EMERGENZA COVID19: inviatemi una mail e fissiamo un appuntamento su Gmeet - https://meet.google.com/evx-eias-yhj
(ordinario) Tutti i giorni per appuntamento: Tel. 055 2755880; 3204324455; marco.vieri@unifi.it
Ingegneria Biosistemi ex Meccanica Agraria p.le delle Cascine 15 50144 Firenze (Italy)
COVID19 Emergency: please send my an a mail and we schedule an appointment on GMeet - https://meet.google.com/evx-eias-yhj
(Ordinary) Every day by appointment: Tel. 055 2755880; 3204324455 ; marco.vieri@unifi.it
Biosystem Engineering ex Farm Machinery p.le delle Cascine 15 50144 Firenze (Italy)
Il prof. Marco Vieri nato a Firenze il 24 gennaio 1956, è coniugato, con due figli (Matteo, 1988 e Niccolò, 1993).
Laureato in Scienze Agrarie nel 1984 è Dottore di Ricerca dal 1990.
Professore Ordinario nell’ Università degli studi di Firenze dal 2005
Già Presidente del Corso di Laurea in Viticoltura ed Enologia.
Già Presidente 3° Sezione AIIA (Associazione Italiana Ingegneria Agraria) Meccanizzazione e Impianti Produttivi
Membro del Comitato direttivo dell’UNICESV(centro di Ricerca e Formazione per lo Sviluppo competitivo delle Imprese del Settore Vitivinicolo Italiano), membro di CISAgr (centro interuniversitario di studi agroingegneristici), CREAR (centro di ricerca per le energie alternative rinnovabili), CESPRO(centro per la ricerca, trasferimento ed alta formazione nell’ambito dello studio delle condizioni di rischio e di sicurezza e per lo sviluppo delle attività di protezione civile ed ambientale).
Membro Ordinario dell’Accademia dei Georgofili dal 2007, dell’Accademia Italiana dell’Olivo e dell’Olio dal 2009, dell’Accademia Italiana della Vite e del Vino dal 2012.
Esperto tecnico scientifico nell’Albo del MIUR dal 2002: ha curato istruttorie di valutazione e controllo in itinere di numerosi progetti PON, PIA, Regionali(Marche, Umbria, Piemonte, Veneto).
Referente della Regione Toscana dal 1992 per problemi relativi a Ambiente (controllo uso degli agrofarmaci e recupero biomasse ), Sicurezza in Agricoltura, Meccanizzazione Agroforestale ed Ambientale.
Ha collaborato fino dagli anni ’90 con ISPESL(attualmente settore per la sicurezza in agricoltura dell’INAIL) e ISS (istituto superiore di sanità)su aspetti legati alla sicurezza delle macchine agro-forestali e all’uso dei prodotti fitosanitari.
Socio dell’ Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria e dell’ ASABE(american society of agricultural and biological engineering); è refero per molte riviste quali Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Biosystem Engineering, Short Forestry.
Già Consigliere dell’Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e Forestali di Firenze è stato più volte nominato CTU dalle Procure di Siena e Firenze per la valutazione delle cause di incidenti in agricoltura.
Già membro del comitato scientifico del CIDA (comitato interregionale divulgazione agricola) (1992) e del collegato CIFDA (Foligno).
Dal 1992 ha condotto oltre 50 ricerche i cui risultati sono esposti nelle oltre 300 pubblicazioni.
E’ detentore di 3 brevetti di invenzione(da segnalare la tecnologia in espansione delle macchine di raccolta delle olive montate su escavatore)e di 3 brevetti per modello di utilità industriale.
Principali settori di ricerca e competenze didattiche:
ü INGEGNERIA E MECCANIZZAZIONE PER LE AREE MARGINALI con produzioni di nicchia e di elevato valore paesaggistico-ambientale: progetto Piante Officinali – MAF (1985), progetto Candia (1995), progetto “Mantenimento della Olivicoltura paesaggistica” (1997), progetto Fagiolo Zolfino (2000) – ARSIA, progetto “Meccanizzazione della olivicoltura ligure” (2006). - ALO
ü INGEGNERIA AVANZATA nel settore AGROFORESTALE: partner e task leader nel progetto europeo RHEA “Robot fleets for High Effective Agricultural and forestry management” – NMP2-LA-2010-245986 (2010-2013).
ü INGEGNERIA DELLE PRODUZIONI VITIVINICOLE SOSTENIBILI: progetto Candia (1995),progetto “Progettazione e collaudo di sistemazioni idraulico agrarie a basso rischio erosivo per impianti viticoli compatibili con l’assetto paesaggistico ed ambientale” (2002), progetto IMVITO “Innovazione e Miglioramento della competitività e della sostenibilità nella Viticoltura Toscana” (2010) - ARSIA, progetto QUAL&VIGNA (2008) – FMPS.
ü INGEGNERIA DELLE PRODUZIONI OLIVICOLE: responsabile scientifico del Progetto MATEO “Modelli tecnici ed economici per la riduzione dei costi di produzione nelle realtà olivicole della Toscana” (2005) – ARSIA, responsabile di molte azioni progettuali con Associazione Ligure Olivicoltori fino dal 2006.
ü OTTIMIZZAZIONE NELL’IMPIEGO DEI PRODOTTI FITOSANITARI: responsabile scientifico del progetto “Misura 1.6, Azione B “Innovazione nei cantieri e nelle procedure per il controllo delle irroratrici per applicazione dei prodotti fitosanitari” (1995) – ARSIA, partner in numerosi progetti pRIN-MIUR ed altri ha sviluppato fino dal 1992 ricerche su sistemi innovativi molti dei quali ampliamente applicati e su procedure di controllo della efficienza e sicurezza nella irrorazione dei prodotti fitosanitari.
ü SICUREZZA NELL’IMPIEGO DELLE MACCHINE AGRICOLE: ha svolto fino dagli anni ’90 numerose ricerche con ISPESL e con la Regione Toscana AUSL e ARPAT con produzione di dispositivi e prodotti di formazione e informazione alcuni dei quali premiati a livello nazionale (2010, Modena - Primo premio alla Regione Toscana nel VII Concorso nazionale prodotti per l’informazione e la formazione della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro. Lettera Dr.ssa Volpi del 11.10.2010).
ü RECUPERO DELLE BIOMASSE A FINI ENERGETICI: progetto “Uso razionale dell’energia in serra e fonti energetiche alternative” (2000), partner nei progetti “Iniziative di collaudo e trasferimento di tecniche idonee per l’impiego del compost di qualità in Agricoltura” (2002) – ARSIA, “Progetto SPANDICOMPOST – Regione Toscana-ToscanaRicicla (2005), progetto VIS (vivaismo sostenibile) (2010). – ARSIA
Famiglia, Agricoltura, Tecnica, Ambiente, Arte, Sport
Marco Vieri – Università di Firenze (Italy)
Scuola Agraria (Meccanica) – Piazzale delle Cascine 15 - 50144 Firenze (Italy)
+39 055 3288320 +39 3204324455
IM serviceskype: marco.vieri1956
Sexmale| Date of birth24/01/1956| NationalityItalian
From 2010 up to now
President of the Degree Course on Viticulture and Oenology
▪ High education management; design educational offer in competencies and skills
Business or sector High Education
From 2005 up to now
Full Professor on Biosystem engineering
Business or sector Research and High Education
From 2000 to 2004
Associate Professor at the Florence University
From 1989 to 1999
University Researcher
From 1978 to 1985
Employee at Italian Westinghouse Torino
▪ Data elaboration and assessment
Business or sector Administrative Office of Florence
From 1975 to 1977
Employee as Swimming & Sailing teacher
From 1986 to 1989
PhD, on Farm mechanization on Developing Countries
From 1976 to 1984
Magistral Degree Course on Agricultural Science
From 1971 to 1976
Scientific High School
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Replace with name of language certificate. Enter level if known.
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills
Several commission as designed member, seminar, meeting, conferences, reports in researches and consulting for regional , national and international institutions.
Organisational / managerial skills
Director of the Degree Course in Viticulture and Oenology; member of the steering committee of the UNICESV (research and training university centre for competitive development of the italian vine enterpreneurs), and other Centres in the University of Florence: CISAgr (AgroEngineering); CREAR (enhancement of renewable energy sources in agroforest systems); CESPRO (health and safety management in agro forest activities).
He is full professor at the University of Florence he is Director of the Degree Course in Viticulture and Oenology; member of the steering committee of the UNICESV (research and training university centre for competitive development of the italian vine enterpreneurs), and other Centres in the University of Florence: CISAgr (AgroEngineering); CREAR (enhancement of renewable energy sources in agroforest systems); CESPRO (health and safety management in agro forest activities).
Responsible of 48 researches since 1992
Job-related skills
Technical and scientific expert of the Ministry of University and Research since 2002: he has been in charge of the intermediate evaluation and control inspections of more than 15 PON (National Operational Programmes), PIA (Integrated Area Plans), regional plans, etc.
Consultant of the Tuscany Region for issues concerning with the Environment (recovery of biomasses and control of the use of agrochemicals), Safety in Agriculture, Agro-Forestry and Environmental Management Mechanization.
He has collaborated since the 1990s with ISPESL-INAIL (Higher institute for prevention and safety in the workplace) and con ISS ( Higher institute of Health).
Member of AIIA (Italian association of agricultural engineering - of which it is vice-president of the III section); and ASABE (American society of agricultural and biological engineering); he is referee for many scientific magazines: Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Biosystem Engineering, Short Forestry.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Biofuels Platform, Biomass commission.
He has been appointed on several occasions as CTU – expert witness (Public prosecutor’s offices of Siena and Florence) to examine the causes of farming accidents.
He belongs to the Professional Agronomists since 1985 , he has been Council member in Florence.
Computer skills
University teacher for CAD applied to machine design. Full expert on Office application. Expert in specific software related with research instruments.
Other skills
▪ High manual , organizing and design skills.
Driving licence
Honours and awards
Author of more than 300 publications many of which on international ISI networks (http://www.unifi.it/p-doc2-2013-200001-V-3f2a3d29352e2b.html )
▪ Senior Member of the Accademia dei Georgofili since 2007; Member of the Italian National Accademy of Olive and Oil Olive since 2009; Vine and Wine national Accademy since 2012.
▪ Project evaluator in the National Ministerial Register with 98 research project processed as evaluator many of which assessed in course of realization.
▪ 6 Patent (http://www.unifi.it/p-doc2-2013-200001-V-3f2a3d29352e2b.html )
Marco Vieri
Sex: male | Date of birth: 24/01/1956 | Nationality: Italian
DAGRI – dept. Agricultural, Environmental, Food Production and Forest Management
University of Florence
Piazzale delle Cascine 15
50144 Firenze (Italy)
tel +39 055 275 5880
fax +36 055 331794
mobile +39 3204324455
email: marco.vieri@unifi.it
web: www.dagri.unifi.it
skype: marco.vieri1956
From 2010 up to now Past President of the Degree Course on Viticulture and Oenology (www.viticolturaenologia.unifi.it)
High education management; design educational offer in competencies and skills
From 2005 up to now Full Professor on Biosystem engineering
From 2000 to 2004 Associate Professor at the Florence University
From 1989 to 1999 University Researcher
From 1978 to 1985 Employee at Italian Westinghouse Torino
Data elaboration and assessment
Business or sector Private International Company Administrative Office of Florence
From 1975 to 1977 Employee as Sailing & Swimming teacher
Business or sector Private
From 1986 to 1989 PhD on Farm Mechanization in Developing Countries
From 1976 to 1984 Magistral Degree Course on Agricultural Science
From 1971 to 1976 Scientific High School
Mother tongue(s)Italian
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C1/2 C1/2 B1/2 B1/2 B1/2
Spanish B1/2 B1/2 A1/2 A1/2 A1/2
Several commissions as designed member, seminar, meeting, conferences, reports in researches and consulting for regional , national and international institutions. Appointed consultant for the Agricultural Ministry of Tuscany Region for the Precision and High Technology Farming introduction. He is involved in the Tuscany coordination staff of the ERIAFF European network (https://twitter.com/eriaff_network) and lead author of the Smart Specialization High Tech Farming Platform (http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/high-tech-farming).
Other skills High manual , organizing and design skills.
Driving licence B
Research and Teaching Sectors
- ADVANCED ENGINEERING ON FARMING. Projects: RHEA project “Robot fleets for High Effective Agricultural and forestry management” – NMP2-LA-2010-245986 (2010-2013).
- SUSTAINABLE AND PRECISION FARMING. Projects: Candia (1995); Planning and testing hydraulic agricultural systems with low risk of erosion for viticulture compatible with the landscape and the environment (2002); QUAL&VIGNA – FMPS (2008); IMVITO Innovation and Enhancement in competitiveness and sustainability in Tuscany viticulture (2010).
- FARM MACHINERY INNOVATION IN MARGINAL AREAS with typical products and high environmental and landscape values. Projects: EUMARSPLUS (2013); VAGAL EU project (2015); Medicinal Plants – Ministry of Agriculture (1985); Candia (1995); Preservation of High Landscape value Olive Crops (1997); Zolfino bean (2000); Mechanization of Ligurian Olive crops (2006).
- ENGINEERING OF OLIVE GROWING. Projects: MATEO “Technical and economic cost reduction models for olive growing in Tuscany” (2005); Innovation seminars in Liguria Region (since 2006).
- SAFETY IN THE USE OF FARM MACHINERY. Projects: several with ISPESL-INAIL and with the Region of Tuscany – Social Security Department since ’90; EU FEEDBAK project (2014)
- RECOVERY OF BIOMASSES TO PRODUCE ENERGY. Projects: Rational use of greenhouse energy and alternative energy sources (2000); Suitable techniques for the use of quality compost in Agriculture” – (2002); SPANDICOMPOST (2005); VIS sustainable plant nursery (2010).
- TECHNOLOGIES FOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES IN A RURAL ENVIRONMENT. Projects: MULTIDIM (Evolutive dynamics of farming enterprises and multi-functionality). Project Safety of Human Activities on Mountain (2010).
Senior Member of the Accademia dei Georgofili since 2007; Member of the Italian National Academy of Olive and Oil Olive since 2009; Vine and Wine national Academy since 2012.
Project evaluator in the National Ministerial Register with 107 research project processed as evaluator many of which assessed in course of realization.
6 Patents (see in publication repository)
Firenze, September 2017
Marco Vieri was born in Florence on 24th January 1956, he is married, with two sons(Matteo, 1988 and Niccolò, 1993).
Family, Agriculture, Techniques, Environment, Art, Sport
Since 1992 he has carried out more than 47 research projects. Of relevance the following:
1) RHEA Robot fleets for highly effective crop management in mediterranean agriculture (Collaborative Project FP7-NMP-2009-245986) European Union, 2010-2014 (www.rhea-project.eu)
2) MARS PLUS EU Project PO IT-FR D79E100000850007. Marittime-cross-border project between France and Italy (www.marteplus.eu - www.martepiumeccanizzazione.it)
Results are presented in more than 300 publications, many of which in international reviews (http://www.unifi.it/p-doc2-2013-200001-V-3f2a3d29352e2b.html ).
The Projects produce 3 invention patents and 3 patents for a model of industrial use.
- New harwester for pendent fruit - 0001333945 / 2006.
- Portable harvester comb - 1198724 / 1988.
- Portable harvester shaker - 1198718/ 1988.
- Hay mover in bed for human therapy - FI/1995/A/13.
- Rotary hoe applicable to small portable motor brushers - 11586 B/1985.
- Track to fit on walking tractor - 11585 B/1985.
Project Reviewer
He is technical and scientific expert of the Ministry of University and Research since 2002: he has been in charge of the intermediate evaluation and control inspections of more than 15 PON (National Operational Programmes), PIA (Integrated Area Plans), regional plans, etc.
He is consultant of the Region of Tuscany for issues concerning with the Environment (recovery of biomasses and control of the use of agrochemicals), Safety in Agriculture, Agro-Forestry and Environmental Management Mechanization.
List of evaluated projects:
- * Commissione MIUR Valutazione 84 progetti PON 2000-2006 presentati nel settore AGROINDUSTRIA. Comunicazione 11/02/2002 prot 2124.
- PON 2001/12701.
- PON 2001/12745.
- PON 2001/12709.
- PON 2001/ 12710.
- PON 2001/12914.
- PON 2001/12781.
- MIUR-FAR 2000 - Ricerca e sviluppo di sistemi e processi innovativi ad altyo contenuto tecnologico per l'identificazione univoca e la valutazione automatica dello stato sanitario dei bovini.
- 593/2001. DOCUP OB. 2 2000-2006 Mis. 2.3 - pratica n ° 11. – VenetoInnovazione.
- 598/94 - Progetto N. 1194 – Regione: Umbria.
- MIPAF PIA B01/0423/P
- PRRIIT - PR04AQZAB4 Regione Emilia Romagna.
- 598/94 - 108/2005 – Veneto Agricoltura.
- 598/94 - 219/2005 - Veneto Agricoltura.
- 598/94 - 289/2005 - Regione Umbria.
- 598/94 - Regione Marche 2007 / 2037MCC.
- 598/94 - Regione Marche 2007 / 2039 MCC.
- 598/94 - Regione Marche 2007 / 2085 MCC.
- 598/94 - PIA 2007 Regione Umbria 2328 MCC.
- 598/94 - PIA 2007 Regione Umbria 2579 MCC.
- 598/94 - PIA 2008 Regione Umbria 234 MCC.
- POR 2007-2013 (prot 1000100891) Regione Veneto.
- POR 2007-2013 (prot 1000100142) Regione Veneto.
- LEGGE 46/82 – SPORTELLO PON (DM 24/09/2009) - Progetto n. 0791/02/X17 - 20101115 5185.
- 598/94 - Regione Marche 2010/ 2927MCC.
- 598/94 - Regione Marche 2010 / 2930MCC.
- 598/94 - Regione Umbria 2011 / 2664MCC.
- 598/94 - Regione Umbria 2011 / 2762MCC
- 598/94 - Regione Umbria 2011 /2825MCC.
- 598/94 - Regione Umbria 2011 /2886MCC.
- DGR n. 1299/2011 - Attuazione DGR n. 1495/2010 - Art. 2 del DM del 07.05.2010.
- * Regione Toscana - Commissione valutazione Progetti Integrati di Filiera DR101 del 20/06/2011 (21 progetti) e 2012 (42 progetti).
- Valutazione progetti FutureInResearch - Regione Puglia.
- 598/94 - Regione Umbria 2013/20.
- 598/94 - Regione Umbria 2013/55.
- 598/94 - Regione Umbria 2013/56.
Peer Reviewer for Biosystem Engineering , Biomass & Bioenergy, other..