Il docente solitamente riceve su appuntamento il Mercoledì mattina dalle 9 alle 11 nel suo ufficio presso il Dipartimento di Chimica "Ugo Schiff", in via della Lastruccia 3 a Sesto Fiorentino, primo piano, stanza 204 (contattare tramite email per prenotare entro il giorno precedente la visita).
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Matteo Mannini è professore ordinario di Chimica Generale e Inorganica ed opera presso il Laboratorio di Magnetismo Molecolare (LaMM) dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, affiliato all'Istituto Europeo di Magnetismo Molecolare (EIMM). E' responsabile per il DICUS dell'Unità di Ricerca Interdipartimentale MatchLAB. La sua attività è incentrata sulla realizzazione di dispositivi e nanostrutture ibride molecolari-inorganiche e la loro caratterizzazione tramite tecniche di microscopia a scansione di sonda e tecniche basate su luce di sincrotrone. Ha ricevuto i premi "Olivier Kahn International award" per il magnetismo molecolare (2017), "Raffaello Nasini" per la chimica inorganica (2017), "Niccolò Copernico" per la Fisica (2010). È titolare del corso "NANOMATERIALI PER APPLICAZIONI AVANZATE" per il Corso di Laurea in Chimica, del corso di CHIMICA GENERALE E INORGANICA per il Corso di Laurea in Scienza dei Materiali e del corso SUPERSTRUCTURES AND MULTI-COMPONENTS ARCHITECTURES IN LIFE AND MATERIAL SCIENCES per il corso di Laurea Magistrale in Advanced Molecular Sciences.
He graduated got in 2004 in Chemistry cum laude with a thesis on the development of an OLED based on the Langmuir Blodgett technique in the Center for Colloids and Surface Science, University of Florence, then he moved to the Laboratory of Molecular Magnetism of the Department of Chemistry where under the guidance of prof. Dante Gatteschi, achieved in 2007 the Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences and the European Doctorate in Molecular Magnetism with a thesis titled “Molecular Magnetic Materials on Solid Surfaces”. In 2005 he was visiting student at APE Research S.R.L. ( & INSTM Lab @ Area Science Park, Trieste, Italy and in 2006 he has been visiting student at the Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), CNRS, France. After 4 years of post-doc and one year as a researcher for the AdG ERC-project MolNanom@s in 2011, he received the "Futuro in Ricerca" grant for the project NanoPlasMag and a researcher position at the University of Florence. Since September 2024 he is an full professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry.
He received the "Olivier Kahn International award for molecular magnetism" (2017), the "Niccolo Nasini Medal for Inorganic Chemistry"(2017), the "Niccolò Copernico award for Physics" (2010) and the "NEST award for Nanoscience" (2009).
Researcher unique identifiers
Scopus Author ID: 8887032800
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7549-2124
2007 PhD in Chemical Science (PhD Supervisor: Prof. Dante Gatteschi, Univ. of Florence,(I). Laboratory for Molecular Magnetism, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy; (diploma awarded on: 30/08/2007)
2007 European Doctorate in Molecular Magnetism certificate (Tutor Prof. Jean-Pierre Bucher, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), CNRS, France and Prof. Dante Gatteschi, Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy).
2003 BS degree in Chemistry (Tutor Prof. Piero Baglioni, University of Florence, Italy). Center for Colloids and Surface Science, University of Florence, Italy.
2018 - Associate Professor in General and Inorganic Chemistry (CHIM03)
2015 – 2018 Assistant professor, tenure track (Italian Temporary Researcher type B - law art. 24 comma 3-a L. 240/10) - Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2012 – 2015 Assistant professor (Italian Temporary Researcher type A - law art. 24 comma 3-a L. 240/10) - Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2011 – 2012 Assistant professor (Italian Temporary Researcher - law art. 1 comma 14 L. 230/05) - Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2007 – 2011 Post-doc Researcher Fellowship
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy (group leader Prof. R Sessoli).
2007 Professional contract (Italian Co.Co.Pro.) - National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology, Florence Research Unit, Italy.
2006 Visiting student - IPCMS, CNRS, France.
2005 Visiting student - APE Research S.R.L. ( & INSTM Lab @Area Science Park, Trieste, Italy.
2004 – 2006 PhD student - Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2004 – 2006 Ministerial grant for a 3-years PhD student position - Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2003 - 2004 Post BS fellowship (Italian Borsa di Studio) - National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology, Florence Research Unit, Italy.
2011 – ... Appointed professor of the course – "Nanomaterials for advanced applications" (60h) BS Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2014 and 2017 Appointed professor of course – "Characterization of nanomaterials by scanning microscopies" (8h each year) PhD in Chemistry, Dept.Chemistry, Univ. of Florence, Italy.
2013 – 2014 "Methodologies for the investigation of nanomaterials " (40 h)
Course for "Advanced Technician for industrial processes and new technologies focused on applied nanotechnology" -
Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa Spa, Italy.
2010 – 2015 Laboratory assistant and examination commission member of the course "Chemical
Preparations", Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Florence, Italy.
2013–2017 7 Post-Docs, Dr. V. Bonacchi, Dr. L. Poggini, Dr. E. Lottini, Dr. G. Cucinotta, N. Calisi, I. Cimatti, G. Serrano. Dept. of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2013–2015 3 Research Fellow post-BS students (M. Petrecca, C. Battistini and M. Pucci). National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology, Florence, Italy.
2013 - 2016 2 Research Fellow (Borse di studio), Dr. M. Serri and Dr. M. Petrecca,Dept. of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2012–2017 2 PhD Students Dept. Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.: L. Poggini and I. Cimatti (M.Cantarel 2016 awardee).
2010–2017 13 Graduating Students (L. Poggini, L. Venturini, N. Cristiani, C. Degl'Innocenti, T. Puccini, G. Petrucci (BS), G. Petrucci (MS) L. Fabrri, L. Mati, A. Sorrentino, V. Mazzoncini, N. Giaconi, L. Squillantini). Dept. of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2010 "Niccolò Copernico" award for Physics: Under 40 Italian Young Scientist award.
2010 Special Mention of the jury (first classified) of the "NEST award for Nanoscience" 2009.
2009 Special Mention of the jury (second classified) of the "NEST award for Nanoscience" 2008
2007 Best Scientific PhD thesis of the University "Firenze University Press award".
2007 Best Italian PhD thesis in Inorganic Chemistry from the Italian Chemical Society.
- National Scientific Qualification for the U niversity Professor position as associate professor in General and Inorganic Chemistry (SSD 03/B1 as associate professor valid until 1/12/2020) as well as in Technology of Chemistry (SSD 03/B2 as associate professor).
2015 International Conference “Seeing Molecules” - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Roma (I);
2016 Symposium “Molecularly functionalized low dimensional systems” CMD26 Groningen (NL)
2013– ... MemberoftheDepartment of ChemistryCommittee for a posteriori Post-Doc Evaluation.
2012– ... Department councilmember,Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2012– … BS in Chemistry councilmember,Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, Italy.
2013– ... Memberofpost-doc board for hiring post-docs according to Italian law(SSD 03/B1).
2017 Projects evaluator for LabEx NIE call, of the Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (France).
2017 Project evaluator for Sonata call, of the “NCN”, Polish National Science Foundation.
2017 Evaluator (reserve list) of projects COST for the call “OC-2016-2” of the EC.
2016 Member of the International panel of experts for the evaluation of the projects Polonez 2 of the “NCN”, Polish National Science Foundation.
2016 Scientific evaluator for Italian Universities Quality Research Assessment (VQR), MIUR.
2015 Projects evaluator for Ambitione call, of the “NCN”, Polish National Science Foundation.
2011 External referee for Urgence Projects, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France.
2012 – ... Scientific Editorial Board member of Dataset Papers in Materials Science, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York.
2010 – ... Reviewer for: J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Nature Commun.; Nature Chem.; Nano. Res. Lett.; PPCP; Phys CHem ACS; Chem. Commun.; Chem. Sci.; Appl. Surf. Sci.; Polyhedron; Int. J. Inorg. Chem.; Inorg. Chem.; Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.; Inorg. Chim. Acta; Crystals; New J. Phys; Molecules; "Scienze e Ricerche”
2013 –... Member of the Italian Association for Magnetism (AIMagn)
2007 –... Member of the Italian Chemical Society, SCI (Società Chimica Italiana), Inorganic Chemistry division
2007 - ... Member of the European Institute of Molecular Magnetism – EIMM Scarl
2003 –... Member of the National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology
2017–2020 Member, Research Network “Molecular Spintronic” COST action
- “Exploring bistability at the nanoscale using synchrotron-based tools” Bordeaux Olivier Kahn Discussions – BOOK-D2015, June 27 2017, Bordeaux (France).
- “Exploring properties of magnetic molecules on surfaces using a multitechnique approach”, Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) Brno, Czech Republic, May 4,2017.
- “Magnetic molecules at the interface: hybrid architectures for spintronics” International Conference “The quantum world of molecules: from orbitals to spin networks” – April 27 2017 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome (Italy).
- “A success case: Nanoparticles for the valorization of pottery” Workshop for the naugural day of the “Technological District for New Materials” Firenze (Italy) January 13, 2017.
- “Single Molecule Magnets from bulk to surface”, French-German Summer School on Molecular switches at the nanoscale, Mittelwihr (France), September 4-9, 2016
- “Magnetic Molecules @ Surfaces”, International Winter School of Chemistry and Physics “Molecules @ Surfaces”, Bardonecchia (Italy), January 31 –February 5, 2016
- “Studying molecular magnetism with polarized and unpolarized X-rays”, EXAFS16 satellite meeting “Application of XAFS to the study of magnetic Materials”, Max Plank Institute, Stuttgart (Germany), August 30 –September 2, 2015
- "XMCD-based investigation of single molecule magnet behavior at the nanoscale", NANO2012- XI International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Rhodes (Greece), August 26-31, 2012
- " Magnetism in a Monolayer of Molecules", 4° National Forum of Young Material Science and Technology Researchers ", Padova (I), May 28-30, 2012
- "Bistable magnetic systems at the nanoscale: the molecular way ", Workshop on "Magnetic Materials Under Extreme Conditions", Grenoble (France), February 6-9, 2012
- "Towards the addressing of single magnetic molecule on surface: exploring memory of molecules by XMCD", CNR/NSC-Taiwan Workshop on Tera-storage, CNR, Rome (I), July 24th, 2009
- "Addressing single molecules with electron spin noise STM", Workshop "Towards Devices: Assembling and Addressing Molecular Nanomagnets", Huesca (Spain), September 3-4, 2008
- "Molecular magnetic materials on solid surfaces", XXXV Italian Inorganic Chemistry Congress, Milan (I), September 2 – 7, 2007 (keynote)
- "XMCD: An Unique Tool For The Investigation of Single Molecule Magnets", 8th Swiss Light Source Users Meeting 2007, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen (Switzerland), September 10-13, 2007
Active Projects
(list to be updated...)
Previous Projects
He developed a new research field for the LaMM group related to the deposition of single-molecule magnets, organic radicals, valence tautomers, spin cross-over and single chain magnets on surfaces establishing specific preparation protocols based on wet chemistry and UHV-compatible approaches. He adopted and combined several characterization tools for the analysis of these hybrid nanostructures including the use of scanning probe microscopies and other surface science techniques with extensive use of large-scale facility tools.
He is now interested in the evaluation of magnetic field effects and chirality in hybrid architectures and he is working on the incorporation of magnetic molecules and nanoparticles in these complex structures exploring their functional properties for photovoltaics, spintronic, catalysis and magnetoplasmonic purposes.
In parallel, he started to collaborate with local industries to promote their innovation based on the development and the use of nanomaterials and nanotech-related characterization tools.