Mercoledì ore 15:00- 17:00
Valeria Fargion è professore associato di scienza politica, titolare ( dal 2004) di una Cattedra Jean Monnet presso la scuola di scienze politiche “Cesare Alfieri” dell’università di Firenze, dove insegna “Politics of European Integration” nell’ambito della laurea magistrale in relazioni internazionali e studi europei (RISE). Fino al 2020 ha coordinato il percorso di Studi Europei ed è stata responsabile delle relazioni internazionali per la Scuola di Scienze Politiche. La sua attenzione prioritaria per la dimensione internazionale e per il dialogo tra studiosi provenienti da ambiti disciplinari e da contesti socio-politici e culturali diversi la hanno portata negli anni a ricoprire ruoli di coordinamento in una serie di reti accademiche transnazionali: è' stata per due mandati ( 2002-2006 e 2006-2010) membro elettivo nell'Executive Board del Research Committe 19 "Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy" dell’International Sociological Association ; dal 2002 al 2007 membro del comitato esecutivo di ESPANET (il network europeo degli studiosi di politiche sociali) e dalla sua fondazione al 2014 Co-Chair di ESPANET-Italia; dal 2008 al 2010 ha svolto il ruolo di esperto nazionale per la DG Employment della Commissione europea e dalla sua fondazione nel 2014 al 2019 è stata condirettrice e poi direttrice della rivista “Politiche Sociali/Social Policies”, edita da Il Mulino. Nel contesto degli impegni assunti su scala internazionale, ha organizzato nel 2007 un convegno finalizzato ad aprire un confronto tra studiosi del nord e del sud del mondo, con la discussione di relazioni da parte di 90 ricercatori provenienti da tutti e cinque i continenti (https://www.dsps.unifi.it/vp-322-social-policy-in-a-globalizing-world-developing-a-north-south-dialogue.html); per quanto riguarda invece le tematiche connesse all’integrazione europea ha organizzato, in particolare, un ciclo di conferenze sui “Costi della non Europa” cui hanno partecipato anche Romano Prodi e Giuliano Amato (https://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-194-the-costs-of-non-europe-2010-2011.html), e in occasione dei 25 (https://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-211-erasmus-generation-conference-31-maggio-1-giugno.html) e dei 30 anni del programma Erasmus ha realizzato – nell’ambito delle attività del Centro di eccellenza Jean Monnet -due iniziative che hanno permesso a 54 studenti – due per ciascuno dei 27 Stati Membri - di avanzare le loro proposte di intervento sui temi di maggior rilevanza a rappresentanti delle istituzioni europee, tra cui anche l’Alto Rappresentante per la Politica Estera e di Sicurezza Federica Mogherini (https://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-343-conferenza-28-ideas-from-the-erasmus-generation.html).
Le sue pubblicazioni sono per la maggior parte in lingua inglese. I suoi lavori in lingua italiana hanno riguardato il welfare state italiano in prospettiva storica e comparata ( Alle radici del welfare all’italiana con Ferrera e Jessoula per la collana di Studi Storici della Banca d’Italia), i rapporti centro-periferia ed il ruolo delle regioni italiane nell’ambito delle politiche sociali (Geografia della cittadinanza sociale in Italia e con Gualmini Tra l’incudine e il martello. Regioni e nuovi rischi sociali in tempi di crisi ) e la performance regionale nella gestione dei fondi strutturali (Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso italiano, con Morlino e Profeti). Nell’arco dell’ultimo decennio, i suoi interessi di ricerca si sono progressivamente spostati dalle politiche dei paesi industrialmente avanzati al ruolo dell’Unione Europea in ambito internazionale, con particolare attenzione per le questioni di Sanità Globale e per l'analisi della cooperazione allo sviluppo in Africa. E’ in questo quadro che ha organizzato nel 2019 un workshop internazionale su “EU-Africa relations and future challenges. Closing the gap between rhetoric and reality?”, da cui ha preso le mosse il volume Revisiting EU-Africa relations in a Changing world, curato insieme al professor Gazibo dell’Università di Montreal e pubblicato nel Settembre 2021 da Edward Elgar.
Attività della cattedra Jean Monnet
Conferenze e Seminari sull’Unione Europea organizzati presso il Polo delle Scienze Sociali:
Curriculum Vitae
Valeria Fargion
Name: Valeria FargionPlace of birth: London (UK)Nationality: British and ItalianHome address: Via Imprunetana per Pozzolatico n.17,50023 Impruneta (Florence) Italyphone 39-055-2012113
Office address: Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence 21 Via delle Pandette, 50127 Florence phone: 39-3479221429E-mail: valeria.fargion@unifi.itLanguages: Italian, English, French
1986 Ph.D., European University Institute, Department of Political and Social Sciences (dissertation supervisor, Professor Peter Flora)1981 Fulbright Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley1978 Laurea in Scienze Politiche, University of Florence (summa cum laude)1973/74 Fulbright Undergraduate Student, Pomona College, Claremont, California
Current Position
Adjunct Professor of “Politics of European integration”, Master program in International Relations and European Studies, School of Political Science, University of Florence; International Editorial Advisor for the Journal of Social Policy ( Cambridge University Press); member of the editorial board of Politiche Sociali/Social Policies ( Il Mulino).
Previous positions
Holder of a Jean Monnet Chair, and Associate Professor of Political Science at the School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri” University of Florence, she was the Head of the International Relations Office, and Erasmus + Coordinator for the School, and Coordinator of the European Studies Track in the Master's Degree in International Relations and European Studies (www.rise.unifi.it ). She taught " EU politics and policies in the Contemporary World" and "Politiche sociali tra Unione Europea, Stato e Regioni"; from 2014 to 2019 she was co-editor and then editor-in-chief of Politiche Sociali/Social Policies, the official journal of ESPANET-Italy, published by Il Mulino (https://www.mulino.it/riviste/issn/2284-2098 )
Previous Institutional Appointments
• Co-Chair of ESPANET-Italy (Network for European Social Policy Analysis) 2008-2014 • Member of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Advisory Board on Social Security Policy and Research. • Member of the Florence University Press editorial board.• European Commission national expert – DG Employment and Social Policy – in charge of reviewing the Italian National Strategy Report on pensions , health and long term care for 2008-2010.• Executive Board Member - ISA Research Committee 19 “Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy” - elected for the 2003-2006 term and the 2006 – 2009 term www.ucm.es/info/isa/rc19htm• Board Member of ESPANET (Network for European Social Policy Analysis) for the period 2002-2007 – http://www.espanet.org• National Representative in the Management Committee Cost A13 Action “Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship”, (European Commission DGXII) (1999/2003) http://www.socsci.auc.dk/cost/management • European Commission national expert – DG Employment and Social Policy – in charge of the Report on Italian Social Policy developments for 1999-2000 for the revision of the Commission’s Communication “Modernizing and Improving Social Protection.”• European Forum Fellow, European University Institute, Forum on “Recasting the European Welfare State: Options, Constraints, Actors” (coordinated By Maurizio Ferrera), 1998/99.
Professional Activities
The EU in troubled waters: current difficulties and future geo-political challengesPresented at the Summer School on Europe and Migration, 27-29 August 2021, School of Aristotle ( Naousa) Department of Political Sciences, University of Thessaloniki.
Scientific coordinator 2dErasmus International Week, School of Political Science, University of Florence, 21 -24 October 2019
Chair Roundtable on “European integration at crossroads”, 2dErasmus International Week, School of Political Science, University of Florence, 24 October 2019
Chair Roundtable on “The 2019 Parliament Elections. Perspectives from the Member States” 1st Erasmus International Week, School of Political Science, University of Florence, 21 May.
Scientific coordinator 1st Erasmus International Week, School of Political Science, University of Florence ,20-23 May 2019
Scientific coordinator and organizer “EU-Africa relations and future challenges. Closing the gap between rhetoric and reality?”, one-day workshop, University of Florence, 2 May 2019.(https://stateoftheunion.eui.eu/eu-africa-relations-future-challenges-closing-gap-rhetoric-reality/)
L’Europa per i giovani, l’università e la ricerca. Erasmus ma non solo.Presented at the one-day conference “Risultati e sfide dell’Unione Europea: tra luoghi comuni e informazioni corrette” , Centro di documentazion europea, 21 March 2019.
European Social protection Systems in a Comparative PerspectivePresented at the Conference "Achievements and Challenges of the Social Work Profession in Albania", University of Shkoder, 19-20 October 2018.
Scientific coordinator and organizer11th Conference ESPAnet-Italia, Beyond Continuity. Challenges to Welfare in a Globalized World, University of Florence, 13-15 September 2018.( http://www.espanet-italia.net/conferenza-2018)
The EU in troubled Waters. Past Constraints, Current Difficulties and Future ChallengesConference at the Hanoi University, Vietnam, Faculty of International Studies, 30 October 2017Discussant“A venti anni dalla Commissione Onofri: bilancio e prospettive”, 10th ESPAnet-Italia conference, Forlì, 21-23 September 2017.
Scientific coordinator and organizer“The EU and Global Challenges.28 Ideas from the Erasmus Generation”, International Conference, School of political Science "Cesare Alfieri", University of Florence, 3-5 May 2017(https://www.rise.unifi.it/upload/sub/news/2017/28ideas-erasmus-generation.pdf)
L'idea di giustizia globale: una prospettiva politologicaPresented at the Workshop "L'idea di giustizia globale: un dialogo interdisciplinare", University of di Milan, Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e Sociali, 21 January 2016Local organizer"What budget, resources, fiscal and borrowing powers for the EU?" (in collaboration with Scuola Sant'Anna di Pisa), University of Florence, School of political science, 12-13 November 2015; Chair of the First Session: "The EU Budget, its review and reform proposals"
Discussant"Comparing Social Policy Across the World: recent trends in Latin America and South-East Asia" report by Jane Jenson and Sven Hort ,final plenary, ESPAnet-Italia Conference "Welfare in Italia e welfare a livello globale: esperienze e modelli di sviluppo a confronto", Fisciano 17-19 September 2015Discussant“The Italian Welfare State in a Comparative Perspective” by U. Ascoli e E. Pavolini, "Authors meet critics" session, ESPAnet-Italia Conference "Welfare in Italia e welfare a livello globale: esperienze e modelli di sviluppo a confronto", Fisciano 17-19 September 2015
The European Union and Global Governance for Health,(with Marco Mayer), paper presented at the opening plenary session of the "Frontiers of Inequality, Social Policy and Welfare" conference, RC 19-ISA, Bath, 26-28 August 2015.
Scientific coordinator and organizer"The EU and Member States in Global Affairs: Any Sign of Convergence?", School of Political Science, University of Florence, 5-6 May 2015https://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-283-the-eu-and-member-states-in-global-affairs-any-sign-of-convergence.html
Percorsi regionali di welfarepresented at the workshop on "Sistemi di welfare: Territori, imprese e istituzioni", Università Cattolica del sacro cuore, Milan, 20 January 2015
DiscussantSession 15 on "Gender, Family and Care Policy in Spain and Italy", 7th annual conference ESPAnet-Italia, "Sfide alla cittadinanza e trasformazioni dei corsi di vita: precarietà, invecchiamento e migrazioni", Turin, 18-20 September 2014Chair and DiscussantPanel on "Crisi economica e legittimazione dell'EU", 28th annual conference SISP, Perugia, 11-13 September 2014
SpeakerRound Table with Federica Mogherini, Joseph Weiler and Furio Cerruti on "Gli enti locali e il processo di costruzione dell'Europa", Palazzo Vecchio, Elementi Room, Florence, 19 May 2014The EU after the crisis: Challenges and opportunitiesSeminar at James Madison University, Harrisonbourg, 28 March 2014
Health Diplomacy in Africa: A Win-win strategy for the EU?(with Marco Mayer) paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Italian political science Association , University of Florence, 12-14 September 2013, Session 12.2. “Adattamento e rendimento di un attore multilaterale: l’UE e il multilateralismo alla prova del mondo multipolare”. http://www.sisp.it/convegno/2013/paper/420 The EU as a Global Health champion?(with Marco Mayer) paper presented at the Conference “Crisis and Contingency”, 20th International conference of Europeanists, panel “The EU and Development Policy Around the World”, Amsterdam, 25-27 June 2013.Stuck in second place: the internal and external dimension of EU social policyPresented at conference in honor of Jean-Claude Barbier “Diversités et solidarités: vers une sociologie comparative de la protection sociale”, Paris, Maison des sciences économiques, 10 June 2013. The Italian Welfare State in a comparative perspectivePresented at the confernce “Las Politicas Sociales entre Crisis y Post-crisis”. IV Congreso de la Red Española de Politíca Social, Universitad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, 6-7 June 2013. Scientific coordinator and organizerConference “L’Europa in bilico. La scienza politica italiana di fronte alle attuali sfide”, University of Florence, School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”, 8 May 2013. (http://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-168-europa-in-bilico.html) Losing out to the BRICS: EU Development Cooperation in Africa(with Marco Mayer), paper presented at the conference “L’Europa in bilico. La scienza politica italiana di fronte alle attuali sfide”, University of Florence , School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”, panel 3: “L’UE: attore globale?”, 8 May 2013. http://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-168-europa-in-bilico.htmlThe European Union as a Global Social Policy Actor: Discourse and Practice(with Marco Mayer) paper presented at the Workshop “Actors and Agency in Global Social Governance”, University of Bremen, 22-23 February 2013.
Re-focusing Development Co-operation in Africa.(with Marco Mayer), paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Italian political science Association, Rome 13-15 September 2012 ( session 12.7: “Beyond foreign aid: the EU and the developing world in a changing context”). Scientific coordinator and organizerInternational Conference "The EU and the World: Challenges and Trends. 27 Ideas from the Erasmus Generation”, University of Florence, 31 May- 1 June 2012, https://www.rise.unifi.it/upload/sub/locandina.pdf
Member of the Scientific CommitteeAnnual Conference of the Research Committee no.19 on “Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy” of the International Sociological Association, Seoul, 25 - 27 August 2011.
The Social and Health Agenda in EU-Africa Relations. Past Contradictions and Future Opportunities(with Mayer M.), paper presented at the ISA RC 19 Annual Conference, Seoul, 25-28 August 2011
Scientific coordinator and organizer(with Roberto Castaldi) of a series of conferences on “The Costs of non-Europe”, School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence, November 2010 - May 2011(https://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-194-the-costs-of-non-europe-2010-2011.html)La citoyenneté sociale en Italie et ses variations territorialesReport presented at the Conference « Solidarités à l’épreuve des crises », Université d'Evry- Val-d'Essonne, 11-12 January 2011.
Scientific coordinator and organizer(with Caterina Paolucci) of the conference “The Lisbon Treaty: One Year On: Achievements and Challenges”, School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri” University of Florence, 3 December 2010 in collaboration with the James Madison University in Florence.( https://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-193-conferenza-internazionale-the-lisbon-treaty-one-year-on.html)Convenor(with Gianfranco Baldini), of the session on "Regionalismo e politiche locali", XXIV SISP Annual Conference, Venice, 16-18 September 2010 and Chair of the panel "Regioni e Sanità"
Recent Developments in the Italian Welfare StateReport at the workshop "Mediterranean Welfare States in Crisis," University of Thrace, Komotini, 10 May 2010.
Scientific coordinator and organizer(with G. Natalicchi, M. Paolucci, and C. Balducci) of the Conference “Riflettori sull'Europa”, School of Political Science "Cesare Alfieri", University of Florence, 3 December 2009 in collaboration with the James Madison University Program in Florence https://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-251-conferenza-riflettori-sull-europa-programma-e-interventi.htmlChairWorkshop on "Crisi e Welfare tra Stato e Regioni. Strategie e responsabilità”, V Forum of the “Journal of Social Policy” on “ Welfare. Geografie della crisi. Approfondimenti sul caso italiano in prospettiva comparata ", Rome, Santa Marta Al Collegio Romano 5-6 November 2009. (http://www.ediesseonline.it/riviste/rps/eventi)
ChairWorkshop on “Social Policy Innovation and the Future of the Welfare State”, annual conference ESPANET, "The Future of the Welfare State," University of Urbino, 17-19 September 2009 (www.espanet-italia.net/conference2009)
ConvenorSession on "Regioni in Europa", XXIII SISP Annual Conference, Rome, Faculty of Political Sciences, LUISS Guido Carli, 17-19 September 2009 (www.sisp.it/convegno/2009/sezioni/22)
The European Union and the Social Dimension of Globalization. Discourse and Policy practice Paper (with Marco Mayer) presented at the annual conference of the Research Committee 19 of the International Sociology Association, “Social Policies: Local experiments, Travelling Ideas”, Montreal, 20-22 August 2009 ( http://www.cccg.umontreal.ca/RC19/PDF/Fargion-V_Rc192009.pdf
Scientific coordinator and organizerSummer School on “Comparative Research on Social Policies in Europe: Concepts and Methods”, in collaboration with ESPANET-Italy, Department of Political Science and Sociology, University of Florence, 13 - 21 July 2009. Discussant"The Nordic Model" by M. Alestalo, S. Kuhnle, S. Hort in the Conference "Comparing the Trajectories of European Societies", WZB - Berlin, 6-7 March 2009.
ChairPlenary session on “Social Citizenship: Rethinking Bases of Rights and Institutional Categorization”, at the conference “The Future of Social Politics, Institution and Outcomes”, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 4-6 September 2008.
Children, Gender and Families in the Italian Welfare StatePaper presented at the Workshop “Gender, Children and Families in Mediterranean Welfare States”, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, 1-2 June 2008
I servizi sociali in Europa: sviluppi recentiPaper presented at the Forum RPS 2007 “Diversificazione sociale e strategie di welfare”, Rome, Santa Marta al Collegio Romano, 8-9 November 2007
Scientific coordinator and organiser“Social Policy in a Globalizing World: Developing a North-South Dialogue”, Annual Conference of the International Sociological Association Research Commitee n. 19 on “Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy”, University of Florence, Faculty of Political Science, 6-8 September 2007. (https://www.dsps.unifi.it/vp-217-eventi-realizzati.html)
ChairSession on “Flexible Labour Markets and the Role of Social Security”, ISSA 5th International Research Conference on “Social Security and the Labour Market: A Mismatch?”, Warsaw, 5-7 March 2007.
Social citizenship beyond the nation-statePaper presented at the workshop CINEFOGO (Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe) “Changing Forms of State Intervention in Social Protection- Their effects on Social Citizenship Rights”, Prague, Charles University, 16-17 February 2007.
Le nuove relazioni fra livelli di governo: opportunità e rischi per le regioni italianePresented at the conference “Governance multilivello e politica europea: quali sfide per l’Italia?”, Research Unit on European Governance, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, 29 November 2006. http://www.urge.it/files/fargion.pdf
L’européanisation des représentations territorialesPresented at the conference “ Regards croisés sur l’Union Européenne qui se fait”, Université de Montréal, Archives Nationales du Québec, Montreal, 5-6 October 2006. http://cerium.ca/article3378.html
Européanisation et politique de cohésion dans le cas italienPresented at the Round Table “Vers un modèle social européen?”, II annual conference of the French Sociology Association, Bordeaux , 5-8 September 2006.
Europeanization and territorial Representation. The case of ItalyLecture at the University of Oviedo (Spain), 7 June 2006.
Health Politics Between National and Regional Governments in Italypaper presented at the Conference “Welfare State Reforms in Continental and Southern Europe”, DREES, Paris 19-20 December 2005.
Convenor:Stream on “The Territorial Dimension of Social Policies”, ESPANET Conference, University of Freiburg, 22-24 September 2005.
Chair:Panel on “European Cohesion Policy: Domestic Impact and Institutional Change”, ECPR annual conference, Budapest, 8-10 September 2005.
Territorial and Social Politics in ItalyPaper presented at the ISA RC19 Conference “Welfare State Restructuring: Processes and Social Outcomes”, Sciences-Po, Paris, 2-4 September 2004.
Discussant:“Social Indicators and the Measurement of Progress in European Union Welfare States” by Julia O’Connor, ISA RC19 Conference “Welfare State Restructuring: Processes and Social Outcomes”, Sciences-Po, Paris, 2-4 September 2004.
Discussant: “Poverty” by Andreas Aust and Ana Arriba, WRAMSOC Project – Welfare Reform and the Management of Societal Change – Berlin, 23-25 April 2004.
The European Employment Strategy and the Italian CasePaper presented at the conference “Changing European Societies – The Role for Social Policy”, Danish National Institute for Social Research, Copenhagen, 13-15 November 2003.http://www.sfi.dk/graphics/ESPAnet/papers/Vfargion.prn.pdf
The European Social ModelPresented at the Workshop “Lo Spazio Sociale Europeo”, University of Florence, 10-11 October 2003.
De-coupling Passive and Active Labour Market Policies: The Italian Case in Comparative PerspectivePaper presented at the Conference “Social Policy in a Changing Europe” organized by ESPANET and the Centre for Comparative Research in Social Welfare, Stirling, 16-17 May 2003.
Active Labour Policy in Southern EuropePresented at the workshop “Active Citizenship and Marginality in a European Context”, Helsinki, STAKES, 3-4 April 2003.
Recent Developments in Italian Unemployment PoliciesReport presented at the unemployment working group workshop - COST A13 Action (DGXII) “Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship”, Malta 1-2 November 2002.
Organizer:Workshop of the working group on Unemployment - COST A13 (DGXII) “Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship”, University of Florence, 31 May- 1 June 2002.
The Italian Welfare State at the Start of the New CenturyPaper presented at the Conference “Welfare, Work and Family: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective”, EUI, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence, 7-8 June 2002.
Cohesion Policy and European IntegrationPaper presented at the Conference “Governance: an Academic Contribution", European Parliament, Brussels, 4 December 2001.
Devolution and Social Services: An Evaluation of the Italian CaseContribution to the Round Table “Nuevos servicios sociales para una nueva sociedad”, Consejerìa de Asuntos Sociales del Principado de Asturias, Oviedo, 5 September 2001.
Lessons from Recent Changes in the Italian Welfare StatePaper presented at the International seminar “Welfare States and South-Eastern Europe: Lessons from History and other Regions”, Konjic –Bosnia Herzegovina, 26-28 July 2001.
A Hobbled Third Way: The Social Politics and Policies of Centre-Left Governments in ItalyPaper presented at the workshop “Third Ways in Europe”, ECPR joint sessions of workshops, Grenoble, 9-11 April 2001.
The Case of ItalyReport presented at the Conference “Changing Landscape of the Welfare State: Implications for the Future of Social Protection”, Rockfeller Foundation, Bellagio Study and Conference Centre, 7-11 August 2000.
Des Réformes négociéesPaper presented at the Conference “Comparer les Systèmes de Protection Sociale en Europe”, Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité, Paris, 8-9 June 2000.
The Development of Social Care Services in EuropeConference held at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, Mannheim, 24 May 2000.
Revisiting EU –Africa relations in a changing world, Edward Elgar , September 2021.
Fargion,V. Gualmini, E. (eds) Tra l’incudine e il martello. Regioni e nuovi rischi sociali in tempi di crisi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013.
Ferrera M., Fargion V., Jessoula M. Alle radici del welfare all'italiana. Origini e futuro di un modello sociale squilibrato, Padova, Marsilio, 2012
Fargion V., (ed.), “Nord e Sud del mondo. Le politiche sociali nell’era della globalizzazione”, special issue in Italian and English Rivista delle politiche Sociali, Vol.1 2008, Roma, Ediesse.(pp.608)
Fargion V., Morlino L. Profeti S. (eds.) Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006.
Geografia della cittadinanza sociale in Italia.Regioni e politiche assistenziali dagli anni settanta agli anni novanta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1997
Reports for the European Commission
Annul National Report 2010 Pensions, Health and Long-Term Care in Italy, May 2010 – Analytical Support on the Socio-Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
Comment on Italy’s Autumn 2009 Report on the Implementation of the National Reform programme. December 2009 - Analytical Support on the Socio-Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities.
Annual National Report 2009. Pensions, Health and Long-Term Care in Italy, May 2009 - Analytical Support on the Socio-Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities.
Assessment of the Italian National Reform Program with regard to Social Protection Developments, December 2008 - Analytical Support on the Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities.
Review of the Draft National Strategy Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion 2008- 2010 (Pensions, Health and Long-term Care), November 2008 - Analytical Support on the Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities
Articles in Journals and Chapters in Books
EU development cooperation with Africa : forgetting about health? (with M. Mayer, V. Fargion and M. Gazibo), V. Fargion , M. Gazibo (eds.) Revisiting EU –Africa relations in a changing world, Edward Elgar , 2021, 204-222.
El meteòrico ascenso y descenso de la atenciòn por parte de la Uniòn Europea a los problemas de salud mundial ( with M. Mayer), F.J.Moreno Fuentes and E.del Pino (eds.) Las transformaciones territoriales y sociales del Estado en la edad digital, Centro de Estudios Polìticos Y Constitucionales , Madrid, 2020, 185-207.
The EU in the International Arena and the Social Dimension of Globalization, P. Kennett e N. Lendvai-Bainton ( eds.) Handbook of European social policy, Edward Elgar, August 2017, 126-140.
The Social Dimension of Cohesion Policy in the EU (with S. Profeti), in S. Piattoni and L. Polverari (eds.) Handbook of Cohesion Policy, Edward Elgar 2016, 475-490.
The European Union as a Global Social Policy Actor- Discourse and Policy Practice, (with M. Mayer), in A. Kaash and K. Martens (eds.), Actors and Agency in Global Governance, Oxford University Press, 2015, 105-129.
L’afasia dei partiti europeisti e l’orizzonte strategico che ancora non c’è, in “ItalianiEuropei”, 2014, n. 2.
“Editoriale” (con M. L. Mirabile) Politiche Sociali/Social Policies, 2014/1:3-7.
“Editoriale” (con G. Vicarelli) Politiche Sociali/Social Policies 2014/3: 319-328.
Italy: A territorial and Generational Divide in Social Citizenship in A.M. Guillemard and A. Evers (eds.) Social Policy and Citizenship, Oxford University Press , 2012, 173-197 .
“I partiti populisti nello scenario politico europeo. Riflessioni introduttive”, Rivista delle Politiche Sociali", 2012/1: 177-189
Children, Gender and Families in the Italian Welfare State in J. Gal and M. Ajzenstadt (eds.) in Children, Gender and Families in Mediterranean Welfare States , Springer ,2010, pp. 105-128“
La dimensione sociale nella politica estera dell'unione” (with Marco Mayer) Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 2010/1, pp.231-255.
Italy: still a pension state? in P.Alcock and C. Graig (eds), International Social Policy, Houndmills, Palgrave, 2009, pp. 171-189
“La dimensione sociale della globalizzazione”, Italian Journal of Social Policy, Vol 1, 2008: 389-410.
“Changes in the Responsibilities and Financing of the Health System in Italy”, Revue Francaise des Affaires Sociales, 60 (2-3) 2006: 285-312.
“Europeanization and Territorial Representation. The Case of Italy” with L. Morlino and S. Profeti, West European Politics, 29 (4) 2006: 757-783.
“Européanisation et representation territoriale en Italie” with L. Morlino and S. Profeti, Pôle Sud Revue de science politique de l’Europe méridionale, 24(1) 2006: 99-120.
Introduzione. Europeizzazione e rappresentanza: perché i fondi strutturali with L. Morlino, in Fargion V., Morlino L. Profeti S. (eds.) Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale.Il caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006: 11-60.
I fondi strutturali tra politica e amministrazione nelle regioni del centro-nord in Fargion V., Morlino L. Profeti S. (eds.) Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006: 125-179.
Conclusioni. I risultati della ricerca with L.Morlino and S.Profeti, in Fargion V., Morlino L. Profeti S. (eds.) Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006: 361-392.
From the Southern to the Northern Question: Territorial and Social Politics in Italy, in N. Mc Ewen and L. Moreno (eds.) The Territorial Politics of Welfare, London, Routledge, 2005: 127-147.
“Tra Scilla e Cariddi: Le Politiche sociali dei governi di centro-sinistra”, Polis, 18(3) 2004: 383-412.
“Continental Inconsistencies on the path to activation: consequences for social citizenship in Italy and France”, with J.C. Barbier, European Societies, 6(4) 2004: 437-460.
Le politiche sociali tra ricerca del consenso e innovazione in S. Neri Serneri (ed.)Alle origini del governo regionale, Roma: Carocci, 2004: 169-179.
Half Way through the Ford: The Italian Welfare State at the Start of the New Century in N. Gilbert e R. Van Voorhis (eds.) Changing Patterns of Social Protection, Rutgers, Transaction Publishers, 2003: 309-338.
Territorialità e centralità: linee di riflessione in F. Carrera, M.L. Mirabile, A. Toselli La cittadinanza sociale tra vie locali e universalità, Roma, Ediesse, 2003. “La sfida dell’Eurowelfare” in Europa e Regione (50) 2002: 87-112.
“Politiche di coesione e integrazione europea” Quaderni Europei (4) 2002: 145-158.I servizi sociali in Progettare Firenze. Materiali per il Piano Strategico dell’area metropolitana fiorentina, Florence, Edizioni Comune Network, 2001:118-130.
Italy: Moving from the Southern Model, in Alcock, P. and Craig, G. (eds.) International Social Policy: Welfare Regimes in the Developed World, London, Palgrave, 2001: 183-202 (Japanese version Palgrave and English Agency –Japan- Ltd, 2003).
Des Réformes négociées: le cas de l’Italie in Daniel e Palier (eds.) La Protection Sociale en Europe, Paris, La Documentation Française, 2001: 231-246.
Creeping Workfare Policies: The Case of Italy” in N. Gilbert (ed.) Activating the Unemployed: A Comparative Appraisal of Work-Oriented Policies, Rutgers, N.J., Transaction Publishers, 2001: 29-68.
“Timing and the Development of Social Care Services in Europe”, West European Politics, (2) 2000: 58-88.
“Timing e sviluppo dei servizi sociali in Europa”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 30(1) 2000: 45-85.
“I servizi sociali in Europa” L’assistenza sociale (1) 1998: 75-92.
“Decentralization de l’Etat-Providence et Differenciation Territoriale », Politiques et Management Public, 16(3) 1998: 118-135.
“Social Assistance and the North-South Cleavage in Italy”, South European Society and Politics, 6(3) 1996: 135-155.
Gli studenti sono incoraggiati a scegliere un argomento di tesi di loro specifico interesse purchè nell'ambito delle aree di policy di competenza dell'Unione Europea.
Valeria Fargion is associate professor of political science, holder of a Jean Monnet Chair at the "Cesare Alfieri" school of political science of the University of Florence, where she teaches "Politics of European Integration" for the master's degree in international relations and European studies. Until 2020 she coordinated the path of European Studies and was responsible for international relations for the School of Political Science. Her priority attention to the international dimension and to the dialogue between scholars from different disciplinary fields and socio-political and cultural contexts have led her over the years to cover coordination roles in a series of transnational academic networks: two mandates (2002-2006 and 2006-2010) as an elected member of the Executive Board of the Research Committee 19 "Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy" of the International Sociological Association; from 2002 to 2007, she was a member of the executive committee of ESPANET (the European network of social policy scholars) and from its foundation until 2014, Co-Chair of ESPANET-Italy. From 2008 to 2010 she worked as a national expert for the DG Employment of the European Commission, and from its foundation in 2014 until 2019, she was co-director and then director of Politiche Sociali / Social Policies, published by Il Mulino. In the context of the commitments undertaken on an international scale, she organized, among many others, a conference aimed at opening a confrontation between scholars from the North and South of the world, with the discussion of papers by 140 researchers from all five continents; regarding the issues related to European integration, she organized a cycle of conferences on the "Costs of non-Europe" which was also attended by Romano Prodi and Giuliano Amato, and on the occasions of the 25th and 30th anniversaries of the Erasmus program shecarried out two initiatives that allowed 54 students - two from each of the 27 Member States - to present their proposals on EU’s priorities to representatives of the European institutions, including the High Representative for the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.
She participated in a variety of international research projects and published widely on the Italian Welfare State in a historical and a comparative perspective, social care services in Europe, the relationship between national and local levels of government and the role of the Italian Regions with respect to social policies and European structural funds.Over the last decade her research interests shifted from a focus on highly industrialized countries to the role of the European Union in the international arena with particular reference to global health issues and development cooperation with Africa. Recent publications include: The EU in the International Arena and the Social Dimension of Globalization, P. Kennett e N. Lendvai-Bainton ( eds.) Handbook of European social policy, Edward Elgar, August 2017; The European Union as a Global Social Policy Actor- Discourse and Policy Practice, (with M. Mayer), A. Kaash and K. Martens (eds.), Actors and Agency in Global Governance, Oxford University Press, 2015. In this context she also organized the international workshop “EU-Africa relations and future challenges. Closing the gap between rhetoric and reality?”, which inspired the volume “Revisiting EU-Africa Relations in a Changing World,” edited together with Professor Gazibo of the University of Montreal and published in September 2021 by Edward Elgar.
Name: Valeria FargionPlace of birth: London (UK)Nationality: British and Italian Office address: Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence 21 Via delle Pandette, 50127 Florence phone: 39-055-2759400fax: 39-055-2759931E-mail: valeria.fargion@unifi.itLanguages: Italian, English, French Education 1986 Ph.D., European University Institute, Department of Political and Social Sciences (dissertation supervisor, Professor Peter Flora)1981 Fulbright Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California, Berkeley1978 Laurea in Scienze Politiche, University of Florence (summa cum laude)1973/74 Fulbright Undergraduate Student, Pomona College, Claremont, California Current Position
Adjunct Professor of “Politics of European integration”, Master program in International Relations and European Studies, School of Political Science, University of Florence; International Editorial Advisor for the Journal of Social Policy ( Cambridge University Press); member of the editorial board of Politiche Sociali/Social Policies ( Il Mulino). Previous positions
Previous Institutional Appointments • Co-Chair of ESPANET-Italy (Network for European Social Policy Analysis) 2008-2014 • Member of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Advisory Board on Social Security Policy and Research. • Member of the Florence University Press editorial board.• European Commission national expert – DG Employment and Social Policy – in charge of reviewing the Italian National Strategy Report on pensions , health and long term care for 2008-2010.• Executive Board Member - ISA Research Committee 19 “Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy” - elected for the 2003-2006 term and the 2006 – 2009 term www.ucm.es/info/isa/rc19htm• Board Member of ESPANET (Network for European Social Policy Analysis) for the period 2002-2007 – http://www.espanet.org• National Representative in the Management Committee Cost A13 Action “Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship”, (European Commission DGXII) (1999/2003) http://www.socsci.auc.dk/cost/management • European Commission national expert – DG Employment and Social Policy – in charge of the Report on Italian Social Policy developments for 1999-2000 for the revision of the Commission’s Communication “Modernizing and Improving Social Protection.”• European Forum Fellow, European University Institute, Forum on “Recasting the European Welfare State: Options, Constraints, Actors” (coordinated By Maurizio Ferrera), 1998/99.
ChairRoundtable on “The 2019 Parliament Elections. Perspectives from the Member States” 1st Erasmus International Week, School of Political Science, University of Florence, 21 May.
XI Conferenza ESPAnet-Italia 2018, Beyond Continuity. Challenges to Welfare in a Globalized World, Campus di Novoli, September 13-15.
"European Social protection Systems in a Comparative Perspective"
Presented at the Conference "Achievements and Challanges of Social Work Profession in Albania", Università di Shkoder Library "Martin Camaj", 19-20 ottobre 2018
"The EU in troubled Water. Past Constraints, Current Difficulties and Future Challanges"
Conference held at the Hanoi University, Vietnam, faculty of International Stduies, 30 October 2017
The EU and Global Challanges.28 Ideas from the Erasmus Generation, Scuola di Scienze Politiche "Cesare Alfieri", Università di Firenze, 3-5 May 2017
"L'idea di giustizia globale: una propsettiva politologica"
Presented at the Workshop "L'idea di giustizia globale: un dialogo interdisciplinare", Università degli studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze politiche e Sociali, 21 January 2016
"What budget, resoirces, fiscal and borrowing powers for the EU?" (in collaboration with the Scuola Sant'Anna di Pisa), Polo delle Scienze Sociali, 12-13 November 2015; Chair of the First Session: "The EU Budget, its review and reform proposals"
"Comparing Social Policy Across the World: recent trends in latin America and South-East Asia" report by Jane Jenson and Sven Hort presented by final plenary session of the ESPAnet-Italia Conference "Welfare in Italia e welfare a livello globale: esperienze e modelli di sviluppo a confronto", Fisciano 17-19 September 2015
The Italian Welfare State in a Comparative Perspevtive by U. Ascoli e E. Pavolini, "Authors meet critics" session, ESPAnet-Italia Conference "Welfare in Italia e welfare a livello globale: esperienze e modelli di sviluppo a confronto", Fisciano 17-19 September 2015
"The European Union and Global Governance for Health",
(with marco Mayer), paper presented at the opening plenary session of the "Frontiers of Inequality, Social Policy and Welfare" conference, RC 19-ISA, Bath, 26-28 August 2015.
"The EU and Member States in Global Affairs: Any Sign of Convergence?" held at Polo delle Science Sociali, Università di Firenze, 5-6 May 2015
"Percorsi regionali di welfare", presented at the workshop on "Sistemi di welfare: Territori, imprese e istituzioni", Università Cattolica del sacro cuore, Milano, 20 January 2015
Session 15 on "Gender, Family and Care Policy in Spain and Italy", 7th annual conference ESPAnet-Italia, "Sfide alla cittadinanza e trasformazioni dei corsi di vita: precarietà, invecchiamento e migrazioni", Torino, 18-20 September 2014
Chair and Discussant
Panel 12.2 on "Crisi economica e legittimazione dell'EU", 28th annual conference SISP, Perugia, 11-13 September 2014
Roundatble with Federica Mogherini, Joseph Weiler and Furio Cerruti on "Gli enti locali e il processo di costruzione dell'Europa", Palazzo Vecchio, Elementi Room, Firenze, 19 May 2014
Health Diplomacy in Africa: A Win-win strategy for the EU?
(with Marco Mayer) paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Italian political science Association , University of Florence, 12-14 September 2013, Session 12.2. “Adattamento e rendimento di un attore multilaterale: l’UE e il multilateralismo alla prova del mondo multipolare”. http://www.sisp.it/convegno/2013/paper/420
The EU as a Global Health champion?
(with Marco Mayer) paper presented at the Conference “Crisis and Contingency”, 20th International conference of Europeanists, panel “The EU and Development Policy Around the World”, Amsterdam, 25-27 June 2013.
Stuck in second place: the internal and external dimension of EU social policy
Presented at conference in honor of Jean-Claude Barbier “Diversités et solidarités: vers une sociologie comparative de la protection sociale”, Paris, Maison des sciences économiques, 10 June 2013.
The Italian Welfare State in a comparative perspective
Presented at the confernce “Las Politicas Sociales entre Crisis y Post-crisis”. IV Congreso de la Red Española de Politíca Social, Universitad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, 6-7 June 2013.
Conference “L’Europa in bilico. La scienza politica italiana di fronte alle attuali sfide”, University of Florence, School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”, 8 May 2013. http://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-168-europa-in-bilico.html
Losing out to the BRICS: EU Development Cooperation in Africa
(with Marco Mayer), paper presented at the conference “L’Europa in bilico. La scienza politica italiana di fronte alle attuali sfide”, University of Florence , Scuola di scienze politiche “Cesare Alfieri”, panel 3: “L’UE: attore globale?”, 8 May 2013. http://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-168-europa-in-bilico.html
The European Union as a Global Social Policy Actor: Discourse and Practice
(with Marco Mayer) paper presented at the Workshop “Actors and Agency in Global Social Governance”, University of Bremen, 22-23 February 2013.
Re-focusing Development Co-operation in Africa.
(with Marco Mayer), paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Italian political science Association, Rome 13-15 September 2012 ( session 12.7: “Beyond foreign aid: the EU and the developing world in a changing context”).
OrganizerInternational Conference "The EU and the World: Challenges and Trends. 27 Ideas from the Erasmus Generation, Florence, 31 May- 1 June 2012, http://www.rise.unifi.it/vp-169-erasmus-generation-conference-31-maggio-1-giugno.html
Member of the Scientific CommitteeAnnual Conference of the Research Committee no.19 on “Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy” of the International Sociological Association, Seoul, 25 - 27 August 2011. The Social and Health Agenda in EU-Africa Relations. Past Contradictions and Future Opportunities
(with Mayer M.), paper presented at the ISA RC 19 Annual Conference, Seoul, 25-28 August 2011 Organizer(with Roberto Castaldi) of a cycle of conferences on “The Costs of non-Europe” held at the Faculty “Cesare Alfieri”, University of Florence, November 2010 - May 2011
La citoyenneté sociale en Italie et ses variations territorialesReport presented at the Conference « Solidarités à l’épreuve des crises », Université d'Evry- Val-d'Essonne, 11-12 January 2011. Organizer(with Caterina Paolucci) of the conference “The Lisbon Treaty: One Year On: Achievements and Challenges”, Faculty of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri” University of Florence, 3 December 2010 in collaboration with the James Madison University in Florence. http://www.unifi.it/relazioni-internazionali-studi-europei/Article89.html Convenor(with Gianfranco Baldini), of the session on "Regionalismo e politiche locali", XXIV SISP Annual Conference, Venice, 16-18 September 2010 and Chair of the panel "Regioni e Sanità" Recent Developments in the Italian Welfare StateReport at the workshop "Mediterranean Welfare States in Crisis," University of Thrace, Komotini, 10 May 2010. Organizer(with G. Natalicchi, M. Paolucci, and C. Balducci) of the Conference “Riflettori sull'Europa” held at the Faculty of Political Science "Cesare Alfieri" University of Florence, 3 December 2009 in collaboration with the James Madison University Program in Florence (http://www.unifi.it/relazioni-internazionali-studi-europei/CMpro-vp-139.html) ChairWorkshop on "Crisi e Welfare tra Stato e Regioni. Strategie e responsabilità”, V Forum of the “Journal of Social Policy” on “ Welfare. Geografie della crisi. Approfondimenti sul caso italiano in prospettiva comparata ", Rome, Santa Marta Al Collegio Romano 5-6 November 2009. (http://www.ediesseonline.it/riviste/rps/eventi) ChairWorkshop on “Social Policy Innovation and the Future of the Welfare State”, annual conference ESPANET, "The Future of the Welfare State," University of Urbino, 17-19 September 2009 (www.espanet-italia.net/conference2009) ConvenorSession on "Regioni in Europa", XXIII SISP Annual Conference, Rome, Faculty of Political Sciences, LUISS Guido Carli, 17-19 September 2009 (www.sisp.it/convegno/2009/sezioni/22) “The European Union and the Social Dimension of Globalization. Discourse and Policy practice” Paper written with Marco Mayer and presented at the annual conference of the Research Committee 19 of the International Sociology Association, “Social Policies: Local experiments, Travelling Ideas”, Montreal, 20-22 August 2009 http://www.cccg.umontreal.ca/RC19/PDF/Fargion-V_Rc192009.pdf OrganizerSummer School on “Comparative Research on Social Policies in Europe: Concepts and Methods”, in collaboration with ESPANET-Italy, Department of Political Science and Sociology, University of Florence, 13 - 21 July 2009. (www.unifi.it/relazioni-internazionali-studi-europei/Article5.html) Discussant"The Nordic Model" by M. Alestalo, S. Kuhnle, S. Hort in the Conference "Comparing the Trajectories of European Societies", WZB - Berlin, 6-7 March 2009. ChairPlenary session on “Social Citizenship: Rethinking Bases of Rights and Institutional Categorization”, at the conference “The Future of Social Politics, Institution and Outcomes”, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 4-6 September 2008. “Children, Gender and Families in the Italian Welfare State”Paper presented at the Workshop “Gender, Children and Families in Mediterranean Welfare States”, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University, 1-2 June 2008 “I servizi sociali in Europa: sviluppi recenti”Paper presented at the Forum RPS 2007 “Diversificazione sociale e strategie di welfare”, Rome, Santa Marta al Collegio Romano, 8-9 November 2007 Organiser“Social Policy in a Globalizing World: Developing a North-South Dialogue”, Annual Conference of the International Sociological Association Research Commitee n. 19 on “Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy”, University of Florence, Faculty of Political Science, 6-8 September 2007. www.unifi.it/rc19 ChairSession on “Flexible Labour Markets and the Role of Social Security”, ISSA 5th International Research Conference on “Social Security and the Labour Market: A Mismatch?”, Warsaw, 5-7 March 2007. “Social citizenship beyond the nation-state”Paper presented at the workshop CINEFOGO (Civil Society and New Forms of Governance in Europe) “Changing Forms of State Intervention in Social Protection- Their effects on Social Citizenship Rights”, Prague, Charles University, 16-17 February 2007. “Le nuove relazioni fra livelli di governo: opportunità e rischi per le regioni italiane”Presented at the conference “Governance multilivello e politica europea: quali sfide per l’Italia?”, Research Unit on European Governance, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, 29 November 2006. http://www.urge.it/files/fargion.pdf “ L’européanisation des représentations territoriales”Presented at the conference “ Regards croisés sur l’Union Européenne qui se fait”, Université de Montréal, Archives Nationales du Québec, Montreal, 5-6 October 2006. http://cerium.ca/article3378.html “Européanisation et politique de cohésion dans le cas italien”Presented at the Round Table “Vers un modèle social européen?”, II annual conference of the French Sociology Association, Bordeaux , 5-8 September 2006. “Europeanization and territorial Representation. The case of Italy”Lecture at the University of Oviedo (Spain), 7 June 2006. “Health Politics Between National and Regional Governments in Italy”paper presented at the Conference “Welfare State Reforms in Continental and Southern Europe”, DREES, Paris 19-20 December 2005. Convenor:Stream on “The Territorial Dimension of Social Policies”, ESPANET Conference, University of Freiburg, 22-24 September 2005. Chair:Panel on “European Cohesion Policy: Domestic Impact and Institutional Change”, ECPR annual conference, Budapest, 8-10 September 2005. “Territorial and Social Politics in Italy”Paper presented at the ISA RC19 Conference “Welfare State Restructuring: Processes and Social Outcomes”, Sciences-Po, Paris, 2-4 September 2004. Discussant:“Social Indicators and the Measurement of Progress in European Union Welfare States” by Julia O’Connor, ISA RC19 Conference “Welfare State Restructuring: Processes and Social Outcomes”, Sciences-Po, Paris, 2-4 September 2004. Discussant: “Poverty” by Andreas Aust and Ana Arriba, WRAMSOC Project – Welfare Reform and the Management of Societal Change – Berlin, 23-25 April 2004. “The European Employment Strategy and the Italian Case”Paper presented at the conference “Changing European Societies – The Role for Social Policy”, Danish National Institute for Social Research, Copenhagen, 13-15 November 2003.http://www.sfi.dk/graphics/ESPAnet/papers/Vfargion.prn.pdf “The European Social Model”Presented at the Workshop “Lo Spazio Sociale Europeo”, University of Florence, 10-11 October 2003. “De-coupling Passive and Active Labour Market Policies: The Italian Case in Comparative Perspective”Paper presented at the Conference “Social Policy in a Changing Europe” organized by ESPANET and the Centre for Comparative Research in Social Welfare, Stirling, 16-17 May 2003. “Active Labour Policy in Southern Europe”Presented at the workshop “Active Citizenship and Marginality in a European Context”, Helsinki, STAKES, 3-4 April 2003. “Recent Developments in Italian Unemployment Policies”Report presented at the unemployment working group workshop - COST A13 Action (DGXII) “Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship”, Malta 1-2 November 2002. Organizer:Workshop of the working group on Unemployment - COST A13 (DGXII) “Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship”, University of Florence, 31 May- 1 June 2002. “The Italian Welfare State at the Start of the New Century”Paper presented at the Conference “Welfare, Work and Family: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective”, EUI, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence, 7-8 June 2002. “Cohesion Policy and European Integration”Paper presented at the Conference “Governance: an Academic Contribution", European Parliament, Brussels, 4 December 2001. “Devolution and Social Services: An Evaluation of the Italian Case”Contribution to the Round Table “Nuevos servicios sociales para una nueva sociedad”, Consejerìa de Asuntos Sociales del Principado de Asturias, Oviedo, 5 September 2001. “Lessons from Recent Changes in the Italian Welfare State”Paper presented at the International seminar “Welfare States and South-Eastern Europe: Lessons from History and other Regions”, Konjic –Bosnia Herzegovina, 26-28 July 2001. “A Hobbled Third Way: The Social Politics and Policies of Centre-Left Governments in Italy”Paper presented at the workshop “Third Ways in Europe”, ECPR joint sessions of workshops, Grenoble, 9-11 April 2001.http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/events/jointsessions/paperarchive/grenoble/ws11/fargion.pdf “The Case of Italy”Report presented at the Conference “Changing Landscape of the Welfare State: Implications for the Future of Social Protection”, Rockfeller Foundation, Bellagio Study and Conference Centre, 7-11 August 2000. “Des Réformes négociées”Paper presented at the Conference “Comparer les Systèmes de Protection Sociale en Europe”, Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité, Paris, 8-9 June 2000. The Development of Social Care Services in EuropeConference held at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, Mannheim, 24 May 2000. Publications Books
V. Fargion , M. Gazibo (eds.) Revisiting EU –Africa relations in a changing world, Edward Elgar , September 2021.
Ferrera M., Fargion V., Jessoula M. Alle radici del welfare all'italiana. Origini e futuro di un modello sociale squilibrato, Padova, Marsilio, 2012 Fargion V., (ed.), Nord e Sud del mondo. Le politiche sociali nell’era della globalizzazione”, special issue in Italian and English “Italian Journal of Social Policy”, Vol.1 2008, Roma, Ediesse. Fargion V., Morlino L. Profeti S. (eds.) Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006. Geografia della cittadinanza sociale in Italia.Regioni e politiche assistenziali dagli anni settanta agli anni novanta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1997 Reports for the European Commission
Annul National Report 2010 Pensions, Health and Long-Term Care in Italy, May 2010 – Analytical Support on the Socio-Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities. http://www.socialprotection.eu/files_db/898/asisp_ANR10_Italy.pdf
Comment on Italy’s Autumn 2009 Report on the Implementation of the National Reform programme. December 2009 - Analytical Support on the Socio-Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities. Annual National Report 2009. Pensions, Health and Long-Term Care in Italy, May 2009 - Analytical Support on the Socio-Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities. http://www.socialprotection.eu/files/238/asisp_ANR09_Italy.pdf Assessment of the Italian National Reform Programme with regard to Social Protection Developments, December 2008 - Analytical Support on the Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities. Review of the Draft National Strategy Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion 2008- 2010 (Pensions, Health and Long-term Care), November 2008 - Analytical Support on the Economic Impact of Social Protection Reforms, on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social affairs and Equal Opportunities Articles
The EU in the International Arena and the Social Dimension of Globalization, P. Kennett e N. Lendvai-Bainton ( eds.) Handbook of european social Policy, Edward Elgar, August 2017, 126-140.
The Social Dimension of Cohesion Policy in the EU (with S. Profeti), in S. Piattoni and L. Polverari (eds.) Handbook of Cohesion Policy, Edward Elgar 2016.
Editoriale(con M. L. Mirabile) “Politiche Sociali/Social Policies”, I (2014), n.1, pp.3-7.
Editoriale(con G. Vicarelli) “Politiche Sociali/Social Policies” I (2014), n.3, pp. 319-328.
Italy: A territorial and Generational Divide in Social Citizenship in A.M. Guillemard and A. Evers (eds.) Social Policy and Citizenship, Oxford University Press , 2012.
“ I partiti populisti nello scenario politico europeo. Riflessioni introduttive”, in "Rivista delle Politiche Sociali", 2012/1, pp. 177-189 Children, Gender and Families in the Italian Welfare State in J. Gal and M. Ajzenstadt (eds.) in Children, Gender and Families in Mediterranean Welfare States , Springer ,2010, pp. 105-128 La dimensione sociale nella politica estera dell'unione with Marco Mayer in “Rivista delle Politiche Sociali”, 2010/1, pp.231-255. Italy: still a pension state? In P.Alcock and C. Graig (eds), International Social Policy, Houndmills, Palgrave, 2009, pp. 171-189 La dimensione sociale della globalizzazione, “Italian Journal of Social Policy”, Vol 1, 2008: 389-410. “Changes in the Responsibilities and Financing of the Health System in Italy”, Revue Francaise des Affaires Sociales, 60 (2-3) 2006: 285-312. “Europeanization and Territorial Representation. The Case of Italy” with L. Morlino and S. Profeti, West European Politics, 29 (4) 2006: 757-783. “Européanisation et representation territoriale en Italie” with L. Morlino and S. Profeti, Pôle Sud Revue de science politique de l’Europe méridionale, 24(1) 2006: 99-120. “Introduzione. Europeizzazione e rappresentanza: perché i fondi strutturali” with L. Morlino, in Fargion V., Morlino L. Profeti S. (eds.) Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006: 11-60. “I fondi strutturali tra politica e amministrazione nelle regioni del centro-nord” in Fargion V., Morlino L. Profeti S. (eds.) Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006: 125-179. “Conclusioni. I risultati della ricerca” with L.Morlino and S.Profeti, in Fargion V., Morlino L. Profeti S. (eds.) Europeizzazione e Rappresentanza territoriale. Il caso Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006: 361-392. “From the Southern to the Northern Question: Territorial and Social Politics in Italy”, in N. Mc Ewen and L. Moreno (eds.) The Territorial Politics of Welfare, London, Routledge, 2005: 127-147. “Tra Scilla e Cariddi: Le Politiche sociali dei governi di centro-sinistra”, Polis, 18(3) 2004: 383-412. “Continental Inconsistencies on the path to activation: consequences for social citizenship in Italy and France”, with J.C. Barbier, European Societies, 6(4) 2004: 437-460. “Le politiche sociali tra ricerca del consenso e innovazione” in S. Neri Serneri (ed.)Alle origini del governo regionale, Roma: Carocci, 2004: 169-179. “Half Way through the Ford: The Italian Welfare State at the Start of the New Century” in N. Gilbert e R. Van Voorhis (eds.) Changing Patterns of Social Protection, Rutgers, Transaction Publishers, 2003: 309-338. “Territorialità e centralità: linee di riflessione” in F. Carrera, M.L. Mirabile, A. Toselli La cittadinanza sociale tra vie locali e universalità, Roma, Ediesse, 2003. “La sfida dell’Eurowelfare” in Europa e Regione (50) 2002: 87-112. “Politiche di coesione e integrazione europea” Quaderni Europei (4) 2002: 145-158. “I servizi sociali” in Progettare Firenze. Materiali per il Piano Strategico dell’area metropolitana fiorentina, Florence, Edizioni Comune Network, 2001:118-130. “Italy: Moving from the Southern Model ”, in Alcock, P. and Craig, G. (eds.) International Social Policy: Welfare Regimes in the Developed World, London, Palgrave, 2001: 183-202 (Japanese version Palgrave and English Agency –Japan- Ltd, 2003). “Des Réformes négociées: le cas de l’Italie” in Daniel e Palier (eds.) La Protection Sociale en Europe, Paris, La Documentation Française, 2001: 231-246. “Creeping Workfare Policies: The Case of Italy” in N. Gilbert (ed.) Activating the Unemployed: A Comparative Appraisal of Work-Oriented Policies, Rutgers, N.J., Transaction Publishers, 2001: 29-68. “Timing and the Development of Social Care Services in Europe”, West European Politics, (2) 2000: 58-88. “Timing e sviluppo dei servizi sociali in Europa”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 30(1) 2000: 45-85. “I servizi sociali in Europa” L’assistenza sociale (1) 1998: 75-92. “Decentralization de l’Etat-Providence et Differenciation Territoriale », Politiques et Management Public, 16(3) 1998: 118-135. “Social Assistance and the North-South Cleavage in Italy”, South European Society and Politics, 6(3) 1996: 135-155. Teaching Activities University of Florence 2010-2012 European Integration Politics (Jean Monnet Chair)European Public Policies Local Welfare SystemsSocial policies and globalization 2008-2010 European Integration Politics (Jean Monnet Chair)Social Policies and GlobalizationLocal Welfare Systems 2006-2008 European Social Policy (Jean Monnet module) Public Policy (advanced course) Welfare Systems and Local Social Policies Social Policy 1994-2006 Organizational TheoryPolicy research methodology (different Public Policyyears) European Social policyComparative Social PolicyLocal GovernmentSeminars on the Italian welfare state University of Siena 1997-2009 Social and Economic Policy (Master in Social Care Service Planning and Evaluation) University of Bologna 1989-94 Public Policy, Organizational Theory, Public Administration