During my teaching period, I am available every day on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 14.30
Also, I am available in other days and times (under appointment).
During the first semester I am always available - under appointment.
For students implementing their thesis with me, I am always available (just write me and we will fix an appointment).
Simona Zambelli is Full Professor of Finance at University of Florence and Director of International Relations of the Department of Economics and Management. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics of Financial Intermediation, from University of Siena (Italy); a degree in Economics with a legal focus from the University of Bologna (Italy); and a second postgraduate degree in Finance, with a Mathematical Finance specialization, from the University of London, Birkbeck College (London). After specializing in financial regulation at the University of London (Birkbeck College, as a research fellow) and financing innovation management at Harvard University - Harvard Business School (Boston, USA) as a post-doc fellow, she was visiting professor at the University of Leicester (UK), and IPAG Business School (Paris), as well as visiting researcher at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute –RPI (NY, USA), and York University - Schulich School of Business (Toronto, CA), as the winner of various prestigious international Awards sponsored by the Government of Canada (e.g., The Canada-Italy Innovation Award; The Faculty Research Program Award). Before joining the University of Florence, she worked as Associate Professor at the University of Bologna (Italy), coordinating a number of International Bilateral Agreements and holding various institutional positions, such as the Director of the Business & Organizational Unit (RUOS) of the Department of Management at the Forlì Campus. She has published several articles in international journals, including, European Financial Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, and Journal of Banking and Finance, as well as books with high-rating publishers, such as Oxford University Press. She has been involved in various program committees for international conferences (such as: European Financial Management, conference focused on Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital Symposium, Montreal; II International Workshop on Banking and Financial Intermediation, SMEs, Growth, and Banking, Rimini Center For Economic Analysis; Conference on Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance, Stevens Institute of Technology, New York, USA). She is currently engaged in various international research projects with York University (Toronto, Canada), as well as in a number of international exchange programs, as the Reference for International Relations and Exchange Programs with the Department of Economics of the University of Florence. Her main research interests refer to: Financing Innovation (Venture Capital, Crowdfunding, Private Equity, and Impact Investing), Neurofinance, Gender Diversity, and Woman Empowerment, as the recipient of various research Awards, sponsored by Government of Canada (Innovation Award), Government of Italy, Cariplo Foundation, INCORME Institute for Research in Management and Engineering (Best Paper Award), and Rotary International (International Ambassadorial Scholar Award). Her international research cooperation includes various venture capital projects with prof. Douglas Cumming. She has written several international publications on: Private Equity Financing, Leveraged Acquisitions, and Corporate Governance in Private Equity. Her undergraduate courses (taught in English) refer to: Finance and Investments; Her postgraduate courses (taught in English) refer to: Venture Capital & Private Equity; Due Diligence; Social Impact Investing. Her teaching approach involves active participation, project works, and business games
Simona Zambelli è Professoressa di I Fascia (Professore Ordinario) in Finanza Aziendale, presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze (Dipartimento di Economia e Management), specializzata in finanza innovativa, finanza dell'innovazione (es. Venture Capital & Private Equity, Entrepreneurial Finance, Venture Philanthropy & Impact Investing), e neuro-finance.
Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Economia dell'Intermediazione Finanziaria, presso l'Università di Siena (Italia); una laurea in Economia, con uno speciale focus giuridico applicato all'economia, presso l'Università di Bologna (Italia); un degree di secondo livello, post-lauream, in Finance, con specializzazione in Finanza Matematica, presso l'University of London, Birkbeck College (London, UK).
Dopo essersi specializzata in finanza innovativa, venture capital finance, presso la Harvard University-Harvard Business School (Boston, MA, USA), come post-doc visiting fellow, ha lavorato come visiting researcher presso: Birkbeck College, University of London (London, UK); Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute –RPI (NY, USA); York University-Schulich School of Business (Toronto, CA), dove si è specializzata in Private Equity & Buyout Financial Regulation, come vincitrice di diversi premi internazionali sponsorizzati dal Governo del Canada ("Faculty Research Program); York University - Dipartimento di Economia (Toronto, CA), dove si è specializzata in Gender studies and Women Empowerment, come vincitrice del premio internazionale "Innovation Award" sposorizzato dal Governo del Canada.
È stata anche visiting professor presso University of Leicester (UK), University of Westminster (UK), IPAG Business School (Parigi), dove ha tenuto diversi moduli di insegnamento relativi alle tematiche di Investments & Finance.
Prima di entrare a far parte dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, è stata Professore Associato presso l'Università di Bologna, fino a febbraio 2021.
Attualmente è impegnata in vari progetti di ricerca internazionali, in particolare con la York University (Toronto, Canada), grazie a vari premi di ricerca internazionali, tra cui si ricorda "Italy-Canada Innovation Award" sponsorizzata dal Governo del Canada.
I suoi principali interessi di ricerca riguardano la finanza innovativa (venture capital, venture philanthropy), e la finanza imprenditoriale in generale, Diversity Management, la neurofinanza e la diversità di genere nelle posizioni apicali, in particolare nelle seguenti aree: Private Equity, Angel Investing; imprenditorialità di genere, crowdfunding; Impact Investing e Artificial Intelligence (applicata alla finanza innovativa).
Il suo approccio alla ricerca è empirico, con particolare riferimento all'interazione tra legge e finanza.
Ha pubblicato diversi articoli su riviste internazionali, tra cui: Journal of Banking and Finance, European Financial Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, oltre a libri con editori di alto livello (come Oxford University Press). Ha scritto diverse pubblicazioni internazionali su: Private Equity Financing, LeveragedAcquisitions e Corporate Governance in Private Equity.
Informazioni più dettagliate sono disponibili, in inglese, nella pagina docente (Unifi)-Eng. Inoltre, si rinvia anche alla pagina personale: Personal Website (in English), dove è disponibile un short CV, in formato pdf.
Venture Capital & Private Equity
Startup Financing
Mergers and Acquisitions
Governance and Gender Diversity
Strategic Financial Planning
Behavioral Finance
Impact Investing and Venture Philanthropy
Simona Zambelli is Full Professor of Finance at the University of FLORENCE (School of Economics), specialized in Venture Capital & Entrepreneurial Finance. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics of Financial Intermediation, from the University of Siena (Italy); a degree in Economics with a legal focus from University of Bologna (Italy); and a second-level postgraduate degree in Finance, with a Mathematical Finance specialization, from University of London, Birkbeck College (London).
After specializing in financing of innovation & venture capital at Harvard University, Harvard Business School (as post-doctoral Research Fellow) and Massachussets Institute of Technology-MIT (as guest post doctoral student), she worked as visiting researcher and visiting professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute –RPI (NY, USA) and York University-Schulich School of Business (Toronto, CA), where she specialized in Private Equity Impact of Financial Regulation. She also was visiting professor at University of Leicester (UK), Westminster University (UK), and IPAG Business School (Paris), where she periodically taught modules related to Investments, and Finance. She is currently engaged in various international research projects with York University (Toronto, Canada).
Her main research interests refer to Entrepreneurial Finance, Neurofinance and Gender Diversity, especially in the following areas: Venture Capital, Private Equity, Angel Investing; Financial Regulation Impact, Gender Entrepreneurship, Crowdfunding; Impact Investing, and Securitization. Her research approach is empirical, and she especially enjoys dealing with Law & Finance interaction, perspectives, and implications. She has published several articles in international Journals, including: Journal of Banking and Finance, European Financial Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, as well as books with high rating publishers (such as Oxford University Press). Her international research cooperation includes various venture capital projects with prof. Douglas Cumming (York University, CA). She has written several international publications on: Private Equity Financing, Leveraged Acquisitions, and Corporate Governance in Private Equity.
For further information on my CV, Research,Teaching Activity and Announcements, please visit my Personal Website
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