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Ricercatore confermato presso la Facoltà di Agraria dell'Università di Firenze, ha preso servizio in data 1/1/05 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Agronomiche e Gestione del Territorio Agroforestale (DISAT) con cui collabora dal 1997 e presso cui ha svolto il proprio dottorato di ricerca in “Agrobiotecnologie delle colture tropicali” con il lavoro di tesi dal titolo “Studio della tuberizzazione in vitro di patata (Solanum tuberosum L.) e ruolo dell’azoto” e presso cui è risultato vincitore di 6 assegni di ricerca. Nel corso della sua carriera si è occupato di diversi aspetti riguardanti le tecniche colturali di specie erbacee. Di particolare rilevanza sono gli studi condotti, principalmente su patata, riguardanti la nutrizione azotata alla sua interazione con la disponibilità idric. Si è inoltre occupato di tecniche di coltura in vitro, ricerche ed applicazioni pratiche sulla filiera produttiva delle sementi (tecniche convenzionali e rapide), di produzioni di qualità e di tecniche di valorizzazione e conservazione della biodiversità, studi questi soprattutto legati alle vecchie varietà locali di patata e fagiolo (è attualmente responsabile del programma di ricerca finalizzato alla moltiplicazione della varietà locale di patata “Rossa di Cetica” finanziato dall’Amministrazione Provinciale di Arezzo-Assessorato all’Agricoltura). Nell’ambito delle precedenti ricerche ha attivamente collaborato alla stesura e, successivamente, alla realizzazione del progetto “Produzione di tubero seme per colture precoci di patata (Solanum tuberosum): ruolo delle condizioni ambientali e della nutrizione azotata” finanziato nel 2000 dal COFIN coadiuvando attivamente il Prof. Vincenzo Vecchio nel coordinamento di tre unità operative. Nel corso della carriera ha inoltre svolto attività legate alle produzioni agricole tropicali su mais e sorgo di origine somala (Vincitore del premio giovani ricercatori 2001 con una progetto dal titolo: "Caratterizzazione genetica mediante marcatori molecolari germoplasma di sorgo e mais di origine Somala"); papaia coltivata in Messico ("Valutazione di barriere vegetali ed artificiali sul controllo di vettori del virus della macchia anulare e sulla produzione di papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Messico") e mais di origine venezuelana ("Valutazione di germoplasma di mais tropicale (Zea mais) per tolleranza alla salinità"). Attualmente svolge ricerche finalizzate allo studio delle biomasse vegetali per la produzione di energia, è inoltre responsabile scientifico per il progetto “Olio Vegetale Puro per l’Utilizzo come Carburante e Combustibile” finanziato dalla provincia di Firenze-Assessorato all’Agricoltura ed Ambiente finalizzato all’utilizzo in motori a combustione a ciclo diesel di oli vegetali puri come carburanti. E’ inoltre membro del Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per le Energie Alternative e Rinnovabili (CREAR) dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze e svolge attività didattica nell’ambito del Master Internazionale in Bioenergie ed Ambiente IMES dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze. Attualmente è il responsabile e coordinatore della componente agronomica del progetto VOICE (Vegetable Oil Initiative for a Cleaner Environment) finanziato nell'ambito del programma LIFE ENVIRONMENT, all'interno del quale si occupa dello sviluppo e coordinamento di tutti gli aspetti agronomici, ambientali e scientifici delle colture oleaginose per la produzione ed utilizzo di olio puro in autotrazione e generazione di energia. Inoltre coordina e gestisce il progetto "NEW PLANT OIL Increasing the Potential for Cost-effective Automotive Fuels by Mixed-Cropping" nell'ambioto della linea di finanziamento Internazionalizzazione della Ricerca Interlink del MIUR finalizzato allo studio di specie da energia. A livello nazionale è coordinatore del progetto finanziato dalla Provincia di Firenze, BIO FUEL finalizzato allo studio della coltura di girasole per la produzione di olio puro per autrazione in apposite trattrici convertite. Nell'agosto 2005 ha partecipato alla 1st European Summer School on Renewable Motor Fuels RENEW presso la Fachhochschule Trier Umweltcampus Birkenfeld University of Applied Sciencecofinanziata dalla Commisione Europea, DG RESEARCH, nell'ambito del progetto del sesto programma quadro “Renewable Fuels for advanced Powertrains (RENEW)”, coordinato dalla Volkswagen.
Curriculum vitae
1. Family name: PALCHETTI
2. First names: ENRICO
3. Date of birth: 09-10-1970, Florence (Italy)
4. Passport holder of: Italy
5. Present address Via Ippolito Pindemonte n° 43, 50142, Florence, Italy.
6. Contacts Ph. +39 0553288245 Mob. +303491083342 Mail:
7. Education:
Institution [date from-to]
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
Department of Agronomy and Land Management (DISAT), Faculty of Agriculture, Florence, Italy May 2000 - April 2004
PhD in Agro-biotechnologies for tropical production
Department of Agronomy and Land Management (DISAT), Faculty of Agriculture, Florence, Italy Academic year 1996-1997
Degree in agronomic-technological sciences 110/110
8. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
Mother Tongue
9. Membership of professional bodies:
· Member of the Italian agronomists' order;
· Member of the Italian NGO: AGROSPHERE E-mail: DACON Code A979.
· Member of the Multidisciplinary Centre of Research on Food Science (CeRA) of Florence University, Italy.
· Member of the Interdepartmental Research Center for Alternative and Renewable Energies (CREAR) of the University of Florence, Italy.
10. Other skills: Computer (Windows,Mac OS) specific knowledge of statistical software (SPSS, Systat).
11. Present position:
· Full Researcher in Agronomy and field crops (code AGR02) at the Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science (DIPSA) - Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence
· Titular of the course of “Energy crops. Agricultural residues and their valorization” at the International Master on Bio-energies and Environment (IMES) of the University of Florence.
· Titular of the course: “Management of cropping systems and environmental systems” at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence, Italy.
· Titular of the course: “Herbaceous and Industrial crops” and “Tropical herbaceous crops” at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Florence, Italy.
· Titular of the course: “Herbalist techniques” at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Florence, Italy.
12. Years within the firm: 12
13. Key qualifications:
· Deep knowledge on the plants for energy production from biomass (Sorghum, Miscantus, Kenaf, Cynara cardunculus, Arundo donax);
· Particular knowledge on the bio-fuel technology, especially regarding: oil plants cultivation focused on the bio diesel production or for the pure oil use (in modified technologies) both in tropical and no tropical countries.
· Deep knowledge on the herbaceous field crops tropical, especially regarding the industrial crops and the technologies of transformation.
· Deep knowledge on the cultivation, multiplication (seedling and vitro-culture), genetic characterization of Jatropha Curcas (biomass crop); collection of Jatropha curcas accession from several countries, agronomical trials.
· Expert over the bio-ethanol production from different vegetable raw materials such as: sugar plants (tropical and non tropical) for fermentation (bioethanol of 1st generation) and ligno-cellulosic plants for 2nd generation bioethanol production (through the stream explosion method).
· Excellent knowledge of statistical methods for genetic and full field experimental analysis
· Excellent skills in living and working with other people, in positions where communication and team work are essential
· Monitoring and evaluation of rural development projects;
· Animation of workshops.
14. Brief experiences descriptions of Dr. Enrico Palchetti
Dr. Enrico Palchetti (PhD) (Florence, Italy, 9 October 1970) is a full researcher member of UF-CREAR, belongs to the Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science (DIPSA) in the Faculty of agriculture of the University of Florence. He has 12 years of experience in the R&D of agriculture, mainly in the area of Renewable Energy in agriculture.
During his career he dealt with different aspects of the cultural techniques of herbaceous plants. Of particular importance are the studies conducted, manly on potato and other amilaceouse plants around the transformations in starch and sugar in technological processes. Moreover he studied: the alcoholic fermentation in grapes and the quality of wine; the in vitro techniques and its theoretical and practical applications on the seeds productive chain (conventional techniques and rapid); the productions of quality and techniques of exploitation and maintenance of the biodiversity, mainly around the old local varieties of potato and bean.
During the career he has developed research activity in the tropical agricultural productions on corn and sorghum of Somalian origin (Winning of the prize young researchers 2001 with a project titled: "Genetic characterization through molecular markers of germplasm of sorghum and corn of Somalian origin "); cultivated papaya in Mexico ("Evaluation of vegetable and artificial barriers on the control of vectors of the virus of the stain ring finger and on the production of papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Mexico") and corn of Venezuelan origin ("Evaluation of germplasm of tropical corn (Zea mais) for salinity tolerance").
He is actually involved as a coordinator of the agronomical tasks in the LIFE ENVIRONMENT project VOICE (Vegetable Oil Initiative for a Cleaner Environment). Within this project , all the agronomical, environmental and scientific aspects of the oleaginous crop for Pure Oil Use are exploited, including Sunflowers, Rapeseed, Camelina, Jatropha and other minor crops for oil. Moreover Dr. Enrico Palchetti presently coordinates a project financed from the Italian Ministry of University and Research for the internationalisation of research named: “NEW PLANT OIL: Increasing the Potential for Cost-effective Automotive Fuels by Mixed-Cropping” focused on the discovery and exploitation of knowledge regarding energy crops. On the National level, he is the coordinator of the project: BIO FUEL, which is oriented for the use of Pure Oil for renewable energy production financed by the Florence municipality.
Key qualifications: a) Deep knowledge on herbaceous, tropical field crops, especially regarding industrial crops and the technologies of transformation; b) Deep knowledge on the plants for energy production from biomass (Sorghum, Miscantus, Kenaf, Cynara cardunculus, Arundo donax); c) Specific knowledge in biofuel technology, especially regarding: oil plant cultivation focused either on biodiesel production or for pure oil usage (in modified technologies) both in tropical and non-tropical countries; d) Intense knowledge on the cultivation, multiplication (seedling and in vitro-culture), genetic characterization of J. curcas; collection of J. curcas accessions from several countries and agronomical trials; e) Expert in bio-ethanol production from different raw materials (vegetables) such as: sugar plants (tropical and non tropical) for fermentation (bioethanol of 1st generation) and ligno-cellulosic plants for 2nd generation bioethanol production (through the steam explosion method), f) Intense knowledge on the food security issues, especially regarding seed security programs and the conservation and exploitation of local agro-biodiversity, g) Excellent knowledge of statistical methods for genetic and full field experimental analyses, and h) Good organizational and managerial skills acquired in the framework of international cooperation and at University level.
In August 2005, Dr. Enrico Palchetti attended the 1st European Summer School on Renewable Motor Fuels RENEW at the Fachhochschule Trier Umweltcampus Birkenfeld University of Applied Science, co-financed by the European Commission, DG RESEARCH, within the frame of the EU FP6 project “Renewable Fuels for advanced Power trains (RENEW)”, contract n° SES6-CT-2003-502705, co-ordinated by Volkswagen AG.
In March 2007 Dr. Enrico Palchetti presented a project as coordinator of a wide European group of research at the European Commission named INES (Improvement of Energy Species) based on the development of the Jatropha curcas crop in South Europe and India.
In May 2007 Dr. Enrico Palchetti attended as speaker at the The Second Half Meeting for The Arab – African Initiative for Millennium Development Goals Cairo May 28th – 30th 2007, sponsored by the United Nation (UN) for the Millenium Development goal program, with the presentation of a project for the developing countries based on the Jatropha curcas cultivation.
In November 2007 Dr. Enrico Palchetti attended as speaker at the 2nd American Global Bioenergy congress in Salvador Bahia with a presentation over the use of Jatropha oil in the pure oil biofuel use.
In December 2007 Dr Enrico Palchetti attend a 4 hour lesson on the agronomic techniques and cropping system Jatropha curcas and other biofuels plant at the Pentagon, Washington DC. USA.
In June 2008 Dr. Enrico Palchetti attend to the 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, from Research to Industry and Markets. 2-6 June 2008. Valencia, Spain with an oral presentation on Pure Vegetable Oil direct use in modify engines.
In June 2009 Dr. Enrico Palchetti attend to the 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, from Research to Industry and Markets. 29 June – 3 July, Hamburg, Germany; with an oral presentation on Research activity on Jatropha curcas L.: screening for salt tolerance of several accessions for adaptation to the salt-arid environment of south Iraq.
Starting from 2009 Dr. Palchetti start a collaboration with some private industries involved in the biofuel production in tropical and subtropical countries; for these investor he project and realised some open field plantation of jatropha curcas in pure cropping and in inter-cropping. The activities foreseen the whole chain of plantation set-up: the seed providing, the nursery set up, the transplant activities and the agronomic management of the crop.
15. Specific country experience:
Date from - to
09/2004 – 12/2004 and 10/2003 – 11/2003
5/2008 - 4/2009 - 9/2009 - 2/2010 - 7/2010
9/2008 - 10/2009 - 2/2010
16. Professional experience
Date from-to
Company & reference person[1] (name & contact details)
September 1997 - (on going)
Florence, Italy
Dep. of Agronomy and Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture
Field trials design and implementation for potato tuber seed multiplication and evaluation methods of genotype tuberisation earliness.
Trial pots design and implementation of plants for energy production from biomass (Sorghum, Miscantus, Kenaf, Cynara cardunculus, Arundo donax). Identification of best practices for post harvest handling and mechanization.
Research activity in the tropical agricultural productions on corn and sorghum of Somalian origin (Winning of the prize young researchers 2001 with a project titled: "Genetic characterization through molecular markers of germplasm of sorghum and corn of Somalian origin "); cultivated papaya in Mexico ("Evaluation of vegetable and artificial barriers on the control of vectors of the virus of the stain ring finger and on the production of papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Mexico") and corn of Venezuelan origin ("Evaluation of germplasm of tropical corn (Zea mais) for salinity tolerance").
Recent research activity: on the 2nd generation Ethanol production form Ligno-cellulosic plants: Sweet sorghum, Triticale, Sugar beet, Sugar cane.
Didactic activity of the International Master on Bio-energies and Environment (IMES) of the University of Florence.
Involved in the project: “Miglioramento genetico della patata” Founded by the Itlian Ministry of Agriculture, with the following tasks:
• In vitro culture
• Effect on Nitrogen on in vitro tuberisation in potato
• in vitro introduction and characterization on new italian clones of potato
• Evaluation of the effects of nitrogen fertilisation on open field cultivation of potatoes
• Starch biochemistry and sugar investigation on ware potatoes
• Storage and valorisation of roots and tubers crops from the Andean regions
• Statistical analysis
CINS – Cooperazione Italiana Nord- Sud
Rural development and reconstruction of the Agronomic Provincial Support System with a program based on improvement of potato and wheat cultivation.
April 1998 - December 2007
Department of Agronomy and Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture
· Field trial design and implementation of different crops
· Nitrogen’s use optimization in horticulture crops
· Statistical analysis
December 2005 - December 2006
Florence - Italy
Provincial Administration of Florence
Coordinator of agronomical part of the project "Pure Vegetable Oil for the use as Fuel": mainly focused on the scientific research for the use of the "high oleic" varieties of sunflower; several different cropping condition have been evaluated. This is a study of the vegetable biomasses for the production of energy, finalized to the use in combustion cycle diesel motors of pure vegetable oils as fuels.
December 2006
Il Cairo-Egypt
Giza Environment Development and Protection Society
In collaboration with the Giza Environment Development and Protection Society: Planning and realization of a field trial, placed 100 km west from Cairo, of 7 accession of Jatropha Curcas cultivated in the desert, using three different waste water qualities (1st treatment, no-treatment- Ground water. The final goal was biomass production.
February 2007
Lecce -Italy
Specchiasol spa
Field trial design and implementation. Set up of a field collection of Jatropha Curcas for genetic/molecular characterization
October 2006- December 2009
Department of Agronomy and Land Management, Faculty of Agriculture + CREAR
Researcher Coordinator of the Agronomical tasks of a Project financed from the European Union, in the LIFE/Environment proposal: Project VOICE Vegetable Oil Initiative for a Cleaner Environment.
Task 1: Selection of cultivars
The agronomical objective of the project is to identify the oil crops that will be cultivated for oil production addressed to the pure oil use focused on the bio diesel production in modified technologies. It will be achieved by carrying out the following activities:
· Field trials design and implementation. Analysis of sunflower crop and other oil crops interesting for EU-MED Countries. Transfer of lessons learnt from other EU Countries (Germany).
· Development of high-yielding of sunflower and other oil crops that meet growing demands of producers and end-users of Italy and Mediterranean Countries
· Selection of promising species for cultivation in Italy and in the Mediterranean Countries
Expected results – Identification of a set of commercial cultivars to be recommended to farmers and industrial users. Development of elite high yielding hybrids suitable for a range of crop systems in Italian, Portuguese and Mediterranean regions. The possibility of adopting mixed cropping will also be investigated, and will represent a further result of the project.
Task 2: Cultivation, harvesting and collection of selected crops
The main goal of this task is to produce the oil seeds that will be then used to extract the oil and feed the conversion technologies (task nr 4). The work will comprise:
· Selection of farms for cultivation
· Cultivation of selected crop species
· Harvesting, mechanization collection, handling, storage and transportation to extraction facilities of energy crops
Task 3: Extraction and characterisation of vegetable oil and co-products
Task 4: Utilisation of pure vegetable oils in converted technologies
May 2000 - April 2004
Teaching on agronomic management of tropical crops
Study on genetic variability of tropical cereals by using molecular markers
Statistical analysis
Participation to International and national Congresses
Planning and implementation of experimental trials
November 1999 - July 2000
Consultant in National program "Genetic improvement of potato" funded by Italian Ministry of Agriculture
· In vitro culture
· Nitrogen effect evaluation on in vitro tuberisation of potato
· In vitro introduction and characterization of new Italian clones of potato
· Nitrogen fertilization effect evaluation on full field potato
· Starch and sugars bio-chemical transformation in potato industry
· Workshop coordination on conservation and valorization of Andean tuber and roots crops
Jatropha Tecnology Farm - Ravenna
Jatropha curcas nursery set up for 3,5 million plants suitable for following transplantation on 3.000 hectars.
Jatropha curcas transplantation and open field cultivation on 700 hectars.
June 2011
Satrokala Madagascar
Jatropha curcas germplasm collection for the project “Integrated research & development program on jatropha curcas”.
Itavina Company ltd
Bin Duong Vietnam
Vanilla planifolia germplasm collection and cultivation. Research on vanilla cropping systems and market development.
17. Other relevant information (e.g., Publications)
18. Publications: publications on agro-biodiversity conservation, crop cultivations, food technologies, etc are available on requestPUBBLICATIONS OF DR. ENRICO PALCHETTI
1. PALCHETTI E., LOMBARDI E., VENORA G. (1995) “Incidenza dello stress salino sull’anatomia del cilindro centrale di frumento duro (Triticum durum Desf.)” Poster agli atti del convegno della Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria (SIGA) Bari 1995.
2. VECCHIO V., BENEDETTELLI S., ANDRENELLI LUISA, PALCHETTI E. (1999) Preconditioning effect of photoperiod on in vitro tuberization of Solanum tuberosum (spp. Tuberosum and Andigena). Abstract 14th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. EAPR Sorrento Italia,2-7 May. Pagg.: 28-29.
3. ANDRENELLI L., BENEDETTELLI S., PALCHETTI E., BERTOCCI F., VECCHIO V. (1999). Effect of nitrogen nutrition on in vitro tuberization of potato in both inductive and noninductive conditions. Abstract 14th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. EAPR Sorrento Italia,2-7 May. Pagg.: 22-23.
4. VECCHIO V., ANDRENELLI L., PALCHETTI E., BERTOCCI F., BENEDETTELLI. (1999). The length of in vitro culture of potato plantlets on minitubers production. Abstract 14th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. EAPR Sorrento Italia,2-7 May. Pagg.: 428-429.
5. VECCHIO V., BENEDETTELLI S., PALCHETTI E., ANDRENELLI L. (1999). In vitro screening of new potato clones for early tuberization. Abstract 14th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. EAPR Sorrento Italia,2-7 May. Pagg.: 30-31.
6. VECCHIO V., BENEDETTELLI S., LUISA ANDRENELLI , PALCHETTI E., ESPEN L., (2000). Inductive and noninductive conditions on in vitro tuberization and microtubers dormancy in potato (Solanum tuberosum subspecies tuberosum and subspecies andigena. Potato Research.43: 115-123.
7. TRUCCHI P., FALCIAI M., GHINASSI G., PAPINI R., PALCHETTI E., (2000). Influence of different levels of irrigation and nitrogen supply on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in a semi-arid environment. Conference of International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID)- Control of adverse impacts of fertilizers and agrochemicals- 22-27 October 2000, Cape Town - South Africa.
8. PALCHETTI ENRICO, LUISA ANDRENELLI E VINCENZO VECCHIO, (2001). Ottimizzazione Della Gestione Dell’azoto In Coltura Irrigua Di Patata. Gazzettino della Patata. N° 2: 25-30.
9. PALCHETTI E., TRUCCHI P., PAPINI R., VECCHIO V., (2001). Nitrogen management in irrigated potato crop: physiological and nutritional diagnostics tools. Abstract 11th Nitrogen workshop. INRA 9-12 September 2001, Reims-France.
10. PAPINI R., TRUCCHI P., PALCHETTI E., VECCHIO V., (2001).Influence of different levels and times of nitrogen supply on soil nitrate content in an irrigated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop. Abstract 11th Nitrogen workshop. INRA 9-12 September 2001, Reims-France.
11. ANDRENELLI LUISA, PALCHETTI E., GHISELLI LISETTA, VECCHIO V., (2001). Valorizzazione di germoplasma locale e coltura in vitro per la produzione di tubero seme di patata (Solanum Tuberosum L.). Agricesena, convegno Società Orticola Italiana. 2-3- Febbraio.
12. PALCHETTI E., PAPINI R., TRUCCHI P., ANDRENELLI L.,VECCHIO V., (2001). Influenza dell’azoto sulla tuberizzazione della patata e sulla dinamica dei nitrati nel suolo in coltura irrigua. XXXIV Convegno SIA Pisa, 17-21 Settembre.
13. VECCHIO V., PALCHETTI E., ANDRENELLI L., GHISELLI L., (2002). Valutazione della potenzialità produttiva di cloni nuovi di patata con differenti tecniche di coltura e produzione di tubero seme pre-base. Rivista di Agronomia 36: 51-60.
14. SCAZZIOTA B., DE MARCO G., PALCHETTI E., LA ROCCA F., VECCHIO V., (2002). Come distribuire l'azoto in colture extrastagionali di patata. L'informatore Agrario, 2: 63-65.
15. ANDRENELLI L., PALCHETTI E., GHISELLI L., VECCHIO V., (2002). Valorizzazione di germoplasma locale e coltura in vitro per la produzione di tubero seme di patata (Solanum tuberosum L.) Italus Hortus 9, 3: 5-6.
16. VECCHIO V., PALCHETTI E., ANDRENELLI L., GHISELLI L., (2002). Valutazione della potenzialità produttiva di cloni nuovi di patata con differenti tecniche di coltura e produzione di tubero seme pre-base. Rivista di Agronomia 36: 51-60.
17. PALCHETTI E., COLOM M. R., VECCHIO V., (2002). Nitrogen nutrition: N compartimentation in the plant, physiological and productive parameters in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Abstracts 15th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. Hamburg – Germany. July 14-19.
18. BENNICI A., PALCHETTI E., VECCHIO V., MORI B., ANDRENELLI L., (2002). Nitrogen nutrition: nutritional and histological indicators in tuberization of tuber seed crop in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Abstracts 15th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. Hamburg – Germany. July 14-19.
19. PALCHETTI E., LA ROCCA F., VECCHIO V., PAPINI R., (2002). Nitrogen nutrition: influence of different nitrogen supply on the yield and N-NO3 dynamics in the soil in irrigated potato crop in the mediterranean area. Abstracts 15th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. Hamburg – Germany. July 14-19.
20. VECCHIO V., ANDRENELLI L., PALCHETTI E., GHISELLI L., (2002). Effect of microtuber age on dormancy. Abstracts 15th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. Hamburg – Germany. July 14-19.
21. VECCHIO V., MARZI V., DALLA COSTA L., TEDONE L., PALCHETTI E. (2002). Early potato production: role of environment and N supply on the seed tuber production. Oral presentation at the 15th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. Hamburg – Germany. July 14-19
22. VECCHIO V., MARZI V., DALLA COSTA L., TEDONE L., PALCHETTI E., ANDRENELLI L., LOVATTI L., (2002). Valutazioni sulla produzione di tuberi - seme di patata per colture fuori stagione. L’Informatore Agrario n° 8: 111-115.
23. PALCHETTI E., ANDRENELLI L., BENEDETTELLI S., VECCHIO V. (2003) Produzione di tubero seme: valutazione precoce della vigoria e delle performance produttive di minituberi di alcune varietà di patata (Solanum Tuberosum L.). Sementi Elette. 1/2: 81-86.
24. VECCHIO V., SCAZZIOTA B., PALCHETTI E., DE MARCO G., GRANIERI V., (2003). Effetto sulla produzione di patata di varietà e gestione azotata. L'informatore agrario. 23, 55-58.
25. PALCHETTI E., (2003). Non sprechiamo l'azoto. Il ruolo della fertilizzazione azotata e degli indicatori nutrizionali per la produzione di tubero seme. Il gazzettino della patata. 2: 29-34.
26. VECCHIO V., MARZI V., DALLA COSTA L., TEDONE L., PALCHETTI E., (2003). Patata precoce: influenza dell'ambiente e della gestione dell’azoto sulla qualità del tubero seme e da consumo. Relazione orale al XXXV CONVEGNO SIA obiettivo "qualità integrale" il ruolo della ricerca agronomica, Portici - Napoli, 16-18 Settembre 2003.
27. VECCHIO V., PALCHETTI E., ANDRENELLI L., TROMBI G., CARDINI G., DISHNICA T., (2003) Sviluppo rurale in Albania: valorizzazione delle piante medicinali e aromatiche (pma). Conferenza Internazionale "POLITICHE AMBIENTALI: STRUMENTI E METODI", Tirana- Scutari (Albania) 5-6 dicembre 2003.
28. VECCHIO V., PALCHETTI E., ANDRENELLI L., GHISELLI L. (2003) Efficienza! Parola d’ordine nella fertilizzazione. Il gazzettino della patata 2003. n. 6: 10-18.
29. PAPINI R., TRUCCHI P., PALCHETTI E., VECCHIO V.,VALBOA G. (2003). Dinamica dell’azoto minerale nel suolo in coltura irrigua di patata e sua influenza sulla produzione. Relazione orale presentata al XXI Convegno Nazionale S.I.C.A., Ancona, 23-26 settembre 2003.
30. SCAZZIOTA B., DE MARCO G., GRANIERI V., VECCHIO V., PALCHETTI E.. (2004) Agronomic strategies in extra-seasonal potato quality production. Poster for the ISHS Symposium “Towards Ecologically Sound Fertilisation Strategies for Field Vegetable Production” Perugia, Italy, 7-10 June 2004.
31. VECCHIO V., ANDRENELLI L., BENEDETTELLI S., GHISELLI L., MANZELLI M., PALCHETTI E. (2004). Valorizzazione della qualità organolettica e nutrizionale della patata per il consumo fresco. Bullettino della Società Toscana di Orticoltura. N° 7. Nov. 2004.
32. VENORA G., GRILLO O., RAVALLI C. AND PALCHETTI E. (2005). Micro-morphological traits measured by image analysis, useful for selecting drought tolerant wheat genotypes. Poster at the InterDrought II September 26-30, 2005, Rome.
33. VENORA G., GRILLO O., RAVALLI C. AND PALCHETTI E. (2005). Micro-morphological traits measured by image analysis, useful for selecting drought tolerant wheat genotypes. Poster al Convegno SIGA 2005 Ottobre, 2005, Potenza.
34. VECCHIO V, GHISELLI L, MANZELLI M, ANDRENELLI L, PALCHETTI E, 2005. In vitro evaluation of tuberisation earliness and productive ability of new Italian potato clones. Agricoltura Mediterranea 135: 180-187.
35. ANDRENELLI L., PALCHETTI E., MALANDRINO L. ESPEN L. VECCHIO V., (2005). In vitro study for dormancy in new potato clones. Abstracts 16th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research. Bilbao, Basque Country– Spain:. July 17-22, 2005.
36. VENORA G., GRILLO O., RAVALLI C., PALCHETTI E. (2006). Adattamento all’aridità delle varietà di frumento duro. L’informatore Agrario, Supplemento n°2 al numero del 24/30 marzo 2006.
37. CHIARAMONTI D., CINI E., DAOU M., RIMEDIOTTI M., VIERI V., BIBBIANI D., BABBINIS., MARTELLI F., PALCHETTI E.. (2006) Olio di girasole nel motore, il test è giusto. Terra e Vita, n° 23/2006, 52-57.
38. PALCHETTI E., MANZELLI M., VECCHIO V., CERTOSI G., 2005. Colture energetiche – produzione e bilancio energetico in coltura di sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) da biomassa coltivato in Italia centrale. Agroindustria Vol. 4 (3) 2005.
39. VECCHIO V, MANZELLI M, ANDRENELLI L, GHISELLI L, PALCHETTI E., 2005. Produzione di tubero seme: tecniche di valutazione di nuovi cloni e di vecchie varietà di patata. Agroindustria Vol. 4 (3) 2005, pg. 235-241.
40. VECCHIO V, ANDRENELLLI L, MANZELLI M, GHISELLI L, PALCHETTI E., 2005. Effetto delle condizioni di coltura e della somma termica sullo stato di dormienza del tubero seme di nuovi cloni italiani. Agroindustria Vol. 4 (3) 2005, pg. 243-250.
41. SCAZZIOTA B., PALCHETTI E., IERI F., ANDRENELLI L., GHISELLI L., MANZELLI M., VECCHIO V., (2006) Qualità dei tuberi di due vecchie varietà di patata italiane: Viola Calabrese e Rossa di Cetica. Atti del VII Convegno Nazionale sulla biodiversità: L’agrobiodiversità per la qualificazione delle filiere produttive. Catania 31 marzo – 2 Aprile Pubblicato su Italus Hortus 13 (2), 2006: 375-378.
42. LULLI L, PALCHETTI E., VECCHIO G. (2006). Metodi di valutazione dei suoli e delle terre- Attitudine dei suoli alle colture erbacee: Patata. In: COORDINATORE EDOARDO COSTANTINI - MINISTERO DELLE POLITICHE AGRICOLE E FORESTALI. OSSERVATORIO NAZIONALE PEDOLOGICO PER LA QUALITÀ DE SUOLO AGRARIO E FORESTALE. Metodi di valutazione dei suoli e delle terre. (vol. 1, pp. 309-323). ISBN: 88-8272-288-0. SIENA: Cantagalli Editore (ITALY). è attualmente in corso la traduzione del volume in lingua inglese.
43. VECCHIO V. BENEDETTELLI S., PALCHETTI E., MANZELLI M., (2007). Patata Rossa di Cetica. Un esempio di valorizzazione dell’agro-biodiversità e del territorio. Monografia pubblicata da Edizioni Polistampa Firenze. Pg. 30.
44. TEDONE L., PALCHETTI E., MANZELLI M., BENEDETTELLI S., ROMAGNOLI S., TRAVERSI D., DE CILLIS F., VECCHIO V., MARZI V. (2007). Environmental and genotypic influence on sensorial and typical potato characteristics. In: HAVERKORT A., ANISIMOV B. POTATO PRODUCTION AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES: RUSSIA AND THE WORLD. (pp. 27-43). ISBN: 9789086860425. WAGENINGEN: wageningen press (NETHERLANDS).
45. SCAZZIOTA B., DE MARCO G., GRANIERI V., VECCHIO V., PALCHETTI E.. (2004) Agronomic strategies in extra-seasonal potato quality production. Accepted for publication in data 8/11/05 on Acta Horticulturae.
46. E. PALCHETTI; M. MANZELLI; V. VECCHIO; S. BENEDETTELLI.(2008) BIO-FUEL FROM SUNFLOWER IN CENTRAL ITALY: FARMING SYSTEM INFLUENCE ON YIELDS, OIL QUALITY AND ENERGETIC BALANCE. Oral presentation accepted for the 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, from Research to Industry and Markets. 2-6 June 2008. Valencia, Spain.
47. E. PALCHETTI; A. SINATORA; M. MANZELLI; V. VECCHIO; S. BENEDETTELLI.(2008). HIGH OLEIC SUNFLOWER VARIETIES SCREENING IN CENTRAL ITALY FOR PURE VEGETABLE OIL SHORT CHAIN DEVELOPMENT. Visual presentation accepted for the 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, from Research to Industry and Markets. 2-6 June 2008. Valencia, Spain.
48. F. M. GRATI, M. DIOUF, T. MANDOURI, R. AINI, E. PALCHETTI, R. GOTTI, P. FABENI, G. MAZZOTTI. (2008). Jatropha curcas under arid conditions in Saharian and sub-Saharian Africa. Visual presentation accepted for the 16th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, from Research to Industry and Markets. 2-6 June 2008. Valencia, Spain.
49. TEDONE L., PALCHETTI E. MANZELLI M., BENEDETTELLI S., LOMBARDO S., ROMAGNOLI S., MAUROMICALE G., MARZI V., VECCHIO V. (2008) The valorisation of the italian typical potatoes: use of the chimica indexes for their characterization. Accepted Oral presentation at the 17th EAPR Conference, July 06-10, Brasov, Romania.
50. LOMBARDO S., MAUROMICALE G., TEDONE L., MARZI V., PALCHETTI E., MANZELLI M. (2008) Physical, product and sensory properties of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) as affected by cultivation site and genotype. Accepted Oral presentation at the 17th EAPR Conference, July 06-10, Brasov, Romania.
51. D. BREVIARIO, I. GALASSO, A. MANCA, S. BENEDETTELLI, E. PALCHETTI, C. ZUBIETA, M. SUJATHA, A. KOHLI, S. GIANÌ (2008) MONITORAGGIO DELLA BIODIVERSITA’ PRESENTE IN SPECIE DI JATROPHA, CONDOTTO CON L’USO DEL METODO TBP. Poster agli atti dell’8° Congresso Nazionale ”La Biodiversità- una risorsa per i sistemi multifunzionali”, Lecce 21-23 Aprile 2008.
52. E. PALCHETI, C.G. ZUBIETA, S. BENEDETTELLI, A. SINATORA, M. MANZELLI. (2009). Research activity on Jatropha curcas L.: screening for salt tolerance of several accessions for adaptation to the salt-arid environment of south Iraq. Visual presentation and paper accepted for the 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, from Research to Industry and Markets. 29 June – 3 July, Hamburg, Germany.
53. POPLUECHAI S., BREVIARIO D., MULPURI S., MAKKAR H.P.S., RAORANE M., EMAMI K., RUSHTON S.P., FROISSARD M., D’ANDREA S., CHARDOT T., REDDY A.R, GALASSO I., ROBERTO C., PALCHETTI E., GATEHOUSE A.M.R., SYERS J.K., O’DONNELL A.G., KOHLI A.. (2009). Narrow genetic and apparent phenetic diversity in Jatropha curcas: initial success with generating low phorbol ester interspecific hybrids. Nature Precedings : hdl:10101/npre.2009.2782.1 : Posted 13 Jan 2009.
54. E. PALCHETTI, C.G. ZUBIETA, A. SINATORA, M. MANZELLI, (2009). Screening precoce per tolleranza alla salinità di germoplasma di Jatropha curcas L. in coltura idroponica. In: Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Agronomia, 21-23 settembre 2009, Firenze: 37-38.
55. M. MANZELLI, S. ROMAGNOLI, L. GHISELLI, S. BENEDETTELLI, E. PALCHETTI, L. ANDRENELLI, V. VECCHIO. (2009). Tipicità in patata: caratterizzazione per origine geografica. In: Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Agronomia, 21-23 settembre 2009, Firenze: 83-84.
56. E. PALCHETTI, A. SINATORA, M. MANZELLI, D. CHIARAMONTI, V. VECCHIO, R. DAINELLI. (2009). Screening varietale di girasole alto oleico a fini energetici in Italia centrale. In: Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Agronomia, 21-23 settembre 2009, Firenze: 365-366.
57. L. CAPECCHI, E. PALCHETTI, M. MANCINI, A. DALLA MARTA, F. ORLANDO, A. SINATORA, M. MANZELLI, F. NATALI, S. ORLANDINI. (2009). Risposta di Sorghum bicolor var. Saccharatum a diversi regimi idrici e alla fertilizzazione con ammendante compostato misto. In: Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Agronomia, 21-23 settembre 2009, Firenze: 415-416.
58. S. ROMAGNOLI, L. GHISELLI, M. MANZELLI, E. PALCHETTI, P. PINELLI, N. MULINACCI, S. BENEDETTELLI, V. VECCHIO. (2009). Caratterizzazione di prodotti tipici per origine geografica: il carciofo come caso di studio. In: Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Agronomia, 21-23 settembre 2009, Firenze: 455-456.
59. M. MANZELLI, S. ROMAGNOLI, L. GHISELLI, S. BENEDETTELLI, E. PALCHETTI, L. ANDRENELLI, V. VECCHIO. (2010). Typicity in potato: characterization of geographic origin. Italian Journal of Agronomy / Rivista di Agronomia. 2010, 5: 61-67.
60. A. WHITTAKER, I. MARIOTTI, G. DINELLI, L. CALAMAI, S. ROMAGNOLI, M. MANZELLI, E. PALCHETTI, V. VECCHIO , S. BENEDETTELLI. (2010) The influence of tuber mineral element composition as a function of geographical location on acrylamide formation in different Italian potato genotypes. Journal of Science Food and Agriculture.
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