mercoledì 11:30 - 13:00Presso Ufficio Docente - Scuola di Ingegneria - Dipart. Inegneria Dell'Informazione - Plesso S. Marta, Stanza 278.
Romano Fantacci è Professore Ordinario di Reti di Telecomunicazioni presso l'Università di Firenze, Firenze, Italia. È stato eletto Fellow dell'IEEE nel 2005 per i suoi contributi alle reti di comunicazione wireless dal 2024 è IEEE Life Fellow.
La sua ricerca si concentra su reti di comunicazione wireless, reti intelligenti, modellizzazione e analisi delle reti. Ha ricevuto numerosi premi in riconoscimento dei suoi contributi scientifici, tra cui:
Ha partecipato attivamente all'organizzazione e ai comitati tecnici di numerose conferenze internazionali IEEE ricevendo numerosi attestati di merito. Romano è stato membro dell’ dell'IEEE Fellows Committee (2020-2024) ed è attualmente membro del Comitato Editoriale di numerose riviste tecniche IEEE COMSOC.
Romano Fantacci si è laureato (con lode), in Ingegneria Elettronica presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze ed ha conseguito successivamente il diploma di Dottore di Ricerca per il gruppo di discipline n.70, denominato Comunicazioni Elettriche. E' stato prima ricercatore e poi professore associato di Reti di Telecomunicazioni presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università' di Firenze dove attualmente e' professore ordinario per settore scientifico disciplinare IINF-03/A -TELECOMUNICAZIONI.Romano Fantacci svolge la sua attività scientifica presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione della stessa Università nel settore della trasmissione numerica e delle reti di telecomunicazioni. In questo ambito ha affrontato sia problematiche di contenuto essenzialmente teorico sia aspetti più specificatamente applicativi e realizzativi. I risultati ottenuti durante la sua attività di ricerca sono documentati da numerosi articoli pubblicati in qualificate riviste internazionali del settore.
Egli è stato presidente del Corso di Laurea a ciclo unico Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, attualmente ricopre il ruolo di referente per il curriculum Computer Systems and Networks, corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica. Ha fatto parte del comitato direttivo del Centro servizi informatici dell' Ateneo Fiorentino, di diverse commisisoni sia nell'ambito della Scuola di Ingegneria sia dell'Ateneo fiorentino.e fino al 2024 membro della Commissione Laboratori dell'Università di Firenze.
Romano Fantacci e' stato, ed è attualemete, responsabile di numerosi progetti di ricerca sia in ambito nazionale (MIUR, ASI) sia in ambito europeo (FP6, FP7, H2020) e collaborato, sempre nell'ambito di contratti di ricerca, con EDA, ESA e NASA. Attualmente ha attivato collaborazioni di ricerca con importanti università estere (Europa,U.S.A., Canada, Asia) su tematiche inerenti wireless communication networks e relative applicazioni. E' resposnabile e coordina per conto dell'Università di Firenze le attività di ricerca di ricerca per il Parternariato Esrteso PE14 - Progetto Restart ed è membro del Consiglio Scientifico della fondazione Restart.
Romano Fantacci è stato fondatore e successivamante presidente del Consorzio TICom - Tecnologie dell'informazione e delle Comunicazioni, istituito nell'aprile 2010 tra l'Università di Firenze e la società Selex Communications SpA (oggi Leonardo-Finmeccanica SpA), direttore del laboratorio di ricerca Comunicazioni Avanzate (Leonardo-Finmeccanica SpA) e LiRS (Telecom Italia). Egli ha ricevuto il premio A.E.I. "Renato Mariani" (1983), "EIRE Benefactor Premium" (1990) dalla IEE (U.K.),IEEE Communication Society "Distinguished Contributions to Satellite Communications" (2002), Bardelli Excellence Recognition Award (2015), 2015 Wireless Recognition Award from IEEE Communications Society e diversi Best paper award a conferenze internazionali tra cui IWCMC e IEEE Globecom. Egli e' inoltre citato in diverse pubblicazioni internazionali tra le quali Who's Who in the World.Romano Fantacci e' stato prima nominato Senior Member , successivamente Fellow Member dell'associazione IEEE (International Electrical and Electronics Engineers) per i contributi apportati alla ricerca nel settore delle reti e sistemi wireless e IEEE Life fellow dal 2024. Romano Fantacci è membro di IEICE, di numerosi Comitati tecnici in ambito IEEE Communications Society,è stato uno dei promotori del IEEE COMSOC Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks Committee, promotore e primo vice-chiar del IEEE COMSOC Power Line Communications Committee, Editor per Wireless Communinications and Systems delle riviste internazionali Telecommunication Systems, International Journal on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Network e Area Editor (fondatore) per il settore Wireless communications and Networks per la rivista internazionale IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications ed è inoltre attivo nell'organizzazione di numerosi convegni scientifici (es., GLOBECOM, ICC, VTC, ecc.) come symposium chair ricevendo in particolare per le conferenze ICC’04 e ICC'05 una attestazione di apprezzamento per l’attività’ organizzativa svolta. Egli è stato infine membro del comittao IEEE Comsoc Felleow menbers dal 2020 al 2024.
Machine Learning, 6G Networks, Edge Computing, Queueing Systems, Systems Modeling, Non Terrestrial Networks.
I APPELLO 16.1.2019 ORA: 9:00
II APPELLO 14.2.2019 ORA: 9:00
III APPELLO 27.2.2019 ORA: 9:00
IV APPELLO 17.6.2019 ORA: 9:00
V APPELLO 2.7.2019 ORA: 9:00
VI APPELLO 19.7.2019 ORA: 9:00
VII APPELLO 18.9.2019 ORA: 9:00
I APPELLO 18.1.2019 ORE: 9:00
II APPELLO 15.2.2019 ORE: 9:00
III APPELLO 27.2.2019 ORE: 9:00
IV APPELLO 14.6.2019 ORE: 9:00
V APPELLO 5.7.2019 ORE: 9:00
VI APPELLO 19.7.2019 ORE: 9:00
VII APPELLO 18.9.2019 ORE: 9:00
Romano Fantacci is a Full Professor of Computer Networks at the University of Florence, Florence, Italy. He was elected Fellow of the IEEE in 2005 for contributions to wireless communication networks. His research focuses on wireless communication networks, Edge intelligent networks, networks modeling and analysis. He has received several awards in recognition of his research contributions. These awards include the IEE Benefactor Premium, the 2002 IEEE Distinguished Contributions to Satellite Communications Award, the 2015 IEEE WTC Recognition Award, the IEEE sister society AEIT Young Research Award, and Best Paper awards at IEEE international conferences. He has actively participated in the organization and technical program committees of numerous IEEE international conferences. Additionally, he is a member of the Editorial Board for IEEE COMSOC Technical Journals. Currently, he is an IEEE Life Fellow and holds positions on the Steering Committee of IEEE Wireless Letters and the IEEE Fellows Committee.
EducationM.S. and Ph.D. in Telecommunication Networks (1982, 1987), University of Florence, Florence, Italy;Post-doctoral Fellow (1987,1988), University of Florence, Florence, Italy.Academic AppointmentsRomano joined the Engineering School of the University of Florence, Florence, Italy in 1988 as an Assistant professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1991 and Full Professor in 1999. Currently, Romano is serving as director of the Wireless Communication Lab. (LaRT) of the University of Florence, of the LiRS Research Centre, a joint venture between the University of Florence and Telecom Italia and of the TiCOM Research Centre a joint venture between the University of Florence and the European ICT company Finmeccanica spa. He is me,ber rrom 2023 of the Scientific Commitee of the Restart Fodation.Research ActivitiesMy research interests encompass several fields of wireless engineering and computer communication networking. The scope of the research includes design, performance evaluation and optimization of wireless communication and networking methodologies for reliable and efficient systems. In particular, my research interests are devoted to efficient resource allocation and multiple access schemes (MAC), which is of paramount importance in the practical implementation of wireless communication systems. We have developed novel resource allocation techniques that have led to significant improvements for the state-of-art in this field. The technical papers published on this topic, show that we were among the first to tackle resource sharing in wideband CDMA systems, devising effective solutions for code allocation for traffic involving a wide assortment of quality of service constraints and integrating the solutions with efficient error correction schemes. We have notably contributed to the development of efficient ARQ techniques that significantly improve the utilization of wireless networks, in particular for multimedia traffic and multicast services. Using creative theoretical arguments we have proposed advanced and novel methods based on original Queuing theory models to derive the performance of the SR-ARQ protocol in time-varying wireless transmission channels. Furthermore, we have also proposed efficient detection and channel parameter estimation methods based on a clever utilization of the successive interference cancellation principle that offer important practical advantages and clearly outperform all previously proposed methods.My current research activities focus on advances in several fields of Wireless Communication Engineering. The fast grow in demand for new capacity, services, applications and higher performance has been a major issue in the design and deployment of present and forthcoming wireless networks. The development of these capabilities is severely limited by the scarcity of two of the principal resources in wireless networks: energy and bandwidth. Emerging generations of wireless standards are addressing these issues through the use of novel techniques and transmission methodologies such as network coding,cooperative communications and spectrum sharing. One focus of our recent work in wireless networks has addressed optimization problems of network coding performance in lossy wireless channel and their efficient extension to multimedia communications and data dissemination in wireless sensor networks. The increase of the spectrum use has emerged as a key requirement for improving the efficiency and performance of the next generation wireless networks. Our work in this area has focused on the use of advanced methods for 5G networks that include cognitive communications, HetNets, M2M and D2D communications to address several issues arising in this context. Moreover, we are carrying out innovative studies concerning autonomous computing and communication wireless systems with special attention to new generation of emergency management systems. In particular, we have recently proposed a new technological advanced solution that functionally integrates a broadband wireless network (e.g., LTE-A), efficient wireless sensors networks and social networks that has recently become a product development. Finally, we have proposed the new paradigm of Self-Aware Internet of Things, whose applications appear to be very promising examples of next-generation mobile computing and wireless communication systems and represent on efficient integration of wireless communications engineering and computer science skills.Preprints of my recent and forthcoming publications describing these research activities can be found on the ArXiv website. Additional technical publications describing recent research progress in related areas can be found there as well.Honors and AwardsRomano has received several international awards, including the 1983 AEIT Young Research Award(R.Mariani) for the paper ”An Integrated Voice Data Communication System for VHF Links”, the 1992 IEE Benefactor Premium for the paper ”Multicarrier Demodulator for Digital Satellite Communication Systems”, the 2002 IEEE COMSOC Distinguished Contributions to Satellite Communications Award, for, from the others, the paper ” Performance Evaluation of a Finite Buffer Generalized Selective Repeat ARQ Scheme for Satellite Communications”, the Bardelli Excellence in Science Recognition Award (2015), the 2015 Wireless Communications Recognition Award from IEEE COMSOC, the IARIA Best Paper Award UBICOMM 2012, the Best Symposium paper Award, IEEE IWCMC 2009, Th IWCMC Best Paper Award (2016) and IEEE Globecom 2016 Best Paper Award. In addition to this he received at the University of Florence, including Academic Merit Awards for Scholarly and Research Activities (2003,2005, 2009, 2012). He received by ETSI a Certificate of Appreciation for the contributions given to the standardization of efficient adaptive link error control schemes for wireless networks and several Certificates of Appreciation for his involvement in the organization of technical symposia for the major IEEE COMSOC Conferences (i.e., WCWN, PIRMC, Globecom, ICC, etc.). Finally, he was elected IEEE Senior Member in 1990, IEEE Fellow in 2005 for his oustanding contributions to wireless communication networksm and IEEE Life FelLow in 2024.Professional ServicesRomano is director of the Information Communication Technology Research Centre (TiCOM), a jointventure between the University of Florence and Finmeccanica spa and of the Advance Wireless Communications Research Centre (LiRS), a joint venture between the University of Florence and Telecom Italia. He is also involved in many committees and standardization bodies, including the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) for which, in particular, he worked on the standardization of efficient adaptive link control schemes to be used in future wireless networks (contract N. 199/08V01). Romano guest edited special issues in IEEE Journals and magazines and served as symposium chair of several IEEE conferences, including VTC, WCNC, PIRMC, ICC and Globecom. He has an active role in IEEE and ComSoc from several years. He was Associate Editor of Telecommunication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications and Associated Editor and later Area Editor for IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.. Currently, he is serving as Associate Editor for International J. Commun. Systems, member of the Advisory Board of Security and Communication Networks J., Regional Editor for IET Communications and Associate Editor for IEEE Networks. He was a member of the Board of Governors of AEIT from 2002 to 2020.