Da dicembre 2024 a marzo 2025 la docente riceve su appuntamento, da fissare via mail scrivendo a elena.pirani@unifi.it utilizzando il proprio indirizzo mail istituzionale e indicando corso di laurea e motivo del ricevimento.La mancanza di queste informazioni può comportare un ritardo o una mancanza della risposta.
Non considerare la email una modalità di ricevimento.
Per qualsiasi comunicazione con la docente via mail, specificare sempre nome e cognome, e Corso di Laurea di appartenenza. Si rammenta di non attendersi una risposta tempestiva se le richieste o comunicazioni avvengono durante il fine settimana, in orari inappropriati o oltre i normali orari di lavoro.
From December 2024 to March 2025, the professor will be available by appointment, which must be scheduled via email by writing to elena.pirani@unifi.it. Please use your institutional email address and include your degree program and the reason for the appointment. Missing this information may result in delays/lack in receiving a response.
Email is not to be considered a method for holding appointments.
For any communication with the professor via email, always specify your full name and your degree program. Please note that timely responses should not be expected if requests or communications are sent during weekends, at inappropriate hours, or outside regular working hours.
Personal information
Name Pirani Elena
E-mail elena.pirani@unifi.it
Contacts Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications, “G. Parenti” – DiSIA, University of Florence, Viale Morgagni 59, 50134 - Firenze
Additional contact: Campus di Novoli, Edificio D15, room 307
Current position
Since July 2019: Associate Professor in Demography – Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications, “G. Parenti” – DiSIA, University of Florence
Since February 2022: Director of the Master Program in Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems
In addition to scientific Publications (please see the section on this website), experience in diffusion of results to mass-media and non academic audience (e.g., articles for the web site www.neodemos.it, and interviews and journal articles on La Nazione; La Repubblica – Firenze; Il Piccolo diTrieste; Il Giornale; AltrEconomia; Radio 3; UniFI Magazine) .
See the section Teaching of the website.
- Family structures, social support nets.
- Quality of life, poverty and social exclusion.
- Individual health and social inequalities.