Le lezioni del corso di Laboratorio di Chimica Fisica II inizieranno Mercoledì 18 Settembre alle ore 11:00 in Aula 25
Martedì 10-12
Professore ordinario (Profesor Titular), Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus León, Guanajuato, Messico
Sistemi di materia soffice passiva ed attiva, in particolare sistemi colloidali hard e soft, idrogel e batteri. Studio degli stati di equilibrio e non-equilibrio che formano e delle loro proprietà dinamiche, strutturali e meccaniche. In dettaglio la mia attività di ricerca si centra sulle seguenti tematiche:
1) Studio di fenomeni di trasporto di colloidi e batteri in materiali porosi, per applicazioni quali estrazione selettiva, filtraggio e coltura.
2) Studio del controllo della struttura interna di microgel attraverso copolimerizzazione e aggiunta di gruppi funzionali, con il fine di controllarne la risposta a stimoli esterni quali temperatura, pH, UV, e le interazioni in bulk e alle interfasi.
3) Studio di sistemi modello per riprodurre la meccanica di membrane cellulari.
4) Studio dei diagrammi di stato di equilibrio e non equilibrio e delle proprietà di trasporto di sistemi bio-colloidali contenenti DNA in bulk e in confinamento. Studio delle interazioni dei bio-colloidi con materiale biologico.
5) Studio delle proprietà meccaniche e micromeccaniche di materiali, in particolare idrogel, studiate per mezzo di reologia e microscopia a forza atomica.
6) Studio e classificazione di microplastiche da residui organici.
Per lo studio di questi sistemi sono specializzato nell'uso di tecniche avanzate di microscopia ottica, in particolare microscopia confocale, tecniche di correlazione di immagini, scattering di neutroni, luce e raggi X, reologia e micro-reologia.
Autore di 58 pubblicazioni su riviste indicizzate da WoS e Scopus, con un indice h di Hirsch pari a 22 e una media di citazioni per lavoro di circa 22.
Tra i giornali di maggiore rilievo su cui sono apparse le mie pubblicazioni posso citare: Nature Communications, Small, Physical Review Letters, Macromolecules, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.
Collaborazioni attive con i seguenti soggetti nazionali e internazionali: Prof. Emanuela Zaccarelli (Università La Sapienza, Roma), Prof. Alessio Zaccone (Università di Milano), Prof. Pavlik Lettinga, Dr. Emmanuel Stiakakis (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germania), Prof. Christos Likos (Università di Vienna, Austria), Dr. Alessandro Patti, Dr. Carlos Avendaño (Università di Manchester, Regno Unito), Prof. Stefan Egelhaaf, Prof. Thomas Voigtmann (Università di Düsseldorf, Germania), Prof. George Petekidis (FORTH, Grecia), Dr. Manlio Tassieri (Università di Glasgow, Regno Unito), Dr. Paul Sotta (CNRS, Francia), Prof. Magdaleno Medina (Università di San Luis Potosì, Messico), Prof. Ramón Castañeda (Università di Guanajuato, Messico), Dr. Angel Licea (Istituto Tecnologico di Tijauana, Messico)
▪ “Nanoscale Viscoelasticity of Soft Solids by Rheo-AFM”, 2nd International Workshop on Matter Out-of-Equilibrium, San Luis Potosí, Messico, November 2019.
▪ “Single-Particle Viscoelasticity of Colloidal Systems by Atomic Force Microscopy”,LXI Congreso de la Sociedad Méxicana de Física, Puebla, Messico, Ottobre 2018.
▪ “Atomic Force Microscopy for the characterization of the topography and properties of surfaces”, International School of Physical Chemistry: "Physical Chemistry at Surfaces and Interfaces", Catania, Italia, Luglio 2018.
▪ “Digital fourier microscopy for the study of nano and microparticle dynamics in complex environments”, Nanotech 2017, Puerto Vallarta, Messico, Novembre 2017.
▪ “Localisation transition in binary glasses” 2nd Meeting on fluctuations in small complex systems, Venezia, Italia, Ottobre 2014.
▪ “Microscopic investigation of creep in colloidal glasses”, Annual Meeting of the German Physical Society, Dresden, Germania, Luglio 2014.
▪ “Anomalous diffusion in binary glasses”,1st International Workshop on Matter Out-of-Equilibrium, San Luis Potosí, Messico, Dicembre 2014.
▪ “Non-linear response of binary colloidal glasses”, Non-linear Response in Complex Systems II, Erlangen, Germania, Marzo 2013.
▪ “Stress-overshoots in dense colloidal suspensions”, In-Situ Rheology, Hamburg, Germania, Gennaio2013.
▪ "Startup shear ofconcentrated colloidal suspensions", Nano2012, Rodi, Grecia, Agosto 2013.
▪ "Non-linear response of dense colloidal suspensions", CODEFIII, Bonn, Germania, Marzo 2012.
▪ "Rheology of colloidal glasses", Bridging the Scales in Glasses,Düsseldorf, Germania, Gennaio 2012.
Work Experience
2019 - present
Associate professor
University of Florence, Department of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff”, Via della Lastruccia 3, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy
2015 - 2019
Full professor
Universidad de Guanajuato, Department of Physical Engineering, León, Mexico
2010 - 2015
Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für der Kondensierten Materie, Düsseldorf, Germany
2009 - 2010
CNRS and Rhodia Recherches et Technologies, Lion, France
2005 - 2009
2002 - 2005
PhD in Physical Chemistry
Westfälisches Wilhelms Universität Münster and Forschungszentrum Jülich
Title: ”Phase Behavior and Interactions of PEP-PEO Star-Like Micelles”
Tutor: Prof. Dieter Richter
Awards and achievements
2023 Italian Habilitation for Full Professor in Models and Methods for Chemical Sciences (CHIM/02 SC 03/A2)
2021-2022 Responsible of the Florence unit of “Consorzio per lo studio dei sistemi a grande interfase” (CSGI)
2018 Italian Habilitation for Associate Professor in Models and Methods for Chemical Sciences (CHIM/02 SC 03/A2)
2018 Italian Habilitation for Associate Professor in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics (FIS/03 SC 02/B1)
2017 Mexico Distinguished Professor, Mexican Ministry of Education
2013 Young Researcher Award, Transnational Research Network SFB-TR6, Germany
Tutoring activities
From 2005: Supervision (and co-supervision) of 4 Postdoctoral researchers, 5 PhD students, 17 undergraduate students. Member of 7 PhD thesis committees.
Organization of Conferences
2022 Organizer of the session “Colloidal systems in External Fields”, ECIS Conference, Crete
2019 Organizer of the "31st International Conference on Science and Technology of Complex Fluids", San Luis Potosí, Mexico, 27-28 June 2019.
2018 Organizer of the "30st International Conference on Science and Technology of Complex Fluids", San Luis Potosí, Mexico, 19-22 June 2018.
2017-2018 Organizer of the " Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics", Puebla, Mexico.
2016 Organizer of the "2nd International Workshop on Matter Out of Equilibrium", Guanajuato, Mexico, 21-26 August 2016.
Editorial activities
2020 Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physics, Frontiers (CH)
2018 Review Editor of Frontiers in Physics, Frontiers (CH)
Research Project Grants
2023: “Bando competitivo per progetti di rilevante interesse nazionale 2022 (PRIN 2022)”, MUR, Project “Exploiting double thermoresponsivity for a new class of biocompatible Composite MicroGELS (Co-MGELS)”, Role: Coordinator of a Research Unit, Budget: 201,464€
2022: “Bando dottorati PON 2014-2020 su tematiche Green, DM 1061”, Funding for a PhD position on the project: “Sviluppo di idrogel ecosostenibili con strutture ottimizzate per la nano/micro filtrazione, l’assorbimento selettivo e la prevenzione del biofouling”, in collaboration with bioMérieux Spa, Role: Principal Investigator, Budget: 64,576€
2021 “Bando competitivo consorzi di ricerca nazionali”, MUR, Project “Nuovi Materiali Funzionali Per La Ricerca Di Base, Applicata E Trasferimento Tecnologico”, Role: Coordinator of a Research Unit, Budget: 685,000€
2019-2021 Fundamental Science Grants, Project "Non-Equilibrium States of Complex Colloidal Systems", CONACYT Mexico, Role: Principal Investigator, Budget: 90,700€
2018 National Laboratories Call, CONACYT Mexico, Project: “National Lab of Out-of-Equilibrium Matter”, Role: Coordinator of a Research Unit, Budget: 142,000€
2018 Call Finnovateg 2018, Government of the State of Guanajuato Mexico, "Project for recycling the waste of leather factory industries", Role: Principal Investigator, Budget: 50,000€
2017 Innovation Grants, CONACYT Mexico, Project: "Development of a Predictor for Vitrification and Gelation of Materials", Role: Coordinator of a Research Unit, Budget:51,650€
2014-2017 Research Network FOR1394, Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft (DFG), , Project: "One and two component colloidal glasses under mechanically imposed stress" , Role:Coordinator of a Research Unit, Budget: (230,000€)
2018-2019 Newton Fund, Mobility Grant, Royal Society of Chemistry, with A. Patti, University of Manchester, Role: Coordinator of a Research Unit, Budget: 15,000€
ResearcherID: AAX-2274-2021
ORCID: (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1334-5940)
Scopus Author ID: 6507481506
Publications in peer-reviewed journals: 61
Number of citations:1602
Passive and active soft matter systems, in particular hard and soft colloids, hydrogels and bacteria. Study of equilibrium and non-equilibrium states and their dynamical, structural and mechanical properties. In detail my research activity focuses on the following topics:
1) Study of transport phenomena of colloids and bacteria in confinement imposed by porous media in quiescent and flow conditions, with applications in filtering, selective extraction and culture.
2) Study and control of the internal architecture of microgels through copolymerization and functionalization, in order to control their response to external stimuli sucha as temperature, pH, UV light, and theri interactions in suspension and at interfaces.
3) Study of model systems to mimic the mechanical response of cellular membranes.
4) Study of equilibrium and non-equilibrium states and transport properties of DNA-based collloidal particle, in bulk and in confinement.
5) Study of the mechanical and micromechanical properties of materials, in particular hydrogels and colloidal suspensions, investigated through rheology and AFM micormechanics.
6) Sutdy and classification od microplastics from pollution samples.
For studying these systems I am specialized in microscopy techniques, such as confocal and fluorescence microscopy, SEM and TEM, optical correlation techniques, neutron and X-ray scattering, rheology and microrheology.