2.24159. Accepted on Feb. 28, 2020. First published:23 March 2020.
[154] B. Petit, A.-C. Mitaine-Offer, F. Real-Fernández, A.M. Papini, C. Delaude, T. Miyamoto C. Tanaka, P. Rovero, M.-A. Lacaille-Dubois. Triterpene glycosides from Blighia welwitschii and evaluation of their antibody recognition capacity in multiple sclerosis. Phytochemistry 2020, 176, 112392.
[155] A. Mazzoleni, F. Real-Fernandez, M. Larregola, F. Nuti, O. Lequin, A.M. Papini, J.-M. Mallet, P. Rovero. Hyperglucosylated adhesin derived peptides as antigenic probes in multiple sclerosis: structure optimisation and immunological evaluation. J. Pept. Sci. 2020;26:e3281; 1-11.
[156] Nuti, F.; Fernandez, F.R.; Sabatino, G.; Peroni, E.; Mulinacci, B.; Paolini, I.; Pisa, M.D.; Tiberi, C.; Lolli, F.; Petruzzo, M.; Lanzillo, R.; Morra, V.B.; Rovero, P.; Papini, A.M. A Multiple N-Glucosylated Peptide Epitope Efficiently Detecting Antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. Brain Sci. 2020, 10(7), 453. doi:10.3390/brainsci10070453. This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Multiple Sclerosis Research—Series I
[157] F. Errante, P. Ledwoń, R. Latajka, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Cosmeceutical peptides in the framework of sustainable wellness economy. Front. Chem. 2020, 8:572923. Women in Science: Chemistry. doi:10.3389/fchem.2020.572923.
[158] S. Pandey, Z. Tuma, E. Peroni, O. Monasson, A.M. Papini, M. Chottova Dvorakova.Identification of NPB, NPW and their receptor in the rat heart. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020, 21(21), 7827. doi:10.3390/ijms21217827
[159] A. Marciniak, W. Witak, G. Sabatino, A.M. Papini, J. Brasuń. Detailed insight into interaction of bicyclic somatostatin analogue with Cu(II) ions. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 8794, 1-13. doi:10.3390/ijms21228794
[160] P. Ledwoń, F. Errante, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, R. Latajka. Peptides as Active Ingredients: a Challenge for Cosmeceutical Industry. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2021, 18, e2000833. doi: 10.1002/cbdv.202000833
[161] F. Errante; M. Menicatti; M. Pallecchi; L. Giovannelli; A.M. Papini; P. Rovero, G. Bartolucci. Susceptibility of cosmeceutical peptides to proteases activity: development of dermal stability test by LC-MS/MS analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2021, 194, 5, 113775. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2020.113775.
[162] F. Real-Fernández, A. Gallo, F. Nuti, L. Altamore, G. Giovanna Del Vescovo, P. Traldi, E. Ragazzi, P. Rovero, A. Lapolla, A.M. Papini. Cross-reactive peptide epitopes of Enterovirus Coxsackie B4 and human glutamic acid decarboxylase detecting antibodies in Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults versus Type 1 Diabetes. Clinica Chimica Acta 2021, 515, 73-79. Available online January 7, 2021.
[163] Sabatino, G.; D'Ercole, A.; Pacini, L.; Zini, M.; Ribecai, A.; Paio, A.; Rovero, P.; Papini, A.M. An optimized scalable fully automated solid-phase microwave-assisted cGMP-ready process for the preparation of Eptifibatide. Org. Process Res. Dev. 2021, 25, 3, 552–563. Special issue Women in process chemistry.
[164] Staśkiewicz A., Ledwoń P., Rovero P., Papini A.M., Latajka R. Triazole-Modified Peptidomimetics: An opportunity for Drug Discovery and Development Front. Chem. 9:674705. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.674705
[165] P. Ledwoń, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, R. Latajka. Peptides and Peptidomimetics as Inhibitors of Enzymes Involved in Fibrillar Collagen Degradation. Materials 2021, 14(12), 3217.
Other Publications (PhD Thesis, Notes and Editorials)
[1] A.M. Papini. Synthesis of peptides and investigation of their chimica, biopharmacological and immunological profile. PhD tesi in Chemical Sciences. (I International cycle and III National Cycle. Fellowship from the Italian Ministry of Education (Borsa Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione). National Library in Rome and Florence (1990) 1-118.
[2] A.M. Papini. Towards peptide-based diagnostics. Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 2009; 27(2):2.
[3] A.M. Papini. Cosmetics toward peptide-based cosmeceutics. CHIMICA OGGI-CHEMISTRY TODAY 2010, 28, 6, 3-4. NOTE
[4] A.M. Papini. Peptide chemistry revolution. Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today 2012, 30(2), 22-23. NOTE
[5] Papini AM, Lavielle S, Lubell WD. Co-editors and PIPS organizers. Peptides in Paris. EDITORIALE - SPECIAL ISSUE. Biopolymers 2015; 104(5):v-vii. DOI: 10.1002/bip.22738
IF: 1,99 - Citations: 0 (Scopus); 0 (WoS);
[6] A.M. Papini. Meet Our Regional Editor. Protein and Peptide Letters 2017, 24(3), 189. EDITORIAL
Published by Bentham Science Publishers, MARCH 2017.
[7] A.M. Papini, V. Schettino. L’intelligenza artificiale manderà l’esperimento in soffitta? December 9, 2020. Colombaria Oggi. Rivista online.
(Period 2005-2021)
[1] Inventors: Papini A.M.,Rovero P., Chelli M., Lolli F. “Glycopeptides, their preparation and use in the diagnosis or therapeutic treatment of Multiple Sclerosis”. PCT (2003) WO 03000733 A2. Italian Patent n. 0001327122 (27/04/2005). Granted USA, Australian and European Patent (02/08/2005). Applicant: University of Florence, Italy. Licensed to IMMCO Diagnostics, Buffalo, USA.
[2] Inventors: Pinto F., Papini A.M., Chelli M., Rovero P., Lolli F. “Immuno-absorption columns for the subtraction of antibodies from blood with selective plasma filtration techniques”. PCT International Application (2003) WO 2003009887 Priority Application: IT 2001-FI144.Applicant: University of Florence, Italy.
[3] Inventors: Kaminski Z.J., Papini A.M., Kolesinska B., Kolesinska J., Jastrzabek K., Sabatino G., Bianchini R. “Process for the preparation of N-triazinylammonium salts”. Filing date 07/11/2005. PCT/EP2005/055793 (2005). Applicant: Italvelluti S.p.a. Kaminski Z.J., Papini A.M., Jastrzabek K., Kolesinska B., Kolesinska J., Sabatino G., Bianchini R. “Process for the preparation of n-triazinylammonium salts”. PCT Int. Appl. (2007), 14pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO 2007051496 A1 20070510 AN 2007:511982 CAPLUS. Licensed to ITALVELLUTI (Italy).
[4]Inventors: Giuntini M., Ginanneschi M., Chelli M., Papini A.M. “Somatostatin analogues” Filing date 10.03.2005. EPC Application (2005) 05101866.1-2401 Priority Application: IT/10.03.04/ITA FI20040057. Applicant: Giuntini M. Inventors: Giuntini M., Ginanneschi M., Chelli M., Papini A.M. “Preparation of somatostatin analogues”. Appl. (2005), CODEN: EPXXDW EP 1598366 A1 20051123 CAN 144:7091 AN 2005:1235907 CAPLUS
[5] Inventors: Alcaro M.C., Chelli M., Lolli F., Migliorini P., Paolini I., Papini A.M., Rovero P. “Galactosylated peptides, their preparation and use in autoimmune diseases diagnosis”. European patent EP2050761 B1. Applicant: Toscana Biomarkers Srl.
[6] Inventors: Pratesi F., Alcaro M.C., Chelli M., Fantini P., Lolli F., Paolini I., Papini A.M., Rovero P., Migliorini P. “Detection of anti-ribosomal P protein antibodies by means of synthetic peptides”. EP09167004.2 (2009). Patent application number EP10168270.6 - PCT/EP2011/061006 (2010). European patent application EP 2284188 A1 - US 2011028409 A1. Applicant: Toscana Biomarkers Srl. Non exclusive licenses to Theradiag (France), DIESSE (Italy), DIAMETRA (Italy), Amar Immunodiagnostics (India).
[7]Inventors: Alcaro M.C., Pratesi F., Paolini I., Chelli M., Lolli F., Papini A.M., Rovero P., Migliorini P. “Method for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis”. Patent application number EP11167420.6. (2011). Applicant: Toscana Biomarkers Srl. Non exclusive licenses to Theradiag (France), DIESSE (Italy), DIAMETRA (Italy), Amar Immunodiagnostics (India).
[8] Inventors: Pratesi F., Alcaro M.C., Chelli M., Lolli F., Paolini I., Papini A.M., Rovero P., Migliorini P. “Histone citrullinated peptides and uses thereof”. European patent application EP2402368 A1 - WO2012001103 A1. Applicant: Toscana Biomarkers Srl. Non exclusive licenses to Theradiag (France), DIESSE (Italy), DIAMETRA (Italy), Amar Immunodiagnostics (India). MoD&LS produces the peptide antigens for DIAMETRA
[9] Inventors: Denat F., D’Addona D., Bernhard C., Papini-Rovero A.M., Chorev M.. “Clicked somatostatin conjugated analogs for biological applications”. EP 11193530, 14.12.2011. Applicants: Université de Cergy-Pontoise CNRS and Université de Bourgogne.
[10] Inventors: Hayek J., De Felice C., Papini A.M., Rovero P., Nuti F., Real-Fernandez F., Sabatino G., Tiberi C. “Nuovi peptidi glicosilati”. Italian patent application FI2012000107 (25/05/2011). Applicant: Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese. Licensed to Toscana Biomarkers (Italy).
[11] Inventors: Errante F., Giovannelli L., Papini A.M., Rovero P. Nuovo principio attivo cosmeceutico. “Bioactive peptides and compositions comprising them”. International PCT application n. IB2020/055291. Priority 07/06/2019. Applicants: Espikem Srl (80%), Università di Firenze (20%).
Peer-reviewed articles published in books (Period 1983-2021)
[1] M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi. Cyclization of histidine azide: A side reaction during peptide synthesis. In: Peptides 1992. Proceedings of the 22nd European Peptide Symposium. C.H. Schneider and A.N. Eberle (Eds.). Pubblicato da Escom Science Publishers B.V. a Leiden, The Netherlands in 1993. pp. 255-256. ISBN 90-72199-16-2. Chem. Abs., 1994, 121, 281171
[2] L. Quartara, G. Balacco, C.A. Maggi, P. Rovero, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi. Conformation-activity relationship on MEN 10376 neurokinin A antagonist: Effect of cyclization. In: Peptides 1992. Proceedings of the 22nd European Peptide Symposium. C.H. Schneider and A.N. Eberle (Eds.). Pubblicato da Escom Science Publishers B.V. a Leiden, The Netherlands in 1993, pp. 591-592. ISBN 90-72199-16-2. Chem. Abs., 1994, 121, 222201.
[3] L. Moroder, K. Köcher, A.M. Papini, M. Dufresne, C.H. Schneider. The mode of Peptide-Antigen Presentation Critically Affects The Specificity of Both Immune Response and Antigen-Antibody Recognition. In: Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins. D. Brandenburg, V. Ivanov and W. Voelter (Eds.). Pubblicato da Verlag Mainz a Aachen, Germany in 1993, Vol. 5/6, part B, pp. 783-791. ISBN 3-925714-84-7. Chem. Abs., 1994, 121, 298655.
[4] D. Pinzani, A.M. Papini, M.E. Vallecchi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, C.A. Maggi, R. Patacchini, M. Astolfi, L. Quartara, F.M. Arcamone, G. Rapi. Synthesis and biological activities of glycopeptides of NK2 receptor antagonists. In: Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology. Proceedings of the 13th American Peptide Symposium. P.T.P. Kaumaya and R.S. Hodges (Eds.). Pubblicato da da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 1996, Vol. 4, pp. 649-650. ISBN 978-90-72199-19-5. Chem. Abs., 1996, 126, 26939.
[5] A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, R. Fioresi, E. Nardi, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, S. Matà, F. Lolli, F. Pinto, B. Mazzanti, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli. [Asn31(N-b-d-Glucopyranosyl)]hMOG(30-50): an antigen to identify anti-hMOG peptide antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Immunology, New Delhi, India, 1-6 November 1998. Pubblicato da Monduzzi Editore, International Proceedings Division Bologna, Italy, Ottobre 1998, pp. 1239-1244. ISBN 88-323-1101-1.
[6] A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi and G. Rapi. Fmoc-2-aminopalmitic acid for the synthesis of lipopeptides with an hydrophobic chain on a C-C bond. In: Peptides: Frontiers of Peptide Science. Proceedings of the 15th American Peptide Symposium. James P. Tam andPravin T.P. Kaumaya (Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 1999, Vol. 5, pp. 345-346. DOI: 10.1007/0-306-46862-X. ISBN 978-0-7923-5160-3 (Hardcover). Chem. Abs., 1999, 131, 200040.
[7] A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, D. Pinzani, M. Biondi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, B. Mazzanti, M. Vergelli, L. Massacesi, L. Amaducci. Lipoderivatives of an immunodominant epitope of myelin basic protein increased T cell responsiveness in Lewis rats. In: Peptides: Frontiers of Peptide Science. Proceedings of the 15th American Peptide Symposium. James P. Tam andPravin T.P. Kaumaya (Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 1999,. Vol. 5, pp. 700-702. DOI: 10.1007/0-306-46862-X. ISBN 978-0-7923-5160-3 (Hardcover). Chem. Abs., 1999, 131, 227631.
[8] S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, E. Traggiai, M. Vergelli, B. Mazzanti, G. Rapi, L. Massacesi, A.M. Papini. Comparison of the T Cell Proliferative Response to Lipopeptides of the Immunodominant EpitopeshMBP(83-99) and hMBP(141-160). In: Peptides 1998. Proceedings of the 25thEuropean Peptide Symposium. S. Bajusz and F. Hudecz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Akadémiai Kiadò a Budapest (Hungary) in 1999, pp. 604-605. ISBN 963-0-576-228. Chem. Abs., 2000, 134, 41080
[9] S. Mazzucco, R. Fioresi, S. Matà, M. Vergelli, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, M. Ginanneschi, F. Pinto, B. Mazzanti, L. Massacesi, G. Rapi, A.M. Papini. Glycopeptides of hMOG(30-50) Detect Antibody Response in Multiple Sclerosis and other Neurological Diseases. In: Peptides 1998. Proceedings of the 25thEuropean Peptide Symposium. S. Bajusz and F. Hudecz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Akadémiai Kiadò a Budapest in 1999, pp. 46-47. ISBN 9630576228. Chem. Abs., 2000, 133, 361706
[10]A.M. Papini, E. Nardi, S. Mazzucco, B. Mazzanti, E. Traggiai, C. Ballerini, H. Kalbacher, H. Beck, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, L. Massacesi and M. Vergelli. Lipophilic modifications of peptide epitopes: T-cell response and susceptibility to peptidases.In: Peptides for the New Millenium. Proceedings of the 16th American Peptide Symposium. G.B. Fields, J.P. Tam and G. Barany (Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2002, Vol. 6, pp.697-699. DOI: 10.1007/0-306-46881-6. ISBN 978-0-306-46881-0 (eBook), ISBN 978-0-7923-6445-0 (Hardcover). Chem. Abs., 2001, 135, 59864.
[11] E. Nardi,S. Mazzucco, S. Matà, M. Chelli, B. Mazzanti, E. Traggiai, M. Ginanneschi, F. Pinto, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli, H. Kalbacher, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Recombinant MOG from baculovirus inhibits anti-hMOG(30-50) antibodies by the synthetic antigen [Asn31(Glc)]hMOG(30-50). In: Peptides for the New Millenium. Proceedings of the 16th American Peptide Symposium. G.B. Fields, J.P. Tam and G. Barany (Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2002, Vol. 6, pp. 708-709. DOI: 10.1007/0-306-46881-6. ISBN 978-0-306-46881-0 (eBook), ISBN 978-0-7923-6445-0 (Hardcover). Chem. Abs., 2001, 135, 60022.
[12] E. Nardi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, S. Meini, L. Quartara, M.R. Altamura, C.A. Maggi, F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, Q.B. Broxterman, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Lipophilic modifications of bradykinin agonists, In: Peptides 2000. Proceedings of the 26th European Peptide Symposium. J. Martinez ; J.-A. Fehrentz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Editions EDK, Paris, France in 2001, pp. 929-930. ISBN 2-84254-048-4. Chem. Abs., 2003, 140, 175310.
[13] J. Uziel, M.C. Alcaro, G. Sabatino, A. Di Fenza, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.Constrained head-to-tail cyclopeptides by amino acid side chain anchoring to trityl resins. In: Peptides 2000. Proceedings of the 26th European Peptide Symposium. J. Martinez ; J.-A. Fehrentz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Editions EDK, Paris, France in 2001, pp. 285-286. ISBN 2-84254-048-4. Chem. Abs., 2003, 140, 199689
[14] E. Nardi, E. Mastrangelo,S. Matà, B. Mazzanti, V. Zipoli,M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli,F. Lolli, F. Pinto,A.M. Papini.Study of the role of the glycosyl moiety in autoantibody recognition in Multiple Sclerosis. In: Peptides 2000. Proceedings of the 26th European Peptide Symposium. J. Martinez ; J.-A. Fehrentz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Editions EDK, Paris, France in 2001, pp. 895-896. ISBN 2-84254-048-4. Chem. Abs., 2003, 139, 83847.
[15] Carotenuto, A.M. D’Ursi, E. Nardi, E. Mastrangelo, A.M. Papini,P. Rovero. Conformational studies on a glycopeptide of the human Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein. In: Peptides 2000. Proceedings of the 26th European Peptide Symposium. J. Martinez ; J.-A. Fehrentz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Editions EDK, Paris, France in 2001, pp. 469-470. ISBN 2-84254-048-4. Chem. Abs., 2003, 140, 212640.
[16] A.M. Papini,E. Nardi, B. Mazzanti, T. Biagioli, E. Traggiai,M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, H. Kalbacher, L. Massacesi, Marco Vergelli. Effect of lipoconjugation on MBP peptide epitopes for CD4+ T cell responsiveness. In: Peptides 2000. Proceedings of the 26th European Peptide Symposium. J. Martinez ; J.-A. Fehrentz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Editions EDK, Paris, France in 2001, pp. 69-70. ISBN 2-84254-048-4. Chem. Abs., 2003, 140, 161980.
[17] E. Peroni, G. Caminati, P. Baglioni, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini.A new lipophilic fluorescent probe for interaction studies of bioactive lipopeptides with membrane models. In: Peptides 2000. Proceedings of the 26th European Peptide Symposium. J. Martinez ; J.-A. Fehrentz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Editions EDK, Paris, France in 2001, pp. 989-990. ISBN 2-84254-048-4. Chem. Abs., 2003, 140, 141967.
[18] M.C. Alcaro, A.M. Papini, M. Chelli, D.Fishlock, C. Atkins, and G.A. Lajoie. Stereoselective syntheses of b,g-unsaturated amino acids. In: Peptides 2000. Proceedings of the 26th European Peptide Symposium. J. Martinez ; J.-A. Fehrentz (Eds.). Pubblicato da Editions EDK, Paris, France in 2001, pp.359-360. ISBN 2-84254-048-4. Chem. Abs., 2003, 140, 164146.
[19] A. Carotenuto, A. Di Fenza, E. Nardi, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Conformational studies of a glycopeptide recognized with high affinity by autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. In: Peptides. The Wave of the Future. Proceedings of the Second International and the Seventeenth American Peptide Symposium. R.A. Houghten and M. Lebl (Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2001, Vol. 7, pp. 340-341. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-0464-0. ISBN 978-94-010-0464-0 (eBook), ISBN 978-94-010-3905-5 (Softcover). Chem. Abs., 2002, 138, 380990.
[20] M.C. Alcaro, G. Sabatino, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A. Di Fenza, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.A synthetic strategy toward constrained head-to-tail cyclopeptides. In: Peptides 2002. Proceedings of the 27th European Peptide Symposium. E. Benedetti; C. Pedone (Eds.). Pubblicato da Edizioni Ziino, Castellammare di Stabia, Italyin 2002, pp. 16-17. ISBN 88-900948-1-8. Chem. Abs., 2004, 141, 28295.
[21] M.C. Alcaro, T. Terzani, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, F. Machetti, L. Quartara, R. Patacchini, S. Meini, S. Giuliani, A. Brandi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. New constrained amino acids for the study of the role of the basic residues in bradykinin antagonists. In: Peptides 2002. Proceedings of the 27th European Peptide Symposium. E. Benedetti; C. Pedone (Eds.). Pubblicato da Edizioni Ziino, Castellammare di Stabia, Italyin 2002, pp. 18-19. ISBN 88-900948-1-8. Chem. Abs., 2004, 141, 28296.
[22] F. Nuti, S. Cicchi, E. Peroni, M. de la Cruz Pozo-Carrero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli,M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, A. Brandi. Synthesis of new Fmoc-protected iminosugars to study the role of the glycosyl moiety in autoantibody recognition in autoimmune diseases. In: Peptides 2002. Proceedings of the 27th European Peptide Symposium. E. Benedetti; C. Pedone (Eds.). Pubblicato da Edizioni Ziino, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy in 2002, pp. 238-239. ISBN 88-900948-1-8. Chem. Abs., 2004, 141, 52673.
[23] G. Sabatino, B. Mulinacci, M.C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. A comparative study of coupling reagents for automatic multiple peptide synthesizers. In: Peptides 2002. Proceedings of the 27th European Peptide Symposium. E. Benedetti; C. Pedone (Eds.). Pubblicato da Edizioni Ziino, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy in 2002, pp. 272-273. ISBN 88-900948-1-8. Chem. Abs., 2004, 141, 28422.
[24] B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, M. de la Cruz Pozo-Carrero, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Towards rationally designed glycopeptide antigens recognizing autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis patients. In: Peptides 2002. Proceedings of the 27th European Peptide Symposium. E. Benedetti; C. Pedone (Eds.). Pubblicato da Edizioni Ziino, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy in 2002, pp. 388-389. ISBN 88-900948-1-8. Chem. Abs., 2004, 141, 37314.
[25] E. Peroni, F. Lolli, B. Mulinacci, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Innovative biocompatible immunoadsorbents containing immobilized selective glycopeptide antigens for Multiple Sclerosis therapy, In: Peptides 2002. Proceedings of the 27th European Peptide Symposium. E. Benedetti; C. Pedone (Eds.). Pubblicato da Edizioni Ziino, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy in 2002, pp. 584-585. ISBN 88-900948-1-8. Chem. Abs., 2004, 141, 37453.
[26]A.M. Papini,B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, S. Matà, F. Lolli, CSF114(Glc): the glycopeptide detecting autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. PepKit, the first diagnostic test to follow-up the disease activity. In: Peptides 2002. Proceedings of the 27th European Peptide Symposium. E. Benedetti; C. Pedone (Eds.). Pubblicato da Edizioni Ziino, Castellammare di Stabia, Italy in 2002, pp. 998-999. ISBN 88-900948-1-8. Chem. Abs., 2004, 141, 52674.
[27] M.C. Alcaro, P. Campiglia, P. Grieco, E. Novellino, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. An efficient microwave-assisted synthesis of 2,5-diketopiperazines libraries. In: Peptide Revolution. Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics. The Proceedings of the 18th American Peptide Symposium.M. Chorev & T.K. Sawyer(Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2004, Vol. 8,pp. 17-18. ISBN 978-1-4020-2816-8 (Hardcover).
[28] G. Sabatino, M.C. Alcaro, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.Assessment of 6Cl-HOBt-based coupling reagents in solid-phase cyclopeptide synthesis. In: Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics. The Proceedings of the 18th American Peptide Symposium.M. Chorev & T.K. Sawyer(Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2004, Vol. 8,pp. 49-50. ISBN 978-1-4020-2816-8 (Hardcover).
[29] E. Peroni, F. Lolli, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, B. Bonetti, J. Hoebeke, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.Isolation and characterization of autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis patients sera: towards a novel apheresis treatment. In: Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics. The Proceedings of the 18th American Peptide Symposium.M. Chorev & T.K. Sawyer(Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2004, Vol. 8, pp. 75-76. ISBN 978-1-4020-2816-8 (Hardcover).
[30] F. Nuti, I. Paolini, B. Mulinacci, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, F.M. Cordero, A. Brandi, A.M. Papini. Small focused library of CSF114-type glycopeptides for the characterization of autoantibody recognition in Multiple Sclerosis, In: Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics. The Proceedings of the 18th American Peptide Symposium.M. Chorev & T.K. Sawyer(Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2004, Vol. 8,pp. 77-78. ISBN 978-1-4020-2816-8 (Hardcover).
[31] A.M. Papini, B. Mulinacci, A. Carotenuto, B. Bonetti, G. Sabatino, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, M.C. Alcaro, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, L. Massacesi, L. Battistini, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, F. Lolli. MS PepKit: the first diagnostic test to follow-up Multiple Sclerosis. In: Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics. The Proceedings of the 18th American Peptide Symposium.M. Chorev & T.K. Sawyer(Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2004, Vol. 8,pp.942-944. ISBN 978-1-4020-2816-8 (Hardcover).
[32] B. Mulinacci, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Structure-activity relationship study of glycopeptide antigens recognizing specific autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. In: Peptide Revolution: Genomics, Proteomics & Therapeutics. The Proceedings of the 18th American Peptide Symposium.M. Chorev & T.K. Sawyer(Eds.). Pubblicato da Springer Netherlands a Dordrecht, The Netherlands in 2004, Vol. 8,pp. 1007-1008. ISBN 978-1-4020-2816-8 (Hardcover).
[33] D. D’Addona, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, A. Carotenuto, F. Budelli, M. Ginanneschi.Synthesis of a new dicarba-analogue of the drug octreotideâ. In: Peptides 2004: Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 202-203. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[34]B. Kolesinska, G. Sabatino, J. Kolesinska, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, Z. Kaminski, and A.M. Papini. ACP solid phase synthesis by new efficient TBCRs.In: Peptides 2004. Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 232-233. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[35] A.M. Papini, B. Kolesinska, G. Sabatino, J. Kolesinska, and Z. Kaminski. Triazine-based coupling reagents useful tools for SPPS. In: Peptides 2004. Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 252-253. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[36]M. de la Cruz Pozo-Carrero, B. Kolesinska, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, Z. Kaminski, and A.M. Papini. An efficient strategy for attachment of Fmoc-amino acids to resins by TBCRs. In: Peptides 2004: Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 257-258. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[37] G. Sabatino, B. Kolesinska, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, Z. Kaminski, A.M. Papini. Automatic SPPS by the new generation of TBCRs. In: Peptides 2004: Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 263-264. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[38] K. Jastrzabek, B. Kolesinska, M. Blaszczyk, M.L. Glòwka, A.M. Papini, Z. Kaminski. 2-Chloro-4,6-dibenzyloxy-1,3,5-triazine and N-(4,6-dibenzyloxy-1,3,5-triazinyl-2)ammonium tetrafluoroborates as highly efficient coupling reagents for peptide synthesis in solution.In: Peptides 2004: Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 335-336. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[39] J. Kolesinska, B. Kolesinska, A.M. Papini, Z. Kaminski. Tetrafluoroborates of N-triazinylammonium salts as highly efficient coupling reagents for peptide synthesis in solution.In: Peptides 2004: Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 337-338. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[40] M.C. Alcaro, E. Naldini, B. Mulinacci, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Identification of new autoantigens in Multiple Sclerosis by glycopeptide libraries. In: Peptides 2004. Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 374-375. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[41] B. Mulinacci, I. Paolini, A. Carotenuto, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. b-Hairpin glycopeptides as mimetic autoantigens in multiple sclerosis. In: Peptides 2004: Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005), pp. 593-594. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[42] I. Paolini, F. Nuti, B. Kolesinska, F. Cardona, M. Chelli, A. Brandi, A.M. Papini. New glycosylated building-blocks useful for glycopeptide synthesis. In: Peptides 2004: Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in 2005, pp. 597-598. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[43] E. Peroni, F. Peri, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Synthetic strategies for forming the glycan-peptide linkage. In: Peptides 2004: Bridges Between Disciplines. Proceedings of the 28th European Peptide Symposium. M. Flegel, M. Fridkin, C. Gilon, J. Slaninova (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland, in Israel, in2005, pp. 599-600. ISBN 965-90833-0-0.
[44]I. Paolini, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Microwave-assisted synthesis of N-glycosylated building blocks. In: Understanding Biology Using Peptides: Proceedings of the Nineteenth American Peptide Symposium. S.E. Blondelle (Ed.). Pubblicato da Springer 2006 edition, in 2006, Series: American Peptide Symposia (Book 9), pp. 190-191. ISBN-10: 0387265694, ISBN-13: 978-0387265698.
[45]B. Mulinacci, C. Breithaupt, P.P. Pal, N. Budisa, M. Pazzagli, B. Mazzanti, P. Rovero, L. Moroder, A.M. Papini. Cross-reactivity studies of rMOGED with synthetic putative autoantigens CSF114(Glc) and [N31(Glc)]hMOG(30-50) in Multiple Sclerosis patients’ sera. In: Understanding Biology Using Peptides. S.E. Blondelle (Ed.). Pubblicato da Springer New York, USA, on October 23, 2007, Vol. 9, Part 11, pp. 769-770. ISBN 978-0-387-26569-8 (Print) 978-0-387-26575-9 (Online).
[46]F. Nuti, I. Paolini, E. Peroni, F. Real-Fernandez, M. Pazzagli, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Does an Aberrant Glucosylation Trigger Autoimmunity in Multiple Sclerosis? In: Understanding Biology Using Peptides. S.E. Blondelle (Ed.). Pubblicato da Springer New York, USA, on October 23, 2007, Vol. 9, Part 11, pp. 775-776. (2006). ISBN 978-0-387-26569-8 (Print) 978-0-387-26575-9 (Online).
[47]M.C. Alcaro, F. Barbetti, F. Nuti, F. Real-Fernandez, B. Mazzanti, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Optimization of Multiple Sclerosis Antigenic Probes by a Combinatorial Approach. In: Understanding Biology Using Peptides. S.E. Blondelle (Ed.) Pubblicato da Springer New York, USA, on October 23, 2007, Vol. 9, Part 11, pp. 779-780. ISBN 978-0-387-26569-8 (Print) 978-0-387-26575-9 (Online).
[48] E.S. Bulukin, E. Peroni, M. Minunni, M. Pazzagli, P. Rovero, M. Mascini, A.M. Papini. Development of an Efficient Multiple Sclerosis Diagnostic Technology Based on an Optical Glycopeptide Immunosensor. In: Understanding Biology Using Peptides. S.E. Blondelle (Ed.) Pubblicato da Springer New York, USA, on October 23, 2007, Vol. 9, Part 11, pp. 785-786. ISBN 978-0-387-26569-8 (Print) 978-0-387-26575-9 (Online).
[49] B. Kolesińska, J. Kolesińska, A. Frymarkiewicz, K.K. Wąsikowska, N. Piątkowska, K.G. Jastrząbek, G. Sabatino, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini, Z.J. Kamiński. Synthesis of building blocks for peptide synthesis by using 4-(4,6-dimethoxy-[1,3,5]triazin-2-yl)-4-methyl-morpholinium toluene-4-sulfonate. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerlandin 2007, pp 518-519. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[50] D. D'Addona, F. Gori, A. Di Cianni, F. Bucelli, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, A. Carotenuto, M. Ginanneschi. A new synthetic approach to unsaturated and saturated dicarba-analogues of octreotide. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerlandin 2007, pp 582-583. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[51] F. Nuti, E. Peroni, E.S. Bulukin, M. Minunni, B. Mulinacci, M. Chelli, M. Mascini, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Improvement of autoantibody detection in autoimmune diseases by innovative solid-phase glycopeptide based technologies. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland(2007), pp 588-589. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[52] B. Kolesińska, J. Kolesińska, A. Frymarkiewicz, K.K. Rożniakowski, G. Sabatino, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini, Z.J. Kamiński. Sulfonates of N-triazinylammonium salts as highly efficient, inexpensive and environmentally friendly coupling reagents for peptide synthesis in solution. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland in 2007, pp 604-605. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[53] B. Kolesińska, S. Grabowski, I. Konieczna, W. Kaca, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero Z.J. Kamiński. Immunoenzymatic assay with peptide antigens immobilized on cellulose: effect of the linker on antibody recognition. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland in 2007, pp 616-617. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[54] I. Paolini, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. An universal peptide scaffold to develop antigenic probes specific for autoimmune diseases. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland in 2007, pp 672-673. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[55] A. Le Chevalier, N. Lubin-Germain, J. Uziel, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Sugar building-blocks for solid-phase glycopeptides synthesis. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland in 2007, pp 680-681. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[56] M.C. Alcaro, A. Carotenuto, C. Bonaccini, B. Mulinacci, G. Bonechi, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Gratteri, A. Tramontano, E. Novellino, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Conformationally driven rational design of glycopeptides as synthetic probes for the detection of autoantibodies, biomarkers of multiple sclerosis. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland in 2007, pp 684-685. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[57] N. Alexandris, M.C. Alcaro, R. Bianchini, A.M. Papini. Design and Synthesis of heme peptides for bioremediation. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerland in 2007, pp 688-689. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[58] F. Rizzolo, G. Sabatino, I. Paolini, M.C. Alcaro, M.R Moncelli, R. Guidelli, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. An efficient microwave-assisted solid phase synthesis of gramicidin a for studies in bilayer-lipid membrane. In: Peptides 2006. Proceedings of the 29th European Peptide Symposium. K. Rolka, P. Rekowski, J. Silberring (Eds.). Pubblicato da Kenes International, Geneva, Switzerlandin 2007, pp 690-691. ISBN 978-965-555-297-3.
[59] F. Rizzolo, G. Sabatino, M. Fridkin, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Microwave-assisted solid-phase peptide synthesis: shifting off the limitations affecting conventional synthetic strategies. In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 156-157. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[60] M.A. Bonache, F. Nuti, A. Le Chevalier Isaad, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. New Building Blocks Useful For The Synthesis Of Ribosylated Peptides. In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 188-189. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[61] A. Le Chevalier Isaad, M. Scrima, S. Cantel, J. Levy, P. Rovero, A.M. D'Ursi, M. Chorev, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of a Series of Cyclic i-to-i+4 Side Chain-to-Side Chain 1,4-Disubstituted [1,2,3]triazolyl-Bridged PTHrP(11-19) Derivatives.In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 200-201. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[62] M. Scrima, A. Le Chevalier-Isaad, M. Grimaldi, Paolo Rovero, A.M. Papini, M. Chorev, A.M. D'Ursi. Conformational Preferences of Cyclopeptides Formed by i-to-i+4 Side Chain-to-Side Chain Cyclization via 1,4-Disubstituted [1,2,3]Triazolyl Moiety. In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 266-267. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[63] A. Di Cianni, D. D’Addona, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini, M. Ginanneschi. On-resin microwaves-assisted ring closing metathesis for rapid synthesis of octreotide dicarba-analogues. In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 274-275. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[64] F. Nuti, N. Qvit, F. Rizzolo, M. Hurevich, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, C. Gilon, A.M. Papini. Microwave-Assisted Solid Phase Synthesis of Backbone Cyclic Glycopeptide Libraries. In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 278-279. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[65] A.M. Papini. Peptide-based immunoassays for biomarkers detection: a challenge for translational research. In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 438-439. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[66] F. Gori, B. Mulinacci, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, A.G. Beck-Sickinger. Semi-synthetic approaches to glycosylation of MOG as autoantigen in Multiple Sclerosis disease. In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 444-445. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[67] E. Innocenti, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, C. Selmi, A.M. Papini. Post translational modified peptide-based ELISA to detect autoantibodies in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. In Peptides 2008: Chemistry of Peptides in Life Science, Technology and Medicine. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Peptide Symposium. H. Lankinen (Ed.) Published by Finnish Peptide Society in Finland in 2008, pp 470-471. ISBN 978-952-92-5198-8.
[68] M.C. Alcaro, A. Carotenuto, F. Nuti, I. Paolini, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, E. Novellino, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Modified peptides for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. New Perspective in Medicinal Chemistry. S. Alcaro (Ed.). Pubblicato da Research Signpost, 607 Stanford Court, Irvine, CA, USA in 2009, Vol. 1:149-158. ISBN 978-81-308-0321-0
[69] E. Peroni, M. Tontini, B. Mulinacci, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. A Glycopeptide-based Technique for Selective Antibodies Purification. In: Peptides for Youth The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium. In Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. S. Del Valle, E. Escher, W.D. Lubell (Eds.), Published by Springer-Verlag New York in 2009, Vol. 611, pp. 369-370. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73657-0
[70] M.A. Bonache, A. Le Chevalier, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Ribose Building Block For The Synthesis Of Glycopeptides For Fishing Out Antibodies In Autoimmune Diseases. In: Peptides for Youth. The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium. In Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. S. Del Valle, E. Escher, W.D. Lubell (Eds.), Published by Springer-Verlag New York in 2009, Vol. 611, pp. 441-442. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73657-0
[71] F. Nuti, B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, M.C. Alcaro, I. Paolini, F. Benedetti, A. Carotenuto, F. Ciolli, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Studies for Identification of the Minimal Epitope(s) mimicked by the Synthetic Glucopeptide CSF114(Glc). In: Peptides for Youth. The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium. In Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. S. Del Valle, E. Escher, W.D. Lubell (Eds.), Published by Springer-Verlag New York in 2009, Vol. 611, pp. 431-432.DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73657-0
[72] F. Gori, B. Mulinacci, E. Bonchi, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Semi-Synthetic Strategies to Obtain Glucosylated MOG to Identify Antibodies as Biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis Disease. In: Peptides for Youth. The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium. In Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. S. Del Valle, E. Escher, W.D. Lubell (Eds.), Published by Springer-Verlag New York in 2009, Vol. 611, pp. 327-328. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73657-0
[73] F. Real-Fernández, A. Chamois-Colson, J. Bayardon, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, M.R. Moncelli, R. Meunier-Prest, S. Jugè, A.M. Papini. Synthesis Of Organometallic Glycopeptides And Electrochemical Studies To Detect Autoantibodies In Multiple Sclerosis Patients´ Sera. In: Peptides for Youth. The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium. In Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. S. Del Valle, E. Escher, W.D. Lubell (Eds.), Published by Springer-Verlag New York in 2009, Vol. 611, pp: 435-436. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73657-0
[74] S. Cantel, J.A. Halperin, M. Chorev, M. Scrima, A.M. D’Ursi, J.J. Levy, R.D. Di Marchi, A. Le Chevalier, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Side chain-to-Side chain Cyclization by Intramolecular Click Reaction - Building Blocks, Solid Phase Synthesis and Conformational Characterization. In: Peptides for Youth. The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium. In Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. S. Del Valle, E. Escher, W.D. Lubell (Eds.), Published by Springer-Verlag New York in 2009, Vol. 611, pp. 175-176. DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73657-0
[75] S. Pandey, E. Peroni, M.C. Alcaro, F. Rizzolo, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Mimicry Effect of the Neo-Epitope [Asn641(Glc)]FAN(635-655) with CSF114(Glc) Detecting Autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium. Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 4-5. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[76] C. Testa, S. Carganico, F. Nuti, M. Scrima, A.M. D’Ursi, M.L. Dirain, N. Lubin Germain, C. Haskell-Luevano, M. Chorev, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Stabilization of β Turn Conformation in Melanocortin-Like Peptide by Click Side Chain-To-Side Chain Cyclization. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium. Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 14-15. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[77] G. Cane, A. Di Cianni, M. Lumini, AM. Papini, M. Ginanneschi. An Efficient MW-Assisted Synthesis of Dicarba-Analogues. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium. Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 184-185. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[78] F. Rizzolo, F. Nuti, S. Pandey, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Microwave-Assisted Solid Phase Synthesis of [Asn641(Glc)]FAN(635-655): A New Case Study for Optimisation of Glycopeptide Synthesis. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium.Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 186-187. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[79] F. Rizzolo, C. Testa, M. Chorev, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Conventional and Microwave-Assisted SPPS Approach: A Comparative Study of PTHrP(1-34)NH2 Synthesis. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium.Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 188-189. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[80] M. Scrima, A.M. Papini, M. Chorev, A.M. D’Ursi. Molecular Dynamics Calculation and NMR Conformational Studies of Heterodetic Triazolyl Cyclo-Nonapeptides: A Comparative Study. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium.Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 220-221. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[81] S. Pandey, D. Lambardi, F. Real-Fernández, M.C. Alcaro, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, F. Lolli, P. Rovero. Recognition of Cytoskeletal Proteins Monoclonal IgGs by CSF114(Glc), the Synthetic Probe of Multiple Sclerosis. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium.Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 290-291. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[82] M. Di Pisa, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, C. Tiberti, A.M. Papini. Celiac Disease: Synthesis of Overlapping Linear Peptide Epitopes of tTG[Aa(1-230)]. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium.Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 492-493. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[83] M. Di Pisa, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, C. Tiberti, A.M. Papini. Celiac Disease: Characterization of Amino Acids and Short Peptides Finger Print for a Fast I.V.D. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium.Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 494-495. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[84] F. Real-Fernández, I. Passalacqua, E. Peroni, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Characterisation of the Minimal Epitope Detecting Autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis by Surface Plasmon Resonance. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium. Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010 pp 498-499. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[85] F. Gori, B. Mulinacci, L. Massai, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Antigenic Probes for Autoantibody Detection in Multiple Sclerosis: Synthetic Peptides versus Recombinant Proteins. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium.Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010 pp 500-501. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[86] S. Pandey, E. Peroni, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, A.M. D’Ursi, A.M. Papini. Rational Design and Optimization of the Newly Designed Glycopeptide Sequence to Develop the Diagnostic/Prognostic Assay for Multiple Sclerosis. In: Peptides 2010: Tales of Peptides. Proceedings of the Thirty-First European Peptide Symposium.Michal Lebl, Morten Meldal, Knud J. Jensen, Thomas Hoeg-Jensen (Editors). Prompt Scientific Publishing, San Diego, USA in 2010, pp 504-505. ISBN 0-9715560-5-9.
[87] F. Nuti, F. Real-Fernandez, G. Rossi, S. Pandey, G. Sabatino, C. Tiberi, M. Larregola, S. Lavielle, J. Hayek, C. De Felice,P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Autoantibodies to N-glucosylated peptide sequons in Rett syndrome: the first insight to disclose an autoimmune mechanism. In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012,pp432-433.ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[88] C. Rentier, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, G. Pacini, P. Rovero, C. Selmi, A.M. Papini. First synthesis of both pure diastereomeric N6-(1,2-dithiolane-(3R or S)-pentanoyl)-N2-Fmoc-L-Lys-OH for Fmoc/tBu SPPS. In: Peptides 2012.Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp626-627.ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[89] C. Rentier, O. Monasson, F. Nuti, P. Traldi, A. Lapolla, M. Larregola, P. Rovero, M. Chorev, A.M. Papini.. Synthesis of glycated and glycosylated peptides to detect autoantibodies in diabetic patients’ sera. In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp186-187. ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[90] C. Tiberi, G. Sabatino, M. Di Pisa, G. Rossi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. SPPS of N-glucosylated Multivalent Epitopes to detect autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis patients’ sera In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp620-621. ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[91] G. Sabatino,. M. Di Pisa, F. Potenza, L. Rosi, L. Dei, A.M. Papini. Statistical analysis of amino acid fingerprint to characterize protein binders in works of art. In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp644-645. ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[92] M. Di Pisa, G. Sabatino, S. M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Design and synthesis of cross-linked peptide probes for the development of an in vitro diagnostics for Coeliac Disease In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp 630-631.ISBN 978-960-466-121-3
[93] S. Pandey, E. Peroni, I. Dioni, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. From aberrant N-glucosylation to alpha actinin 1 as a new candidate autoantigen of an antibody mediated form of Multiple Sclerosis In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp16-17. ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[94] F. Rizzolo, C. Testa, D. Lambardi, M. Chorev, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Fast and efficient microwave-assisted monitoring of difficult peptide sequences. In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp410-411.ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[95] O. Monasson, F. Rizzolo, P. Traldi, A. Lapolla, M Chorev, P.Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of the first Multivalent Epitope containing Nε-(1-deoxy-D-fructosyl)lysyl as diagnostic tool for diabetes In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium. G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp596-597. ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[96] C. Testa, D. D’Addona, M. Scrima, A. M. D’Ursi, M. L. Dirain, M. Chorev, C. Haskell-Luevano, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis and in vitro activity examinations of 1,4-disubstituted-[1,2,3]triazolyl-containing cyclopeptides, analogs of MT-II, obtained via i to i+5 intramolecular side chain to side chain azide-alkyne cycloaddition.In: Peptides 2012. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second European Peptide Symposium.G. Kokotos, V. Constantinou-Kokotou, J. Matsoukas (Editors) European Peptide Society, Published by the University of Athens, Laboratory of Organic Chemistryin 2012, pp548-549. ISBN 978-960-466-121-3.
[97] C. Rentier, G. Pacini, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of diastereomeric building-blocks of lipoylated-Lysine and their use in SPPS. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium. Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp45-47. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[98] D. Petkova, B. Yanachkova, O. Monasson, A.M. Papini, I. Stoineva. Short Synthetic Peptides as Inhibitors of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium. Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp 59-60. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[99] C. Rentier, O. Monasson, Z. Ferhat, F. Nuti, M. Larregola , E. Peroni, A.M. Papini. Methionine oxidation in the tetradecapeptide CSF114(8-21).A case of study. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium.Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp69-70. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[100] S. Pascarella, F. Melani, L Giovannelli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Molecular modelling assisted design of a TASP mimicking SERPINH1 chaperone function in collagen biosynthesis. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium.Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp152-153. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[101] S. Pascarella, C. Tiberi, L. Giovannelli, L. Pino, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Design, synthesis and biological activity evaluation of peptides as collagen turnover modulators for cosmeceutical purpose. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium.Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp242-243. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[102] C. Rentier, G. Rossi, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, A. Lapolla, P. Traldi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis and evaluation of kynurenine-containing peptides as diagnostic tools for Multiple Sclerosis. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium.Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp262-263. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[103] G. Rossi, F. Real-Fernández, F. Panza, F. Pratesi, P. Migliorini, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. SPR-based biosensor analysis of autoantibodies from Rheumatoid Arthritis patients’ sera interacting with citrullinated Multiple Antigen Peptides. In: Peptides 2014.Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium. Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp266-267. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[104] F. Real-Fernández, G. Rossi, F. Niccheri, M. Ramazzotti, D. Degl'Innocenti, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Surface Plasmon Resonance to Select and Characterize Recombinant Human Domain Antibodies. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium.Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp268-269. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[105] G. Pacini, C. Rentier, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, F. Real Fernàndez, P.M. Battezzati, C. Selmi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Aberrant post-translational modifications and autoimmunity: the case of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium. Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp 270-271. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[106] G. Pacini, M. Ieronymaki, M. Larregola, F. Burlina, S. Lavielle, J. Offer, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Semi-synthetic strategy to obtain aberrantly N31-glucosylated Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium. Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014 pp 290-291. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[107] V. Doan, G. Chaume, A. Bordessa, F. Rizzolo, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini, S. Kara, S. Afonin, A.S. Ulrich, and T. Brigaud. Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis Of A 19F-Labeled Harzianin: An Antimicrobal Peptaibol. In: Peptides 2014. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third European Peptide Symposium. Emilia Naydenova, Tamara Papainova, and Dancho Danalev (Editors). Printed in Bulgaria by BULGARIAN PEPTIDE SOCIETY in 2014, pp 362-363. ISBN 978-619-90427-2-4.
[108] Rentier C, Pacini G, Nuti F, Rovero P, Papini AM. Lipoylated peptides and proteins. In: Peptidomimetics II. Top Heterocycl Chem 2017, 49:235-252. DOI: 10.1007/7081_2015_186
Pubblicato da Springer International Publishing Switzerland, First online: 30 October 2015
Anna Maria Papini
[Inv1] IL1 – 1st Conference “Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Design and Development”, Conference and Cultural Centre, University of Patras (Greece), March 1-3, 2000. March 1, 2000: Lecture invited by the Chair Prof. J. Matsoukas. Title: Synthesis of post-translational modified peptide and non-peptide analogues of MBP/MOG myelin antigens in multiple sclerosis research.
[Inv2] IL2 - 2nd Conference “Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Design and Development”, Conference and Cultural Centre, University of Patras (Greece), March 1-3, 2001. March 1, 2001: Lecture invited by the Chair Prof. J. Matsoukas e Prof. P. Cordopatis. Title: Specific role of Asn(Glc) in autoantibody recognition to glycosylated peptides: towards new immunotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.
[Inv3] PL1 - 3rd Conference“Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Design and Development”, Conference and Cultural Centre, University of Patras, Greece, March 7-9, 2002. March 7, 2002: Plenary “Memory Lecture in Honour of Marco Vergelli for his contributions to Multiple Sclerosis Research” invited by the Chairs Prof. J. Matsoukas and Prof. P. Cordopatis. Title: A very promising Cyclic MBP Peptide for Multiple Sclerosis.
[Inv4] PL2 -European Commission-funded Intensive Course: “Synthesis for Solving Biological Problems”,Henderson Hall,Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom), August 3-10, 2002. August 3, 2002: Plenary Lecture invited by the Chair Prof. Bernard Golding. Title: Synthesis of post-translationally modified peptidesof myelin proteins. The contribution of bioorganic chemistry to the diagnosis and immunotherapy of the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis ».
[Inv5] S1 - Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Strasbourg (France). Seminar invited by Dr. Jean-Paul Briand, February 21, 2003, h. 9 :30, Salle des Séminaires. Title: CSF114(Glc): the glycopeptide detecting autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis. MS PepKit, the first diagnostic test to follow-up the disease activity.
[Inv6]: S2- INSERM E209, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, Bâtiment Raoul, Paris (France). Seminar invited by Dr. Claude Carnaud, June 23, 2003. Title: Contribution of peptide chemistry to study the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis.
[Inv7]: S3- Journée de l’Ecole Doctorale: Du Matériau à l’Interface Chimie-Biologie, Université de Paris-Sud, Bâtiment 338, Paris (France). Seminar invited by Prof. Yves Langlois, September 19, 2003. Title: Contribution de le chimie bioorganique à l’étude d’une pathologie auto-immune: cas de la sclérose en plaque.
[Inv8] S4- 1st Pratical Training Course “Innovative combinatorial approaches and technologies”, ComGenex, Budapest (Hungary) & Polo Scientifico, Università di Firenze, Firenze (Italy), April 9-11, 2003. April 11, 2003: Seminario su invito del Dr. Ferenc Darvas, ComGenex, Budapest. Title: A combinatorial approach for the rational design of innovative diagnostic tools for autoimmune diseases.
[Inv9] IL3 - Italian-German Mini Symposiumon Peptides and Proteins. “Structure and Molecular Recognition”, Max Planck Institut für Biochemie, Kleiner Hoersaal, Bauteil T, Martinsried (Germany). December 5, 2003: Lecture su invito del Prof. Luis Moroder. Title: Development of the innovative designed glycopeptide CSF114(Glc) as prognostic tool for the characterizationof an antibody-mediated multiple sclerosis subgroup.
[Inv10] IL4 - 5th Conference “Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Design and Development”, Conference and Cultural Centre, University of Patras (Greece), March 11-13, 2004. March 11, 2014: Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. J. Matsoukas. Title: Development of the innovative designed glycopeptide CSF114(Glc), as prognostic tool for the characterization of an antibody-mediated multiple sclerosis subgroup.
[Inv11] IL5 - 9th Naples Workshop, Peptides as Therapeutic, Diagnostics & Vaccines, Villa Orlandi, Anacapri (Italy), May 8-11, 2004. May 9, 2004: Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. Ettore Benedetti. Title: Peptide-based immunoassays for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases.
[Inv12] S5 - Laboratoire de Synthése et Electrosynthése et Organométalliques UMR CNRS 5188 Faculté des Sciences, Dijon (France), June 11, 2004 : Seminario su invito del Prof. Sylvain Jugé. Title: Solid-phase strategy to cyclic structures.
[Inv13] S6- D.E.A (Diplôme d’Etude Avancés): Microbiologie-Enzymologie-Nutrition (Aspects Moléculaires et Cellulaires), Magistére Microbiologie-Enzymologie (3éme année). Module Biophysique et Biologie Structurale, Université Henry Poincare, Nancy 1, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Nancy (France), December 3, 2004 : Seminario su invito del Dr. A. Aubry e dal Prof. B. Vitoux. Title : Peptides portants des modifications post-traductionnelles pour le diagnostic et la thérapie de pathologies autoimmunes.
[Inv14] S7 - Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot (Israel), January 18, 2005: Seminario su invito del Prof. M. Sela (Past President del Weizmann Institute e inventore del farmaco Copolymer1. Title: Glycosylated synthetic probes to detect disease-specific autoantibodies, biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis.
[Inv15] IL6 – 4thEuropean-Japanese Bioorganic Meeting & Chemical Biology COE Program sponsored by Okayama University, Hotel Limani, Ushimado, Setoucvhi, Okayama-Pref. (Japan), March 15-19, 2005. March 17, 2005: Lecture su invito del Prof. Tetsuo Toraya. Title: CSF114(Glc): the first synthetic glycopeptide probe to follow-up disease acrivity in Multiple Sclerosis patients.
[Inv16]S8- Seminaris del Parc Cientific de Barcelona 2005, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), May 19, 2005: Seminario su invito del Prof. Fernando Albericio. Titolo: A combinatorial approach for the rational design of innovative prognostic tools for multiple sclerosis.
[Inv17] S9 - Laboratoire de Synthése et Electrosynthése et Organométalliques UMR CNRS 5188 Faculté des Sciences, Dijon (France), May 2, 2005 : Seminario su invito del Prof. Claude Moise. Title: Les bases de la synthése peptidique.
[Inv18] S10 - Conférences de l’Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, CNRS-UPR2301, Bâtiment 27, Gif-sur-Yvette (France), 7 Julliet, 2005 : Seminario su invito del Direttore dell’ICSN Prof. Jean-Yves Lallemand. Title: Les glycopeptides pour le développement de tests prognostiques innovatifs pour suivre la sclérose en plaque: vers un traitement thérapeutique nouveau.
[Inv19]: S11– Doctorate School in Chemical Sciences, Università di Siena. Symposium on Metal Ions and Neurodegeneration,Scientific Campus of S. Miniato, Via A. Moro, Siena Room 14. January 31, 2006: Seminario su invito dellla Prof. Elena Gaggelli a nome del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato. Title: Aberrant glucosylation triggering autoimmunity in multiple sclerosis.
[Inv20]IL7- Symposium on Recent Advances in Synthesis and Chemical Biology V. Center for Synthesis and Chemical Biology. O'Flanagan Theatre, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Dublin (Ireland), December 15, 2006: Lecture su invito del Prof. Kevin B. Nolan. Title: An Innovative Chemical Reverse Approach to the Discovery of Specific Biomarkers of Autoimmune Diseases.
[Inv21] IL8 - 7th Conference “Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Design and Design”, Conference and Cultural Centre, University of Patras (Greece), March 8-11, 2006. March 9, 2016: Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. J. Matsoukas. Title: Diagnostics and Prognostic Tools in Multiple Sclerosis.
[Inv22] PL3- Israeli-Italian Bi-National Conference Brain functions: from Basic Reasearch to clinical Applications, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot (Israel), March 14, 2007: Plenary Lecture su invito del Prof. M. Tsodyks. Title: A chemical reverse approach to biomarkers of neurological disorders.
[Inv23]S12- Department of Biological Chemistry, Judea & Samaria College, Ariel (Israel),March 15, 2007:Seminario su invito del Dr. Gary Gellerman. Title: An aberrant N-glucosylation triggering autoimmunity in Multiple Sclerosis from follow-up of disease activity to specific therapeutic treatments.
[Inv24] PL4- The 6th Congress of the Israeli association for Medicinal Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot (Israel), March 18, 2007:First Plenary Lecture su invito del Prof. M. Fridkin. Title: A chemical Reverse Approach to detect biomarkers of autoimmune diseases. Notizia riportata nel Bulletin of the Israel Chemical Society N. 23/January 2008.
[Inv25] S13- Bar-Ilan University, Department of Chemistry,Ramat-Gan (Israel), Special Seminar March 19, 2007:Seminario su invito del Prof. Gerardo Byk. Title: Optimized synthetic strategies to glycopeptides for the development of a diagnostic/prognostic test for Multiple Sclerosis.
[Inv26]S14- Istituto di Biofisica- Unità Operativa di Pisa. Area Ricerca Pisa- S. Cataldo, Pisa (Italy). May, 2, 2007: Seminario su invito del Dr. Santi Chillemi. Title: A chemical reverse approach to decte autoantibodies as biomarkers of autoimmune diseases.
[Inv27] IL9 - Modern Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis & its applications. An official satellite meeting of the 7th International Australian Peptide Symposium, Port Douglas (Australia), October 17-20, 2007. October 18, 2007: Lecture su invito del Prof. J. Wade. Title: N-Triazinylammonium coupling reagents: from the concept of superactive esters to a versatile assistance for peptide synthesis.
[Inv28]S15 - Howard Florey Institute, University of Melbourne, Melbourne (Australia), October 29, 2007: Seminario su invito del Prof. John Wade. Title: An aberrant N-glucosylation triggering autoimmunity in Multiple Sclerosis: from an efficient follow-up of disease activity to a guide for specific therapeutic treatments.
[Inv29] S16 - Burnet Institute, Austin Campus, Heidelberg (Australia), October 31, 2007. Seminario su invito della Prof. V. Apostolopoulos. Title: Strategies for characterisation of a Multiple Sclerosis pattern disease based on specific autoantibodies as biomarkers.
[Inv30] IL10 - Third ERA Chemistry Flash Conference: Carbohydrates at the interfaces of biology, medicine and materials science. ERA-Chemistry “A Network of research councils for the development and implementation oif joint bottom-up European programmes for curiosity driven research”, Embarkinitiative, Killarney (Ireland), 9-13 March, 2008. March 13, 2008: Lecture su invito del Prof. S. Oscarson e dal Prof. P. Murphy. Title: Aberrant glycosylations as biomarkers of autoimmune diseases correlating with disease activity: toward the development of reliable diagnostic/prognostic tools.
[Inv31] AL1 - 6th Hellenic Forum on Bioactive Peptides, The Conference and Cultural Centre of the University of Patras (Greece), May 18-20, 2008. May 18, 2008: 1st Dimitrios Theodoropoulos Memorial Lecture Award by the Hellenic Peptide Society to A.M. Papini in recognition of her significant contribution to the advancement of peptide science and especially in peptide chemistry. Title: A “Chemical Reverse Approach” to modified peptides as synthetic antigenic probes to detect autoantibodies as biomarkers of multiple sclerosis.
[Inv32] IL11 - 5th Bulgarian Peptide Symposium, Rila Mountain (Bulgaria), 28-30 May 2008. May 30, 2008:Lecture su invito del Prof. L. Vezenkov. Title: Post-translationally modified peptides to develop reliable diagnostic/prognostic assays to follow up autoimmune diseases.
[Inv33] AL2 - 30th European Peptide Symposium 31 Agosto-5 Settembre 2008, Helsinki (Finland). 31 Agosto 2008: Leonidas Zervas Memorial Lecture Award 2008attributed by the European Peptide Society to A.M. Papini for her outstanding achievements in peptide science (in commemoration of L. Zervas and the outstanding contributions he made to peptide chemistry nominated by the European Peptide Society). Title: Peptide-based immunoassays for biomarkers detection: a challenge for translational research.
[Inv34] S17- Istituto Clinico Humanitas Centro di Ricerca e Didattica, Rozzano, Milano (Italy). December 17, 2008: Seminario su invito del Prof. Carlo Selmi. Title: A Chemical Reverse Approach to Detect Biomarkers of Autoimmune Diseases: a Challenge for Translational Research.
[Inv35] IL12 – 6th International Microwaves in Chemistry Conference, Cambridge Mariott@MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA), May 13-16, 2008. May 14, 2008: Lecture su invito del Prof. Stephen L. Buchwald, Camille Dreyfus Professor. Title: Optrimised strategies for the synthesis of biomolecules: the microwave approach to complex peptides for diagnostic/prognostic immunoassays.
[Inv36] S18 - Barcelona Biomedical Research Park PRBB-CRG Seminar, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (Spain). February 23, 2009: Seminario su invito del Prof. David Andreu.Title: Peptide-based Immunoassays for Biomarkers Detection: a Challenge for Translational Research.
[Inv37] S19 -Master di II livello in “Progettazione e Sviluppo di Farmaci”. Attualità nella Ricerca Farmaceutica Farmaci peptidici e peptoidici. Università degli Studi di Pavia (Italy). April 17, 2009: Lecture su invitodella Prof. Ornella Azzolina.Title: Recenti progressi nella sintesi di peptidi d’interesse biomedico.
[Inv38] PL5 - MAOPS, International Symposium on Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis 2009, La Grande Motte (France). June 4-5, 2009. June 4, 2009: Plenary Lecture su invito del Dr. Gilles Subra.Title: Optimised strategies for the synthesis of biomolecules: the microwave approach to complex peptides for diagnostics.
[Inv39] PL6 - 11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Vienna (Austria). August 3-7, 2009. August 6, 2009: Prominent speaker e Plenary Lecture su invito del Prof. Norbert Sewald.Title: Glycated and glycosylated amino acids for Solid-Phase GlycoPeptide Synthesis: a challenge to microwave-assisted strategies for R&D diagnostics of autoimmune diseases.
[Inv40] PL7 – Fundacion BBVA – IRB Barcelona BioMed Conference on “Peptide engineering: Therapeutic peptides”, October 26-28, 2009. October, 28, 2009: Plenary Lecture su invito del Prof. Ernest Giralt e del Prof. Claudio Toniolo.Title: Click chemistry reaction: a challenge for peptide engineering to develop efficient drugs and diagnostics.
[Inv41] IL13 - Does size matter? Beyond small molecule therapeutics: challenges and success stories”, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Salle Dupéel, Avenue Jeanne 44, Brusselles (Belgium). November 6, 2009: Distinguished speaker su invito del Dr. Edmond Differding (President of the Medicinal Chemistry Division, SRC) e del Prof. Koen Augustyns (President, Division for Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry, KVCV).Title: Synthetic post-translationally modified peptides for the discovery of new biomarkers of autoimmune diseases: a “Chemical Reverse Approach”.
[Inv42] S20 - Prefectural University of Osaka (Japan). November 12, 2009: Seminario su invito del Prof. Ikuo Fujii.Title: Post-translationally modified peptides for detection of biomarkers of immune-mediated diseases: A “Chemical Reverse Approach”.
[Inv43] PL8 - XII Convegno-Scuola sulla Chimica dei Carboidrati, Gruppo Interdivisionale Chimica dei Carboidrati della S.C.I. Pontignano (Siena). June 20-23, 2010. June 21, 2010: Plenary Lecture su invito del Prof. Michelangelo Parrillo a nome del comitato scientifico. Title: Glycated and glycosylated amino acids for solid-phase glycopeptide synthesis: a challenge for R&D diagnostics of neurodegenerative diseases.
[Inv44] S21 - Université de Versailles, Saint Quentin en Yvelines (France). November 4, 2010: Seminario su invito del Prof. Francois Couty.Title: Chemical approaches to modulate peptide secondary structures inducing specific biological recognition.
[Inv45] IL14 - Juvenil Diabetes Research Foundation Workshop “Role of Beta Cell Antigen Modifications in the Pathogenesis of T1D and their Diagnostic and Therapeutic Potential”,New York (USA). December 13th, 2010: Lecture su invito del Comitato scientifico. Title: A “Chemical Reverse Approach” to detect autoantibodies as biomarkers of autoimmune diseases: a challenge for theragnostics.
[Inv46] S22 - iBiTec-S, CEA/Saclay, Gif sur Yvette (France). January 25, 2011: Seminario su invito del Dr. Bernard Rousseau. Title: Post-translationally modified peptides to characterise specific biomarkers of immune-mediated diseases: a challenge for "theragnostics".
[Inv47] S23 - ICOA - UMR 6005 / Université d'Orléans, Orleans (France). March 30, 2011: Seminario su invito del Prof. Patrick Rollin. Title: Chemical approaches to modulate peptide secondary structures inducing specific biological recognition.
[Inv48] S24- Lezione per il Cycle thématique dell’Université de Cergy-Pontoise "Dynamiques des systèmes complexes: Modélisation de macromolécules biologiques", St Martin, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (France).March 31, 2011: invitata dall’organizzatore Prof. Roberto Livi. Title: 3D structures mimicking protein biological activity: from a rational design to peptide-based diagnostics and therapeutics.
[Inv49] S25 - Master 2nd level “Progettazione e Sviluppo di Farmaci: Attualità nella Ricerca Farmaceutica Farmaci peptidici e peptoidici”. Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia (Italy). April 15, 2011: Seminario su invito della Prof. Ornella Azzolina.Title: “Approcci sintetici per indurre strutture secondarie e modulare l'attività biologica di peptidi.
[Inv50] S26– Neonatology and beyond, Sala Universitaria - Palazzo Granafei Nervegna, Brindisi (Italy). 14 Maggio 2011: Seminario su invito del Chair Dr. Giuseppe Latini. Title: Ricerca di biomarcatori nelle malattie mediate dal sistema immunitario. Corso di aggiornamento per attribuzione di crediti ECM.
[Inv51] S27- Ecole Doctorale, Université de Montpellier (France). May 26, 2011 : Seminario su invito del Doyen de la Faculté de Pharmacie Prof. Jean Martinez. Title: The importance of a “Chemical Reverse Approach” to modulate peptide secondary structures inducing specific and high affinity biological recognition.
[Inv52] IL15- Italian-German Meeting: Green and SustainableApproach to Process Intensification, Torino (Italy), 2-3 June 2011. June 3, 2011: Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. Giancarlo Cravotto. Title: Efficient synthetic strategies aimed to R&D of diagnostics.
[Inv53] S28INSERM U829, Laboratoire SABNP "Structure-Activité des Biomolécules Normales et Pathologiques" Université d'Evry-Val d'Essonne (France). June 7, 2011: Lecturesu invito del Prof. Flavio Toma. Title : A « Chemical Reverse Approach » to develop efficient diagnostic/prognostic assays for immune-mediated diseases.
[Inv54] IL16- Gordon Research Conference – Carbohydrates, Colby College, Waterville, ME (USA), June 19-24, 2011. June 21, 2011: Lecturesu invito dei Chair Robert J. Woods and Nicola Pohl.Title: The “Chemical Reverse Approach” to develop glycopeptides as synthetic antigens characterising autoantibodies as biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases.
[Inv55] S29 - Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste (Italy). July 25, 2011: Seminario su invito delDirettore del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita Prof. Renato Gennaro.Title: A « Chemical Reverse Approach » to develop efficient and reliable diagnostics for immune-mediated diseases.
[Inv56] IL17 Gordon Research Conference: Peptides, Chemistry & Biology of Peptides as Signals, BioMaterials and Therapeutics. Ventura Beach Marriott, Ventura, CA (USA) February 19-24, 2012.February 21, 2012: Discussion Leader su invito dei Chairs Prof. Fred R. Naider eMaria A. Bednarek. Session: Peptide Vaccines.
[Inv57] PL9 1st See-Drug Workshop From chemical to systems biology – Peptide synthesis and protein production May 9-10, 2012, Patras (Greece). May 9, 2012: Plenary Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. Georgios A. Spyroulias. Title: The importance of a “chemical reverse approach” to modulate secondary structures inducing specific and high affinity biological recognition.
[Inv58] S30- Scuola di Dottorato, Aula 1, Edificio E della Presidenza della Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università di Pisa, Via Buonarroti 1, Pisa (Italy). May 28, 2012: Seminario su invito della Dr. Federica Chiellini. Title: Problem solving in diagnostics of immune-mediated diseases: a Chemical Reverse Approach.
[Inv59] KL1 - 13th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides. Conformation and activity in peptides: relationships and interactions, Aula Magna Partenope, Napoli (Italy), June 7-9, 2012. June 9, 2012: Keynote Lecture su invito dei Chair Prof. Giancarlo Morelli e Dr. Michele Saviano. Title: The mimicry pathway from glycopeptides to specific protein antigens of autoimmune neurodegenerative diseases.
[Inv60] PL10- Saxon Biotechnology Symposium, Centre for Biotechnology and Biomedicine (BBZ), Universitaet Leipzig and Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) of the Technical University of Dresden, Deutscher Platz 5, 01403 Leipzig (Germany), June 20, 2012: Plenary Lecture su invito della Direttrice del Biotechnologisch-Biomedizinisches Zentrum, Prof. Dr. Andrea Robitzki. Title: Post-translational modified peptides to develop efficient IVD to follow up disease activity of autoimmune diseases: a challenge for theragnostics.
[Inv61] IL18- 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7 2012. September 7, 2012: Lectureinvited by the Chair Prof. George Kokotos. Title: The mimicry pathway from anti-glycopeptide antibodies to specific protein antigens of immune-mediated neurodegenerative/neuroregressive diseases: the case study of Rett syndrome.
[Inv62] IL19 - 2nd Austrian Peptide Symposium, Vienna (Austria). November 29 2012:Lectureinvited by the Chair Prof. Christian F.W. Becker and Dr. Christian Gruber. Title: Post-translationally modified peptides detecting autoantibodies as biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases: A challenge for theragnostics of immune-mediated diseases.
[Inv63] S31- Département de Chimie, Faculté des arts et des sciences, Université de Montreal (Québec), Salle 1035, Pavillon J.-A. Bombardier. December 12, 2012: Seminar invited by Prof. William D. Lubell and Prof. Joelle Pelletier. Title: A “Chemical Reverse Approach” to Modulate Peptide Secondary Structures Inducing Specific and High Affinity Biological Recognition.
[Inv64] S32- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology , Department of Molecular Biophysics at the Institute of Biological Interfaces, Karlsruhe (Germany).January 21, 2013: Seminar invited by Prof. Dr. Anne S. Ulrich. Title: Peptide secondary structures modulating biological recognition: a “chemical reverse approach”.
[Inv65]PL11- 22nd Polish Peptide Symposium, Kudowa Zdroj (Poland), September 1-5, 2013. September 4, 2013: Plenary Lecture invited by the Chairman Prof. Rafal Latajka. Title: Autoimmunity and Neurodegeneration: the Mimicry Pathway From Aberrant N-glucosylated Peptides to Specific Protein Antigens.
[Inv66] IL20 Gordon Research Seminar (GRS): Chemistry & Biology of Peptides: Recent Advances in the Peptide Chemistry Toolbox, Ventura Beach Marriott, Ventura, CA (USA), February 22-23, 2014. February 22, 2014: Discussion leader invited by the Chairs Charles J. Bowerman and Neha Garg for the Session title: “Pushing the Boundaries of Peptide Methodology and Application”.
[Inv67] IL21 Hungarian Peptide Symposium, 28-30 May, 2014, Lake Balaton (Hungary). May 28, 2014: Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. Gabor Mezo. Title: Post-translationally modified peptides to develop efficient IVDs to follow up disease activity: a challenge for theragnostics of autoimmune diseases.
[Inv68] KL2 - 14th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides “The Renaissance era of Peptides in Drug Discovery”, Aula Magna Partenope, Centro Congressi “Federico II”,Napoli (Italy), 12-14 June 2014. June 13, 2014: Keynote Lecture su invito dei Chair Prof. G. Morelli, Dr. M. Saviano e Prof. Paolo Grieco. Title: From an N-glucopeptide synthetic probe to an hyper-glucosylated protein antigen: a bacterial infection triggering and antibody mediated form of multiple sclerosis?
[Inv69] IL22 - First European Workshop on Tolerogenic Vaccination in Autoimmune Diseases, University of Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro” Aula Magna, Via Solaroli 17, 28100 Novara (Italy). November 20, 2014: Lecture su invito dei Chair Prof. Umberto Dianzani e Prof. John Matsoukas. Title: Glycopeptides and immune response.
[Inv70] S33 - Technische Universität München, Emil Erlenmeyer Forum 5, Freising, Weihenstephen (Germany). June 2, 2015: Seminario su invite della Prof. A. Kaporniotu. Title: A “Chemical Reverse Approach” to Modulate Peptide Secondary Structures Inducing Specific and High Affinity Biological Recognition.
[Inv71] IL23 -International Joint Israel-Greek-Italian Neuroimmunology Meeting, Elounda, Crete (Greece), June 11-14, 2015. 13 June 2015. Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. Dimitrios Karussis. Title: From synthetic glycopeptides to the discovery of bacterial proteins cross-reacting with anti-N-glucosylation antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis.
[Inv72] PL1223rd Polish Peptide Symposium August 30 – September 3, 2015. Hotel Zacisze Piłsudskiego 97-215 Spała (Poland). September 1, 2015: Plenary Lecture su invito della Chair Prof. Beate Kolesinska. Title: Strategies for modulation of secondary structures to optimise biological recognition.
[Inv73] IL24 - 15th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating AMPERE 2015, Carocow (Poland), September 14-17, 2015. September 16, 2015: Lecture su invito del Chairman Dariusz Bogdal. Title: The challenge of MW-assisted solid-phase peptide synthesis: R&D of peptide-based diagnostics.
[Inv74] IL25 Gordon Research Seminar (GRS): Chemistry & Biology of Peptides: Peptides and Petidomimetics: Inspired by Nature and Applied by Scientists, Ventura Beach Marriott, Ventura, CA (USA), February 20-21, 2016. February 20, 2016: Discussion Leader su invito dei Chair Neha Garg e Astrid Knuhtsen per la Sessione “Peptides in Infectious Diseases”.
[Inv75] S34 - Department of Biology, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany). July 7, 2016:Seminario su invito della Prof. Maria Cristina Cardoso. Title: From an N-glucosylated peptide to a bacterial protein involved in triggering autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis and Rett Syndrome
[Inv76] S35UMR CNRS BioCIS – Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS BioCIS (Biomolécules: Conception, Isolement, Synthèse), Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris-Sud, Chatenay-Malabry (France). October 13, 2016: Seminario su invito del Direttore Dr. Bruno Figadère. Title: Antibodies from Multiple Sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of nontypeable Haemophilus Influenzae.
[Inv77] PL13 - Theo Murphy International Scientific Discussion meeting, The Royal Society “Self-assembled peptides: from nanostructure to bioactivity” Kavli Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, MK16 9JJ (UK), October 24-25, 2016. October 25, 2016: Plenary Lecture su invito dei Chair Prof. Dek Woolfson e Prof. Louise Serpell. Title: Autoimmunity and neurodegeneration: the mimicry pathway from aberrant N-glucosylated peptides to specific protein antigens. Tape record of the talk:
[Inv78] S36 - IBB - Istituto CNR di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini, Sezione di Catania (Italy), December 6, 2016: Seminario su invito del Direttore dell’IBB Dr. Marcello Mancini e del Direttore della Sezione di Catania Dr. Giuseppe Pappalardo. Title: Autoimmunity and neurodegeneration. The mimicry pathway from aberrant N-glucosylated peptides to specific protein antigens, antibodies from Multiple Sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of nontypeable Haemophilus Influenzae.
[Inv79] PL14SECO 54 – 54th Edition of the « Semaine d’Etudes en Chimie Organique », May 7-13 2017, Saint Martin de Londres, Hérault (France). May 9, 2017: Plenary lecture su invito del Dr. Kévin Fauché a nome del Comitato organizzatore. Title : Autoimmunity and neurodegeneration: the mimicry pathway from aberrant N-glucosylated peptides to specific protein antigens.
[Inv80] PL15- 24th Polish Peptide Symposium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first meeting of Polish scientists working in the field of peptides, Jastrzębia Góra, Gdańsk (Poland), September 3-7, 2017. September 5, 2017: Plenary lecture su invito della Chairperson Prof. Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidło per la “Session dedicated to the memory of Dr. K. Bankowski: Peptide and peptidomimetics synthesis”. Title: Cosmeceuticals behind the secret of youth: a peptide point view.
[Inv81] S37 - Technische Universität München, Emil-Erlenmeyer-Forum 5, Freising-Weihenstephen, January 9, 2018: Seminario su invito della Prof. Dr. Aphrodite Kapurniotu. Title: Peptides in the pharmaceutical market: state-of-the art and perspectives.
[Inv82] S38 - Center of Evolutionary Chemical Biology, Department of Chemistry & Nano Science Center, University of Copenhagen, January 11, 2018: Seminario su invito del Prof. Dr. Morten Meldal. Title: Antibodies from Multiple Sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of nontypeable Haemophilus Influenzae.
[Inv83] S39Corso di specializzazione per attribuzione ECM “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Developmental Origins of Health and Disease”, Reggio Emilia (Italy), 23 Febbraio 2018: Seminario su invito della Chair Prof. Maria Street come moderatore della IV sessione: Nuovi supporti per la ricerca.
[Inv84] KL3 - RiminiPeptides 2018: “Peptides and conjugates for tumor targeting, therapy and diagnosis:, June 16-18, 2018 Rimini (Italy). June 17, 2018: Keynote Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. Dr. Norbert Sewald. Title:Exotic side chain-to-side-chain cyclization modes in octreotide analogs for tumor pretargeting.
[Inv85] KL4 - EuroChemistry Conference 2018 June 11-13, 2018 Rome, Italy. June 11, 2018: Keynote lecture su invite del Chair Dr. Steven J. Soldin. Title: Autoimmunity and neurodegeneration: the mimicry pathway from aberrant N-glucosylated peptides to specific bacterial antigens.
[Inv86] S40 - Wroclaw University of Technology, Zakład Technologii Organicznej i Farmaceutycznej Wydział Chemiczny (Poland), June 28, 2018: Seminario su invito del Prof. Dr. Rafal Latajka. Title: "Peptides and conjugates for tumor targeting, therapy and diagnosis: the wonderful world of click chemistry".
[Inv87] PL16 -International Workshop & Summer School “Mass spectrometry in Medical Technology and Biotechnology” Int. MSc Course “Medizintechnik/ Medical Technology”, Rhein Main University, Rüsselsheim am Main (Germany), August 19-25, 2018. August 19, 2019: Plenary opening Lecture su invito del Prof. Dr. Michael Przybylski. Title: “A chemical approach to identify peptide epitopes for high affinity antibodies in autoimmune diseases”.
[Inv88] IL26EuroPEPTIDES 2018 part of Tides Europe: Peptide Discovery and Drug Development Strategies, Postillion Hotel Amsterdam, Paul Van Vlissingenstraat 8, NL – 1096 BK Amsterdam (NL), November 6-8, 2018. November 6, 2018: Lecture su invite del Dr. Waleed Danho. Title: “New Modalities and peptide drug development strategies”.
[Inv89] IL27 –10th International Peptide Symposium, ROHM Theatre Kyoto and Miyako Messe (Japan), December 3-7, 2018. December6, 2018: Lecture su invito del Chair Prof. Shiroh Futaki. Title: “Antibodies from multiple sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae”.
[Inv90] S41 - L. LEKARSKA FAKULTA, Univerzita Karlova, Large meeting room of Dean’s Office Building, Praha (Tchek Republic), March 19, 2019: Seminario su invito del Prof. Aleksi Šedo, Dr. Sc., Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine. Title: Glycopeptides as immunological probes for the characterization of autoantibodies, biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis
[Inv91] S42 - CoffeTalk@ISOF: Extended Edition. ISOF12- CNR Area della Ricerca di Bologna - Ed. 12; Meeting Room (1st Floor), Via P. Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna (Italy), April 16, 2019: Seminario su invito del Dr. Paolo Dambruoso. Title: “A chemical approach to identify peptide epitopes for high affinity antibodies in autoimmune diseases”.
[Inv92] S43 – 5th Workshop of the Joint Doctoral Program in Chemistry (Università degli Studi di Trieste e Università Cà Foscari di Venezia), Room Giorgio Padoan, San Sebastiano, Venezia, June 26-28, 2019. June 28, 2019: Conferenza su invito del Coordinatore del dottorato interateneo Prof. Barbara Milani a nome del Comitato organizzatore. Title: A Chemical Reverse Approach to develop efficient and reliable peptide-based diagnostics for immune-mediated diseases
[Inv93] PL1725th Polish Peptide Symposium, Wojanów (Poland), September, 8-12, 2019. September 9, 2019: Plenary lecture su invito della Chair Prof. Justyna Brasun. Title: The Chicken or Egg dilemma: are antibodies to aberrantly modified conformational peptide epitopes in autoimmunity reminiscent of early infections?
[Inv94] S44 - Colloquium of the Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology Konkuk University Seoul 05029 (Korea) October 14, 2019 – 3:00 pm. Title: Are antibodies to aberrantly modified conformational peptide epitopes in autoimmunity reminiscent of early infections?
[Inv95] PL18Recent Advances in Peptide Research, Joint International Peptide Symposium Korean Protein Peptide Society & SKKU College of Pharmacy. Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon (South-Korea), October 15, 2019. Title: From a synthetic N-glucosylated peptide probe to an hyper-glucosylated adhesin protein antigen:a bacterial infection triggering an antibody mediated form of Multiple Sclerosis?
[Inv96] IL28124th Korean Chemical Society National Meeting. Session: Peptides and Biological Chemistry, Changwon (South Korea), October 17-18, 2019. Invited Lecture su invito del Secretary general of the Korean Chemical Society (KCS), Division of Biological Chemistry on behalf of the Organising Committee Dr. Hyun-Suk Lim, by the President of the Korean Peptide Society Prof. Yangmee Kim e del President of the KCS Division of Biological Chemistry Prof. Sang Jeon Sung. Title: Strategies for modulation of secondary structures to optimise biological recognition.
[Inv97] AL3 - The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University, Safed, Israel. Kick-off Meeting Rita Levi Montalcini Prize 2019, Israel-Italy Scientific Cooperation (Prof. Nir Quit, Bar-Ilan University, Dr. Mattan Hurevich, Institute of Chemistry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dr. Rina Aharoni, Weizmann Institute of Sciences) December 23, 2019 – 14:00. Title: The Chicken or Egg dilemma: Are antibodies to aberrantly modified conformational peptide epitopes in autoimmunity reminiscent of early infections??
[Inv98] PL1917th Iberian Peptide Meeting (17th EPI), Auditorium of the Rocasolano Institute of Physical Chemistry (IQFR), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid (Spain), February 5-7, 2020. February 5, 2020: Plenary Lecture su invito dei Chairs Rosario González-Muñiz, Mª Angeles Jiménez e María José Camarasa. Title: Strategies for modulation of peptide secondary structures to optimise biological recognition.
[Inv99] IL29 85th Annual Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society, W1: Chemical Biology (Teddy A). International Convention Center ICC (Binyanei Hauma), Jerusalem (Israel), February 18-19, 2020. February 19, 2020 – 11:50-12:20. Invited Lecturedai Meeting Chairs Shlomo Yitzchaik and Lioz Etgar. Title: From a synthetic N-glucosylated peptide probe to an hyper-glucosylated adhesin protein antigen: a bacterial infection triggering an antibody mediated form of multiple sclerosis?
[Inv100] IL30: Latest Development in Peptide Synthesis. Academic Guest Speaker. Title: The challenge to design fully automated solid-phase MW-assisted cGMP ready processes of peptide production as active pharmaceutical ingredients. Webinar 10th March 2021 9:15am-3:00pm.
[Inv101] PL20: 2021 BOULDER PEPTIDE VIRTUAL SYMPOSIUM, St. Julien Hotel & Spa in Boulder, Colorado, June 11, 2021. Invited Lecture by Dr. John Philip Mayer, University of Colorado Boulder and Dr. Matthew Duffy, Title: Aberrantly modified conformational peptide epitopes, specific for antibodies biomarkers of immune-mediated diseases, can be reminiscent of an early infection. The Chicken or Egg dilemma?
[IL1] Simposio “Direzioni future nella sclerosi multipla”, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche e Psichiatriche, Firenze, (Italy), Aula Magna della Facoltà di Medicina. 6 Aprile 2004: Invitedspeaker by Prof. S. Sorbi. Title: CSF114(Glc): un glicopeptide sintetico, marker innovativo di sclerosi multipla mediata da autoanticorpi.
[IL2] i-techpartner Academy Italy, Research leaders and entrepreneurs assess collaborative innovation, APRE Europe, Rome (Italy). 27 November, 2007: Invited by APRE as Chief of the Scientific Committee of Toscana Biomarkers Srl (Siena) and research leader of the universities involved in funded start-ups. Title: Modified peptides as diagnostic tools for autoimmune disease: a chemical reverse approach.
[IL3] 2nd TLS Investment Advisory Panel Meeting, Hotel Garden, Via Custoza 2, Siena (Italy), Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences. July 13, 2007:Invited by Francesco Maria Senatore, Business development TLS. Title: Optimised synthetic strategies to develop an efficient diagnostic/prognostic test for Multiple Sclerosis.
[IL4] “Peptide Users Group”, Spring Symposium, Mimotopes – Genzyme Pharmaceuticals, Melbourne (Australia). October 30, 2007:Invited by Mimotopes - The Peptide Company. Title: Optimised synthetic strategies to develop an efficient diagnostic/prognostic test for Multiple Sclerosis.
[IL5]BioInItaly 2008, Milan Chamber of Commerce Special Agency for Innovation, Affari ai Giureconsulti, Milano (Italy), March31-Apri1, 2008. April 1, 2008: Invited by the organising committee. Title: Toscana Biomarkers
[IL6] BioInItaly in partnership with innovhub, Milan Chamber of Commerce Special Agency for Innovation, Affari ai Giureconsulti, Milano (Italy), May 4-5, 2009. May 5, 2009: Invitedspeakerby Dr. Roberto Gradnik, President of Assobiotech (Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology). Title: The Start-up Toscana Biomarkers.
[IL7] Conseil Général du Val d’Oise, 2 Avenue du Parc, 95000 Cergy-Pontoise (France), July 7, 2009: InvitedbyDr. Jean-Francois Benon, General Manager of CEEVO, (Comité d’expansion économique du Val d’Oise). Title: Molecular Detection for Life Sciences (MoDeLS). A project under the Seventh Framework Programme – Regions of Knowledge Initiative.
[IL8]Region of Osaka (Japan). Mission Economique du Val d’Oise. November 10, 2009: Invited by the Region of Osaka. Title: Molecular Detection for Life Sciences MOD&LS: A Project under the 7th Framework Programme-Regions of Knowledge Initiative.
[IL9]State University of Osaka (Japan). November 13, 2009: Invited by the Region of Osaka. Title: Molecular Detection for Life Sciences: An European Project coordinated by the Conseil Général du Val d’Oise.
[IL10]Ricerca Impresa, Polo Scientifico di Sesto Fiorentino, Università di Firenze (Italy). December 3, 2009: Title:Molecular Detection for Life Sciences (MoDeLS): An European Project coordinated by CGVO – Ile de France.
[IL11]Conseil Régional de Bourgogne, 17, boulevard de la Trémouille CS, Dijon (France). December 9, 2009: invited by Conseil Régional de Bourgogne. Title: Molecular Detection for Life Sciences (MoDeLS): An Innovative Management Model of European Projects.
[IL12]TLS Work in Progress, Centro Ricerche Novartis, Siena (Italy). December 11, 2009: invited by the General Manager of Toscana Life Sciences Dr. G. Carganico. Title: Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l. R&D start-up company. Start-up Toscana Biomarkers.
[IL13]Presentation to Cosmetic Valley in Neuville Université (France).February 24, 2010: Invited by the Directeur Général and Founder of Cosmetic Valley Jean-Luc Ansel. Title: European Leonardo Institute of Technology@UCP. An Infrastructure to favour Innovation in Cosmetics towards Cosmeceutics.
[IL14]Hybrigenics, Paris (France). March 10, 2010: invited by the Director Industrial Operation & Technology Development Jean-Christophe Rain, Dr. Sci.Title: Post-translationally modified peptides to characterise specific biomarkers of immune-mediated diseases: a challenge for "theragnostics".
[IL15] CGVO Semaine de la Recherche et de l’Innovation Cergy-Pontoise (France).May 3, 2010: invited by the Managing Director of Val d’Oise Economic Expansion Committee Dr. Jean-Francois Benon.Title: Molecular Detection for Life Sciences. An Institute of Technology@UCP. An Infrastructure to favour Innovation in Diagnostics: an European Model.
[IL16]Roche Partnering GEM EventResearch and Technology Team. Hotel Lutetia, 45 Blvd. Raspail, 75005 Paris (France). June 23, 2010: Invited by the Manager Global Business Development Dr. Imma Barrera e dal RP DBA Leader Metabolism Dr. Andrew Sleight. Title: Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l. R&D start-up company.
[IL17]5th EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair, organised by the EU Project Innovation Centre – EUPIC, and Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone Management Committee, Chengdu, Sichuan (China), 16-21 October 2010.Speech from the experts October 18, 2010: Guest speakerinvited by Segree Dai, CEO of EUPIC. Title: Molecular Diagnostics for Life Sciences (MoDeLS) An European Infrastructure based on a Technology Platform Network to favour R&D in SMEs
[IL18] China – Italy Regional Cooperation Forum on Technology and Innovation, Fortezza da Basso, Firenze (Italy), 10-12 November 2010. November 11, 2010: invitedspeaker for the session “Life Sciences e industria della salute” by Assobiotec and Toscana Life Sciences as a successful example of SME. Title: Toscana Biomarkers: the proof-of-concept of an innovative approach to molecular diagnostics.
[IL19]F. Hoffman La Roche, Basel (Switzerland). February 1, 2011: invited by the Director of Peptide Discovery. Title: Toscana Biomarkers S.r.l. R&D start-up company.
[IL20] Meeting UCP & 3M Science, Neuville Université. September 1, 2011: invitedspeaker by 3M Science.Title: Molecular Diagnostics for Life Sciences (MoDeLS). An European Infrastructure based on a Technology Platform Network to favour R&D in SMEs.
[IL21] IPSEN INNOVATION – ZI de Courtaboeuf 5, Av. Du Canada 91940 Les Ulis (France). January 18, 2012: Invited by Dr. Christophe Lanco, Sr Scientist - Compounds Discovery. Title: The importance of a “Chemical Reverse Approach” to modulate peptide secondary structures inducing specific and high affinity biological recognition.
[IL22] EuroPEPTIDES 2013, Clarion Congress Hotel Prague (Czech Republic), November 13-14, 2013. November 13, 2013: Invited as speaker at the forefront of peptide development for the “Session on peptide diagnostics and biomarkers” by the Chair Dr. Waleed Danho on behalf di INFORMA. Title: Optimised Synthetic Strategies to Post-Translationally Modified Peptides as Reliable Diagnostics of Immune-Mediated Diseases.
[IL23]Connexions R&D 2013: Rencontrez les acteurs de la recherche en cosmétique. Les Turbulences, Frac Centre, Orléans (France). December 10, 2013: Invited by the President J.-L. Ansel on behalf of the scientific committee of Cosmetic Valley France. Title: Peptides et applications cosmétiques.
[IL24]1ère Edition des rencontres interdisciplinaires «Chimie-Biologie». SATT idfinnov, Cité Internationale Universitaire – Maison de Norvège, Paris (France). March 18, 2014: Invited by the scientific Committee of idfinnov. Title: « Projet PepKit » Mise en place et développement d’une approche de « chimie inverse » à l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise et création de la plateforme PeptLab@UCP ».
[IL25] Conférence Inter-professionnelle SUP’BIOTECH.Dermo-Cosmétologie : les enjeux de la R&D, Paris (France). February 10, 2015 : invited speaker by the scientific Committee. Title: Peptides et applications cosmétiques avec la présentation des plateformes de recherche sur les peptides (Université de Cergy-Pontoise).
[IL26] Peptide Therapeutics Forum, BASEL LIFE, Congress Centre Basel (Switzerland), September, 10-11, 2019. September 11, 2019: Invited lecture by the Chairs Dr. Thomas Vorherr (Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, CH) e Roderich Suessmuth (Technical University of Berlin, Germany). Title: Exotic side chain-to-side-chain cyclization modes in octreotide analogs for tumor pretargeting.
[IL27] IOPC 2019 - International Oligonucleotides and Peptides Conference, Ramada Plaza Hotel, Milano (Italy), September 17-18, 2019. September 18, 2019: Invited by TeknoScienze as Member of the Scientific Committee, Chair of the Workshop on Delivery and Speaker. Title: Specific Glycosylation Techniques for Efficient Protein Therapeutics.
[IL28] UniFi@ARTES 4.0: tecnologie e servizi per le imprese: quali sono e come accedere alle competenze dell’unità operativa ARTES 4.0 dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze. Firenze (Italy) 22-23 Giugno 2021. Invited by University of Florence. Title: I peptidi: una lezione dalla natura per sviluppare molecole sostenibili d’interesse dell’industria cosmeceutica, nutraceutica, diagnostica, farmaceutica, dei materiali e molto altro.
Chair of scientific sessions
Monday September 1, 2008 (16:00-17:20): Chair of the Session 04 “Libraries and peptidomimetic applications”, 30th European Peptide Symposium, Helsinki (Finland), invited by the Chair Dr. H. Lankinen.
Wednesday October 28, 2009 (9:00-13:15): Chair of the Session III, Barcelona BioMed Confreences. Peptide engineering: therapeutic peptides, Barcelona (Spain), invited by the Chairs Prof. E. Giralt and Prof. C. Toniolo.
Monday September 6, 2010 (10:40-12:30): Chair of the Session S2 “Synthetic Chemistry of amino acids and peptides”, 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen, invited by the Chair Prof. M. Meldal.
Thursday July 29, 2010 (15:20-16:20): Chair of the Session B, 24th International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur – ISOCS-24, Florence (Italy), invited by the Chair Prof. A. Degl’Innocenti.
Sunday June 10, 2012 (9:00-11:00): Chair of the Session VIII “Peptide drug design”, 13th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Napoli (Italy), invited by the Chair Prof. G. Morelli.
Thursday September 6, 2012 (11:00-12:30): Chair of the 16th Session, 32th European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), invited by the Chair Prof. G. Kokotos.
Wednesday September 4, 2013 (15:00-16:55): Chair of the Sessione “Enzymes substrates and inhibitors II”, 22nd Polish Peptide Symposium, Kudowa Zdroj (Poland), invited by the Chair Prof. R. Latajka.
Friday June 13, 2014 (16:40-18:20): Chair of the Session IB “Antimicrobial Peptides”, 14th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Napoli (Italy), invited by the Chair Prof. G. Morelli.
Monday September 1, 2014 (14:00-16:40): Chair of the Session 3, 33rd European Peptide Symposium, Sofia (Bulgaria), invited by the Chair Prof. L. Vezenkov.
Wednesday September2, 2015 (9:00-10:40): Chair of the Session “Peptides/Peptidomimetics for Medicine II”, 23rd Polish Peptide Symposium, Spala 2015 (Poland), invited by the Chair Prof. B. Kolesinska.
Sabato 3 Ottobre 2015 (8:30-13:30): Moderatore della I sessione “Chimica, cibo, acqua potabile e sicurezza alimentare”, XVII Congresso Nazionale dei Chimici, Milano (Italy), invitata dal Coordinatore scinetifico Dr. E. Miriani.
Thursday September 8, 2016 (8:30-10:30): Chair of the Session “Imaging and modulation of enzymes and receptors: Receptor Modulation”, 34th European Peptide Symposium-8th International Peptide Symposium, Leipzig (Germany), invited by the Chair Prof. A. Beck-Sickinger.
Friday December 7, 2018 (14:50-16:20): Chair of the Session 14 “Peptides Today and the Future”, 10th International Peptide Symposium, Kyoto (Japan), invited by the Chair Prof. Prof. S. Futaki.
Oral Communications
(Underlined the name of the lecturer)
[OC1] A.M. Papini, G. Dupuis. Anti-hapten monoclonal antibodies: attempts to produce anti- urushiol monoclonal antibodies in Balb/c mice. 6th Meeting GIRDCA, Torino (Italy), November 16, 1985.
[OC2] L. Moroder, K. Köcher, A.M. Papini, M. Dufresne and C.H. Schneider. The mode of peptide-antigen presentation critically affects the specificity of both immune response and antigen-antibody recognition. 8th Symposium on Chemistry of Peptides and Proteins FRG-USSR, Aachen (Germany), September 29-October 3, 1991, L-49.
[OC3] A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, A. Franchi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, R. Tosi, G. Greco, D. Fruci, R. Butler, L. Massacesi. Characterization of the T cell response to lipid bound and lipid free human myelin peptides in multiple sclerosis. Progress Report, First Project on Multiple Sclerosis, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma (Italy), November 28-29, 1996, Reports ISTISAN, 96/32, 57-58.
[OC4] A.M. Papini, M. Biondi, D. Pinzani, S. Mazzucco, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, B. Mazzanti, M. Vergelli, L. Massacesi, L. Amaducci. Lipoderivatives of an immunodominant epitope of myelin basic protein increased T cell responsiveness in Lewis rats. 15th American Peptide Symposium, Nashville (Tennessee, U.S.A.), June 14-19, 1997, Abstract L093, p. 2-47.
[OC5] A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi.
Fmoc-2-aminopalmitic acid for the synthesis of lipopeptides with an hydrophobic chain on a C-C bond. 15th American Peptide Symposium, Nashville (Tennessee, U.S.A.), June 14-19, 1997, (Mini Symposium) Abstract MS30, p. 2-67.
[OC6] S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, M. Vergelli, B. Mazzanti, L.Massacesi. Labeled lipopeptides of myelin basic protein for the study of the molecular mechanism of multiple sclerosis. Forum Jeunes Chercheurs, Journée d’étude en chimie organique et chimie des materiaux, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (Neuville sur Oise), 25 Juin 1998, (Lecture) Abstract p. 20.
[OC7] A.M. Papini, R. Fioresi, S. Mazzucco, S. Matà, F. Lolli, M. Vergelli, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, B. Mazzanti, L. Massacesi, F. Pinto. Glycopeptides of hMOG(30-50) detect antibody response in multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases. 25th European Peptide Symposium, Budapest (Hungary), August 30-September 4, 1998 (Lecture) Abstract L22, p. 91; J. Peptide Sci. (1998), 4, ix.
[OC8]F. Meyer, A. Laaziri, J. Uziel, A.M. Papini, S. Jugé. Nouvelle voie d’acces aux a-aminoesters b-halogénés ou phosphorés a partir d’oxazolines dérivées de la L-Sérine. Journées de Chimie Organique. Ecole Polytechnique -Palaiseau (France), 15-17 Septembre 1998.
[OC9] A.M. Papini, R. Fioresi, S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, S. Matà, F. Lolli, M. Vergelli, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, B. Mazzanti, L.Massacesi, F. Pinto. Asn31[N-Glucosyl]hMOG(30-50): a useful antigen to identify anti-MOG antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients. 10th International Congress of Immunology, New Delhi (India), November 1-6, 1998, Interactive Workshop on Neuroimmunology and autoimmune disorders of CNS W-28.
[OC10] L. Massacesi, B. Mazzanti, M. Vergelli, A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, M. Chelli, R. Tosi, R. Butler, G. Greco, D. Fruci. Caratterizzazione della risposta linfocitaria verso peptidi e lipopeptidi della mielina umana nella sclerosi multipla. Progress Report, Second research project on Multiple sclerosis, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma (Italy), (1998), Rapporti ISTISAN, 98/7, 75-76.
[OC11] F. Lolli, V. Zipoli, S. Matà, F. Pinto, L. Massacesi, E. Nardi, S. Mazzucco, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, M. Vergelli. Intratechal synthesis of autoantibodies to a glycoderivative peptide of MOG in multiple sclerosis. X° National A.I.N.I. Congress, Associazione Italiana Neuroimmunologia, Florence (Italy), Novembre 15-16, 1999; Abstract A62, J. Neuroim. (1999) 31-33.
[OC12] L. Massacesi, B. Mazzanti, M. Vergelli, A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, M. Chelli, R. Tosi, R. Butler, G. Greco, D. Fruci. Characterization of lymphocyte response to human myelin peptides and lipopeptides in multiple sclerosis. Second research project on Multiple sclerosis. Second year. Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma (Italy), (1999), Rapporti ISTISAN, 99/18, 85-88.
[OC13] F.Meyer, H.Laaziri, J.Uziel, A.M.Papini, S.Jugé. Nouvelle voie d’accès aux acides a-aminés b-halogénés ou b-phosphorés à partir d’oxazolines dérivées de la sérine. Semaines d’Etude en Chimie Organique, SECO XXXVII, Houffalize (Belgique), 21-26 May, 2000.
[OC14] A.M. Papini,E. Nardi, B. Mazzanti, T. Biagioli, E. Traggiai,M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, H. Kalbacher, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli. Effect of lipoconjugation on MBP peptide epitopes for CD4+ T cell responsiveness. 26th European Peptide Symposium, Montpellier (France), September 11-15, 2000, Abstract OC18, J. Pept. Sci., Supplement to Vol. 6, 2000, S 63.
[OC15] E. Nardi, S. Matà, V. Zipoli, E. Mastrangelo, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, M. Vergelli, F. Lolli. Ruolo del residuo glicosilico nel riconoscimento di autoanticorpi contro peptidi glicosilati della MOG. XI Congresso AINI (Associazione Italiana di Neuroimmunologia), Camogli (Italy), October 26-28, 2000, Abstract C38.
[OC16] A. M. Papini, B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, S. Matà, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, F. Pinto, F. Lolli. A glycopeptide detecting autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis: from a diagnostic test toward a selective therapeutic strategy. 27th European Peptide Symposium, Sorrento (Italy), August 31st-September 6th, 2002, J. Pept. Sci., 2002, 8(Suppl.), S70, Abstract L55.
[OC17] A.M. Papini, F. Nuti, E. Nardi, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, B. Mazzanti, F. Lolli, J. Uziel, A. Brandi. Sintesi di lipoamminoacidi eniantiomericamente puri per l’ottenimento di lipopeptidi come vaccini sintetici per la sclerosi multipla. XXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica della S.C.I., Rome (Italie) 16-20 Septembre 2002, Abstract O16.
[OC18] A.M. Papini, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, B. Mazzanti, T. Biagioli, F. Lolli, A. Brandi. Lipopeptide as synthetic vaccines in Multiple Sclerosis animal model: stereoselective synthesis of lipoaminoacids. Third Italian-French Meeting on Organic Chemistry. “Organic Chemistry towards Interfaces”, Pise (Italie), 20-23 Novembre, 2002, Abstract OC10.
[OC19] A.M. Papini. MS PepKit: the prototipe of the first test, based on the glycopeptide CSF114(Glc), to follow-up the disease activity in multiple sclerosis. XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Divisione di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici, Torino (Italy), 22-27 Giugno, 2003. Abstract SB-CO-015.
[OC20] E. Peroni, F. Lolli, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, B. Bonetti, L. Massacesi, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Towards a therapeutic apheresis in Multiple Sclerosis based on a glycopeptide antigen able to isolate specific autoantibodies. 18th American Peptide Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 19-23 Juillet, 2003, LY 1, Abstracts p. 277. Selected for the Young Investigators’ Mini-Symposium.
[OC21] A.M. Papini, B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, L. Massacesi, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, and F. Lolli. MS PepKit:the first diagnostic test based on CSF114(Glc), a glycopeptide to follow-up Multiple Sclerosis. 18th American Peptide Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 19-23 Juillet, 2003, O62, Abstracts p. 298.
[OC22] I. Paolini, F. Nuti, B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, M.C. Alcaro, G. Sabatino, B. Mazzanti, M. Chelli, A. Brandi, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Glicopeptidi per la diagnosi e la terapia della sclerosi multipla. Riunione Scientifica Annuale della Società Chimica Italiana Organica, Sezione Toscana, 17 Décembre, 2004.
[OC23] B. Mulinacci, C. Breithaupt, P.P. Pal, N. Budisa, M. Pazzagli, B. Mazzanti, P. Rovero, L. Moroder, A.M. Papini. Cross-reactivity studies of rMOGED with the synthetic putative autoantigen CSF114(Glc) and [N31(Glc)]hMOG(30-50) in Multiple Sclerosis patients’ sera. 19th American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, 18-24 Juin, 2005. Bert Schram Price for Young Investigators. LY 03, Abstract p. 484.
[OC24] A.M. Papini, M.C. Alcaro, E. Peroni, B. Mulinacci, A. Carotenuto, G. Sabatino, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, F. Nuti, L. Battistini, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero. A combinatorial approach to optimise a prognostic test to follow-up Multiple Sclerosis disease activity. EUROCOMBI3, Winchester, U.K., 18-21 Juillet, 2005, Abstract p. 34.
[OC25] F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. An aberrant N-glucosylation triggering autoimmunity in Multiple Sclerosis. XVIII International Symposium on Glycoconjugates, Glyco XVIII, 4-9 Septembre, 2005, Florence, Italie. L160, Glycoconjugate J., 2005, 22(4–6), 220.
[OC26] B. Kolesinska, Z. Kaminski, A.M. Papini. New generation of Triazine-based Coupling Reagents. 18th Polish Peptide Symposium, Wroclaw, Pologne, 4-8 Septembre, 2005, Abstract L-18.
[OC27] F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Role of glycosylation in autoimmune diseases. Mini-Symposium “Multidisciplinary approaches to dissect the molecular mechanisms of diseases”, First European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences, Rimini, Italie, 4-8 Octobre, 2005, Lecture, Abstract p. 73.
[OC28] A.M. Papini. An aberrant glucosylation of myelin proteins triggering autoimmunity in Multiple Scleorsis. Chemistry & Biology of Peptides, Gordon Research Conference, February 19-24, 2006 Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA.
[OC29] N. Alexandris, M.C. Alcaro, A.M. Papini, R. Bianchini. Design and synthesis of heme peptides & bioremediation. 7th . Conference Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Discovery and Design. Conference and Cultural Center, University of Patras, Patras (Greece). March 8-11, 2006. Abstract L42 pag. 64.
[OC30] A.M. Papini, A. Carotenuto, M.C. Alcaro, B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, F. Nuti, I. Paolini, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, and P. Rovero. From aberrant post translational modifications of myelin proteins to synthetic antigen probes detecting biomarkers of autoimmune diseases. Promelab, 1st International Workshop on Expression, Function & Structure of Membrane Proteins. 18-22 June 2006, Firenze, Italy.
[OC31] A.M. Papini, M. C. Alcaro, B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, F. Nuti, I. Paolini, M. Chelli, F. Lolli and P. Rovero. From aberrant post translational modifications of proteins to synthetic antigenic probes detecting biomarkers of autoimmune diseases. 1st European Chemistry Congress, 27-31 August 2006, Budapest, Hungary. Abstract J-OC-5, pag. 222.
[OC32] B. Kolesinska, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, J. Kolesinska, K.G. Jastrzabek, Z.J. Kaminski, A.M. Papini. A new generation of N-triazinylammonium coupling reagents versatile for peptide synthesis by different strategies. 29th European peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract L009.
[OC33]G. Sabatino, B. Kolesinska, M. Chelli, J. Kolesinska, P. Rovero, Z. Kaminski, A.M. Papini. A new generation of N-triazinylammonium coupling reagents versatile for peptide synthesis by different strategies. XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Firenze, 10-15 Settembre 2006. Abstract ORG-F-17 (Flash Communication presentata dall’assegnista di ricerca G. Sabatino).
[OC34]M.C. Alcaro, A. Carotenuto, A.M. D’Usi, C. Bonaccini, F. Barbetti, F. Lolli, M.Chelli, A. Tramontano, E. Novellino, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Conformationally Driver Rational Design of Glycopeptides as Synthetic Probes for the Detection of Autoantibodies, Biomarkers of Multiple Sclerosis. XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Firenze, 10-15 Settembre 2006. Abstract GCP-O-06 (Comunicazione orale presentata dall’assegnista di ricerca M.C. Alcaro).
[OC35] A.M. Papini. An innovative “chemical reverse approach” for autoimmune diseases diagnosis: a consistent strategy to include aberrant post-translational modifications. 4th International Peptide Symposium, 7° Australian Peptide Symposium & 2nd Asian Pacific International Peptide Symposium, Cairns, QLA, Australia, October 21-25, 2007. Abstract 26.
[OC36] Le Chevalier Isaad, M. Scrima, S. Cantel, J. Levy, P. Rovero, A.M. D'Ursi, M. Chorev, A.M. Papini (2008). Synthesis and conformational analysis of a series of cyclic i-to-i+4 side chain-to-side chain 1,4-disubstituted [1,2,3]triazolyl-bridged PTHrP(11-19) derivatives. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August-5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract Y04. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 3, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1073. Selected for the Dr Bert L. Schram Young investigator’s minisymposium Part 1.
[OC37]C. Testa, S. Carganico, F. Nuti, M. Scrima, A. M. D’Ursi, M. L. Dirain, N. Lubin Germain, C. H. Luevano, M. Chorev, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Stabilization of b-turn conformation in melanocortin like peptide by click side chain-to-side chain cyclization. 31stEuropean Peptide Symposium, 31st EPS, Copenhagen (Denmark), 5-9 September 2010. Oral O8
[OC38] S. Pandey, E. Peroni, MC Alcaro, F. Rizzolo, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, S Matà, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, AM. Papini. Mimicry effect of the neo-epitope [Asn641(Glc)]FAN(635-655) with CSF114(Glc) detecting autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis, 31th European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), 5-9 September 2010. Abstract O1
[OC39] C. Rentier, A.M. Papini. Aberrant post-translationally modified peptides for diagnostics and monitoring of autoimmune diseases3rd Ph.D. Day, Florence (Italy), May 16, 2012.
[OC40] C. Rentier, O. Monasson, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, G. Pacini, G. Rossi, M. Larregola, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of post-translationnally modified peptides as molecular probes for immune-mediated diseases: the case of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. 18th Congress of GFPP, May 28th, 2012 Le Lazaret, Sète (France). Abstract O11, pag. 43.
[OC41] C. Rentier, G. Pacini, F. Nuti, C. Selmi, P.M. Battezzati, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini Peptides of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase for the detection of autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases. 14th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides “The Renaissance Era of Peptides in Drug Discovery”, Naples (Italy), June 12-14 2014.
[OC42] C. Rentier, G. Pacini, F. Nuti, C. Selmi, P.M. Battezzati, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Peptides of the dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase for the detection of autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Oral. Abstract YO08 – p. 37.
[OC43] M. Larregola, N. Auberger, M. Di Pisa, E. Peroni, G. Chassaing, S. Lavielle, O. Lequin, J.M. Mallet, A.M. Papini. A CONFORMATIONAL STUDY OF NEW GLASER-CYCLIZED PEPTIDES. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Oral. Abstract O45, p 66.
[OC44] S. Pascarella, F. Melani, L. Giovannelli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Mimicking Serine Protease Inhibitor H1 Chaperone Function in Collagen Biosytnhetic Pathway via the Template Assembled Synthetic Protein Approach. Peptides in Paris – PIPS 2014, Gennevilliers site of the University of Cergy-Pontoise, Institute of Advanced Studies. October 5-8, 2014. Abstract YIO10, p. 40.
[OC45] A.M. Papini, M. Larregola. Peptide stability and formulation. Proteinov. Colloque Adebiotech. Biocitech, Cité des entreprises de santé et de Biotechnologies, Romainville (France). 23-24 September 2015.
[OC46] Rentier C, Pacini, G.; A. Carotenuto, Nuti, F.;Selmi,C.; P.M. Battezzati, Rovero, P.; Papini, A.M. Peptides of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase for the detection of autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis. 52nd Japanese Peptide Symposium, Hiratsuka Japan, November 16-18, 2015 Abstract Y-13 (Best Oral Young Investigator Oral).
[OC47] C. Testa, M.T.C. Walvoort, R. Eilam, R. Aharoni, F. Nuti, G. Rossi, F. Real-Fernandez, R. Lanzillo, V. Brescia Morra, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, B. Imperiali, A.M. Papini. Antibodies from multiple sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of nontypeable Haemophilus influenza. Cortona Procarioti, Cortona (Italia) 12-14 Maggio 2016. Oral O28.
[OC48] C. Testa, M.T.C. Walvoort, R. Eilam, R. Aharoni, F. Nuti, G. Rossi, F. Real-Fernandez, R. Lanzillo, V. Brescia Morra, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, B. Imperiali, A.M. Papini. Antibodies from multiple sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of nontypeable Haemophilus influenza. 15th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Napoli (Italia) 23-25 Giugno 2016. Oral O4.
[OC49] C. Testa, M.T.C. Walvoort, R. Eilam, R. Aharoni, F. Nuti, G. Rossi, F. Real-Fernandez, R. Lanzillo, V. Brescia Morra, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, B. Imperiali, A.M. Papini. Antibodies from multiple sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of nontypeable Haemophilus influenza. 34th European Peptide Symposium and the 8th International Peptide Symposium, Leipzig (Germany), 4 – 9 Settembre 2016.
[OC50] L. Altamore, G. Sabatino, F. Real-Fernandez, G. Rossi, A. Lapolla, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Peptidi dell'enterovirus Coxsackie: studio della cross-reattività con anticorpi anti-hGAD nel diabete di tipo 1. Prima Giornata Scientifica della Società Italiana Peptidi (ItPS), Napoli (Italia) 22 Giugno 2016. Oral.
[OC51] B. Dalla Volta, G. Sabatino, A. Grammatikopoulos, M. Vignoli, A.M. Papini, G. Pappalardo, P. Rovero, A. Kapurniotu. Conformationally constrained analogues of amyloidogenic segments of Islet Amyloid Polypeptide. II National Conference of Italian Peptide Society, AulaMagna Partenope – Centro Congressi “Federico II”, June 5-6, 2018. O2
[OC52] A. Mazzoleni, C. Testa, S. Francesconi, S. Lavielle, P. Rovero, J.-M. Mallet, and A.M. Papini. Synthesis and characterisation of glucosylated peptides: toward selective plasmapheresis-based treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. II National Conference of Italian Peptide Society, AulaMagna Partenope – Centro Congressi “Federico II”, June 5-6, 2018. O16
[OC53] L. Altamore, C. Testa, F. Real-Fernandez, G. Sabatino, A. Lapolla, C. Selmi, F. Borri, M. Przybylski, J. Hayek, P. Rovero, and A.M. Papini. Use of peptide mimetics of proteins to characterise immune resposne in different pathologies: a powerful approach. II National Conference of Italian Peptide Society, AulaMagna Partenope – Centro Congressi “Federico II”, June 5-6, 2018. O16.
[OC54] C. Bello, A.M. Papini, and C.W. W. Becker. Toward homogeneous glycoproteins via auxiliary-assisted sequential glycosylation and ligation of peptides. 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Napoli (Italia) June 7-9, 2018. Oral O27.
[OC55] C. Bello, A.M. Papini, C.F. W. Becker. Toward homogeneous glycoproteins via auxiliary-assisted sequential glycosylation and ligation of peptides. 19th Tetrahedron Symposium, Riva del Garda-Fierecongressi S.p.A., Parco Lido, Riva del Garda (Italy), 26-29 June 2018.
[OC56] C. Bello, A.M. Papini, and C.W.W. Becker. Toward homogeneous glycoproteins via auxiliary-assisted sequential glycosylation and ligation of peptides. 35th European Peptide Symposium, University College Dublin (Ireland) August 26-31, 2018. Oral OP7. Journal of Peptide Science (2018), Vol 24(S2) p: 50. Meeting Abstract: OP7. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: SEP 2018
[OC57] A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, R. Lanzillo, C. Testa, B. Imperiali, M. Walwoort, R. Eylam, R. Aharoni, F. Nuti, V. Brescia Morra. Antibodies from multiple sclerosis patients preferentially recognize hyperglucosylated adhesin of non-typeable Haemophilus influenza. 10th International Peptide Symposium, Kyoto (Japan) December 3-7, 2018. Oral 088.
[OC58] P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. The Industry-University Joint Laboratory for the Synthesis of Peptides of Pharmaceutical Interest (PeptFarm): a new efficient tool for technology transfer at the University of Florence. International Symposium “Chemistry meets industry and society: a creative showcase conference”, Workshop 3: “Smart Peptide Chemistry for Next Generation Industry in a Sustainable Society”, Grand Hotel Salerno, Lungomare Clemente Tafuri, 1, Salerno (Italy), 28-30 Agosto 2019. Abstract WS3 XY00. Oral Presentation.
[OC59] A. Mazzoleni, C. Testa, F. Real-Fernandez, P. Rovero, J.-M. Mallet, A.M. Papini. N-glucosylated adhesin peptide-dendrimers: toward a selective apheresis for personalized treatment of multiple sclerosis. 25th Polish Peptide Symposium, Wojanów (Poland), September 8-12, 2019. Oral Communication L30 (pag. 51).
[OC60] M. Kijewska, F. Nuti, M. Wierzbicka, M. Waliczek, P. Ledwoń, A. Staśkiewicz, T. Koch, F. Real-Fernandez, G. Sabatino, P. Rovero, P. Stefanowicz, Z. Szewczuk, A.M. Papini. The novel Boronic-ChemMatrix Resin to selectively fish out deoxyfructosylated peptides. 25th Polish Peptide Symposium, Wojanów (Poland), September 8-12, 2019. Oral Communication L27 (pag. 48)
[OC61] A. Staśkiewicz, L. Macchia, F. Nuti, M. Jewgiński, M. Chorev, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini, R. Latajka, Design and synthesis of clicked oxytocin analogs, IV Doctoral Forum Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. 17-19 November 2020 (online). Oral Communication
[OC62] P. Ledwoń, C. Bello, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, R. Latajka. Design, synthesis and biological investigation of new peptides and peptidomimetics preventing skin damage. IV Doctoral Forum Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. 17-19 November 2020 (online). Oral Communication
[OC63] L. Pacini, G. Sabatino, A. D’Ercole, M. Zini, A. Ribecai, A. Paio, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. An optimized scalable fully automated solid-phase microwave-assisted cGMP-ready process for the preparation of Eptifibatide. III Meeting of the Italian Peptide Society, Rome, Università La Sapienza, December 12, 2020. O15
[OC64] A. D'Ercole, G. Sabatino, L. Pacini, I. Capecchi, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Microwave-assisted copper-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition on solid support. An affective and easy method to develop a new generation of “stapled” H1-Relaxin B single-chain peptides. III Meeting of the Italian Peptide Society, Rome, Università La Sapienza, December 12, 2020. O16
[OC65] F. Errante, L. Pacini, F. Real Fernandez, I.A. Vitale, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Design and synthesis of SARS-CoV-2 antigens for diagnostics and vaccinology. III Meeting of the Italian Peptide Society, Rome, Università La Sapienza, December 12, 2020. O28
[OC66] A. D'Ercole, G. Sabatino, L. Pacini, I. Capecchi, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. On resin microwave-assisted copper-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition to stabilize new generation of H1-Relaxin B single chain “stapled” analogues. Life Science Tuesday #6 Chemical Biology. Webinar Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Vienna (Austria). December 15, 2020. Science Fash Video SF-04.
Poster Communications
(underlined the name of the reseracher who presented the poster)
[P1] A.M. Papini, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, M. Chelli. Sintesi e struttura di addotti aptene-dipeptide: possibili agenti desensibilizzanti nelle dermatiti da contatto. 32° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Biochimica, Giardini Naxos, Messina (Italy), September 28-October 1, 1986, P-12.
[P2] M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Sintesi di 17-spiro-5’-ossazolidin-2’,4’-dioni steroidi. Convegno Nazionale organizzato dalla Società Chimica Italiana, Divisione Chimica Organica: Giornate di Chimica delle Sostanze Naturali, Maratea (Italy), May 28-31, 1989, P-28.
[P3] A.M. Papini, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, G. Dupuis. Studies on the mechanism of suppression of the skin response to alantolactone: conformational characterization of the adduct H- Cys(S-alantolactone)-Ala-OMe. Second Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, organizzato dall’Università di Napoli Federico II, Capri (Italy), May 21-23, 1990, C-28, pag. 87.
[P4] A.M. Papini, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, E. Borghi, M. Occhiuzzi, F. Laschi, P. Rovero. Synthesis and physico-chemical studies of metal ion binding properties of histidyl-glycyl peptides as model compounds. Twelfth American Peptide Symposium; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, (Massachusetts, USA), June 16-21, 1991, P-158.
[P5] L. Moroder, S. Rudolph, A.M. Papini. Intramolecular alkylation of histidine in maleoyl-peptides. Twelfth American Peptide Symposium; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, (Massachusetts, USA), June 16-21, 1991, P-416.
[P6] E. Borghi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, F. Laschi, A.M. Papini, G. Rapi, P. Rovero. Studies on the interaction of linear histidyl-glycyl peptides with metal ions. 36° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Biochimica, organizzato dall’Università di Ferrara, Ferrara (Italy), September 10-13, 1991, p.14. Italian Biochemical Society Transactions (IBST) Mini-paper, (1991), 2, 14.
[P7] M. Chelli, E. Borghi, M. Ginanneschi, F. Laschi, M. Occhiuzzi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi. Interaction of Me2+ ion with linear L-histidyl-glycyl tetrapeptides by magnetic resonance techniques. 3rd Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, organizzato dall’Università di Napoli Federico II, Capri (Italy), May 24-27, 1992, M-13, pp. 98-99.
[P8] M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, G. Rapi. Side-reactions in liquid phase peptide synthesis: cyclization of histidine azide at room temperature. 22nd European Peptide Sympiosium, Interlaken (Switzerland), September 13-19, 1992, P-46.
[P9] L. Quartara, C.A. Maggi, P. Rovero, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi. Neurokinin A (NKA) antagonists: studies on conformation-activity relationship of linear and cyclic heptapeptides. 22nd European Peptide Sympiosium, Interlaken (Switzerland), September 13-19, 1992, P-225.
[P10] M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, C.A. Maggi, A.M. Papini, R. Patacchini, D. Pinzani, L. Quartara, G. Rapi. Synthesis and biological activity of tachykinin analogues containing hydrophobic moieties. Proteine 93, VII Convegno Nazionale, Parma (Italy), May, 26-28, 1993, E-63, p. 151.
[P11] M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, C.A. Maggi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, L. Quartara, G. Rapi. Pfp of adamantane acetic acid in the synthesis of tachykinin analogues containing hydrophobic moieties. 13th American Peptide Symposium, Edmonton (Alberta, Canada), June 20-25, 1993, P-413, p. 2-104.
[P12] M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi, P. Rovero, E. Borghi, M. Occhiuzzi, F. Laschi. The new model-peptide cyclo(L-His-Gly)4: comparative syntheses and magnetic resonance investigations on the interaction with divalent metal ions. II Convegno nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Divisione di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici, Università «La Sapienza», Roma (Italy), December 9-11, 1993, pp. 78-79.
[P13] E. Borghi, M. Occhiuzzi, F. Laschi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi, P. Rovero. Histidyl-glycyl containing peptides: a spectroscopic characterization of Copper(II) interaction with the linear octapeptide H-(L-His-Gly)4-OH. Metal ions in Biological Systems, Eurobic II, Firenze (Italy), August 30-September 3, 1994, p. 61.
[P14] E. Borghi, M. Occhiuzzi, F. Laschi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, G. Rapi. L-histidyl-glycyl containing linear and cyclopeptides. Comparative results for the interactions with Copper (II) ion. III Convegno nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Divisione di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici, Università «La Sapienza», Roma (Italy), January 25-27, 1995, P-20.
[P15] M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi, G. Giorgi, F. Laschi, E. Borghi, M. Occhiuzzi. Complexation properties of histidyl-glycyl containing peptides. A mass spectrometry study of H-(L-His-Gly)2-OMe cationized with metal ions. III Convegno nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Divisione di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici, Università «La Sapienza», Roma (Italy), January 25-27, 1995, P-21.
[P16] A.M. Papini, M. Biondi, D. Pinzani, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, B. Mazzanti, M. Vergelli, L. Massacesi, L. Amaducci. Sintesi di lipopeptidi dell’epitopo immunodominante della proteina basica della mielina nel ratto Lewis e caratterizzazione delle proprietà encefalitogene. III Convegno nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Divisione di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici, Università «La Sapienza», Roma (Italy), January 25-27, 1995, P-48.
[P17] G. Giorgi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, F. Laschi, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, E. Borghi, M. Occhiuzzi, G. Rapi. A Mass Spectrometry study of H-(L-His-Gly)2-OMe cationized with metal ions. 14th American Peptide Symposium, Columbus (Ohio, USA), June 18-23, 1995, P-262, p. 2-87.
[P18] A.M. Papini, M. Biondi, D. Pinzani, S. Mazzucco, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, B. Mazzanti, M. Vergelli, L. Massacesi, L. Amaducci. Lipopeptides of the immunodominant epitope of myelin basic protein in Lewis rats and characterization of their encephalitogenic properties. 14th American Peptide Symposium, Columbus (Ohio, USA), June 18-23, 1995, P-444, p. 2-122.
[P19] D. Pinzani, A.M. Papini, M.E. Vallecchi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, C.A. Maggi, R. Patacchini, M. Astolfi, L. Quartara, G. Rapi. Synthesis and biological activities of glycopeptides of NK2 receptor antagonists. 14th American Peptide Symposium, Columbus (Ohio, USA), June 18-23, 1995, P-586, p. 2-154.
[P20] M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, D. Pinzani, G. Rapi, M. Ciuffi, L. Tarlini. In vitro radical scavenger activity of H-(L-His-Gly)2-OH Copper (II) complexes. 40° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Biochimica, Torino (Italy), September 12-15, 1995. Italian Biochemical Society Transactions (IBST) Mini-paper, (1995), 6, P-117.
[P21] L. Tarlini, M. Ciuffi, S. Franchi-Micheli, S. Mugnai, L. Zilletti, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, G. Rapi, F. Paoletti. Effect of H-(L-His-Gly)2-OH/Cu(II) complexes on in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo models of tissue damage mediated by reactive oxygen species. Riunione congiunta monotematica sul metabolismo degli xenobiotici delle Società Italiane di Farmacologia e di Tossicologia, Siena (Italy), November 3-4, 1995, Poster p.65.
[P22] A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, G. Caminati, G. Gabrielli. Conformational studies on lipopeptides of human myelin basic protein at the air-water interphase. 15th American Peptide Symposium, Nashville (Tennessee, USA), June 14-19, 1997, Abstract P220, p. 2-124.
[P23] A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, B.Mazzanti, M. Vergelli, L. Massacesi, L. Amaducci, G. Rapi. Comparative study of the proliferative response of hMBP lipopeptides containing amide or C-C bond linked alkyl chains. 42° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Biochimica, Ancona (Italy), September 24-27, 1997. Italian Biochemical Society Transactions (IBST) Mini-paper, (1997), 9, P-8.10, p. 304.
[P24] G. Caminati, G. Gabrielli, A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco. Lipopeptides of myelin basic protein in mono and multilayer. LB8 International Conference on Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Asilomar, California USA, August 24-30, 1997.
[P25] S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi, M. Vergelli, B. Mazzanti, E. Treggiai, L. Massacesi, A.M. Papini. Comparison of the T cell proliferative response to lipopeptides of hMBP(83-99) and hMBP(141-160) in multiple sclerosis patients. 25th European Peptide Symposium, Budapest (Hungary), August 30-September 4, 1998, Abstract P298, p. 8.
[P26] S. Matà, F. Lolli, F. Pinto, S. Mazzucco, R. Fioresi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, B. Mazzanti, L. Massacesi and M. Vergelli. Antibodies to a glycopeptide of human MOG in multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases. IX Congresso Nazionale AINI (Associazione Nazionale Neuroimmunologia), Chieti (Italy), October 28-30, 1998.
[P27] B. Mazzanti, M. Vergelli, E. Traggiai, C. Ballerini, L. Massacesi, A.M. Papini, S. Mazzucco, D. Pinzani, M. Biondi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, G. Rapi. Lipoderivatives of an immunodominant epitope of myelin basic protein increased T cell responsiveness. IX Congresso Nazionale AINI (Associazione Italiana di Neuroimmunologia), Chieti (Italy), October 28-30, 1998.
[P28] A.M. Papini, R. Fioresi, S. Mazzucco, E. Nardi, S. Matà, F. Lolli, M. Vergelli, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, B. Mazzanti, L.Massacesi, F. Pinto. Asn31[N-Glucosyl]hMOG(30-50): a useful antigen to identify anti-MOG antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients. 10th International Congress of Immunology, New Delhi (India), November 1-6, 1998, Abstract P-189.
[P29] G. Caminati, G. Gabrielli, S. Mazzucco, A.M. Papini. Caratterizzazione di peptidi all’interfase acqua aria. Congresso Nazionale di Chimica-Fisica 1998, Capo Taormina (Italy), September 1998, Abstract P30, p. 122-123.
[P30] B. Anichini, M.C. Alcaro, L. Quartara, M.R. Altamura, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini. Synthetic pathways leading to protected 3,4-didehydroornithine for SPPS strategy. 16th American Peptide Symposium, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), June 26-July 1, 1999, Abstract P016.
[P31]A.M. Papini, E. Nardi, S. Mazzucco, B. Mazzanti, E. Traggiai, C. Ballerini, H. Kalbacher, H. Beck, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, L. Massacesi and M. Vergelli. T-Cell response to lipoderivatives of different MBP peptide antigens correlates with their suceptibility to peptidases. 16th American Peptide Symposium, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), June 26-July 1, 1999, Abstract P153.
[P32]G. Sabatino, A. Di Fenza, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.
Allyl esters of amino acids linked to trityl-resin by their side-chain as useful starting supports to obtain diketopiperazine based combinatorial libraries. 16thAmerican Peptide Symposium, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), June 26-July 1, 1999, Abstract P220.
[P33] E. Nardi, S. Mazzucco, S. Matà, M. Chelli, B. Mazzanti, E. Traggiai, M. Ginanneschi, F. Pinto, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli, H. Kalbacher, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Influence of different N-linked glycosyl moiety at position 31 of hMOG(30-50) on anti-MOG antibody recognition in multiple sclerosis patients. 16thAmerican Peptide Symposium, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), June 26-July 1, 1999, Abstract P148. Bruce W. Erickson Award. Third Place for outstanding achievement in peptide sciences, July 1, 1999, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA).
[P34] E. Peroni, G. Caminati, P. Baglioni, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Caratterizzazione fotofisica dell’interazione di lipopeptidi con modelli di membrana. XX Congresso nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Rimini (Italia), June, 4-9, 2000, Abstract NS-PO006.
[P35] E. Nardi, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, S. Meini, L. Quartara, M.R. Altamura, C.A. Maggi, F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, Q.B. Broxterman, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Lipophilic modifications of bradykinin agonists. 26th European Peptide Symposium, Montpellier (France), September 11-15, 2000, J. Pept. Sci., Supplement to Vol. 6, 2000, S 216, Abstract P457.
[P36] J. Uziel, M.C. Alcaro, G. Sabatino, A. Di Fenza, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. A Synthetic Strategy Toward Constrained Head-to-Tail Cyclopeptides Libraries by Amino Acid Side Chain Anchoring to Trityl Resins. 26th European Peptide Symposium, Montpellier (France), September 11-15, 2000, J. Pept. Sci., Supplement to Vol. 6, 2000, S 103, Abstract P058.
[P37] E. Nardi, E. Mastrangelo,S. Matà, B. Mazzanti, V. Zipoli,M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli,F. Lolli, F. Pinto, A.M. Papini. Role of the Glycosyl Moiety in Autoantibody Recognition in Multiple Sclerosis. 26th European Peptide Symposium, Montpellier (France), September 11-15, 2000, J. Pept. Sci., Supplement to Vol. 6, 2000, S 208, Abstract P433.
[P38] A.M. D’Ursi, A. Carotenuto, E. Nardi, E. Mastrangelo, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Conformational Studies on glycopeptide fragments of human myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein. 26th European Peptide Symposium, Montpellier (France), September 11-15, 2000, J. Pept. Sci., Supplement to Vol. 6, 2000, S 138, Abstract P166.
[P39] E.. Peroni, G. Caminati, P. Baglioni, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. A New Fluorescent Probe to Mimic Lipophilic Moieties for Interaction Studies of Bioactive Lipopeptides with Membrane Models. 26th European Peptide Symposium, Montpellier (France), September 11-15, 2000, J. Pept. Sci., Supplement to Vol. 6, 2000, S 227, Abstract P494.
[P40] M.C. Alcaro, A.M. Papini, M. Chelli, D.Fishlock, C. Atkins, G.A. Lajoie. Stereoselective Syntheses of b,g-Unsaturated amino acids. 26th European Peptide Symposium, Montpellier (France), September 11-15, 2000, J. Pept. Sci., Supplement to Vol. 6, 2000, S 119, Abstract P101.
[P41] A.M. D’Ursi, A. Carotenuto, E. Nardi, E. Mastrangelo, A.M. Papini, F. Lolli, F. Pinto, P. Rovero. Conformational Studies on a new synthetic MOG glycopeptide antigen able to block demyelinating antibodies in multiple sclerosis. 26th International Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry, Bologna (Italy), September 18-22, 2000.
[P42] A.M. Papini, M.C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi. Cyclic pentapeptide metal ion complexation: a model of the binding unit of the Prion protein. EUROCOMBI-1, Budapest (Hungary), 1-5 July, 2001.
[P43] M.C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Parallel solid phase synthesis of lipophilicg,d-unsaturated amino acids. EUROCOMBI-1, Budapest (Hongrie), 1-5 Juillet, 2001.
[P44] A.M. Papini, E. Nardi, B. Mazzanti, T. Biagioli, E. Traggiai, C. Ballerini, M. Chelli, H. Kalbacher, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli. Different effect of lipoconjugation of MBP peptides for CD4+ T cell response. 11th International Congress for Immunology, Stockholm (Sweden), 22-27 Juillet, 2001.
[P45] A.M. Papini, S. Matà, E. Nardi, B. Mulinacci, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, F. Pinto, L. Massacesi, M. Vergelli, F. Lolli. Specific role of Asn(Glc) in autoantibody recognition to glycosylated peptides in Multiple Sclerosis. 11th International Congress for Immunology, Stockholm (Sweden), 22-27 Juillet, 2001.
[P46] M. Ginanneschi, S. Mazzucco, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini, M. Chelli, G. Sabatino. Synthesis of a new octreotide analogue for studies in clinical oncology. Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica dei Sistemi Biologici, “From Genes to Molecules”, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena (Italy), 8-10 February, 2002, Book of Abstracts, PC36, p. 68.
[P47] M.C. Alcaro, T. Terzani, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi, F. Machetti, A. Brandi, L. Quartara, C.A. Maggi, A.M. Papini. Study of the role of basic residues in peptide bradykinin antagonists. 23rd IUPAC 2002, International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, 28 July-2 August, 2002, Firenze (Italy), Abstract Book, P7, p. 133.
[P48] G. Sabatino, M. Chinol, G. Paganelli, M. Chelli, G. Leone, D. Fanucci, A.M. Papini, M. C. Alcaro, M. Ginanneschi. Synthesis and in vitro stability of a new Vitamin H derivative conjugated to DOTA and carrying radioactive metals. 23rd IUPAC 2002, International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, 28 July-2 August, 2002, Firenze (Italy), Abstract Book, P88, p. 214.
[P49] F. Machetti, F. Cordero, F. De Sarlo, A.M. Papini, A. Brandi. Studies toward Synthesis of enantiopure 4-substituited pipecolic acids. 23rd IUPAC 2002, International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, 28 July-2 August, 2002, Firenze (Italy), Abstract Book, P136, p. 265.
[P50] M.C. Alcaro, G. Sabatino, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, A. Di Fenza, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. A synthetic strategy toward constrained head-to-tail cyclopeptides. 27th European Peptide Symposium, Sorrento (Italy), 31 August- 6 September, 2002, J. Pept. Sci., 2002, 8(Suppl.), S78, Abstract P A1.
[P51] F. Nuti, F.M. Cordero, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, A. Brandi. Synthesis of new Fmoc-protected iminosugars to study the role of the glycosyl moiety in autoantibody recognition in autoimmune diseases. 27th European Peptide Symposium, Sorrento (Italy), 31 August- 6 September, 2002, J. Pept. Sci., 2002, 8(Suppl.), S103, Abstract P A103.
[P52] G. Sabatino, B. Mulinacci, M. C. Alcaro, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. A comparative study of coupling reagents for automatic multiple peptide synthesizers. 27th European Peptide Symposium, Sorrento (Italy), 31 August- 6 September, 2002, J. Pept. Sci., 2002, 8(Suppl.), S91, Abstract P A56.
[P53] E. Peroni, F. Lolli, B. Mulinacci, F. Nuti, B. Mazzanti, S. Matà, M. Chelli, F. Pinto, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Innovative biocompatible immunoadsorbents containing immobilized selective glycopeptide antigens for Multiple Sclerosis therapy. 27th European Peptide Symposium, Sorrento (Italy), 31 August- 6 September, 2002, J. Pept. Sci., 2002, 8(Suppl.), S152, Abstract P C27.
[P54] M.C. Alcaro, B. Anichini, T. Terzani, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, F. Machetti, L. Quartara, C. A. Maggi, A. Brandi, A.M. Papini. New constrained amino acids for the study of the role of the basic residues in bradykinin antagonists. 27th European Peptide Symposium, Sorrento (Italy), 31 August- 6 September, 2002, J. Pept. Sci.,2002, 8(Suppl.), S95, Abstract P A72.
[P55] B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, S. Matà, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, F. Pinto, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Toward rationally designed glycopeptide antigens recognizing autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis patients. 27th European Peptide Symposium, Sorrento (Italy), 31 August- 6 September, 2002, J. Pept. Sci., 2002, 8(Suppl.), S141, Abstract P B47.
[P56] B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, S. Matà, B. Mazzanti, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Progettazione razionale di glicopeptidi da utilizzare in test Elisa per il monitoraggio della sclerosi multipla. XXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica, Romea (Italy), 16-20 September, 2002, Abstract P31.
[P57] M.C. Alcaro, G. Sabatino, M. Ginanneschi, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Strategia di sintesi in fase solida di librerie di dichetopiperazine e di ciclopeptidi RGD. XXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica della S.C.I., Roma (Italy), 16-20 September, 2002,Abstract P42.
[P58] E. Peroni, G. Caminati, P. Baglioni, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Sintesi di un nuovo probe fluorescente per lo studio di lipopeptidi come vaccini sintetici per la sclerosi multipla. XXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica della S.C.I., Roma (Italy), 16-20 September, 2002, Abstract P67.
[P59] F. Nuti, S. Hildebrand, M. Chelli, A. Brandi, A.M. Papini. Sintesi di metaboliti del di-2-etilesilftalato per la valutazione dei rischi tumorali da ftalati nell’uomo. XXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica della S.C.I., Roma (Italy) , 16-20 September, 2002, Abstract P87.
[P60] G. Sabatino, B. Mulinacci, M. C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Studio comparativo di reagenti di accoppiamento per sintetizzatore automatico multiplo. XXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Organica della S.C.I., Roma (Italy), 16-20 September, 2002, Abstract P108.
[P61] M.C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Strategy to constrained cyclopeptide libraries. QSAR & Combinatorial Science. Vol. 22 n.4. June, 2003, P1, p. 47.
[P62] A. Innocenti,M.C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis and screening of a library of 4-sulfamoylphenylthioureas for the development of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. QSAR & Combinatorial Science. Vol. 22 n.4. June, 2003,P22, p.52.
[P63] V. Vinci, M.C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, S. Giuliani, S. Meini, M. Di Giacomo, L. Colombo, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of bradykinin B2 antagonist containing dipeptide mimetics. XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Torino (Italy), 22-27 June, 2003, Atti Vol 2 SB-CP-001.
[P64] B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Structure-activity relationship study of glycopeptide antigens recognizing specific autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Torino (Italie), 22-27 June, 2003, Atti Vol 2, SB-CP-023.
[P65] F. Nuti, I. Paolini, E. Peroni, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, F. Cordero, A. Brandi, A.M. Papini. Sugar-scan of CSF114(Glc) for autoantibodies recognition in autoimmune disease. XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Torino (Italy), 22-27 June, 2003, Atti Vol 2, SB-CP-024.
[P66]M.C. Alcaro, M. Orfei,A.M. Papini, M. Chelli, M. Ginanneschi. A new solid-phase strategy leading to tetraazamacrocycles. XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Torino (Italy), 22-27 June, 2003, Atti Vol 2, SB-CP-025.
[P67] E. Peroni, F. Lolli, B. Mulinacci, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Innovative biocompatible immunoadsorbents containing immobilized selective glycopeptide antigens for Multiple Sclerosis therapy. XXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana , Torino (Italy), 22-27 June, 2003, Atti Vol 2, SB-CP-028.
[P68]G. Sabatino, M. C. Alcaro, M. C. Pozo-Carrero, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Assessment of 6Cl-HOBt-based coupling reagents in solid-phase cyclopeptide synthesis. 18th American Peptide Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 19-23 June, 2003, P 004, Abstract p. 306.
[P69]E. Peroni, F. Lolli, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, B. Bonetti, J. Hoebeke, L. Massacesi, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Towards a therapeutic apheresis in Multiple Sclerosis based on a glycopeptide antigen able to isolate specific autoantibodies. 18th American Peptide Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 19-23 June, 2003, P 027, Abstract p. 311.
[P70]B. Mulinacci, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Structure-activity relationship study of glycopeptide antigens recognizing specific autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. 18th American Peptide Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 19-23 June, 2003, P 040, Abstract p. 314.
[P71]F. Nuti, I. Paolini, B. Mulinacci, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, F. Cordero, A. Brandi, A.M. Papini. Sugar–Scan of CSF114(Glc) for autoantibody recognition in autoimmune diseases. 18th American Peptide Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 19-23 June, 2003, P 041, Abstract p. 314.
[P72]A.M. Papini, B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, L. Massacesi, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, F. Lolli. MS PepKit, the first diagnostic test based on CSF114(Glc) a glycopeptide to follow-up Multiple Sclerosis. 18th American Peptide Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, 19-23 June, 2003, P 454, Abstract p. 401.
[P73] M.C. Alcaro, E. Naldini, B. Mulinacci, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Identification of new autoantigens in Multiple Sclerosis by glycopeptide libraries. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, AbstractP125.
[P74] B. Mulinacci, I. Paolini, A. Carotenuto, B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. β-hairpin glycopeptides as mimetic autoantigens in Multiple Sclerosis. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, AbstractP303.
[P75] I. Paolini, F. Nuti, B. Kolesinska, F. Cardona, M. Chelli, B.Mazzanti, F. Lolli, A. Brandi, A.M. Papini. Optimisation of synthetic strategies to glycosylated amino acids. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P306.
[P76] E. Peroni, F. Peri, F. Nuti, B. Mazzanti, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. An innovative approach to the synthesis of N-glycopeptides. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P307.
[P77] G. Sabatino, B. Kolesinska, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, Z. J. Kaminski, A.M. Papini. A comparative study on new not azabenzotriazole-based coupling reagents for SPPS. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P56.
[P78] M.C. Pozo Carrero, B. Kolesinska, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, Z.J. Kaminski, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of useful building blocks for peptide synthesis: a comparative study of different coupling reagents for ester and amide bonds. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P51.
[P79] J. Kolesinska, B. Kolesinska, A.M. Papini, Z.J. Kaminski. N-Triazinylammonnium tetrafluoroborates as new, highly efficient coupling reagents for peptide synthesis in solution. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P106.
[P80] K. Jastrząbek, M. Błaszczyk, M.L. Główka, B. Kolesinska, A.M. Papini, Z.J. Kaminski. 2-Chloro-4,6-dibenzyloksy-1,3,5-triazine and N-(3,5-dibenzyloxy-1,3,5-triazinyl-1)ammonium tetrafluoroborates as highly efficient coupling reagents for peptide synthesis in solution. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P105.
[P81] B. Kolesinska, G. Sabatino, J. Kolesinska, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, Z.J. Kaminski, A.M. Papini. New generation of triazine-based coupling reagents useful for SPPS. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P33.
[P82] A.M. Papini, B. Kolesinska, G. Sabatino, J. Kolesinska, Z.J. Kaminski. Selection of the best triazine-based condensing reagent for SPPS. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P49.
[P83] D. D’Addona, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, F. Bucelli, A. Carotenuto, M. Ginanneschi. Synthesis and conformational studies of a new octreotide analogue. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P17.
[P84] M. Orfei, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, M. Ginanneschi. A solid-phase synthesis of tetrazaamacrocycles from cyclotetrapeptides. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-10 September, 2004, Abstract P48.
[P85] B. Mazzanti, M. Pazzagli, M.C. Alcaro, B. Mulinacci, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, A. Carotenuto, B. Bonetti, L. Battistini, D. Franciotta, S. Sotgiu, R. Lanzillo, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. A proteomic approach to characterize a native antigen involved in autoantibody response in Multiple Sclerosis by a structure-based designed glycopeptide. Seventh International Congress of the International Society of Neuroimmunology, Venezia (Italy) 28 September-2 October, 2004, Abstract 313 in: J. Neuroimmunol. (2004) 154, 95.
[P86] M.C. Alcaro, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Fishing for antigens recognizing autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. 19th American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, 18-24 June, 2005, PY 20, Abstract p. 507.
[P87] E. Bulukin, E. Peroni, M. Minunni, M. Pazzagli, P. Rovero, M. Mascini, A.M. Papini. Development of an efficient Multiple Sclerosis diagnostic technique based on an optical glycopeptide immunosensor. 19th American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, 18-24 June, 2005.
[P88] E. Peroni, M.C. Alcaro, F Barbetti, F. Nuti, F. Real-Fernàndez, B. Mazzanti, M.Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Combinatorial approach to develop the optimal glycopeptide as molecular probe to characterize autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. 19th American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, 18-24 June, 2005, PY 46, Abstract p. 512.
[P89] F. Nuti, I. Paolini, B.Mazzanti, F. Real-Fernàndez, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, M. Chelli, P.Rovero, A.M. Papini. Asparaginyl glucose is fundamental for autoantibody recognition in Multiple Sclerosis. 19th American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, 18-24 June, 2005, PY 17, Abstract p. 507.
[P90] G. Sabatino, I. Paolini, M.C. Pozo-Carrero, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Optimized conditions for glycopeptide synthesis by a microwave peptide synthesizer. 19th American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, 18-24 June, 2005, PY 16, Abstract p. 507.
[P91] I. Paolini, F. Nuti, I. Matteini, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini. Microwave-assisted synthesis of glycosylated building blocks. 19th American Peptide Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA, 18-24 June, 2005, PY 15, Abstract p. 507.
[P92] E. Peroni, E. Bulukin, M. Minunni, M. Pazzagli, P. Rovero, M. Mascini, A.M. Papini. Development of a high-throughput screening for Multiple Sclerosis patients’ sera based on an optical glycopeptide immunosensor. EUROCOMBI-3 conference, Winchester, U.K. 18-21 June, 2005. Abstract P98
[P93] K. Jastrzabek, B. Kolesinska, A.M. Papini, G. Sabatino, Z. Kaminski. 2-Chloro-4,6-dibenzyloxy-1,3,5-triazine and its quaternary N-1,3,5-triazinylammonium salts. Highly efficient coupling reagents of new generation with modified substituents in triazine ring. 18th Polish Peptide Symposium, Wroclaw (Poland), 4-8 September, 2005, Abstract P-33W.
[P94] F. Nuti, I. Paolini, B.Mulinacci, M. Pazzagli, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Sugar-scan of CSF114(Glc) for autoantibody recognition in Multiple Sclerosis. XVIII International Symposium on Glycoconjugates. Glyco XVIII”, Florence (Italie), 4-9 September, 2005, Abstract P057, Glycoconjugate J., 2005, 22(4–6), 254. Best Poster Award.
[P95] F. Rizzolo, B. Mulinacci, F. Nuti, M. Pazzagli, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of glucosylated peptides: role of the amino acid sequence in autoantibody recognition in Multiple Sclerosis patients’ sera. XVIII International Symposium on Glycoconjugates. Glyco XVIII”, Florence (Italy), 4-9 September, 2005, Abstract P063, Glycoconjugate J., 2005, 22(4–6), 257.
[P96] B. Mulinacci, C. Breithaupt, N. Budisa, P. Rovero, L. Moroder, A.M. Papini. Cross-reactivity studies of rMOGED with the synthetic putative autoantigen CSF114(Glc) in Multiple Sclerosis patients’ sera. XVIII International Symposium on Glycoconjugates. Glyco XVIII”, Florence (Italy), 4-9 September, 2005, Abstract P262, Glycoconjugate J., 2005, 22(4–6), 337.
[P97] A. Le Chevalier,M. Ousmer, N. Lubin-Germain,J. Uziel, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Role of glucose bonding to amino acids in myelin proteins for autoantibody recognition in Multiple Sclerosis. XVIII International Symposium on Glycoconjugates. Glyco XVIII”, Florence (Italy), 4-9 September, 2005, Abstract P051, Glycoconjugate J., 2005, 22(4–6), 252.
[P98] G. Fontanive, I. Adamo, F. Berti, F. Benedetti, I. Paolini, A.M. Papini. Stereoselective synthesis of pseudopeptides containing the minimal epitope fundamental for antibody recognition in Multiple Sclerosis. 1st European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences, Rimini (Italy), 4-8 October, 2005, Poster, Abstract p. 97.
[P99] M. Ginanneschi, D. D’Addona, F. Gori, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, F. Bucelli. Synthesis of new octreotide dicarba-analogues. 1st European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences, Rimini (Italy), 4-8 October, 2005, Poster, Abstract p. 115.
[P100] M. de la Cruz Pozo-Carrero, F. Nuti, I. Paolini, G. Sabatino, M. Pazzagli, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. An aberrant N-glucosylation triggering autoimmunity in Multiple Sclerosis. 1st European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences, Rimini (Italy), 4-8 October, 2005, Poster, Abstract p. 157.
[P101] G. Sabatino, Z.J. Kamiński, B. Kolesińska, J. Kolesińska, M. Pozo-Carrero, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. New generation of a Triazine-Based coupling reagent useful for a large scale solid-phase synthesis of a specific Multiple Sclerosis antigenic probe. 1st European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences, Rimini (Italy), 4-8 October, 2005, Poster, Abstract p. 161.
[P102] M.C. Alcaro, B. Mulinacci, G. Bonechi, F. Barbetti, I. Paolini, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, C. Bonaccini, A. Tramontano, F. Lolli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Looking for native antigens triggering an autoantibody response in Multiple Sclerosis. Chemistry & Biology of Peptides, Gordon Research Conference, February 19-24, 2006 Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA.
[P103] E. Peroni, I. Paolini, F. Nuti, B. Mulinacci, G. Sabatino, M. C. Alcaro, E. S. Bulukin, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.A universal peptide scaffold to develop antigenic probes specific for autoimmune diseases. Chemistry & Biology of Peptides, Gordon Research Conference, February 19-24, 2006 Ventura Beach Marriott, CA, USA.
[P104] B. Mulinacci, C. Breithaupt, P.P. Pal, N. Budisa, M. Pazzagli, B. Mazzanti, P. Rovero, L. Moroder, A.M. Papini. Cross-reactivity studies of rMOGED with the synthetic putative autoantigen CSF114(Glc) and [N31(Glc)]hMOG(30-50) in Multiple Sclerosis patients’ sera. Promelab, 1st International Workshop on Expression, Function & Structure of Membrane Proteins. June 18-22, 2006, Firenze, Italy.
[P105]C. Tommasi, M.C. Alcaro, C. Anzilotti, D. Chimenti, F. Pratesi, M. Rosati, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, P. Migliorini.Synovial Antigens Target of Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies in Rheumatoid Arthritis.1st Congress of the Italian Proteomic Association (ItPA), Pisa (Italy), July 2-4, 2006, Abstract H47.
[P106]B. Kolesinska, S. Grabowski, W. Kaca, E.Peroni, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, and Z.J. Kaminski. Immunoenzymatic assay with peptide antigens immobilised on cellulose: effect of the linker on antibody recognition. 29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract Th480.
[P107] A. Carotenuto, M.C. Alcaro, C. Bonaccini, F. Barbetti, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, A. Tramontano, E. Novellino, A.M. Papini, and P. Rovero. Conformationally driven rational design of glycopeptides as synthetic probes for the detection of autoantibodies, biomarkers of multiple sclerosis. 29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract Tu494.
[P108]F. Nuti, E. Peroni, E.S. Bulukin, B. Mulinacci, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Improvement of autoantibody detection in autoimmune diseases by innovative solid-phase glycopeptide based technologies. 29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract M541.
[P109] A. Le Chevalier, N. Lubin-Germain, J. Uziel, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.Sugar building blocks for solid-phase glycopeptides synthesis. 29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract M028.
[P110] I. Paolini, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini.An universal peptide scaffold to develop antigenic probes specific for autoimmune diseases. 29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract Th504.
[P111] M.C. Alcaro, B. Mulinacci, G. Bonechi, F. Barbetti, I. Paolini, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, C. Bonaccini, A. Tramontano, F. Lolli, A. Carotenuto, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Looking for native antigens triggering an autoantibody response in Multiple Sclerosis.29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract .
[P112] D. D’Addona, F. Gori, A. Di Cianni, F. Bucelli, A. Carotenuto, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, M. Ginanneschi. A new synthetic approach to saturated and unsaturated dicarba-analogues of octeotride. 29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract Th081.
[P113] F. Rizzolo, G. Sabatino, I. Paolini, M.C. Alcaro, M.R. Moncelli, R. Guidelli, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, P.Rovero. An efficient microwave-assisted soli-phase synthesis of Gramicidin A for studies in bilayer lipid membrane. 29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract Th107.
[P114] N. Alexandris, M.C. Alcaro, R. Bianchini, A.M. Papini. Design and Synthesis of heme peptides for bioremediation. 29th European Peptide Symposium, Gdansk, Poland, September 3-8, 2006, Abstract Th321.
[P115] V. Volkov, R. Chelli, R. Righini, F. Nuti, A.M. Papini. Local structure and dynamics of phospholipid membranes investigated by two-dimensional IR spectroscopy and MD simulation. XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Firenze, September 10-15, 2006. Abstract FIS-P-134.
[P116] V. Volkov, F. Nuti, Y.Takaoka, R. Chelli, A.M. Papini, R. Righini. Structure and bonding of water molecules in the polar region of phospholipid membrane investigated by two-dimensional IR spectroscopy and MD computer simulation. XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Firenze, September 10-15, 2006. Abstract FIS-P-135. Premio per il miglior poster della Divisione di Chimica Fisica.
[P117] F. Rizzolo, G. Sabatino, M.R. Moncelli, R. Guidelli, M. Chelli, A.M. Papini, P.Rovero. A microwave-assisted synthesis of Gramicidin A for interaction studies in biomimetic membranes. XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Firenze, September 10-15, 2006. Abstract SBI-P-24.
[P118]F. Real-Fernández,M. R. Moncelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini, Electrochemical studies of antigenic glycopeptides in biomimetic membranes. XIX International symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, BES 2007, Toulouse, France, 1-4 April 2007. B1-P10, Abstract p. 138.
[P119]F. Gori, B. Mulinacci, E. Bonchi, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Semi-synthesis of glucosylated recombinant MOG as auto-antigen in Multiple Sclerosis. VII European Symposium of The Protein Society, Stockholm, Sweden, May 12-16, 2007 .Abstract III-87.
[P120]A. Colson, J. Bayardon, E. Rémond, H. Lauréano, F. Nuti, R. Meunier-Prest, M. Kubicky, C. Darcel, A.M. Papini, S. Jugé. New b-Ferrocenyl Phosphino a-Aminoacids as Modular Electrochemical Biomarkers for CSF114(Glyco)peptides. 17th international Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, ICPC-17 sponsored by IUPAC, Xiamen (China), April 15-19, 2007. Poster P-176. Abstract Book p 228
[P121] F Nuti, E Peroni, B Mulinacci, I Paolini, MC Alcaro, F Benedetti, F Ciolli, F. Lolli, M Chelli, P. Rovero, AM Papini. An N-glucosylated peptide as multiple sclerosis antigenic probe to fishing out autoantibodies in serum and monitoring disease activity. Benzon Symposium no. 54, Glycosylation opportunities in drug development, Copenhagen, Denmark,June 11-14, 2007. Abstract III-14
[P122] I. Paolini, M.C. Alcaro, F Nuti, P. Migliorini, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Glycosylated Peptides as Diagnostic Tools for Autoimmune Diseases: a Chemical Reverse Approach. Benzon Symposium no. 54, Glycosylation opportunities in drug development, Copenhagen, Denmark,June 11-14, 2007. Abstract III-13
[P123] M.C. Alcaro, F. Nuti, G. Bonechi, F. Benedetti, A. Carotenuto, C. Bonaccini, P. Gratteri, A. Tramontano, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, E. Novellino, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. New Generation of Families of Antigenic Probes for Detection of Multiple Sclerosis Biomarkers. 20th American Peptide Symposium, Montreal, Québec, June 26-30, 2007, Abstract PS2-381
[P124] F Nuti, E Peroni, B Mulinacci, I Paolini, MC Alcaro, F Benedetti, F Ciolli, F Lolli, M Chelli, P Rovero, A.M. Papini. Studies for identification of the minimal epitope(s) mimicked by the synthetic glucopeptide CSF114(Glc). 20th American Peptide Symposium, Montreal, Québec, June 26-30, 2007, Abstract PS2-423
[P125] F. Real Fernández, A. Chamois-Colson, G. Bayardon, F.Nuti, E.Peroni, M.R. Moncelli, R. Meunier-Prest, S. Jugè, A.M.Papini. Synthesis of organometallic glycopeptides and electrochemical studies to detect autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis patients´ sera. 20th American Peptide Symposium, Montreal, Québec, June 26-30, 2007, Abstract PS2 429. Semi-finalist participant in the Young Investigator Poster Competition-Peptide Idol.
[P126] M.A. Bonache, A. Le Chevalier, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Ribose building block for the synthesis of glycopeptides to fishing out antibodies in autoimmune diseases. 20th American Peptide Symposium, Montreal, Québec, June 26-30, 2007, Abstract PS2 463
[P127] F. Rizzolo, G. Sabatino, B. Kolesińska, Z.J. Kamiński, M.R. Moncelli, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Optimized solid-phase synthesis of difficult peptide sequences: case study of Gramicidin A. 20th American Peptide Symposium, Montreal, Québec, June 26-30, 2007, Abstract PS2-426.
[P128] S. Cantel, J.A. Halperin, M. Chorev, M. Scrima, A.M. D'Ursi, J. J. Levy, R.D. DiMarchi, A. Le Chevalier, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Side chain-to-Side chain Cyclization by Intramolecular Click Reaction - Building Blocks, Solid Phase Synthesis and Conformational Characterization. 20th American Peptide Symposium, Montreal, Québec, June 26-30, 2007, Abstract PS2-412.
[P129] S. Carganico, M.A. Bonache, M.C. Alcaro, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini, M. Chorev, A. Lapolla, P. Traldi. Synthetic strategies to Advanced Glycation End products peptides involved in diabetes. 20th American Peptide Symposium, Montreal, Québec, June 26-30, 2007, Abstract PS2-425.
[P130] E. Peroni, M. Tontini, B. Mulinacci, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini A Glycopeptide-based Technique for Selective Antibodies Purification. 20th American Peptide Symposium Montreal, Québec, June 26-30, 2007, Abstract PS2-509.
[P131] M.C. Alcaro, F. Barbetti, F. Nuti, I. Paolini, F. Real-Fernandez, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero Evaluation of the Efficiency of Post-Translational Modified Peptide Libraries for Biomarkers Discovery. First International Symposium on Combinatorial Sciences in Biology, Chemistry, Catalysts and Materials, Firenze, Italy, July 15-18, 2007, Abstract PP21.
[P132] A. Le Chevalier, P. Rovero, M. Chorev, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of N a-Protected w-Ynoic and w-Azido a-Amino Acids as Building Blocks for the Development of [1,2,3]Triazole Containing Peptide Libraries. Eurocombi4, Firenze, Italy, July 15-18, 2007, Abstract PP14.
[P133] S. Centi, E. Bulukin, M. Minunni, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, M. Mascini. “Glycopeptide-based electrochemical immunomagnetic sensors for antibody detection in sera from autoimmuno disease patients”. EUROanalysis XIV Conference, Antwerpen Belgium, September 9-14 2007. Abstract P123.
[P134] A.M. Papini. Ferrocenyl glycopeptides as electrochemical probes to detect autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis patients’ sera. Third ERA Chemistry “Flash” Conference in Killarney, Ireland,.’Carbohydrates at the interfaces of biology, medicine and materials science' Killarney, Ireland, 9-13 March, 2008.
[P135] A.M. Papini (2008). Zervas Award Memorial Lecture. Peptide-based immunoassays for biomarkers detection: A challenge for translational research. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August-5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 8, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1088. Pubblicato da WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, AGOSTO 2008
[P136] F. Real-Fernández, A. Colson, J. Bayardon, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, R. Meunier-Prest, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, C. Darcel, S. Jugé, A.M. Papini. Electrochemical Glycopeptide Probes to Detect Autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis Patients’ Sera. 30th European Peptide Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, August 31-September 6, 2008, Abstract P31501-022. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 136, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008.
[P137] E. Innocenti, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, C. Selmi, A.M. Papini.Post translational modified peptide-based ELISA to detect autoantibodies in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. 30th European Peptide Symposium, Helsinki, Finland, August 30-September 6, 2008, Abstract P30915-010. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 133, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P138] F. Nuti, N. Qvit, F. Rizzolo, M. Hurevich, A. Carotenuto, E. Peroni,M. Chelli, P. Rovero, C. Gilon, A.M. Papini. Microwave-assisted solid phase synthesis of backbone cyclic glycopeptide libraries. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki,Finland. Abstract 30102-001. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(S), p. 131, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P139] G. Sabatino, F. Rizzolo, B. Kolesinska, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, Z.J. Kaminski, A.M. Papini (2008). Microwave-assisted attachment of Fmoc-amino acids to resins via triazine superactive esters. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract P10104-046. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(S), p. 58-59, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P140] F. Rizzolo, G. Sabatino, E. Perugia, M. Fridkin, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini (2008). Microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis of peptide probes to detect specific biomarkers: shifting off limitations affecting conventional synthetic strategies. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract 10417-110. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(S), p. 74-75, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P141] Di Cianni, D. D'Addona, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini, M. Ginanneschi (2008). On-resin microwaves-assisted Ring Closing Metathesis for the synthesis of Octreotide dicarba-analogues. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract P20104-012. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(S), p. 83, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P142] M. Scrima, A. Le Chevalier-Isaad, S. Cantel, J.J. Levy, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini, M. Chorev, A.M. D'Ursi. A new library of cyclic peptides obtained via i-to-i+4 intramolecular side chain-to-side chain azide-alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition: CD and NMR conformational analysis. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki,Finland. Abstract P22829-185. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 129, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P143] M.A. Bonache, F. Nuti, A. Le Chevalier-Isaad, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. New ribosylated building blocks useful for glycopeptide synthesis. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract 30208-003. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 131, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P144] M.C. Alcaro, I. Paolini, P. Fantini, F. Barbetti, M. Chelli, P. Migliorini, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. A chemical reverse approach for autoimmune diseases diagnosis. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract P31509-024. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 137, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P145] A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, P. Migliorini. Peptide-based a challenge for high performance diagnostics & prognostics of autoimmune diseases. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract P31509-025. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 137, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P146] A Le Chevalier-Isaad, M. Scrima, S. Cantel, P. Rovero, A.M. D'Ursi, M. Chorev, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of a series of cyclic i-to-i+4 side chain-to-side chain 1,4-disubstituted[1,2,3]triazolyl-bridged PTHrP(11-19) derivatives. 30th European Peptide Symposium, 31 August -5 September 2008, Helsinki, Finland. Abstract P10100-020. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2008), vol. 14(8S), p. 52, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1090. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: AUG 2008
[P147] M. Frediani, D. Sémeril, F. Rizzolo, A.M. Papini, L. Rosi, M.Santella, P. Frediani, D. Matt “Lactide polymerization by acalix[4]arene titanium complex using conventional heating andmicrowave irradiation” XXVIII CONGRESSO INTERREGIONALE TUMA 2009, 20-22 September 2009, Pisa, Italy.
[P148] F. Nuti, Peroni E, Carganico S, Alcaro MC, Chelli M, Migliorini P, Selmi C, Lolli F, Chorev M, Rovero P, Papini AM Post translationally modified peptides for an efficient detection of autoantibody biomarkers of autoimmune diseases. 11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, Vienna (Austria) 3-7 Agosto 2009
[P149] I. Friligou, F. Rizzolo, J. Matsoukas, T. Tselios, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Microwave assisted solid phase peptidesynthesis of a multiple antigen peptide (MAP) with two branches,containing the immunodominant epitope of rat myelin, MOG35-55. 10thInternational Conference in Medicinal Chemistry: Drug Design andDevelopment, 18-20 March 2009, Patras, Greece
[P150] Peroni E, F. Nuti, F. Real-Fernández, F. Lolli, Chelli M, Rovero P, Papini AM Improvement of autoantibody detection in multiple sclerosis by solid-phase glycopeptide based technologies. France-German meeting on multiple sclerosis “18th Francois Lhermitte’s Conferences“, Paris (France) March 6, 2009 Abstract IMM-20.
[P151] I.S. Rice, P.M. Thompson, F. Nuti, A.M. Papini, A.D. Wallace Impact of DEHP Metabolites on Human Androgen Receptor Activity, 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, Salt Lake City (USA), March 7–11, 2010
[P152] J.B. Chanson, I. Paolini, N. Collongues, M.C. Alcaro, F. Blanc, F. Barbetti, M. Fleury, E. Peroni, P. Rovero, G. Rudolf, F. Lolli, E. Trifilieff, A.M. Papini, J. de Seze. Evaluation of New Immunological Targets in Neuromyelitis Optica. Conference: 62nd Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Neurology Location: Toronto, CANADA Date: APR 10-17, 2010. NEUROLOGY Volume: 74 Issue: 9 Supplement: 2 Pages: A390-A390 Published: MARCH 2, 2010. ISSN: 0028-3878
[P153] F Nuti, F. Real-Fernández, M. A Bonache, M Boccalini, S Chimichi, M Chelli, AM. PapiniMicrowave-assisted reaction of building blocks for glycopeptides synthesis. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P057. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 64, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303
[P154] F. Rizzolo, I. Bartolini, F. Nuti, S. Pandey, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, AM. Papini. Microwave-assisted solid phase synthesis of [Asn641(Glc)]FAN(635-655): a new case study for optimisation of glycopeptide synthesis. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P106. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 78, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi:10.1002/psc.1303
[P155] M. Scrima, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini, M. Chorev, A.M. D'Ursi. Molecular dynamics calculation and NMR conformational studies of heterodetic triazolyl cyclo-nonapeptides: a comparative study. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P144. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 91-92, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303
[P156] S. Pandey, E. Peroni, MC Alcaro, F. Rizzolo, F. Nuti, M. Chelli, S Matà, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, AM. Papini. Mimicry effect of the neo-epitope [Asn641(Glc)]FAN(635-655) with CSF114(Glc) detecting autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract O1. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 26, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 0.1002/psc.1301.
[P157] S. Pandey, D. Lambardi, F. Real Fernández, M. C. Alcaro, I. Doni, E. Peroni, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Identification of cytoskeletal proteins monoclonal anbibodies recognized by CSF114(Glc), the synthetic probe of multiple sclerosis.Italian Proteomics Association, 5th annual national conference (ItPA), Firenze (Italy), 9-12 July, 2010. Abstract p.1.59.
[P158] F. Real-Fernández, I. Passalacqua, E. Peroni, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. A surface-plasmon resonance-based label-free in vitro serodiagnostic technology for multiple sclerosis. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P403. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 177, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303
[P159] F. Real-Fernández, I. Passalacqua, E. Peroni, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Characterisation of the minimal epitope detecting autoantibodies in Multiple Sclerosis by surface plasmon resonance. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P404. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 177-178, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303
[P160] S. Pandey, D. Lambardi, M.C. Alcaro, F. R. Fernández, E. Peroni, P. Rovero, M. Chelli, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. Identification of cytoskeletal proteins monoclonal antibodies recognized by CSF114(Glc), the synthetic probe of Multiple Sclerosis. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P206. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 112, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303
[P161] C. Testa, F. Nuti, M. Scrima, A.M. D’Ursi, N. Lubin-Germain, M. Chorev, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Stabilization of beta-turn conformation in melanocortin like peptide by click reaction. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract O8. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 28-29, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1301
[P162] F. Rizzolo, C. Testa, M. Chorev, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Conventional and microwave-assisted SPPS approach: a comparative study of PTHrP(1-34)NH2 synthesis. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P107. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 78-79, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303
[P163] S. Carganico, N. Zanella, G. Sabatino, P. Rovero, M. Chorev, A.M. Papini. A novel diagnostic-prognostic tool for diabetes: UPLC analysis of glycated metabolites. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P379. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 169, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303.
[P164] M. Di Pisa, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, C. Tiberti, A.M. Papini. Celiac disease: characterization of linear autoantigenic epitopes.31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P399. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 176, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303.
[P165] G. Sabatino, M. Di Pisa, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, C. Tiberti, A.M. Papini. Celiac disease: characterization of amino acids/short peptides finger print for a fast I.V.D. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P400. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 176, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303.
[P166] L.M. Lumini, G. Cane, A. Di Cianni, A.M. Papini, and M. Ginanneschi. A study on the microwaves synthesis of the somatostatin dicarba-analogues. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P105. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 78, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303.
[P167] F. Nuti, F. Rizzolo, F. Gori, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, L. Moroder, A.M. Papini. Microwave-assisted solid phase synthesis of collagen peptides. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P110. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 79, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303
[P168] F. Gori, B. Mulinacci, L. Massai, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Antigenic probes for autoantibody detection in Multiple Sclerosis: synthetic peptides versus recombinant proteins. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P-405. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 178, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303.
[P169] S. Pandey, E. Peroni, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, M. Chelli, A. M. D’Ursi, A.M. Papini. Rational design and optimization of newly designed glycopeptide to develop the diagnostic/prognostic assays for Multiple Sclerosis. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P407. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 178-179, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303
[P170] E. Peroni, N. Brodie Linder, A.M. Papini. On-silica peptide probes: innovative in vitro diagnostic devices for detection of antibodies as biomarkers of autoimmune diseases. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P471. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 200, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303.
[P171] P. Fantini, M.C. Alcaro, I. Paolini, F. Barbetti, D. Valoriani, A.M. Papini, F. Lolli, P. Rovero, F. Pratesi, P. Migliorini. The 'Chemical Reverse Approach' to identify autoantibodies in Systemic Lupus Erithematosus patients. 31st European Peptide Symposium, Copenhagen (Denmark), September 5-9, 2010. Abstract P398. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2010), vol. 16(S1), p. 200, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.1303.
[P172] Testa, C., Carganico, S., Scrima, M., D’Ursi, A.M., Germain, N.L., Chorev, M., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M.Biological studies of synthesized homologues of melanocortin hormones 2nd PhD Day, University of Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, Florence (Italy), 18 May 2011
[P173] ME Street, A.M Papini, C. Testa, F. Nuti, E. Grossi, S Bernasconi Relationships between urinary concentrations of PHTALOX, obesity and insulin sensitivity in obese children: a pilot study. The Obese Species workshop, Erice Italy 21-26 October 2011.
[P174] F. Real-Fernández, F. Nuti, M.Angeles Bonache, M. Boccalini, S. Chimichi, M. Chelli, AM. Papini. Controlled microwave-assisted coupling reaction to obtain glycosylated aspartic acid. International Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis Symposium, Firenze (Italy), April 27-29, 2011 Abstract PP-9
[P175] Y. Cao, C. Tiberi, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, J.Uziel, A.M. Papini. A convergent microwave-assisted approach for solid-phase synthesis of O-glycopeptide sequences. International Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis Symposium, Firenze (Italy), April 27-29, 2011 Abstract PP-12.
[P176] M Di Pisa,G Sabatino,M Chelli,P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Characterization of linear autoantigenic epitopes in CeliacDisease MW assisted and conventional solid phase synthesis. International Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis Symposium, Firenze (Italy), April 27-29, 2011 Abstract PP-14
[P177] G. Cane, M. Lumini, A.M. Papini, M. Ginanneschi Microwave-assisted RCM in the synthesis of Somatostatin dicarba-analogues. A case study MW assisted and conventional solid phase synthesis. International Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis Symposium, Firenze (Italy), April 27-29, 2011 Abstract PP-10
[P178] G. Sizun-Thome, G.Sabatino, B.Gatto, E. Peroni, Paolo Rovero, A.M. Papini. Solid-phase synthesis of NCp7(12-55) peptide: a comparison between MW assisted and conventional solid phase synthesis. International Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis Symposium, Firenze (Italy), April 27-29, 2011 Abstract PP-11
[P179] O. Monasson, C. Rentier, F. Rizzolo, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini. Microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis of peptide probes to detect specific biomarkers: shifting off limitations affecting conventional synthetic strategies.International Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis Symposium, Firenze (Italy), April 27-29, 2011 Abstract PP-13
[P180] F. Rizzolo, C. Testa, M. Chorev, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini, Conventional and microwave-assisted SPPS of PTHrP(1-34)NH2 - A comparative study.2nd International Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis Symposium, MAOPS2, Florence (Italy), 27-29 April 2011. Abstract FP-4
[P181] I. Friligou, F. Rizzolo , T Tselios, J Matsoukas, P Rovero, A.M. Papini. Protocol for Microwave-Assisted Convergent and Divergent Synthesis of Multiple Antigen Peptide Systems (MAPs) 2nd International Microwave-Assisted Organic and Peptide Synthesis Symposium, MAOPS2, Florence (Italy), 27-29 April 2011. Abstract FP-6
[P182] Testa, C., D’Addona, D., Scrima, M., D’Ursi, A.M., Dirain, M.L., Chorev, M., Haskell-Luevano, C., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M. SAR studies of triazolyl-containing cyclopeptides: A defined β-turn structure increases potency and selectivity to melanocortin receptor subtypes. 32ndEuropean Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), 2-7 September 2012. Abstract-P-301. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S166-S167, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449
[P183] Rentier, C., Nuti, F., Monasson, O., Rossi, G., Pacini, G., Sabatino, G., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M. Post-translationally modified peptides for diagnostics and follow-up of autoimmune diseases.University of Florence 1st year Ph.D. students (cycle XXVII), Florence, (Italy), December 17 2012
[P184] Larregola, M., Pacini, G., Rizzolo, F., Burlina, F., Lavielle, S., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M. Towards semi-synthetic N-glucosylated MOG to identify aberrantly modified native protein autoantigens in multiple sclerosis 2nd Austrian Peptide Symposium, Vienna (Austria), November 29 2012.
[P185] Rentier, C., Monasson, O., Nuti, F., Traldi, P., Lapolla, A., Larregola, M., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M. Synthesis of post-translationally modified peptides for detection of autoantibodies in diabetic patients’ sera 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Atene (Grecia),Settembre 2-7, 2012. Abstract P-032. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. 68-69, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449.
[P186] Cao, Y., Nuti, F., Rossi, G., Uziel, J., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M. Synthesis of peptides and sulfated monosaccharides able to identify antibodies in IgM monoclonal gammopathy 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7, 2012 Abstract P-118. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S100-S101, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449
[P187] Y. Cao, F. Nuti, C. Tiberi, J. Uziel, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of building blocks for the synthesis of glycopeptides to detect anti-ganglioside antibodies in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7, 2012 Abstract P-117. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S100, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449.
[P188] Nuti, F., Real-Fernandez, F., Pandey, S., Hayek, J., De Felice, C., Lavielle, S., Larregola, M., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M. Autoantibodies to N-glucosylated peptide sequons in Rett syndrome: the first insight to disclose an autoimmune mechanism 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7, 2012 Abstract P-218. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. 137, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449.
[P189] Rentier, C., Nuti, F., Pacini, G., Rovero, P., Selmi, C., Papini, A.M. Synthesis of diastereoisomeric modified amino acids derived from -lipoic acid for use in solid phase peptide synthesis 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7, 2012 Abstract-P-362. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S187, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449.
[P190] Larregola, M., Pacini, G., Rizzolo, F., Burlina, F., Lavielle, S., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M. Towards semi-synthetic N-glucosylated MOG to identify aberrantly modified native protein autoantigens in multiple sclerosis 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7, 2012 Abstract-P-119. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S187, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449.
[P191] Monasson, O., Rizzolo, F., Traldi, P., Lapolla, A., Papini, A.M. Design and synthesis of new peptide scaffold presenting AGEs as diagnostic tool to monitor biomarkers in diabetes 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7 2012 Abstract-P-339. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S180, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449.
[P192] Rizzolo, F., Testa, C., Lambardi, D., Chorev, M., Chelli, M., Rovero, P., Papini, A.M.. Fast and efficient microwave-assisted monitoring of difficult peptide sequences. 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7 2012 Abstract-P-202. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. 131-132, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.244
[P193] C. Tiberi, G. Sabatino, M. Di Pisa, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. SPPS of glucosylated multiple antigen peptides (MAPs) as synthetic probes for detection of autoantibodies in multiple sclerosis patients’ sera. 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7 2012 Abstract-P-359. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S186, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2448.
[P194] M. Di Pisa, G. Sabatino, M. Chelli, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. (2012). Synthesis of newly designed peptides for the diagnosis of Celiac Disease. 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7 2012 Abstract-P-364. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S188, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449.
[P195] G. Sabatino, F. Di Pisa, M. Potenza, L. Dei, A.M. Papini. (2012). UPLC-based amino acid analysis of paintings and statistical analysis of chromatographic profiles for conservation of cultural heritage. 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7 2012, Abstract-P-373. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S191, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2449
[P196] A.M. Papini. The mimicry pathway from anti-glycopeptide antibodies to specific protein antigens of immune-mediated neurodegenerative/neuroregressive diseases: the case study of Rett syndrome. 32nd European Peptide Symposium, Athens (Greece), September 2-7 2012, Abstract-0P-373. JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE (2012), vol. 18(S1), p. S23, ISSN: 1075-2617, doi: 10.1002/psc.2448.
[P197] Larregola, M., Papini,A.M. The importance of a “Chemical Reverse Approach” to detect biomarkers of immune‑mediated diseases. 13th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples (Italy), June 7-10 2012
[P198] Larregola, M., Papini,A.M. “Chemical Reverse Approach” to detect biomarkers of immune-mediated diseases. 3rd ERI-ICP conference "Death, Danger, Inflammation and Immunity", Institut Pasteur, Paris (France), May 31-June 1 2012
[P199] Larregola, M., Papini, A.M.The importance of a “Chemical Reverse Approach” to detect biomarkers of immune‑mediated diseases. Gordon Research Conference on Peptides, Chemistry & Biology, Ventura, CA (USA), February 19-24 2012
[P200] A. Pratesi, C. Gabbiani, M. Ginanneschi, A.M. Papini, L. Messori Reactions of Cytotoxic Gold(I) and Gold(III) Complexes with the Active Site of Thioredoxin Reductase. Atti del 12th Workshop on PharmacoBioMetallics – BIOMET12, pag. 71 – P15, Padova, 26-28 Ottobre 2012.
[P201] C. Rentier, A.M. Papini Synthesis of modified peptides to set-up diagnostic tests for autoimmune diseases. Presentation session for “Les Doctoriales”, Vélizy-Villacoublay (France), June 17, 2012.
[P202] C. Rentier, O. Monasson, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, G. Pacini, G. Rossi, M. Larregola, P. Rovero,, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of lipoylated lysines ready for SPPS to be used as post-translational modifications in peptidomimetics for immune-related diseases diagnostics. Journées de Chimie Organique de la Societé Chimique de France 2013, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (France),September 24-26, 2013. Abstract P278, pag. 380.
[P203] C. Rentier, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, G. Pacini, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Preparation of peptide-resin conjugates to remove pathogenic antibodies from autoimmune diseases patients’ sera: the case of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis.PepMat 2013, October 28-31, 2013, Sorrento (Italy). Abstract P37.
[P204]M. Di Pisa, G. Sabatino, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Epitope mapping of N-terminal portion of tissue transglutaminase protein antigen to identify linear epitopes in coeliac disease. 18ème GFPP, Sète (France), 26-31 May 2013.
[P205]N. Auberger, M. Di Pisa, M. Larregola, O. Lequin, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini, G. Chassaing, J.M. Mallet, and S. Lavielle. Synthesis of new cyclo(glyco)peptides for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. 18ème GFPP, Sète (France), 26-31 May 2013.
[P206]M.T.C. Walvoort, C. Testa, G. Pacini, G. Rossi, A.M. Papini, B. Imperiali. Protein Glycosylation in Bacteria A New Variation on an Old Theme. MIT Bio-Retreat, 10-11 June 2013 Sea Crest Beach Hotel (Falmouth), USA.
[P207]C. Rentier, G. Pacini, G. Rossi, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, M. Larregola, C. Selmi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Post-translationally modified peptides for diagnostics and follow-up of autoimmune diseases. Frontiers of Chemical Biology: investigating life with Chemistry, June 6th 2014, Paris (France).
[P208] M. Di Pisa, N. Auberger, M. Larregola, G. Chassaing, E. Peroni, S. Lavielle, A.M. Papini, O. Lequin, J.-M. Mallet. Glaser Oxidative Coupling on Peptides: Stabilization of β-Turn Structure. PD04, RICT 2014, Rouen, 2-4 July 2014. Poster Prize by the SCT (Société de Chimie Thérapeutique).
[P209] V. Doan, G. Chaume, F. Rizzolo, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini, S. Kara, S. Afonin, E. Strandberg, A. Ulrich, T. Brigaud. SOLID PHASE PEPTIDE SYNTHESIS OF A 19F-LABELED HARZIANIN: AN ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTAIBOL. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract YP38, p. 107-108. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S107-S108, Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P210] D. Petkova, B. Yanachkova, O.Monasson, A.M. Papini, I. Stoineva. SHORT SYNTHETIC PEPTIDES AS INHIBITORS OF ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTIN ENZYME. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P011, p. 122. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S122. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P211] C. Rentier, O. Monasson, Z. Ferhat, F. Nuti, G. Sabatino, M. Larregola, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini. COMPARATIVE STUDY OF METHIONINE OXIDATION IN SELECTED PEPTIDE SEQUENCES. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P022, p. 128. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S128. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688
[P212] S. Pascarella, F. Melani, L. Giovannelli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. MIMICKING SERIN PROTEASE INHIBITOR H1 CHAPERONE FUNCTION IN COLLAGEN BIOSYTNHETIC PATHWAY VIA THE TEMPLATE ASSEMBLED SYNTHETIC PROTEIN APPROACH. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P100, p. 173-174. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S173-S174. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P213] D. Uber, J. Makowska, C. Tiberi, A.M. Papini, L. Chmurzyński. SYNTHESIS AND CONFORMATION ALANALYSIS OF PEPTIDES DERIVED FROM HUMAN PIN1 PROTEIN (WW DOMAIN). 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P131, p. 192-193. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S192-S193. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P214] S. Pascarella, C. Tiberi, L. Giovannelli, L. Pino, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. DESIGN, SYNTHESIS AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF COLLAGEN TURNOVER MODULATORS: DEGRADATION INHIBITOR AND PRODUCTION ENHANCER PEPTIDES. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P193, p. 230. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S230. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P215] M. Ieronymaki, M. Larregola, G. Pacini, F. Burlina, S. Lavielle, J. Offer, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. SEMI-SYNTHETIC STRATEGY TO OBTAIN ABERRANTLY N-GLUCOSYLATED MYELIN OLIGODENDROCYTE GLYCOPROTEIN: PART I: OPTIMIZATION OF THE SYNTHESIS OF Asn31(Glc)hMOG(1-34). 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P208, p. 239-240. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S239-S240. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P216] M. Ieronymaki, E. Peroni, F. Nuti, G. Rossi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. SYNTHETIC STRATEGIES TO CYCLIC PEPTIDE MIMICS OF HNK-1, A POSSIBLE SYNTHETIC ANTIGENIC PROBES FOR CHRONIC DEMYELINATION DISEASE DIAGNOSTICS. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P209, p. 240-241. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S240-S241. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P217] C. Rentier, G. Rossi, F. Nuti, A. Lapolla, P. Traldi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. KYNURENINE: A POST-TRANSLATIONAL MODIFICATION POSSIBLY INVOLVED IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P217, p. 245. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S245. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P218] G. Rossi, F. Real-Fernández, F. Panza, F. Pratesi, P. Migliorini, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. BIOSENSOR CHARACTERIZATION OF THE INTERACTION BETWEEN SYNTHETIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDES AND AUTOANTIBODIES IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS’ SERA. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P219, p. 246-247. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S246-S247. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P219] F. Real-Fernández, G. Rossi, F. Niccheri, M. Ramazzotti, D. Degl’Innocenti, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. CHARACTERIZATION OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN DOMAIN ANTIBODIES BY SURFACE PLASMON RESONANCE. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P220, p. 247. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S247. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688
[P220] G. Pacini, C. Rentier, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, F. Real Fernàndez, P.M. Battezzati, C. Selmi, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. DETECTION OF AUTOANTIBODIES IN PRIMARY BILIARY CIRRHOSIS USING PEPTIDES OF THE DIHYDROLIPOAMIDE ACETYLTRANSFERASE. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P221, p. 247-248. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S247-S248. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P221] G. Pacini, M. Larregola, M. Ieronymaki, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. SEMI-SYNTHETIC STRATEGY TO OBTAIN ABERRANTLY N-GLUCOSYLATED MYELIN OLIGODENDROCYTE GLYCOPROTEIN: PART II: EXPRESSION OF RECOMBINANT FRAGMENT hMOG(35-117). 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P255, p. 269-270. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S269-S270. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688. Abstract P255 – p. 269-270.
[P222] E. Peroni, W. Bellagha-Chenchah, F. Real Fernandez , P. Rovero, Z. Ferhat, C. Sella, L. Thouin, C. Amatore, A.M. Papini. INNOVATIVE ELECTROCHEMICAL DIAGNOSTIC DEVICES BASED ON SYNTHETIC CONFORMATIONAL PEPTIDE EPITOPE MIMICS. 33rd European Peptide Symposium, National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria), 31 August-5 September 2014. Abstract P311, p. 304-305. Journal of Peptide Science (2014), Vol. 20(S1). p. S304-305. Article first published online: 20 AUG 2014. DOI: 10.1002/psc.2688.
[P223] E. Koenig, A.M. Papini. Anti-Galectin-Autoantibodies as Biomarkers in Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer. Peptides in Paris – PIPS 2014, Institute of Advanced Studies, Gennevilliers site of the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). October 5-8, 2014. Abstract P1, p. 51.
[P224] V. Doan, G. Chaume, A. Bordessa, F. Rizzolo, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini, S. Kara, S. Afonin, A. Ulrich, T. Brigaud. Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis of a 19F-Labeled Harzianin: an Antimicrobial Peptaibol. Peptides in Paris – PIPS 2014, Institute of Advanced Studies, Gennevilliers site of the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France).. October 5-8, 2014. Abstract P7, p. 57.
[P225] Y. Cao, G. Rossi, F. Nuti, P. Rovero, J. Uziel, A.M. Papini. Sugar and Peptide Mimics for SPR Characterization of Autoantibodies in Monoclonal Gammopathy. Peptides in Paris – PIPS 2014, Institute of Advanced Studies, Gennevilliers site of the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). October 5-8, 2014. Abstract P8, p. 58.
[P226] M. Ieronymaki, M. Larregola, G. Pacini, F. Burlina, S. Lavielle, J. Offer, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Semi-Synthetic Strategy to Obtain Aberrantly N-Glucosylated Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein: Part I: Optimization of the Synthesis of Asn31(Glc)hMOG(1-34). Peptides in Paris – PIPS 2014, Institute of Advanced Studies, Gennevilliers site of the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). October 5-8, 2014. Abstract P12, p. 62.
[P227] C. Rentier, G. Pacini, G. Rossi, F. Nuti, E. Peroni, M. Larregola, C. Selmi, P. Rovero and A.M. Papini. Post-Translationally Modified Peptides for Diagnostics and Follow-Up of Autoimmune Diseases. Peptides in Paris – PIPS 2014, Institute of Advanced Studies, Gennevilliers site of the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). October 5-8, 2014. Abstract P15, p. 65.
[P228] G. Pacini, M. Larregola, M. Ieronymaki, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Semi-Synthetic Strategy to Obtain Aberrantly N-Glucosylated Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein: Part II: Expression of Recombinant Fragment hMOG(35-117). Peptides in Paris – PIPS 2014, Institute of Advanced Studies, Gennevilliers site of the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). October 5-8, 2014. Abstract P16, p. 66.
[P229] E. Peroni, G. Sabatino, F. Nuti ,P. Rovero, F. Lolli, A.M. Papini. The “Chemical Reverse Approach”: from N-Glucosylated Beta-Turn Peptide Structures Mimicking Conformational Epitopes to Novel Protein Autoantigens of Multiple Sclerosis. Peptides in Paris – PIPS 2014, Institute of Advanced Studies, Gennevilliers site of the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). October 5-8, 2014. Abstract P17, p. 67.
[P230] Pascarella, S.; Tiberi, C.; Sabatino, G.; Nuti, F., Papini, A.M.; Giovannelli, L; Rovero, P. SerpinA1 C-Terminal Peptides as Collagen Turnover Modulators CHEMMEDCHEM 11(SI) (16) P: 1850-1855 23rd National Meeting of the Medicinal-Chemistry-Division of the Italian-Chemical-Society (DCF-SCI): Salerno, (ITALY) Date: 2015.
[P231] Makowska J;Uber D; Zmudzinska W; Tiberi C; Chmurzynski L; Papini AM. Conformational analysis of fragments of the human Pin1 protein: the influence of charged amino-acid residues on the beta-hairpin structure PROTEIN SCIENCE 24(SI) (1) P:86 Meeting Abstract: PD-026 29th Annual Symposium of the Protein-Society Barcelona, SPAIN JUL 22-25, 2015. Publisher WILEY-BLACKWELL, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Meeting Abstract: PD-026 Published: OCT 2015
[P232] Larregola M.; Monasson O; Ieronymaki M.; SackoS.; Pantelia A.; Nuti F.; Burlina F.; Lavielle S.; Offer J.; Rovero P.; Papini A.M. Synthesis of N-Glucosylated Myelin Oligodendrocyte glycoprotein: a challenging route J Pept Sci 22(S1) 52 p: 67 Meeting Abstract: PP-025. 34th European Peptide Symposium, Leipzig (Germany), 4-9 September, 2016.
[P233] M. Przybylski, L. Lupu, H. Rusche, Z. Kukacka, Y. Baschung, M. Murphy, J. Bornheim, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. ONLINE BIOSENSOR- MASS SPECTROMETRY: NEW TOOL FOR EPITOPE IDENTIFICATION AND AFFINITY QUANTIFICATION OF PEPTIDE- AND PROTEIN-LIGAND INTERACTIONS. J Pept Sci 22(S1) 52 p: 102 Meeting Abstract: PP VI – 100. 34th European Peptide Symposium, Leipzig (Germany), 4-9 September, 2016.
[P234] Z. Kukacka, M. Iurascu, M. Murphy, J. Bornheim, L. Altamore, A.M. Papini, M. Przybylski. EPITOPE IDENTIFICATION OF HUMAN Α-GALACTOSIDASE A TO A MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY BY AFFINITY MASS SPECTROMETRY. Journal of Peptide Science (2016), Vol 22(S1) 52 p: 230. Meeting Abstract: PP XIV – 373. 34th European Peptide Symposium, Leipzig (Germany), 4-9 September, 2016.
[P235] O. Monasson, M. Larregola, M. Ieronymaki, S. Sacko, A. Pantelia, F. Nuti, F. Burlina, S. Lavielle, J. Offer, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Synthesis of N-glucosylated Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein: a challenging route. 15th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples (Italy) 23-25 June 2016.
[P236] A. Mazzoleni, C. Testa, S. Francesconi, S. Lavielle, P. Rovero, J.-M. Mallet, and A.M. Papini. Synthesis and characterisation of glucosylated peptides: toward selective plasmapheresis-based treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples (Italy) June 7-9, 2018. Poster P04.
[P237] B. Dalla Volta, G. Sabatino, A. Grammatikopoulos, M. Vignoli, A.M. Papini, G. Pappalardo, P. Rovero, A. Kapurniotu. Conformationally constrained analogues of amyloidogenic segments of Islet Amyloid Polypeptide. 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples (Italy) June 7-9, 2018. Poster P28.
[P238] F. Real-Fernandez, I. Guryanov, N. Prisco, G. Sabatino, B. Biondi, F. Formaggio, A.M. Papini, T. Tennikova, and P. Rovero. Peptide sto study HIV-1 and CCR5 interactions by surface plasmon resonance. 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples (Italy) June 7-9, 2018. Poster P36.
[P239] H. Rusche, Z. Kukacka, L. Lupu, L. Altamore, F. Bori, S. Mae, J. Hennermann, M. Przybylski, A.M. Papini. Antibody epitope of human a-galactosidase A revealed by affinity-mass spectrometry. 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples (Italy) June 7-9, 2018. Poster P45.
[P240] L. Altamore, C. Testa, F. Real-Fernandez, G. Sabatino, R. Bechara, M. Pallardy, A. Lapolla, C. Selmi, F. Borri, M. Przybylski, J. Hayek, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Use of peptide mimetics of proteins to characterise immune response in different pathologies: a powerful approach. 16th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides, Naples (Italy) June 7-9, 2018. Poster P47.
[P241] H. Rusche, Z. Kukacka, L. Lupu, L. Altamore, F. Bori, S. Maeser, J. Hennermann, M. Przybylski, A.M. Papini. Antibody epitope of human a-galactosidase A revealed by affinity-mass spectrometry. 35th European Peptide Symposium, University College Dublin (Ireland) August 26-31, 2018. Poster P155. Journal of Peptide Science (2018), Vol 24(S2) p: S135-S136 Meeting Abstract: P155 Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: SEP 2018
[P242] F. Errante, S. Pascarella, C. Cipriani, L. Giovannelli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Serpin A1 derivatives as Collagen turnover modulators for cosmeceutical uses. 35th European Peptide Symposium, University College Dublin (Ireland) August 26-31, 2018. Poster P158. Journal of Peptide Science (2018), Vol 24(S2) p: 136. Meeting Abstract: P158. Publisher WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA Published: SEP 2018
[P243] F. Nuti, C. Gellini, M. Larregola, L. Squillantini, R. Chelli, P.R. Salvi, O. Lequin, G. Pietraperzia, A.M. Papini. A phtochromic azobenzene peptidomimetic of a beta-turn model peptide structure as a conformational switch. 21st GFPP (Groupe Français des Peptides et Protéines), Amboise (France), May 12-16, 2019. Poster P42.
[P244] M. Petruzzo, R. Lanzillo, C. Criscuolo, A. Lamberti, P. Salvatore, R. Colicchio, C. Pagliuca, E. Scaglione, G. Mantova, F. Real-Fernandez, P. Rovero, F. Lolli, H. Rusche, R. Berisio, M. Mancini, A.M. Papini, V. Brescia Morra. Elucidation of a new triggering mechanism of Multiple Sclerosi mediated by non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae. Congresso Scientifico Annuale AISM e la sua Fondazione: Make MS visible, Hotel A. Roma Lifestyle, Via Giorgio Zoega, 59 Roma (Italy), 29-31 Maggio 2019. Poster FISM Grant 7: Pathogenesis and Risk factors.
[P245] B. Petit, A.-C. Mitaine-Offer, F. Real Fernández, A.M. Papini, C. Delaude, M.-A. Lacaille-Dubois. Natural triterpene glycosides for antibody recognition in multiple sclerosis: an immunoassay development. FJC 2019, a young scientist forum, Dijon (France), 13-14 June, 2019. Poster xxxx
[P246] A. Mazzoleni, C. Testa, F. Real-Fernandez, P. Rovero, J.-M. Mallet, A.M. Papini. An octopus-like N-glucosylated adhesin peptide-dendrimer: toward a selective apheresis for personalized treatment of multiple sclerosis. APS Montery – 2019. 26th American Peptide Symposium, Portola Hotel Monterey Conference Center, CA, USA, 22-27 June, 2019, P168, Abstract p. xxx.
[P247] A. Mazzoleni, C. Testa, F. Real-Fernandez, P. Rovero, J.-M. Mallet, A.M. Papini. N-glucosylated peptide conjugates for the antigen-specific treatment of multiple sclerosis. International Symposium “Chemistry meets industry and society: a creative showcase conference”, Workshop 3: “Smart Peptide Chemistry for Next Generation Industry in a Sustainable Society”, Grand Hotel Salerno, Lungomare Clemente Tafuri, 1, Salerno (Italy), 28-30 Agosto 2019. Abstract WS3 XY00
[P248] O. Monasson, E. Peroni, A.M. Papini. Peptlab@UCP: a prototype platform for cGMP large scale peptide synthesis to favour phase I and II clinical studies. International Symposium “Chemistry meets industry and society: a creative showcase conference”, Workshop 3: “Smart Peptide Chemistry for Next Generation Industry in a Sustainable Society”, Grand Hotel Salerno, Lungomare Clemente Tafuri, 1, Salerno (Italy), 28-30 Agosto 2019. Abstract WS3 XY00
[P249] A. D’Ercole, G. Sabatino, L. Pacini, A. Ribecai, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini. Development of new approaches to alternative cyclization strategies from lab scale to pilot scale production of peptides. Academic research of constrained lead peptides for long-term industrial development. International Symposium “Chemistry meets industry and society: a creative showcase conference”, Workshop 3: “Smart Peptide Chemistry for Next Generation Industry in a Sustainable Society”, Grand Hotel Salerno, Lungomare Clemente Tafuri, 1, Salerno (Italy), 28-30 Agosto 2019. Abstract WS3 XY00
[P250] C. Bello, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero, C.F.W. Becker. Toward homogeneous glycoproteins via auxiliary-assisted sequential glycosylation and ligation of peptides. International Symposium “Chemistry meets industry and society: a creative showcase conference”, Workshop 3: “Smart Peptide Chemistry for Next Generation Industry in a Sustainable Society”, Grand Hotel Salerno, Lungomare Clemente Tafuri, 1, Salerno (Italy), 28-30 Agosto 2019. Abstract WS3 XY00
[P251] F. Errante, L. Giovannelli, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Anti-ageing peptides derived from serpin A1 for cosmeceutical uses. International Symposium “Chemistry meets industry and society: a creative showcase conference”, Workshop 3: “Smart Peptide Chemistry for Next Generation Industry in a Sustainable Society”, Grand Hotel Salerno, Lungomare Clemente Tafuri, 1, Salerno (Italy), 28-30 Agosto 2019. Abstract WS3 XY00. Selected for Flash Communication.
[P252] A. Staśkiewicz, L. Macchia, F. Nuti, M. Jewgiński, M.Larregola, M. Chorev, P. Rovero, A.M. Papini, R. Latajka. Design and synthesis of clicked oxytocin analogs. 25th Polish Peptide Symposium, Wojanów (Poland), September 8-12, 2019. P53 (pag. 118).
[P253] E. Marrani, H. Rusche, F. Terzani, E. Peroni, F. Real-Fernandez, O. Monasson, R. Ponti, G. Simonini, A.M. Papini, P. Rovero. Anti-adalimumab Antibodies Detection Using a Novel Peptide-based Assay in a Cohort of Pediatric Patients with Chronic Rheumatic Disorders: A Pilot Study. ACR Convergence 2020. Where Reumatology Meets. Virtual Meeting. November 5-9, 2020. Abstract number 0719. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020; 72 (suppl 10).
In vitro Diagnostics and peptide biomarkers. Glycoconjugates and PTM antigens as diagnostic and prognostic tools for human, animal, and plant diseases. IVDs for autoimmune diseases. Characterisation of biomarkers of disease activity. R&D of diagnostic/prognostic tools, immunotherapies, apheresis technologies.
In vivo Diagnostics and imaging techniques. DOTA peptide analogues for cancer pre-targeting diagnosis & therapy. FIV peptides for the development of an anti-retroviral therapy for felines.
Cultural heritage. Peptide-based immunoassays for characterization of glues, in particular collagen.
Peptide Nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. Spiruline. Fish feed. Peptides involved in collagen turnover.
Development of processes for large-scale green solid-phase peptide synthesis. Production of active pharmaceutical peptide ingredients by MW-technology.
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