Di norma, dopo la lezione. Nel periodo di silenzio didattico, l'orario di ricevimento viene deciso su appuntamento (scrivere a elena.castellani@unifi.it). Luogo: ufficio della docente, via della Pergola 58-60, stanza 10-D.
Vedi Curriculum
Elena Castellani – CV
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia (DILEF), Sezione di Filosofia
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Via della Pergola 60, 50121 Firenze
Lingue straniere conosciute: francese, inglese, tedesco.
Formazione, borse di studio e di ricerca:
Esperienza professionale:
Incarichi fuori facoltà:
Incarichi fuori Ateneo:
Dottorato di ricerca:
Organizzazione di workshops internazionali:
Organizzazione di cicli di seminari:
Visiting Senior Fellowships:
Interessi di ricerca:
Altre Attività:
Attività di divulgazione:
Seminari o relazioni a convegni su invito all'estero:
Seminari/Relazioni in ambito internazionale (scelta dal 2007 in poi):
- Libri:
(ed.) Interpreting Bodies:Classical and Quantum Objects in Modern Physics, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.
Simmetria e natura.Dalle armonie delle figure alle invarianze delle leggi, Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2000.
(ed.) Simmetria e realtà, special issue of Le Scienze (Italian version of Scientific American), n. 118, 2001.
(ed. with K. Brading) Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Feynman, special issue of Le Scienze, n. 35, November 2003 (in French: Feynman, special issue of Pour la Science, n. 19, 2004). In collaboration with Leonardo Castellani.
(ed. with A. Cappelli, F. Colomo, P. Di Vecchia), The Birth of String Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
- Selezione di articoli recenti:
E. Castellani (2024). Convergence strategies for theory assessment. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 104: 78-87.
E. Castellani, G. Schettino (2023). Nested modalities in astrophysical modeling. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 13: 11-31.
E. Castellani, E. Margoni (2022). Renormalization group methods: Which kind of explanation?. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 95: 158-166.
E. Castellani; R. Dardashti (2021). Symmetry Breaking. In: Eleanor Knox, Alaistar Wilson. Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Physics, pp. 620-631, London: Routledge.
E. Castellani, S. De Haro (2020). Duality, Fundamentality, and Emergence. In: D. Glick, G. Darby, A. Marmodoro (eds.), The Foundation of Reality: Fundamentality, Space and Time, pp. 195-216, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
A. Borrelli and E. Castellani (2019). The Practice of Naturalness: A Historica-Philosophical Perspective. Foundations of Physics, 49: 860-78.
E. Castellani (2019). Scientific Methodology: A View from Early String Theory. In R. Dawid, R. Dardashti, and K. Thébault (eds.), Epistemology of fundamental physics: Why trust a theory?, pp.173-183, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
E. Castellani (2017). Duality and 'particle' democracy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 59: 100-108.
E. Castellani and D. Rickles (2017). Introduction to special issue on dualities. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physic, 59: 1-5.
K. Brading, E. Castellani and N.Teh (2017). Symmetry and symmetry breaking.The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
E. Castellani and J. Ismael (2016). Which Curie's Principle? Philosophy of Science, 83: 1002-1013.
E. Castellani (2012). Early string theory as a challenging case study for philosophers. In: A. Cappelli, E. Castellani, F. Colomo, P. Di Vecchia. The birth of string theory, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 63-78.
Elenco completo: http://www.unifi.it/p-doc2-2013-200007-C-3f2a3d313a282c-0.html
Selezione di articol su academia.edu: http://unifi.academia.edu/ElenaCastellani
See Curriculum.
Department of Humanitiesa and Philosophy, University of Florence
via della Pergola 60, I-50121 Florence, Italy
Languages spoken: Italian, French, English, German
Education, Fellowships, Awards:
1978-83: University of Florence, Laurea (B.A.-MA) in theoretical physics. Thesis: “Composite operators in functional formalism” (R. Casalbuoni, advisor), summa cum laude (April 1983).
1986-1989: University of Milan, Ph.D. in philosophy with Fellowship awarded.
1990-1991: Institute of Theoretical Physics, Cologne, DAAD Fellowship.
1991: Ph.D degree. Thesis: “Symmetry and physical theories” (E. Rambaldi, advisor).
1991-1992: Institute of Theoretical Physics, Cologne, Heinrich Hertz Stiftung Fellowship.
1993-1994: Department of Philosophy, Princeton, CNR-NATO Advanced Fellowship.
1998-2000: Department of Philosophy, Florence, Postdoctoral position.
2000-2002: Department of Philosophy, Florence, Research Fellowship.
2001-2002: Department of Physics, Florence, Fixed term Lecturer in Foundations of Physics.
2002: Medal "Le Scienze" (Italian version of Scientific American) for the Foundations of Physics.
2002-2005: Permanent Researcher position at the Department of Philosophy, Florence.
2005 - 2023 : Associate Professor in Philosophy of Science at the Department of Philosophy, Florence.
2013 (Dec., 4):National Academic Qualification as Full Professor in Philosophy of Science (Abilitazione scientifica nazionale alle funzioni di professore di prima fascia, sett. 11/C2-Logica, storia e filosofia della scienza). Re-confirmed: 30.07.18
2023-: Professor in Philosophy of Science, Department of Humanities and Philosophy, University of Florence.
Research Interests:
History and Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Space and Time, Philosophy of Quantum Field Theory, Ontological Aspects of Physical Theories, History and Meaning of Symmetries, Reductionism and Emergence, Structuralism in Physics, Structural Realism, Dualities, History and Philosophy of String Theory, Models and Scientific Representation, Naturalness and Fine-Tuning, Philosophy of Cosmology.
Some recent papers:
E. Castellani (2024). Convergence strategies for theory assessment. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 104: 78-87..
A. Borrelli and E. Castellani (2019). The Practice of Naturalness: A Historical-Philosophical Perspective. Foundations of Physics 49: 860-878.
E. Castellani (2019). Scientific Methodology: A View from Early String Theory. In R. Dawid, R. Dardashti, and K. Thèbault (eds.), Epistemology of fundamental physics: Why trust a theory?, pp. 173-183, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
E. Castellani (2017). Duality and 'particle' democracy. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 59:100-108..
E. Castellani and D. Rickles (2017). Introduction to special issue on dualities.Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physic, 59: 1-5.
K. Brading, E. Castellani and N. Teh (2017). Symmetry and symmetry breaking.The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
Selected invited talks
Structural Continuity and Intertheoretic Relations. 2nd Irvine-Florence Colloquium on Logic and Philosophy of Science, Irvine (Ca), 23.-24.3, 2007.
Structuralism, Objects and Dualities. Workshop “Structure, Objects and Causality”, Banff (Canada), 28-30.8, 2007.
Dualities and Intertheoretic Relations. 1st Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA), Complutense University, Madrid 14.-17.11, 2007.
Curie’s Principle and Invariance Principles. Workshop: “Symmetry as a Modern Scientific Concept: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives”, Lorentz Center, Leiden, 11.-14.3, 2008.
Curie’s Principle, encore. Conference “Perspective in Physics and Philosophy”, École Polytechnique, Parigi, 16.-19.6, 2008.
Curie’s Principle, Determinism and Invariance. 3rd Irvine-Florence Colloquium on Logic and Philosophy of Science, Firenze, 18.-19.9, 2008.
Fundamentality, Emergence and Scales. Conference “Towards the origins of the Universe and matter”, CNRS, Paris, 22.-24.3, 2010.
Fundamentality and Duality. European Goodbye Conference to Jos Uffink, Utrecht, 15.7, 2011.Symétrie et réalisme structurel. SoPha 2012, ENS, Paris, 4.-6.5. 2012.
Dualities: Philosophical reflections. Seven Pines Symposium XVI, Outing Lodge, Minnesota, 16.-20.5, 2012.
Structural Analogies, Multiple Descriptions and Alternative Approaches. Workshop “Theoretical Virtues in Theory Choice”, Konstanz, 12.-14.7, 2012.
Objects: A Structural Constructivist Approach (with L. Crosilla). Workshop “Symmetry, Structure and the Constitution of Objects”, Leeds, 21.8, 2012.
Models in theory building: the case of early string theory. DPG Conference, Jena, 25.2-1.3, 2013.
Dualities and ontological democracy. Workshop "Foundations of Dualities", Florence, 15-16.09, 2014.
Histoire et approche philosophique des symétries. Séminaire Dautreppe "Matière et Symétrie", Grenoble, 3.12.14.
Dualities, Munich (MCMP, LMU), 27.01.2015.
Theories, models and representation: the role of structures. Conference "Realism and Objectivity", Matera, 15-17.9. 2015.
Scientific Methodology: A View from Early String Theory. Workshop "Why Trust a Theory?", Munich, 7-9.12.2015 (https://videoonline.edu.lmu.de/en/node/7492/346848).
Theoretical and physical equivalence: the case of weak/strong duality. Workshop "Underdetermination and Quantum Physics", Leeds, 20-21.5.2016.
Duality and emergence: the case of weak/strong duality. Genève (Geneva Symmetry Group and Beyond Spacetime project), 26.10.16 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUwR05nXaRs)
Objects, structures and physics. Oxford, Corpus Christi, 23.11.16.
Symmetries in physics: historical and philosophical aspects, Trieste, SISSA, 18.1.17.
(With Nic Teh) The philosophy of symmetry: A survey of some recent themes, Conference "Symmetries and Asymmetries in Physics", Hannover, 6-8.07, 2017.
(With Tarja Knuuttila) Scientific Representation: The Landscape, MCMP (LMU), Munich, 25.10.17.
Scientific methodology and fundamental physics: the case of early string theory, Vossius Center, Amsterdam, 15.01.18.
(with A. Borrelli) Practices of Naturalness: A Historical-Philosophical Perspective, Worshop "Naturalness, Hierarchy, and Fine-Tuning", Aachen, 28.02-02.03, 2018.
Symmetries and Dualities, "XXI International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics", Urbino, 25.07-28.07.18.
Physical Symmetries: An Historical-Epistemological Survey, IHPST, Paris, 03.12.18
Models and representation: What structures are food for, IHPST, Paris, 04.12.18.
Model-dependent vs model-independent searches, Workshop "Cross-disciplinary perspectives on model-independent searches", Edinburgh, 11-12.02.19.
The convergence argument for theory assessment, Worskhop "Quantum Spacetime '19", Bratislava, 14.02.19.
Varieties of Convergence: A Historical Perspective, Workshop "Non-Empirical Physics from a Historical Perspective", MPIWG, Berlin, 27-29.03.19.
Convergence, Unification, Robustness, Workshop "Non-empirical theory assessment: How far does it reachand where could it stumble?", University Campus, Stockholm, 6-7.06.2019.
(with G. Schettino) Nested modalities: Case studies from astrophysical modeling, Workshop "Modeling the Possible", Vienna (online), 7.4.2021.
(with G. Schettino) Modeling and modalities in astrophysics, EPSA 2021, Turin, 15-18.09.2021.
(with A. Borrelli), Objects, structures and symmetries, Workshop "Objects, properties and relations", Florence, 29-30.11.2021.
SUSY:The Birth of an Idea, Workshop "Establishing the Philosophy of Supersymmetry", University Campus, Stockholm, 23-24.05.2022.
S-Duality: Metaphysical Reflections, Conference "Metaphysics BeyondSpacetime 2022", Ovronnaz, 15-18 June, 2022.
(with R. Dawid) Unification and the Element of Surprise, Workshop ''Theoretical Virtues and Non-Empirical Guides in Scientific Theory Development'', Aarhus, 23-24.11.2022
(with E. Margoni) Cluster transfer: the RG case, Conference "Open topics in philosophy of physics", Lisbon, 12-14 June 2023.
Convergence strategies for theory assessment, BIAP Workshop "Evidence,Knowledge and Scientific Theory", 27-29 June, 2023.
Symmetries and constraints, Worskhop "Du Châtelet Prize in Philosophy of Physics 2023", 30 Nov-1 Dec, Duke University, 2023
Convergence strategies for theory assessment, 2nd HPP-NL Workshop, Utrecht, 08.04.2024.
(with E. Margoni) Knowledge transfer in theory building/appraisal, Workshop "Methodological Transformations in Fundamental Physics", Wuppertal, 15-18 September, 2024.
Recent PSA/EPSA/LMPS talks:
Duality Symmetries and Ontological Democracy. PSA 2012, San Diego (Ca.), 15.-17.11, 2012.
Elementary and Composite Objects: A Structural Approach. EPSA 2013, Helsinki, 28-31.8, 2013.
Which Curie's Principle? PSA 2014, Chicago, 6-9.11, 2014.
(With F. Pero and T. Knuuttila) What structures are good for? From mapping to ascription. CLMPS 2015, Helsinki, 8.8.2015; EPSA15, Düsseldorf, 25.9.2015 (also presented at 3rd Lisbon ICPOS, 14.12.16.)
Selected papers:
see http://unifi.academia.edu/ElenaCastellani
Complete pubblications' list:
More detailed CV (Italian):