Tutti i giorni per appuntamento: Tel. 055 3288235; marco.bindi@unifi.it
Every day by appointment: Tel. 055 3288235; marco.bindi@unifi.it
Titoli di studio
Esperienza lavorativa
Incarichi di insegnamento
Incarichi di ricerca
Premi e riconoscimenti
Attività di ricerca
L'ambito della mia ricerca è lo studio delle relazioni tra le piante e l'ambiente che le circonda, con particolare attenzione a quelle di interesse agricolo e forestale. In particolare, la risposta degli ecosistemi terrestri (agrari, forestali e naturali) al cambiamento climatico e le relative strategie di adattamento e mitigazione sono i temi che hanno contraddistinto la mia attività di ricerca e sono particolarmente attuali, come dimostrato a livello nazionale da alcune missioni del PNRR (missioni e temi sul verde) e a livello europeo (Green Deal):
Produzione scientifica
Altre attività
Guarin, J.R., et. al. Evidence for increasing global wheat yield potential (2022) Environmental Research Letters, 17 (12), art. no. 124045.
Zhao, J., et. al. Priority for climate adaptation measures in European crop production systems (2022) European Journal of Agronomy, 138, art. no. 126516, .
Stella, T., et. al. Methodology to assess the changing risk of yield failure due to heat and drought stress under climate change (2021) Environmental Research Letters, 16 (10), art. no. 104033, .
Fleisher, D.H., et. al. Yield Response of an Ensemble of Potato Crop Models to Elevated CO2 in Continental Europe (2021) European Journal of Agronomy, 126, art. no. 126265, .
Padovan, G., et. al. Understanding effects of genotype × environment × sowing window interactions for durum wheat in the Mediterranean basin (2020) Field Crops Research, 259, art. no. 107969, .
Fuchs, K., et. al. Evaluating the Potential of Legumes to Mitigate N2O Emissions From Permanent Grassland Using Process-Based Models (2020) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34 (12), art. no. e2020GB006561, .
Yin, X., et. al. Uncertainties in simulating N uptake, net N mineralization, soil mineral N and N leaching in European crop rotations using process-based models (2020) Field Crops Research, 255, art. no. 107863, .
Hoegh-Guldberg, O., et. al. The human imperative of stabilizing global climate change at 1.5°C (2019) Science, 365 (6459), art. no. eaaw6974, .
Constantin, J., et. al. Management and spatial resolution effects on yield and water balance at regional scale in crop models (2019) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 275, pp. 184-195.
Fitton, N., et. al. Modelling biological N fixation and grass-legume dynamics with process-based biogeochemical models of varying complexity (2019) European Journal of Agronomy, 106, pp. 58-66.
Moriondo, M., et. al. A simple model simulating development and growth of an olive grove (2019) European Journal of Agronomy, 105, pp. 129-145.
Liu, B., et. al. Global wheat production with 1.5 and 2.0°C above pre-industrial warming (2019) Global Change Biology, 25 (4), pp. 1428-1444.
Maharjan, G.R., et. al. Effects of input data aggregation on simulated crop yields in temperate and Mediterranean climates (2019) European Journal of Agronomy, 103, pp. 32-46.
Rodríguez, A., et. al. Implications of crop model ensemble size and composition for estimates of adaptation effects and agreement of recommendations (2019) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 264, pp. 351-362.
Kahiluoto, H., et. al. Decline in climate resilience of european wheat (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (1), pp. 123-128.
Asseng, S., et. al. Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein (2019) Global Change Biology, 25 (1), pp. 155-173.
Webber, H., et. al. Diverging importance of drought stress for maize and winter wheat in Europe(2018) Nature Communications, 9 (1), art. no. 4249, .
Wallor, E., et. al. The response of process-based agro-ecosystem models to within-field variability in site conditions (2018) Field Crops Research, 228, pp. 1-19.
Mäkinen, H., et. al. Sensitivity of European wheat to extreme weather (2018) Field Crops Research, 222, pp. 209-217.
Tao, F., et. al. Contribution of crop model structure, parameters and climate projections to uncertainty in climate change impact assessments (2018) Global Change Biology, 24 (3), pp. 1291-1307.
Webber, H., et. al. Physical robustness of canopy temperature models for crop heat stress simulation across environments and production conditions (2018) Field Crops Research, 216, pp. 75-88.
Fronzek, S., et. al. Classifying multi-model wheat yield impact response surfaces showing sensitivity to temperature and precipitation change (2018) Agricultural Systems, 159, pp. 209-224.
Ruiz-Ramos, M., et. al. Adaptation response surfaces for managing wheat under perturbed climate and CO2 in a Mediterranean environment (2018) Agricultural Systems, 159, pp. 260-274.
Brilli, L., et. al. Review and analysis of strengths and weaknesses of agro-ecosystem models for simulating C and N fluxes (2017) Science of the Total Environment, 598, pp. 445-470.
Iocola, I., et. al. Can conservation tillage mitigate climate change impacts in Mediterranean cereal systems? A soil organic carbon assessment using long term experiments (2017) European Journal of Agronomy, 90, pp. 96-107.
Chenu, K., et. al. Contribution of Crop Models to Adaptation in Wheat (2017) Trends in Plant Science, 22 (6), pp. 472-490.
Yin, X., et. al. Multi-model uncertainty analysis in predicting grain N for crop rotations in Europe (2017) European Journal of Agronomy, 84, pp. 152-165.
Fleisher, D.H., et. al. A potato model intercomparison across varying climates and productivity levels (2017) Global Change Biology, 23 (3), pp. 1258-1281.
Grosz, B., et. al. The implication of input data aggregation on up-scaling soil organic carbon changes (2017) Environmental Modelling and Software, 96, pp. 361-377.
Tao, F., et. al. Designing future barley ideotypes using a crop model ensemble (2017) European Journal of Agronomy, 82, pp. 144-162.
Merante, P., et. al. Adopting soil organic carbon management practices in soils of varying quality: Implications and perspectives in Europe (2017) Soil and Tillage Research, 165, pp. 95-106.
Moriondo, M., et. al. Heat stress and crop yields in the Mediterranean basin: impact on expected insurance payouts(2016) Regional Environmental Change, 16 (7), pp. 1877-1890.
Salo, T.J., et. al. Comparing the performance of 11 crop simulation models in predicting yield response to nitrogen fertilization(2016) Journal of Agricultural Science, 154 (7), pp. 1218-1240.
Zhao, G., et. al. Evaluating the precision of eight spatial sampling schemes in estimating regional means of simulated yield for two crops(2016) Environmental Modelling and Software, 80, pp. 100-112.
Hoffmann, H., et. al. Impact of spatial soil and climate input data aggregation on regional Yield Simulations (2016) PLoS ONE, 11 (4), art. no. 0151782, .
Kollas, C., et. al. Crop rotation modelling-A European model intercomparison(2015) European Journal of Agronomy, 70, pp. 98-111.
Kersebaum, K.C., et. al. Analysis and classification of data sets for calibration and validation of agro- ecosystem models(2015) Environmental Modelling and Software, 72, pp. 402-417.
Ewert, F., et. al. Crop modelling for integrated assessment of risk to food production from climate change (2015) Environmental Modelling and Software, 72, pp. 287-303.
Ferrise, R., et. al. Grain filling duration and glutenin polymerization under variable nitrogen supply and environmental conditions for durum wheat (2015) Field Crops Research, 171, pp. 23-31.
Pirttioja, N., et. al. Temperature and precipitation effects on wheat yield across a European transect: A crop model ensemble analysis using impact response surfaces (2015) Climate Research, 65, pp. 87-105.
Zhao, G., et. al. Effect of weather data aggregation on regional crop simulation for different crops, production conditions, and response variables (2015) Climate Research, 65, pp. 141-157.
Eitzinger, J., et. al. Sensitivities of crop models to extreme weather conditions during flowering period demonstrated for maize and winter wheat in Austria(2013) Journal of Agricultural Science, 151 (6), pp. 813-835.
Moriondo, M., et. al. Projected shifts of wine regions in response to climate change (2013) Climatic Change, 119 (3-4), pp. 825-839.
Moriondo, M., et. al. Olive trees as bio-indicators of climate evolution in the Mediterranean Basin (2013) Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22 (7), pp. 818-833.
Education Qualifications
Work Experience
Teaching Assignments
As part of his teaching activities, he has had the following teaching assignments:
Research Assignments
Prizes and Awards
Research activities
The scope of my research is the study of the relationships between plants and the environment that surrounds them, with particular attention to those of agricultural and forestry interest. In particular, the response of terrestrial ecosystems (agrarian, forestry and natural) to climate change and the related adaptation and mitigation strategies are the topics that have distinguished my research activity and are particularly topical as demonstrated at national level by some of the PNRR Missions (missions and themes on green) and at European level (Green Deal).This activity has led to:
Scientific production
Other activities