Romina Nassini, PhD
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Training
2005 Degree in Biological Science, University of Florence
2006 Research Fellowship, University of Florence, Department of Critical Care Medicine and Surgery
2007-2009 PhD in Clinical Pathophysiology and Aging, University of Florence, Department of Critical Care Medicine and Surgery
2007-Nov Research Scholarship University of California, San Francisco, U.S.A. Department of Surgery and Physiology-Centre for the Neurobiology and Digestive Diseases,
2010-2015 Residency in Clinical Pathology, University of Pisa
Academic Position
2010-2017 Assistant Professor (grade A), University of Florence, Department of Health Sciences Clinical Pharmacology and Oncology Unit.
2018-today Assistant Professor (grade B), University of Florence, Department of Health Sciences Clinical Pharmacology and Oncology Unit.
Prizes and awards
2008 Award at the 18th Annual Congress European Respiratory Society, Berlin, Germany, 4-8 October 2008 for an oral presentation entitled “Cigarette smoke-induced airway neurogenic inflammation is mediated by α,ß-unsaturated aldehydes and the TRPA1 receptor”. Nassini R, Andrè E, Campi B, Materazzi S, Trevisani M, Amadesi S, Massi D, Creminon C, Vaksman N, Civelli M, Bunnett NW, Geppetti P and Patacchini R.
2010 Best poster Award at the 7th Joint Meeting of the European Neuropeptide Club and the American-Summer-Neuropeptide Conference, Pecs, Hungary, 22-24 June 2010. Nassini R, Benemei S, Materazzi S, De Siena G, Pedretti P, Mancini F, Trevisani M, Patacchini R and Geppetti P. “The stimulation of the TRPA1 channel on the trigeminovascular system activates the nociceptive pathway and elicits CGRP-mediated vasodilatation”.
2011 Italian National Award “Nottola-Mario Luzi, Il dolore non necessario” Edition 2011, for the best scientific work published: Nassini R, Gees M, Harrison S, De Siena G, Materazzi S, Moretto N, Failli P, Preti D, Marchetti N, Cavazzini A, Mancini F, Pedretti P, Nilius B, Patacchini R, Geppetti P. “Oxaliplatin elicits mechanical and cold allodynia in rodents via TRPA1 receptor stimulation” Pain. 2011;152(7):1621-31.
2012 Young Investigator Award. Grant for the participation at the Summer Conference British Pharmacological Society, Focused Meeting on Neuropeptides, London, UK, 7–9 June 2012.
2012 Award at the 14th World Congress on Pain, Milan, Italy, 27-31 August 2012 for a poster presentation entitled “Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) and vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) mediate anticancer drugs-induced peripheral neuropathy”. Nassini R, Fusi C, Benemei S, Pedretti P, Patacchini R, Nilius B, Prenen J, Creminon C, Geppetti P, Materazzi S.
2012 Young Investigators Awards 2012 of the Federation of European Pharmacological Societies (EPHAR) for the scientific publication: The 'headache tree' via umbellulone and TRPA1 activates the trigeminovascular system. Brain. 2012;135(Pt 2):376-90. Nassini R, Materazzi S, Vriens J, Prenen J, Benemei S, De Siena G, la Marca G, Andrè E, Preti D, Avonto C, Sadofsky L, Di Marzo V, De Petrocellis L, Dussor G, Porreca F, Taglialatela-Scafati O, Appendino G, Nilius B, Geppetti P.
Financial Grants
2006 Participant. FIRB 2006: ‘Studio dei meccanismi molecolari responsabili della patogenesi e progressione della broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO) per la identificazione di nuovi bersagli terapeutici. Protocol number. RBIP06YM29.
2008 Participant. PRIN 2008: ‘Il PAR2 e specie reattive dell'ossigeno e dell'azoto: doppio effetto proinfiammatorio nel sistema respiratorio, cutaneo e gastrointestinale’ Protocol number. 2008T5BLWA_004.
2009 Participant. Istituto Italiano Tecnologia (IIT)_Project SEED 2009: ‘TRPA1 channel in nociceptive neurons: target validation and identification of antagonists for intractable pain’.
2010 Principal Investigator. Fondazione Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (ECFR): ‘Agenti endogeni e xenobiotici, attivatori del sistema trigemino-vascolare, come fattori scatenanti l’emicrania’ Protocol number: 2010.1020.
2012 Principal Investigator. AIRC Associazione Italiana per la ricerca sul cancro: My First AIRC Grant (MFAG) 2012: 'Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: role of transient receptor potential channels' Number: 13336.
2014 Partner. Fondazione Fibrosi Cistica, Project FFC # 17/2014 TRPA1 channels as novel molecular targets for anti-inflammatory therapies in CF lung. Coordinator: Giulio Cabrini (University Hospital of Verona)
2016-2018 Participant. ISTITUTO TOSCANO TUMORI–REGIONE TOSCANA “Aromatase inhibitors induced pain via the activation of the TRPA1 channel”.
2017 Principal Investigator. AIRC Associazione Italiana per la ricerca sul cancro: Investigator Grant 2016: AIRC IG2016 cod. 19247 "Cancer-related pain syndromes: the role of oxidative stress and the TRPA1 and TRPV4 channels”.
2019 Participant. European Research Council (ERC) grant under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 835286) "Schwann Cell Options for chronic Pain Eradication_Scope”.
Selected or Invited speaker
2008 18th Annual Congress European Respiratory Society, Berlin, Germany, 4
2012 Summer Conference BPS Focused Meeting on Neuropeptides, London, UK,
2013 36th Congresso Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore (AISD) Le nuove frontiere della medicina del dolore Verona.
2013 XX Convegno annuale Associazione Italiana per le Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio (AISAL) Riconoscimento e gestione del dolore animale nella ricerca biomedica e veterinaria Imola.
2015 10th Annual Scientific Conference of Tuscan Cancer Institute (ITT) Pisa. Italy
2015 Conference ‘New drugs for asma e BPCO: what is changed, Ravenna, Italy
2015 National congress, Società Italiana di Farmacologia (SIF). I nuovi orizzonti della ricerca farmacologica: tra etica e scienza Napoli
2016 Institute of Biology, Department of Neurobiology and Program of Neurosciences, Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
2019 7th International Congress on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG 2019), London, UK.
2019 33rd Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee (SISC), Napoli.
2019 Teaching course on ‘Application of immunohistochemistry in pharmacology’ Universidade Federal de Santa Maria-Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Santa Maria, Brazil.
Scientific society member
Società Italiana di Farmacologia (SIF), International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Cefalee (SISC), Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Dolore (AISD).
European Journal of Pharmacology, Brain Research, Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, Journal of Neuroscience Research, Neuropharmacology, Life Sciences, Molecular Immunology, Neuroscience Letters, Pain Research and Treatment, Mediators of Inflammation, Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, Fitoterapia, Scientific Reports, Toxicological Sciences, Virchows Archiv-European Journal of Pathology.
Scientific activity
Romina Nassini is a basic scientist whose research interest focuses on the identification of new activators and inhibitors of the TRP channels and the molecular and translational aspects of these mechanisms. Romina has contributed to the identification of pathways by which inflammatory mediators signal to sensory nerves by gating receptors and channels, to cause pain in different models of cancer-related pain, including those due to the use of chemotherapeutic drugs, and models of pain due to cancer growth. More recently, Romina has contributed substantially to the identification of a novel mechanism (the TRPA1/NOX1 pathway) in Schwann cells, which, sustaining neuroinflammation, signals chronic neuropathic pain.
Scientific records
Romina Nassini is author of 88 peer-reviewed articles, 6 book chapters e 6 conference proceedings.
Total Citations = 5993; H-Index 41 (Scopus Basic Search)