Ricevo il mercoledì dalle 14.30 alle 16.30. Potete prenotarvi accedendo a questa pagina di Google Calendar (URL) utilizzando il vostro account Unifi e selezionando la fascia oraria preferita (20 minuti). Se preferite un incontro online, indicatelo nel modulo allegato e riceverete un'e-mail con un link a Google Meet prima dell'inizio dell'incontro.
My office hours are Wednesdays from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Kindly access Google Calendar using your Unifi account, then proceed to this URL to select your preferred 20-minute time slot/s. If you choose to meet online, please indicate so in the attached form, and you will receive an email with a Google Meet link before the meeting begins.
I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence.
I am one of the founders and principal investigators for the Italian Policy Agendas Project and the Portuguese Policy Agendas Project.
I am also coordinating the Jean Monnet Module REPLAN-EU “Implementing Resilience and Recovery Plans in Italy and beyond”.
I am also coordinating the Jean Monnet Module REPLAN-EU “Implementing Resilience and Recovery Plans in Italy and beyond” and the PRIN project "Explaining the formulation and implementation of Recovery and Resilience Plans in Europe: a comparative approach"